Farm For Sale Miscellaneous Automobiles For Sale 45: A 60 75: 65:; : got `2`8p. .1`. --4 T gililililslilljilig` in It\t`l A-I`lII'!IIf` I-. I ' g CIUUD 5111... ! _i Mr. Hurst of the Soldiers Settle-A; .iment Board staff, has broken ground! for his residence, next to S. Peacock s, * :;Mary St. Shierlock & Tuck have.` the contract forcarpentering` and S. [ Peacock is doing the concrete. ' _. ._ - 1- an ) The Barrie Baseball Club wishes to _ ' l thank the public for generous support 3;given the Benet match on June 28` 'and the picture given in the Opera House in aid of the injured player; -i also Mr. Powell who allowed the club - 1 60% of the gross proceeds. i ' I ' `Tat... Gun . Inna lnnnnnln-4 4>lnoI> nnvfinn \ B0-Y W`[TH'BICYCLE would like job! durmg holidays. Write B0x14. Allan-1 wink. 7 I 28;)` i I Ads. In IBIS COIIIDII, 9 cents WUIU - IEEIIEIEEIEESE i -Men s Straws~an.d Panamas, re-! duced prices. Simmons & "Co. - 28c` 1 I ,""` l""`-` ` h It is expected thatTthe Chautauqua= iguarantors will be short over $7300 [this year. i 1' ; , ,,,,:_,_.I _.__-- `l.'_..... 2... I...J:.-.n uus _-1 car. i -Just arrived, new lines in ladies Outing Hats. Simmons. & Co., Hats, `Furs, Coats, etc. A - 280' ` Rev. W. M. Rochester,'a represen-! g tative of the Lord s Day Alliance, will 1 lspeak in St. Andrew s Church next? 7 E Sunday morning. i `l:V-.....--1.....l.. ...nnl-AA nut 4-n I('nnr-1r e i zouuuay Luul. nuns. ? -Everybody wanted out to Knock s {Annual Garden Party, to be held on_ [the grounds of W. H. Martin, on' .`Wednesday, July 19 _ 28p I _ In the list. of promotions from,-. `Jr. II to Sr. II, Victoria School, the! ,name of Borden Hurst was omitted. He took second class honors. I I I I I I The Board of Trustees of; the? iRoyal Victoria Hospital wish to ac-1:- nowledge a. set of hospital scales lfrom Mr. E_. C. Currie and to express !their appreciation for this very gen- V Eerous gift. - 11.1.. `lJ'..-...L .-.5 H... Q.\1A:,-ma Qo+Ha, _)'t:'d.l'D LU nun. Barrie is to have an Odd Fellows gTemple as well as a Masonic Tem- ple. On Tuesday night, Barrie Lodge, . sI.0.0.F., conrmed the agreement for lthe purchase of the Reformed 'tEpiscop'al Church, Collier St. The 5price is said to be a very reasonable fone. Thornbury parties purchased 1the organ and the seats went to _Wasaga Community Church. D..L `D. n n . . m ` "Inn lane +o`ro'n nvnr I ` ` " ' -- - . I `John Saso has bought that portion [of the Adamson Block'now occupied; 5by the Bank of Nova Scotia, the {i purchase price being, it is said, $10,- 000. Mr. Saso expectsi ultimatelytto < transfer his busziness to the Five Points. The .bank s lease has three `` `years to run. D........ :5 LA Innu'n on (WAR Wo11n\17c VV aaaga LJUIIIIIILAIIIUJ \.;uu;wu. Bob Binning, who. has taken over the Photographic business for many years conducted by J. Frank Jackson and latterly by Wm. Barton, will `open his new studio on August plst in one of the new stores being built for H.` P. Bingham, near 1Braund s Drug Store. The studio will be situated on the ground oor and will be electrically equipped through- out. - 26-tfc While-on an inspection in London `Wednesday morning, Dr. Alex. Mac- vkay, Government Inspector of asy- Qlums, was prostrated by heat and was :taken in an unconsciouscondition to 7 Victoria Hospital. He was still un- Qconscious-and his condition was stat- ed to be serious last night} His wife ?has been summoned from Toronto. ~.;Count_v Court Clerk. Dr. Mackay is a son of John Mackay_ ........ .\u4-.-.4-uvvn n4-' pus-1`;a DY\1_ LzUuuu_v \JUuLu V.-.;u. I A representative of _Barrie eni- {ployes .of the Grand Trunk was in 0ri11ia this week arranging for the `annual picnic to be held at Orillia =during Old Home week there, the Esecond `week in August. A total of `700 attended the G. T. picnic last fyear; andias a_ eld day and water zspiorts are contemplated for the pro- lgram this year special arrangements with the Orillia re-union event com-i imittee will be necessary, ` ` ' -.--..1.....:,. sxmnva 1 L , ,._,_ _ nu QPERIENCED qualied Protestant teach- ez wanted for S. S. No. 11. Innisl. Sale ~'ar3r $1f!00 per annum. Duties to com- meme Sept. 1. 1922. Apply with refer-I enees to J. S. Leonard, Secy.-Treas., '.n__:._....I.. n..; . 96322:-.| IHIILMCC W111 uc up uuuuu u-`J. 5 A windstorm of cyclonic propor-A tions covering but a narrow strip ,swept through Innisl township lTuesday `evening. The storm was of; ;brief duration but left in its path. `thousands of dollars of damage par- iticularly from Painswick to the lake. : iBuildings and implements at Pains wick were reported damaged; a barn 5 Ion the property of Surrogate Court` !Clerk Little partly wrecked; roofs of lother farm buildings carried away lelsewhere; huge trees uprooted and icrops levelled in its path; No loss of, ilife has been reported, but it is re-f `ported one house in which resideda a number of children suffered much damage. . ` i 4 h 1 1 4 4 I K During July,-services will be held. in Central Church at 11 o clock a..m.` every Sunday, and in Collier St. Church ` every Sunday at 7 o clock p.m. The' `choir of Central Church will have; charge of the music in both churches; during July. Seats are free and a., `hearty welcome awaits every personi lwho attends these union services. % I vvnnv IQUU\aAn\auu ----..- __-,_- , PREACHER 1-"on .iiJi.Y 1,511. f ikeprestafive of Lord`: Day Alliance :- l11 a.m., Cntral and 7 p.m., Collier: ' T I 7:-juvjyv-w 5 Ads. in this column, 4 cents word I Ina-unt:-1.:-II:-I:-I:-|:-I: V METHODIST UNION SERVICES LOCAL NEWS HIDES WOOL JOS. MARRIN N. M. MYERS Successor to U&m-:-- FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET--Boar& orl without. Apply 77 McDonald St. 24-9p .._....________.._______.___. 1 THE BARRIE EXAMINER ' Social Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Richmond`, `Throi Central Borneo. Vol. 1 .. Lumholtzi [Thro' Central Borneo. Vol. 2 .. Lumholtz ' lSeptim-a . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . .. Finnemore istudy of American History . . . . .. Bryce {Scottish Life and Character Sander`-on Portraits of the Nineties . . . . .. Raymond _Maria Chapdelaine ._ . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hemon 'Ra_vn_er Slade Anialganiatirin . . . Fletcher iThe Case and the Girl . . . . . . . . .. Parrish [ The House of Rimmon . . . . . . . . . . . .. Watts _,lLad_v of the North Star . . . . . . . . .. Binns .5The Scarlet Tanager . . . . . . . . . . .. T_v=-Jn _ I Chesterniarke Instinct . . . . . . . . . . Fletcher ' A Letters from the Front .. . . Sir John Aird .The Erd of the. Rainbow . . . . . . .. `Keith 5iMan who did the Right Thing .. Johnston I 3,Sight Unseen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rinehart. I ' Vera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth". [Anne of the Marshland . . . . .. Lady Byng lI.e Tueux Madamos of Monte Carlo ` lNobod_v`s Man . . . . . . . . . . .. Onpenheim 5 [The Proteer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Oppenheim Vjhiiriam of Queen . . . . . . . . . . .. MacKi'nnon . Silver Sixpence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sawyer Rider of Golden Bar . . . . . . . . . . .. White ` Barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lady Byng Lizbeth of the Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Keith The Silver Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Keith [In Orchard Glen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Keith `The Kingdom Round the Comer..Dawson Dunc-an Polite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Keith The Jews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zt. . . . Belloc 'Political Prole .1... . ._;i . . . . . .. Sidebotham A Canadian Twilight I . . . . . . . . . .. Trotter First Aid to the Car,` . . . . . . . . . .. `Slauson Outwitting Our Nerves . . . . . . . . .. Jackson How To Get the Job You Want L. Fletcher Little'Colonel s Good Times Book. Johnston i Little Colonel s Hero . . . . . . . . .. Johnston Red Meekins . . . . . . . . . . . . .. W. A. Fraser The Roll Call . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. Bennett Read the advcs.- It pays. }LUCAS--At lot 3. con. 5. Innisl. Julyi E 7. 1922. William Leslie Lucas. son off Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lucas. aged 3 years.` 1 month; 20 days. MARTIN--At Colwell. Sunday. July 9. 1922, Mrs. James Martin. ' MCCUAIG---.~\t lot 15. con. 5. Oro. Thurs- day. July 13. 1922. Janet .\IcCuaig. re- lict of the late Duncan McCuaig. Fun- eral service in Guthrie Church at 2.30 'p.I1l. on Sunday. July 16. Interment in Guthrie ceme ery. YEATER--In California. July 5. 1922. Tre& Viola Hea_rd. `(laughter of Mrs. James: Heard. 15 Ross St.. Barrie. and beloved wife of Harry Yeater. Funeral will take place Friday, July 14, from the residence of her sister. Mrs. Philip Faulkner. 242; Glenholme A\'e.. Tqronto. I There passed away at his residence. 77 Cumberland St., Allandale. on Saturday, July 8, George Henry White. aged 71 -years. Interment took place in the Union Ceme- .tery on Monday, July 10. He leaves to mourn his death his wife. Mijs. Eliza White., and three children. viz.. Mrs. W. Rjddelli of Allandale. Mrs. B. Bryson of Lindsay` and a son. Allen. of Senlac. Sask. THE LATEQG. H. WHITE I -v n--nu.-r vluvlvlvw To each cupful of crumbs. use 3 tbsp. of butter` or some fat. Melt the fat. add the crumbs, remove from the heat and mix the fat and the crumbs till each crumb is cov- ered with fat. This. mixture browns very easily and gives a delicious avor to all scalloped dishes. ICI . Sr. III to Jr. IV'-Jean Carson (HI. Eldon Beecroft (H'. J9an D:1\'id~0n (HM Edna Coulson (H). Elsie Den1p. (Hw. Franklin Stanley. Grace Carson. Cliffnrai Plaxton. ' A 1.. III . n Viv us . . -- Thrgday, July 13, 1922 < \nz11ut:.s HI 01118!` OI HIGH! . Jr. IV to Sr. IV--Clit`ford Duckworth (HI. Dora Middlgbrook (Hr. Edward (`ur- ter. o_ ivy . w n. - f .-- BGABD in private family for two young men, separate rooms, Apply Box F" Examiner. ` 28p I nan DUI] o Jr. III to Sr. IlI--RowIand Hammond (H). Melba Woolsey (Hi. Kenneth Ward. Edna Latimer. Verna Dempster. Harvey Miscampbell. Ethel Coulson. an an A nu. ~......_...___ _ Hear the U. S. and Canadian Radio Concerts Perfectly on our Model C. Regenerative CONCERT uvu agent In oarne wanten. Automatic Telephones & 'I!-,, , W - " r\:.v|'.IvIlI\a otl Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Live Agent in Barrie wanted. L__L____12_ "I" I I ll - _-- ow out A uvnwrllvllv 'ra.Z Recorders Lui I40 Victoria. St. Toronto, Ont. ANGUS SCHOOL (Senior Room) (Names in order of meriti to TV on Q- Tl! I\I:A_`t,__,1 I\, I Buftinaq cnumas 1i1.EXcE SW1-'.I:ZER. Teacher. _R-EE|VING SETS A u A n n . . - - --LAAJ -_ TWO BOARDERS WANTED--Working` men preferred; central. Apply Box 965.`. Barne PX). 28p 4 THE SOLDIER all Term svttlom pill r In and Ilw nuul in~ CPIH. [W WV An .u.\.\ the in 'be- pro; until >1 7n I A` II`: marks-c I Irl lllal I'\r`I ' half In WANTED ~Two unfurnished rooms. ~"3e'good and comfortable and be ~"good location. Apply 1 , O. Box T `RC P?; add hulml of July. Your L'_\'(`>` xx glorious vistz ish _hill anti by this pivtu Your heart \-. foundly by 1 Spanish hut.- Your voice \\ 1:1-(VI Thursd 2;;-1.;.; ` CHARLI `SHOUL| The funnlkost I007 Aches. c l__f.KZI `T- T!-n-' l DOARDERS WANTED-Ladies or gentle- -21-ea;-centrally located. all modern con- fueuiences. For addres apply at Exam-` Office. . 24tfcj ---------- : Tm, See the F11: all in his mi Rand The I:xa{ wruuuuu ... All `the kid: the 'matinm- Shows start Ti- fE |`.`I,i Tfj Mon.-Tu4 BY wEYE~ CAUTION ` l 3"0UND~-Ahn1xt July 1. _a 'Cle\'elanrl' bi-i r:_w.-19. Owner may have same on apply- `-.rv-g"1n (`vhief King and paying oxpens"-s. 28c Special ma All LL.. Y. I` _w;s`aM 99 Dun|_op Barrie offers for _. ls. mm `Fri.-Sat.` DAVIE THE ' vise you. sight. At that its paired 11(- optom:-tri conscient its condi _need gla. of them satisfactz 3:'t)L7'N D~~()n Pet etu_ng 1 ` iii. .-olu`Iir-r's k"-t hag. *sanw ` hv prr>\'ing pr I-\vnI..u. lnnisfil pm] 'f`VE'.RY'C (`II In The Dist Soldier `amag `.::.a'r.' {`C])ti(x .LL A ; }T- 3 l,)[?`.`3l`)-~Al I". W. Woolworth Cm.` Lt(l.. .`::~a'1y`i gnlcl \'c`ri.~'t watch. Owner may` h.r.'n~ mnno by proving property and pay - lmgr for :ul\'t. T 29:)! i :iDI0i>I0I0E>I< >I0I0X0I0X0X0I0X< ` ill: 5$.}v1AK.,,L MIC.- \TH_ER PURSE LQST arr Sat- ......>n...:n.- Q7 :r\ I_JCk"y`i"~~~-`Nlxitc Y0rk. sow. strayed from! .-<.s)r)'.1.'ad of Om on 'I`hursrla_v. June 22. Inixrnwnatioxm desired -by Wm. Fleming. . , . i '5) .-'..!a.nvy Bay. Reward. 26-28;) l . . ? 1.51157` ~L::d_v`s black lewther purse. Sarur-I {l.~s.y v-'r-uijjg. . inVF(~r:;dale. t.-om.:.?n`ng cheque and temn of mnnev. Inmly Exmnirwr office, 7 28;) fI::: I . T1,`) RENT---Sununer crrtaze at Bass Lake. } .~%L:~: monls. for August, `$30. Appl_v.Ex- I mumtr office. 28-29c ...,.____,______._________.____..._. },-|`"[ ~~{~`cnlch collie. from D. A. Tucker'.=.l 21.1 `lt`liz:srl.wth Sr... amwering to name of! "l.nd(li9," ahnut 10 month`: old. Any! ":n"inrn1;xti0n will he gladly received. 28pl 'I'..I)\Sr'l`-~1`:ukr=I1 from boathouse at Shanty :'~, '-_~'. June `.20 or 21. :1 doubl-our var- T.\1 boat`. Anyone giving information was 10 'rocnverv of sr-me will be` re_\vardd. , Timly `Examiner office 28 &ix.1D BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE--'-Ten _n ........... .. .......l ..,....l:+:.-m H.o\_;~u: FOR -S`-ALE-Larg frame 'w'x7.` sell cheap. Apply to W. J. 7t"<%.s>'pi-.1. ' BARRVIFI BUILDING LOTS--One hundred {miiurs each, cash or time. Lew Howe, '71=:c*1stnxx, N.Y. ` 28tfc zm: ma SALE on Mm. St., `village loti n 3e-tlle Ewart. near lake. Apply Wm. Eiaxter. Lefroy. 28;) ~---._...._... Anu=:r COLUMN .;'.mrrAGE rut Mix1et's Poinf for salegfbur nmms, large veranda. Apply to Bert `Wzker. 54 Tiffin St.. phone 149. 27tfc -n: e ,_ ll SAI_:E-33 or 40 ft. lots close to Col- lier St. on Berczy, adjoining Mr. Young's ddenoe, 87 per foot, or about 165 451:. including the corner all for 8800. This is. a chance for a builder to sub- riiivido and put up bungalows to sell or Easy location, very central. 3. `R. Graham, Kenora, Ont. 23-28c - .___ HLEAI, ESTA l'_E-Farms. market gardens. `Yaike shore and mwn property. Apply W. `FE. :'} Allandale, phone 536, 27-320 HOUSE FOR SALE--Seven-roomed brick house, three-piece bath. furnace. lights. stable. henhouse. Ii -acres choice gzirden und, strawberries. raspberries and tithe!` fruit. Easy terms. Apply at 84 ' St. 28-29p E3011 SALE--7-House owned and occupied '& 1y'Fred W. Otbon. 63 High St.; all wmodem conveniences. basement '1aundry. wand wired for electric range. Apply to eyavner or W. O. Partridge. 27tfc C3103? NJ I! . `('.*n.igva.le. Ont? BEN-- WI`: WALV1 1`L!.`4fI\1"JDl:`4nJ.nI.Lv1uu In every city and town in Canada to sell mumnnobile stop signals; positively pre- `vents accidents; every car owner a pros- fgpect; easy to sell; big prots. Write for Iparticulnrs alxd agents` proposition. Can- `adiano Auto Shops, P. O. Box 154. '\1:_._...-.. L`..n,. -nnc 9__!,',. YVGSUULI. nppLJ for appointment. 5;--xoxozc-xoxox< vxoxoxozox--xox-'>f< U.l'd.lI nun: uuup: 5 `Niagara Falls, `Ont. e cent a word, Acash, each insertion Khinimum charge, 25); sfx insertions for K price 0! four. 10 bent: extra when .l......u. mm In Name extra when reolies U Il._V uILLl'1l; Apply Box Page Twelve `-AV.L'\l,al4 lu,`..-\1nr11\ l.'I;/l.\-1;`; uxjun -ur wru- '..'.1-tiny night in town. containing 37 in L-.A.-in and jnmtage stzunps. Rewind. Ap- fg.>`.y 'Ex:uniner office. ' 2`-Sc --_: I I 1 I fur a1l\'t . '[}{nllJ DLXUUIX IXUUDFJ [`\Jl.\ Dnuu`-Lcnl all conveniences. good condition. ixpply 58 Brock St., or phone 929W. 28-33p end the Adlet Column. and Board Property For Sale Lost and Found V Property To Let" *`* ' "`WA'N'I`~ED--Beef hides and skins; `also junk! `and poultry. Phone 384 or write" H. __Levm, 33 Collier St. A 27-3`.?.p_l Help Wanted . Wanted HOUSE WANTED to rent.! "I" Examiner office. 28;) . . I mg Rmul. mar Church- ag. Owner may haw; projverty Aand pa_\'1?:,'z1 `.28-.3 U115 09.! I .25-30p l - Ltcum, I 26-28c LU` ` 25tr 13.31`: E 28p house. Jones. 28-30c ` pncena !0Ul'. ll) ceuu csun jvucu Md; also 10 cents extra when replies In ohrected to Examiner oice. I must 1 ` GAS RANGE and pipes `for sale in good; order. Apply 87 Worsley St; 28pi - `.R-IZZFRIGERATOR FOR SALE. Vcheap--:` I Also bird cage. Apply to E. A.'Harris, I phone 7l3J. 28c, 3 FOR SALE-About 25 acres standing hay} clover and -timothy mixed. Apply Fred- 1 win Thompson, Stroud R. R. 2. 23-28p` ' A . 1 ' l %FOR SALE--Grain and clover thvesl_1ing7 machine. in good repair. Apply Chas.` 1 McGinnis, Box 808, or phone 958W.7 I ' _ 24tfc I I 2 CULTIVATOR FOR SALE-Nine~tooth. I stiff-tooth Massey-Harris cultivator. new.`, | Apply con. 5. south half lot 21. Innisl.; ` 2 Robert King. 27-32;: 4 i l-`----_--i FURNITURE--Quantity of good hbusehold furniture for sale; also a large ice box. suitable for store. Apply between 2 and 6 at 58 Brock St: _28-33p `FOUR COLLIE PUPS FOR TSALE---A. I 1'\.,L-._ _L...... t!nQ..0 9Rn I "COLLIE PUPS FOR S.~\.~LE--About two! ` months old; $2.00 eRh. Apply to Chas. 1 Robertson. Kempenfeldt Hill, Barrie. 28p 1 [ . ` PUPS FOR SALE-First-class fox and deer hound pups; $5.00 each if taken atonce. ' ` .-\pp1_v Erwin Speers. Thornton R. R. i No. 2. _ `*4 28-291) IAID WANTED for general housework in Wston. Apply 96 Mary St., phone 357 C._ ..`..n:-.0-An! < EGREY MARE FOR SALE-6 yrs. old": also 1 `Hoover potato digger in good c.')ndit`on. ! Mrs. .103. McMa.=ter. Utopia P.O. Phone I I I\'_v-Thornton line. 28;) ACRES--Stock. implements and crop; $5.500; possession at once. Cecil AH}-`V old, Alliston. Phone 71-30. 24-29;) ( : ------------------- FARM FOR SAI.E--100 adres timber bush. i easr half Int 26. con. 8. Essa Tp. Anply 1 Mrs. Jas. Sproul. Utopia. Ont. 27-32p !FARM FOR `S.-U}Fr--100 acres. A one mile; ` from Grand Trunk. school on farm; soil.V: I clay loam: creek through whole (length? . of farm; six acres hardwood bush: svoodi } barns and outbuildings; 10-roomed brick: { house; evervthing in s_n1endid,condition.T ! -Apply Mrs. Jas. Sproul. Utopia. 27-32;} M g ' IISF.-CON!)-HAND FORD TON TRUCK for a` , _L-_._ "I" `D Yluubnkln nhnnn 40 `5 , ...__.__.._______.____.._____ ' INSURF. CAR SAFETY~-Park your car in 1 _IhP Barrie Veterinary Hospital yard` (formerly Vespra Hnusel. 48 Ba`_ve1-'1. st. . . 28} * . AUTO FOR SALE-Splendid touring car. only run about 4000 miles; will selli i cheap; Mrs. Jas. Sproul. Utopia. 27-32;; ` , v ISHINGLING and all kindsof carpenterf I work done, prices reasonable. F. W.! Shannon, phone 95_5J. 23-28;), I I ____________________ I ---- MAKE YOUR DOG more comfortable by! I having him clipped . Barrie Veterinary ` .Ho:-pita}. 48 Bayeld St. 28c| . I :_ ROOF. ROOF. ROOF---New ones laid. old! 4__-~ ..-._.......1 I... Qmith R4 M'nrv Sh! HE_IN--- WE_ WANT REPRESENTATIVES _- ....J L....... 3... (`nna-.An On an CARTING-Longhurst -& Son are givinjgi prompt service invthe carting line. mak-E int: 21 specialty of general delivery. Phone ` I 887. dzw or night. {WINDOW CLEANING--House. office orl ___:___l'..-.,. ..!.........-I nnr: nlnannr` and ------+----------- 35.00 REWARD will be paid for informa-i tion leading to .the conviction of persons who took the halyards from the ag- mast at the residence of Major Joseph `Rogers. Toronto St, ` 28p I i `will sell by public auction alli ivi1is.'kNA15P at 198 Bayeld St., Barrie her household furniture ` Sa1e,at 1.30 p.m. W. A, McCONKEY, AT Auctioneer. To DRY-CLEAN BRUSHES - Mix together equal parts of salt and our and rub through bristles of brushes. When the. mixture is shaken out, brushes will look like new. 'UUn. bUux..uu 1 Bishop. phone 6`6?:r`-5. -:-: \ moume . Iron fabrics with the `lengthwise thread "and iron as large a space at a time as poss- ible. Many materials look best if ironed Au-u ' ' IU_l`:o 3'I.KIlI Illa thoroughly dry. lSN T THIS Ifuymz The" dear old English lan- guage--Here it is. We don't want to tease you continually about Teas, and yet we do want to supply you_ with I the best quality and value in Tea at no increase in price to you, though we are working on a smaller prot. `Blossom - .......................... Carnation .......... .......... .. `Mon Rose ..... . ............... The Hub" Coee .......... .. -`f'WJ`RNISHED rent. . l" C`:-nv\\:l\nlI nah-n OR Americans say` thiz has _them beat. >l`.`UU'.V|)-I1:\LVlJ rurur Luu nu.-uu nu. sale cheap. `T. R. Huxtable. phone 49. - 2'7-23-.2: _0F. R001". HUUr---1Ve,w ones lam. mu `ones repaired. Wm. Smith. 84 Mary St.! Phone 944. P.O.' Box 810. 26-37;)` W -INUUW _Ulxh.`A1Vu.Vu---rxuusc, uuluc U1 store windows cleaned. oors cleaned and polished. new or old. Wm. Smith. 84i Mary .St.. Barrie, Box 810. phone 944.| 28-40p I \ SYCILY Avenue Next to Ed. Bryson s ` V... v._-V j ~THE HUB A TEENY WEENY STORE T. N,j1o_BLEY . On_ Friday; July 215: Live Stockfor Sale AUCTION SALE MAID WANTED for months of July and August. Anply Mrs. Rogers, Big Bay Point, 1111.]. Allandale. ` 27-28;