E comma EVENTS % 2 cents mar wm-r1- nnimnm 9:. ._.,n,\,u. aux: p1t:b`t:nL l1()V8i'Tll'll(`llL - has been doing something all the time 5 and has attacked a large number of 5 important questions. Starting with the timber probe he went on to sav 1 that the investigation of the former * Government s forest administratim: ` had shown that there had been an. alarming malfeasance in the admini- stration of a great public trust, and that in a subsequent lawsuit the pres-. ent Government had been able to re- ,cover over one million `dollars wrong. fully taken from the province. AL ready they had recovered above the ordinary revenue over two millions. and there are many more cases yer. to be brought on. The Hon. How. ard Ferg'uson s connection with the-. affairs of this department were point-i A ed nnf. lrw Hm D.-omh... :.. .....-..._-- w , W- - $ 2 cents per word; mxmmum 25. E&&&&&shw..m.m.v..v..v..v.. a ucuva pm wuru; uumuxuul 00. &mm&mmw&&mm&$&m gwmwamwwwmmwmwwg ,_...- I.I\a!.I.l\lL In Whatever has been charged agaim st us it can never be said that vm have been inactive, the Premier de. clared at the commencement of his speech. The present Government has hpnn dnnn- enm..+l..:.\... ..n am An V ,. 4 unxnncx 1 Forthcoming changes in the '.ldlT)lI1~. i istration of the Department of Prov- i incial Forests, the. Ontario Temper- ,ance Act, the lifting of the cattle - embargo, the improvement of prov. l incial and county highways were all subjects taken up by Premier Drury. He defended the Government s stand on the Hydro Radials and ended by saying that when his Government did go to the people a whole lot of money wasn t to be spent on a campaign, since the Government was not in favor of a campaign fund in the generally accepted sense of the word. It would be just a straight appeal for support. I u1vL..a.---,,-. L 7 ' u ----.h V Hon. Peter Beat Premier ? One of the events consisted of 2. - race between different members of 9 parliament present. Premier Dru:-_v - took part in this,.losing out for first I place, however, to those faster of` - foot. J. B. Johnston, Provincial U. F. 0. member for East Simcoe,_ was, second, while R. H. Halbert, former U.F.O. President, reached the tape rst. Hon. Peter Smith beat out the- 'Premier. , others. \.............c.u. uau a.ccu1x1plI?-;n8ll- , Though the Premier was the p1-in--x cipal speaker, `there were seven}. One of these was the Hon. ; Peter Smith, Provincial Treasurer, who declared that the Governinent; had not been extravagant, as its. enemies had claimed, but that ex- penditures were justied and walk within the means of the Pro\'ince,, Hundreds of Oro township farmers and their families were present at the picnic in spite of the fact that. the present is one of the farmer s busiest periods---gathering in hay and fall wheat. It was as-perfect` day for the affair which passed off success. fully, 1___ 7\ . - u . V . - . u uuuallu uub yuan`. This much Premier Drury made` plain yesterday when he addressed; residents of Oro township at a U. F`. O. picnic held at the Oro townhalk. The premier, in a characteristic-, vig- orous address, told his hearers that. an `-election would not come till next year--toward the close of the pres ent administration s usual four-yea.r term. His message also contained` a review and a defense of what his Government had accomplished. Thnno-h Han `D.-.-m..:.... .-..._ am *7 any so , ham; pa There is to be no Provincial elecw tion ixi Ontario this year. 'l`l~.:o 'w.....l.. n.......:-_ V. - onmuo WON T SEE ,AN ELECTION m 1922 '80 Premier Drury T eI1`s U.F. O. Picnickers In Oro on; ". Wednesday: \'v\lAV\4\.lc (Continued on page 9) SECTION /I PAGES` 1 TG 8 , ativesjof the Sev,em_ Sytem zxnunic-I `Hall, Barrie, Taleway aaf.ta_a:noon.E.I That .the cexaalssive de_pneaia.t'mn5 cha_rges_ pineal` -.an_.=.1ndue. 1aad,.upi>n;'.: present .users .o:f ._I`Imdro-Kie.:tm'.c _l}'_lht . and_ power was Kane icriticism inf .6122 ; Ontario Hydro-'.E1entric Power xnm-3 ` missn'an's mehnds .-Jvoicedl by J. ` Bennattat a .-meetjga-g of r.e,;mesent-4 ipalitics, held in .the.. Public iLib1:arg'" \. Mr. Bennett cia'ime.d.that the qmesent - ;. _ gener,y;tion_are ggayilm. not on1l1v'.1:heir~ `I own maintenamxe charges hm. wili` u hand oxxer the p1unts,.at, the em} .o1;'".the\_l: .deben,t;nre period in .rst-cits ssapegj-_ with .3 sinking faa2._\d:s1Lfficienit'1:Iv `pro- vide a complete a:e.w_;:1lant. 4 3 m. - K`! TOO ma Auomml F o R _DEBREClA`ImN 1% J. H. Bemn1.ttOf.Z1aim$ "ms E. Regwilzktinm Unfair ' .PresamLt:CZ:-~nsun1m$. ` ` ` - ClRCl..K?i0N wum .~vvr1c1u,n 1:. .mALuAMA`u:u -WI|'|%; THE BARRIE SATURDAY `I '5 "953 ' D. U 1'11} o J! gs12!.l.ant. '. -4 vv us wuc Alliston s Troubles " Mayor Mitchell of Alliston reported that the commission in Alliston had been accused by the Herald of re- ceiving stolen money with reference to the commercial rate. The trouble was over a linotype machine and that the rate had been raised since the time of installation while other lino- type machines were not rated as high. `In answer, Mr. Jeffrey said that all linotype machines were rated by their individual load and that an official letter to thateifect would be issued to silence the trouble maker. ` Cookstown Miller's Case The question of the Cookstown miller who was alleged to have been I offered lower rates when he spoke of A Hydro, was taken up. Mr. James } explainedpthat the miller in his busy j season had refused to use off-peak ' power from the municipality` but - when business slumped with the sea- son and the miller had taken denite ; steps to get gas , power they had 4 offered him (too-late) off-peak jsowerbj from the system, which he wassorry . not to be able to accept. " r -4. . ....&,.. t..- ...x-..... ......... . `Mr-. McCallum replied that Hydro 2 `had been .u;1tra-conesxervative in their aim not to charge anything except fordinary w_e-ar and tear to mainten- _ ance. `Many United States plants jiiadgone back to private ownership ` because they started with low rates and no allowance for_ depreciation; Financing Rurals Reeve J_a`mieson of Nottawasaga Tp. asked why rural consumers Gould lnot, after the government pays off '50% as arranged, pay o their 50% and form a commission and buy from` a municipality. M- 1..a.-...... .......1:-.a n....LI.....:..1...L:.... UV /11: Mr. Jamieson wanted to know why the rurals should have to pay 8% interest for twenty years--why can" they not pay the whole -thing at one shot? The average rural com- munity is not always willing to dig down and pay for capital cost. If anyare willing to contract for it they `can be accommodated, he an- iswered. ` ` A1101, 1 In ,,,I1 , MONTH-END AND WEEK-END BARGAINS-For Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week and Mon: ` day, July 31', of next week, we are offering some veryeworth-while bar- gains in every department. See our boys suits, our men s suits, men s pants, raincoats, work shirts, dress shirts, underwear, boys tub suits, men s and boys overalls; all these lines and many others are being sold at prices that mean a wonderful sav- ing on all previous prices. Come and save -on all men s and boys clothing and men s furnishing goods. Weekly, daily, yes hourly, our staple drygoods department on the second oor is growing in favor with the purchasing public. We are sav- ing ourcustomers from ten to thirty per cent. We ask-, is this saving worth while? If so, buyhere and save, In a little over two `months ` we sold over 3,000 pairs of ladies and children's stockings. The 5 low prices was the` reason. Buy stock- ` ings and staple drygoods here and ` `save, save.--The W. C. Hunter Cloth- ing` Co., Barrie, Ont. K9 l|lHIlFVJyI`UJn _ Mr. Jeffrey replied that legislation at present did not permit this and that the government still would own. 50%. _ -`I'____:,_-__ _____.L-.`l .L- I__.____ ___L--` I u"aunAnUWIQgg.gvvu . I ~Chairman Bennesut said that ;rank- `I `y speaking the rate of depregiiatiovi was too high and that rates coa.l3d.he `_ma`t_er.i'all`y xgedixced if Lit were not. for hiais expenditcure. The present gen- 3e_r;ation, `he said, is`.?'1andinZ mrer I.-_a _pl_an,t in. A1 condition and enough 4}_mos,1_ey to buiidva new -one besidesi The idea of hgaipg prepared for de- [struction of the plant might be am ;,righ_t;, but if it -were desizroyed too! the mamicipalitycould raigre dehen-". tures and build a-new one easily en- ough with the 1'eaerve fund. ' ~'l'.. I..fV..11.---_ _,,._`I__1 LL_.:. `l"I ___I_-_ .._~ - yw vvv"`1r["' 'r- n v _Mr. Jeffrgy ,1'eplied}1ih`ept the con-I dition ofthe lhuildings dggpended on? the_a_mount,amucated to dgnreciatiion, ,which:- was lewiau annua`1l_y.but only .nee_ded gt" iutamwals. For example, 'wlqen _a pole raise or sttvznm .damage {has /been done, enough ghg-_s been ksgt,sig1.._to make yxeplacemems `with-' out _a special change being made -to maintenance. A % ` J~(".hairm:1n Rnnnorrfr gait} tlmf lranln`. .~~-.v---V v .5`-""_ VT "` 'f""""" I ~ May ill it get mam- ; gnreciatiqn aypaymemts `.'>ack? ' Mr. )II1&!,CS.a1lum--"`;Iff, it can sew Sula-ndn ,9 a This brmgght up .`BhgF question xdgepreciatizgu .and the di wax-" (ed warm antthe new subject. Maym-g lalden \x?hetbe.r .or' not thej ,bu;i,1dings wmgld be a liability if 313'; lmu'.r;i_cipality_..s3topped t!`.a`kir_1g', power. 3 L` 1 v\.u_._u,uo f . Mr. :Mcca11um gpointed out that if a municipality ceased taking power Ialtogutaagj, whitlh `was unlilsdlx, iit would_}lne_ the beam-ts of; the aalkzem and ha1\{e,'j-{she plantt mm its hands. u-o~.u. ; im1,a1{g_y s load was the same_, .th;e.1on1y` : j;1;,em xzwouldsmjll be in `d.*-hevzhandsmf imyiwcial Gamunission auxdtthg c(3hai.;g-e vmzuld be that Jhe: sinkimg 1'nr1d.pt_:`: ments . and 1;he..interest -wmul .cease. tujgr..that, gaunted. thattgthe .mu1m~ V -Vccsitzwxguld be: Jqpkeep. The .mone.a; T municipality had been paying .into_f a s`iI1kiI;` fund -the ~ more it .vm1ilii_-.g.wzt?._ for nathing when the eben;.u_resf:'j wegtg ;mii`,d, for aighng fund maym entsfi , cea'aad.. A a I A, -1u_r1,n,, - . u . .1 . ...'!1 ___iA:ibert _'M.iab.ey, .of ith boy, .'had his night -humid `daorn. ; ;o`j;.ust belkwr the eIIhnw,mn;Fi`i'y ;`M1_ry 19, w/.hs:n he e.':mgh:tiit.imtf,h. `mahinery of. the pla11t'.'in'-:Whic.b`.he wszas ere rploye - I V ;;QRAuDsoN%o1=E.%;mn`Ear{ :.KILLED BY am:1m:_mucK{; .He_2r_1ry John Mabey, .b.eLeight_-year-.% `grandson of .H;em;y .Mahey, 86:_ . Rgnry. stmbet, dieu fu1'.the(Gue}h Hos; pital on Friday, ..aI11'1_y .-21, fmm.i'n; juries ..snsJ:ained when `Jahenldttle fe14 low was struck by :11 -mamr .tuv?.:k..,on L $15. afternoon of xhe zsame ,.dz3y. _He;v 3 had beemjtn the aizmce nzsgangarnarid .1811!` on hisnway hom=:aaniin.'frant of -a.;1n:uck bdhnging mo llt` Livzic Light 4 and Heat Repartmcnz. Jis.-313.111} was A fmcturedwmd he diedi :hott_1y-.zfter-; wards wiihnut regziitiing '.`('I%25QuS-} rlilllvu The Provincial representatives were not prepared to discuss the question of a revenue in the event of a municipality dropping itsload and pointed out that ownership was hardly the appropriate term for a municipality's interest in thevplant at the end of thirty years. `At the end of that time the control of the sys- ecjation :D}ir.cussed' W H V ZVVlTedn"esday Closing On motion of Deputy Patterson gnd Ald. Poacher, a by-law was intro- duced, to make compulsory the clos- _ing `of drygoods and millinery stores on Wednesday afternoons from Aug. 1st, 21922, to Sept. 1st, 1922, except in, weeks where` there is a public Invvvnn Replying to Ald. Marshall's query -as to why a light ordered for the south end of Essa St. has not been installed, Chairman 'Patterson said that an error had been made in giving instructions regarding this order and the lamp had been placed on another street. However, instructions `had been given to have a light placed in the location petitioned for. * Sewer By-Laws A by-law waspassed providing for the construction of sewers upon the local improvement plan, on certain portions of Sanford St; (cost $530), Holgate St. ($1156.95) `and Penetang I St. ($3473.30) . uuvc Ross St. Sewer A petition was read asking for a . sewer on Ross St., 225 feet westward from Maple` Ave. It was signed by Mrs. R. J-. Guthrie, H. J_ Buchanan, Chas. Barnes, H, A. Orok and Mich- ael Seadon. The estimated cost of this sewer is $481.75. In a Terrible State ~ Ald.vCo1es asked when something would be doixe to Kempenfeldt Hill which he`described as in a terrible -state. Reeve Fishers promised to attend to it, All If a.auu w-v:_I_--v-vyu vnanu Jwu;. _Ch'arle:s Kell and twelveother rate- payers asked that Charles St. where the sevver vvag laid last year, be ` gravelled. A .....L3Ll-... .-..... ........2--...J 13..-..- .. 5; v \.ll\4\Ao A petition was received from a nu_mber of drygoods, millinery and fancy goods stgres, asking that a compulsory by-law for. Wednesday afternoon [be enacted. A similar petition was presented from dealers [in tajlo1`ing, gents furnishings, hats, `etc. 15 re . I`! 1..--.. .... ...- .,_. ,,.- ..,.,,,....,-i... .. 3 Ald. Coles p.o_inte_d out that sewers " cannot be run over another man -.: property. These houses maybe sold in a few years gnd they should have individual connection with the newer, Short $1800 in County Levy From the County Clerk notication was received that Barri.e s County levy is $26.365. This is about $1800 more than was provided for in Bar- rie s estimates this year. f`L'....I.._- `L -lI .....l J......1-._ ..L`l...._ ....L.. , ..._,W,. ., *,_.,...._.. ._..._., ......,..,.....,.5 ..,...;.... . Sjmce .a.rr.iving `at the Gquncil he; `had been mld that sufficient signa- tures ibad bee secured for ;au.'egular petition. If his was the case ..he was `preparexd to fall in line. But he wished to _perp.tes_t mtxet empharhcally against the Board of Health mixing up in somevthivg with which it .had no busing-as to ,in.terfer;-,. If it es-cqld force this .t.hroug;,h under the excsnse. that it was 3 sanjtary necessity there was nothing to Apr.9ven_t forcing -21 sewer on any street. in town regard- less of the wish of the ratpayers. -|` Alt` Fnlne nr\:n4-nA 4111+ 4-1ur.l- cwniirn-un(<'.` )1 any 1;`-.. V. _ R0aSl< Healfih IBILMH ..D.o.m1ald Ross. on b_e aalf.of.a. lent, ,a_dd1;-e.gsed the Council, prqtesting s;..aga1n..t__the -B_ma.rd of Health -fQ!:`ing the <:0.:D.Structmn of a'ae.w.er~.on-Ross '.'St., M_'e_st of Maple Ave. ,He,said E:v.1,ere.. no need of the sewer. A F` h0_ll$e.)8_ ,h1ch had sewer cu.nn_q.(;ti`on _on : M.ary~St._A1;gd been moved .to1theJ)ak I of the_]g1 end rheowners in mtderjo _-sassze .b._u.1Lld1!_1.g 25 Lo 30 feed; Lof.,sew.er `en thelr own progxeafty were andeaYm- _ '.1Qg_.to_h3.ve part of the cost o.f..a!- b sewer` cqmnection zhgaded on the rate? I1 ._ Pay:r s, asaid. Ilmatead of'._p1*.zg,'~1en_t.;;~}; mg ..:_ge.!:h1:>_n to the Councul an .the, Irregular was they had, averrtad .Mr._; :1 -...RQs~3. `_gQt`&1_1 e. Boaut of Heallth .t9?b r order its cQnstruct.i.o.n for s2J.uiii.a1;y !J Lr;easzm.=- _M3_:. Ross aentended xbhat: .! the VB.Q.I`d was far Vexceeding its`. V -.am.tho.r.iEy ..aS..`.he clainugj, there mas` `no sanitary. grounds ilor ordering it. :2 111113 .Bp.a.t:d fof Health had no pwmerrra to order construction of the sewer. D `THE .a11.tl`Q1'U_;y_ rests with the Pm-:18 `ri'm.i.a1 .Ba.ard, .1=1M' it, thmgh approv-ice ing. of mg plans, had distinctly re.%} ftrsadl to ,issue 3133 compellizgg 012-der.i!e 6:..- ......:..:...... ..+ H... .rN.........:1 1...} [ Wednesday knsingimas once moregl ealt wi.t2b by the To.wnonm:i1, Mon- H. `lay _1y'g.bt, when .t.w.o' by-laws were Ve.nacted.`.making mmpnlmry for _ry, gaods, millimmy, .men .s..furnish-. Egg: and Jzailor shops to `close. every -. .W.ednesd;a_v aftennnnn, .exc.g:pt , on I m_eks in which 'tlnme-is`a_pnh1ic holi- -. `up to Sept. lst. .As..the.`by-law,{1 J,mu1st be.a&-yertisarl, jtmannotggo into ; etlict until Aug. 1251;, 160 .this_ year's Dn0hi_b.itio=.n will be .eff,e.ctiv.e fer only 1 o_x,=w,montb. If simjlarqneasuzes are 4 to .-be put in, force n.e.xt;,x:ear,.tJ:1s3_ same 1 4 4 prw?_edu1*e will have to be .taken as the legis_l_a.f5i~3n prav.'v.idiI;g .for. such cQ11_sr_2;z)ulsor;' gI_v-1aws ,'g:i.\u.=:s _m0..aat:thor-' ity ..to malke them .eff.eiv,e .4.o_nger .than- for tbs-,_vear in which .t_.b3; are 1 fna.smd. " `I`),.-.4s... 1'r__-un, tn, .1 na_m. . J . H. Be.nmr.tt of .Bia1niie..v>z~zas. in.t`be . cha`irA,and with him on 1 .he_,p1atomn,,. representing` -Lthe Provincial? ._Co_mnpi.s- f. ; sion, were .Messrs. _,Mc_(LTaL1a1m,VDon;` .Carlos, R. T. Jeffr_ey __,`81ILd `T. Chi .James. The mupicipa1_repr.es&n;atives_ -wer.eV,as_fo?.1ow.s:- Allistun. J. _ Ad_dis, __J. Whitwside `an_d _M,agm_>r _ Mit- Cchell; Barrie, _Mayor Litt.1e,._J. H. ,Benne,ttA,and J. _Hare; Beetorlgl`. A. .`Chapn1_a_n and N. M P. ,Ma;]B;m_1ald; Bradford, W. C.';.Davey, J. _E.,_\C.00mbs, -Land J.VStine; Callfwater, T. Aidgams; .Co1lir.1_gwoodV, A. Stapleton, J. E. ;Pren!?iCe. S. .B.u1:nid.e .an..d .M,\Y0l` < Holden; Cookstowq, H. L. __DnIiJ1ir;g ;.an.d Dr. Leadlay; ;E1mvale,:_C._S. aw ton, W, _Malcolm and A. .C. Bj_s'hmp; .1 :Mid?aa.n.d. .S. J. Milmren; ..Rp.rt `Mc- 1 '1 -,'NicoJ1, J. C. Young; T,bornton,`.C. `W. I W. Abbott, J..Rickman, M. _Scott and J. A. Corbett; 'rc._tten!xaa:.=,! G .Bxfan;don..and J. Mclom; N`t.3.aVi'.3S': ,aga T-_p., E. Jamiesoni and J. Jardine. mt `.This.Se`oH s .Measux=3 Foii ' ! if ..,oqn~,v One ;Mm1th;.J\Jevv*~ t _ .J_3_-V-TLav.% Each .Y.em:. LCLQSJNG my -Laoonaw l }FOR ONLY BARRIE, THTAY, JULY 27, -wm4 wdeucu IS .omALGAMAT5D- IQ bllll J. \J\I '7 all QU .... . ....5 V . Wiles--Paddison-That the Board of Works consider the grading and graxgelling of Sanford St. from Victoria St." '_to John St. ' VF`isher-e-T-7, That mayorl and Council be present to meet the Premier and Hon F. C. Biggs on July 27, and that the mayor and V three reeves` be a committee to ar- range for their reception. 4' -_-.=... -v- .-.--- nvvvrvnvlnl Marshall-Poucher -- That the Board of Works consider the grading and repairing of Gowan St. TI7:`I..... `I )_.1.`l.`_-._ 'll\L-L A`, , -In 1 Deputy Patterson introduced still! another by-law, for a sewer on Ross? St. but as there was some question on the legality of the by-law pre- pared, owing to points raised by Mr. Ross, this was` referred back to com- mittee and a _new- by-law will be prepared upon the petition presented. More Light on Motor Traffic" -Fisher-Lower-That the Water & Light Committee be authorized to place an additional light at the Five Points and one at the corner of Eliz- ` abeth and Bradford streets. `I')__--_ `l2I_'_`l_ -_- -,_3 uwuvan uuu JJL|uJ.U&\A avxccloau Reeve Fisher said that owing to the pressure of motor traffic it is absolutely necessary to have more light at these points. Mr. Jeffrey in a few mpening ;re- ,1 marks explained how ;_e_t:ch infunici-1' :palit,y;,r.eceives, besides .a Hill for.ea_ch ,:month, _.a `fthirteenth power bill at] -the end of the year which Jzakesxthej form of a. credit if the iest.imatecl..: rate for the municipality `has been}. -too high orthe form of a .debit if the esti_mat_e for the yearly expendi- ture of the municipality has been -too flow. 4Ma_yo.r Holden of` Collingwood, _in answer `to ,a question, was in-` formed that in 1920 nine 'municip.ajli- `ties were over estimated and ;re.- ceived the thirteenth bill in h.e' form of a .credit. 5 p ' Wom t Control Plants Ma_yor Holden started the discusni sion when he asked whether the mun`- 4 icipality which. paid the highest an- nual rate owned the biggest interest at the end of the thirty years necess- ary to pay. off the debentures, and whether a m_unicip.ality which dropped its load at the `end of that period,-I: would derive a revenue from the'+ plant. .` "FL... `l3......:.....:..'I ...... -..L..L:---~ - u 3. A fourth by-law provided for levy- ing rates for street oiling: The cost is the same as last year, a little over three cents (to be exact, .030636) per square foot of "frontage calcul-` ated to the middle of the road. This price is for each application of oil. -\ --a c.u:cs:uui5 Q1. uayza. . A similar measure applying to shops dealing in men s furnishings, hats, caps or clothing" was passed. Good Only For Current Season Replying to Ald. Lower the Mayor said the by-law was good only to the date mentioned in the by-laW-Sept. 1st, 1922. It would be necessary to have a new by-law every year. Clerk. Smith_ added that Mr. Boys had look- " ed up this point particularly and there was nothing in the Act to per- mit making the measure continuous from year to year. Another by-law ` made provision for borrowing money ` for Qwers until debentures for same ; are sold. nu. . l\lIl 1` . Thaliday. Perapns vio1ating;this by; law shall be liable to a ne up to $50, exclusive of costs, or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding 21 days. A o `. ......,.:1.-... ...............,. ........1--.._.. L- The Chautauqua Iiaa ve`r'yr I educational advantages and` I favor` A1111. Paddison amid ,a number of good tmizens and knfgg ratepayers were emit of pocket aver this guaran- tee amd tfhe town would not be losing anything ,by.granting a -rebate. an-1.1. .1 I :A1d,`:EI:i.1' c:)htend<:d ttntiae rate- 'payers lmep up the park am! we must coleci something to"`keep it up. I L VIII I1! I s! . 16.03.90" ;, `C When the .o1`!1e3' of. nmotioms was . ;!:sa=a-ched, it was moved by Am. mall -,and Miller, that the request of T. , Yxmng re refund ..0'I ' license be mare .:;gr:anted. In amendment, Reeve F`is`h- r; gyter grmd Ald. Lo'w9_r moved that a re e }f~m1H of half the amtumt be given the Z igeammttee. A_._LLA_. _,,, ,u . .v :1: o. I! V vuulu!-i` '4 UV`-v 0 ` A-mher amendment Pby Ald. Part- .*.ti1_ge. .and Ald. TP-.addi.son provided t Jw.t;h-9 full amount bemefunded. ' guou nu. aclucu $3 I . .." !Electr1c 1.: 1 . . . . . . . .. Piano . . . . -7Cartage .. . . . . . .. . . jfrinting sznii . Advertising ;,Express . .. . . .f . . . . . . {Dominion Ghautauqua . . IQ?-arrie Licezns . - - - - - - - - us... The question was .hr.o11ght up .asJ 2 the Jfelt of a ilelzher I-r.om` T. .'I`.` VYoum~g,.vasking, on }}neiha=I:f sof uthe' guar-5 antmrs, :2. rebate 01' the 53110 license . fee pxafci. A nam:"nZl staiemeem-;.pre- senhad .-Showed a decit at-.f :'_$4.3`3.6/I, recefqpts ;.-.and- disbuassemmxtzr being .as followss::- - I 1-. 4.. gamawwwmamwmmamg --any vn w;v.vwv-3 . . . . . . . . . .`. .A,\l,\I;!.-U_U 25 per cmntuof gate money .- 388.222 Collecian ,. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . ,.L ,1;6.5`1 Sale of giiiifetsy OE ....._ ..-_4 _ . .-...-....-....-uvvu -.~u-..n-u...~-an .kA.lAhIoJJ1- gynnzlr xltw ' leasure am! henet ofthe Chan-E enteriznimnents. .It2.w.as shown` dihat xthe guaatantnrs would have `tow ;p.Ia.t ugp over .`$RD nut. of .t31eir own.` . 4...... 1: .... .... ivnntulrnd-o A-nth-vn`:In -f-- 1% IB_q.':a vote .to .6, gthe .ToWn Coun- "al on Momd-a_-gr nigkt, .at .3 azmeting, demlinad .to rebate. $110 .ex-; from .-a mnrnher `of citizens who! arnaniiisested suiicient `public-. spirit .to` L-nu`!--my-. o lvliuoulxinn .'- ......J..... LL..J. 51...! 3...... vi! vv .; x xx: .uLsAA.' IJJ. ..laLCA.l. .UVIl1,' outside any license fee} ` dhmyged by :ext.mv.n. Caumzil nallyi c-.anc.ed_ad to lettxthese rciiizens o withies omy .-half the .:-2,, Aild Hill.alone-1 standigg out for whole;n o`mxir ;C>UNC. tram $55 {FROM GUARANTORS smmon {km Give .Ba'd: whole` ? ~Ch:mii:au1g:ma ;Li`r-,.ense J Street Oiling Rates II-Jisburements '1 .11, .1 `Dafefzl-ted M. UUIIIE `JUL WUILI, LLIILIIIIIILLII `UV! T " , T waammm&wm&&m&w&&| Reeipts ..`, .L0,6:i.5o V .00 :06`) ..6-.o_o-5 25w5; :zo..ojo %. ~ 1.90! 1375400 ' masmoo , IT1;1'Ii'):2/.25 11'5`.7;') A Ann V onlinvllv Replying to Aid. Poucher, Mayor Little stated that the question of im- posing the license fee for this year was not raised until after renewal contract was signed at the close of the 1921 performances. A vote being taken on Ald. Partridge s amendment for a rebate of the whole the division was as follows :- -I\ I-7 . `J vac you JAIAAV W o M-'es-Coles,u -I5eHart, McKinnon, Partridge, Paddison, Wiles.-6. `M - 1':|:..`l...... t)..L4...._._..._ `D-___- -r __,, ya. , aacanawn , 55111 J. vuvuaca. , All-GI auau-'-O. Reeve Fisher's amendment for charging only half the license fee ` "i~fL'l`i~"i shZ;i~'," f>{t`}s3iz,1}:e",'Lov;- er, Miller, Hill, Poucher, Marshall-8. Dan- 1'B..'I...... .. ......_.'I__ .__A ` A, v_AI\.: JIIVIQI 5 uux an uvx on _ These citizens pay taxes as well as the theatre owners, and the question is. Should we soak them when they already have a big loss? T llntvn 6:. an... us... A....... .....-. TB N""'?CEME".E5 RAH YIDF Ili A Y1I:I'I:fI'lIII'I'I , uuuu uug navy In His IVDDG I have to pay my own way. If these people jump into something and get bit they can blame only them- selves, was Ald. Miller s view of the matter. A An: -s u up ` Ald. Byrne-The theatres pay pro- perty taxes, business tax, and an ad- ditional tax to the government where ,transient shows are played. Other towns that formerly let the Chau- tauqua off are now charging them. One of their men who put up adver- itising streamers on the streets was i put in jail. 1u ..--.._. 'r`:;4.1- 12, L`,S, an -run :5: 450-19 Mayor Little--In this matter care should be taken '/to distinguish be-` tween the Chautauqua and the guar- antors. The former should pay the license but the whole onus falls upon the local guarantors. "lI........ -:a.:......... ....-- ;..._--_ -_ _-n -_ v uuu_y VIII] MD "CAL uscqycu Ald. Partridge said there was no comparison between the Chautauqua and picture shows. ' ' Mayor Litt1e-.-One pays $110 for a week and the other $25 a year. A `I _`l h__,,__ nu b,;.yv4vuo Juana- Reeve Fisher was pleased to know that businessmen and others were encouraging the Chautauqua and was glad it had been a success. How- ever, he said, we are here to nance the town and we must tax them. If they get off with fty per cent of the [license they will be well treated. Am n....4..:..1.... ....:,z nu..- ___-_ o I -..-. vunnsc -uvnllw vsunvl. sual GHUULD the was given to unde1istand'that this would be satisfactory. If it were such an educational affair as claimed the government wou1dn t exact the amusement tax. He thought Barrie _had been very generous to the Chau- tauqua, not having collected a cent in previous years. . D..,.'..- n:-:..... ----_ .-1-_-,, J - v I feel with Aldo. McKinnon to a large extent, said Deputy-Reeve Pat- lterson, but we charge almost any- lthing a license. I favor even a greater rebate than is suggested, stiil ' something should be paid. Ald. Byrne had agreed to support [a ftytper cent reduction in the Llicense fee. In speaking with T. T. Young and some other guarantors. `kn urn: nrivon 4-n. unn,-1n...~4-.-...,J`4.L-:. ;.1-:- the refund, said Ald. McKinnon.- _ In the gunwale race the paddler hrmuast stand one foot on each s gumwale, which is hard enough to do 1' without trying to paddle from there. {During his tentative efforts Gordon ,l`I.;0ng,man lost `his balance and was -r;i.-mmedateily ..eng.uJfed _i_n the waters A of the hay. _.He was zthe only casualty, .- 1g;)1wev.er,Jz:nd the zxstsfiniscllmgd itrtgngd. . eresus:s ..an oo,n; EH. Millard,` 3rd W. Webb. ` The winnersof the doubles wereeas ' foillowsz lst Hunter an.d Bertram, V2n.d Newman ,-and Liscomb, 3rd Webb and Millard. , .u_..-..uu-.u uvn, .u.1u U. ulbtulll. ........e......., an uuc _~5u.-uw-vzu.<:,auu novelty is _a `good name. In the .crab race ) .the cnntestants sit as near the end of Mme canoe as possible -and paddle .=Wi3 might and main. The great - tdifficuigy is` to keep the craft headed L in zne mjght direction in spite of its connue .efforts to point .an_y way ~._bI1t the might way. Some of the ccompetitars stern e'or.ts were un- 1 g.-availing, and at the close of the race 1 `they were 3.20 be seen paddling .des- 1 lrngnately Ito:-wards Big Bay Point. The 1 winners: 151 J'. Monkman, 2nd A. 1 Asmndbrook, ;3.rd"J. Liscomb. I 1... +1.... ............1. .._L 1 .u_. ._ - . `H (4 T 2 cents per word; muumum 25c. 11 l mmmmmmmm mmmmmmma. ,,__ ~--w`r---u-.rau-V, ~UI l UV GUC- ` Three classes sf -.events, singles, onliles and nov,l.1;;, ;were run off and :1 he points gained .b.yi.the winners are :'do.gc toward tro_;ih.'1es;at the end of H n he amason. The Lnnvelty races claim- d .,tbe `popularity of the spectators. uihut the singles and .doubles were ieclosly contested, and promise that -liannie will be well represented at iizmeehs with rival! "towns. ; There were 3 `dozen.-entries in the and the raue wasan exciting `cone. The paddlers _had `to go from ~ .:1he to the bm1o_:=s,_turn and nish at xhe dock. `The mesults were as m.m,, 13rd W. Webb. .f['|___,_ _____ -1. R -` ' 1f;p3:1o'.ws: 1st H. M.iEh1rd,_2nd J`. Bert- . """"`) "5!-5 II. VIC-UIJ TV novelt) ollowed viz.: Fthmcmil) and the gurnma1e,and novelty [is nf flwn nan}; an ... ` ...v. snatnurc ucgatbaa. LHU fcoiuxtse lay from the big dock to a i7 ' me (if buoys opposite Thomas boat- fdmuse and the twaherfront was lined 5 with azzpectators that -made one think `(of .da ars gone by. Cine of the specta- aemarked that afhe Aquatic Club shringing the post cards, that for gxvears have .dqp'icted Barrie with cnnrevded waterfnmt, `up to date. vm....... ,.1-_-__ ,- The . Aquatic Ciub held their first .meet 1111 Tuesday nig1nt..and' the num- hg of contestants _g-ave_ great pro- ' ffor future megattas. The it-rnrun `Inn 4-1.... L.:... 4-4. L- _ :rwAs LIKE om TIMES To sm-: AQUATIC .SPORTS then vent through with only Ald` Hill dissenting. T Garden Party to be held at the home of Jos. Sampson, Oro Station, Thursday, Aug. 10_.'Good programme, Supper served from 6 to 8. 30 Bayeld St. is to have a continua. tion of the permanent macadam road south of Grove St. The work of putting on the stone began this week. It will be a much needed improve- ment. T Almost the end of July. Sunxmer is on the wane. See The Silnt Call. New Dream- land. Monday and Tuesday. 30:: See the `sweet pea show in Vickers windows, under auspices. of the Hot`- ticultural Society, `Friday, July 28. ..........a V. mus ucparuuem. w.t.:1'e p.0!Hl-- v ed out by the Premier in vigorous` fashion. His hide hunting had prov. ed a failure, the facts being aI!_ against him. But a better system of forest administration was to come, Premier Drury said, as he announced that, [commencing immediately, the Department of Forests was to be 1'e~ organised with Dr.` Judson Clarke, :1 leading authority on the subject, in charge. A sane business system was to be evolved. The meeting was gcalled by .the Provincial Hydro`.-_;I1`.1g;:vtric C@.2mnis- sion for _;`..he purp' _discussn_1g are-. cent ahaggges of"-`tmaimvyess am} (Ms-' criminatinn witlx-regtar to 1'ates. _It - was. som9.V!hatV.simi{a.r,dm_ the was .at _ Durham with reg'_ard_o;.the Eugxexia System" vgith the diieaamce thaztgishe .Proxinc.iaJ gI3ommis.siam .....<:alled -qhe Bag'_rie meeting of _`tka`ir,,mwn__acc.oId ` without waiting for.xtLh2-.repre.sena1zn- -. tives to call .-it `as thpe_y_;jd._ in'_`lj).ma;rl ' `noun I