o usv Flour, Feed, Poultry Supplies, and Potatoes. We deliver orders to any part of Barrie or Allandale The` West End Headquarters FOR ru --u Five Roses $4.05A Royal Household 4.05 You may have a favorite our among` the brands we handle: THE FISHERFLOUR MMS, LIMITED PURE;WlN1'ERWHEAT BRAN AND SHORTS Phons 193 Inna` how Aii='L6ii1i Your grocer has it to sell. If not, call at mill and your order will be deliv-A ered_ promptly. * OUR FAIR IS OVER and an Oro lady was suc- cessful in getting first prize bread, made from 23.: -n-214- -__ '__; ~v.-'l1ich date the Executors will distribute Allandgle PM in I Monday, Octobel` 97, has been pro- I:lt:O1 lclaimed 35 Fire Prevention Day, t0 be observed throughout the Dominion. NT'cE To CREDWORS . During the week preceding, lessons on fire prevention subjects will be f ,. _ _ [given in every public school; public NOTICE `S hereby ewe p`"'s`"`t ` th=meetings will be held in many of the `Trustee Act that all persons h , ' ~ 1 ' ' . . . . against the Fktate of Alice J. &blr!:lgo1f,all:t1: llarger cmes towns and villages; and of the Township of_ Inuisl in .the county I the owners and occupants `of property of Simcoe. married woman, deceased, who,every'whe1'e in the Dominion will he lied on or about the 5th day of September, counselled to give special attention to 1921 3'8 requested '90 Send Prticular of the` removal of :fire hazards from 1 `their claims to the undersigned on or be- their ' ' ' - ' ' ` _ . premises. Fire waste 15 one of fore the l`th day Of October. 1922. after the most Serious economic problems confronting Canada at the present time. The public inigeneral is vitally the assets of the estate among those en. titled thereto, having `regard only to the claims of which`~they shall then have notice,` affected by the tremendous losses an- 1 and that they will not be `responsible to nually incurred by fire and the enor- 1 "`,"3 P"." l' `h`9-95318 Of Said e8t!'Ife;1nous" expenditures rendered neces- 1 xmimw ma" "M um" h" been "'lsary to adequately protect life, and 1 ` ALEXANDER ACOWAN . property from its ravages. Eighty- 1 , _ Ex,c.m,.5~ gocmn five per cent.-of all fires are caused 1 . Barrie, Ohm-jo,'by carelessness, and therefore can be 1 Dated September 19th, 1922. 38-40:; prevented. In view of this fact,` it I - .._v__v v V 099- B1'.Vsn`s Candy Shop Are turning down orders for want of Wheat. Our mill is running 18fhours `.1 day and can run full 24 if we have "the wheat. We always pay the highest price. T NOTE THE NEW WW PRICES mmiuz. ONT. `sis lbs. so lbs. 24 lbs 24 lbs. 85c . 7.lbs. 35c $2.15 2.15 2.15 1.90 1.85 "NO'l`ICE is given to the! havingclaims! Fktate Gordon, late` Innisl, County` who; particulars on` or dayrof ~\'. l1i(}h of those titled thereto, to notice, to. any person estate ~w'hoe claims have re-'; ceived. , 1 Flrnnrrfnnn nlh 5..- $1.15 1.15 1.15 1.00 .95 , Singing is not only inspiring "and ennobling but is a healthy exercise ` says the Renfrew Mercury `in urging . that a singing teacher be engaged for L the schools of _that town. The Ex: -aminer quite agrees with the Mer- cury asito the benefits to be derived ;. from singing instruction in the, , schools. The question dofiexpense is! lithe big obstacle. As one of a com-' Hnittee of the Barrie Board of Educa-I A tion that went thoroughly into the ad-- fvisability of introducing the teach- ing of music into the public schools i'here, the writer was forced to the l';conclusion that the expenditure such [I instruction would entail was not war.- ranted in view of the heavy taxation `: ;for school requirements which are absolutely necessary. says that his observation is that wo- ' The editor of the Meaford Mirror linen, in.'Canadian politics at least, jthey have arrived. Miss Agnes `lMcPhail, M.P., at any rate,'won t lastylong if she continues to indulge in such reckless outbreaks as her re.- cent bitter attack upon the Boy [Scout movement as a military organ- zization, training our youth for warl 9do not last very long, even after land bloodshed. ." If Miss McPhail {had taken the trouble to acquaint 'herself with the history and aims of `the Boy Scout movement she would know that her description is abso- lutely false. The training of this or-' gganization is to develop the lads phy- gsically, mentally and morally, to teach them selfp reliance and con-I sideration for others; in fact to strengthen. them in every for the duties of good citizenship. 4 i Masonic lodges of Saskatchewan! `lave making` a fine` coritribution to! `the upbuilding of elementary edu-`l cation -in Saskatehewan by offering` gthirty scholarships of $300 each to ' `assist prospective teachers in complet- ing their professional training in `either of the Normal Schools of the_ !province. Thirty-one scholarshipsl jwere-. awarded last year under like` lconditioiis. ' ` 5 A professifonal rat exterminator has` pretty well rid~Oshawa of these 1 `destructive rodents, the Reformer re-.~ 1 `ports. Other niunicipalities have |taken action along the same line, as . [people are beginning to realize howii much damage rats do. `It is estimated` 2 that. over $200,000,000 worth of ;'foodst11i fs is destroyed by these ro-]C }dents in the United States everyi .Vear. - ` V 'C , Col. John A. Currie has been chos- en to contest South-east Toronto on" behalf of the Conservativesin the approaching by-election. . .In his speech. of acceptance `he told, with characteristic swagger, what he did to, Drury on a_ certain occasion in North; Simcoe. He did not, however, men- !tion what T. E. Ross did to the Col-" fonel in the last election.- l _T_hanksgiving' is to he observed on jNov. 6 this year. This is the Men- "day of the week on which the anni- versary of the signing of the armis- ,tice falls. Would it not beva fitting! `thing for "the G. W. V. A. to arrange for a short union service at `the sol- diers _ memorial on Thanksgiving Day ? ____ I Motorists are being urged by the! `Ontario Safety League to become _'members of the newly organized =Safe Driver s Club in the interpestsof `careful driving. A circular sent out by the League emphasizes the fact !that duri_ng the first half of 1922 50 per cent. more people were killed `in automobile accidents in Ontario _than for the same period in 19.21. , -The sick man of .Europe has made a marvellous, recovery and promises to be equal to slaughtering many more ..thousands of Armenian Christians. Civilized governments of Europe and America are seemingly indifferent to the Turk s cold-blooded massacres. . ALSO MONEY To LOAN` 7 OWEN i I In 1316 aproclamation was issued ' in England prohibiting. the use of coal, "as injurious to .health. ` To-day we are wondering how we shall live through the winter if we don t get coal. Time truIy'brings wonderful changes. - ` ` %&&$%*$*%%%***%%%$$w%y*%;% . ' ElUu5C auu _uu_: evexllllg passeu In a` V Members, of the Young Women's ;jolly manner with songs, games, mus-in Missionary Circle of the Baptistgic, and dancing. Mrs. John Bowman,| i Church are preparing to give a fare- ` W. M. of the True Blues, who was in; well to Miss Scott of Toronto, who is:charge, was assisted by Mrs. A1-mi-: to leave for India shortly to under-ftage, P. W. M., and Mrs McIntosh,- take `mission work among the Tel--.Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Burton and Mrs. ' ungus under the auspices of the Bap. Osborne. Other social events are to tist; church. She will be the guest of be held during the `coming season the Circle at a special meeting to be and the lodge is looking forward to held on Monday next. an active and useful winter. w-mu-nuyu uuu U 11 Allubnn. I _At.Haile_vbury t'he Rameses Temple `initiated 70 new candidates. `Poten-i tate Dr. Wright of Toronto was in charge of the initiation ceremonies. I I - vA.\.L|\aI \I.|. uuJlDDa About 259 of the Shriners took in, the mile walk from the Barrie depot} to A1l_andale.where their special train` was" waiting for them. There were several loca_l shrine1'sI'in the parade,j including` John Sinclair, Clarencei Jackson, Chas. Edwards, Ed, Ayres, J. Fleetham, J. D. Wisdom, T. W. Wauchope and J. Willocks. I * AL `l ]'...'I..-.L.____- 1 _ N" V The Shriners were acconipanierli with a fine `brass band of their own! together with some burlesque char-' acters including a cop; Citizens who ` lined the streets when the visitors; passed` by laughed at "a .couple of girls in the -parade whose skirts; didn t have any relation to a recentf edicts from Paris that: this express-.1 ively feminine `garmentwas to bef worn shorter this year according to: the new" trend of styles. ' AL-..` nun -1: 4.1.- c 1,, ,1, - i A contingent of Arabs invaded! Barrie on aturday. The visitors, of ;( course, weren't real Arabs but they turned out to be _a happy bunch of!I Shriners from Toronto and they 1 stopped off in Barrie long enough to :1 stretch their legsand take in some fresh air after a long train ride down, _from Cobalt and Haileybury. They?` were members of Rameses Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, a high Masonic order. I tioris at the various public hea1'iiiy:s= Fa-1'me1"s Sun--No` one who has; followed the perambulations of the` special committee on hotel accommo- dation can fail to be inipressed by` the absence of worth-while sugges-' lheld throughout the Province. lne; `Government may still have hopes of; igetting: an adequate return on the; -thousands of dollars that must ha\'e been spent already; but if the mem-' bers of the `committee are relying` to any. extent on the suggestiams grain- ed at open sessions like those held in Toronto early in the week, it will be: a-short crop of ideas they deposit at? `Queen"s.Park'. - A ' | v,: _..r_......_. `on! I i Welland TeIegraph---The Govern; ment of the Province of Ontario in] 1914 expended $4.46 for every man, woman and child in the Province, Last year under the Drury Govern-I ment the expenditure was $9.71 for! Ve1_'_V man,`woman_and child. Mem-E ibers of the Drury Government were` `elected on the plea that the Hearst! Government wasspending too much: money. This is a funny world. | I Perth Cour_ier'--One cannot helpl noticing the unkept and rough "statul `.of many of the small cemeteries ithroughout the country. In many: teases, it is explained, the families` ihave moved away from the district; ` and before leaving made no provisioni ifor the care of their plots. If some! ]of these families could see the plots ias they are to-day they might takea `different View of the matter. r veniences .. '. ; $3500 5-roomed cottage with electric light $1300 7-roomedihouse with large lot, I -stable and henhouse, $15001` S-froomed cottage with water, and -electric light . . $1300? 23%-roomed brick house withi =-water and electric light, 1% i 0 acres land .. .. .. $3200} _*T)-roamed brick house with conveniences, _ large lot,; beautifully situated, $3500; .fs -roomed` house, water and? light, large lot,- beautifully; situated .. .. .. $3000! 6-roomed. brick house `with all conveniences, beautifully: situated .. .. .. .. $1900!` We have a number of excel lent farms ranging-from 50! to -250 acres at reasonablei prices. Teach Them all English E Oshawa Telegram: ` A Galician! girl passed the Entrance Examination` in Winnipeg taking 834 marks out of - a possible 900 or practically 94 peri cent. Three years, ago she coulril scarcely speak our language. This is surely evidence enough that chil- dren of. other nationalities can ad- 3vance easily and readily'in the En- iglish language if they and their pa`:~ I .-ents are `so minded. I -., ..___-_ _--- _ -u. I Hamilton Spectator--Whethe'r den-E vtists should advertise or not is some-! thing for themselves to decide; but? their patients are painfully of thee belief that they have sufficient pull without further publicity. -._ -_' _.- _ --.. I The old game of `pitr:hin.>: horse: `shoes is coming back, and skill is? once more being calculated _in terms; of leaners'- or ringers. Barnyard- golf is a fine, inexpensive pl-1 g`ame.[ n This _Winter s. Songs { Simcoe. Reformer; Keep the homei fires burning and Darling, I am` growing cold, will be splendid na-; tional anthems this winter. | would appear" that Fire` Prevention Day is` an occasion of national impor- tance, andithat the people of the Do- minion can accomplish much in con- serving property by a well-directed campaign of education along this line. - _ 1 %&$&i$;;;;;&$& >3 AMONG EXCHANGES E >3 >14 ' _-_-. SHRINERS-` VISIT BARRIE Commission of Little Value Ontario's `Big Expenditures 711 urn. - Neglected Cemeteries . ._ Arnold & Sloane? REAL ESTATE AGENTS i They Have The PL!" B$r;:_)vad Golf I TRUE BLUES CORN ROAST Over 70 members of the Loyal True Blues and friends took part in a .corn roast in the L. 0. L. Hall last; 'Friday evening. It was the first }affair of this kind ever held bylthel Hodge and `the evening passed in a mus-_! gic, J_ohn Bowman,| W. icharge, ftage, :-Mrs. IOsborne. L- L_I.I _`I_ ..... \IA r...r..u my uu `ulna ugc U1. La. . I g Vespra _Schoo1 Fair was held on i {Saturday, Sept. 23, at the Seventh, ,L@ne schodl house. It vvas also very: _large and proved to be a distinct suc-! E cess. _ M \nAuAA\45) v vnv a.\.v\.Av u , The Fair was held at the Oro Town {Hall and the classes were all so un- fusually well filled that the judges sfound it difficult to pick the win-" ;ne,rs. Both buildings were filled .with exhibits. There were enormous `displays of flowers grown from seed gsupplied by the Prov/ir._cial Depart-! ?'ment of Agriculture, while the quan- :tities of fruit, vegetables and grains :were there in choice variety. The class for cooking ent1'ies was well fill- I 2 ed, together - with the sewing class. A" 4.1,` n]_;1,_;`__`,,__ ___,____ A,,_L1,-, l vvbvy--V; unuu uuc Dcvvxus blabbc :All the exhibitors were public `school pupils up to the age of 12. I `TA.--`V... oIlkf\\1 1..:`- __.- ayu l Oro School Fair broke all records` ;on Mond_ay, Sept. 25, in the opinion `'of A. Hutchinson, Agricultural Re- lpresentative for North Simcoe, who .believes that the entry list of 721 isl .larger by at least 200 than any school fair previously held in North Simcoe. I Y... L]... -_---_-L _A--- [.....u. l.a;vvnvuu;_y upnu Au LVU1 ull L.)lll1\;UC.| 1 In the russet apple class alone 53 ientries were received. fI'\`L 1'.` 9 I I 1 . .1 l\ -- .....u .;...\v L`l\4\I\I\.l~ ` Interest was addedito the case by vthe appearance of Mrs. Willett who iaeted as her owrrsolicitor. When` {she explained that she hadn t been iable to get a lawyer to'act for her ;His Lordship seemed surprised. It's {a pity for you to come here and not. shave (proper advice, heisaid. ` 117 A 1') - ___ `tr rs I . I . ;v;\-\J1.iA vnn_yo U Mr. Justice Mowat reserved his `decision. ` l /6-roomed bungalow. with con-I _-__.-_-..__ - - cunslnn loko SCHOOL FAIR MAKES I RECORD FOR suwcoa coumv John McCarthy_ of Tay vs. Mrs.| Emma Willett of Tay and her son Edward were parties involved in anf issue argued out before Mr. lzisaicel Mowat at the Fall Assizes last T-l`.ll!.'S-l day. Itiwas an action to deterr-"Znc: the_ ownership of a quantity of farm` -chattels seized by the Sherif't' to pay lcourt costs incurred by James Willett; ;in previous action against McCav'tl1_v" iwhom he had purchased a 200 acre farm from some time ago. Mr. Jus-l ,tice Lennox, who tried the case, gave ijudgment to Willett but an appeal `was entered by McCarthy and the Court of Appeal reversed the jud;:- l llment in favor of McCarthy. This ;has since stood. - l 1- `um - - Vryxvyyx uuvnwy, uc `- Dulu. I E W. A. Boys, K. C., i'ep1`esento.di `McCarthy. One witness, Edward! ,Mitchell,.was brought forward by %McCarthy. ` 1\ _. T--._L1, _ -`IHI'_, iwoMAN PLEADS HER own CASE V !AT smcoa COUNTY ASSIZES ,. . Buy advertised things. I *3 Guarani REUN11 BR E T 'l"$ {BED STORE TUBES Regulax{ e ha "1 ,ount Elizabeth St: ;>hne 65w Hkusehold O. L. A. 4.05 Gold Medal 3.75 Star . . . . . . .. 3.65 Pastry FIour-- White Flake ...... .. Five Roses ......