Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1922, p. 3

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8,1922% ntj-.1-E _ `Pair Be 'I.`crwels,.crochet in- sertion---1, _Mrs._ VV. Knight; 2, E. I Davis. 1-\-,1_.,__,_,rI-\-__--I_ 1,__,,,,-`,1, Bedroom`Towels, hemstitch-'2 ed and ini.tia1ed-1, Mrs. P. I_.ove; 2, Mrs. V. Knight. Doiu (Eu nut ""\vI1r\`n .-nn"kuu`\An.-.\.`l ` Campbell. llCK.ilo [ Woo11en.Hand Kn-it Mif..`,.-5, double --1, Mrs. N. Campbll;-V2, Mrs. J. TlYnnI'Inn Va min I. n - n n n n u `vs 1 ll.-.- vui"`7.t;-J1`:-9'1) Yarn, homespun--1, Mrs. A. D. Campbell. A `Dnnf Iiuvn AIu`:n`1-gm nnilnl-.1- Ban ered, white--1, hIf.' V. Knight; 2, Miss J. Mc= `nan. . _Tea Cloth, other sty!e--1, Miss E. 41 . vunnsyuvnuu .B;st-Five Articles, s`ui-table for! Christmas gitf-tS---1, Miss E. D-:rbson;l '2, Miss Jean Marshall; 3,_ Mis J., Quan tz. -I l'\..II.\..L.... AI! fVI..I.`l..-..'.. 1`lV...I- Colgction of Children's Work--- 1, Maxbel H_e1;ring.ton, Strand; :2,; Edith Pratt. Allandale. 1 ` wguuan Vw.Xr:i`I;1'alws-1,.)irs. Calv-art; 2, Miss} F. Bailey. ' r\u`*n..:...4:..... :........:.....4.. ..L.:....4.. ' 'Landsca3pga, water co1~ors--1, Miss Mae Sh-aw, Barrie; 2, Alfred E. Tay- lor. ' 1.I'___2_ . uunuuxn , u, _-__L_.. AA]-.. `VI. I -3- 1 \./(II ' II : 1.. ul 1. T] 3 1 Fine Arts, Class 32 Figure Painting'--],` Mrs. Calver ,| Guelph; 2, Miss F. 'Bai1A:_gy; Toronto. - LanTdscape-1, Mrs. Ca1ve1'-t;' 2,] Miss A. Adam. ' 1 1:2..- 171 11-11 H... n \.v.._ `If. __s_. JRNS AIL 19 its lxualll . Ma.-rine-1, Miss F. Bailey; 2, Mrs. Calvert. V - ' A_:_..-I'._ -I \l._.. t`I.-I-.....a. -'. R12..- iarin, water co1or-1, Miss F. Bailey; 2, Mrs. Ca-lvert. 1'.......:...a-A . \k1'nn+n 1 Kliug IF ILIGALCJ, a, .ux::. uunvpnu. Figure Painting 1, Mrs. Ca12'e:t; 2, Miss F. Bail-ey. I Anim'als--1, Mrs. C~a1vve1't:/ 2, Miss `F. `Bailey. .. .....a 1.1. q1,...;;.1.` 1 Mm r..1_i 1`. Daucy. . ' : Pen and Ink Sketch-1, Mrs. Cal-l vert; 2, Miss F. Bailey. 3 Pencil Drawing--1, A. E. 'I.`ay10r;; E2, Alfred Taylor. ' j n1........-..1 *n.......:...-. 1 `.\Ha: `D ` l 0 JJGIACJ. OilPa.inting, inanimate objeotsei 1, Miss C. Gordon; 2, Mrs. Ca1'.'e'rt.; 1 ......a......'.... .....o.-... ....In... 1 11:55! U1: D. uaa v u: L: 110.116; , u, Ina.nimate 0bjects-1, |Ba'l]ey; 2, Mrs. Ca.1ve1't.` `l.1:,....nn 1').-.nnrv `I 1\II'v-z~ u, :111xcu 1u._yu.u. ; Charcoal,V Miss F.f Bailey; 2, Mrs. `Calvert. gf In-k Drawing on Wood-1, Miss; l Mae ` Shaw. ' ` ` -rs_:_4:__. __ rn.:..... 1 ll}...-. `Mk.-.u ` lV.li1.l3 lDlbdaWn ' * . , 1 {Painting on China:-1, Mxss May-i dee McAu1ey. I (`Vanna-n 1 `Mr:-5 r`o'I1rnv'f* 9 Y\/Han CU 1V1'.\II'L|allUJo Crayon--1, Mrs. Calvert; F. Bailey. 'l').\-. n1 a'|xfn1-1 `xv 'I"\unur no . Danny. I ' I Pencil Drawing, sketch by chAi1-I SING A Increased Demand 1 nnvsouamonm . O Dealers, Bradfo1`d4St., Barrie- I-.I.I S I s A %S:T`UDEBAKER Y-EAR VTUDEBAKER factories are today operating at full _ capacity in an endeavor to meet the widespread demand for Studebaker motor cars. Despite the full production schedu`es which have been steadily maintained, the eom- bined Studebaker factories, on August 1st, had more than 1 5,000 unlled orders on hand. Sav1ngs resulting from capac- ity manufacture were passed on to the public through Stude- _baker s reduction in prices, Touring .................. ..$l3 75 Roadster (3-Pass.)....1375 Coupe-Roadster (2-Pass.) ..... ,...-.....177s ; nun-.. nan: J L161-rr.s1x 5-Pua.. 112' W. 8., 40 H. P. MODELS AND PRICES-f. o. b. Walkerville, Ont. Lower Prices !`u(3uol.lection of Photsv by Amateuri j--1*, Miss VF. Bailey. ' ('1.-.I'l.....o:.....,..c `l)..:...o...... I... 'r:o....IL' I 1VvIv Luna . E Figure in Water Co1o1's-1, Miss! i Mae Shaw. I 1 .___I _ . A . ..- 2.. 1I1_;__. (`l_I____ -I 1 ren-'-1, Willie Pratt; Pratt. - ~ f`AI`__L!-._ ,5 1\L_;-_ ] 5' LILIDD AVAIL}? k7ll(IlVVo J Landscape Painting in Oi1---1, ;Herman Tomlinson; 2, Mrs. J. Newton. 3 *I1.-,__.._ 9,, 1~:v_L.,, r1,1,,, 4 1r~,,. !`I: 8.X:(`i`S`:3:lJi)e in Water Colors---1, {M-iss Mae Shaaw.` iI-_.2_, ___;__. __I__._ 1 11.0-, MAGIC rtJllGlVV 0 ; Collection of Pastals-1, Miss C. iGordon. M 77,.-.) ~r\,s_,.,,1 11 4-,, t'H_n r1,,u- , jwr-Igzii Painted Satin Sofa. Qushmn ;--1, Miss C. Gordon. Q Roots, Class 33 - I ' Collection of Field Roots-.-1, J. Yea.tes; 2, Fred Huse. 1 12 Long White Early Potatoes- {1, Fred Huse; 2, Hy. Kenby. I 1 12 Roundish or Oblong White} {Early Potatoes--1, Chas. Hodgesyr 32, Lloyd Liyingston. ' ' I I 12 Long Red or Pink `Early Po- : tatoes-1, Hy Kevby. T E 10 `l)nunJ~2.n'|\ nu f\|`r\l1\v-inc Dnzl nv-X | Marine, -water co1ors--1, Miss: IMae,Shaxw. , . r\-II__4,-.4 -9 'I'I_,A_`_ -1 119,, A . 5 *& o1ff?o7'o';{:; by mse1r_! 31. Miss Mae Shaw. ' 3 Tnnllnnnun 'I')..:u-.63-an. 1 :... nn 1 4 \JwAAA:y lI\4llo y.12 Long White Late Pota.toes-~1, ;C. M. Hiickling; 2, Fred Huse. 10 `Dnun.-Ital-. .1... (\'|-slnnn I71-\H>n \.u|.u ;, An; .AL\4l IIJI 1.W Rou_ndi'sh or Olblong, Red or? 'Pink Potatoes--1, Hy. Maxbey; 2, A.` ; D. Campbell. ` 1`) Ta-\v\nI Tlfkiln fnfn 'I)nl>nl-nnn 1 Thursday, Septemberzs, 1922 u. ;;.nun;usb, u, L`L\.a\.l ;. 1 1? Roundish ~or Oblon;:uW\'Vhite1 ?Late Potat.oes--1, Hy. Ma.-bey; 2, A., g E. Pratt. V ' \-In `I -._... 15-) .._. `l1:..1_ `l1..6..A....... o I ! J. 1uLL. u`.12 Long Red. 31, H. G. Drake; 3 Covl-ection of : Mwbey. FIV1.-. 'II\(\ Gunny! (\ ` u1a.'IJC_y . I Three_Swede Turnips---1". W. G. KenMnedy & Sons; 2,.E. V. Babcock. _ I T-T . ` Cord T:'us- Standard Equipment (Continued 0111' page 6) THE STERLING BANK fzZI1`cZ%"('El'i$Z;3f.:i%85 Roadster (4-Pass.)....l795 Coupe (4-Pass.) ...... .. 2750 Sedan ........................ ..2950 ` 5-Pavu..;l 9' W. 3., 50 H. P. SPECIAL-SIX Don t keep money idle about the house--in danger of re and theft--simply because you do not nd it convenient to. come to town regularly. Take advantage of the Sterling Bank s offer and open an account by mail. Enjoy the advantages and prot of a Savings Account-have the privilege of paying bills by cheque. Write our local Manager for particulars. Ma%il Yor Savings .01` Pink Potatoes-; 2, Hy. Mwbey. 1 1 1).-.4-nnnn Utv .4, A.L_v. Al|'O|rLI\4~'- Potatoes--1, Hy. SAVE "~ Because 5 effectiveAugust 7 . Itisa Stude- baker policy of seventy years? standing to share manufactur- ing savings with the customer. The quality of Studebaker cars has not been decreased one iota. At their new low prices they represent the greatest in- trinsic values on the market. In justice to the purchasing power of- your dollar, see the Studebaker line, embracing 13 models, before you buy any car. Note these new exceptiohal prices. _s179s a non WE. MAKE A SPECIALTY .o1= A * % _ SHORT CROP or CANADA Willie ' Touring .................. ..$227s `. Speedster (4~Pass.)....2500 j Coupe (4-Pass.) ........ ..3175 5 Sedan ................... ..3375 ' Sedan (Special) ........ ..3550 ` 7-Pam. rl26"iV7.iB., (0 H. P. I UIIAIXIJFJIJ 1241` IJIDIVD uuunxmcu LU N10 gundexsigned and marked "Tender for `Dredging on 1he Balsam-Simcoe Div'mion, `Trent Canal," will be received at this of- afice until 12 o`clock noon, Monday, Oc- ftober 2. 1922. n,,,_zc._.:-_ __.I r_..... _t _......_....A s- L- ;l30DeI' 45. 1366. Specication and form of contract to be entered into can be seen at the oice of `the Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways and Canals, Ott-wa. and at the office of the Superintendent, Trent Canal, lPeterborough. Ontario. 0 L `on nnnnntnpl kn-Jr nkmxcun for 011:: nuns A. IreLerUUrUUgllo UXILMTIU. ' ' . An accepted bank cheque for the sum of $1,000. fnade payable to theiorder of the Minister of Railways and Canals, must ac~ company each tender, which sum wi!l be Iforfeited if the party tendering declines lentering into contract for the work at the [rates stated in the offer submittad. 'T`1-nu nlnnnnn Okna can} {n 1113 Ha I-nhu-hat` l'k`Ht 5l'dLt_5ll 1;] LIIC UIKUT auuulwuqu. The cheque thus sent in will be returned -to the respective Cont1'zwt.ors whose tender! are not accepted. TL- n]'\nI1IIn`I\` Okn nun:-nccfn` Qnntlnrnr I I `alt: UL acccplcu. The cheque` of the succtx-`sful tenderer will be held as security for the due fullment of the contract. to be ent.ere(l_iI\t0. mL_ I___._.,L _ _ _ _ -- A.....l,... -...A -.........-........ 5 I I I v A (H `J16 UUHlvl"1C| LXI UC ClIl'ClClI_llILU. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 11 nurinp 7 `. I I I Moderate rates. Immediate co\;e1`-. Reliable Cviompaniiesv A wiseeman takes part of what he has to protect that which remains. . De-vparfment of Railways and Canals. Otzawa, September 16, 1922. Read The (7}ol\$mIV.H Department of Raitways and canal: CANADA TRENT CANAL Dredging on Balsam-Simcoo Division Notice to contractors TENDERS addressed to the ,4`: _.__1___| NnI-_.1_.. t... 3f<=;s!x la By order, ' J. W. PUGSLFIY.` Page Thr&_ urn: . Secretary. ......l.. 380 Agent Grand Trunk and Canadian National Railways. . -- g - 4ul\`-n ltIl\ll "unvnuvis A mini! B &l$I zaAwmmmm;Wj The Lakeview Fuel and Builders A Supply Co. e e Phones: Office - 962, Residence 9014-22 have broken 'y again, a ailures and succeed. e .to leave to attempt. had nevel ul whe he `getting the " Dare to will forgive remember \\;eWI;n;a'n `ee'i;i}f;tion or you:- n':oney reful-led. R. N. RO&lNSON, Prop. F; P. CLARKSON, Manager -.:____:-:_ _:__.._._-: ' Old King Cole may be a_ tirand old soul, As merry as a dog wi out a flea; But he's gotta come through With at least a ton..or two i ' If hewants to make a hit._with me. _ We do not expect any No. 1 hard coal for some time yet, but will guarantee to keep the frost out with our No. 1 hard maple. Also slabs and. all other kinds of hard and soft wood, sewn and split to order. Place your order now while the price is right. We lllarantee aatiafaction money refunded. I` no I54`-JIlInt\`I an II. as an Al\IIl'\`I II M __ HESE savings are no furnaces claim they _-_-.. A_...__.._ _...I 2. Wby /It Javes Coal- Phone 531 (2) It has the big` CIRCULAR Waterpan that keeps the air mellow. You feel warmer 70 degrees when the air is `dry. Hecla warmth is healthful and ccono;m'cal. (3) The Register of the Hecla Pip:-less is scienticaily planned. It Vis,the right size for the heating capacity. The cold_ air balances the warm air. No heat is" lot`- in friction. THESE considerable. Owners of Hecle Pipeleee save from 25 to 50 per cent. Aneury- year economy good for` the rest of your lifetime. llhtented ruszn J0lN'l'S make 3,` ;`,`,,',',,_`,;f{`,`,`_ `N': nf`_f,':"; this tem proof I t leeke - .g..'. t........_ "' "' *-.:::_~-'.'.:..:*t*:::.':':.:`.;"" at 65 degrees `when the air is moist than at ` II U,UIGl'Il F1! 3?... or dust. .41i..i.I...s., 13XizR11i_PhI{J4ii ----a-._---_AAAA` Lel Us Give You an Estimatne g- A-V M01 FATT es an amaz- light, even tricity, has overnment and found rdinary oil dor, smoke , is simple, 1i)r and. 6 % 1\V\n1\r| GAR HPLTUMBERTAND HEATER . Hecla Furnace. `- The Heel; Pipeless F`u1-na`ce has` all the big featuresgof the famous (1) It has the STEEL-RIBBED Firepot. `Fl-do inunnnn .4:-"1.-an 'th,a I -79:-In fhft` time: `1} ll. I135 UIC Dlfqlh-l4'J.\L1Jl3.l3aJ 1'u\.yvI-. Thns mventxorg - gives the Hecla three times the radiating surface of the ordinary furnace. - That means more heat--less fuel. At least one ton savedout of seven. rues. no cutting up or wu Only a imall cellar needed. I Owen St: 'Z;6Eo'cA1>'ruRD THE izi-:s, % A 4 AT BARR]!-1 S ANNUAL EXHIBITION ] U-RICA , Four Button Holes, tailored, cloth {gar_menAt---1', -Mrs. A. E. Pratt, A1- landale; 2, Mrs. R. Armstrong, Cundl-es. 1- ._..__\_.'.1. 1 \I'.._ IV E \ Ladies Work, Class 31` V "Baby s Bonnet, crochet, ta.tting or ,homem` 1ace--1, Mrs. Geo. Sham- ; non; R.R., Barrie. r n..n...v.. n......:......'.. n........ ......a uni.-.m W000`, .UOlllIlgIWO0(l. Four Butt-on Holes on Cotton, un- !1aundered--1, "Mrs. V. Knight, .41- Ilandxale; 2, .Miss J. Quantz, .\11an-'. dale. ` | .. -r\__;;___ 1--r-1-_ 4-:1_.._: -1.,a.\_I g L\uI5uL, tllluuualco I I ,Chi1d s Dress or4Coat, made from `old garment, not co_tton---1, Miss {Mae MacDonald, Allandale; 2; Mrs. {E. A. Harris, Barrie. OR GAS A _I.Ul1, 1, AIIIDD .IL_. La. \II]allly|l'JAl- Fancy Needle work, single piece --1, Mrs. C. W. -Flynn; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell. - ' .14`nv\n1V rIuVVII7 nnf nu-;n3nnnA 3n J37 \JDL|L1JIll7ll- Fancy Work, not mentioned in prize liwt. 1, Mrs. E. Davis, Utopia; i2, Mrs. V. Knight. Tjnndl-nnnk3nPn Hand 1'w:n1h1nr1_7 I van, sI.oA.\o, Aaumnsv. , Ba.'by s .Carriag&Co\'er and Pillow, -emJbroider_eQd-1, Miss Ethel Green- wood, .Col1ing1wood. ` "mm... n..++..... u..1,... .... n..L..m nu, \JuuuL'CDu Boudoir Lan1`pshade--1,, ;\Irs.V V. Knight, Allandale. I 1ku`1A n maa Inn f`nn.6- nnufln |'v.r\I1\ Child's Dress,.hana work--1, Miss McAteer, Angus: 2, His-s Mae I MacDonald. T I _I I'\_II C II}... Y.VII...- Y\..L XVI cu; uullalu. ' Dressed Doll-1,T;Miss I-men Dub- son, Barrie; 2, Mrs. A. E. Pratt, 1-`Dressin.g Tasble Scarf. em.bmi(1er-l 3ed-`-1, Mis sVE. Dobson; 2, Miss Mae ! MacDonald. ' `I`L4~L~--!J_--. ____--._A.!,...,.I 1 11.... ` Em-b1'oAid;er_v, conventi)nal~-1, Mrs. `Geo. N. Campbell. `l'3...|I...-4.Anu n:v\:v`ts' -An-nn nnlnunrl `\J'CU- L`: \Ja:lll'll|lUIlu I Emlbroidery, single piece, coloredl si1k--1, Miss Mae MacDonald; 2, `Miss E. McA`=teer. ] - r1..`_|_._..9.1._... _.._...1._` ..s,_.... ...L:o.. :3 115 up. Lae, let c1'ochet---1, Mrs. V. Knight; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell. Lace, Ir-ish crochet---1, Miss C. Gordon. / 1 Lace, handmade, 3 styles*---1, Mrs.` V. Knight. Lady's Avp1on, fantcy-`1, Mi-ss E. `Dobson; 2, Miss C. Gordon. T'...Inv .- A nun v\`n:r| `I live flnlx `hlrison, 24.6 is offering ays FREE FREE to ty who will ite him to- Al.. __I. ` 1{urUDU;l, u , .u lull!-I \J- u v: uvu . Lady's Apron, plain 1, IN. Campbell, Orillia; 2, i Adams, Oro. Y ..,I..'!.-. A '\I'II\v| nnunk An Lad};"s A1->1'(`)n, porch or --1, Miss J. Quantz; 2, {MacDonald. , .1__v_. 77-.-. - ` 1\__,...... [ gV!I *5`: AVl'\J['3|uKi\./In O Embroidery, single piece, white sil-k-1, M-i-ss `M. E. Campbell. 13......" :<.........: 1 mt..- r :1` xv-.." I "1:`ancy Spread--1, Mrs. J. F`. New- _ton; 2, Miss M_. E. Campbell. TB.-.v.p-uv `KTAAAIA `Iv:-\vv`r ninu-`A r.:nnn 1., HLIDD U1. :1. \r&I|AyvI.nn- I H, Aulu V. Lxnlnbnnlu Handkerchiefs, hand trimmed- 1, Miss J. Quantz; 2, Miss C.'Gordon, } A ngu;_s. Y nnn Rlnf nu-nnl-unf ,,,,1 1\I'I~ `T I Q, AVRIDD .1: .'1\.l(l/ll-Jb)- La_dy s Fancy Tea Bag, other than icI_'ochet-'-1, Miss Ethel Greemvood, 'Co1ling1wood;-2, Mgss Jean McMillan, } Col-I-inglwood. 1 -1 ...:..I.. !1.t\V\/'|:`lVI\`l\ 1 `.\Jim- 12` . l\J\ll'LAAlb'IV\I\J\;|- ! Lady's -Cvami~sole-1, G~reenwood; 2, Mrs. Geo. ` .v1LlvA.lUAlul\A. made-1, Mrs. Geo. N. x , { Lady's House Dress, I I 2, Mi`ss A. Adams. r , 9., IV____-_ rn_- `l\.__. j Ladyfs Convalesgcent I2Miss Jean Marshallx .2 {MaoDo`n.a1d. . ' .. 1* -.a_.)_ 1..-.I_-....`A.......I `A1 . IV} U.UlJU`llvdyl U . I 5 La,dy s Emrbroidered Night Rumba; 3 1; Miss E. Greenwood; 2, Miss G. I. 1 Cam-pfbell. ' r....a..v. m........, `1r..aIm..+1 Mina W. eaned 1 buy. I \.;uu.1'put:u. I Lady s Fancy `Ves`tee-1, Miss E. Greenwood.- 1-_.:.'.n.. -n.....1...l rn......... .... (V....... \Y| IZCllJWUUUo ` Lady's Beaded Blouuse or (}own- -1, Miss G. 1. Campbell; 2, Miss M. IE. Campbell. I T l\ Aqoln SAM IInn,`1\in'lIn T .v\nrnvv3o Qnf I I`J \JClIlll UUIln `Lady's three-`piece Lingerie Set, e1nIbroidered-1,,.Miss M. E. Camp- `bell. ~r ,-1__._..-- rn_.|.I- 11.......... ...\I......A A... E :L.ibraryV Table Runner, Lcblored em- lbroidered-b--2, Miss E. McA1eer. 1 :n........-. rl!..I..1.. 'D..nn.u. Aohnu no.-In `uluxucxcu->--0, Anson A2. auulxsucn. Li'brax`y Table Runner, other style ---1, Miss J. Quantz; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell. - Tuna}-{Ann Q13} '1 ninnnc-.__1 Minn Klwllllllcllf ! Luncheon Set, 7 pieces--1, Miss Jean" Marshall; 2,. Miss E. Dohson. " Lau dry Bag, T worke Mrs. Geo. .Camnbe1l.. 1 -Modern Bead Work--1, Mrs. G. N. I >C`3;m$Iibe11. - = . V Dlnnn ("noon nqh- nrnnhnf om- U-uu)pIuI:u. '. Pillow Cases, pair, crochet, em- 1bro.idered---1, V. Knight, 2, Miss G. I. Campbell. I `llnhn `I)IInuv Q1-inn. Anny nnn"hI-tnv-_ ` LVLl5B '\X Pair 'P;i1(|:;jday, embroider- ed--1~. Mrs. C. `W. FIynn_,; 2, Miss Jean Marshall. 15.5.. 71211.... 11--.... ....-.L_-l.1......A ! 1;;i`;`nI;iall{;.;\:.,. emIbro1dered-- 1, Miss Jean Marshall; 2, Miss E. Dobson. ' Ir`)- .-._L:_.. ----_.I._.I.1.. -I \.l:..... !.lJ\ 1 Pin Cushion, washa1b1e-1, Miss Dotbson; 2, Mrs. R. Mclntyre. -n..:u `.a....... 1 11.... 11.... `I'mH.~H nan who has Presbyterian has been ap~ `by Coiling- wi13`{-`zi&3nT Quilt, Elliott. `.1111- Rag Mat, hooked--1, Miss Jeanl Mansh-all; 2, Mrs. I.TWilliamson. Rag Ma-t, bra,-ided-1, Miss Jean_ `Marshall; 2, Mrs. R. Marshall. Rag Mat. any other style--,1, Mrs. R. Marshall. t\.e_:-. 11...: '1 .-u.-.... 1: `D I\u LVLUJ. Dllnlc Sideboard Sca;rf-1, Miss M. E. .Ca.m=p*bel*l; 2, Mrs. V. [Knight ,o1:.....'.....-. l~..-.uAn-h- ,,,, "1 "Ilium `I-P. .\I"dJl..ll`p'lJt7.H , 5, Ulla. V . 7 134115;: 1.. \_Sli.pp'ers, boudoir--1, Miss, E. `Dobson; 2, Mrs. R. Molntyre. cn......1.a.... Q-v.`.....1 1 11:55 A Adorn- .IHl.ll.UlIu Qxrilxt, `any other kind-1, Mrs. Roibentsy 2, Mrs. Geo. Eliobt. vRa.g`J., Mrs. A. Ca_.mpbell, f\-tn '1V.l.'l3. U61). AV. u~aa.u=pIuc_u. - _ Swewter Goat, any other.kind-1, M1~s.,G. I. Campbell. a...c..' 13:11.... .111. nmmnninru 1 by 1.11.15. 11.5111. Sweater, pullover, knmed--1, -Mrs. Geo. N. Campbell. mil` nit`! n}|nIh b3vIR_41 l uu`a.,u Au vauspuuvu. Sofa `P-illouw, silk, enmbmidery--1, - Miss E. Mc.Ateer;T 2', Miss Mae Mac- Dona.ld.~ (1.3. 11211.... -41.-.. .A-.i.. 1 Ilinn uejivice Tray. embroidered, mou`1'14t- -ed---1, Mziss Jean Marshall; 2. Miss -Ma.e'MacDona1d. - l1____.l-- lI|.._-- `_.a;.g_6A.I' nnnglmn `.l.lU'lJVUl.1, 1, 1.7115. ll: Au\.u.a.u._y.:c. Shoulder VSh'a.w1-1 Miss A. Adam; i2, Mrs. E.TA. Harris. -uullnun-up 1 n{O-fn .1 i 10!`: Hill! LU- Also ask an get the erience or per month. llU1ll\ln ` . Sorta. Pillow. other sty1e-1, Miss Mae MacDonald-; 2, Miss C. Wil- lliams. T T . J:I._._..t-.. I-n....-.' ......\.....:.I.......I I ...n.uL Ul'Uu'L, 4LVl.`l-ED UVCIDIV uvuuuuvuu Tea Casey. emibroidered--1, Mrs. A. G. MoNa1bb;- 2, Mrs. Geo. N. Camptbekl. T Tea. Casey, wool-1, Miss Jean Marshall; 2, Miss Ddbson. 7)-!-. M19 IWIAALQ 1;vu\{KI|4\_su-oi` bL|!bIolullalU|L"'l, xus-an 1'4. vltuuwuvn. `Fable Centre, French and Madedna embrovldery-'-1, Miss Jean Marshall. `Ruble Doyleys, set of six-1, Miss E. Dobson. . . - ' . 1`aIble'Ma.ts, set of six, interlined- 1 ll}.-an `I `I\;uLu-anu- 1 "`Ser7v12"Z-B:`?' mounted, crochet.-- 11, Mns. V. Knight.` Pl\L.&.4.:u..- noun -uh-nun nfhiho nun vrinnn T ' Timing,` one `;'1'ue;e white, one piece` coloned-1, Miss Jessie Johnston. III-.. 't'I......... ..-mils:-Aloinuaul 1 kl:-n uuunuuwu, a, .Lu.1an u.- .5: Pair Tray Cloths, emE:; i:l' ` 1, Mrs. N. Gampbell. fl\...$.Io. (VI.-54.1` and Qziv Qnunriai-`Inn 1., 1.711%: L`: \IULl.IllIllULlo . i'l`azble Cloth and Six Servieitea, 1nit.ialed--2, Miss E. Greenwood. 01!...`-.I.. nnbtdunn `lnnnnh n-n Ilnnno We JJLIUDULI, 0, A1119: At. AIL`/J-lL\oJl\an -Quilt, 4down--1, Mrs. Geo._El1io1t, In nwninn ,' #135 III 9 IJ\lIIU\ILlo ' Tea. Cloth, let crochet, embroid- patched-1, Mrs. V Geo. k New. "`:-xE'Bf.RRlE EXAMINER l, A Miss E.` 0. Shannon. t . `Jacket--1, 2 , Miss Mae machine Campbell; I bungalow I .-\I.isVs Mae I rs. Geo. Miss A. Verandah Jacket, knitted `or; crochet-1,.Mrs. T. Mijtbee; 2, Miss J. McMillan. - I - Work Basket,` decorated-1, Miss] J. McMillan. T ' Woollen Gloves'---1, Mrs. Han:~.:e_v.: ,Woollen I-Iand Knit Socks, coarse` '--1, Mrs. J. Campbell`; 2, Mrs. N.; Caxmplbell. i 1I7....n..... 11-..: 11-:-; :....1...' A-.. . 3 Toiiet ad fand `Covers--U-1,M1ssI E. Dobsdn; 2, E. Davis. ` T 1):`... D:-\:`uot\n\vv\ 7I'\4u-.-nl.-. nu-..nL-L :... 6, .7113 V a 131115111. Pair Guest Towels, elnbroider-e-.1---% 1, Miss Mae MacDonald. ` \JK4NIAlvw`|JK3IIa Woollen Hand Knit Socks; fine--'- 1, Mrs. T. Millbee; 2, -Miss E. Mc- Ateer. g t 11-..; "7__SL an-~44, .1__-1_|_ `m_'~I,`uee1u Greenwood: 2,`_MAr_s. V. Knight.- ' `Stu

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