cnuren, The ladies of Gookstown and vicinity are cordially invited to visit Fisher s millinery parlors. Miss Stalkgr of Blyth is again in charge. ll.:.. `Koran!-at `|'.nmrh'|an_ after an ex- 1n cnarge. T Muis Margaret Laughlan, after -an tended visit with her aunt, -Mrs. John Kell,; -and friends, has returned to her home in St. Catharines. . `II. .._.I II... T T nnnv and f.f.lP. St. Uatnarnnes. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Handy and_ little daughter Margaret and Mr. -and Miss Shan- non of Toronto visited Mrs. David Thomp- son on Sunday. Rally services will be held-in the Meth- odist church on Sunday morning for the Sunday School and in the evening for the Epworth League. t Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams of Watford and their niece, Miss Helen Anderson of Orillia, spent a few days last week with Geo. Moir, brother of Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Wm. Dales and Mr. and Mrs. El- wood Dales of Meaford and Mrs. Jiles and Mrs. Watson of Bualo spent the week-end __:AL 1.1.- tnnrInAQ'n `Julep Arnnld_ M.I'8. Watson ul Duumu up` with the -formex-`s sister, Inc I-III? bun-nu n._..-.- On Thursday morning of last week much regret was felt by the citizens of Cookstown~ on hearing of the death of Edward Arnold. Deceased had only been sick about a week and despite medical skill and kind nursing he failed to recover. He was 47 years of age and was a m-uch respected citizen, In religion he was a Presbyterian and was a member` of the Masonic Order. He is sur- __:._..u i... 1.:.. ....:t.. mm mm small children. member- of the Masomc uraer. ms 15 bur- vived by his wife and two small children. He also leaves his mother, Mrs. John Ar- nold of Allston, and three sisters, Mrs. Durah of Windsor, Mrs. Dem-arest of Mel~ ita, Man., and Mrs. Beatty of Toronto. The pall-bearers were brother Masons: T. McKnight, M. Chantler, -R. W. Glass. Wm. 'I'\:nuvnnI`u Gmidfin. `and J. Donnell. McKnight, M. Unanuer, -1. vv . umsa. nun Dinwoody. Wm. Goodwin, and His remains were interred in Alliston ceme- ~-- D... In 1.1 n....+I.++. nnahztar` hv `Rev. His remams were Intern.-.u ur numuuu w...c- tery. Rev. W. H. Bartlett assisted by Rev. Dr. Whittaker -and Rev. T. R. White, con- ducted service at the house. Friends pres ent from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Fisher, Bradford; Otto Arnold, `Toronto; - r. Dempster, Utopia; Ewiirt Ar- __u n......4....... Tmann Mnnwnn, 'I`nrnn- Toronto; Mr. Dempster, Utopla; rswarc ar- nold. Penetang; Leeson McGowan, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McGow-an, Schom- berg: Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, Tottenham. The. number of oral tributes and the `large cortege showed a mark of the teem in which he was held. Mrs. Arnol and her A children have the sympathy of the com- munity at large. ~ ` Sept. l9.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Birnie vis- ited at Fred Bx-own s on Sunday. 112-- A.....- an`:-`nut Inna uunbnu-nap` `unrnn ta`- menced dunes last week. The many friends of Mrs. "Alfred French will be pleased to learn that she is improv-, in; after her recent serious illnes. M -a Jan Pmu-Ann went for a week's visit men all rreu Druwuu uu ouuuuy. Miss Amy Srigley has returned home af- ter spending a week with her sister, Mrs. B. McQuay, Ivy. `M . an.) Mm (Inn `Wnhin and Mr, and LU. MC\{UBy, IV]- Mr. and Mrs. Geo.`Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Will Reed of Toronto were week-end visitors at George Brown a. . 11.. an.` an I`, Dnmnva `II!!! annn ant` visitors at ulzurgc uxuwu a. Mr. and.Mrs. C. Rogers, two sons and daughtr, of Hamilton, who were the guests of Mrs. Gleneld last week, have gone home, Mr. Gleneld returning with them for a few days. FD." 11' Ta` ant` Mm -Wuurnnrl nf RAP- I01` 3 law uuya. Rev. H. E. and Mrs. Wellwood of Bar- rie, accompanied -by Rev. 8. M. and Mrs. -Beach of Allandale, visited at Geo. Brown`: lone day last week. . _ 11:... Aihmn Q1-iolav `luff. thin won]: {in at. WHO 1VOl'l!)8l Dcuuux nu uunau Day. Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church here on Oct. 15; aho an entertainment will be given the follow- ing evening. Particulars later. : ~ Sulfscrilie for The Barrie Examin- er and get all the news. $2 a year. one any last ween. Miss Aileen Srigley left thi week to at- tend Normal School at North Bay. l--3-----n-u an-u-`nan 111:" kg. Halo` `R flu: "rue Late Edward Agnouu HOLLY M1`. 8110. `M115. 1:. muurc auu uum; In Brampton spent a few days with Mrs`. Moore's pprents, Mmpnd Mrs. J. Webster. ' Despite .the wet weather on Tuesday. a large number of villagers -and country folk attended the Barrie " Fair and Iteported a good time. ,_ 'I"lnn Ilnmnrthf Tpnonn nf the Mathndisf. pent. DUI: Wcun-cuu . M18 R. Arnold. I0 '1'0l'0nl0, -uccuulpumuu nu; um u nurse, Mia J. E. Currie of Barrie. Dan l`.nnnn- hill` MPH Simrlinn hf MIN J. IE4. vu-rue U1 Durnc. Rev. Canon and Mrs. Simpson of Cal- gary are visiting with the former : bro- thers, James and J. '1`. Simpson. II . ..}.A ing T. Mnnro and hnhv nf good time. The Epworth League of the Methodist church, accompanied by their friends, en- joyed a. corn roast at J. L. Brown s on Fr;<`iay evening. ` | `Ii! mlmmann mhn in mm-Irina at Grand I mg alter ner recent senous mucus. Mrs. Jas.APearson went for a week's to Toronto, -accompanied by her former -.--... Inn I I`. (`.111-rip AF "Rm-via. I` I103) GVCIIIII3. I D. E. Thomson, who is working at Grand Valley, Mr. and Mrs. C. Smylie of Toronto, and Mix E. Thomson of Lloydtown spent. the week-end at their home here. 'll'_.._!...I -4 LL- Lanna .2.` {Jun 1-.u:1ln,a nap. me week-end at vnelr nome new. iMarried, at the home of the bride s par- ents, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1922, by Rev. R. M. Hanna, Greta eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Train, to Mr. Robert Minty, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Minty. Special Sunday School -Rally Day services will be conducted in both the Methodist and Presbyterian churches next Sunday ati 11 am. The Sunday Schools are carrying out a special program which will be inter- esting. Everybody is invited to attend. "l"Im Du-gal-nyhn-inn and Mathndint` nnnm-9.. esung. nveryuuuy Ill ulvlwu W uwuuuo The Presbyterian and Methodist` congre- gations of this community -have set the dates for their anniversary services as fol- lows: Knox Presbyterian church, Sunday. Oct. 1; Elmvale-Methodist, Sunday, Oct. 15; Elmvale -Presbyterian and Allenwoodh Methodist, Sunday, Oct. 22. I1 .-av. Hmn- amvui:-an 1173 he nnnthmt. Memounst, Uuuuuy, vuv. ac. Harvest -Home services will be conduct- ed in St. John : church, `Waverley, at 3 p.m., and in St. Thomas` church, Allen- wood, in the evening, next Sunday. The speaker for the day will be Rev. Canon Simpson of Calgary, who also will pI;e'ach in Wyclie church, Elmvaie, at l1.a.m. on Sunday. A-gating: nun! Huglnnna :a On `an nl`!`lDl` in on aunuuy. ` - Another new business is to be added to our enterprising village, when Miss M. Hogg of Toronto, who has rented F. C. McGrath's ' store, opens a homemade candy store the beginning of next week. Miss Hogg has had considerable experience in the candy trade. She is -having the store re-decorated in white and is opening up under the name 4;` `tan n`u|nkA`I l`.nnI`1v flail: A OI EH8 DIUCUUII UIHCQ UWUI-U0` Burton's garage on the corner is nearing completion. A large ten-gallon visible gas- oline pump has been installed, as well as two oil pumps. The showroom for autos and the showroom for the Delco lights are completed and have a handsome appear- nnnn en 1-In-iunnynu An knf}: chine nf Hm III WLIIIAU uuu ID UyUuIll5 up In: of the Blyebell Candy Stox-'e.A n...4.... .: non-an- An $191: n!-I complewu uuu nave u uulluuuluc appeal- ance. The driveway on both sides of the` gas and oil tanks is in readiness and Burmn expects to be ready for busines by Monday next. ' An m5;"12'a 't3"'.1a1}.'v'1{1e"}.I."'z1onaay, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.- -I\o `U A Tknmnnnn QIIA 11:1-nan Ilnrlnv- Luauny uuu VVUll$UG Ul IIUJLII WEUR.' -Dr. W. A. Thompson and James McDer- 4 mott are putting forth a great deal of ef- fort to make Tuesday, school children s day at the Fair, the best in the history of ` the society. Some real good athletic events will be run off besides a number of con- tests. Following are a few for which special `prizes will be awarded: Races-l-Ialf mile, 220 yards and 100 yards, which are open to all; girls under 8 years; boys under 8 years; girls under 15 years; boys under 15 years; potato; sack; three-legged; ladies 75 yards; ladies 50 yards`; farmers 100 yards; boys monkey race; boys blind race; boyshalf mile bicycle race; half mile relay race. A `am of {Jun nnntnnfn nI'A- 'T.nron urnntl. relay race. 4 A few of the contests are: Ladies wood- sawing; ladies n-ail-driving; banana race; girls sod-a biscuit race; boys` pie-eating; ladies atiron throwing; and 9. tug-o war, Farmers vs. Merchants and Bankers. 11-..- .... lI`.......l.-... ..-ul 3-nln .3"; 61.; Farmers -Merchants and bankers. Come on Tuesday and help give the children '3 good time, as well as enjoy. your- self. The special prizes are on exhibit in the windows of the'di'erent business places of the town.- V VIVLA l5_2_ J!_-..L--_ Kn..- kn-- `:nnLeu-en`; OI File Io0WXIo' The Fair directors hove been fortunqte in securing, for Tuesday only, gtho Toronto Star Radio car. Free concerts will be given during the afternoon. Th : will of- Born, on Wednesday, Sept. 13,1922, _ u_ .._.a u... I ... A Mnmnddnn n um- Sept. 13, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Jan. A. McF-adieu. a son. 11:__ 1 ....L...I (`..'...'.-J-mll luff. nn Hnndav fnr hers, James and J. '1`. anmpson. V Mr. and Mrs. L. Moore and baby oi |-----A-.- .._....6 11 `any Java u7:f`I MFR` Elmval Fair, Next Week SUPPLEMENT 10% BY Docs,` ass. mars _MORl:`. mus , Essa Council met in Thornton, Sept. 12, with all the members present. 1 The following accounts were p9ssed:-- ' W. E, Stoddart, printing, $143; Thos; 1 Davis, , repairs to grader, Haughfbalance account for lling on con. 5, 8106.48; Russell Hood, putting in pipe, 10 sideroad, 85; Herbert Bell, grading and repairs to hill, con. 5, $4.95; Thos. Berth- olette, putting in culvert, con. 6, 88.85; Joe. Tiin, repairs tohill, con. 8, $2.50; .Wm. Rusk, cement culvert, lot 32,` con. 10, 8496; Pedlar People, pipes, 836.05; Staord Reid, dragging, con. 10, lots 5 to 10, $10.80; F. W. VanDoran, work on cul- vert, lot 1, con. 11, 857.50; Bond Hard- ware Co., Guelph, $36.02. Sheep Killed Albert Morris, 1 sheep killed, value, 86; W. J. Gauley, 1 sheep, 3 lambs, $23; Geo. Little, 1 lamb, 1 sheep, 812; Geo. Davis, - Sr., 2 sheep, 1 lamb, $17; Alf. Thompson, 3 lambs, 1 sheep, $23: Jas. McMaster, valuing sheep, 32; Frank Arnold, valuing sheep, 86. ` ' A K-u_lnur man nd smnnintim! 3 CO`- -9.40; John ` IQCWOT OI H1305; ` An application from Reuben Gollinger for the committalof his_ son Harry, an epileptic, to some institution for care of same, was received, accompanying which wm a letter from Dr. Horton asking the Council to consider nancing Gollinger for the purpose ofhaving his son properly cared for. A-........I..c:..... ....umA I-up (Jan 1'. nnvin sneep, on. _ _ A by-law was passed appomtmg a col- lector of taxes. A- .._...I:....L:.... `l`II\ `Dnulvuan flninanr cared xor. A" resolution moved by Geo. L. Davis and John W. Jennett, was -pused, that the Reeve be instructed to take the necessary steps _to have Harry Gollinger placed in Isome itistitution where he may be cared for,` I .n.._-_..:l ...I: .... .....-I on moat 3n Thnrnfnn |some Insuumon wnure nu uusy Ur: umcu uu. Council adjourned to meet in Thorntoh at the call of the Reeve. correction of August Minutes Should have read: Harold Arnold, 1 sheep and 2 lambs," instead of 2 lambs. W. M. DINWOODY, Clerk. ford tho many people who have not as yet listened to a radio an opportunity of hear- ing this" wonderful invention. n 'l`unm-Inu nftnrnnnn at the Fair them mg mls wonuenuu Iuvcuuuu. On Tuesday afternoon at the Fair there will be a Ford slow race. A large number from this community and village attended the memorial service held at. the soldiers monument, Waverley, Sunday afternoon. ideal for an outdoor service, as the sun shone brightly over the hills, making it warm for the large crowd which gathered to pay homage to the men of the four town- ships, Flos, Medonte, Tiny and Tay, who paid the supreme sacrice in the great war. Due credit was given by most of the speakers _ to the committee in charge of the grounds for the `excellent condition in which the plot is kept. The piece of ground upon which the monument is situated is triangular in shape and is enclosed by a substantial iron fence, which on lthe inside is bordered with a mass of beautiful ow- ers. The cement sidewalk -which leads from the gates at either end of the plot up to the monument is also bordered with owers. The grass is kept green` and well cut. With the green grass and the mass of flowers in full bloom and the base of the. monument covered with cut owers, it presented a most beautiful picture to the people who gathered on Sunday and to the passers-by -on the Penetang road. Ilhllnm-I nif:wnnn,"'Rmnl` fun-niahnd mnnin The day was almost , M.P.P. for Centre Simcoe; Mr. Taylor of I ; took_ up` a collection to defray expenses. . The service came to a close by the audience . repeating in unison the`Lord's Prayer and r Post was sounded by one of the `members ~. of the bugle band. program was compiewu. Rev. W. C. Stubbs, rector of St.'John s 1 church, Waverley, had charge of the fuel: part of the program, which was asyfollows: Hymn, Onward, Christian Soldiers; prayer, Rev. Mr. Fry, a former pastor of Waverley Methodist church; lesson, read by Rev. Mr. A Caldwell, rector of. the Anglican church, , Wyebridge; `Hymn, Nearer, My God, to Thee; Lesson, `read by Rev. Canon Simpson of Calgary ;` prayer, Rev. Mr. Clements of Victoria Harbor; hymn, 0- God, Our Help in Ages Past. At this part of the program Dr. Raikes acted `as chairman, and after addressing -a few words to the crowd called upon the following gentlemen, who deliver- ed short addremes in turn: Senator Ben- nett; T. E. Ross, M.~P. for North Simcoe; W. A. Finlayson, Midland; G. H. Murdoch. Maple Valley; Chas. Sullivan, Deputy- Reeve of Medonte; and T. E. Smith, Reeve of `Flos. While the band gave a few sel- ections the reeves of the four townships singing the National Anthem. The Let `'4' :a `lag :lI`nn`:nl| A` `LA Al|Innun:COA` gn '0" Elle rClIUDullg.IUUlloV _ Midland Citizena'Band furnished music for the hymns as `well as playing a large number of selections. .,'l`he Midland bugle band also furnished some music after the program was completed. 7 Dan Y H Qlvnlnhn 1-nnfnr A` Qt '.`ln1in n Ul VH6 IJUEIU UDIIUO $11; is the intention of the -committee in charge of the memorid to make this n: annual event. ~ . Subscribe for The Barrio Exhina and get all t\he news. 82 a you.` Memorial sefvico at_ Waverley 'c.oonscHooL mas AT ELMVALE AND smoun Two succesful mt-al school foirs were held in thidistriot last week. One of these was -at Elmvale -and the other at Stroud. Both were entirely suceesful, not only in the number of exhibits dieplayed by school nun-`Ha hut n`nn {vs Ohm: :nfnnnn:l- nrhhdu l-Lav FIIU llI.llll|EI' U1 CLILIUIIG unvpluyux U] Killul pupils but also in the interest which they afforded to large crowds which were present at `both faixs. IA. I.1I..._---!_ `L- _....L-_ -1 -_l..:I..:... ........ 3 1E'<':.'1a'sEo;._ReErLni:aCo if $%$$m&&w&&*%wwwe ll! UUIJLI Ill o 3 . At Elmvale the number of exhibits was well over the 600 mark, according to A. Hutchinson, Agricultural Representative. The fair was quite as good -as last year, which was a. record-breaker," he said. In the quality of the vegetables on display it was ahead of last year, due, of course, to the favorable climatic conditions. I I Il'_l\_ '.._-- A .._-.-lL--....I `D-..-4-..-.54. ea 35 J||Ug&. _ The Stroud fair was better than it has been for several years, in the opinion of those who were`-present on Saturday. n..- 4-J tin; innnuooinna mac n no:-nino IOU uuc IDVIJKCUIU Ullllllllli |3U.I.l\A`lBlUll- J`. J. Mccague, Agricultural Representa- tive for South Simcoe, Bruce Morton of Newmarket and Miss Lillian -McGowan act- __I __ 2.-.I._.__ . WHUX WUU WC: 'pI'wIl|v Ull HUUKU o . One of the -innovations was a naming contest, in which competitors were asked to name correctly the dierent breeds of cattle, `horses, sheep and swine shown on thirteen photographs. Edward Green of Painswick won first prize with thirteen correct answers, closely followed by Isabel Carr of Painswick with twelve correct ans- The anniversary serviees of the Method- ist church will be held on Sunday, Oct. 22, and the choir are preparing for that event lunder the leadership of H; -J. Thompson, manager of the Union Bank. , pour W `L! `Ann-so on!` I Nanny HI I56!` U1 U113 UIIIUII Dunn. Eev. W. H. Adams and Mr; Henry, the church treasurer, attended the district meet-' ihg at Alliston on Friday last, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Knight. . T . 11:... Ma` man A` nnrn vinrhatl Mm (`Jun nmguu. Miss McLean of Barrie visited Mm. chae.l Henry over the weekend. ` Mr and Mmn Raw} nuufnhnr ant] nllrnn Illlfy UVCT DUE WC\3l\'UHUo Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dutcher and children of Elmvale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bannerman. u'.._..IA n9r\..II .........4 51... .......I. ....A ...:a-I. U113: IV. DHIIHUKHIIIII . Harold 0 Del1 spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. -E. O Dell. "mg. U Y "\l\vu\C\al\n gang: 1: uvnwur -\InnI:_ I115 IIIUIIUCT, LIIIU. T19 UIJUIL Mrs. H. J. Thompson sang a very pleas- ing solo on Sunday morning in the Meth- odist cI_:urch. |t---_._- Il'-_42_. _.2_3A-.' 1;:_ _........A... II . '30 Mr. EHO. MIC. J33. A. lntiruuucu, u laun- Miss Isabel Cahfpbell left on Monday for Toronto, where she "will -attend Normal School. IV-.. n1......:.... nvL:;#`nA tum fnnmn nf him: UUIBII Ullllllillu Maurice Martin visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Martin, last Week. II ... TIT}-.. .....l A.......LL.._ II` "I`..1.o.nt..'n-A lulu $7113. 7' III. LIIIIIIIIII I10 WXR. Mrs. Wice and daughter of Torontoare visiting Mrs. N. Wice. I Vernon and Wells Fletcher went to Tor-` l VISH/Ill mm. 1.`. VV ICC. Vernon onto on Sunday to visit theinbrotller Tom, who is very ill in Christie street hospital. The good wishes of the community are for a speedy recovery. ` `Ian A Porto:-can mhn in huvino nrnin u speuuy reuuvcry. Jas. A. `Patterson, who is buying grain at Snelgrove, visited in town last week-end. Townline anniversary services were well attended last Sunday, when Capt. Ander- son of Port Hope preached two splendid sermons. The choir rendered {special music. Qnm-Inf. Tnrhro Bald n mnpnn in Chllrnhin THIOHS. LI? CLlUll' TCIIUCKCU BPUUIIII luuaw. Scarlet Lodge held a meeting in Churchill on Thursday evening, Sept. 14. DA nlnnbaomb nf Tnrnnfn anon} {Jan 'WCCl\'UlIU Wllall LIE [Ch-as. Blackstock. l'\-lI-___ L-_ -- ... |I\Jl1`&u DlUl\bUUl\- College has re-opened and soon two smi!-d ing feces will be missed here, namely, Chas. Lennox, second year dental student, and Chas. Carr, third year medical student. Ilia; nnan:n `nnnnv uyhn `Q fnntnlr anu D1188. uurr, mm-ru yeur ulculcru Isouucuu. Miss Bessie Lennox, who is teaching school at Inglewood, spent Sunday at her home here. nr--_|___ .11---- -2 m_......A.. ...:..:;..A _.:cl. 'I.:. on ulunsuuy cvcmug, Dcyu. 1.2. Roy Blackstock of Toronto spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I ("11. nn `Ill nnlrnfnnlr uncle, A. J. N18501:, Uvcr but: ween-uuu. ' Mlas Yvonne Hamilton, who is attend- ing collegrate In Barrie, was home over Sunday. no-An`: Inmhxmn annnf. a fan: 4-luv: at his school. -4 Geo. Fleming exhibited two teams of his horses at Barrie Fair this week, taking 1st and 3rd. 11.. I ........ 11.... am! turn :-1-arnn hum. [IONIC new 1833 WEEK. The W.M.S. held their annual quilting on Wednesday, Sept. 13, when they quilted seven quilts for their mission work. tn... t_:II:.... Aanmn .lm..Mm- nf Mu`-_ and nome DGTC. Wesley Mason of Toronto visited with his uncle, A. J. Mason, over the week-end. uz... V.onnn- `I-Iomilfnn uy'|-an in AMAIMLA Brocl; Jamieson spent a. few days at his home here last week. um- mum .`L..l.l c1....:.. ..........I ....:l+:m. SEVCII quuw 101' Incl!` IIIIBBIUII wuus. Miss Lillian Adams, daughter` of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. -Adams, returned with her cou- sins, Mr. ' and Mrs. Samuel. Raper, to Cleveland, Ohio. -Mr. and Mrs. Raper had motored over to attend Toronto Exhibition and visit relatives in and surrounding Bar- rie. Mim Adams will stop off in Bualo and Toronto en route hom . n _____ _:.._ a.._.|.... Q....o 01 +1.; 8110 'I0l'0ll|'o0 811 101108 numc. ' _,Commencing Sunday, Sept. 24, the Methodist Sunday School will meet at_2.45 p.m. instead of after the morning service, as they have been doing for the summer rmontlm. Preparations are being made to make the S. S. Rally on Oct. let a grand |g..cce,_s:` Sept. Tl9.-Maurice M-artinA of Aurora. was home over Sunday. `II. nu! no "man -u'n1nfnn A` Tnnnnfnl name over Duuuuy. . Mr..and Mrs. Thos. `Hamilton of Toronto friends, in this neighbbrhood over Sunday. b _ ' Ha:-vestl Home and `Thanksgiving servic- ge will be held in New Lowell United church on Sunday, Oct. 1, at 11 am. and 7.30 pan. -New Lowell invites you to be pres? ent. R. G. Halbert, B.A., pastor. Nzwmwau. and 3111. Mrs. Laura I-Iartt and two children have moved to Toronto; where they will make their home. .n:.... A-..... `D:o..l.:- 4-.0 Wnmnfn nnent n 'l;li-IORNTON xnocx September 21, 1922. vx_;:i>M>x<>x 10101010101014: Geo. E."l'hompao' liq;-esent_ W Tqtive |>I0I0I0X0X0I0I0I >I0I0Ei3%FI0I4i Miss Haul Arnold spent a few days in Tottenham -this Week. `II ... `l'\..-.1.l VIVI-....m,nnnn :3 uy;a:;na :n Tar. rontennam `B1118 ween. Mrs. Davld Thompson 18 vmtmg in Tor- onto and St. Catharines. II _ .._.I `II ... W` T nanvann vnffonotl onto and at. bamunnes. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Dawson attended Orangeville Fair last week. ' La-5-`lulu vwd` nf A5l'Id`E nt R few Urangevaue 1'81!` lass ween. Arthur Feltis of Allandale spent a few days at his home here last week. Dakar} Am nf Ru-am-nfnn his Ri- than home. - Miss Agnes Ritchie of `Toronto spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. James Ey nnnnrhsnn days 81: ms noun: nun: Luau wccn. Robert Ros of Brampton visited his sis- ter, Mrs. John Flynn, on Monday. uz... 'l`I-nun might nf Tm-onm is snendiml =8 tew nouaays an-net noun: uclc. Stephen Gould "attended the funeral of his father at Meaford last Friday. II - ..._A ll... Ti LI `Dana and fnmv qnr! ter, M.l'S. J0l1Il mynn, on nxuuuny. Miss Treva Slight of Toronto is spending few holidays ather home here. QL....'l...... nnlrl -o-nnrln tho fnnnral nf his tamer at mepxoru lust rrluuy. Mr. and -Mrs.-D. H. Ross and family and Mrs. Reed spent Sunday in Toronto. `I-- D Mntnon nf `Inc!-nn hf MID. K880 spent Bunuuy In l.u1'uuw. - Mm. B. McLean of Boston visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. Campbell, last week. .--H. T. Rankin would appreciate settle- ment of all accounts which are past due. 111.. D....s.:.... Eugen. IAN nn Mnnnv fnr menu 0! an accounts wmcu nu: pun uuc. Miss Beatrice Fraser left on Monday for Hamilton, [where she will attend Normal !..|.....I DCHOOL The Won'1en's Institute purpose serving lunch at the Fair. Any donation.of bak- ingv will be appreciated. rm... ...n:um-mm u-.rv:i:-m of St- Luke's ingv wuu be appremanea. The anniversary services of St. Luke's church, Pinkerton, will be held on Sunday. There will be no service in St. John s. n- o.....l.... mo 9 M1 J-3`;-lit-L (In-mnhollr 2?."o'3'n"."' IIRL - Y There W111 be no servwe In on. uuuu a. On Sunday, Oct. 8, Miss Edith Campbell, missionary from China, will address the Women s . A-uxiliary of the Methodist church. Nil... I'...l:.... AC Fnnbnituxyn an!` v;lI;n .V RPP. Beardsau. W T James Hannah has `accepted the position of junior in the Standard.Bank and com- menced dutiee -last week. ` IIVL- _....... :..:..A.s 1.! Mn Alfnoa-I` Franc}: