the LIVE CC. 59 .v ses .19 . . , . _ .... . -.._.... _ I Second Round--B. Partridge beat Wm." Salter. 6-4. 4-6. 6-4; Billy Bell beat J.` Ross. 6-3. 6-4; Rev, A. R. Beverley beat . V. tWeldon, 6-1, 6-2; P. Vivian beat Dr. W. C. Little, 6-1, 6-3; J. H. Wilson heat C. Bell, 6-}, 5~7. 6-2; J. R. Boys beat W." Stoddart, 6-1, 6-]; J. Evans beat K. Gallagher, 6-0, 6-3; N. Kelcey beat W. J. Whalen, 6-1, 7-5. Thifd Rm1nd-Biy Bell beat B. Part-` I`;I`(1 Rf-I l~'._'2- DA`! A D `D.-.u.\_In.. L...-.4. First Round.--Mrs. A. R. Beverley de- feated N. DeHart. 6-0, 6-1; G. Scott de- faulted to W. Gardiner; D. Boys defeated V. McCarthy, 7-5, 8-6; G. Carr defeated F. Leslie. 7-5, 6-2; K. Palling defeated I. Parrish. 7-5, 6-4; L. Fisher defeated M. Gallagher, 1-6, 6-1, 6-2; G. Burton de- feated H. Marshall, 10-8. 6-1; H. P-alling 'defeated K, Kennedy, 6-0, 6-0; E. Cres wicke. D. Scott. N. Angstrom. M. Bryson. A. Reid, Mrs. Tailyour, W. Kennedy and D. Blackmore drew byes to the second I T`I_,,,,,I T\ C1 A1 I I` ll I gwwwwxmmmwmxwmwmj ~ r '3 . SPORT NEWS E '1' K` >I0 X0X0I0I0X0I4 >X0X0I0!0X0X0X0I< _BARRlE _TENN|S TOURNAMENT ,7 Following are details of the handicapi tournament recently played on?t-he Clap-' perton St. courts:'- - U `Q 1 1&0 `THlAS* IS A STTUD%EB.AKE%R YE-AR4 Ladies Singles I 1- Men s Singles '.1\-II 11 u x After all; the acid `test of "a car's dependability lies in the verdict of the user. You cannot nd a better guide to your purchase than the testimony of a Special-Six owner. nonuster p-rasa. Co -R (It: ERY AT ZED . unasgls .V . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Tounng . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roadster (3-PaAso.). . . . `~1|IIlI|._R nnllnbnu Tutu] -IJCII UUKII4 1) Rev. A. R. Beverle.y`rt:aL; ` 6-3; J. R. Boys beat J.` 6-3; J.Ev-ans -beat N. Ke1-[ ` LIGHT -SIX ~ 5-Pass..Il2" W.B;.40H.P. __---.. .v--v-v vv nuuuvtn IJJ \/(Jl.ICl.\.lla.l1 KJVVIICI3 are merely reelitions of what any Special-Six owner will tell you about the reliability of his car: These excerpts` from letters written-by Canadian owners __ . .' I` `I _ I`! . n rs. -- ____,_ _. __,l__ ,, P`l\0au E Pass.) , MODELS AND PRICES-F. o. b. Walkerville, Ontario Beverley . R. Boys BIIVSOI & MORLEY. EDEALEIIS BRADFORD ST., BARRIE . away in liscard . it. .$|250 I495 I495 I925 2425 Handicaps--E. Creswicke, minus 40; D.i Scott, plus 30; N. Angstrom, minus 1330;: N. DeHart, plus `{:30; M. Bryson plus 30;' Mrs. Beverley, scratch; G. Scott, plus 30;} W. .Gardiner, plus 30; V. McCarth'y, plusl 11:30; D. Boys, minus 40; G. Carr, plus` 4130; F, Leslie, plus 15; I. Parrish, minus: 15; K. Palling. scratch; L. Fisher, plus; 15; M. Gallagher, plus 30; G. Burton. plus 1330; H. `Marshall, plus 530; K. Kennedy. plus 15; H. Falling, scratch; A. Reid. plus 530.; Mrs. Tailyour,minus 40; W. Kennedy, plus 15; D, Blackmore, plus $30. A. Rid, 6-1, 6-2; W. Kennedy defeated D._ Blackmore, 10-8, 4-6. 6-2. n\- ' n.u\v Third Round-~E. Creswicke defeated N. Angstrom, 6-1, 2-6, 6-1; D. Boys defeaterl Mrs. Beverley, 6-3, 6-3; G. Burton de- feated L. Fisher, 6-4, 1-6, 6-2; Mrs. 'l\1il- your defeated W. Kennedy, 6-1, 6-1. Q..m:,Ir;....I._w n ..... .:..1,.. nl JUUI UUICIILCU IV. 1\c1_|ut:u_y, U'1, U '1. Semi-Finals--E. Creswicke defeated D. Boys. 10-8, 6-2; Mrs. Tailyour defeated G. Burton, 6-4. 6-1. Finals-E. Creswicke defeated Mrs-. Tail- your. 8-10, 6-2. 6-4. -I - I .n i\ Read advts.-- It pays. ' CordVTlrs Standard Equipment THE STERLING BANK -If you feel that additional fimds would be of benefit, discuss your `plans with our local Manager. Your discussions will be held in" strict confidence - treated en- tirely as a personal matter. St. .$|700~ . 2075 . 2025 . 2075 . 3050 . 3250 ~ OF CANADA Chassis .. . . . . Touring . . . . . . . . . . . Speedhter (4-Pass.) . I`_..#_ I1 I5, \ _...v-mucus \ u-n noon, Coupe (4-Pass.-). . . . Q-_I__ `BIG-SIX 7-Pass" I26 W;B.. 60 H.P. (U LLJC BIIIPPCL, Ill ID PUIKILUU Uubo Mr. Irish, who was formerly a gardenar in Barrie. is building a residence at Clnps. _perton and Wellington Sts., _where he reside. Jlull Ill\lQ VVIJKJI C IIC W E III IJ|.IOIIICQ`g One triick of the Buffalo Service '00, leaving Buffalo at nine o clock' Tuesday night, transported Mr. Irish's entire house- hold effects and delivered them in Barrio shortly after nine o clock Wednesday morn. ling. a distante of about two hundred miles, `with Mr. Irish and a child as passengers. . Tho I-ncf nf frnnannrfqfinn `cm l\l'\YV\I\uDAA T. F. IRISH RETURNS T0 BARRIE: us:-:s MOTOR TRUCK sznvuct-: IN , ___' ...v-v-- -u-cw-` v--uwuv Convenience of freight transportation by motor truck was demonstrated by T. F. Irish, who returned to reside in Barrie law week, after a three years residence in |Bu alo. where he was in business. |vvAvu run. Luau auu a Uuuu no puaacugura . ' The cost of transportation `as compared with railroad rates and added truckago jis said to be within protable competition {by motor trucks for long hauls of thk. gkind. Delivery from the residence in But-`.. lfalo to within the door at Barrie, exped< ition of service. including the facility 0!: handling, represents a-new convenienoQ- to the shipper, it is pointed out. 11-. L651. n-1111A -"nu. 4'.-........u.l.. .. .......l.._... $2 I 7,5 2475 . 2750 . 3500 3700 Page Three Harry D. Jamieson BARRIE, ONT. Office Phone No. One 25-28c - Residence 255 I want 5060 cords "of peeled pulp wood for delivery this summer, fall and winter. HI! vvualpn ntlvnnnnwunnfa nu auuuucr, LGII uuu WIIIIIULE Will make advancements on wood in bush when eeled and cut, on quantities o 17 cords or more. f other Write, giving full particulars as to kind, quantity, distance from railway siding T of what you are planning to take out. This is the original Hexagon Shingle and it is the only genuine on the market. Our Hexagon gives you two and one half plies of roof covering. Do not be misled by substitutes. See this Hexagon _Shingle and be con- vinced; Phones: Office 109, Res. 642 390 Now IS THE TIME Toi Peel Your Spruce, Balsam and Poplar Pulp STEPHENS REMOVAL SALE WORK TROUSERE s1u< TlES,%regi11ar $1.00 BOYS SUITS Men : Work Sox, grey, khaki and tan-` T . -3 pairs for $1.00 TOOKE and ARROW Soft Collars- , f 2 -3 for $1.00` farm- rm re MEN'S SHIRTS; best -fnakes $1.19 STARTLING BARGAINS. EVERY DAY ` MEN S TROUSERS; V Worstedg, etc.,.regu1ar $7.00, all $1 an Greys, Blues Stripes, Checks Etc.__ Very latest Models. Must Vacate July 29 any 1 v V wuvvuu, sizes, ' Sale price 100 Men : and Young Men : Suiis THE BALL PLANING M111 we close snunmw AT `NOON, ~ s'r:PH:Ns Yard Yard Yard No man in. nes need of a suit _ . should- fail to V `investigate this opportunity 1 ,;. ........... $6.00 to $9.95 -Lvu avbyalun "2: :14 $2:.6_ .:_ .................. $2.25 A very pleasant and happy crowd met` at the home of Mr. a.'nd Mrs. Percy 'l\homp- I son on Friday evening, welcoming them in their married life and showering them. with many bea.utiful~ and useful presents.| A dainty supper was served. At 12.30 0'- lclock the merry crowd dispersed, leav-I (Too Late for Last Week) - July 5.---Quite a number who have been ' buying lots and having cottages built at Simcoe Beach -are moving into them this week. n__ 1?1-.__.__. __.L- :_ -__..__.i ..._ LL- :....... WUUl\o . Ben Hunter, who is engaged, on the farm of Harold Hastings, had the misfortune to fall backwards to the oor from the hay-rack, causing a. small fracture on the] main bone of the right hip. He will be unable to work for some weeks. `I %*&$*$*&$*$&&$$*&%*&&&%+$% NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS 5:` %%%&%%%&&&&**a%a*&$%*$**%&, ..... .. ....... 59 $22.50 Cleaning whether A ed many brought 100 surrs $2.00 wonx SHIRTS ...... BOYS HOSE ................. .. ......... 50 BRACES and BELTS .................... .. 50 FINE HOSE 3 pairs for.$1.00 Th\ese are less than cost. 0` Serges, - ' Vicunas. etc., 1- in all sizes. Genuine Palm Beach,` grey and sand shades/A ...................................... .. $6.50 . Summer Combinations, Oxford make- --.$l.59 Carha`rttA and Peabody Overalls. HAND-TAILORED SUITS and are ard aid gt: N ` YouI s.etc., _ o ` cc SUMMER TROUSERS niuuuu 5. _ _ Tlfere was quite an excitement caused .here the other morning when Mrs. Wm. Ross` house `was burned. All sympathize with Mrs. Ross and family. , I On Friday, July 21, St. Peter's `Church will hold a garden party at the home of Hart Thomas.` There will be-rmeat eup- per. Music by Willson s orchestra, Tor- onto, and others. T - ` July 10.-Misses Irene and` Florence Shaughnessy -are home for their summer vacation. < Il __ `l'.\.I_.- _.._I f,_I, 11,- MR Edna and Jack Brown are visiting their aunt,` Mrs. Wm. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Rebel -t Mccracken spent the week-end in Shelburne. Miss Jean Davidson of Angus spent a few days -at the Ihbme of her cousin, Jas. Davidson. - II . __.I ll ..- I17`. A j,._,, ,_ J I\,,,,,1I IJOVILISULII Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams and Russell spent `a very enjoyable day at a picnic held at Wasaga Beach last week. Mrs. Chamberlain and Robert of Toronto are visiting at Mm. Chas. Mc- Kinnon's. ' ' ' m1.L..- __-_'-.'_:L_ __ -_,:._A__.,.. _'_____a Mr. and Mrs. E. Knupp of Mineeing upon: I last Sunday with Mr. and um. 11. Stran- D`I an V \`llC L'll-Ivl LllIUCo The farmers ar all bus; saving their hay crop. La were stored before the rain. Thu .-n6`.-w..a-.m at-nx nun. Lu Barrie. wcuc ELUIVU Ut:|Ul'c lglc nun. The reforestry staff are burning the old ,stump fences prior to erecting wire fences lxon the townline and seventh concession. 'I"Ln `Y D f\ ..LI...._...J .. _.... .1 _A....!_ L- uu uuc IUVVIILIHU uuu. zscvcuuu UUl.lC55lUl.Io . The U. F. O. shipped a car of stock to [Toronto last week. 'I'......-.. Il'-`I -.-__Ll2_ `L,_ L_._. ,1_,',,_!,_- LUIULILU lk`U VVCUAI James McLaughlin has been shipping wood in car lots_ to Toronto. TL- L..l2..I..-. L........1.L _.-_-. _.:_=L-_._ L- WUU\l. Ill var IUI/B_ DU I.Ul'UUIAJo The holiday brought; many visitors to the different homes. Among these were Emmet O'Neil and bride of Toronto, at M. Coughlirfs; Mr. and Mrs. `D. Kenny and Mis'sAKenny of Toronto, at Leo Mc- Laughlin's; Rev. J. A. Peacock of Stroud, at J. Binnie s. ' II - .._.".I ll ..- 15--.! __._I I12.` $4-1-.- _! GU do 4lJUl1ll.CBo ` Mr. an Mrs. Ford and Miss Stokes of Toronto spent Sunday among friends at .Hendrie and Minesing. -Nntua Ivnanknrl `unto Qnnrhau Gkn Wm , LLUUUI LU Gilli ULIIICDI Us I `News reached here Sunday that Wm. ;Curtain of Toronto was seriously ill. ' I Mica wnfklnnn IlnT.nIIn1-Jr:-n organ` ORA I VJLII I/`Ill! U1 I.UlUlIIIU WK BCIlUU5Iy Ills Miss Kathleen McLaughlin spent the week-end in Toronto. T ucsusuvcz. xum. v_v. nmu, u1'u.Jg\ 11le. Percy Hastings spent the week-end with his brother Harold. _ Alvin Emeriek is visiting at home here. ' Mr. David King and son Orva] motor- led to Aurora on Saturday. (Too Late for Last Week) July .4.--The school closed for 5 holidays` last Tuesday. One pupil [the Entrance. rn|__ 1_-______,`, ,,,,' n I wuu nus: uuluully vv uluug UH Luesuay. Mrs. Martha Cross is visiting with her daughter. Mrs. W. Reid, Craigvale. Paar;-v T-Tqafinoa annnf 61-nn nvnnlnnn nyk |rr0w Lluyvcl 2111- D15 Day IUIIID. - vMiss Elsie and Frank Chillman were week-end visitors with their brother Jim on_the farm. I `I.I'.____ A \r-_l_ELL , I 7:, ran - -. u I l'LlC 111! Ill. Misses A. Nesbitt and Rose Eley visited with Miss Dorothy Whiting on Tuesday. Mm linrfku (`race in vnininn quick 1:...- uuvc umuc IU speuu um sunmler 118113. Mr. P`orythe is now working for Mr. Playter at.:B'ig Bay Point. v Mk: E;A our` wllnb (V1.31... nun -nu`..- ucau. vv Asurrb . ` John Laughlip and family of Toronto ` have" come to spend the summer here. \ 11,. IN, `` .I ' A -- ing With Mr. and Mrs. Thompson their best wishes, I ..L._ 'r-__..LI,, I r -1 1- In ROCK- BOTTOM PRICES Now ANGUS FLX`1's `CHURCHILL DALSTON Styles for Men and Young Men. f`_1-_.- A..- - v..-- ..._--__ Colors ar guaranteed. busy cutting and Large quantities a II?! -THE BARRIE EXAMINER $1.29 sumxfaer wrote LJcuu'.l'lnu.lG"J.\.C\/. A. n. Deveuey Dean Billy Bell, 9-7, 2-6, 6-1; J. beat J.AEvans, 6-4. 6-2. Finals-J. R. Boys beat`Rev. A. R. Beverley, 6-3.6-2. ' u\ n . _.. Rmmd-Bit ridge. 6-3, 6-3; Rev Pi Vivian, 6-2, 6-3; H. Wilson. 6-2, cey. 6-0. 6-2. Semi-Finals--Rev. 11111.. `I1-'lI A I! n n ---,,, --.-_. . , Handicaps--Carn1a.n Douglas, plus 15; Billy Bell. plus -_l 15; Rev. A. R. Bever- ley. scratch; Fred Skinner, plus 1:30; R. V. Weldon. plus %30; Jack Leslie. plus 30; P. Vivian, plus 1315; W. Wilson, scratch; Dr. W. C. Little, minus 40; S.` H. King. plus $30; C. Bell. plus 1330; H. Ross, plus 30; J. H. Wilson. minus 515; A. Higgs, plus $15; W. Stoddart, plus 15; J. Willocks, plus 15; Fred Sar- jeant. plus =}15;J. R. `Boys, minus 40; K. Gallagher, plus 2:30; S. G. Underhill. plus -315; B. Partridge, plus 15; W. Salter, plus 15,, J. Ross, plus 15, J. Evans, plus 1.5; W. J. Whalen, plus 9330; N. Kelcey, plus 330. I Second Round-D. Scotte defaulted to E. Creswicke; M. Bryson defaulted to N. Angstrom; Mrs. Beverley defeated W. Gar- diner, 6-3, 4-6, 6-1; D. Boys defeated G. Carr. 6-1, 6-3; L. Fisher defeated K. Pall- ing. 6-2, 3-6, 8-6; G. Burton defeated H. Palling, 6-4,7-5; Mrs. Tailyour defeated First Round--'Billy Bell beat Carman Douglas. 6-3,` 6-4; Rev. A. R. Beverley beat Fredtskinner. 7-5, 6-0; R. V. Wel-I don beat.Jack Leslie, 8-6, 5-7,. 10-8; P. Vivian beat W. Wilson. 6-4. 5-7. 6-3; S. H. King_defaulted to Dr. W. C. Little; H. Ross defaulted to C. Bell; J. H. Wil-1' son heat A. H3883. 6-1, 6-2; J. Willocksl defaulted to W. Stoddart; J. R. Boys beatj Fred Sarjeant. 6-1. 1-6. 6-0: S, G. Under-i hill defaulted to K. Gallagher; Wm. Sal- ter. B. Partridge, J. Ross, J. Evans, W. J. Whalen and N. Kelcey, byes to the_ second round. 1 nu -. 1 - _ .. . __ Feds of