:17. vxuuznu, lush WCBK. j J. Chapman hm been renewing old ac- gquaintance, while nursing a badly disabled hand, . I Mrs. W. Grant visited relatives in Stay- iner last week. ":~_ n_`l I` A - nu ` _ MCI taut WCCl\o Miss Pearl Grant is spending` a few days in Barrie. l\.., , , _. _ ..- -- .0 Aug. 14.--Geo.A Ronald and Mrs. >Flet- cher of Toronto visited their sister, Mrs. J. !W. Orchard, last week. nhonhinn Ln... L.....- -_----'---- TH!-I FISHER FLOUR MILLS, LIMITED Every bag of the very best quality. Our mill is running stronger than ever. Every month we are gaining ground in the face of the strongest opposition. Buy Fisher Flour and keep your money circulat- ing in Barrie. L Ask your grocer or phone our Retail Department. we pay.,the highest price For wheat Gold Medal, .. sack $4.00 Star, per sack ...... .. $3.90 White Flake, sack, $3.70 Down to Pre-War Level FLOUR PRICES % BRENTWOOD quarters suing. om`. "ran coin; "-415 to mmu % Far::IInla"--$2! ma mum. Kultprljhhh . _ }_flIt$8|l'IIIiUI*_. FARM LABORERS WANTED MINESING4 has ' accident, being run over with a mower. Both his legs were pretty badly hurt. Mr ant` Mm 'I"l-arm Dnpol-uolnn. nv\r-I We have a few more "tons of Nut and -Pea Coal. Those having none in%_ their bins to start wit-H may purchase one ton, 1-3 Pea and 2-3 `Nut. uuuu. um 1:5.) wc1_c pnsuy uuuxy LIUYE. Mr.` and Mrs. Thos. Berthelotte and daughters Rena and Frances were week- end visitors here, I12-.. 'II'.__:_ I\ _ _ _ , ,,I' 1- An 1 I Juus ucx auul. luvs, J. uesuuruxe. I Congratulations to Miss Dorothy Du-' mond. who was successful in passing her Entrance exams.; also to Arthur Martin. J. Doudall and E. Schell were successful in their public school leaving exam. Con- gratulations, LIIIPLII CH brella. cuu vlalhula ucrc, Miss Marie Desourdie of Allandale is vis- .it1ng her aunt. Mrs. J. Desourdie. l"nn......4..l..c:-.... U. `u:._ n....._u___ '~n.. I The difference between a woman and_ an umbrella is that you can shut up the um- hrella_ THE STERLING BANK 1 Working Funds Placing additional funds at the disposal of progressive farmers for constructive use is an important part of our bank- ing service. We invite you to have a dis'ctission-in confidence-_with our local `Manager. ` Phones 88 and 94. 01? CANADA Lambert & Kilgour Phone 409 - 160 Elizabeth St. of all kinds. Stoves a specialty. Estimates for wiring free. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Page Three THE s1{.;%}s;rg;;; $13 {$350 Homespuns, $32 to $35 CLEANlNG-PRESSlNG T -_ R_EPAlRVlNG--DYEING We -do all kinds of remodeling . `A . I surrs; MADE To MEASURE, 23* DOLLARS UP ` Give U; a Trial - Plione 441W l ALL KINDS OF HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED. we TURN OVERCOATS and Make Them Like New. Bring `in your old coats and have themt'urned.' - We Have a Few UNCALLED-FOR SUITSFOR SALE -Suits that have been left to be remodeledand cleaned -just as, good as new. Come in and see `them; a real buy. ` Have you _formed a menial picture of yourselfit a certain age --successful? ' V `Barrie Bitsings; Gqllege _% ---31I L_I,; __, , T will help you make your mark in the business world. Every teacher` has had actual business experience. There is` always` a demand for GOOD bookkeepers and GOOD stenographers and people of sound business training. Prepare to enter. Fall term opens Aug. 28. COAL H. ELSTON SARJEANT CO r. w. WAUCHOPE, Principal, Barrie, Ontario. Rm Block, Barrie (upstairs) HAVE YOU AN AMBITION4? Experi Shoe Repair: LTD. A. w. wnmav The mithr by the cradle side Sits watching there alane, e [To keep the messenger of death 7 Away from her door stane; `Aft. h?des the tears that nature` sends ! When death at last has come; ' ;Yet noo and_then you ll hear her sobbin 1 ' T Och! hey, hum! , ,._...- `When hearts -are bleedin sair wi' grief, And care has knit the broo, 4 And time has made the auld head bare. ` Whaur -bonny ringlets gre , A weary sig-h steals frae th fsoul That's almost overcome; '~ Yet buried grief, aft finds relief. in l\..L I L--. l_...'.. Yet `let us a` be thankfu | That we're not here to `hide, 5 The day will come when a` will meet Ower on the other side; 5` N ae trachle sair, nor sorrow there,` l Nun tpnre wlll flnnr E LVGV IILDIULIIC Ball, IIUIV GU } Nae tears Will flow, Nae lips will utter ' nucu uut. uc uuuu aucaul 5 lU8( Ower heavy far for some, Gets comfort when he utters l'\,L A'I`he Iabourin' man wi busy hand. -Wha; toils frae morn till-nicht. And prays betimes that all his bairns May grow up to do richt, When borne doon aneath 9. load f\....... L........ L... 1--.. _-__._ The `faithful sheperd leads his flock " A I Oot over the green hillside, ~ And takes them to'the choicest knowesu Whaur a may safe abide; But when the sun "sinks frae his view And care his heartbenumb. Kind heaven bears his wag.-some cry, of `Och! hey, hum! These o`e|_'ings are specials for August . Homespuns are extremely popular this season.` Mo_st of them are in attractive greys; tones of green-grey predominate in others. Come in any time and`exam- ine them.` Theyymake up splendidly and never lose their shape. ' ` - i H. J.TWISS,Tailor ocm HEY, Hum 29. Elizabeth St. Elizabeth St., Barrio Och! hey, hum! 10h! hey, hum! I-I5 ICIIUI, Ill Och! hey, hum! suua nuu uuule ueuuun 111105. . The various accounts before the Council were ordered paid? and Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Reeve. 1!] fl) Vl!..*.n. -_ - tn- ,1- uulunzguc, mugusuu. The height of Lake Ontario above. sea level is 246 feet. 1 UDIIUI B vauuauuu. -_ .0n correspondence -from T. E. Ros, M. P., re getting some war trophies for Oro, it was decided to accept the offer of the Director of War Trophies of two machine guns and `some German ries. Thu 1 r n r n A - m n n A A u um`- L..f._... LL- l'I____ _!I Bostoun wu named after a. town in Lin-A colnshire, `England. ' no 55344416 A` `nil: l\_.A.._:_ _'L-,,,' -Phofie 441.! ucvvc: nu puavc us IV. .1. vvuuauns. A claimof Janna Sutton for Sheep kill- ed by dog was ordered paid at the val- ua.tor's valuation.` f\... ........-_.._._J`__-_`___-. III in vs up VJCHCIIU JCCIO The following. trustees requisitions for school monies were -presented:-- No. 1, $1600; No. 2, $1200; No. 4_.'$2350; No. 5. $1600; No. 6. $1100; No. 7, $1100; No. 8. $975; No. 9. $900; No. 10, $925; No. 13, 1200; No. 15, $900;'No. 16, 81000; No. 17, $1200; No. 18, $1290; No. 19, $1200. ` V __|_4_, _,_.A_ I '1 .- - u`. u . A by-law was brought in and\'passed to raise, levy and collect the taxes for the year,_ the rates being as follows:- County rate. 11 2/10 mills; township rate, 4 mills; township generalvschool rate, 5 9/10 mills. I]'..`-....._.I II_l_-I___ ___, 7 ,.....__`. ,.,---v-._. .........v. ..-.v, v v, av ;u-nu. Ho ward Malcolm was appointed a fence viewer in place of R. Y. Williams. A nlnlm AC 7...... G..LL..... I..- ;L_-_ 'l_:n -_-- -- ..... .-....-.... u. vvuu. any-n.nvuv_y. N_o1_:ice was read from R. J. Fletcher, County Clerk, that $17,870 was levied against this township for eotinty rate for present year. ' ' rm... c,.n,....:..... Ln...-L...... _._..:_z.:._. 1.. H A _f1"=<)_1;1mI?t"z;nl'("(3r`z;w:'}ord to buy timbers out of old bridge, :Div. 71, was left in the hands of, Coun. Mahoney. M .'.L:.... .--.... _-__I 1_-_.- 1': Y vvwuoulp ucaaulcl. I D. Pugsley and R. H. Newman came before, the Council requesting a` grant to be spent from G.T.R. tracks, Hawkestone, to wharf. A -grant of $25 was given. A ..... __L l'._-___ n,,_,,I_ A 1- 9 puuucu. asuumh. ' Coun. Thompson reportgd that he had collected $60 for use of small grader on Provincial Highway and paid same in to township treasurer. I n -p.....:.... .....a D u 1u-.--~-- ---M r- -....,-. -, . . . . - y a . V 4..-unv.y nu. unto vuuab . On complaints of S. V. Jones, H. Pac- kard and Wm. Anderson re weeds, the Clerk was instructed to notify parties com- plained against. Om... Tknvnnnnn -.-..-.-...L...! 4'L._L `L- L-) uu: vuwumup nub lull. I The apple crop promises a large one and I withabundance of other fruits all should] \ I share fairly well fliis season. All of the blue serges on our shelves carry this label. It means that they won't fade under any reasonable circumstances-a guarantee in itself of appearance and wearing qualities." They are splendid value. I ORO TOWNSHIP TO GET 2 GUNS AND HUN RIFLES Oro Council met at the Town Hall on Tuesday. Aug. 8, with all the members present, Reeve McKinley in the chair. l'\ .;....._`._:_L_, ,0 :1 1-7 1 vv an Wasaga Beach is co: special attraction for m: .ers--wpecially in the ev pavilions are operating. nrnnc ;n fkr;o rl;nl-u-;nO- n paw IIIUUD HI (7 UP`?! alalllso Crops in this district are heav_v---in fact the yield is a bumper one. While the farmers are busy drawing in their grain. the root crop is making rapid headwa_v.l all of which should add to the wealth of! the township this fall. I TEA I)W\.v`\l:\ nv-nn I'\III\V|r11nl\Iw n 'l.-`-1.... A...` ......ll A goodly number `All! ILIG uzuluc LIEU 1 `the garden party at ` ening. I 7n.anlun DnnnL 1.. I/\llC Wllblllso . . The eld_day last Wednesday was large! _1y attended._ An account appeared in the Toronto and Barrie papers. The baseball was brisk and up to the mark` Everyone `enjoyed ihe day and those who remained- 'for the dance had a. grand time. ` from here attended Elmvale Friday ev- DY1 U 9 nun unuuncl. Lu:-3. Lb. Lung. There may probably be a few visitors whose names your scribe has failed to catch, but I will try and do better in fu- ture writings. ' TL- nnlnl 4.... 1...`; 1xr...1..--.: ...... -_ 1---- Mrs. Mo}:er of Los Angeles iswisiting {her mother. Long. Tknrd 111017 nrnkankluv kn n In... ..:..lL..._,. iua Nauru. guts. \Ul .} ncurns. I Mrs. J. H. Donnelly. daughter and soni spent a few days in St. Gatharines and vicinity recently and speak of the large fruit crop to be gathereddown there. . F. Bernard of Toronto is on his annual visit here. .Mrs. Frank Corr-igan (nee Miss K. Buck leyl is visiting her parents here for a. time ere she starts in `her new home in Guelph. Owing to your scribe not l1a.\'ing any lnews items appearing lately. nothing ap- peared at the time of the wedding. but last week s papers had -a "write-up. so all] I caiLsa.y or do is extend best wishes to] Mr. and Mrs, Cori-igan and sincerely hope; they willlenjoy many years of peaceful married life. It", It, 1 V A Luna. 1.`. Dluua, IIUUUHIIJIHIICU. Dy HIS Iallllly. Jerome Shanahan, who had such a siege of sickness [through blood-poisoning and who was able to be around, has taken a relapse and is once more conned to bed. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, who have been enjoying a `few weeks vacation with re- latives'in Chicago, returned, last week. much delighted with the change of scenery. Jrihn ('.nFFov nf Rurrin onnnf Qnvulm. mm. womc suonas gucan u: an uxuuler. Mrs. 15.. Long. Chas. McGimus and family have re- turned` to the village after` -a few weeks - sojourn in Barrie. ' DA 0.... ..r n.......:. L..- __-....__-.I Lu, JICI Ville LICIC. ` ' I- Mr. Staples of Toronto, who has pur- chased_ the R. Burton -property at Cross- land, 18 spending a. few days with Mr. and Mrs. F . Stott, accompanied by his family. Jm-nnm Shsmal-mn who hm! gunk a chant: muuu ucuguwu _wuu tut: cuuuge OI scenery. John Coffey of Barrie spent Sunday with his sister. Mrs. (Dr.) Kearns. M-.. I `LI n......,.n-. .l...._L4...., -_,: _,,. 44uu.Iaa-J llllll. J. vac: UUIU. , Mr. and Mrs. Cote of Michigan are the guests of Mr.` and Mrs. James McGinnis. Mns. Carey of Seattle, Wash., is the {guest of her mother. Mrs. R. Long. Chm: R`n;lIie and `avnnu `noun on, nupaunu Au uqlllc. ' Ed. Cote of Detroit has returned home after enjoying a few days in the village. Miss Mafy Hayes of Toronto is visiting her home`here. ll _ QL.._I__ -1 rn,,,, .' I I Aug. l4.-As most Examiner readers know," your correspondent has been an- xious to discontinue this corresponding,` - hoping some of the younger people would `very willingly take up the work and keep! ithe doings of our little village before thei `readers, but as there has not been any _response to the appeal from both your {scribe and editor, I presume it will be "up to your old scribe `to renew '-his eorts, if the happenings are to be sent in regul- arly. While I'am sorry no one cared enough for the "village to take up the work, I imagine many aregat a loss to know why the Phelpston items have not been appearing. I will therefore take up the '.vor.k indenitely, awaiting another {one to take hold. I Miss Muriel bonnelly is enjoying `part of _her vacation with other girl friends Q icamping on Georgian Bay. ' a l `Mine \7inlA1-fa Plum `A4 '[(in.- ;. hn....t.. l q vawnuuu at .uuun.7. Q Mrs. L. LaBey of New York and son Louis are visiting with Mrs. Platt. Mhcnu I3:-nrlnnnn `X7nI..I. l\` `Il........_L:- 'l"__ luuuua an: vmxuug WILL! Lurs. nan. Misses Prudence Walsh of Memphis, Ten- Anesiee, and Pat .Murphy of Brooklyn, N. `Y., are the guests of Miss Violet Platt. Mimm I(..d.I...... .....l n:I...... f1._:LL _ _ _ _ ._ `AH .017 Lug: 5_uCBl-E Ul 11155 VLUICL F1355. ' ` M1ses Katlaaleen zgnd Eilegn Gribben are usgendmg then` hohdays With friends in Lindsay and Peterboro. M. um-I ml. I`... .: 1u:..L:_..- ___ `L- ;va.L.uyun5 uu ucurgmu Day. _ Miss Violette Platt `of King s County Hospital. `Brooklyn, N.Y., is spending her vacation at home. ' I II... I 1.1!... ,r 11', '1? 1 Guaranteed Not To Fade a$*&$&*%*$%&%%&*w&ii%&% E Nnwvsv mom NEIGHBORING TOWNS_HlPS E { PIT-lELPS'l'ON continuing to be a. ' many of the villag- a evenings. when the ;VIl? -THE BARRIE ExAM;NER 2, Clark. (From Another Correspondent) I Aug. 14.--The congregation of the R. C. Church intend `celebrating the Feast of the' Assumption on. Sunday, Aug. 20, at 7.30 p.m. There will be a procession of the ichildren, the rosary, congregational sing- ling. benedicition of the blessed sacrament. i n/nu A.........:.... n,.......i,... __.x ..._L.__ :m;,. ucucuunwulj m put`. IJIUSSBU sacrament. I Miss Augustine Bourdon and nephew spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Des- jardine. Vrc-.. AA- 1:`..:..:- :- _.: V_ 1.-. 1-41., 1 Lllll l' U1 UL-ucl . , Wilfred. the young son of Mr. and Mrs. V `J. Desjardine, happened with a serious ` . . Jcuu V Miss Ada Foisie is visiting her father anrl. brother. TTY,'I,,,,l A` F I. ` `- John Kennedy of Toronto. who has been working for Robt. Murphy, met with a serious accident at a threshing on Wed- nesday,_ Aug. 9, at Norman Waltons.. When they were taking the machine into the barn, his right foot slipped and went lunder one wheel. His leg below the knee (was badly torn, but it was found under X-Ray exaniination in the Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie, that "no bones were} broken. - - 4.35 I for uncuus xu uua ucxguuuruuou. In The Examiner on Aug. ,3 it was staf- ed that: Vera Murphy had passed to St. II with honors. It should have read spassed to Jr. III." _- 1'7, n 4- m uvna ~-McKee & McDonald have most all sizes of tires and tubes in stock. 33tfc Mrs. S. Lawrence of Toronto is visiting at J. McKinley s.' - - R. Backus of Montreal is visiting this week at G. Johnston s and J. Young s. Mrs. Geo. Watts. Mrs. 'O Donell and Robt. Fox of Barrie paid a. visit to friends on the ieleventhiconcession last week. Z Tho IT:-uinn Qnnplnu Q..L....I :..A.___I L- L-l.I uu 1-uc yswvcuul uuucesslun last, WBCK. The Union Sunday School intend to hold their annual picnic in the school grounds on Wednesday afterndon, Aug. 23, wea-e `ther permitting". Tang I)......... at '(T.....I.._t 1- __Z_ZAS.-- | vucn pcl uuuuug . Miss Jane Brown of Vandorf is visiting friends in this neighborhood. In Tho wvonxinav !\I\ An... 9 IL ....._ -L-L uv auuuul - Mrs. Gilmore and daughter Vera of Tor-`I onto are guests of Mr. and Mrs- W, J. Armstrong. . Mm 125... n..,\n.... .....I .I_..wLL H " 1] IIIBI-ll UIIE I Mrs. Bert Beelby and daughter~Bery1. are visiting the fox-mer s cousin, Mrs. Dun-V can. at Smith's Falls II... `D III--.) _,, J. - I` ` " ` uau. at ouubu E 173115. ' ` Mrs. F. Wood and son Gordon of Allan- dale are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fra- lick. It"-Ir n no \ Ill 1.031116. Congratulations to Miss Norma Chappel on her success in the Normal Entrance exams. I'.`__Z_, I r :1 rs --- - nuu auuczx. ums IS an eleven-room school. W. F. Orchard has secured a position on (he staff of the North Bay public school,` and Miss Winnifred Young will have charge 1 of the junior room of the Locust Hill pub- lic school. ` ` II-.. IW!I_.._,,, I I I . `D - -- cnalllno Friends of Mr. Gowans will be interested" to know that he has been accepted as lprincipal of the New Liskeard public school I and annex. This is an eleven-room school. W F` n..,J.....,: Ln... ..... ..-.I ~ ---=L=4- We have in stock a very good `quality West Vir- ginia Lump Coal known as Black Joe.,- and a Kentucky Coal known as Blue Star, which would make a good fuel for fur- nace, open grate or range; both clean, hot-burning coals. I Try them.