Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Aug 1922, p. 10

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the E get wav- = "ii/-Ielma'nv<:1`1'<':lia, nervousness. irritability, headache pnd dizpiness are some of tin symptoms. Lydlg E. Pinkham 3 Vege- table Compound xs,a natura.l_ restora- tive, esppclally adapt_ed to assxsg nature in carrying ygu safgly past thl time Why not give 11: a fan I b ! u v ooavvuo-1:500 For the vgoman entering middle age Lydia E. P1nkham s Vegetable Com- pound can be of much benet. During this time _of life cezftain chan es take place which sometimes deve op into serious trouble. __,...., .....u uuu uxnvuua. .I. (301110 DOC even d o my own housework, could not ;,; slee at night and _, all inds of queer thoughts would come to me. Finally I ave up going to the octor and a friend told me of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta- ble Compound. After the rst bottle I could slee better " _ and I have ept on improving ever since. I have taken ` seven bottles now and am so happy that g I am all over these bad feelin -Mrs. ; `B. LANs_E3, 1639 N. 3rd St., Aeboygan, l . Wisconsin. A ` D. _ unn syn, , I % Sheboygan, Wisconsin.-I down, txred and nervous. I c333 51?: even an `hair ....... uwugu Iuu urulsuu uuluucr, D. U. Dlllllgl tad Prepued Roofing.` . Wood Turning and. Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done mmpt -, lgnanlt us with vour building ' Women should Know How Lydia" E. : Pinkham s Vegetable Compound Help: at This Trying Period umssn FEELIEEE AT hjJ_l1lE AGE 5 i \.av1Il nu I.l.ll.'. ueau `` Si is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. 8 Those subject to frequent colds in they} head" will find that the use of HALUS; - CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the tsystem, cleanse the Blood and render `them less liable to colds. Repeated at- ! tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to .Chronic Catarrh. . " 1 HALL S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the y _ Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys- i tem, thus reducing the inammation and v. restoring normal conditions. ,3 ,All Druggists. Circulars free. ' F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. (large basket) I .., mxuau UHSKEEI f . weat eas . . . . . . . . F uccm .......................'...... 50 bl ,` Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c b1 , Cabbage . . . . . _ . . . . . .. I0c to l5'c ` Cauliflowers D0114 T 100 to life , Cucumbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 for [ Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c to~ 30c\di L Lettuce ...' . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. 5c _bL` L Head Lettuce . . . . . . . . 1'0c e . Onions 4 5'c bl Onions. ('sIr11i1' 'ra's'1e't'> .................. . . ; New Potatoes . . . . . . . . .. 30c` to 45 1 Green Peas, shelled . .. 30c qt Green Peas. unslielled' . . . . . .. Sc ()1 Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5c bu Rarlishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c bu Turnips 5c bu Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 lbs. - Red Currants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15c 1 `Black Currants . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30c qt Raspberries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15c 1 [Yellow `Transpgrents (small basket) (large basket)" Vegetable Marrow . . . . .. IOC to 25c Duchess {small 'l4uml';.;H ` ( I . Duchess (small basket) L...r...\ ; n......._ an luull . _ The prices": Butter Eggs ' . . . . . . . . . . . .. Spring Chickens Year old Chickens Spring Ducks .. . . . Spring Lamb Asparagus` Beans : .. none ----jg Butter and eggs were much the` same as last week and the supply was good; Small fruits are` beginning .to disappear but the apple harvest promises to be good. There was an abundance af vegetables of all kinds, "FL- ___r, , i3oi';Io:;o_phin and Mary Street: Imufacipmm of Bush, Doors, Frames, ooring" Celing, Moulding, Water Trough- Tnnks, etc. We carry innstock 3 large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C; `Shingles and `Prensa-ed Rnnfimi- , Wand Tsurnina -nn Examiner advts. are 2 I ` ` I EIEFIIEEIEEIEH I E-HI!-iI.'.'I!Il-H I SATU R DAY MA R K ET --com m the HQ}: `I Anni-n nu-.-".1- -4: xv, . Hons}: AII,1y1_i:NTs . Manufactured only by DOUGLAS & C0... NAPANEE. Ont. STOPS BIEEDING INS'I'AN'l'l3Y`.. PREVENTS BLOOD POISONING. CURES THRUSH. FISTULA.. SPRAINS AND. BRUISES; The best all around` Liniment for` the- stnble as well as for-householdzuaen KEEP IT HANDY. __._ --- q.-...-.~-any At all Deaferst and Druggists. The Double TI-ack Route between of many kings quickly remedied. with nbUcLAs* V .- a ne busines tonic. .. 38; to-40c 1b.. 32c to 35 dozen ..... 37c lb.. 30:: lb. . . . . 32:: lb. . 23`c 1b.. IOc quart 5:: quart 5c bunch bunch: 15 each` 10c ea. 10c 30c `dozen Vy bunch each . . . . . .. bunch . . . . . . . . . . .. 650 peck` I quart `I . quart,; bunch'- .. bunch bunch . 25c . box . . quart 1-Tn knu. ..... 0UU' 10c bunch } 56; 30c ____,Y, I illoalbg box 290 50c nu! u an LVILSTER Bandmaster. Barrie Citizens 27yrly 120 Bayeld St. IVIHUU `la L-T-cc". Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of` Music examinations leading up to p and including the A.T.C.M. degree. 8tudio--King Block. Phone 424. 7 3- 9-.mi1.W _.-.-.-..- --ruuv I ,` MUS: Teacher of Piano, Org: Musical Theory. Organist \ of St. Andrew's Presbyteria IL-.l.l ......I_I:-L A m .__......,... -..ou:_y. urguulali 8110 Ull0iPmStO7 Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory of Music and of the University of Toronto. II3 Worsloy St. Phone 683 _______j_.____________ EDMUND HARDY Mus. BOYD SYLVESTER Bandmnstpr Ron-:.-. I":4.:_-__7 wxuzs, gut General 5 DE':.. ` DOROTHY J. SARJ EANT, '|'mA(D l.'.\`D rm n. . -. uonveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates ( + ., in Mason Building, Barrie. Branch office- W. A. Boys, K.C.,M.P. D.. C. _______________} Oice : I [VI A IL -on. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs'. Ross & Ross, Barri!" I Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army. 429 years. {Genera} Surgery and Obstetrics especially. I 0f1 ice--l5 Owen St.. Barrie. Phone 710. "P. O. Box 1075. ._...__._____._.____________ 250 FOR THE BEST IN _BAKERS' BREVAD `HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD ' and a full line of PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Eizabeth and Small Sts. FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED King Block - 6 Ban- DRS. LITTLE 8: LITTLE `Physicians and Surgeons, Barrio, OM. .Oice and Residence~--47 Maple Ave. Office hours:- 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., ot `by appointment, ' ' Phone 213 A. '1'. Little, M.D. W. 0. Lime, ms. t---------------; 122 [, RADENHURST &. HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Masonic Temple Building, Barrie ` Money to Loan 6] `ll Phone 61:. %i______ . BOYS &. MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary 1 Conve ancers, Y Ioney loan at lnnmao ---~-- -` -(-j R. F. BRUCE, M.D.,, C.M., LJl.C.G. ' Oice and Residence-60 Boa St. door east of Royal Victoria Hospital. Telephone 256. 30th ..u\ u VII (I. FLHK I U" BAR1i1s s, soucrrons, E'l`C. Oices: 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. W. Plaxtnn " " (V ` Q`: . D-R. H. T. ARNALL Associate Coroner County of Simgge Oice and Residence--Co1-ner Totonto -and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. Telephone 167. T "W9 E. CLAXTON, L.-r.c.aI. Tnnlehnr nf Dz.-- -_ PHONE c. BROWN Ian. uuunnvnlnn LYUN Bloor St. West, Toronto, will ban 91 Owen St... Barrie, every Saturday. Discms of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours--Il a.m. to 5 p.m. Bzufrio phone 2. Toronto. North 3326. ______._._______.__.___.._;- CAPT. It-'. noun, L.D.S. DENTIST oxfce: No. 1- Dunlap sc.,. Barrie (over J. F .. C1taig s~stone)- |Phones: Office 450,. Res. 436; 1- - UUNALD R053, LL.B. - BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, E'I`.C. _Maeonic Temple Building, Barrio Money to loan. ____..____._:-_ ons. wr AND w. n. arc`HAn.nsou Graduates and members of Royal Gallop of Dental Surgeons, Teronw. Oice: Over Bank of Toronto, Barrio. Entrance on Owen St. Phones: Office 241, Res. 314. P.0.Box 1:33- W. Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. 7(;yr - W. Randall Richardson. L.D.S.. D-D-S. -~uu:--uuuuuu uuu uulcal: Jauuuu O.UU. year in. advance (in arrears $2.50); United States, $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should: be given when change of address is requested. CAN'CEL- LAT|ONS-We- nd that most `of our sub- scribers prefer not to have their subscrip- tions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will. not be carried in arrears over an extended period, yet, unless we are notied to cancel, we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be riiadeby registered letter, money order, or cheque payable at, pair in Barrie. 4 ~ L. .1. snvapsou, M3. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON fice and Residence--Collier St., corner Clapperbon St., Barrie. Phqne 275. \ rm:.I..ra'lUlI, ONT. , Oice hours-l2 to 2_and 7 to 9 p.m. pu'b1'as3.Za ~23}; "i1}I.:ad5}}};;}3I,I.' S}. Post Oice Square, Bavrie. Suhscriplioo Price--Canada and Great Britain 82.00.peg vear in. advnnnn (in l"l'Al'_Q 32 am - l"ln.A umuvwo n\\v\JIuI\bJ ' P|Iono::- bum I63. vmidem ass Thursday, August 102; 1:922 Miss M. VM.-ARTHUR Tl.-IE BAR_I2lE_EX_AMlI\'ER_ . uuuuuuauu, u.u.o., lJ.U.D': 7;yr Richa-rdson, L.D.S., D.D'.S W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY _aml__ . u u an Odlg A TEACHER OF PIANO Telephone 151, Barrio P. 0. Box 88 V--u--..u.u;. navy Ll11VL`JUJl4\Kj . --and,- C. S. DICKSON, B.A;, M.B. 2 61:. an n..n:-- m. 1 son: U. H. l\l.F\.l`KN PHYSIGIAN AND SURGEON FHELPSTON, ONT. ice hnnn._1`) tn 9 ....A '1 .. n .. . Are Well Supplied ____.__..__.______ DONALD ROSS, PTQTDD Ont vnvo-I-- - . ALEXANDER COWAN , ,QnIZ..:A..._ I- - DR. E. G. TURNBULL _ Ac 1;r_n:n um.` - - DR. MORTWER LYON gr Q42 Wu: '1' ---- A- --5` pxucx, N0. 8 Money to loan on. J. A. KEARNS V_Q.Tl.l:A-It A.`|7`l'\ cwrnnn MUSIC? MEDICAL Morgue and Chapel in coNm:cTIoN__ DENTAL _y auuurs, Iblic. ; of intexfest. St., Masonic Temple oice--Elmvaio. ..M.P. D (1 M..--L2-- . . . _ . . - avg, I 1 I IUIHU Organ, Vocal, and mint and Choinmmtot vterinn (`.}'nu-AL };', -'-1;;-."'h!IacLare11V-, W. C. Walls, Manager. VII G. Gordon Plaxtoi II II , Dunc, Ilun 56 Collier St., Bamrio. g:- T cI ml ARIA Band J Public, ISimcoe Marble Wqrksl '$UU|F IIIIIEX TI; CHI II` who Write for Free Eye Care Book. lulu lvccnolxcouculotio sucwcucuo auto 33-1: 1-yrl! vvnl In `(NW H of III fl ilIpx'u|>:v rt-.g:1I'h-4. cent In- the nrgi inlermt \-uu .-.`H` ohuuld In an :- tiub gm`:-I i 9c0r(l it.-` due from or by (la-2 prm'idin;: `part uf .1 t-lament oqu:u'cl_\' : which mu str0:un --f Unin- Illllmllllllllllll In Ali?! i` Have y Sciatic time t doing help t Templ from y soon b ,L Irzi 1`3Io,i'1 The :1'd2 2 are tow abo D1. y OPEN -DAV AND NIGHT j YOUR % H READING NEEDS Large and well assorted. stock` to choose from. Weare now getting [good shipments of imported A gra.nite`s at greatly reduc- ed prices. % `BIIIIII III III`: Inna ; Eve student necelvea individual per- so instruction at the Shaw Schools in Toronto. That is why a boy or. girl can start at any time to !earn shortha typewriting and business methods. here's no better time than. now. Always room in one of our ELEVEN Schools. Write for hand- b0'<- 9. Mclnmh. Chief Principal c. w. J. EASTMAN, mob. -Phone 277 " R. G. MANUEL, MGR. V Phone 721 MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and : START AT ANY TIME? ..._. ..L...l..nt nanaluna inivillnl lib?- scoTT's aooxsromz _.'_"`9.: 39F-B5 /1." \. But y`o';Eu`3'::To:ea %` Cleanalleallhy condition In: EYS"',=i:..:`~;:*:..:::.3.a';f-`-" Boovrolrlyeutileamciearan Healthy. Wrlta fnr Fe-an Run Rm-. nun. 20 Owen St., Barrie Eublishci_`|`869Y yBl|S|NESSS(|l00lS TORONTO ' Phone 82 at- V uc nauguc What h:. had received from fthe forest soothed his spir_it `as the starry snowflakes, uauu: UHUK [0 ms eyes. - ` - No.4 we ain t girl and boy no more," he whispered; and lifting his armsehigh he laughed. Who; 1... I......I -..--:-.-_I L3 '-' * uuucnauuuu. ' i ` Later, he stood. in the low-lying wilder- ness of the Elm Swamp. And there, per- haps, his great Mother epityingly solved for- him the problem of_ a new unrest. There where day's light wavered faintly like foggy starlight, his soul shook off its brooding. and the old glad fearjless light came back to his N0, WA lain ! a:nI an)! luu. -- `------- " .~ uuv xu uuc uunscuulg W000 again. He hurried on, passing the tree-swing where he and the girl had played so many summers. He passed through the hickory grove where they had garnered the nuts for the winters cracking; through `this and into the heavier_ timbersand, deeper shadow where the light was very dim and forest whispers stirred and vibrated. A fox glided across his path, switching into a clump of hazelbushes. A cock grouse, drumming upon a decayed log, arose on 1 I thundering wingeto dip into a clump of trees far to the left. Farther into the wood the cluck of a wild turkey sounded; Boy heeded,none of these things. On and on he strode, -his an aimlss goal; his one desire, to come up with that some- thing urging and elusive,---something he feared though treasured and `could not understand. A 'l ,..4.... L _L-,J ' -' ' I/3/)yEYon Cannotnu; New Eyes mg 2.';'.!2:=_:'..'.':2:-;.!.=_2 "remembered. Gloss had been careful to . - - ~01 uuuvc use us, mm ID uegun no snow. boy and ye have her sm1Ie._ Ye tak me awm] rose and walked about the little house, back to the time I first saw your mither, ii; his eyes searching it for the small trinkets ' `Gloss. Ye_will na gangin' oot _i th snaw. 101 the girl had treasured there; A bunch|pet. noting with concern that Gloss hadl of dead flowers rustled in thecracked cupyvon her ha.t and coat. I ne er lak ta seeit on the bark shelf. They were tied withlye ramblin' aboot i th woods after th ! ey a gorgeous bit` of red flannel, which. helsrlilawd falls on account 0 th "wgolves, th c ee . . explain was. watered silk". Boy smiled '1 And she was beautiful. and Iain likeigl and pressed the knot between his. fingers. i her. said the girl softly. Oh. Granny. I -m i I On the floor lay a home-woven straw beginnin' to miss my mother! '_ EDI. `hat. Its decorations, too, were of wood-' Cheeld. cheeld." said the old womamlha` land flowers faded to ashes and scentless. drawing the girl over to her bosom. It s iwa Boy caught it up andheld it at arm's ever the way. The mither is missed always,1in length ;` then threw it from him and sprang but the cheeld cannamiss her lak the . . . . . . Ra out in the darkening wood woman. And ye are growm into a woman. +,. He -hurriprl mi nnnainnn I... 4...... .....z..... nu. - - 80 ucnu uu oucul. I Aye. dearie. ye havve In the open the clouds scudded lowphave her beautiful hair; ablovethe trees, and it began to snow. Boy and I Gloss, gangiy concelx cup! on with] ye redlflannel, he snaw falls or : iremembeted. Gloss had hnan mu-nrnl +.....;...-uw JLCCIIVIIIIJ . Deep into the woods. Boypaused be- fore a small grove of` baby maples. ' Be- neath their spreading branches stood a ` nlayhouse built of rough bark and twigs. He and Gloss had built this house; she." girl-like, to pl-ay at mimic life therein; he, boy-like, that she might own her little, joy. There stood the table. a basswood _lwlock, set for 21 feast, with broken bits of crockery and glass for `dishes, It seemed but yesterday that he and Gloss hadsat before that table and eaten an imaginary repast of earbh s luxuries from those broken dishes. It all seemed so poor. so lonely, and deserted now.` l Tn flan fuyinu kink-..L.... ..l....A. D....._.. At, - uyvnc uu uuu an 11!: UIJDBFCU. "5 ' V He answered her almost rudlely andltlmugh strode outside. The hazy light of morning lfhd "t ` had vanished. The skies had darkened, H` was 4 and a low `wind was shaking the 'deadlp$55ed lleaves from the trees. Boy plunged down; the path and into the wood. A shaggyi dog. snoozing {besides the ash-leach. watch- l G1oss_ `ed him furtively from half-closed eyes.{way, ga When Boy s figure disappeared behind the tipped tr slope the dog arose, shook himself. andlabove"R with, stiffened muscles trailed his master There " stealthily. `urgrl nnnr. nn. H... .....-..I_ 'n-_, .,,,, I I auu yuu vc gut uu Leave It oemnu. ` A shadow `floated across -the hazy sun- light and a cold wind swept in from the bay. `With a last sweet note of good-by . . the bird sprang to wing, and beating sky- ward high above the trees, faded, a little darting speck in the somber clouds rolling up in the south. Boy watched it until` its tiny gray body was lost against the] sky's gray fringe. Then he sighed, pick- ed up the squirrels, and proceeded tol strip them, deftly, of their glossy coats. 'i This done. he washed them carefully and 1 carried them to "the house. Gloss was. standing by the table in the kitchen and`; Japoke to him as he entered. Kl nncuynu-nil keno nlm... ....L .....l:_l_. .. ._ J l ' If It is ay-Fever, do not welt ; for the ._ disease` to develop. % Check it before it starts. RAZ- MAI! has helped thousands and . , will help you. At your drugglst's, Guaranteed to relieve or money refunded. `Sold By.Wm. Grassland. . In A ll lllll He looked about him. --All this big! nestin' place; The great woods. has been mighty good to you, little feller-mig-hty good. There's a nest you `built 4here,| and you've got to leave it behind." A a`|ur'nur Ilnnl-npl nnnn an J.L.. L..--. --L l would you avoid yourlannuall attalzk of ay-Fever or Summer Asthma ? `flag remegy is simple, easily taken [ and harmless. -RAZ-MAI! is a l 4 small iiapsule readily swalloived. . A \vuLavn|auuu lllllll JJXII IV CUR] I Little/chap," he murmured, you've! ot a, long ways to fly. I guess I know _you about as well as anybody could know you. unless it's Daft Davie, who s wild} like yourself, and I can't understand why I you should be glad when you`re leavin all this " _.U.,,. . .1 ..l Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- fng, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. J. E. BILLINGSLEY, Dena! Amen! ` BL--- AI. -L '- `(Continued from Lagt Week) IIUHI DU_V and-8.110 US. ` `-`Ye dinna -ken. lassie. ye dinna ken; its a brew warld and your mither has been lookin , for her comin full lang, I ha noo doot. They were greet friends. They looed ain anither reet weel. But mother would not mind waitin some longer, Granny. I know she would rather let auntie live a while longer for our sakes. She has got. used to waitin . _Lass, you mus na cry. said the old woman gently. If she gangs awa it wull be God s good pleasure. If, she bides twull cycs _uuu'nel' mouth trembled. - God won t let her die. Granny. she said_ chokingly; He knows we need her so much. . - . Maybe He needs her th mair, Iassie." No. no, He can t. And Granny. she w)ouldn t-she wouldn t be happy away from Boy and-and us." .`v.. .::...... 1--- L ' ` ' 0 nu ma fmuuu uugger. 1 tear." A look of sorrow came`into the eyeia and'her mouth trembled. Gm! umn + In 1...... 4:- IL, _ . .. .' was bonnie. aye. she was bonnie, g-Why I don't mind promisini that; . h tammered. I ain t cariii much to, The gm Sahk 0" her knees and mhk shoc:t---any deer without giviii it some-l . the old hands in hers. ii ,. ,, thin of a` chance. And I will say that I Am Ihke hi-Y`h`thehv Gra.hh3:,? `she to shoot em without goes somethin . .8 asked eagerly. ' Very like her? . . a'ain' 11 rain. All ri ht. Gloss. old `Aye dene`. h`.'e_ her 9y and ye Aiidefll l[)),l`01llSe not to ghoot that deal Vlhave hair; ye have her face .0]. any other like her_ Dang me. but` V her awhlyou and her seemed a lot. /a lot alike tol ,lback t.inievI l `I it 5 Gloss Ye Wm gangin, i, th, gnaw l,me somehow. I reckon I m good enoughl .. . . . _ of a hot to have ot b ou. irl; but} 1. heh hohhg hth herh hhdlsoinethiii` kept niv ihifle dhhuih. Igsee you Hon see ' ' . . ., , two lookin at each other--her eyes. your ilye raniblin 1 woods th'ley-es__wa_ I can't Say what makes me iishhw th, "wlh e3.v think you two are alike, but you are. l h .99 . , Q beautiful. I `am likez N0 Smm Ander wont Shoot any more l - , . does-at least not this season. Now Gloss 1 I I L 1 I _ 3 A _ v iihlzgihnizidthhemgikglii(iirhiot`1iia}l~'vigra""y` Ifmll want you t come along over to my | 0 I 7 . , . . - Dlace and see my missus. Shes bound to `Cheeld. cheeld. said woniamlhave a loggmbee right Sam and she over_to her bosoni. I/t s';wams you to help he, lay out the .eatini mither is missed always, ; line_ I canit say much_y0u know what `Xmeld can`na'mi,SS, her Rachel s like. When she takes _a notion hd We 3"? 1"9h ""` to do a thing I might as well give in right lGh ,S33,,3 e 9'""3hW h."ht hi'h"h fast- on the start and save trouble. I don t awe` ` know why we wanter log, but that don't- She picked up `her knitting and rocked matte,.__wei,e goinv to log icause Rachel to and fro, crooning -toherself. The girl says so_ Come along over and sorter arose and._ bending. kissed her softly `on give th Old woman a tip or two about | the smooth white hair. Then she crossed what she should get together for the the khcheh and heehed hm the large table. I ll see you back through th bush,. of the bedrooms. 1 "7 um.,.v_ _i_-_:,, ' `Puller: T wnnfnr an.."Rnu nk.-...o. .......- A...-._- I I ' __.....Y .4...`-._ uutllllllsq xuauull Her Sollily On [the into larger bedrooms. She s sleepin , lass; best slip awa and no disturb her." whispered Granny. iShe Il not last much Ianger. dearie; she'll no" last much langer. AI fears ' A nf any-u-nu: .u........ .._L- I` ' " uu: Inu uuuus II] hers I my mother, Granny?" 'Very Aye. have eyes Ihave beautiful Irmir- '11:: 1-...... 1.-.. r--- Bo DIIaloIIiald', Depot ent Phone 65 Bu-ruin, -V--- nuumug, a smue on ner wrinkled face. Lass." she said softly. but ye are gettin mair like your mither every day. And she bonnie. she bonnie. lussie. n ma ~- - ` la. yc5 uuu uptueu Int`! Granny McTavish knitting, a smile I.m.." -1... --:J Iuuuvc LLUIIU nau. ' was a smile on her lips and her eyes were alive with the light of genuine girlish happiness. She did not knoiv why she should -be so glad; `but today s e felt like singing; like racing out into the hard- woods and trampling the long` leaf-carpetedl aisles. She wanted to be out in the open.; A flock of wild geese wedged their way` ;between two -tiny strips of blue sky and were lost in a heavy snow-cloud above the Point. The girl clapped her hands joyfully and. springing _backward like a! young gazelle. she snatched her cap froml a peg and tiptoed into the inner room. l Grnnnv MlvTu\riaL lnnlp...-I .... l'----- ` , I ...... luvs. uuwngnyu bu uuuue mat. new mmg; D [ posessed it. 3 CHAPTER VIII Through the Deep Wood .1 I the kitchen door!` k!way,b gazed outward across the bronze-f ` tippedtrees to the drab-colored sky restingi '_abbvek Rond Egu_ . l`l........ --... - . 9 fit enough for Him to know that he .,-......... .....u...uua, uc uxugucu. oomemmg new h_a.d-- come to him. Not strength;l though strength was of it. Not defiance; `though it held the power to defy. Boy idid attempt to define that new thing; enouzh for Him in lmn... +1.... I...` uh . I I And Joe looked up and yawned sleep-;' lily, just as if `he had awakened from his forenoon s na . _ ' Boy ate his dinner in silence. When he arose he glanced at `Gloss. She was stand- ing before the window, and Boy saw her perfect face, crowned by a mass of heavy chestnut hair, clear-lined against the- light of an outer world. Her great eyes were_ looking into space; she was dreaming. The young man sought the open with surg- ing pulse. The whistle of Hallibut s.mill sounded its challenge, and. squaring his broad shoulders, he laughed. Something Knew Conle tn Nnf cf!-nnnlrlu-I lwu:5uI/cu uuruy. . , `Joe, old pup, I thought It was me who had to roam among the briers and the burrs, but I see you ve been there,_ lt00." A._J 1,, I, I r v uul nuns 116511 o At mid-day the setter crept back to` his old place by the ash-leach and lay down. A little later Boy came up the Ipath. `He stooped down and patted the. I dog's head, and noting his tangled hair, laughted softly. JAB nlrl ruin I 6`-um.-_LL :1. _--_ _ V - V v v v v v ]t%lling on his upturned face, soothed [burning esh. 1 Ar ...:.l A... .51.- -..:.'._ W: L ' l-U uu: uluur room. looked up from her her wrinkled face. afe IH` 7Yl l1Dr nunvhv Ana. 1 ___.- cu a-n I`-D`! Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. THE BARRIE EXAMINER girl's ......;.. asp IO uuc ul wuwu hue gentleman WHO consumes more than a. decent -allotment in presenting his subject. is very apt to find himself talking to the janitor in the rear of the hall. If -anyone else is present they have lost interest and would be better and wiser` nllfnida _`Ru-nmlm. Q..- uuvu nuuv uluclcula 'auu WUUIU D1 iwiser` outside. 7Brmdon Sun. uncuxc ll: 'ulU1llUI'U.le. Pretty nearly any idea on earth can `be expressed in a few minutes. And this fev- , erish age is one in which the gentleman who M consumes mm-n than u .ln.....r..1I..........; :_ on/uuuuuu. auu DLUVCIISOHS 1teqllJeI1'l" W1. be asgood as new when more ambltious` _and more poetic poetry of the -age is for- gotten. Run through the Oxford Book of English Verse and find that the lyric epi- sode lives while ettenuated poetry langui- snes for want of time in this generation to make it memorable. ' "D....a.L.. ....-_l-. -7 ' I *` uuu aavcu uucr we Inst twenty minutes." The world is a trie more impatient of_ windiness today than itever has been be-; fore. It hasalways frowned on verbosity. Brevity and conciseness have been half: the battle with men who sought to impress j their messages on the world. To read? aloud and distinctly the story i of the crucifixion as related in the; mpel according to St. Mark requires` a. little more than four minutesg Reciting Lincoln's Gettysburg address is at matter of something under two minutes.;' Tennyson will -be known popularly for his; Crossing the Bar" when his exquisite Idylls of the King are known only to students. and Stevenson's Requiem will i i as 200d BE nnm uylmnn nun-n ..-...L2L2-.._-- - ........ ..- -.._._. l A current newspaper. the Detroit Journal, has `a timely revival of a short story. It tells of a New York clergyman invited tol addres Yale students. several years ago. , who enquiredof President Hadley how long he might -talk. The university head replied that the diyine might have all the time he wished. but added that souls at Yale are not saved after the first twenty minutes." Th Wnrld i3 9 h-ifln rnnrn :n\r\n`:n-~` A` W uu a nun; 1 uugur. as well glve In right know matter--we re goin cause bush, , `cause I wanter see'Bo_v about some traps. ' (To be continued.) his UNDERTKKERS iJuf)oclute looked puzzled. He scratched `his head and grinned; then he looked; `down. I IIIIYI `V ll ' Anden"she smd. I know you are a pretty g0od'man.. I want you to promise! _me that you won`t shoot things--things; ilike her. It`s terrible. Why, they are" so young they don t know any dang:r.| Youlll give them all a chance, won tf _ you? i I 1 1 vv ~ nnnluut- l..-L-.l [slit away. Smne_body else ll get her, said. man. She's pretty tame and she ll gshot sooner or later. I I"1... ...2..l ..;_-.I I.,I- -- - BIIUD EU The , wood. 4 (A `um uuceiw aname. V , "Well. I don't know. laughed the }little man, coming forward. I tell you that war as fine a doe as I've seen this season. girl." ' . _ Poor thing." sighed Gloss;-then hotly.l I'm glad` she got away; I'm glad she got away?` l Qr......L.....l-. _l_-9II . l 7` ~- - l I her cheeks aflan_1. 4. uun: uuuu amour mmn you." I `Did-did you want to shoot that pretty little thing. Ander?" asked Gloss. ` `IILJI `I 1 19' n m::.iinl-rs and ironwood!" he ejaculated; you.stud right in my `way, Glossie. I'd 0 had that doe sure pop, if I hadn t been a trifle timid about hittin yu. Vhll uyanf On Kn:-5 *L~*` ULJC I Iul.. Gloss turned quickly. A. little man with a small face fringed with -whiskers. and light blue eyes blinking from beneath a `coon-skin cap, stepped out from behind a I tree and lowered the hammer of his long rie. n any n - - ----V V uu uct nu 1.181111. For a moment the two creatures stood gazing at each other. {The doe reached forward timidly and` plucked another -mouthful of the juicy twigs. .then with 9. sudden start leaped into the thicket on the right. ! (ll.-ma o.........l .....:..1_1__ A u-... - - _vvuu. uct: uuu DGBUUIUI. { The doe stood with her slender muzzle ;lifted, her sensitive lips a-tremble, her humid eyes fastened` upon the girl of the forest, who, instinctively, she felt, would do her no harm. ,,A_ or if , . .. IARRIE, ONT. uuauua uuawu anu us smes neavmg. And so the two animals of~the Wild gazed at each other with a deep and growing .wpnder. L I KT:-.._- L-J `~"` ` - vvyuucl o Nature had built those two after the same fashion. Both were slender" ' and graceful; , both were alert and; watchful; both possessed bong-leashed eyes; both were _wild." free and beautiful. ` rlnn nbnn.-I ._.:A.L L," I .auu uuppuless naa stolen `back to the heart ' `of the girl. Her great; eyes were alive ith life and joy, and she passed on. hum- ming a. merry tune to herself,_drinking in the golden beauty, the songs, and the scents of nature. Beyond a tangled clump of trees Gloss came unexpectedlyxupon another creature !of the wood. A young doe was browsing- iamong the tender shoots of the brush-pile, and at the girl s soft footsteps it lifted fits shapely head and stood quivering, its nostrils dilated and its sides heaving. And animals nf~fl'm Wm: .......A at cu uu. ' ` Black and red squirrels were busy among the trees, garnering their winter s food. They worked noisily, chattering and scold- ing. They were a. busy /little body of workers, `and they could not afford to pay much attention to the woodnymph whom `they had become accustomed to see in `their kingdom. The ol,d-time restfulnes; and happiness had stolen `back the heart I Fifi, "Br lrrnof nunn ------ -'3--' uuc ULHUA SUM. ` _ Gloss skirted the patch. keeping a thick-. et between her and the workers. and passed on southward until she reached 9. wide ridge of giant beech trees,~ whose long outstretched arms were fruited with the toothsome nuts which the first frost of autumn would send in a shower to the earth. . _ be his .rnercy.- _We wull hope and pray for the best, Glossie." ` When Gloss sought the wood a. white, sweet-scented mist was rising from `the leafy carpet where a thin veil of snow had rested. ,The` low calls of the feathered: denizens of the Wild sounded mellow and indistinct from the softwood swales, for the sky was changing to the slate-blue of even- tide. Down in the stumpy potato-patch Boy and Big McTavish were busy en- gaged in turning the snowy tubers out of the black soil. e 7 mbb ol.l_c....l .L- _-4-L I MIC. Jinks mu. ..s....I ..: ._L :uuuc1 U1 NILE!" . ` girl stood looking away through the SHORT AND S\}\;gET Vihems .E'29!g-Mi"?

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