Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1922, p. 6

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Huse ' TL! `[31 we JUUIICC Ill UUDUUUF. I | Meaford Council has declared against] changing the date of the municipal elec-I tions. ' _ Alliston Methodist Church will celebrate its jubilee in October. M....c.....I (V .... ..:I L..- _1_-I_..'_J -_4:.H-I :1. vv. LJulu..u., Q, U. vv-uuu 1 Two Vegetvamble Marrow---1, F. Huse; 2, W. G. Kennedy & Sons. E Two Muskme-1ons--1, F. Huse; 2, E. V.` Bavbcock. _ A | Two Watermelons-1,' F. Huse; 2, R. G. Richardson. I Two Civtrons--1, Willie Pratt; 2, I S. Webber. M Collection Garden Veget.a)b1es-1, IR. G. Richardson; 2, F. Huse. I vauu4p-ucu, Q, 1'_.|.. r1_.UUk\. 1 `Six Stone Tomatoes--1, P. Love; 2, J. Yeates. _ - 1 Six Tomatoes, A.O.V.-1, H. Ma- bey; 2, P. Love. ! ! Collection Tomatoes-1, F. Huse; 2, Hy. Mabey. ' ' Two Hmbzbard, E. V.. iBa'bcock; 2, C. Poole. I Two Mammoth Squash-.--1, Mrs. B. W. Smith; 2, J. Wood. fnun 1r,..~...+...I..1.. 1u-........-.. 1 n ;.avvv., H 5.). VV UUUUI. a Six Ifmperial TomatQes-1,JE. V. Bwbcock; 2, P. Love. 0: 'r.`....1:...... rn.-...._4.-_.. 1 IV I `VA Turnip Beets-1, Miss ,M. E.` Campbell; 2, J. Yeates. ;Salrisfy--1, F. Huse; 2, J. Yeates. Long Ra.dishes-1, A. B.,Cou=tts. Turnip Radishes---1, A. B. Coutts; 2, J..H. Wilson. I'l\n.I-.1.` I'l'I.._..J__ 1 mpg, _ up cv- uwuvvun, Q, L. UVUa `Six Earliana. Tomatoes---1, N. Campbell: 2, H. _ook. Q! G.J>n-... I'l'\.........A........ 1 is 1' _-_-. 111530 I! o \JKl1llU`lUI7llo Quart Pickling Onions--1,` P. Love; 2, S. Webber. Qiv Trnnnnv-iol l"nw-nnI-Ann 1 -1.5 17 """" '11}; Eouawalg? "-"" ' HORSES--Bay mare, 7 yrs.; black mate, 4 yrs.; bay team, aged; chestnut mare, aged; driving horse, aged. lTTI F I\ M, ,'II,'.,, . My liq - 11- IV lIGUl1o Taable Turnips-1, Miss M. LE. Cam:ptb,el1; 2, S. Welbiber. Artichokes---1, P. Love; 2, Miss IM. E; Campbell. { White Seed On-ions--1, J. Yeates; [2, E. V. Bwbcock. \ Yellow Seed 0nions--1. H. Hook; 2, Thos. Stokes. ; Red Seed Onion-s-1, J. Yeates; [2, F. Huse. ~ Potato Onions-1, J. Yeates; 2, Mrs. J. Camplbell. llhf 1)lnIrI-can f\...'-__ 1 ' Ti 44, 1`. J.J.uDG Long Red Beetsl, J. Yeates;- 2, Mrs. G. Shannon. I II\.......:_ T1-_L_ 1 g--' -- - uuuauxn, a, 1:4. V. DWUUUUK. , I Table Corn--1, F. Huse} 2, Mrs. iG. Shannon. T [ ' rn-.|_I_ 11., . - - _ - -4 I wT;;ft;u:;ns in Pod-1, J. Yeate; 2, F. Huse. ' `l ;._... 11-: ~n_-L_ c w -- . o. l_ A Iallll-990 ._ Caniscunis or Peppers--,-1, Miss `E. IDobson; 2, E. V. Bafbcocki ' VI".-.-In`! I\ I`l-.._ 1 1-1-A__,, (I up, I 3 Calblbage, Win`ni.ngsta.dt--1, S.| Webber; 2, Mrs. Geo. Shannon. 3 Cabbage, Savoy-1, F. Huse. 3 Red Ca1bIbage--1, F. Huse; 2, 1R. G. Richardson. * I I i 3 Cabbage, A.0.V.--1, J. Yea.-`Les; :2, Mrs. G. Shannon. Two Caul-i.flower--1*, H. Hook; 2, H. D. Atherton. -E`ar1y Horn .Ca.rrost,sr-1', Mrs. G. Shannon; 2; Mis`s`M. E. Campbell. Chantenay Car:-ots--1, .J. Yeates; :2, Miss M. E. Campbell. K Long Red Carrots---1,.F. Husev. Parsn-ips-1, H. Hook; 2, H. D. .At-herton. I Pin-k Celery--1, J. .Yea.tes. ' `White Plume Ce1ery---1, F. Huse; '2, J. Yeates. . I Winter Celery--.-1,AF. Huse; 2, J. ,Yea.tes. ` n__________;, ,, -.-. _ --- -1 W3 baggage, Henderson ear1y-- W. C. Hogan; 2, F`. Huse. ' (`nuns _cH1m'1F6 EH31 Garden P-rdduce. `Class 39 (Continued `on 'p.g i;) m|vI:U' 1, 1`. -IJUDU Three Long Red Ma.ngo1ds--1, J. Yeates; 2. Fred Huse. M 7I\I- -A- V1.1` nur Klan nu` A 5 1 Univ. ORDER FROM AYOURV#NElGHBO_RHOOD Gnocag. Double. action-Goes fartI1er-Try it and you Il be delighted with the results. Cleaner, Presser and Dyer `1o9 DUNLOP sr. on same xnn PHONE 229_ Gods caned for `and delivered. PRICES REASONABLE Real Dry Cleaning I have the only dry-cleaning plant within your reach -eoutside the city. ~ 1 AM A PRACTICAL TAILOR AND READY TO A_,T'I'END T0 REPAIRS ON ALL CLOTHES EGG-t W. FIRTH The undersigned has received instructions suns $1.75 HAS THE L PACKET TE When EMBEDDED DIRT SURFACE DIRT wane. nu... you RECIPES T0 l')E`A .. w 3 -~..- THuii.s"D.oIY, oE`f6i:R% 5 LL .. ..1I...'..2.. .. . A Ne Making Je A CDIIIT Remember your on tllcsinftucu-- '"Ti{e't{o_m| is your rug as well ful suction, xrir the: e/nbeddcd di Royal's powc harm the finest Let our Rnyu free. Just cull /1 /1 USE RIPE FRUIT with 9 on... .-.f . ' ` _- -M:K`E; PE-P JELLIES-JAMS.MA MERINGUESJCIN N=Vf_.i3;E! v .- nwuuucn. > `Three Red Field Tu1*nip--1, J. Yeates; 2, F. Huse. - - mu--- 1...... 13...: ntnnnnla 1 T _ Pure Powdered Ft Contains No C Nalioual Ftuil Pm venom Hanufacluud under lhi JISL-A-r KUI I you can make JEL-A-FRUIT V U JEL-A-FRUIT unu rnn nr\:\l(p OLI make 3' JEL-A-FRUIT JEL-A-FRUIT the same am It makes won water and can! ....._p. --,-g II`. Klrb I'KUl I with 2 cups of with H cups with one cup Simmer peac saucepan. Pl Measure juice hot rll`-" until ` minutes or stand a few rs Makes four 8- ... .1- . ,........_..- USE RIPE F add water. until fruitis -n.J n.n.-kn. unul xrulus I and peas.-he.-. minutes. Mai A 14"]/4-In fawno CAPTURED THE PRIZES TAT BARRlE S ANNUAL EXHlBlTl0N{ l'II'l C'.1ca.; I I4\JIV 3 cup; crus I cup water 3 cups suzav 1 package " IQIE I)II)C I.` n:G.5\TCpL1 A;-,.. - .//2'45` I` A/7/to -./:14.) /. 'i>'L'ifn 'p`/sf or FARM'"l'-(;E'|(-.APrD IMPLEMENTS lull utuuyucu, b,~I1a VV. ;uvu1 :7. Three Sugar Beets-1, F. M. cow1PTo'ii"RoBsoN Lot 13, Can. 4, Oro On an kn r\u.k"n nIIIIf:I\v: An xv: - >w--v -, auw to sell by public auction on `$33 `CI E`3-K _<=RwI*r. . --AAa1 7:-uvz 1 7 The llotel of it: find in Cnnedn V ' Centrally slanted, cloee toehope ind theatres. ' Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven- ience. Flneet cuisine. Cosy tea roomopen j till midnight. Sgle room. with bath, $2.60: 1 double room, WI bath, $4.00. Breakfast. 4 50. to 75, Luncheon; 66c. Dinner, $1.00." ,- .___4 ..___I-- '.I_.... A_.l__ __J lune- Tnhn Hjib DIIII vv unvu sunny Vaocfv no Juwxs smut . . 'ro1toxVr}V<:i,"V) x~z'r. |Bf1I1iI15fB190fB11 % C1`P.1_ ~`_ 1`_ _'F9. _ I l I99`_ IJCIIVIIGUIQ VVUI j-q:w-' Y-.- -'ruo an acne. `ism cnsuuudbout... Take much use what. mud: only. mm for booklet _, ___._ _____._ J-usuu4\nII\t\ An!` 5 `lo IJO `IIUIIIFS FUJI! Oollection Wintef 'Pe.;s)--1, H._ D. Atherton; 2, J. Yeates. lV.LIInn6n- A8 IVhuu-.u. 1 `I \7'-u.Ln-'-. ta-'{ ;. r'iet4les :t8.WB.Y. 17..-.ln&8.-V. cnyyuao, L I-uuwuwuuvu'|."-J., o rM\1:xsm1;I. E. Campbell; 2,~ Mrs. B. W Smith. . t'I_AI. A __.I-_ YI'....I-_ -I `I 1'? II- VI IIVIJO Duchess D An:gouln'1e-1. C. M. Hickllng; 2, H. D. Atherton. xm.....I-I. 'n.......o.. 1 "um... n......a.. Ulblulb ' U ' LL: JII 1915?` BULL: `~Flemish .B~ea_uaty-1, ' M133 Brqek; 2" H. D: o nllnnfln manta; 'm..V.:-`._1 1: n ISDIIWI II\IIl , H U I & VX0790 Collection of Gra:pes--1, J. Yeates: .2, C.- M. Hlckling. [Plants and Flowers Two [Hanging Baskets in P0B1'ta1Ol1 __ `D `I Aura ` KFIILI lull! -Graab Apples, Hyslop--1, I. H. Mc- -Mahon: 2, Miss M. E. Campbell. . Crab Apples, A.:O.V.--1, I. H. Mc- -IMa.l1on.: 2, Hy. Malbey. ` Six Bartlett Pears-1, H. D. Ath- Yellow Bell Flower--1, H-arry Ott-away; 2, D. Chan-tler. - R-hode Island Greeming-1, 1-I. O-ttaway; 2, A. F. Harris. I :Man----1, I-I. Ottmway; 2, C. '1`. Thompson; ' Ben Davis-~ -1, A. F. Harris. Wolfe River--1, I. H. McMahon. (Seek No Further---1, H. Otataxway. Grimes, Golden-1. H. Ottaway. Seedling--1, H. Otta:wo.y'-; 2, Mrs. B. W. Smith. ` ' Y_....l-LJ-_ E-.. I\ _ _ _ . __L 1 If 4\A -wanna}. Varieties W88. (I'.u.l|. A U; :4. V7 p Iuhllltu Varieties taway. .1Y.n uni A6! A11 "{\;ealth_v--1, Hrry Ottaway; 2, E. A. I-Iarnis. v \7..II...... 11-11 1111------ 1 . yr- __.__ A4, 41. L`: Aluwlslc Pewaukee---1, C. T. 'Dhom.pson; 2, A. F. Harris. V V . N-orthern Spy---1, Harry O.tta way; 2,` H. D. Ather-ton. ' l'I..1..;... r\4.L._....-_-.. n A " w("'}<,)lve rt--'-1, `Ha,-rry Ottalway; F. Harris. ' T\.!.I._..A.!.. 1-\9_____~_- 1 vs- 1. : way. Jnlvolyl A lac R-ltbsbin Pi-ppin--1, Harry II1....'u.L-. 1 |\JI.Itu:Vvu.,V, up :1. 1'. 1.10/I113 Nine Snows-1, Harry.Ottamray; 2, Mrs. Geo. Shannon. American Golder. Russets`-1, Harry 0t't'a,w`ay; 2, Thos. Millbee. 13-..! n......A' 1 I f__._._- ru.L-_____-, UUJUD, 6. FIG {ILLEG- Three Yellow Ma.ngolds--1, Nor-I man Campbell; 2,A. W. Moore. Th Iona Qnnnnvv nnAfn.____1 F M Apples, , nie' 13i17;1;es:s. of [Olden-1 burg-~1, H. D. Amber-ton; 2, Harry! Ottaway. " ' T `rm-.. ac. ` r............... 1 n at I yuvw IV on; Nine St. Lawrence--1. C. M. Hickling; 2, W. G. Kennedy & Sons. Nine McIn-tosn Red`---1, Harry Ottaway; 2; A. F. Ha.r1*-is. RT!-ca. G-...-.... 1 11-..--- r\z.A.-..____-. Luann; \JLLuaVva._y, iv, ,.luUD. AHLNUCU. Red Pound-T--1, Harry .Ottaway; 2, A. F. Harris.` V 1).\.......I.-.. 1' r1 rn nu. . _ . _ _ -..'. n -AULA I516 huu, H, Lyn. J1arVCLDULh ` Water Color. Map o.f Coumty of 'Simcoe---1, Edith McKeever; 2, W1 lje Pratt. T\ . . _ ~ ......`l 'l\_II 1 'f-_._!_.. ID,`-r,, 1111150 1. luyhln ' Dressed Doll--1, Lo1'aine.MoK ver; 2, Edith Prat-t. DI.` ....I-;:..... 1 \11nI:.. 'n._..u.. n vvn, u, &l\ull_I.vAl `tulip: Pin Cushion Edith. Pratt. 1. .n.Lvvv\45o > A ' g .Co11ecti'on of Leaves of deciduous; trees and `s-h1'u'bs--1, Edith McKee-.1 ver; 2, Willie" Hunxter. T ` I Collection of Leaves, evergreeng. --1, Willie Hunter. Vi Collection of Grasses, grains, etc.i ---1. Willie Pratt; 2, Dorothy Ro1t'e.. Collection of I-nsects--1, Willie. Pratt. T 1 I1_Il-_A.2-_. A 1Iv_-_n_ 1 -r1;!.1, suuv v VA o Darning. on Stocking--1,\Mwbel Herring-ton; 2, Rita Haverson. ` TX :-mnn !`l\`l\Ui `Ila... l\c I`l.......L.. x`! HAN/L\UUl UK , Hy VV IIITU asuwout. ; Collection of Weed Seeds--1, `_W1l1ie Hunter; 2, Madeline Spring. Collection of Wqods---1, Cecil Poole. I *I'_Iu 3-..-.. r1__I_1_, 4 v dozen Cook!-es--1, Loraine -McKeever; 2, Edith McKeever. Tin.-ho Tnirnn (`I..1,.. 1 `mdlu. 11.. CI IICI 1|l|.lUll`5, All will be sold without reserve as the xproprietor is giving up farming. 'l`......-.. -1 0.1. an ,,,, Jo n1nn'A' u sxvvvcs, a, u4vc:_yu lVl.UL\UU'VUlo Hexnsbitched A-pron-1, Edith Mc- Keever. T\.. _....l..... _.. nL--I-:...._ 1 11.1.4: Six Beets, -Detroit 1, Annie Storey; 2, Edith Pratt. A T Six Carrots, Cha.nAtenay----1, Reta. Haverson; 2, Willie Hunter. on. n.u....... v..n..... ru..m... 1 nu- uv;v&\v\3 V VI . U Juulbll AVLDLXVVV U! a Light Layr Cake--1, Edit.-h Mc- Keever; 2, Evelyn MoKeever. T.fnv11u.-fnkn A-I\Ihr\\ 1 `E1.l.l-.1. `I.I n CIIVWIUUII-, H 'V IIIIC LLLIL-IUUln ` Six Onions, Yellow G1otbe---1, Ritai 3 I Hoover. ! /\_1I,,;,-.,,- ,1; 1-`, . .. 1 -1 5 nub Cohflectioni of Weeds--A1, Edith; McKeever; 2, W-illie Hunter. n..11.m+.:.... no 137..-; a......1.. ' 1 ""6` ;axT`"6{s,"`2L`r+1. mu. Livingston; 2, Willie Pra.-tit. nn.-. ....1 n....1.... n A n 1 tm.......l `%i4i{F.; 'M`:;n; J1`a`*;,ei'i5J`f;{$anea-j A iat-e---1, Bernard McDonald; 2, Dun-.~ |can Campbell. Gk; D..+..4-A.-..'. 11-..`-.. 1 oo.....1....' `,:x13`3`{;?&`s,. Dooley---1, Walker; 2, Willie Hunter. Gin D:-u\n .T\n.l>.u-.'J~ 1 CJIFIAISEDIIII U '7 IIIIW J. IEIUI-I V One gal. Barley, O.AC.--1. Elm-ex" `Pratt. ' v V . r1_I'_1__ ~ru-_A__., n____-A n:_,,, 4 A la. Awuul-o I Golden Bantam Sweet Corn--1, C. |Kennedy; 2, Loraine McKeever. rm........ vu......'...1.a.. -...n......- :'._;......-...a _T a....., ..,, .Terms of Sale-All sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that amount 12 months credit wil1 be given to parties furnishing npproved joint notes; 6 pexj cent. per an- jum off Ifor cash on credit sums. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McGONKEY, Auct. I v &llVlJI6DVUII' a, A. II: uaoluglvvxln 1-2 Ears Yellow Com-1, E. V.` Babcock; 2, Mrs. J. Campbell. ` 12 Ears White Oorn-1, I. `H. Mc-3 Manon; 2, H. M. Dymemt. . Collection of Gra.ln-1, Lloyd Livingston. `r_'l`...1a`1...... 13...: nI........ 0--.: 1 A . `JD 1 Aubuyuun Hahfbus. Red Clover.Seed--1, A. E. Pratt; 2, A. D..Cam:pIbell.. Qiv Vafnllyo Qrr|lvA (`noon `I `IT I` `navy, u, u. lJn.\.llrl-Ll1l'|lVllo I I I msix [Stalks Silage Corn--1. W. G. Kennedy & Sons; '2, A. W. Morris. Shea! Oa.ts--~1. B. B. Warnlca. School Fair Section. Class 35 'Al2pha.'bet in Writin-g--1, Dorothy "Rolfe; 2, Roxey McGirr. -(`Inn (vol I\nfn Dnnnnn 1 TIVIIA Wamica; 2, W. G. Kennedy & Sons", ~'I`wo Pmnpkin:s---1, Mrs. B. W. . Grain, Class 34 H,al.fVbus. Winter Whea.t~-1, R. F. ?Ca1'scadden; 2, W. G. Kennedy & iS0ns. ' . 11-13 L..- n___,x._,, vrvu__-j_ 4 1-u___,s I J Smith; 2, W. G. Kennedy & Sons. 5 AVAUQIMD, Luubl-llalillo . Half 'bus. Peas small-'-1,T Lloyd :Livingston; 2; A. D. Camplbell. B` 1-`) Wang Vnnnnv (`Ann 1 17 I wan atlcbuuullu all -bus. White Oats-e2, A. W. Mornis, '1`horn'ton. . * 1.1.14: .1...... n....... ........u': 1 711--.; Llvuluo Half bus. Spring Wheat---1, Lloyd] Livingston. IJAIC! L..- 08.. I3--AA 'l`l....I.\-. 1 I1 ya 1 lhltllllg Half bus. Six-Rowed Bar1ey---1, R. F. Camsoadden. ' TTAII L.-- `IVLSL- t'\_A_ n A II? "`-L as aau-vwo Six Begonias-1, `P. Love. "A `Six Ferns-1, E. A. I-I_arx-is. Apples, '1`1'a.nscenden-t--1,` Linn `II I` r`nnnI|f`\t\o 0.11.". D II? .... av`... -.v..u, Dav ur...aB y ...... uuu. IMPLEMEN &-McCormick binder; Mc-I (lot-mick mower; McCormick rake; Super- ior disc drill; cultivator; sea disc harrows; set harrows; two-furrow plow; scufer; pulper; fanning-mill; wagon -and box; rub- ber-tired buggy; cutter; set heavy harness; net plow harness; set single` harness; Ren- irew cream separator, nearly new; gravel box; set sleighs; churn; washing machine; kitchen table; quantity hay; quantity .grain; quan-tity potatoes; quantity turnips; alaoforks. chains, doubletrees and many other articles. LII ,._II L, I I '.I I -I Fruits, for for f.OI` Export-1, H. Otta- Cook-ing--1.,' Ot- Dessert--1, H. Ot- Class Will-ie 37 . CATTLE--Durham `cow, 7 yrs., milking; Durham cow,.6 yrs.. milking; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., milking; Hereford cow, 5 yrs.. milking; the above cows are all supposed to be in calf; 2 steers, rising 3 yrs.; Dur- ham heifer, rising 3 yrs.; 2 steers, rising 2 yr.; heifer, `rising 2 yrs.; 4 calves - IIIAA A|'ll\ l\A|II$n\l (1 -.1 `A Pratt; Stanley Otta- wvuuu; 4, .r._ uvve. I G*aill`a.rdie.'---1, J. Yea-tes; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell. A ' ` Sa.l.peglossis---1,, P. Love. Scabiosa.---1, P. Love; 2, H. Smith. - . Collection Annuals, 12 varieties- l 1, P. Love; 2, Miss M. E. C.am1ibell.! ' Venben-a--1, J. Yeates; 2, P.` LOVea , Ca.lliopsis--1, J. Yeates. I -Cosmous---1, P. Love; 2, Miss I i i E. Camptbell. _ Cockscon1b--1, P. Love. Mignonvette--1. P. Love. Salvia, 10 spikes--1,VMrs. B. W. S-mith; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell. E V R Qino-In flan-nnhnuo 1 11. ..- `Ill m"I`a1ble Bouquet-1, Miss M. ` E. -Campbell; 2, P. Love; 3, Harry H00k`. __` _7` W 345555111, 9, uxnan a.u. Lu, uauwpueu. 6 Single Ge1_=aniu1ns--1, Miss M. 1E. Ca;mp.be1l; 2, E. A. Harris. I .12:-.51 .-n run 'mI............ -u iv, ,,' E V`."Ia)T<:al')ecor.tion-3-1, P. Love; 2,! |Miss M. E. Campbell; 3, E. A. Har- ` ` ' I rn_.LI, 'r\ . _ ... __ -- F `an. \.n.vuuyIuUAL, H, Jun J1. 1121:1115. !Ba,sket Cut Flouwens--1,T F. `2, J. A. MacLaren; 3, Miss 9 Campbell. ` "n!-.1.` 1\..........n... ? -u -is -r V (XI `WI:I a.nd Bouquet--1, Miss M. E. Camptbell; 2, P. Love; 3, H. Hook. ~-30 good hens; 100 spring chickens. - J-o, PIGS-IA-`Pris POULTRY--Sow with 10' pigs 2 weeks old ;- 7 pigs 5 months old; Jualue at Juno, 1 vsuviann I , In: n-nu-u I-Ill-u-In an I! - -, n. . uvrc. Nasturtiums with foliage-1, P. Love; 2, Miss E. Dolbson. Candytuft-1, P. Love. . Nicot P..Love. StockAs-1, F. Huse; 2, J. Yeates. Zinni4a;s--1, P-. Love; 2,.Miss M E. Ca.nmbe_ll. . Mm-i4gold--1, P. Love; 2, Miss M E. Cam~p!bel;l. Antirrhinum-1, R. J. wood; 2, P. Love. (1.. n I... ...a x...`- Home- 1r . _ ; _ _. n --- J %! I I `I Pe-ttZ17:i(za'.s,_'single- -1, Love; 2, 3E. A. Harris l o `l'$..A..._2__ ;,,,uu . .. .. `C-1: :3. ;Aa.|I.l.. Petunias, double-1, P. Love; 2, `E. A. Harris. V 131.1--. 1-\...-..-.4. -- is - - -- Phlox Dru'mm-ond"i--1, J. Yeates; 2, P. Lov-e. ' ' ' ` 1:4. 41. 11.51115. T | 'A`I'.....4.-.._4:;.__-_ 3.`, n cu - - '--vv.v- . ' 1 Collection Gla-d.ioli-l-1, P. Love. Pansies with Foliage---.1, P. Love; . 2, B. Reynolds. _ P Sweet Pea/s-1,-P. Love; 2,-Miss, M. E.` Campbell. - I Gladioli, 1'5 spikes, 10 varieties--f II, P. Love; 2,-Miss M. E Campbell. -Gladioli, 1o spikes, 1 variety-1,i P.-Lo_ve. Nine Asters, Pin-k-1, H. Smith, 2,] P. Love. ' . - V Nine Asters, wh~ite-v1, P. Love;' 2, J. A. MaoLaren. .. Nine Asters, purmle-1,. P. Love; f` 2, E. B. Reynolds. ' ] Nine Asters, crlm.son--1_ P. Love; i 2, J. A. Ma.cLaren. - N-ine Asters, mau-ve--1, P. Love; 2, H. D. Atherton. ` P - Nine Asters. two - shades--1, P. 5 ibove; 2, J. Yeates. . I `KY!-an A ...L....'.. n __-_.:,.o - -- auvvc, 0, do xuuatua. Nine A:ster"s, 3 varities-1, Har- old Smith; 2, P. Love 9 `kWh-an Aa.-nu. 13...... -I -:1.-_, -- - vau uuuvu, a, 1'. AJUVU. ` Nine Asters, Rose-1, Miss M. E. -Campbell; 2, H. D. Athexi/ton. ' r Petun-ias. sin2le. _1, P T.nvn- o Collection Begonias, .a;maateur---1, P. Love. Rwbber Plan-t-1, Miss M. E. Campbell; 2, C. Poole. A Kochia-1, Miss M. E. .Ca.m~p~bell. Window`Box-'--1, P. Love. Collection of_Asters, 20 blooms, 4 colors-1, P. Love; 2, Miss M. E. Ca-mapbell. ~ (`h-`II.-...s:..'_ A_;-___ An - - uuuuyuuu. Oollectidn.Asters, 20, P. Love. | f1_II__L.9.:, nu .. .. ' _ - - (Continued fromApage `-3) 7 Three Whi-te Globe Turnips--1. E. V.- Bznbcock. 0:91.... 15...: 1n:..1.a rl1....'....:-`a 1 `I

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