and Miss thn week- u'. 11. lxulgul/Uu Ilul Collxer St. servnces. ther, R. Patte1:son of Collingwood; his'fwo sisters. Mrs. M. J . Lawstm, Elmvale, and Mrs. G . R. Lawson, Spears. Sask.. A bro: ier. William. predceased him in January. 1921, at Laurel; Montana. --+Do[you know you are foolish to pay rent when you can -buy a nice home on easy paymgns from Partridge dz Gilroy? Sept. 26'.--Anniversary servicm were held in the Union church here on Sunday last, conductede'by Rev. H. E. Wellwood. of the Collier St. Methodist church, Barrie. Mr. Wellwood gave two ne. sermons which were.m'uch enjoyed by those present. _Rev. 0. H. Knighton had charge of the Barrie .{".nI|im- Q1 cm!-`vhhnn Mrs. Poole is Vvisiting her` daughter. Mrs. Scarlett of Coulson. Mrs. Alex-. Ross is visiting her parents, M1;;`Lund`Mrs. Goss of` Orillia. t,__.___.__ ____,_J' I__,,. IIIC pcucuczu IUUI. ` u ll. uuu HIPS. UUSH Ul V\JI'llll8. ' The farmers around here are busy cut- ting. their corn and lling silos. Mrs. Fellows of Midland and Mr. and Mrs. J_. Fellows and son Billy of Hawke- stone visited Mrs. 'McMinn last week. Miss Jean MacLelland is visiting_ under iiiua run-nnhu] v-run?" IPLUIIC VIDIMSLI LVIIS. `LIIULVIIIIH lhe parental roof." Mun Dnnln :1-. ...:..:L':..... L-..- _ A very pleasant time was spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Edgar Renniek, the occasion being a. miscellaneous shower for the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson. After an enjoyable hour spent in games and amusements, a daintylunch was serv- ed. The many useful and costly gifts re- ceived show the high esteem in which the ' `bride and groom are held in the neighbor- hood. SPECIAL SPECIAL` FIR*ESTONE,% III|I5' DU I|IUI\ HUIQC lIl\/V7: Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. G. H. Metcalf in Orillia last week. She was for many years. 3; resident here. `Much sympathy is extend- | l ed to Mr. Metcalf and family. ll I'll. -lI\I LVLIB. I. 11-` LVLULVLIIIIUII llllll I'll. HUI `Mrs. Irwin McMahon. . Misses Grace and Bertie Clark. Myra Reid. Zelma Murray and Evah Leigh all left for their respective schools on Monday. We welcome Miss Binney to our village. Mr. Joslin and Mr. Tate are still working at their respective houses, which are begin- |ning- to look quite nice. nun- o nuymkar `rnnx Inn-A .-.HnnA.ul bl... lulllC\I IIUIII \JIlllla-o ' A few of the Exhibition visitors were: Miss Verna Leigh. John Leigh, Jack Reid, IW-m. McMillan. Allan Priddle, Mr. Butler. l Mr. and Mrs. T. H._ McMahon and Mr. and `II... Y_.__.2._ \l .`Il',,L__. (Too Late for [Last Week) The tourists are leaving daily. All are sorry to see them go. .M..:.. I.....:.... .,..A Int... .4.n....1.+.... 1.0.. ...._ PUIIJ Ill BUC LIICIII EU. I "Mrs. Jordan and baby daughter have re- turned from Orillia. -` A t____ -1` LL, '-.`__L:L:L:_._ _.:_3L-___ -_.-_._. SEVENTH LINE, VESPRA Lower prices this season on all lines of lumbermen s rubbers ancl light boot rubbers. We feature the Dominion Rubbers-the best made. ' Men s Gun Metal CalfBlucher Lace Boots, toecap, heavy `sole, tidy serviceable `style, `sizes 6 to 11, special ....................................................... ..... .. Men s Brown Calf Lace Boots, toe cap, Goodyear welt, rubber heel, medium and full toe, regular value-$8.50, sizes 6 to `11, special ...................... Men s Work Boots, Blucher style, bellows tongue, `in dark tan and black leathers, heavy sole, sizes 6 to, special ., ........................... ........................ .. Men s l5-in. Lace Boots, brown grain leather, outside counter, heavy double sole, made to stand the wet, sizes 6 to '10, special ...................................... .. $7_0` -_.___-- uo :1-Q-luIllVIIJL`I 83 pairs Wome_n s Highlace Boots, toe cap and plain. toe style, Goodyear welt, in tan calf, black calfanddongola kid, sizes 3 to`7, reg, $7.50 to $9.00, Women s Dongola Kid High-Cut Lace Boots, toe cap, medium heavy sole, rubber heel, round toe, sizes 3 to 8, special ................... ........... ., ................ .. Wome-i1 s Low Lace Oxfords and Strap style, in black and tan calf leathers, heavy sole, sizes-3 to 8, special .... .................................................... .. $345` 99 Dunlop Street _9R $167101`! New Fall Footwear . _On Salgat Special Prices - Boys Box Kip'Blucher Lace Boots, toe cap, This list will give you a idea of` the values: heavy. sole, tidy serviceable style, all ........................................................... .. $195 Youths Box Kip Blucher Lace Boots," toe cap, tidy style, all solid leather soles, sizes 11 to 13%, special .................................................................. .. Lads Box Kip B-lucher Lace Boots, toe ca p, heavy sole,`sizes 8 to 10% Misses High-Cut Lace Boots, toe cap, medium and heavy soles, lo_w' heels, box ,.kip and dongola kid leathers, excellent school boots, sizes 11 to 2 Misses Brown Leather High Lace Boots, toe cap, heavy sole, low heel, sizes 11 to 2, special ............................................................... ....................... .. Girls Box Kip and Dongola Kid Leather High Lace Boots, toe cap, heavy sole, low heel, all leather, sizes 8to 1091, `special .................................... .. Children s Bluchr Lace Boots, toe cap, in box kip and dongola kid, all leather sole, sizes 5 to 7, special. ...................... .............. ..-. ......................... .. $1 4!: - solid leather soles, s`pec_ial_ Here is an opportunity to purchaseidependable Autumn seaon,~ give you real se_rvice and comf for the-` poor qualities. Every pair of boots sole give absolute satisfaction.` A HAWKESTONE MOORE S SHOE STORE IWOM!-%IN LS DEPARTMENT- _,., _.....v .. ...v..-no vvilll-IVII Ilhliiu NOTICE is hereby given pursuant toi R.S.O.. 1924. Chapter 121. and Amending Acts, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Thomas John- son". late of the Town of Barrie. gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of August, 1922, are required on ori before the 10th day of October. 1922, to send. by post prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned at. Barrie, Ont.. Solicitors for the Executors of the Estate of the said Thomas Johnson, their full names and ad` dreses, a full_ statement of their claims, [duly veried, and the nature of the secur- lity. if any. held` by them. - Anti fur-Huar ml... .....4:.... LL-L _1., -II NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas Johnson, deceasedf ?\T(\"l'Il.7 :- .x.__-u_-- _:,,, . . WE WlI.L REDUCE THE mess 25 PER cm. IN ORDER TO cxmz THE sums -_----v A can ovIvnI\l6`l1Id3 7"lnpper-ton St., Barrio. Oltarlol HAVING ; OVERBOUGHT A STOCK` or Men s Solid Leather iWORK SHOES ':I'\vvoT Doors West -of Telphone Office- onuououooooo oooutatnn no oloolonocoouuo '. WHITBY jable Footwear that will stand the wet comfort at. less money than you pay` rs sold here carries our guarantee to .................. I! Reading the advts. I is time well spent. Excliuive Agent for PEASE FURNACES Phone 4180 133 Dunlop 1-733.4% Page Five " -was-av. .a_E` Jvuuvualy. ll yuu WINK I "CW `INK or another lavatory installed--or just a small repair joh`done-re- "member our work is in the same high class with these fine fixtures. Havingjnst installed a new and complete line of Good- . year shoe repairing machines, we are prepared _to take care of all work with neatness and dispatch. The best of materials used and satisfaction gnaranteed. A trial -solicited. 'l`hank_you.- We Can Do It Very Economically Our most precious possession is our reputation for high-class, econom- ical plumbing work-wo guard it jealously. If you want a new sink or Annfhnr Inna-om-.. :...a..u...| .. Thursday. September 28.. 192:3, 1 -T' UNITED 511013 REPAIRS lble Harry Barron _._....- uuuuuu cvpvvv IIIIIUI szmuzss RAISINST Black - _ 49C lb. - Mixed Finest Canadiati AI I-nj: BOMINION sToRs,Lima:eE1' $ 1';oo*sUGAR $736" Blood and Sand Gives Rudolph Valen-` 4 tino Big Role A A story of colorful Spain. of moonlights. of senoritas. of dancing and guitars---the land for passionate love-inaking---Twritten' by Vicente Blasco Iibunez. author of -The Four Horsemen. ,' adapted by `June Mathis; adapter-of that production and directed` by Fred Niblo, who directed The Three Musketeers," [Such is Blood and Sand." non.-..:.... `D....l..I._L 1r_I_._i:.,, I I i L-BE. 13 St. Lawrence "<':HI~:E'1-: C 1b.; % TEA KELL`0_GG S% CORN FLAKES SPECIAL BLEND yva SELLFOR LESSM 3 Ts... UNITED SHOE REPAIRS _ St. L99 DUNLOP smear 29c was-v-ucoc-a11Iv3 24 13?. ...------- av-u-uuI IuvIIIJr\I I1I..I\ Ifl there is a laugh in your system. Billy ' l``lt-'ui"' _ _ King. in the musical comedy `_`Moonshine," i `l*'.V by the Nl"""|tl-*``- W|`kT- "15 W- A- will bring it out, and he will literally keep ..,. u. \||oII' urllllllls llllllllllls work of the Humane Society was i The to the the Fair on Tues- *Tl10I`(l|.).'\`()ll. \\~'lio`di;~`t.ribute(l yellow badges you in convulsions of mirth during the!l 83TiI1'I the l11'~`~'('~"lI`il`"` B9 Kiwi 30 Ani- will be the attraction at the Grand next Monday. with forty Creole dancers and singers. Moonshine is essentially dier- ent from the ordinary theatrical offering. iin that the entire cast is composed of col- t0l`e(l performers. and it is a well-known fact that the love andoability to sing and dance` are marked characteristics of their Irnce. In the role of Judge Booker._ Billy King gives a performance that for pure comedy ranks _with the best efforts of any comedian on the stage today. The sur- rounding company has beenchosen for its individual talent and a wide variety` of ,entertainment is offered during the action of the show. The famous Blue Devil or- chestraiaccompany the production and their syncopated melody and jazz numbers stand I in a class by themselves. ` Iiaction of the entire play. HM,,on_'.],;m," i nmls" to over tive hundred of the school jchildren who were in the parade. Large 9 Be Kind to Animals pennants were tack- fed up in different parts of the buildings on ithe grounds. The September meeting of the Elmvale Women s Institute was held at_ the home". of Mrs. H. Baker. An interesting prograinl had been arranged by the committee, ;Life Beautiful" was read -by`Mrs. Baker. ,'The October meeting will he held at Mrs. {M. Beardsall s on Thursday. Oct. 12. f Dr. Thompson, who is an enthusiastic booster of not only the Elmvale Fair but `also the village and the~Humane Society. lot which he is an` official, has been doing |h_is part in advertising the Fair and also i the business men of- the village. On Thurs- :day and Saturday nights he gave free open A ` `splendid paper on Little Things that make ` vuc mtlvluc lll'..`{lr D` Methodist church-. uvul uuuuuy zn. next summer nome. _ 1 Rev. S. Martin delighted the (people on. Sundn_v with his talk toAthe childreh, itl being Rally Sunday. ' - ` I Av 12 I.` M....4.... .: m.......I- .-.:n -1-- ucung .lytul_v mummy. ` Rev. R. E. Morton of Elmvale will take the service nxt Sunday at 3 p.m. in the I MPf,hmIif nhlnrnlr V ` ' . I ! Sept. 25.---Mr. and Mrs. Robertson "and: `family of Torontomotored here and spent> over Sunday at their summer home pan Q M....c:.. .I..|:._L.-_: LL- _ _,,I uucu Aunt: tutu uuru. The production is a distinguished one. impressivein its sincerity, startling in its; ` thrills, lled with the warmth of a'ne love`: 7T -_.. - ....\. .. , A story of hot, vimpetuous love againsti a background of the most dangerous sport known to man---bull-ghting. Immense; scenes there are of the bull ring. the tre-i mendous crowds, thewimpressive openingg pageant and the charge of the bull. thel cape play. the foot work, the edangerousi work of the devils who infuriute the bull. who dare the beast to kill them--and who often lose their dare. A .\......`....A:...` 1.. ,. I3 1' ` ` ` u_y Auulcll Iu uua \vt`.mQ Iron: [[18 158300. 'h(* .r(` Fpievllt Sumnlel` nlonlhs. ne , Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter and two of xnoonlights. 3;: ;Ita1;V;R`I f' Bi? of guitars---the]chie.Q love-inaking---Twrittenl " ' N - _ _ . . gy vignte `B1859? Ifuligfi 1: ugmr e a11i`iIrli lr`:nrIl*7ii`iii:.l\lii;iih1iiii)dm:f tllV?l((lil:(!)ll(]i iiiiiii our orsemen_., a apte y une a IS; ` that directed 3 few luv`: this week at the hmne of L` Threei Jmws' Sandy ; Special `H`ar\'cst `Home services will be starring Rudolph Valentino which coniesiheld m W-vcne church hem 0" Sunday 1 .next at l1`a._m. and 7p.m.. when Mr. EI?huI\l2 (;:yP!8:;:m;"da])d'%.Wednesday A dill. W. Allin of Toronto will deliver_ special! .9 addresses. MUSICAL Tiger or Eagle SALMON - l s Special Blend - _ COF F EE - lb. CHOICE BREAKFAST BACON, 336 1-8- SHANTY BAY 1 1C per. Package PURELARD $1.84 % V. L. VanATTER LUX " COMEDY MONDAY NEXT mus. TIN` F ive Points. 28 43 . .... _-.- ---an-nu-u rug I HI-svldllll Thomas A; Patterson passed to-`his eter- nal rest on Thursday, Sept. 21. at Glen- cairn. at the early age of 38' years. The deceased was born in Tiny '1`-p. in 1884. On Feb. 14. 1920. he married Miss Winni- fred Carnahan of Glencairn. His-remains . were brought by motor from Glencairn on Friday to the home of his` sister. Mrs. M. J. Lawson._ The funeral was held on Sat- " urday. service-being conducted at the Allen- wood Methodist church by Rev. R. E. Mor- ton. after'which interment took place in Allenwood cemetery. Many were the oral tributes which expresed the esteem in which deceased was held among hisamany friends". The Ball-bearers were Ja.s.-Tripp. Lambert Beacock. Mervyn Turner. Lorne a Dean. Preston Doan and C . Miller. all 1 of whom were schoolmates o deceased. He .' leaves to mourn his loss his wife"; his fa~ 1 uppuunuwul wns puaaeu. Counciladjourned to meet. at__E1n1va_l'e' on_ Saturday, Sept. 30, at 2 pm). Guaranteed Vqluizing. an. .wuu an ui:.- lll(`.lllDEl'SV present. The following accounts were passed for 'pn_vment:- Burlington Steel Co., for re- Ienforciug bars for cement bridge. $11.87; '_Wm. Houden. sheep killed by dogs, $7.00; I Canada" Ingot Iron Co., culvert pipes. $162.40: Thns.-Simpson, salary as collector of taxes. 1921. 3200. . A `by-law was passed to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow for current expenditure the sum of $1000. .h.......l..l.. iv..- n.__|-__,I it - -n cnpcu-_|u.Aun: ll.l_C sum 0! JDIUUU. ~Drysdale7-Scott-Ordered that Thomas Sim-pson -be appointed collector of taxes for the year 1922. A vby-law conrming the appoinmwnt was passed. ' | (`.l\lIl'In" n(l:nnItnn:l `A -......L -1. 'l1\'I_,,, J , F13: Council The Council met at Elmvale on Sept. 23. with all the members present. Tho fnllnwina nnnnnntn man. .'u........! 3-.. VUIIBIIICI Clio V The following appenls were heard: Thos. Allen. against assemnent on northwest quarter lot 14, con. 9; Jno. Whitton, against aawewnent as lexjied on lot 10, con; 9. Flos. I-`_____L i_`._ . , , A. -- U; 1' IUEL Court adjourned to met on Sept. 30. at the Clerk's offic_e_. Elmvale,, a; 2 pm; IJULH/ll: Pear5on-'Sco'tt--O'rdered that all appeals :against the aseessment in Tiny Marsh Drainage by-law, even if given orally, be_ I considered. ` ' I"L_ _II_,,,! - A` ` ` "` I Tiny Miarsh "Drainage Court of Revision re Tiny.Marsh Drain- age aseemnents was held in Elmvale, Sept '23. with -the "following members of the court present: Thos. E. Smith. Jbs. Drys- dale. `Lloyd Pearson, Robt. Martin, Wm. Scott. `n .-.- . :,_. :7\rVi nu ;u\4ID\luJg \/0|. 13. ibnoster lclay lair stereopticon `views of the work and fbenets of the 'Humane Society as well as islides zulvertising the business place of. the fvillage and the Fair. Large -crowds gath- iereil each night and enjoyed the views. The doctor has also a unique way of advertis- ,ing~---h_v f painting dierent advertisements! regarding the Faireon the cement sidewalks in large w h_it.e letters. I/IIC 5| uuuua lWomen home" .'M. ; n.. rm_-...-..-.. ' VIIIKJ D. 2 T Mr.- and Wm. Jones and so_n Billie T and Mrs. Edna Macdonald of Midland spent ; Jone-s. . ,5; aiheld Sunday` .lnm:t. at `I1-u m am! '7 nm ---L--- "-4 I . Regular $15.00, 30x3`/A4 tire for . . . . . . . . . l` ` Guarantzed 5,000 miles $1100 RELINERS-'-30x3`/2, regular $2.80 for . . .- _. . . $2.00 These will add miles to `an old casing TUBES-30x31/2, guaranteed, for . . . . . . ._ . , ; $1.75 Don t miss these bargains 0 I A big iiinproyeiiieiit in the appearance of the exterior of the Bank of Toronto building has been made this week. The painters gave the new brickwork and the lwindow sa'she.~' aecoat of paint and the {lettering was put. on the ivindows on Tues- ir.la_v..which all goes._to make the bank a more up-to-(late-looking building. I 'l`l... .......I. ,4` LL. VI-,, n -' ll!-IUIK.'XCu 1 Union services of the Pre; and [Methodist congregations will be held`on !Sundny. service in the Methodist church jat 11 run. and in the Presbyterian chiirch 1 at 7 pm. Rev. Sidney Martin, M.A.. B`.D.. fof Haxvkestone will he the preacher for the 1da,\". ` l ,, .... .,...... -u -yuuuucn Jlllllllllh. I two] igrxmdchildren. Frank and Jack Roe. mg (`.nn1phellfm'd were visitors at W; L. Rit-1 :chie's. - ' 1 1 up 1`: -_ I uI;A|' (II V 1 uuu I p.m.. wnen Mr.` {R special" A addressee. 'V__:`N . 1. .u .. lug uu: yum WCUKo- _ Miss Annie Turn of Barrie Maude. 'I`r.ain of Toronto spent ,em| under the parent,u_l roof. 1 Mr ml Mr: ur A A..-I-_..-_ ,um uuum um _nul'ellI,u_l 1'00}. ' Mr. and -Mrs. .W. A. Anderson and fam- ily mover! in` this week from the Beach. where they spent the Ll - ..-. .I ll_; 1 1 vv gun a n`.\\' V\'t:CKh'. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hisey attended the Topper-(`mvie wvilding at Elgin Mills "dur- iing the past wek. . Mk: .\nn;n 'Pu..:.` I: 'D..:.._2_ ,, I at- i I IJIPIIUII D. V J Miss Edna Co_o_ner left*on Tuesday for` lNqv York. after being at her home here {for a few weeks. M - ......I ll ... n A -n- .. - - '-.,., ..-. ...,-. .... . nu nnvnvlvull |ua_p nuuuuy. | Mrs. S. Napier .and_Miss Jean of Tot` tenham spent a couple of days at? A. C. Bishop's. ug I2`.|.... l-..,.-_ 1-!` V , In I '1 " uvuuuw. IV. M. DQBCK. HHS WEEK. : John Hisey of Caledon East visited at! the home of his son, C. A. Hisey. < Rex`. R. E. Morton will conduct anni-I versaryservices at Oro on Sunday. _- ' Miss Gladys Scott of Toronto was - a weekend visitor with friends here. Misc Ellen Dobson of Barrie is spending a few days with Miss Lilian McAule_v. I Mrs. Gray and. daughter/Ailsa of.Barrie3 spent a few days at C. `E. Dut.cher's. Miss Nellie McLean of Thornton is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. J. Lambie. Rev. R. M.`Hanna preached -at annivers- ary services in Port McNicoll last Sunday. I Mr; G Mn1\:n- '.....1 II:.... 1..:, r m A I 5! we have the best` equipped T vulcahizing shop in the County and can attend to allerepairwork promptly. uu: nauaug at vvm. UFYSGBIB S. I E; I. Green of Bur-k s Falls called on hisi l `nephew. R. M. Black. this week. ,'nl|v\ :4-nut AC t'V..I_'_l_._ T.`|__A ' '- ' vvuu um uruluer. 1'1. uarnanan. ` . Mr. and `Mrs. Bert Preston of Toronto are visiting at Wm. Drysdale's. E: T u-nan nf Rn.-1. . I.`..n.. ....u...: ,_ :_:_- av ua uuun: uere. Born. to Mr. and Mrs. John Tubman, on Thursday, Sept. 21. a son. W A ~ nornnknn l\` `G......1IL-_ E- __2_!.' Ull uuuauuy, Dept. 41. '8 W. A.xCarnahan of Hamilton is visntin with his brother." H. Carnahan. 11...; u.._-._._ J In,` - MI -\ full 11... 8 ' Incl C. _ H. Edwards of Inglewood spent the wgeki I at his home here. I D--- 1.- ll_ , I II I I -- - m%$&&ma&$;;;} The Late Thomas A. Patterson` THE_ BARRIE EXAMINER Tiger Tires Lead Theni All Fabric Guarantee, 8,000 nailed Cord Gun-untee, 10,000 miles I1 I11: - ----__-__