Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1922, p. 9

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UUIU WDIU Dvvunuu attention.` otion was passed' aying Company ; ymg cheque. ._._ -2! ._....g Ills auu cvcunug, auu ab 0 p.Il.l. Wl UUHVUF an address in -the Bible School at. the Rally Day service. The pastor is conducting anniversary services at Edgar for the day. Read The Examiner Adlet Column. 4150 -GOPIES 21%, 1922 Iilor OF Post; Office. Lde Iited - g c;- * ' ' -- Harry Barron was in his usual ex-l cellent form and delighted the aud-9 ience with several ne numbers. The veteran Jimmy Fax, known far. onable T The concert on Tuesday evening was one of the most enjoyable fea- tures of the Fair. It was held in the main building andattracted over 700 people who were treated to some cap- ital entertainment by several talent- ed artists, together with. musical se- lections by the Barrie Citizens Band to top off the program. - ,.-_.,. bMiss Vrooman was besieged with questions from interested mothers to whom she explained the use of bath- ing articles and preparations for young babies, together with the best means of artificial feeding. _The De- partment, however, does not advocate this but favors Nature s method. Shoes, stockings and other tiny ar-I ticles of appa1el--those approved by the best health authorities `of the pro- vince--formed part of the interest-l _.,e I ing exhibit. avtv, vlncuy nuuucxtan. Miss Lau1:aiVrooman, the Public Health Nurse in charge of the booth, explained that the tiny bed \v:1 s just as good as anything costing many times as much. In other words, the Provincial Board of Health believes that even if a child is born with a sil- ver spoon in its mouth that doesn't necessarily mean that it is going to be a healthier, better baby than less fortunate brothers and sisters. And to illustrate the idea the` clothes has-I ket cradle was evolved. | II" I! ~ Child Welfare Exhibit An ideal sleeping bed, or bassinet, for a baby, and one which can be made for next to nothing, was in- cluded in a Child Welfare exhibitl shown at the Barrie Fair by the Pro-I vincial Board of Health. The bassin- et cost practically nothing. , It-zvas manufactured out of a common clothes basket, trimmed with some soft, cheap material. ! `lo v 'u- Immense yellow pumplcins, healthy! looking squash and other kinds of! farm produce reflected careful eul- tivation and attention on t e part of the growers. There/' werealso gi:-.nt' stalks of 'corn ondisplay from Sim- coe s best farms, proving again that ~ this part of Ontario can produce com of the calibre and size that Kent. and Essex counties boastrabout. mscom) THIRD DAY OFFSETS RAIN Loss Barrie Fair +h10 izBehind $600; Tuesday, Takes in $779 ; on Last Day ; THDBARRII-:+ EXAMINER I6 PAGES cil's intention to ved roads it had ere were several 1 _AL-_L-;--n A Big Human Pictupe of the Great`l7Vo1-thwest! A tender love story, with thrill-swept action every minute ` And the `most daring climax ever lmed! i'ER1i{0Yo Eamon IN 1>Ass1Nc THE BUCK (Continued [from page i). Fine Concert tUSU_AL PRICES T SHOWING rnlnnv-smnnnv SECTION 2 P1/XGES 9 TQ16 59* Y9 The success of the concert` was to` a certain extent marred by the wear-; isome `wait while a dressing room was ` `being prepared for the comedian and iother arrangements completed. 1:` w vuuylvbal unnn, uuvxvusllly CHJUJCU, Daniel Quinlan, President of the Barrie Agricultural Society, acted as chairman in-his usual obligingi style. I]__ _,____,,, I` A` A` ' l 'and wide as one of the best" inthe business, was never better, and the Ferris troupe were likewise appre- ciated. Taking it altogether it wasi a `capital bill, thoroughly enjoyed, I nnnn] nI1:h`nvu `D.......'.l....A. ._ .|.L.! USES Girls 6 to 12 months (9 ent-riesl.-Aileen 3 Clifton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D.i Clifton. Barrie. ' 2. Lillian Margaret Apple-' ton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Ap- pleton. Allandale. .3, Margaret Marie Coutfs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Coutts. Midhurst. - _ 1 Boys 12 t.o,l8 months (6 entrie3l-John Donald Cochrane. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Cochrane. Thornton. 2 , Wm. James Cheesman. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Cheesman. 102 Elizabeth St.. Barrie. 3. James Ross Nixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Nixon. Barrie ; Q . . . u ..... ._L..)..... 11... I. 7 I V` um. 11.. nu-um. Durrle. . Sweeptakes-Best boy. John Donalutli Cochrane; best girl, Aileen Clifton. ---------- 1 --Excellent service given at the hairi dressing parlors on Clapperrou St... near Fi"e Points. Experienced lady in charge. I Phone 910J. . ' 38p .:________________ 3 auu nun. nruual Duluwul, nuulmzue. Boys 6 to 12 months" (7 en:ries)-.-1. Stephen Bruce Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Powell, Eugenia St.-. Barrie. 2, Vernon Arnold Spearn, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Spearn. Burton Ave. 3. Bernard` Wakeham Rich, son `of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rich. Barrie. ' tV:_.I_ n ;_ 1n .1 _p\ - IIIUIILIIB I/UUIC were IIU ULIIIIIUS. I The onerous duties of judging were care- fully performed by Dr. A. Hart of the Sick Children's Hospital. Toronto. A staff of nurses, including Mrs. F. W. Otton. Mrs. -D. Gauley,` Mrs. A. C. Brown . Miss Train and several from the R. V. Hospital. as- eisted in looking after the little contestants. A Prize Winners I Boys 1 to 6 months (4 entries)-- 1. El- mer.Charles Crow. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Crow, Grenfl." 2, Kenneth Henry lPlunkett. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Plunkett. Barrie. 3, Ralph Hunter. son 10} Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter. Barrie. '1 {Ii-In 1 On R nunntkn I`) ....6..I....| 1 I`... i 15. um. auu nus. vvul. n.uult'l'. DuI'l'lG. Girls 1 to 6 months (3 entries)-1. Gar- va Mary Elizabeth Vulois. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Valois. Barrie. 2. Eve- lyn Dora May Baldwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Baldwin. Allandulg. 12...... A 4... In .......4-1...`:-I ..... -7 I Ul LJDIllCo Owing partly_to the unfavorable wea-i ther. the number of entries this year was not nearly so great as last yeargonly 29. competing. There-was very keen compet- ition. however, iund the scoring was very] close. `In the class for girls from 12 to l8 months there were no entries. A I"L.. A... ...... .. Anal... .4` 1--J-3-.- -----4 _r--- 1 THORNTON AND BARRIEI BABIES an-:1` TOP` PRIZES} i The -premier place forboys competing at ithe'Better Baby Competition held in con- inection `with Barrie Fair on Tuesday was iawarded to John Donald Cochrane. cf IThornton. while the corresponding place among the girls `was given to Aileen Clifton' of Barrie. ` (\._. ..,.Ll,, A AL ,, P ,,, LI (Contuzinued 7(-Jn7}');#'e 16) kwheat crop is reports by A. ral Represent- 15-2 g In defense of the suit brqught by Thomp- Ison and in support for his counter-claim of $10,000, `Gould contended that the farm was not worth more than two-thirds (if `the price (agreed upon. He claimed that `some five acres of it could not be cultivated 1 F\Lll""`au ` The farm in question lies in lot 2. con. 11. Eesa. It is near Cookstown. In the fall of 1920 -it. was sold by Christopher vThompson. now of Alliston, to Stephen J. `Gould of Collingwood Tp._. who was then residing near Thornbury. An agreement of sale was drawn up between the two farm- l em; for 3524.000. 331.000 of which was paid at theitime. Then. in March. 1921. when Gould took possession, he paid Thompsoni $10,500 in cash. making a total paid up at` !that time of $11,500. Later, in the:=um- jmer. there_ was some talk of clawing the deal. `and in 1921 G_ou_!d declined to pay , :myt.h'n9: further. claiming that-A'I`hon1p=on [ misrepresented the farm -to him at the time of the -sale. Suit `for $868 was sub.cequent- ; ly entered by Thompson. and in reply a counter claim was made by Gould for $10.- 000 on the basis of misrepresentation. The sum sued for by Thompson inclmled a prin- cipal of $100, plus a. _vear"s interest on at ~(`:'`r`l:i'.V'tt3Tar iriofggflgethof T$12.57a g:\'ellt`lD_V'l I; on. n conrpe e e pzi_\'men . oge .ie*' iwith $25 for fuel and -$47.70 for the ad-l ijustment of taxes and insurance. Thompson purchased -the farm in Jan-' uary of 1920, and placed it on the mar. Iket in May of_the same year. A realtori in-amed T. J. Sproul, of Allis`on. handled I the sale from Thompson to Gould. I 7,, ,I t , 1- .1 -. I --v wl i`ll`1Ie Gould witnesses included A. G. Ar- dagh. A. W. Beairdsley, M. Sherman, H. G. Arnold. F. Clarkson. E. Lewis, Clifton Kell. Wilson L. Kell, Wm. Henson, R. J. San- derson, Jno. W. Hutchinson, Alice I. Gould ---12. For Thomnson--Henr_v Coleman. John Campbell, Reuben Glass, W. J. Cor- bett. Albert Downey,_ T. J. Sproul, Wilmot Thompson. W. N. Wilson, Mary Thomp- l sxnn----9 ` LKIIUU Wll C35 WCIU Ilcnlua The case arose over the sale of a farm near Cookstown by Christopher Thompson to S. J. Gould for $24,000. As a result. of the jury s nding, Thompson gets the whole of h s claim for $868.15 against Gould. and in the latter's counter-claim" for 510.000 damages because of alleged n1isrepresenta- tion the jury awarded Gould the sum of $315 for shortage in farm acreage not men- -tioned by Thompson at the time of sale. Mr. Justice Mowat xed costsin. Thomp-I [son's action against Gould. and awarded the latter county court costs in his counter claim. FIVL, IN I I .~ l An extra session in the 'l`honipson vs. Gould action at the Fall Assizes had to be e resorted to Wednesday evening in order to end one of the most complicated cases ever [heard in the court house; There were so many points at issue that the jury was sup- iplied with a list of ten `questions by Mr. Justice Mowat to help -in solving the in- tricacies of the case. It commenced Tues- day afternoon and lasted all day Wednes- day well on up towards midnight; Twenty-I lthree witnesses were heard. TL- . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . ._ AL` __I. .t _ .!'___._ l$24,ooo FARM SALE! IDISPUTED IN comrr In Compliztifdr Case from Cookstown Both Sides . - Awarded Sums. Lovely Marion Davies` as the heroine of a slrange and beautiful love drama. Elaborately produced in a setting of gorgeous gowns and luxury. .12-.-.... ll.....:.. r~_.._..11:2- -L-..L12,_ _v. __-,,-1 A half-hourfvisit thru Movvie-Land, catching some of fhe World-famed Actors and Actressesas they are at work and play. : . _ -A REAL NOVELTY--_- A Trip Thru Paramounl Town --- ----vs -vuc-uu- I"='rc`>3nv1"Ma-rie Co're1Ii Js' startling novel { { SHOWING MONIIAY-TIIESIIAY Luc` unu uuu1C.`,bU;:ul, Uu1uut:UUye rurm, ion the Mill Road. She was of a kind- ihearted. benevolent disposition and had [many friends. Her husband and one son survive. together with two of her ve bro- thers. Arrlagh Candle of Toronto and Ar- ichie Cundle of Barrie. "BL- l`..___...l _-,, I II vvv u pun; uunulc Ul 1.1111116. I The funeral service was held on Wed- `nesdny morning, in Trinity church. where Mrs. McCarthy had worshipped from child- hood. and was'taken by Rev. Canon Rein- er. _ Interment was made in [the 'Cundle family plot at the Union Cemetery. Allandale bowlers made an unsuccessful attempt to take the Tudhope Trophy from Barrie. Monday night, being 17 shots down. because of gullies and also that farm con- tained sowthistles, wild oats, mustard and bindweed, together with the fact that it! was sold as a 140-acre farm when in reality it contained only 137 acres. Whetherthe farm was sold 15 a loam farm or a clay farm was also one of the questions debated. ! Thompson was represented by R. G. Ag- new of Toronto and,Gould by W. A. Boys, K.C.. of Barrie and T. W. W. Evans of Bradford. . The death occurred on Monday morning. Sept. 18, of Mrs._ Thomas `A. McCarthy, at [her home in Bayeld street. For sev~ ral years she had been in rather poor 9 health and had been conned -to the house for nine months. ` Il.... l.l_IV ,_.LL,,,, ,- u -nuo I 1' I I 3 l J .3 v--.._` _- he Council. went nu Auuc Juuunua. I Mrs. McCarthy s maiden name was Eliza- gbeth Maria Cundle, daughter of the late {ML and Mrs, Thomas Cundle. Her father was one of the prominent lumbern1en in *Barrie's early days and he `also-carried on gfarming. Cundlc-,s.posr office was named `after him. Mrs. McCarthy was born at jth-A old homestead, CIandeboye Farm," Inn fhn NH Pnntl Qlnn Ilvno AC .. lyhul Damages for $200 in a suit for slander! were awarded a returned soldier, Francis` sum of Phelpston, at the Fall Assim on] Thursday afternoon. The defendant was Jos. J. Kenney of Flos, near Phelpston. and the case arose out of a lettei published I in the Elmvale Lance over Kenney`s'signa.-` t-ure last February alleging that Stott was indigent and alluding to him as Eur- opean rubbish." F. STOT'fFEIVEN` $200 IN FLOS SLANDER surr, nu nu. uuauvc LIIUWIID. I These weve handed to him by _Col. D. H.` MacL-areni. Sheriff of the County, who said that the abwnce of any .criminal cases~ spoke well for the County of Simcoe, with} its large area and i-ts population of between] 85,000 and 100,000. I `I ....l..... ll_.___;_ LL__L, I .1 n . no uu,U\lU nuu 1UU,UUU. Judge Mowat thanked the County for the gift, pointing out that the white gloves are emblematic of T the law-abiding ch-arac-l I ter of Simcoe County citizens. | . __:_____ With Mr. Justice Mowet presiding, the, Fall Assizes opened at the Court House on Tuesday. afternoon, Sept. 19. Two civil jury cases and an issue were down on the (locket, and the absence of any criminal cases was marked in the usual manner with} the presentation of a pair of white gloves to Mr. Justice Mowat. TL . . . . . . _ __ L.__._l__I L, I,3,,, L,, l\_I 1\ 11' I !1>A1R or wnm-: GLOVES` [1-`on MR. JUSTICE MOWAT MRS. T. A. MCCARTHY OBITUARY Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . Potdtoes (new) per bag V Butter, per pound . . . . Eggs. per dozen . . . . .. Nc>V.7'I;`;ail-,i i1eat"(v1'1`av;V)_` Oats, new . . . . . .T . . . . . , CLAUDE GILLINGWATER and JAMES RENNIE The Dust Flower A Tender Recital of Romance-- A Rugged Message of Faith- . The Story of a Modern Cinderella. 4 J~ ~5'-""- 5."'l`e`i = GUARANTEED ENTERTAINMENT TJn_o'K\F_wrHoL:sALE ERIE! -ZS COMING SOON-L-BLOOD AND SAND . HELENE CHADWICK Union Bank of Canada Convert Your Victory Bonds The Minister of Finance offers to holders of Canada's Victory Bonds issued in 1917 and maturing December 1, 1922, the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds, bearing 51/. per cent. interest` and maturing in 5 or 10 years. A bonus of a full month's interest will be given to those who avail themselves of the conversion privilege not later than September 30. WE WILL ARRANGE TO CONVERT YOUR BONDS WITHOUT CHARGE suowlivc wanucsnnnuunsnnv { A BASIL KING No. 38 PRODUCTION CIRCULATION THIS WEEK fconier St. Methodist Church Sunday, September 24, 1922 I ! Rev. Geo, H. Knigbton will preach morn- ing and evening, and at 3 p.m. will deliver an arldnaan in #11:: I131-do Qnluunl no 41... 'D..ll.. elours.

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