Ross Block, Barrie (upstgifs) in purejwool, lined or QOE nn THE BARRIE GAS C0- . Ofce and Showroom: V Wells Block, Owen `St. Telephone No. 78 _ J.-W. McCutcheon, Manager BUY A GAS STOVE ON EASY TERMS Be comfortable. A Don't roast over a coal or wood stove in the -hot weather. on furnaces, cornices, roofs, ` gutters, leaders, etc. `People have learned _ that to keep_ putting off preparing for the future is decidely risky business. If you ha_ve any tin or sheet metal work that should be overhauled we suggest that you give us the order now. ' Oi.ce-, 10-12 Owen St. Correct Tailoring AtARight Prices ` Limited % Motorists who have. not been! ;around Lake" Simcoe and who are! ilookingfor a _nice day's -trip cannot: {do better, particularly at this time? ?of year, than to journey around-the Elake. ' CIRCUIT or % LAKE ' g FINE MOTOR TRlPi ` ; v ; v a o u : uvuv PIILU Ll; CADUJIUII I Going south from Barrie, the usual `: iroute followed is the provincial high- lway. Those who wish a variation %from this may turn east at St. Paul's q church, Innisl, to the first sideroad 1 land follow it right down toithe se- lcond concession (the second road *past Lefroy). Turning west here,[, `the road climbs a long grade from:] `the top of which is spread before the eye one of the nest views in the-' icounty-elooking across Cooke's Bay 1 and up the lake. Proceeding west-31 wardtoward the Penetang Road, the` 1 `eye rests with pleasure upon the ex- g` `panse of rolling farm lands, beauti-I !fully wooded, with ' the Churchill ,` I iPresbyterian church two miles to the `north standing out like a sentinel}: fagainst the sky. ; . A4. I ............ ;.-.:....._ - _.-.__1 \ gmiles according ,_to the route takeni _across from Yonge St. to the Jack- ison s Point highway, and the roads. ifor the most part are excellen I Cnino ennfh 'Frrnm- Rnrv{n I-Mn Iucrlnl 5-`m'I~`l'1e disvanceis from 120 to 125 Good Roads with Beautiful ! J and Va_ried_ Scenery. 4 i 5 I I I 4..,.,......... -..- .,.._,. T l` At present, owing to road con- jstruction, there is a detour at Coul-b }son s Hill, which takes the traveler} ?west and down to the Bond Head , {roadnear the old Col. Tyrwhitt farm- Driving ointo Bradford, the spacious; Stoddart` homestead with its ne ce-' ldar hedges, which Harry Stoddart I: sold after he became Governor of' |`the County Jail, is passed. 'I:V...`...- 17.-......... cu ;... 4.1.... n....-...._-.:n.. '\1-Iv \4vvIALvJ vunn, no yuuauuo From Yonge St. to the Queensville :.Road there is a choice of routes. The shortest is to leave the former!` toll gate road just below the school. After about a mile turn to the right a'nd drive along a narrow sandy road ii `through scrubby bush for a consider-' ( S able distance, nally reaching a clay 5 road that runs right into Queensville. 'Another route is to turn at the top It of the hill in the village of Holland 5 Landing and proceed eastward,` cross- E ing the Metropolitan tracks a shortli distance beforethe Queensville road t lis reached at Sharer . This road is mostly clay` is rather rough in spots 1 land would not be good to take after `a heavy rain. Those taking this route should not fail to stop and [spend a few minutes in the interest- ing old temple of The Children of _Peace or Davidites. This is now maintained by the York Historical Society as a museum and contains; manyearticles connected with pioneer` life in the district and especially with [the remarkable sect who built this. :temple." A third route, which affords ythe best roads, is to follow Yonge_St. I Ito the road that cuts across the north end of Newmarket and connects with lthe highway tolJackson s Point. | l .t:\....... 4.1.... 1.--... -3 u... 1..:i1 ....-.n.. -1: -..- ...,_.,......, \l\I ....-..-v..,. , E "From the brow of the hill north of ' Queensville there is a charming view; Looking across well cultivated farms, some of which are as at as theeldsi of Holland, the eye rests upon the] `blue watersofthe lake. At Keswick 5 jthe main highway turns to the right,` lbut the interesting road to follow is` lalong ' the- lake, . through Orchardl `Beach, Eastbourne and other holiday lreso'rts, where the road is lined with- `cottages from the humble dwelling to l the pretentious summer homes withi beautiful lawns and gardens._ No- where along the shore does there '` seem to be any public recreation ground. A sign that frequently- meets the eye of the motorist inclin-l ed to turn in to some shady, invit- ing spot among the cedars is Pri- 'vate Property, No Parking Here. If the people of those townships along the east side of the lake ever had the opportunity Innisl has to-. day of securing a lakeside park, they probably have long ere this realized their mistake in not acquiring such _a property. Travelling along the lnarrow winding roads that skirt the Ishore, motorists will do well to tra--I `vel at a moderate pace to. avoid lcollisions or running down pedestri-l ians. `On the way to Jackson's Point, the summer home of T. Herbert Len-' nox, M.P.P., set in the midst of spa- lcious grounds, is seen. Several camps of boys and girls were noticed under canvas; also the De La Salle [camp and the Salvation Army sum- mer home for kiddies. Passing Jack- son s Point, where the old steamer landed, hundreds of excursions from Barrie twenty to twenty-five years ago, the motorist should still follow the shore until Sibba1d s church is reached. The feature of this part of the route, and a feature quite no- ticable at different points on the east most of_ them neatly trimmed. Sur- rounding the handsome little stone - church is a neatly keptcemetery con- taining the graves. of Capt. Sibbald and numerous relatives and other . early settlers. Visitors by the thous-2` I 1 Enterprise, under Capt. McDonald, `shore, is the beautiful cedar. hedgesi and call at thisquiet little `country churchyard every year. . 1......:...... 14...`... ..L......L L.;.nA:...-u 45.1.. Page Tw() LIIULLILJGLH CVULJ Jcux. Leaving this church, heading for` 'Beaverton, the motorist travels east, turning north at the second road. At present, owing to bridge construction, traffic _ goes through Pefferlaw. Turning north again, the road runs fairly close to the shore until Beavcrton is reached. Opposite Beaverton lies Thorah Island and when the weather .is clear there is a good view of Big Bay Point. If the traveler happens along this por- tion of the journey about sunset he THE BARRIE EXAMiNER- f DETECTIVE LINKS` DETAILS, ; I SUSPECT HELD FOR. TRIAL ..Linking up a broken pane of glass{ : !in a door, a step spattered` with blood ,iand the bandaged wrist of Edward :fPouIIitte, Wm. Rich, Provincial de- } tective, deduced 1 connection with _ the robbery of one store and attempt ,.`to rob another at Victoria Harbo1',g _ `July 8. '1 `l)....lI:LJ..\ ..L...-L 4._.___-L_- ._. _ _, , V `will `see some beautiful effects of sun upon the water through thefringe of trees that lines the shore. Thorahl iand Mara townships, through whichi {the highway runs from Beaverton to lAtherley_ do not seem nearly as pros- [perous as other townships traversed` ion the way: Not far. from `Gamr., fbridge, the Trent Valley Canal isi crossed. _The lock-keeper was notic-I led` stretched at full length on the! ; greensward in the shade with a cu-' ishion beneath his head---fairly in-I dicative, doubtless, of the traffic on| the canal. From Brechin -into Ath-! lerley there is an excellent gravel` road, along which the motorists spin i'n1ost comfortably. T I } Though construction is in "pro-! !g'ress the best road between Orilliag a nd Barrie is the provincial highway. 5 IA pleasant run over this road comh-I lpletes the around-the-lake journey. ` Pouilitte, abo1V.1tAtwenty-one yeal-9| old, was arrested July 10 at a millg }where he was employed. On evid-1 }ence the officer had secured, the V ic- . itoria Harbor magistrate committed lhim for` trial at the fall assizes ; Barrie. _ V 9 vv UIALJ -J I 2`The location and arrangements lof this jail are the best of any I have seen. The jail seems perfectly safe] as 3 place of restraint. The man- !agement and discipline are satisfac- tory. VF]... i..._......L.... 3........_A.:....A.A_I LL- ..._-_ . Hartman s general store had been entered the night of July 8. Find- ` ingonly two bits in the cash register the would~be 1-o'bbe'rs_ evidently be-g icame peeved, because the register`; was found smashed outside the store. 3 3D. D. Robbins store had been ente:'- } D I I 'ed the same night and a quantity of tobacco taken. x ' ` ' -"'6 Dr. Alex. Mackay, Provincial _In~' spector of public institutions, report- iing on his`. inspection.of the Simcoeg County jail, which was made June` 28, says: ~ [ CKVIWI... l..,...L:.-.... ....J _._.--~-----'--L- l 1 I l I nus IS THE SEASON FOR LIGHT WEIGHT CLOTHES .T0 KEEPCOOL {coon REPORT on couNT`Y_JAQ I ' hr Alav 1\Ifgr-Iron D\vn\1;hn;n] Tn ` ..,. . The inspector investigated the san- DISTRIBUTOR MFOR BARRIE DISTRICT WM. CROSSLAND 10-inch do;uble-sided rcords 850. Le Coq d Or--Hymne ail Soleil Ga 10-inch Red Seal $1.50 iitary and ventilation equipment and lreported them well kept, thoroughly clean. There were fteen prisoners present at the date of inspection. The jail has twenty-four cells, of which six are for women. There have been sixty-one commitments since Oct. 1, .1921. T Read The Examiner Adlot YColumn. Cleaner, Presser and Dyer 109 DUNLOP s1`. 069- same rm: PHONE 229 Phone 441.] GET__A r_{0_MEsPuNT I have the only, dry-cle'aninVg plant within ' --outside thejcity. Goods called f or'andde1iverd. PRICES REASONABLE every ' Wednesday afternoon during `June, July, August and September. This Store will close 1 AM A PRACTICAL TAILORLAND READY TO MATTEND To REPAIRS on ALL CLOTHES ' W. `FIRTH Expert Shoe Repairs SUITS $1.75 A. k W. WHITBY THE LADY OR MAN who is thinking` of getting a GOQDBLUE SERGE that will not fade, can get it at from $40.00 to $50.00` Galli-Curci 66069 We on tho (uncut Goodyurwolt Syocom. Con-it In and lot at Qoll I you what this mum. We do not cobbhshou, we ubuild mom. 3. J. Wolch, C.A-I "G. D. campiaeu, CK. T. E. Lawless, C.A. W. 8. Hulbig, -Production Engineer. Ifanager Cost and` Eiciency Department -uwsou, WELCH "a. CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants hone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronto n-cw-Ins 1ui\t\ Inlnln Rqad The Examiner Adlot Column. Thursday, July 20, 1932 18906 Elizabeth St., Barrio your reach `Tighi , Pack Righ v__ .g//lg unlined, for ...... Drop in and inspect thse goods J. TWISS