A IN TIME T ( LIKE A BUTCHER TWells Bldck; C)weg St. J.W. McCutcheon, Manage!` Opposite the U.F .0. Store i There is much second growth this .fall. J. A. MacLaren picked bloom [off a spirea this week. i London unit of the Army and Navy Veterans, dissatisfied that Lon- don has undertaken no memorial to the men who fell overseas, Wednes- day night decided to, embark on a campaign for erection of one from funds to be subscribed by veterans of `the city themselves. A general meet- `ing will be called soon. iof 20 feet for culvert and bridge {roadways is one adopted by the county years ago. In fact Simcoe county was one of the first in the province to recognize the need of {wider and safer bridges along high- iways, a provision that is sure to be lappreciated more and more as tour- `ist traffic becomes greater- The |Government standard is 16 feet for county roads, but the Simcoe county standard goes the Province one bet- ;ter just to be on the safe side. I A DEMONSTRATION FOR Flour, Feed, Poultry Supplies, and Potatoes. L, Limited CERTIFICA Embalmer & Fun .o2.o:u;u;o2--1-.:.. HERMAN M. PARTRIDGI One eight-l`nn"n) hri vemenccs, hot TO R For full par 1 ._Z.__, on main mu limits; one yn Get._ hu. FiV'(*-1'})<;l)) rnttu stable. gum] worth the Inn ance easy See our full 135 Sixty town prop ten mzu'k(_-L "mm Any price. L4-H IJl\l\I\lU I1\JlIllVl $1.50per bottle. Mm satisfied. For sale :1 mLm s Drug Store. Bu from H. T. Briggs. V .\`(-vcn-room hrirk ` cs. lm'p:o \'('mm stable, \\`m)(l.~'h.' lawn, luts mt` sh will get a luv:-I price. Why n sold ................ .. Six-room hnusv, \ large h(`,`l1h()llS(`, outside town Vlix .a snap ............ .. Five-room ('0tl:l;rv, little home Fm` .< Five-acre nmrkq-I cottage. largrv p:ava;:;v, 12`(md \ large m-h:u'd. 1 n um .. . . Harry Barron Hilton VV. l :xrl{.~ 0nt.. writes: "l C. the day you left :1 ln Remedy with me. I the first dost-, and proving ever since; u night. and rest; thv ready left me; I hm pounds since I star which is now nnarly good news has sprm district, and already . try it. I feel so grim life. as it were. I like QQIBIKDI ADTIIII HORSE OR MOTOR MR. sc(_)1_"'r] Membership <`ard.~ taiged at the } should be 8n(!I().\'('( `on which is writt name and :1 Exclusive Rea MR-GORD( will give zm Russi:m_ Office: 46 Ba)/fi Phones: Office 86!, P. 0. Bo The first mcc Season will In- l.ihr:1r_\' f TuesdayEven' at 8 H1` .?A_RTRlD< The West End Headquarfers BARRIE CANADIA IS, an IL WI'|l7p l llI\l' amass Asmml I En ____ L_LLI_ I _ SPECIAL . { W W THORNTOI` Th \ (\1(S!.\v\ will be at th No iixlra Ch;l ('-;u'nati Mi} (7arnatim: Mi __.A3*_'.!`a_? 5] Quaker ("urn PO"l`A l`OES are showing about 10 per cent. rot this season. - We will protect your in- terests with our wide -ex-_ 'perience in handling po- tatoes. Poor potzitoes are dear-at any price. We will deliver t0'any part of town, potatoes at 75` centsper bag. Try our Jello J(`_\_' I : Try :1 pound tiun Wznfvz Have yuu "tr S{'O((`S.~1 Clover Lo: ROY] Fresh F r Conf CIm'(.-1' Lu Phone: Ivy-T - Pho 26 Elizab HAVE YOUR FURNACE CLEANED AND \ REPAIR!-ID moms THE V cow AWEATHER l.`il.~', Established vw__~ of Tore of Tbrci -(`lulu I IIlIl,'l ` ca rdc-`I Saves a lotof trouble. Make big mhneyin spare timeinttm duciugourdandy novelties. write for free particulars to Dept. 8 Isa-II) 1-v;\u:nu-n sunny -.4--.` v w--vv --~v.-- u vvn, ";'{}-'Ib. .. .. .7: .% 37 Citron Peel, per lb.. . 57 We deliver orders of $10.00 or over to any part _of Atdwn Aylmer Corn, 2 tins~.25c Ayl_mer Tomatoes .. 15: Pink Salmon,- V2 s . . llcj Orange and Lemon Peel, .._.. IL on 0 Plumbing _- Heating Tinsnyithjng BREAD 345- 159 IL. ` Sped Blend . ' 49 lb., 5 lbs. $2.35 l)0MlNl0N % STORl3S, Limited WE SELL FOR LESS ...w--w_ - - . W . _ - - -av, - v pkg... .. -.. .. Bulk Seedless, lb. .. Dates .. .. Zpkgs. Seedlss Raisins,` Exclusive _Agent fo.r inn; an I`)! In`: A A-n l`\ VI-II-nl I II\J '?u\Mn:roN, ormuuo Sarieans C.9- I-imited Raisins, Pea, Nut, Stove and Egg Coal loaf ihoneb 88 THIS ! i OZ. - 20 15 _o_z. 19 25 UUUGIHUU Wllall II and expense. Apply to nearest Can- adian National-Grand Trunk agent for hunting literature`, or write C. K. Howard, General Tourist Agent, Tor- nhfn. A11- uuuuuuul U1. C.l.1Ul.'I.a' VVG onto. [ VVl'lI`ul\a IN! TIIJIVI I1` QEIVEIJR . There are many districts contiguous to the Canadian National Railways where the hunter can get his limit bag of game. In the provinces` of `Ontario and Quebec they are numer- fous and within a few hours travel of `your home. The excitement of the chase is wonderfully fascinating, and in addition, a week or two in the woods furnishes the finest kind of a vacation. . Abundance of moose, ldeer. bear and game birds are t be obtained with a minimum of e fort A__I-- J... n . . _ .....I. l`l_._ 1 a - - u I A nya aI\aLn\.-- | I vHarry Barron was chairman for; the day. In addition to the usual`? choruses, Frank Hurlburt gave a solo.` Kiwanian Ernest Ryan, a member ofl the Kingston Club, who has come to` Barrie as manager of the Metropol-' itan Life `Ins. Co., wasgiven ahearty welcome. An interesting letter was `read by Geo. C. Brown from Clair Ross of Montreal, son of W. J.-Ross la former principal of Barrie Business College, expressingvbest wishes for Kiwanis in his old home town and telling something of the work Ki-l wanians have accomplished in Mon-1 ltreal. Ray Hoover, local representa-, [tive of the British American Oil Co.," Iwas the week's booster and his attend- ance prize,'a 5-gallon can of Motor-, ene. fell to Harry Barron. ! \'r....L ...-'..'I- Tr2--.__._.. 117 A n____ Fresh minedand best quality, now in. Orders now taken from those without a supply, in one or two ton lots. ` . Apply at o'ice or by phone` for prices. Terms cash. u-aw; 4.51:: an aa.uu.LJ A-f50l&\llln I I Next week Kiwaman W. A. Boys liwill give a talk on business law:` "placing iron receptacles at street cor-, .,,.-.....-.. I Other matters touched upon includ- ed: _greater . care by merchants in I exposing foodstuffs on the street;! ners for receiving waste paper, ba-i nana skins, etc"; the need of as public: lavatory: the need of an isolation! hospital; regulation of the location of`! junk shops; child welfare andlcom- munity nurse. tf_______ r)______,_ W, ,I, 0 n Another complaint voiced by Dial Little was that areas where dry earth closets are permitted are not defin- ed. He _believes that such areas. should be specified by bylaw and sug-I gested one between Mulcaster and: Small streets `from the bayanorth asi are available, the houses should bei connected. We want to get away from the objectionable dry-earth clo- sets and cessv pools, declared the speaker. ` ` ('\J.L.... ...-A.A._.._ L____.L .` .1 ,, i ' - I I i | I far as Wellington. Where sewers? va. Ian IIIQ '\. VUILCVVIUIII 5 is 5 system of garbage couectionn de'| Dr. Little says that a reliable man Flargd the. Doctor`. Spying cleamlwas prepared to undertake the work mg IS all right as far as it goes but last year for $3000. This, of course, it is about as reasonable as a man would not include the cost of an in_ washing his face in AIM] and sayinglcinerator, which should be provided that W]d do f" the year, ` A }for in any plan for arbage removal.` Last Yeah `he had fhhd 3s1'eh3h1e;,If the work can be carriedout foi" ma" Wining` t make 3 Weekly l'lanything near `the amount named. it lection of garbage over the wholelwould be a wise expenditu,.e_ Whm,_ itown for $3000. The Board had ask-he -cost. to each ratepayel. would he ed the Cohhch t Shhmit 3 vhYlaWv;small.the benefit to the town's sani~i but no action was taken. Not muchitary conditions would be great f01` in ratepayers efforts to" secure this very necessarypthe Council has power to Spend up to _ Sahltary meaSh1'e- Ih chhet1h $5000 on the recommendation of the iwith the garbage Collection there `Board of Health. Possibly the Coun- 1 `Should he an ihcihe"'3t"- It is aicil would not care to take the re-ll dh'tY shamed Said the M-0-H-v What`sponsibi1ity of inaugurating such a 1 *m.e_ PeT 1e hvihg "ea" the mwhisystem without referring it to the dumps have t0 5tahd"- gpeople. In that case, a by-law could Dialbe submitted to the ratepayers at the municipal elections next January. i With a view to having such a vote, ` areas.the Board of -Health should lose no 1 should sug-`time in placing _a denite proposal Ii gested andilbeforethe Town Council. '1 Quin ufmnlni-xv '4's~nvn 6-Inn I-.n..,......a.L ..... I--- . --... _- --. a.1-enable? to col-I Ilection whole] |town ask- to .bylaw,'; much! encouragement the Board its! ...l.`....L.. .|.-' ..... ..- ALE- -_-~- WHERE TO HUNT _IN CANADA '1'...\...,. ...... ....._-- .I2...L.....L.. ......L2......_--_ gm. 0. H. snows Nfii yon-' GARBAGE svsnamt system of garbage collection", de- clared the Doctor." `-`Spring clean-I ing is irightl it goes, saying.. that the year. Rolled Oats, 61bs.. ; 25 Quaker Oats, pkg.. . 27c Roman Meal, pkg. . . 35 Kellogg s Bran, pkg., 20c jKe11ogg s Corn Flakes, SHORTENING {A13i:ic" H\7fTTousE | HAMIl_TnN ONTADIG 13 lb. % Iooib. mo SUGAR 37.53 Sliced'Bacon, lb. . Back Bacon, lb. .. . Cottage Rolls, lb. V` Picnic Hams, lb. . Pure Lard, lb. .. (bC_ont.inu ed f-r'orr:x age [1) . .- uvv, . '31 29c 2 ags. 35 53c 30 19 JUL` 41c |39Y5`"G1RL5| Very general approval has been! given the appointment of Sir Henry Worth Thornton as head of the Can- adian National Railways. His out- standing ability and his _wide'exper- ience as a railroad executive in Am- erica and England and as an admin-U istrator of `big undertakings during the war fit him for the big job he has in putting Canada's 22,000 miles of publicly-owned railroads on a paying basis. Assisting him is a board of i strong business men, with a large knowledge of business conditions in all parts of Canada. These appoint- ments are ample proof that the King Government is desirous" of seeing 4 public ownership of railways a suc- `E cess in Canada. :1 Referring to the suggestion of an- `other east and west highway across Ontario, the Owen-Sound Sun-Times says: Such a road running from Owen -Sound to Collingwood, Barrie, Orillia, Lindsay, Peterboro and on to Ottawa would give the shortest route to and from Western Ontario to these large _centres and would give the e_asiest grade. Southern and` usouthwestern Ontario have already been given a good big share of the Provincial roads and with the build- ing of a cross-country road to the north the Province would be well ,served. retiring president of the National Railways, says: I can only say for `myself and those directors who re- `tire with me that nothing of the na- ture of political interference would have been tolerated while we were in charge. It -is a necessary policy if Ie"icient'administration is _to be ob- .tained.- The same rule] must be` rig,- idly adhered to by the new manage- ment; .-otherwise public ownership ]will `prove a dismal failure. . In his farewell letter, D. B. Hanna," activities to see the way the ladies of ,the town took hold in answer to the Iappeal from the re sufferers. When `suffering humanity calls, the women of Barrie can always be depended' upon" to do their part. - i It reminded one of the war relief : The Yorkton Enterprise of York- !ton, Sask., one of Canada's livest ,`week1ies, has blossomed out into a semi-weekly. Yorkton is to be con- tgratulated _upon having such. an ex- cellent newspaper. I Economies being effected in the post office department may bring :1 `[return of penny postage, though the ;reduction maybe delayed some time. glt cannot come too soon. I So far the Weaaerman has been lending much appreciated assistance in the fuel problem. _ I Inv- uvuuyuu -nu: AAA vuc uuvngazu. I A regular system of removal would itake not only the garbage from the `kitchen but also ashes and other re- `fuse, thus obviating the annual spring 'clean-up which retards the regular road work and disfigures the streets` `with unsightly piles of rubbish forv lweeks. The saving thus effected !would go towards meeting the cost |of garbage collection. I 11.. `I'1J.L1.'. ._..--._ LI_-'L -' H I: II V . V . . . . nu uuusvoa, suxuasc LUIICUUIUII is one of the most pressing. Efforts `have been made to have the kitchen -garbage removed regulai-ly,iwith very unsatisfactory results. Under the haphazard methods that have. obtain- ed" one man might have his garbage `taken away while his next door neigh- }gbor ~dumped his in the backyard. ' A nnn-ulna nun!-,...... -1.` ....._....--..1 ___-__1 .1 _..__._v- -------v v --- 1 i It was a very practical and inform- Iatory address which Dr. Little gave }.to `the Kiwanis Club this week. The importance of `community health can- not beemphasized too strongly and Dr. Little is doing excellent public] A service not only in his official efforts for direct improvements but in plac- ing before the citizens conditions as he sees` them. Many will not agree` with all his proposals , yet if his sug-g I gestions provoke `discussion and gen- eral consideration of the points rais- .ed, the effect cannot but be benec- iial in building up an en1ightened`pub- lic opinion which will demand action along the lines which investigation shows most -necessary. (1-6` 4|... .........4.:...__ .._'1.___I 1.-- n._ r -. FKE'diz'xXc' Phone .180 133 Dunlap St. I-rI|\r u u u-v_uu uuvccaux J . I Of the questions ra'ised[by Dr. Lit- ltle in his address, garbage collection in nu- l\: 4.1.... .......a. ____ ..:.._ 1.11!-- :***%$**&&w$&%&&%%$%%**$*: 1- EDITORIAL COMMENT x<` - ' .v. - . K` ` &%%$$%&**$&+&&*%**w*%$$*%$ GARBAGE REMOVAL M; _ Reign-exice has been made to the `NOTES Judge Vance, Harry Carter of Te cumseth and James Moore of Alliston coomprisedthe County Board of Crim- inal Justice Audit which sat at the Court House this week. a ! M Thanksgiving Day . Smiths Falls Record-News: In fix- ing a date for the festival of Thanks- giving the Dominion Government again has the feast fall on the second day of the week-Monday, November 6th. It hasn't much religious obser- vance when Monday is the day. Thanksgiving services are held on the day before, and Monday is given over to rpleasure-seeking. The Amer- icans stick to Thursday and thus have a better attendance in churches. Certainlythere is a great deal to be thankful for this year", in the matter a of harvest, and it will be out of place to give the day over to pleas- ure. ' . Daylight Xhead Farmer s Sun-'-A layman s faithf in the ultimate success of the Nation ` al Railway system is largely com-9 pounded of hope,but when an exec- utive of Thornton's standing givesj up a post like the presidency of the' most heavily travelled railway line in the British Isles to take charge of a systenxthat has been steady pingi up deficits, it may be taken for grant- 1 ed that he has given some thought to! the probknn, and can see dayhghti E ahead. I _ I ------------ 9 Road: Won't Stand Up Port Rowan News-Roads that will stand up under a heavy touring auto`. and the truck have not yet been in-} troduced into Southern Ontario. It, is realized that the roadbuilder has fallen far behind the builder of autos, ! and many are saying that he cannot! keep up without impoverishing the taxpayers. The roadmaking problem is really a serious one. 1 The Newspaper a I I Picton Gazette-The ideal news-' paper is an influence for good in the community. It stands for the best things in life. It is an educator. It is the co-worker with the church and the. school. It ministers to the needs of old and young. of the district it represents.` Its pag- es give a faithful record of the events and happenings and of the progress ' and achievements of the individual `and the community. It is the historian 1 I ' Gambling at ' Fairs at Picton Gazete: After an hour spent watching the crowds on Midway at Picton Fair last week, one almost; ceasesto wonder at the prevalence? of gambling in its various forms. Thousands of dollars were spent on various devices on the Midway where a gaily decorated doll was the prize` of the contestant. V 1 sfmcn IN TIME For This Relief, Much Thanks! Reforme1'--Strange to re- late,` the summer has passed, and Nor- folk; one of the U. F. O. Govern- `ment s strongholds, has Hot been `blessed with a single oratorical picnic. I ! x 9 Kiwariian Drury ' Renfrew Mercury--P1'en1ie1' Drury is now a member of the Barrie Ki- wanis Club. This does not mean that every time a new member_ is `introduced into the Legislature he is bound to start singing How d'ye- do: sir. ; An eior`t'being made by thelTor-l onto Telegram to discredit Premier. 1 I 1 I Drury because he directed relief : , work from the train instead of rush- `i 1 ing all over the stricken territory for ,l _lpersonal supervision has fallen veryil at. By his energy and promptness,' lMr. Drury gave splendid leadershi to the people of Ontario. Fifteen min- utes after he received the first news -of the disaster, the Premier took train for the" scene of the conagra-, tion and bent all his energies in dir-l xecting the work of relief; so much? so that in two days and two nights} he had but one hour s sleep, before; he left North Bay for Barrie late Friday night; Such partisanship to-! wards Premier Drury as the Tele-l gram has shown in its reports froml the devastated area is particularly; distasteful at such `a time. as this. I i `F A Is? AMONG EX.CHANGES% E; 4! {%mw$ww&$w&m%&&&: . U | Refererice the]? fact that all the members of the Manitoba Government are Presby- . terians. Thisldenominatiofn also cuts!` a pretty considerable gure in the;3 House of Commons. No fewer than}; 70 `members `own the Presbyterian!` V Methodists are `next'_with 38, and `faith, including all three party lead-5 ers. Roman Catholics are next with` 67, of which 63 hail from Quebec.` iAng1icans follow with 31. There are a half-dozen Baptist M.P. s, in- lcluding the Minister of Finance, and three Congregationalists. Five are classied onlyasi Protestants, and in the case of five the religion is not stated. S. W. Jacobs; K.C., Jacques Cartier, is the single Hebrew, and Miss Agnes Macphail the sole repre-_A sentative of the Latter Day Saints. e t l I bridges are both large concrete` af- . . . V . . . ....u5v., ux ncyau. WUFK. I The County has also built or is% ibuilding seven new bridges at differ- 'ent points to replace out-of-date crossings. These are as follows: One in Medonte on the Coldwater Road; one on the Ridge Road near Hawkestone; one in Tecnmseth over _the Nottawasaga on the 10th side- road; one in Sunnidale on.the Sun-A nidale Road north of the New Lowell turn; one in Adjala, north of Alliston,_ `on the 6th concession; one south of] lCookstown on the 12th `concession,l and one on the third concession of! `Tiny. The Tiny and Nottawasagal n i I ,-fairs with 20 feet roadways. Thvnn Iowan 4.u'Iu..._A... L---- -` ,-....., ....... uu 4.cCI/ zuauways. I I Three large culverts havejalso been ,hui1t at Waubaushene, Coldwater and ' Adjala. A T ...,.. \.u..n.u5 w a. C1058. | . The operations have been on :2 ilarge scale, according-to approxim- Iate figures obtained from Freeman ;Camphell, County Engineer, and they} show that some 350 miles of Provin-` cial-County and County roads have ;been under repair during this period. l County Engineer Campbell also states that 10 miles of actual con- struction work on these highways will have been completed at the close of the working season, in addition to themileage of repair work. I l 'm.... rv.......-- r.-~. -a - - - ` 1 I Simcoe County s great size and its extent of roadways is reflected in the vast amount of maintenance and re-`! pair work done- on the County Roads` System during the present season, now drawing to a close. | l`Ln ` ' A... ..L:_._, Elizabeth St. Phone 65w MUCH womcj -rI.;sEZT `ON SIMCOE co. ROADS; county's standard width I uuc-UI our rtadiant Gas Heaters in your living-room during the chilly Autumn will postpone for a period the lighting of your furnace with all t-he attendant dust and ashes, -not tomention the saving of coal, which is evi- dently going to be a luxury this coming V\/infer 124 Dunlap Street Phone your Meat Orders to1%%76 -e--AND WE LL BEAT YOU TO THE STOVE! B R TT'S FEED s'roR}: