ith the Is Aug. l5.-Farmer here are_ all busy harvesting at present. ' : Mhc 'I?.lr.... I`.-numb ....-L.........l .4... l'l\`..__._A- uuzy zuu.-.1 vmuuug um` xuouer. 1V1l'. Legue. r. and Mrs. Dalton McFadden of Parry Sound have" returned home after visiting Mrs. Sproule and Mrs. H. Lynn. | W... Mznm M:n.... A: n................ .......-....~.r: uua. opxuum uuu Ulfb. 11. uynn. | The Misses Miller of Creemore returned] home last week after visiting her aunt.` Mrs. H. Dickinson. `I 11... . tI-._I-_.. _._.I 4.-.- -_,,, 1'1` .1 ., I An, 1116 -uuuuuaylug uh Idle DUU. inns. John Corbett visited friends in Elm- vale last weeku , uuu LVIIIV. IIICA. KIIJUWHPI/u Mrs. Geo. Crossley has returhed to the city after visiting her father. Mr. Tegue. Mr and Mm nnltnn Mnwndnn nf `Dav-my nun. '11.. 1Ju;luuuuu. I Mrs.`Barlow and two sons. Hartley` and I Tom. are holidaying at the Soo. I Mr: ,Tn`\n nnrknft Iy:a:.nt" Cu:n-"In 3". 'lFT..-.- xuczuuxu awn` vlauuug xur. uuu LV1l'8. Long. Mrs. Armstrong returned to Toronto on Monday after visiting her mother. Mrs. Wallace. It..- 1111),-" _, J I'll 1-11 1'! I an: vlmuus wuru ucr mubucr, Lurs. Dpl'0Ull3. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart of Toronto and` Mrs. Ball spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart. ` ll-.. ft..- l`L.-__I,_. I . .I' vv CIIIGUC , I Mrs. Wilson and children of Parry Sound are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Sproule. Ml` nn Mr: P gh.-nxrnrf Ii` Tnrnntn nu;-3. AVAAO. Lu..'uuuaua amt/cl. 11113. $11. Vl.Ul.JUl1ll. Mrs. Jos. Gochrane has gone on a visit. to her daughter in Russell, Man. Mrs. Gregory of Toronto is visiting `at` the home of James Lennox. Mr. and Mrs. Broley of Barrie spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. . Mrs. Dart of `Beeton is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Givens. ' _ M- .....J `M -.. nm...... 1_..._ __-L.___-_v 4'.- lething IUIJ ICIIUVVUIS Ulll llliliudllll./IIXIUU IIUFC. , Mrs. T. Allen is in Toronto this week undergoing treatment in one of the private uhospitals. mac Dm.h.:.... Qa......... :. ..:..:a:...... L-.. 5naAA\Apg_tci|va._ nu. nun Lura. nlcll. owwurv. Misses Madeleine Lockhart and Nadene Daley of Allandal have returned to their home after visiting their aunt. Mrs. Co- burn. ` ' . Il,,,, `_ . ..,-' . mu, uua. ulvcua. _ I `Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox have returned to Meaford after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Long.` Mr: A1-rmai-.v-nnn 1-nhu-nnzl us "l`mmn4n An Il\l}IIIy'Il``51 ' Miss Beatrice Stewart is visiting her ` gran(_ipa_rents., Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart.` manna MnAn`n:n- `[.....1.L....L ......I `kT....I....- A number from here attended the un- 'vumuu5 uuc nauusl a alabcl, 1.11153 IJUIHIU. ion service at the Townline Church last Sunday evening. xMr unrl.Mrn Q nrnnn`|nnA M- ....A `M ... uuuuny UVUIIIIISO Mr. and Mrs. S. Grose`IaAnd Mr. -and_Mra. J. R. Jwmieson spent Sunday with friends in O_rillia. `,1-..,| .u.-. III \II Illl u Miss Craw bf Peterboro spent last Fri- day renewing old acquaintance here`. Mr: 1` Allan in h\ 'I"nu-nn+n- thin numb M1:s_ Long is visithig her parets in Midland. 11 v 11 I n I up up 1 n LIl.llllalI\I a Mr. and Mrs. MarshalI and `Miss Marshall` have returned to the city after visiting! Mrs. Marshall s sister. Mrs. M. McLean_. ll... 1.... l`\-..L_....._ L__ --_- _ Aug. " l6.-Mrs. Patterson of Toronto, who has been visiting friends in Thornton, spent" A few days with her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Thompson, last week. pair D .R `anrl Mn: 12 nnnn An `tnuon Luau-\ hie: 0. ruuulpaull, Luau W065 Rev. R.- B. and Mrs. Beynon have been visiting the latter's sister, Miss Doane. A nnnnknw `warn Rn:-n nl|w\rlntl AL- ..... nun, laII V`.` CUR: Mrs. Alex`. Robinson and. Misss Verna Rowe. Gertie `Cooper, Marjorie Dunning and Dorothy Pugsley are holidaying at I K-illarney Beach. l OU}}} llls Ill! IJI. CU|)l.`l`o -B_uy your motor oil at Dunning s gar- age and save money. Heavy tractor oil always in stock. Special prices in ve vpgallon lots. 7 . 33c Miss McLean of Toronto [visited her `grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robin-' son, last week. . ll... Al-.. Dl\Lu:'\!1l\._ .....A 111.... 17-....- Read The E'xami'ner Adlet Column. I-L ICIILIB Ill I/UVVIII `Dr. and Mrs. W. J; Scott left on Sun- .day for 21 two weeks holiday. Dr. Dixon is supplfring for Dr. Scott. . . Jun! unnr rnnfnr nil ml nu1nv\unn,n any-, VV Ill: \JUIllCLl'o Mr. and Mrs. don of Toronto friends in town. r\_ -,,_I \t.._ 1115 Luna wccn -uh ucr HUHIB !lt*I'. Mr. and Mrs. J. s. Willoughby of Tor- onto are visiting friends_ in `town. I.`..,1..... - L....,. :....s .......:.....a .. .`.L:.......... LGDU VVCCR UU IIUI. l'aIIlIUIy VVIIU I5 Illa Mrs. Thus. Trotter and children visited during last week with friends in Barrie. man anal nnnAIIy:n kn.-I l\v\ n........4:.... uuxlus I`I5|/ VVCUQ VVILII VIIICIIIJS XII Dulco Miss Hazel Goodwin had an ,. operation performed on her nose in London last. week. mecca Ii` `[(ll;nnnu nut` `D.-...Lln'.. Qua}.-- WUUl\o Mrs. Alex. McFadden'and dau'ghter`Bea- price spent the week-end with friends in Creemore. `lI'-I_,1II_ Il'.Y'.`,J,I,, E ,,I!, ', . 1 11 |as READ_Y \JI CULIIUIU o Melville MFadden is relieving at J. R. Couse s this week during the absence of H. Corbett. .1 I'll 1-In Ina asalacl, LIIJB. 0. lb. UUIABU. < J. Dunning of Ottawa spent a few days last week at H. L. Dunning s. M3. Trnxyu .Qn}n A` "Fa-nntn' In n;uu.nI may wucn ab 11. 14. uuunulg 6. _ _ ' Miw Treva_Slight of Toronto is spend- ing this week -at her home here. M. 0...: `M... I Q tx1:n......1..L.. -: m-.. uuuu alc vnnuulg uncuua` Ill IJUVVH.` I F1sher s have just received a shipment of serges, homespuns and annels. MI-a uuvnuv IA`:r_J-us: uynn ....lL..l 4-A f\.-.L...-.... UL BUIEGB, .|:UlUB}Jull3 uuu lllll`-IE, Mrs. Harry Fisher was called to Oshawa last week to her father, who is ill. II... VI'IL-- '_-LL_.. __.I _L!I,I,,, ' M I PCIIUIJIIVIU UII` IICI. IIUBU III IJUIILIUII la$I' Wccn. Mimes E. Kilkenny and Bertha Suther- land. are holidaying at Lake Simcoe this week. ' ` |:__ Al." 1n,n,,u,|, ' , 1 I '1,., n- 11 \JUl'LlU|IIIo Mrs. P-attersoh and children of Toronto are visiting her parents`, Mr. _and Mrs. VWru. Corbett. .II._ ,.___I ll ... I17 I Y_LL ,,, J , -,, I1, _ cu, um 'uuu|c ucu: bum wens. 1 John Monkman of Toronto 1s wanting hls sister, Mrs. J. R. Cause. I I\n.......- At l'\u....... -....... .. t..... .I...... uuuuay nu l.Ul'Ulll.U. . _ I Eldon Neilly visited during the past week with friends .at- Orillia. j 1!... Y1 7!! h__I_:, ,_,,I 1,, 1,. up .- cuc UUIIURIJIIIE HI LIIIISIUJISII. Clifford Fisher of Toronto is holidaying at his home here this week. ! TAL Il..._I-_.__ -1` V'l'I____;- 2, `N v hford s uv- in nu uuxnc. ` Mrs. James Donnell -and son Herb sent! Sunday in Toronto.. I mam. 1\r..:n.. ..:..:.....u .x.._:__ .n._ _--L __`__x_ Cl ll uau nun Norman roley has installed a. radio out- ti in his home. .II.... `I ._...... n____u ,_,I ,_, `rt, I wu~u ursuua .l1l.- uruua. I Mrs. H. T. Rankin and daughter Myrtle_ are holidaying in Muskoka. . (`.l:4m-A l'.`;.I-..... -4 "r`,.......;.. :.. L..I:,.I....:..... plum: auuqn . 060 Harry Watson left week for West- ern Canada. xr...__.__ 'n_,|,,,' I - . n u :- I Mrs. `John Campbell is mych improved. -See Rankin for Ford acce$'ox-ies. Com- plete stoc - 33c "await uT..L....... l..l.'L l....a. ...-_I- 1'... 117... ucu. r. ummpeo nepresencauve m >'x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>x< '5x'oxom>xoxox<-xc w % Zj C T I I C I ANGUS FLATS FAND SIXTH UN?-LWESPRA 1-`;-I_C)RNTON W. J. Jebb and son Gor-_ spent the past week with THE BARRIE EXATMINERT III LICII Ilco Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Qunltz of Painswick. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. How-7 `---For expert vulcanizing and all sorts of tire repairs and supplies, go to McKee & McDonald. 33tfc Miss Eva Kell spent Sunday with friends in Barrie. - ' 1.-,_ It 11 v\ I'\ . -- - - - at UM] bill: I last week. lidisiewz-&-i.leen Srigley is spending a few` days with her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Tay- lor. Allandale. . _----- ..-V... and Mr_s. Bert Green of Toronto spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green. I V-.. ....-~. an vvll MIC1}. and Mrs. Hz;rry Webb and child from the West called on Mrs. Geo. Brown Inst wool: good to )icnic ap- xt excur- happiest Aug. 15.-Mi.-3 Sadie {Tyndale of Tor- onto is holidaying with friends here. II-.. 117,, 11'? I I I ,,. _ ------_y---B uuzu Aaucuuo uclc. Mrs. Wm. Webb is visiting with .-her son. George Webb, in his summer home at Government Dqck. HOLLY no cu VI vuiu, U. U. U. ualnpneu, U.` . T.~E.'Lawless, C.A. W. 8. Hulbig. Production Engineer. Manager "Cost and Eiciency Department The people of this neighborhood are pre- paring to meet, Mr. Chicken Thief, who has been calling on chicken pens in the `near vicinity, vu to W CC -Mrs. `i :[cNabb of Peterboro and Mrs. Hunt of Toronto visited at Geo. Brown's last wee Misn".inyce Srigley is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. B. McQuay_. `Ivy. Mr. and" Mrs. Geo. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leslie spent Sunday at Big Bay Point. ard of Newmarket, called on this week. A ]1__, II `xv u . - - AGE LAWSON, WELcH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants hone Main 5874. 59 Yonge 3., Toronh `I. J. Welch. C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A T; E, Lnwlaan I`. A friends here ....., ....u vnlulz may wul IIUL De responslole to any person for the assets of "said estate whose claims shall not then have been re ceived. ' NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to.the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Helen Syme Thom- son, late of the Township of Oro, in the County of Simcoe. widow. deceased. who died on or about the 27th day of July, 1922. are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 9th day of September, 1922, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the (estate among those en- titled thereto; having regard only to the claims ofvwhich they shall then have not- ice, and that they will not be responsible anv oerson for Hm agent: n: "a-air. Mons- NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALEXANDER COWAN. Executors' Solicitor, Barrie, Ontario. M. moo '29 9:- Page Five` ` ll keep V\ hitc AJIIIIIIUB IJl5Uun Miss Gladys McEachren of Tdronto is the guest of Mrs. Wm. Livingston for a few days. ' .. uuna m._1um auuw. I Miss Irene McQuay of Ivy is spending -some time with her grandmother, Mrs. John Maw. 112-- u'-___ ru__'_,, 1 _ . 1. u . vcl unsung ucl; g|`u.uuu1UIuUI` Ill uuuuruuu. Mr. and Mrs. W. Demrpster of the Can- udian West are the guests of her father. James Dixon. ll':__ r1I-.I__, |t_'n,_I.,,_, ,9 on` u|U Luuvv -muuucra Iunu. ! Mus" Laura Ambler of Barrie -is visntmg M188 Millie Maw. ! 11:-.. 7-....- ll_('\...._. -t 7-.-, 3, ,.--,, 1-,, uuuu Lu.aW. I ' ' Miss Mary Dixon has returned home af- ter visiting her grandmother in Duntroon. In nnr` "Inc I nnrnn\nLn- at Ll... n; Big yields of alsike are being reported from this district. The crop is thought to be the largest in many yeam. Seventy- six bags were taken off fourteen acres on the Maw brothers` farm. Ill...` 1 .....__ A__.LI__ _ n,,,,,9 Aug. 16.---An interesting meeting of the] Women s Institute was held at -the theme of Mrs. John Maw last Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Livingston gave a. reading. on Hab- its--And What They Lead Up To," and Miss FrancesPriest read a -paper entitled The Influence of Dress on Character." These were heartily enjoyed by those pres- ` ent. There was an unusuailly large turn- out. The roll call was responded to with jokes. which proved to be a p1easantdiv- ersion. I'\f__ ._,!,I,I ,! I ll cl weir Ill unum IUl' Ulu name WEEK. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. John Brown on Wednesday after- noon. After the meeting a very nice so-1 cial hour was spent, when the hostess `fav- ored the ladies with selections` on the phonograph and served very dainty refresh- ments. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ray Slesser-on Wednes- day afternoon, Sept. 13. IVLUIIIIIJ I Mrs. Chas. Hodges and Mrs. V. R. Sless- er were in Orillia for Old Home Week TL- (`IT......... .. T....A.:1...L_ ...-L -L LL- :_.,,, , nuunuvua ul I.` Luv. l Mrs. Gray and Glen Slesser of Barrie -spent Sunday with their father, Mrj Slesser; ' RAV (1 l lo.-in n `Arman nn-6n- AC` of longevity 0. 4, Orillia, and spirits at eters became ars ago last )k more than , born in the 19, and has twenty-three " Oril1ia"s old- apmw Duuuuy wwu mun` wouer, Mr. messeral ARev. C. C. Clariss, 13. former pastor of` the Congregational `Church. was .a yisitor' at` the parsonage over the week-end and` assisted in the service in the_ Methodist' Church. Sunday afternoon, Mm (hm T(:a..:..l, .m.... I...... .......I. ;..::.1. aunuunvxm nu l.\UBWlUl\o Miss C. Blueman of Toronto spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. I. W. Addison. recently Mn: (`I-um `Ll ...I...... ......I 11.... 11 n at... vuuluu, uuuuuy HILUFIIUUH, Mrs. Geo. Kisick spent last week with relatives in Keswick. ` z 11:... n 131...,.... 4 m-_.,,., V, - - IDUUUIDULI, luau WUUl\c Mia Marjory Brown of Toronto is spend- ing holidays at the home of her uncle, A. _ Hutchinson. .11.... "-_.!LL -1` |}:,n, ,| - ~ -.v -- I LU-IAQIJ-|IIllll 0 -Mrs. Hewitt of Midland is visiting Mrs. -John Livingstone. ' Min Ila... nv\n-mum` I....L .......I- .._'LL' Ilclco Mrs. Wm. Shellswell of Craighurst spent a. few days with her daughter, Mrs. Geo, Patterson, l`a'st week. mx Mor:nmv D..m.... A` Pn-.\...A... 3.. __..._.I Mrs. Wm. Hayes spent last week lkwith relatives in Flos. I 1:... r1___. _.._n rum an .- .-. -uuuu unvxugauuuc. ' ' LII 11 here. If... :%*&&&&w&**ww$&$*$&*&%$$w: :1; NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS X` >1` DX<`>X0X<>X0X<>X0X<>X<>X<>X0X<>X<>X X<>X<>X<>X<>X0X0X<>X0X<>X<>X EDGAR __ ,_% u'rom EESE, Powder Celluloid Starch . Silver Gloss Starch ~ NP Soap, Comfort Soap, Gold Soap, Surprise Soap, P&G Soap, White Naphtha Soap, Sunlight Soap, Victor Soap, Fe1s' Naphtha Soap, Pure Castile Soap, large and small ' bars. - -., "To help make your washday easier we `keep the following always in stock: .' Manning s Wonder Wash Mack's No-Rub Tablets - Toro Tablets Rinso ' . Princess Soap Flakes and Lux Gold Dust Washing Powder Gillett s Lye a Star and.Swansdown Ammonia `I'\____I ___ ROY L.` JAY & CO; Fresh F ruits; Groceries _ and Vegetables Confectionery ` 26 Elizabeth s:., Barrie THE uumgn FARMERS C0-_OP. co., LTD. ll!` f\I1`i. g: -: ; -:-1 Thursday, August 17, 1922. - Livingstone and Ursil and Aubrey have gone West. Blough of Hamilton is a "visitor Phohe No. 18 EDENVALE I r 139 DUNLOPI s'r., BARRIE THE HOUSE or: QUALITY AND `SERVICE :W5 Specuzialj Price on Lemons . . A. . Colbnial $11.95. Detible Diamond $12.95 Tires bear a guarantee of 5000 miles; We have some Tubes at special prices of a $2.00vand $2.25. i A small order of Peris Green and Arsenate of Lead is now on hand. This will.. be the lastpshipment we'll be able to h-ave in stock. If in need, procure a supply before we are sold out. g V Choice Mild Cheese . . . , . . . .. 23 lb. Salmon, Salmon, Salmon, Salmon, Salmon, Chicken Oversea I CANNED Goons _ % CEREALS l s, pink _--- |8c P5, pink `--_- l5c | s, red ____ -- 30c A : red ____ -_ |8c l s, Sockeye-_-_45c Haddie ...... --23c Herring -;-_,_.._l3c unuuyuoucluuu (Ill, UEHIUOBVBDOIGOD (I'll Rev. W.-Johnston is expected home from holiday: spent at` Fordwich today. > {ear uuvv 1 Uln DI/ul/C. Congratulations to Miss Mary Sloan and hertpupils, who were successful in the re- cent music exams, as foIIows:- Primary. Betty Harrison; Preparatory. Kathleen Sloanr(H). Eleanor Harrison; Elementary. Gladys.Sheldon (H), Gertrudeshefdon (H) Rnv W ..'nHnafnn in nvnmubgd 1...... C4... uugc uuugrcgunlous on aunaay- D. Bell of Stayner is assisting in the store this week.- . `II:....... II..__ -__I `I !II' nu - -- auuynug Ill Liluguru runs and DUIIBIO. ' ` Mr.` and Mrs. J. `E. I-Iodgson and Miss Bell `are enjoying a motor trip tfxrough |New York State. ........-A...I_4.:___ 4- It! up 4- uuutc vI.uD W005.- Mies Mary and Lillian -Sloan are -ho1'-N idaying in Niagara Falls` and Buald. ' } Mr` and M... I 1.1 u....r....-.. _...x' n:'..\ I-UIIIE Iucuuu ul uurnc. Wesley Tracy "is on the sick list this week. `.I'_ `__` `l._` '3 1`, u 1 .p WCUl\n `Mr. and Mrs. F. Wawin and `family spent Sunday in Shanty `Bay. ' nmm-an mm MI ....A.. ......:m r...*.....:'.. upcuu -uuuuuy III uuuupy nay. Cecil Cameron spent Mondaywitft friends in Beeton. \. A Aug. l5.`--Rev. _L. McLean preached` to large congregations on Sundayr ' D. nf Stnvnor in again!-fun. in blu- uuisuzogaret Fieldhouse anti Miss Win- nifred Leece of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Fieldhouse._ . rm... c............ --- 1...... c Ls - `zul. lulu H115. D. IIUIUHUUBQ. The farmers are busy nishing harvest, these fine" days. Miss Lillian Whan of Lefroy h-as return- ed home -after spending two weeks with Midhurst friends. II- ......I `II __ 117 xxr vs, - ry to be visit-T nnission con- lder , Ontario, 1e~this week. ark and the are all to be uuuu UIBIJ II ncuua. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyce, James F rankcom and -Miss Ruby Hubbert motored to Maple Valley last Sunday, and pent. the day. - DA... tr......`1........ 1;... ......._..u -14 -.2 vuu uay . Percy Frankcom has returned after vis- iting friends in Bairrie. 'l*........ `L. ._ LL- _:,I_ 1: ; Lt` JIUGI Lllllllny 0 . The Ladies Aid social in connection with the Methodist Church came off very suc- cessfully. The night was rather cool but the usual old-fashioned pine-knot re help- ed considerably towards keeping the chilly night air away. . The program was in the `hands of `Rev. S. Martin. the pastor. Amongthose who contributed towards the entertainment were Prof. Hume of Tor onto. Miss Dudenhoffer of Orillia, Harry Shannon and others from Barrie, and the Shanty Bay orchestra. This, together with the usual good supper, seemed to please all who attended. Proceeds were over $100. I Aug.`l$.--~John McLeod` of Grenfell, Sask., visited Midhurst friends last week. Mhn lMnr1'y nnnknnnn LN. ....L..'._._-.I ;- uacnn, vnmucu xvuuuumu xnenus ussn week. Miss Mary Cochrane has returned to Torontq after spending two weeks at her home here. u':__ |:_,., . n- . n V. --- --- uwcu nuuuu nave oeen spending 8. couple of weeks \\"th Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Gilchrist. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton McGill, Miss Sut- ton and Wm. Sutton left on Friday for the West. F. R. Day has become a car owner. Menno Adams of Barrie Business College has secured a position in the Sterling Bank, near` Lindsay. 'l`I-m 1....-Ihm Am ......:..i :.. ---._--L:-,, Wllllaln Dr. Davis-of Collinwood was a Sun- day visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dob- son. ` ll.., 17 v\ - - - Aug. 14.--Mr. and Mrs. John `Cape! of Owen Sound have been spending couple with Mr. and Mr: I-Iv (Hint.-:;.4 cull Mrs. Harvey Donovan and friends `call- ed on Mrs. Edmund Smith last week. re- turning to 'I`.orcnt.o in the evening. vu. JED Hr. ana Mrs. J. H, Bell were in Allis- ton on Sunday. : Jnanwk Qnxil-In nt `[J..w.:l4.... --..... L-_~- ny med ` already rennank the real We have of good mun Uu nu-uuuy. > ' Joseph Smith of Hamilton ,was home to attend the funeral of his brother'Ed-' Iwaid. Y\,,,! 1- A n- v -` pun. ucl V101` no um: grave was `taken by, Rev. A. Rentoul of the Angus Union ;Church. The pull-bearers were old friends `of the deceased, viz._. Henry Ellis, W. A. Miller, Andrew Miller, John Dobson. James Miller and R. Rennick. The sympathy of the community goes out to the friends in their loss. `[_ __,_I ll 1 yr V` .- luay vnauum `uh 11.. DPII , ' I Edmund Smibh journed to Battle Creek. Mic`h., last week to bring home the re-. |m'ains of his dost brother, Edward, who `died very s uA nly of heart trouble on |Friday. Aug. 4. The funeral service was `held from G. G. Smith & Co. s funeral 'chapel. Barrie, Tuesday, Aug. 15. at 2 pm. Service at the grave was `taken by" Rentoul nf ux Anon: Tfninn. _ n. u. muuxual.-er uuu mower 01 UO0KS- town and Mrs, Thos. Milligan were Sun- day visitors at R. Bell s, I !i`.r|m.....l Q...H.L I .... ___! L. h ..| n u here . `I7 Aug.`l5.--R. E. Mortimer and mother of Honeywood spent the weekuond with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell. Dick Jones of Toronto is holidaying with. Mr. and Mrs. .J. H. McCann. Miss Janet Nicol visited with Miss May A Elphick last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fellows motored from Hawkeetone on Sunday to visit friends here. Buy advertised things. It pays. `Kellogg Corn Flakes, 2 for 25` Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 for 25 Puffed Wheat .... --2 for 25: Puffed Rice;.-__--_._2 for 35 Grape Nuts ______ __2` for 35 Porridge Wheat ...... --|5c . Rolled '0ats_---5 lbs. for 25c McMaster and mother of Cooks- A Mm Tim. Mm: ....... ..- c..- I %sHAN'nE_BKY st 17, 1922; MIDHURST -nucr aycuuuxg u ween In uruua. Mrs. Coates and "her neice, Miss Arvilla `Bartley, of Toronto, visited'last week with Mrs`. G`. Wingrove. .1, gIu:'aAr alnnn` I-Knv ----u-`- ----`> 3- Lula. U. VVIIIEFUVU. . ` `J. E; Switzer spent the weekend in Thornbury._ Mrs`. S'witzer, who had been visiting there for two weeks, returned with him on -Mondixy. e F Luann 'lJ`.l........l"|t..`l'\-._-I.! ---J 5` nun UH uxuuuay. F. J. Chrson. Edward'McDonald and Al? -vin'Switzer left for-the West` onthe har- ,vest excursibx; Iast- Fiidhy. phy.. T Aug. l6.-Miss Cathatrine Byrne "0: Bar- rie spent last week with Miss Gladys Mur- Miss Mary McDonald` has returned home -after spending a week in Orillia} Mm no!-an M": I. . . _ . . .... u:__ A_-:IL `here. vvcmvcuu wwu um mswr, M13. 5081118. Jos. Shaughnessy is -quitebusy getting up his barn in order to put his grain away. Miss'Vera Davidson returned home af- ter spending a week in B1'entwoodL A few from here attended` the celebra- tion in Barrie on Saturday given by the` Black Knigts; Ffed Cdulson spent S'und'ay' at his home" uauluu wwu uxsl` answer, MPH. M. MCDHGB. Dolly McKever of 5 Toronto spent a few days` with her sister, Mrs. Walter Me`- Mackon. - Il:__ n_LL 'r\,,,"I - - nu uunuusvvuuu IUBD WI.`.6K.< I Mrs. Preston of Collingwod spent bhe week-end with her "sister; `Mrs. A`dams. JIB Qhllkhcnll :u 'liII:`A L.nIInuo ...-.LL3..\_ A. I usu vcavuns an }l|`Wul.'. A Miss Ellen Forest` returned to` Tbronto last week after spending her summer V8`- cation with her sister, Mrs. M. McBride`. Mina hnllu M..I(...m.. nl'."'I`L-\......A.. ......_n .- 111 U I\UII I Miss Retia Davidson spent a few days` in Collingwood last week. ' Mm D......o....- .: n..n:...__.__x ____. LL; reservingv ages, are reasonable he Niagara ited,Grims- containers cked, even-