Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1922, p. 6

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.4 Pasa-~Gordon Vanatter. VV IIDUU, L`)lJll1llI.`ay I. III 01 nu-5:1, I'll IJHUIC UIUIEDIH Second-Class Honors-Willie Faulds, Har- old McSherry, M_a_rgaret Nixon, Harold Hart, Stella Summers, Eleanor _Wright, `Randall Hart, Hazel Tuck. V _ ` ta V(C(>nLinu KING E SR._ 111 TU JR. A 1:1 I u- \.'|u.- Moncricff. J. Ii, II I` A [ll `U I Firs -Clus: (1 I I u-:v:-:12 3R_o| not dip B34 `_ H'u|`oft IEWIIV`-II 0` ll rinse them, surplus watc into a lath pure water Tim is nothj only in for Baby or they tender ski Lux suds. will keep and Huffy. gum akes :I'hcnli`ttle BARRlE S DILIGENT scHOOL L WIN PROMOTION IN MID-SUMMER EXAMS .Thursd' OI` Jan` I Lu]. - r .1 I` I (`F8111 3R'< 'I`hi. .\x'i!l ' Following are the results of the Promo- tion Examinations in the Barrie public schools. For first-class honors the require- ment is 75 per cent; for second-class hon- ors, 66 2/3 per cent.; for pass, 60-per cent. Names are in order of merit. . ` . KING caonca SCHOOL JR. III To SR. 111- Second-Class Honors-'Gwenne Wooland, Alice Tuck. Isaac ,Weldon, Lucretia Rowe. Pass--George Graham, Norman Tuck.` Do You Long for Restful Nature- Do You SeekAdveritufe ; Thrills ? CANADA smmsmp nuns {numb Boarding a luxuriously appointed steamer at. Toronto, you travel through the-Thousand"Is.l_ands of entrancing beauty. On through the whirling, tossin Rapids of the St. Lawrence to historic Montreal an V Quebec--then up the famous River Saguenay, where, giant, cloud-wrappedlcliifs, tower so high above you that the whirling eagle is a speck against the blue.` Stop-over privileges at Montreal and Quebec-also at Murray Bay and Tadousac, where splendid Suin- mer hotels are operated under Canada Steamship -Lines manaeement. - Send 2c postage for illustrated `Bookl:t, Map and Guide to John F. Piemo, Paaenger Trgio Manager, 227 R. and O. B1dg., Montreal, or apply local railway or steamship ggent-. . . ' . ' 9' - Among the Thousand `Islands you picture Hia- watha counselling the allianceof the~~Six- Nations. Shooting the roaring, plunging St. Lawrence Rapids you feel the exciting thrill that came to the first adventurers on these unknown waters. . NIAGARA To THE SEA First-Class Honors---Victor Brown and V Jack Taylor (equal), Margaret. Blackatock, Billie Bell, Dona`ld Billingsley, Elisabeth Padgham, Herbert Markle and Billie Wol- fenden (equal), Stewart Brown, Donald "Cameron and Leone MacDonald (equal). Egg...-.1! ninna Ilnnnmuvoluyn "I".mlp `D... - For those wi1o'a_re luredby the spirit of ltomance and Adventure, this cruise unfolds the fascinating st9ry_of. Canada's earliest days. 5 OR those who respond to the appeal of nature in 911 her varying moods no scenery in the At Montreal and ueoeo uou aV.V1'1Zar'r~e'eted .13y Quaint surroundings that take you backtao the _giim, distant hast '\l4V uuvac YVIIE-I Lcayuuu. IpV_ use uppuan UL lol.ll.`U all varymg v- . , .. world can compare With that of Canada s vacatlon \ I Allj GooDn1ggiu Pass--Beatrice Hewitt, Mary McDougall. Earl Prot. Agnes Bakogeorge, Gordon Tomlinson, George Mayne, George Robert- son, Lulu Prot, Jack Brummell, Athens Bakogeorge and Ronald Tideman (equal). JR. 11 TO SR. II (Miss Livingstone)-- I'.`\!__4 III--- 'II'-___-, ,, In! Second-Class Honors-M_arga.ret Hubbard, David Jamieson,/~ Vera Mays, Jack Calli- ghen, Helen. Bald, Edith Exell, Winnifred Smith, Clarke Bell, Emerson Ballantyne, ..----`.---- Stanley Exell, Jean McDonald, Norma Cubitt-Nichols, `Archie Barth, Irwin Jack- nan "iI~it.{:fas"i1;}._.l3 fz;J1"'ii;}eaath, Catherin_e Brown, `Edna Tuck, Charlie Hep- mH:JJxl<`)ls'-~Dorothy Castoxl, Lewis Corbett, Albert Richardson, John Hewitt, Jean Ballantyne and Muriel Nash (equal), Gladys Corbett and Newton`Nash (equal), Jessie Vair and Billie Moodie '(equall, Helen McConkey, Doris Smart. Pass---Harry Burdette, Cora Brown, Wil- lie Mayne, Ronald Mays, Billie Whitaker. Recommended-Olive O'Connor. SR." II T0 JR. II`I (-Miss Longman)-- I'\I `I1 I1 1! n First -Class H nors--Philip Beattie, Forb- es Robertson, Dorothy Scythes, John Lay, Vaiotor Hart, Vernon Markle and Harriet Hart (equal), Helen Rollit and Ida Lipo- vitch (equal), M-ary Crew and Charlie Gar- ner (equal), Helen Gauley, Maurice Mec- Laren, Lenore Simpson. Il'II II .1-v.II I `\)III-IIVIVJII uuu I-JVUIIC {V1171-llllllllll \U\`IJ-[IO Second-Class Honorse-Evelyn Tuck. Ber- tha Horton and Mildred Huxtable (equal), Neil McBride, Hazel McBride, Walter Wil- Jon, Ruth Built and `Willie Thompson v--u -~. our van`: ...- `g---.,... .u..-...., First-Class Honors- Constance Hardy` Velma Orbk, Alan Gardner, Lillian Robert- son, Mac Wellwood, Helen Luck, Helen} Newman and Isadore Levitt and Fred Baughman (equa1),'Phyllis McLean, Mar- garet Walsh, Mary Lee, Harold Tordiff, Wallwin Fisher .\ and Mac McOorkindale (equal), Edith Jamieson, David Markle, Mary Huxtable, Edith Hubbard, Ev'ely Johnson, Clifford Urry. .QAnnn/Ll`.lnaVa nnnnmjnnrnfkti nunfnh ltI.lUl.' IWUIIBIIIUJH o Pass-Cli'ord Brown, Dora. West, Ray- mond Bishop and Anne Ord (equal), Violet Brown. Isobel Smith, Olair Webb. Recommen_ded---Ruth. Houghtona` .., JR. 111 To SR. In (Miss Nixon)- (equal), Jack Whitaker, Hugh Wallace, Sidney Bell, Lewis Ord, Gladys` McBride, Arthur Livingstone, Victor Richards, Ar- thur Richardson. 1').._- l'Vl2H.....I 'D_....._ "In..- man` unit "Shooting" the 7 Rapid!` `of the St. Lawmncc W13:'onan&&- Lola" Coulson, Gl_a.dys Keenan._ _ III T0 SR. LII (Miss Channen)-.- IJUU IUWUII, LVN VJUIU, lllllly V7 BllWlllu Second-Class Honors---Marion Twiss. Al- vin Hamilton, Bob Corbett, Chrissie Scott, Audrey [Hook and Audrey Foster and Her- bert Foster (equal), Marjorie Smith, Aus- tin McKnight, Lloyd Partridge, `Barbara Couch, Clara Dodd, Claire Tomlinson. .`D....__`I2.u1 .12.-mymm-. Yunnan (Inn:-'1-I1-ln Second-Class Honors- Elsie I-Iowcroft; Grace Howcroft, Fred Anderton, Jack Mc- Quarrie, Hazel Appleby, Reggie Garrett and Nervile Theakston (equal), Clifford Gar- rett, Thelma Reid, Alice Meekuma, Harry P_artridge, Ruth Robinson, Melrose Part - nd1f.'.'._.D..1 fa....m. 1xr:vn:.. M..`r(......... .....: uI;|-EarlV Smith, Willie McKeown and Esther Gray (equal), Daisy Gossling, `Es- telle Gray, Ralph Cooper. `pnnnvni-\1Ant`A(`_.nvv-do nnunk tznfi-IA:-:nn SR. III TO JR. IV (Miss H. Marshall) wuc uusy, xwutyu uuupux. Recommend --Mamie -Beach, Katherine Shannon. ' .. SR1` II T0 JR. III (Miss Sinclair)- Mi*"i1;-t-('31;ss',-I.I'o1_1:)-1's`--.;::n;i.f-1"dI::-lm ,Appleby, Joe Bailey, Jean Webb, Ruth Mc'Ma1-tin, Bob Powell, Iva Cole, Mary Wallwin. Emu-.n.-l mama `D n-u-.34 no-inn 'l`m-has Al UUUUU, ululu IJUUII, \JI.lllIC l.UL1llIl.IDUllo `Paa;---Betty Bowman, James Goodwin. Jack McDouga1l, Gerald Wallor, Jean Coutts, Harry Gofton, Tommy Isaac's, Alex`. Manson, Irene Theakshon, Bobby Dyment. Rocommended`-Sidney Patterson; sn. 11 TO JR. in (Miss Morrison)-- SR. III "TO JR. IV (-Miss Banting)-- Fimt-Class Honors---Arthur Girdwood, Ilda ;VlcClell-and, George Guest. John Bell, Beatrice McMaster. Beverly Reddiiz. Mary Trihhle. Florence McMasier. Angus McNabb gAlU\hA_m ~ TJnnnva_,TJnut'n`o` 'l1IUInnnv\ LIIIHIIC, I` IUIUIIVC LYI|.';'lC5LUl . IIIIEUG WIULV all Second-Class" Honors-I-Iar`old Bryson, Doris Stewart, Marion Scott. Allan Tribble. Laura Wyant. Norma Guthrie, `Helen Gar- rett. Mary Dale. T Dnna__T,..nuy nmlinn "l"|...I-n.-. `ITS..- `I lcllliq J-Vial] lJGIUu .a Pas_s-Lucy Gomling, Thelma Wice. J. D., Oleland, Walter Brown, Ethel Hines. Adam McKenzie, Emma Ballantyne, Ruby Adams, Evelyn Aitchison. Recommended-Mac Gofton. $31 VII-In ` Paas-Arthur McKenzie, Roy Wiles, Har- vey Lines, Ena Watson, Archie Thompson, Alexandra Penny, Jean Lowe and Mona Beatty (equal). Dnnnn\nnnnAnA__ T1\ln' 1\u:`ann (11aAIu: .-_- _. ._-- t- `-..._._ .,.....--.-_ H'Conors--Vera. Lyonls; Jean Maxshall, Jennie Dqdd, Victor Berry, Don- ald Jamieson, Reta Bogardis, Phyllis My lint. 1' AV IJJIH 1v yuusx Alvuuul ,First-Class Honors-- Buchanan Rollit, George Pearce, Lewis Merrick. Dorothy `Mc- Quarrie, Gordon Sarjeant, Jack McKinnon, Laura Powell, Catherine Hardy and John ' Richards (equal), Dutton Wallace, Gladys Johnson, George Tomlinson, Albert Welch and John Gaston (equal), Margaret How, Mary Robinson, Oborne Robertson and Vio- let Nixon (equal), `Harry Brother, Jean Wilson, Stanley Part-ridge, Arthur McLean. .QnnnnIL(nna unsunrnjwullun wnulla TJ`.-u-_ I1EalJLl UIGJCIIUC I UIIUIU, LVIUIIH .IJIU.VCIn V Second-Class Honors-Audrey Clifton. Alice Robinson and Allan Ayers (equal). Lillian Hine_s', Marjorie Byrnes. Bernice Wiseman. Margare_t.McMartin. Jack Ken- nedy. Isabel Allw-ard, Dick Powell. Earl Smith. Milton McConkey, Peter Sinclair. Victor Guest, Mildred McKnight, Dorothy Whiteand Henry Bogardis (equal). George McQuarrie, Edna Asaph. Clark. Jim Anderton. JR. III T0 sn. III (`Miss Hum-phrey)- TT1__1 III_,, 11'." A 1'1',,,,lI, ,, ,1 ---. _-_ 7 ~_-. -- `._--.. -_--..r----_, First-Ciass Honors-VF1-ances Hurlburt, Kathleen Webb, Neil McKenzie, Ruby Hounsome. 5----) lVI___ `l'l`-_.-._. \Y-..__._ 'I'!._II___.I LIV UJIBUHIC : Second-Class Honons-Norm~a Pulford, Lorne Jacobs, Bertie Johnson, Mildred Walls, Billie Dyment, Tom Bogardis, Irene O I17: II . "i%as-ciaLs7ii$nB;sLE;}t.}EJSay, How- ard Guest, Vona Ness, Evelyn Dunn, Wal- lace Knapp, Hazel Partridge. Mabel Sprott. Mabel Hounsome, Claude Craig, Laura Asaph, Clarence Pulford, Mona Dreyer. gnnnn(l_nlo=u unnnnnjh II!'IIAI1 r\.l:o.m PR|NC\E OF WALES SCHOOL JR. IV T0 SR; IV` (Miss Henry)- Betty Blackstock, Ivan Blevins, _Ruby Barnes. Wilma Brown, Elva Caughey, Ken- neth Cook, Joyce Dun-bar; Cecil . Deben- ham, Clara Hewi*t. Charlie Kelly, Jean Luck. .Wilfred Lee, Vera Pool. Perry _Mac- Intosh, Billie Malcomson. Newton Rowell. G. G. Smith. KINDERGARTEN - PRIMARY T0 PRIM- ARY (Miser-Marr)-- Doris Bricker, Malcolm Brown, Jimmy Buchanan, H-ansford Blackstock, Elsie` Cole,` Clifford'"Crompton, Muriel Dodd, Jean Eas- ton, Gladys Grant, Kathleen Grant. Fred- erick Gauley Charles Graham, Hilda Hux- table, Eric Hardy, Reta Kochberg, Meta Lee, Billy Lennox, Gordon Littlejohn, Katy Levit, Roy McCutcheon. Eva' McFar- land. Florence Mclntoeh. Vera McLeod, Arden Milne, Jack Moodie, Marrin Myers, Marion Pigott, Fred Prince. Grant Reburnv, Ralph` Skinner, Douglas Stephens. Laurie Thorogood. Bobby Walsh. Earle Williams, Violet Wright, Marjorie Wintere. . I I DIIUCD IIKJIIIIIQ Second-Class I-I`onors-Walter Swan; and Greta Meredith (equal), Yvonne DeGeer, Harry Callighen, Marie Carley. JR. im. T6 SIR; PR. (Miss iicRobie)-- can ;uuuuu.:ux:Uu. nurry VVCSL. "Second-Class Hon01s-- Gladys Brown, Alfred Thorogood and Harvey Wilson (eq`u'al),V Roy Armstrong and Donald Mc- Lean (equal); Ruth M`aley and Fred Coop- ner (equal)-. Pass--Haze'l McDonagh. Recon1mended-~-Amos Miller, Kehheth McLean. - ~ JR. PRIMER To JR..I (Miss McI}obie)- Second-Claw Honors-- Maurice Pearce, James/Weldon. P9,ss--Doris T Atherton, __._-~-.__.- ..v vvu - \.--..-u u-u-uu-v-v First-Class Hono`rs-Eugene Grahm. A1- an Porritt, Crompton Lewis. RonaId.Har- dy, Jim Bakogeorge. Jack Hanmer, Mar- jorie Tuck`;;Dora Taylor, Muriel Sweeney, Frances Rollit. ` - a---_.1nu___ 'I"r____.._ 1I'r-n-_ a_,,,,, 1 -v -.--. - \_-guau .-avgguuvri W 'Honors-Viola Partridge and R053 ;D0dd (equal), Evelyn " McDonald, Keith McDermott. ,Evelyn Buchgnan, Nor- man Sweeney,.Ida Rose, Ivy Myers and Mann .. McCutcheon and __Lillfan Curtis (equal), Gordon Jamieson. Pearl Campbell and Charlie Moore (equal). Maurice Mc- Bride, Reggie Wright, -Myrtle McLeod, Ol-=` ean McCutcheon. Harry West. .QnnnnrLr`.lnca I-Innruu~_. f`_ln.-In- `D......... wocuunuwuueu---yluua Den. narry nxeu, James Exell, Ralph Martin. sn. PRIMER TO JR. I (Miss mum)- `l.`:.._L l1I___. II`. . , vvo I n u:'quuHy,\Uy VV-2111281115. r . ' Pass--AgVnes Rowell and _John Swan (equal)-. Dorothy Faulds, Roy Brown and George Carley` (equal) Fred Richaxds. Gladys Lee and John Milne and Jack `Mc- Innes (equal). _' ")nnnvnvnnnrlnrlA__T :nJn DA" 115...... `l?_-II 1.117! L115 DUI I lvll 1 ` Second-Class` Hohors-Jean Prot. Zeta Weaymouth, Dorothy Brereton, Margaret Biggar, Gladys `Robertson. Joseph Lipd~ vi`ch. Hazel` Winters and Dennis Miller (equal), Isabel Winters, Mry Gaston. Graydon Campbell and Esther Tordi (equal)._Roy Wlliams. ' poem; An-nag Dawn. n-to` `I .-.L... Q.....__ "sx]:faa;'iio3mLT>LrZtf'iAnox, A1-' uuca uaquuu . Recommended--Linda Bell. Harry Exell, `nmnn EYAI1 Rnlnh Martin ` Pa$--:Mary Mconkey, Cora Quantz. Lue Adams, Freda.Dunn, Clara Perkins, Laura Hurst, George Penny, Jim Cameron, Alex.` Cleland. Recommende'd-Elsie Simmons. Absen t+Betty Robson. SR. I 10 JR. II (Miss Gallagher)-- First-Claqs Honors--Marie McNiven, Jean _-._ -- ---, ~---- V--.....,. _.....,J avnnnlnuvnac ' Pass--Frank Goodwin, Nora Heppleston. Mildred Chown, Jim Watson, Joan Webb. Margaret Johnston, Cline Lennox, Ethel Reynolds. ' D.................1..,1 1ir:n:- n....I....._ r1I....I-._ Mi'zIL 3$}nended-Wi11ie Coulson, Gladys Zeihr. ' JR. I-I TOSR. II (Miss Gallagher)- First-Clas Honors---Ella `Sampson. Second-Class Honors---Ellen Bowles. ! Pass--Jack Butler, Jack Rogers. Recommended--Sidney -Phipps. I JR. II TO SR. II (Miss Dougall)- 1':!_'___ I _ 1'1',,, , vv I SR. II TO JR. III--.' m`a cL<`);1d-Class Honors- Pearl Cooper. Clara Campbell, Evelyn -Rowe, Ruth Crumb, Daisy Meelmms. ` `no I` A . o frag: Liscungb, Maudie vMcDougall, Victor Guest. A ' O---.__1l`II_.,' 77,", -rut-.1 vv 1- I Second-Class Honors---Edith Hawkins. Eileen Armstrong, Ross Turnzbull, Rae`Pul- ford, Elma McKeown, Ruby Ayerst, Ken- neth Brown, Jean Garner. Ruby Manson. I1--- T.\_____L IV_, ,1 ' 11 uucuo. | .._- _- `-.- "i7"ir;t:E3l'a.$ I:Ionors--J Arnott.` (\_._,,_II\I_,_ `lI , , _(v-...., ean Brock, Helen rs I IV Ontario Forestry Branch, Parliament\s, Toronto DON'T build your camp re against a rotten log or stump; nor on windy points: nor near moss patches: hnr at tho lump of n `7h??3"r e75@7?i` Howcrovft, Morris Stransman, Bruce John- lston. LV_,-__.If\I_ _ `rt, , v\ :1 is as `v 1 Grant Brown, Hilda Tooth, Jean Minni- kin, Wilson Jebb, Delphine Robinson, Ray Livingston, Lloyd Pratt, George King, Ted- ' dy VBurtch,- Muriel Rogers, Ivene Wiley, llrene Stunden. SR. PRIMER T0 JR. I (Miss Reid)- First-Class Honors-Billy Girdwood, Wil- son Brock, Robert Urry, Margaret McFad- den and Mossie McCuteheon (equal), Helen Parr and Richard -Heppleston (equal), Mary , ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ` ` ' ` ' ""' ` "" "`DD" man. sn. I to JR. 11 (Miss Reid)- JR. 11 T0 SR. H- V _i7"ir_st`-{-3le 1s-s`-HT)n:)-:1`s::1\;a;:.?;lexander, Jack Smith, Lloyd Thompson. .QonnnH_m can I-Tnnnng_'I" nnnn Iv unhn Tn l\ uuuvu, JJIUJLI J.uUul]JGUL|o Second-Class Honons-'l`ommy Hare, Ina Stoneham, Laura McKever and Maurice Kelland (equal), Herbert Dyment, Wilma Parr, Maitland Bebb. _ . } Scott, Rosy Kellow. i R4ecommended-.-Irene Hines. "i1ra'B{b,"'3"ac1I'?;"ZvL', Cliord Wallor, Clarke Ayers, Mabel VV1ce, Charlie MoNiven, Stewart Grant, Marjorie Hurst, Lorne Brock. ` JR. I TO SR. I (Mia Reid)-- ' r up. lpwlcond-Class Honors---Donald Du, `Lyla Guest, Gordon King. Pass-Norman Theakston. "Recommended--Pearl Biggar, Vera Wise- nx QII J1i.7'i'i~6"s_1i.' 1 (LEE; II___!_ n.LL_,,,L__ `I- -1, f\,,,,, IVI Every time you leave a camp re or a smudge burning you are taking chances on a forest re that will do you out of a job. Every time you throw away a burning match or a cigarette, or drop the heel of your pipe on the ground, you are taking a chance. In summer time, moss, dead wood, dry leaves or the regular wood-bre soil of the forest are all ready to burn. Millions of feet of timber and pulp are being burnt up that way every year. AOnta'rio s forests are not growing. fast enough to keep up. Forest res "will do you out of a job if they keep on a few years more. Watch yourself. -_- __-- _v V--. -_-. \..-_... ........--.-44 Promoted on term work-Verna Aconley, Arbutus Gossling, Hilda Cole, Pezirl Thomp- son, Luella Minnikin, Francis Battersby, Irene Etherington, Rita Simmons, Velma Bundy, Helen Sutherland, Ruth Lennox, Elsie Gray, Clara Stephenson, Ruth Craig, Ethel Harris, Ethel Beach, Dorothy Bum- stead, Dorothy Fairwell, Stanley Bryson, George Simmons, Allan Ellicott, Ernie Nye, Russell Robinson, Bobby Grasley, Billie Arnott, Willie Stunden, `Jack Kellow, Lorne Ferguson, Albert Thornton, George Bowles, John Mayzes, Roy Grant, Jamw Harris, Garbutt Smith, Eldon Ferguson, Roy Gray, (Continued on page 7) {Auto License Neelands, Margaret Hook, Billy Hevner. Second-C1ass Honors-Gordon Armstrong. Pass--Dorothy Brown, Andrew. M9.nson.. Rec0mmended-1Albert McFadden. H * VICTORIA SCHOOL JR. IV TO SR. IV _(Mias4Booth)- JR. PR. TO SR. PR. (Miss Wallace)- Massnig "1:e'; "Bldg. W. BELL, Issuer Successor to J. Arnold INSURANCE 7 _Ov_venA _St:_' ` 3? 1KkiiiE J 7 ` SCHO t .I\IIl-`u .1 JR. HI "lbw. F} r.~ I Cl:u'.~ I 03. I o I Re(~utnnvr-1 kins. A. The "W VI! v I'1`\ Jt.("r c . Ht-n:~ Kightlt-y (0 It/av. _- -~- ....-. First-Class Honors--`Iris Jarvis. Second-Class Honors-~Dorothy Teesdale, [Dora Rowe.` Pass-Mabel Robertson, Ivy Marks.

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