"'i't'_i0USElFOR SALE lo Barrie. overlooking bay; very centrally situated. solid brick. . `S `1-ooms. replace, hot water heating. "guud gafden, gas and electric light. Send _ "'-`rep"lics to Box `'0' Examiner. 27c IUIIS ---'12th ovf July records now on sale at Keenan & Kennedy's. 27c ` After the death of Pte. Teddy Walton. ,his widow received notice that the pension {had been cut off. The G.W.V.A. immed- liately took up the matter and with the as `sistance of W. A. Boys. K.C.. M.P.. at Ottawa. succeeded `in showing the Pension Board that Mrs. Walton is fully entitled to the pension. so she has been placed on `he list once more. T = UIIIA |)U`l3n Mr. Rees brought to The Examiner office this week a most unusual freak gf `vege- ,tation in the shape of a stalk of asparagus. `Instead of the ordirary round form the `stalk is at, a quarter inch thick and an inch and `a quarter wide. the usual feathery lgrowth standing out alm'st straight at either side. The stalk is about ve feet long. . _1-)4. -4` t..1., ..........,:.. ....... .... ..-1_ -. V ..... ...D.. `-14. .v_uua-a_y uu yuuurxlvo. Forneglecting to secure a license for al uew'motm' car. whlch he said had been,l messed into service in an emergency. be-` fore it was sold, Fred Ayerst came under the-M.V.A. violation penalty in Police Court, Wednesday. and was asse&=ed 32.00, i anll co=ts.' ' . II ~r\,I 1..-u-n u an " I -Come one. come all, to the Dancingl Pavilion, Big Bay Point; If you have tol come a mile or two, come and hear the l orchestra. ' 27p: Sunday Scl~ool teschers` and members of l Collier St. Methodist Church held their an- nual` picnic t`o Mix`.et's Point. Wednesdnyxll A total of about two hundred enjofd the `outing, journeying to the grounds by water ` `in the Thomas launches. : __ b . , I --A garden party will be held at James: Lauder's. Edgar, Tuesday. July 18. .Pro-. gram by Hawaiian orchestra and other ex- 5 oellent talent. Sunper served by Women s Institute from 6 to 8, Football match,.5 Tickets: Adults 35c. chi!dren.25c. 27c` Wm._Adams, one of the foremen at the Burwash prison farm, was in town on Mon- day. He has three miles of farm to overt- see and the hay crop on it this year 03-; cupies 175 acres. Late frosts did much damage. particularly to potatoes. T`-.. ,, _ 6 I _uuu Ill-|U!7Bo The Board of Trustees of the Royal Vic- toria` Hospital wishto express their appre- ciation of a. generous donation of $25 from the Presbyterian Bib!e Clas: for the pur- chase of rues for the Presbyterian Ward in the hospitall [II Barrie s June brides totalled thirteen.` The new eugury on the number thirteen is? that when it affects two persons. both will` be lucky. There were ten boys and eight. girls bprn in Barrie during June and only] four deaths recorded. . ' | Wilson Knapp and~ D. Jacobs have re-. turned `from Utterson, where they have been erectrg a summer cottage for Will Rogers of` Toronto, brother pf T. Rogers of the Barrie Planing Mill. I17} I Inc` nu n luuy uuuunuuuu, July 1:, an 0 p.m. . Two youixg Georges in short breaches. brothers only in a by-law violation. paid T 31 and costs, $4 each; in Police Court on Monday inorning for riding their bicycles on the sidewalk. --.-M_cKee dz -McDon2'aA.ld for bicycle tires _and tixbes. `SH: ?uET-- I`wo unfurnished rooms with bal- etwny. kitchen privileges, reasonable rent `9 ::::m~.'ful c.')uple.- Apply 13? Bradford - 27 s-1-:-. u-.-o ' ' ""l'J v"' `J "" `"5 V"` ' `J. --Why.not enjoy an evenigg at Big Bay Point Dancing Pavilion? Four-piece orches- tra. ' . 270. An exhibition game of baseball will bel nlayed at Agricultural Park tb"tw"e" the Barrie regulars and Hawkestone. Wednes- day afternoon, July 12, at 3 p.m. m...... ......L. n'______ I _..--v, ..--...~J, van; I, an 0010.! }J.ul.u _ 8320 was realized from the garden party at St. Paul's, Innisl,. June 28, over 8200 being taken in at the gate. A ne program was enjoyed by the big crovxd. ' `I71.-- __L _,,!, ` "` VIE UUUO rand organ recital and concert. open- ing new pipe organ, St. Andrew's Church, Barrie, Friday, July 7, at 8.15 p.m. Qoon ....... _;...|:__.| 2___, ...-......._y uuvuu. unuvu. l'60[J v:-E_e ure and hear the` July Apex re- cords, all double-sided, at 65c each; Kee- nan &'Kennedy. - 'a .c --The Graham houses in Worsley St. are sold, "and only a few of the 40-ft. bungalow lots in Berczy St. are left, close to. Collier St., at $7 a foot. See advt. 27c -M_cKeeA & McDonald for, auto acces- sories, patching material, chains. tire coy- ers, etc. ` I!-and .......... ---!4-I ---' -~-- -..,-_`_ -.. __J a. canoe Owihg to the Wet weather, the Dominion Day races at Penetang had to be postponed. These will be held on July 12 and carried out as originally advertised. A 27-28p snug anal Lung LL-` Yul 1-- --McKee dz McDonald fora guaranteed evulcanizingu. - * . ' 127- candidates _wrote the `Entrance ex- aminations-`in Barrie last week. A -Get your "paints and magazines` at the ' west end-"news agency, 54 Elizabeth St. 270 Rev. J. S. T. Fdrtner from Walpole Is- land is the new minister on the Vespra Union [Church circuit. as __ _-_..-, vu v\nlIvAJ\JLbJI I -7---iV)ancing `zit. Big Bay Point Pavilion. Monday. Wednesdgy and Saturday nights until further noticef ` ~- 271; thither ii{{{i3ci' "" ".""`"' .."527p Numerous motor cars and light motor trucks have been_ passing through Barrie with camping outts, seeking a place to camp on bay or lake. I\ ._ -.__-v.. ....v--vo T` `Fsancis. Rbgers suffered a bruised eye and an abrasion to his nose from a nasty fall at his hor_n_e, Wednesday. __J\.-......1.... .. 1):-` 15,, 1': ' - - V`WAN'I`l<`.-1') AT ONCE-Relia1ble person of neat amne_arance for. pleasant outdour work in Barrie; whole or spare time, paying from $15 to $35 per week, accord- ing `In time spent.vReply Examiner. 27p . In mm column, 4 cents word -u nu I !IiIiI9iI!E I !I!EIEI!E!'.5 -, 5.` Ads. in this column, 4 cents word IEEIEIII: I Il:Iu:-|.:nu:-us jmmmm BORN ~ THE BARRIE EXAM]NER During July, services willvbe held .in Central Church at 11 o'clock a.m. ` every Sunday, and in Collier St. Church `every Sunday at 7 o clock p.m. The ,choir of Central Church will have gcharge of the music in both churches [during July. Seats are` free and a {hearty welcome awaits every persozi I who attends these union services. !PREACHl:'.R, SUNDAY,` JULY 9:5 Rev. c. H. amen,` .5: Hiu.a.1. Ont. 11.. |lllllUo The strawberry festival at the Townline church last Wednesday evening was attend- ed by a. recbrd crowd and the receipts were __.. -u.- -- - mt at `the home of Mrs.l vWebster on Monday. All report a good time. T PIVL- _L.__.-,L-A_.,, ,44S,,,l ,4 .1, rli I` `IBCFARD [AND FURNISHED ROOMS TO Ll`.`T-~A`pply 70 Maple Ave., Barrie. 27p- I ..--...._, . Iwiigv. G. R. Kithing. Mrs. Kitching and" iMiss Ruth `are renewing old acquaintance lin Thornton and Egbert. au- W I Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ayerst arevisiting in Fergus. I Mr ant` Mtg 1.1`.-.n.m n-`A In... .`D..ll.. Q...LL III 1' clsua. Mr. and `Mrs. House and Mix Belle Scott of Toronto visited friends hereon Saturday and Sunday. ` rd 1-: 77-. 1- It -19-. :- i * hiss mWVilwd2;_-(3v1a;i:is` I31 3 kk`?' (`II II 1'7 A/\4nl\Au idaying in Mus .,..... .. l\\IK\a1I _ Miss Clarice McKenzie is visiting friends in Hamilton. July 4.-Reg. McKenzie has gone to Chatham, where he `expects to spend the summer. ' Gauley and Elmer Smith of Mea- ford visited Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Sunday. Ln..- n7:|.I_ m__1_ :_ L-u:_1,,,:,,, - imw&wmmwmmw$$am METHODlS'l` UNION SERVICES LF)T~---Furnished or unfurnished robm `or 'mmn$=; conveniences. very central. . &}'tply` Box 471, Bmxie. Ont. 27p 1., Central a_nd 7 p.m., Collier THORNTON \ALl` JICIIU uuuulcuraox (11), ylnond Muir (H3-. ` Jr. II to 91'. U---Wilfred Arnem (Pass), Jacqueline 1.99 (H), bileen Lowne (H), May Mrbinson (H). ' . IIIVIIIII` -. .. . __.._.V - S. S.'NO. I0, ESSA 0 Sr. IILto Jr. III---Lizzie Coulson (Hi. Bobbie Coulson (H), Eileen Duckworth (H). Irene Middlebrook (H), Raymond (I-I`.-. CALI: Aux. vuly 0 1 ' Owing to the big picnic _at Killarney on July 8, the scheduled baseball match be- tween Gookstown and Thornton at Thorn- ton has been postponed. Elvin Pearson is Examiner correspond. ent for. July. a f\m:.'... `A ti... L:.. ..:-_:_ _. 2;-.. I Last Sunday Rev. Dr. J.. D. Bymes of Barrie preached the annual sermon to the members of Manitoba Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. at the Townline church.` There was a. large attendance of visiting brethren from neighboring lodges, Among them we notic- ed _Arthur Green of Craigvale. I u. .._.1u._- uh, .. ` -_ ____-__- v----v-- v- v---5'0-Iv. Mr. and Mrs. Reed and the Misses Dove of Toronto spent the holiday at the parson- I aze. pulls Thornton Loyal Orange Lodge will attend divine 'service in the Methodist Church on Sunday eveningnext-. Mm .qvna" .....: ..:.. ..n..... ...-_-L--- r -- 1 uuuu`cI._y cveuulg - next-. Mrs. Small and six other members of the I family are suffering from whooping-cough`. which is claiming some other victims here-. abouts. ` ,. I __L :I_i_,I 1-` vs - - - '1L08-'l`--"0n Mill Road, near Cundles, July 5. Weather` handbag. -containing gltsses emii mher articles. Finder please. leave 21:`. Examiner oice. 27c vunucuu. 1% WEEK. ' I Mrs, Nelson and children are visiting friends in Toronto. ' kl Ial.UUl\n By invitation of the Egbert ladies, the `Methodist W.M.S. will hold their July meet- ing at the Egbert church, on Tuesday, July 11, (instead of Wednesday), at 2.30 mm. I __. ...... ....... a.znvx\AAmcUAl ucu: Luau WCCK. Boy Scouts will hold their next meet- | ing at James A. Lennox s, Friday at eighti o cIock. . ___, -......., ..~uu uvun. Mir-`s. Fisher of Barrie and Mrs. Corbett of Cookstown visited their cousin, Mrs. D. Corbett. last week. ]-.. 17-]--- 1 ` " ` -v.v.-vu. zind Mxs. Dickinson of Meaford vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson` here last week. TL- `I3--. GVAWA "' -.- r...uuuu-a :u\IAo WI;`VI-x`:9.T`Beelby of Barrie visited hr brothe}, Thos. Scythes, last Week. II __ `IN- very encouraging for all concerned. Jules Brazil and Miss Cameron of Toronto gave the programme. man Mal ...... .. 'n_.__l_L 13,11 - 1 1- I mu: yx U51. uuuliu Miss McLean of Burk's Falls is holidaying under the parental roof. ,. I:_,nu .. . .. .-'~ - ` RURAL PROMOTIONS --ncusuu -nruwumg, rreq ovepnens. Sr. III to Jr. IV--Pass~-Dorene Steph- ens. Roy Taylor, Velma Carefoot. Rec.- Mina Constable. Jr. III to Sr.'III--Pass-Joe Marquis. Sr. II to Jr. III--~Honors-Kathleen Al- lan,` Joe Lucas, Tom Reive, Lizzie Coroner. Pas--Willie Constable, Glennie Stephens, Helen Brnwning, 'POSI'I`ION required in office or store or aut.omnbile driving, by day or week,'by young`marr. ed mun Iivingin Barrie. Apply Box V" Examiner. ' 27p L "'VV IHIC \.K-HI Helen Browning. Jr W 4.. 5:. 1'1 Izunuu IJIUWHIU . J1-..II to Sr. gII-Honors--Clareno_e Stew- art. Pass--Baune Sharpe. O s. s. no. 7. INNISFLIL ` Jr-. IV to sr. IV- Pasa-- Ruth Allan. Ralph Reive, Olive Sharpe. Recommended --Nelson Browning, Fred. Stephens. Sr. m In J1 Iv__D......_n......... cum!- uxuuc, .|.'n1ul\ nlulcr, may uonneuy. Jr. II to Sr. II--Lloyd Grant, Billie Blackmore (honors), "Jack Allan. Tho nun: nnou-lpn.-I I 1.-.... l.-__ _-,, V I mended. um-uzuuuu: uxuuursl, ".l'.1cK Auan. The pupils marked have been I-I7 rnxvnr L up no-...--- .. _ unaunmurc. uwreuce wnan. Sr. II to Jr. III--Gertrude Sheldon (hon- T ors), Howard Noble (honors), Gordon Grose, Frank Ridler, `May Donnelly. Jr. If tn Sr TT._.I.lnml (1.-no n:n:.. LU Jr. 1 u))-+Jalv1n Jennett, Stanley Jennett. Jr. Primer-Ronald Stewart, Jack Stew- art, Lillian Thompson, Delbert Banner- man, Fred Greenhalagh, Elmer Dungey. Mary Fletcher. RITA SPROUL, Teacher. S. s. No. 4, INNISFIL Jr. IV to Sr, IV-- Rose Barry. Roy Grant. ` Sr. III to Jr. IV_--Norma. Tebo. Gladys Sheldon (honors), Zella Donnelly, Dora Metcalfe. ' `I . `[1 ? L. CL, 11% 1- -- - UACVV an U 0 Jr. III to Sr. Hf--Jenny Barry. Jenny Blackmore. Clarence Whan. Q. 71 L.-. 7.. 111' rI._.,_,,I 1'" H 5.11. uu. uu Jr. 1v--bruce Macdonald. I Jr. III to St. II'I-Bemice Jennett (H), Calvin 9haw (H), Gordon Cochrane. Venu- non Jennett, Luella Cochrane, Lizzie Preh- ble (Rec.) Sr. II to Jr. III--Jim Spencer (H*, Robert Marriott, Hartley Barlow. I Jr. II to gr n__r--~ t1--~~t~'~L "" ucA:uUA, JJUIUEDY M8181. To Jr. I (a)-Norris Cochrane, Harvey Cochrane, Jim Ward. To Jr. I (Mb)--Calvin Jennett, Stanley 'W'A:N'I`_ED--To hear from owner of good farm" for sale. State cash price, full par- gticulals. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 27. A29, 31, 33. 36, 38p Luuulslu murnou, naruey Barlow. Jr. II to Sr. 1I-.T|m Greenhalagh (H1. Agnes Grose (H), Gladys Marriott. Fennel! Morris, Franklin Stewart, Ethel Cochrane, Sr. I to Jr .n _I...... n..-L--_- N uxuxua, rruuxun bvewart, Ethel Cochrane._ Sr. I to Jr. -II-Jean Cochrane, Clara fWard, Willie Gilpin, Tom Barlow, Joe lLennox, Dorothy Maiel. Tn Jr 1' I.,\ n.....:- In.` W -1.-unva I Jr. IV to Sr. Spencer. i Sr. III to Jr. Tu T'l"l' 4.- Q, S. 8. N0. 6, ESSA (Thornton) Names in or r of merit. IV IV- ervyn Corbett, Geo. :er. IGLENNA M. HIFWELL, Teacher. IV---Bruce Macdonald. TI.T_`l:l......:.... L-.. -u I ' -v -v-on-V E (4-1--1-nupnxu. E 0 RN'1'SHED ROOMS TO LET--Board or wi.'ALh:mt. Apply 77 McDonaldTSt. 24-9p Dated . 27(- -. IlIK' l'u`lIl 3481.75. 0f\\ the (`r(`r[)()l`1Hio frontszpo is Ii sesumnt is t instalim-nt.~1. o:o>:u;:>;. -4 J: AIIY \ IFIIIH tend: `.0 ('un.~'tI'I an S-inch snnix twoon the ('.\(i.~' section of Mzqnl tance of 225 fa a vprmu`).~`0(l um inlly n~. 3 pm abutting ll'('('ll` n rrvl TAKE Nmm 3. A _:wfit`i?n h\`ai1 t_() pn-\'v:: 20 Mulca Mon`.-T " THOS. THE SAVIN 5. . "i.{3 .:.`7I`-'-`l'%'0_\"s gold watch. Tuesday even- `irmg, July 4. in Queen's Park. Apply 21 Mx'.'Do.'mldASt. or phone 973W. - 27p T HE NE. 7 com " sum. _ {<@~'* W"1 mm W. ".$'..-_-:x- . .. SHOI Eh; CO CHAR _.Thur.<; A tirsi Price: Li. -`EXPERIENCED qualied Protestant teach- erwanted for S. No. 11. Innisl. Sal- `-ary $1000 per annum. Duties to com- 'men'ce Sept. 1, 1922; Apply with refer- `zxraes to J. "S. Leonard, Secy.-Treas., V (khigvale, Ont. - 26-28c. `$03 `SALE---33 or 40 ft. lots close to C01- lier St. on Berczy, adjoining Mr. Youngle T "~eeu'denoe, 87 per foot, or` about 165 `ft. including the corner all for 8809. "`1'h'u~'is a chance for a builder to-sub- -`sl:..:.l- -...I ....L n. l....-_..|._. 1.. _'.II -_ pUBi Bu DA\ Fri.- BOARDERS WANTED-Ladies or gentle- men; centrally located, all modern con- veniences. For addre apply at Exam- iner Office. . Ztfc .uEN- WE WANT RE1>RmmN'rA'1'IvEs' in every city and town in Canada to sell automobile stop signals; positively pre- vents acqidents; every car owner a pros- pect; easy to sell; big prots. Write for particulars and agents proposition. Can- adian Auto Shops, P. O. Box .154.` Niagara Falls, Ont. 25tfc wA`N'uED-`1Beer hides and `skins; also junk |III\l` -nnnnru phnnn `IRA nun nu-Urn I-I .u.'nulun L L.l\IUDl14 PUB 111 me Vlllage of Thornton. owned by the late Geo. J. Iirv::en. Apply to Arthur W. Green. C1-aigvale. . 26-27p YAGGREQSIVE YOUNG MEN "WANTED .901 sales work. Students ozmarried men vprferreil. Security and references re- Mr- Ritchie, 58 Owen St. 27p fl) WANTED for general housework in Wmmn. Apply 96 Mary St., phone 357 %n- mnrnninltnnnnf 0K_2n -IIAID WANTED for months of July and /`autumn! Annlu Mia nnanru Rh. `Rm. mun WAN'I`ED---No washingbr ironing. Ilust be able to cook. Apply Mrs. Wis- mer, 16 Blake St. ' ` 27c `WANTED, by July 15, good general'aer_- vat. apply Mrs.-A. G. -Ma.:Lellan. 28 `Doreen `St. . ` 27m IIOUSEKEEPER _WANTED _ for farm I._--.... ..--.l ____ __ A..._I_ cL_____ e`.'e`OR _'S2\LE-House owned and occupied by Fred W. Ott-on. 63 High St.; all zr-uoliern conveniences. basement laundry, jzanil`-wired for `electric range. Apply to -`owner "or W. 0. Partridge. 27tfc RAID WANTED for general housework. Apply Mrs. M. Carr, 67 _Peel St., phone 444.}. ' 27c l\ l. 1rt\1l.H Ill LVLIHCI/3 II-Jlllla [Ur U518, [U117 rooms." -large veranda. Apply to Bert- Walker. -54 Tiffin St.. phone 149. 27tfc &/cent u.':.'ord, cash, each. insertion Qlinimum charge, 2513); six insertions for 3 price of four. 10. cents extra -when *%l- clan In nnntn nvflln unnn v-Anna`: : FKIUU U1 IUUIV. LU. UCHIH UAIAIB -vvucu irggnl; also .10 cents extra when replies In directed to Examiner oice. nu.\ux uuunn 1"UI.\. Oaun-f-Uvllbrlly IU- caied, all conveniences; a bargain for quick sale at 31900. Apply at 77 `Maple Ave. ' " 27p -2-ea WANTED-Dishwasher and laundresa. Ap- ply Peninsular Park Ho_tel. 27p \`lT\:Ul Ill 1 Infm'maW 5L `#1.! `I IIEI-.l.JJ VVFXLVLIJIIJ [U1 IIIUIIIIUE VI GUI auu /Iiugnst. Apply Mrs. Rogers, `Big Bay Poiut. R.R.l, Allandale. 27-28p vruv .l.'|:J|J-`.`l)CCl uluco uuu ERNIE, BIEU J|al|ll\ `and -poultry. Phone 384 or write H.. Levitt, 33 Collier St. M T 27-32p ` - PP `Sir `appointment. Ch- \> "I`.l`fI"I`AGE at Minet's Point for sale, four rnnnuh-1 n-an IIAFOHAQ Annlu Inn 11...; IL\Il.lIJlHl.lI.`JL'll. L'lI.\4 _ V7 111` LIUIJ I lUl' lllflll house, good wages. Apply" S. Spears, New Lowell, Ont. 27p. Fgozoxoxox<>xox_< m&amma$&&&&am&g Page T welve - Property For Sale ADLET COLUMN Property To Let Lost and Found Help Wanted HOUSE FOR SALE-Seven-roamed brick 'house,` three-piece bath, furnace. lights. ' stable, henhouse, 1} acres choice straw- " berries, raspberries and other fruit. Easy `terms. Apply 84 Penetang St. . 26-27p Wanted ; UUU till I 25-30;) I Bob Binning, who has taken_,over the Photographic business for many years conducted by J. Frank Jackson , and latterly by Wm. Barton, will; open his_ new studio on August 1st in one of the new stores being built for H. P. Bingham, near Braund s Drug Store. The studio will be situated on the ground oor and will be electrically equipped through- out. V. 26-tfc FARM FOR SALE--100 acres. one mile from Grand Trunk. school on farm: soil. clay loam; creek through whole length of farm; six acres hardwood bush: "ood bns and outbuildings; 10-roomed brick -hoizse; everything in snlendid condition. . Apply Mrs. Jas; Sproul; Utopia. 27-32p 75 ACRES--Stock. implements and crop, $5.500; possession at once. Ce`cil Am-_A old. Alliston. Phone 71-30. 24-29;); FARM FOR SALE--l00 vacrestimnber Bush, 1 east half-lot 26, con. 8. Ess`av Tp. Aoply Mrs. Jas. Svproul. Utopia. Ont. 27-32p WIN-DOW OLE-ANING--I-Iouse. office 0 E l`I\ZA ...!...I-..... .J.........I .....I ..._l2..L_..l .__... EARN $5 *0 $10 DAY gthefing evergreens. roots and herbs. in the elds and.road side: book and `prices free. Botanical. 26 West Haven, Conn. 26-27p WII L THE PARTY who Vt:00_'k white m1m- ! el tray and berries from St. George s Memorial Ha. June 29. nlease re`urn tray and save further trouble. 27pi SHINGLING and all kinds of carpenter work done, prices reasonable. F. W. Shannon, phone 9.55J. 23-28p `T.`.EMEN'l` HOUSE FOR SALE in the village of 'rhnrnf.nn nwnn kw Hm Ind-n an T GREY MARE FOR SALE-6 `yrs. old: also! nnntrnr nnfutn (Hanan n m-um-I nnnAH.!n.. I SECOND-HAND mm) TON TRUCK for nnln ,~.L...... V!` D 1'_l'.._.4...Ll- ..L-..- An AUTO FOR SALE-Splendid_. touring car,I only run about 4000 miles:' will selI' ' cheap. Mrs. .138. Sproul. Utopia. 27-32p] FORD COUPE FOR. SALE. A1 condition, cheap for cash. Also army tent-and two. burner New Perfection coal oil stove. single or double oven. Apply 107 Tiffin St.. Allundnle`. , i 279 FOR SALE-Heayy team and young" colt; fresh cow and calf; also young heifer. Mrs. C. Harmer, Stroud, phone Stroud. 27p FORD TOURIING C-AR FORSALE, first- 0'7.` nlnaa nnnrnnn `IAO Dial... Q6 !TENT, heaviest duck, 18xl8, four rooms, hall down centre, poles, pegs and ropes. two ventilators. good as new. Also bell tent, large, in good condition. Apply to Mrs. W. C._ Barber, Bradford. _' 26-27c I DRIVING MARE FOR SALE, 4 yr. old, nnnnrl nnrl I-30'-at in nunru um" ' Anal 5.. FOR SAIE--Gas stove, iron and -piping. hanging shelves, kitchen table `and draw- ` ers. blinds, stair carpet. `linoleum, at irons, -spade. hoe. shears and hand vacu- um. Apply Harry Grasett, 49 Charlotte St. ' 27p CULTIVATOR. ma SALE-Nine-tooth, I RtiLtnnth Mnnv."nrr:o nnlunnuu nail: T E-`Rl'22J\L ES'l`A'I'E---F-arms. market gardens. lake shore and` town property. Apply W. H. Sloane, Allandale, `phone 536. 27-326 *?` FOR SALE---About 25 acres standing hay, clover and timothy-mixed . Apply Fred- win Thompson, Stmudlll. R. 2. 23-28p 1:2:- FOR SA-LE-Grain and clover threshing machine, in good repair. Apply Chas. McGinnis, Box 808, or phone 958Wf'. . 24tc FOR SALE--Quantity household furniture, coal` oil cook stove, etc. Apply .at 25 Vespra St. . . 27p 1 fV'l`LVlJ\IVV \)LlL`Jl'_\VI.LV\I"'I.I\ ll5U. -UXIIUU Ur 's*ore windows cleaned and polished, new or old. `Wm. Smith..84 Mary St.. Bar-' rie. Box 810, Phone 944._ . 26-37p uuvuwu uuu.\.n run Dnun, `.1 yrs. 0111, sound and nght 1n every way.` Apply to Jas. Byrnes, con. 6, Vespra,A,l_3arrie`. 27p vxuvuu u~1L:xnLJ I.` \J1\u1J l.`U1.V l.I\UU1\ IUI` sale cheap. T. R. Huxtable. phone 49. V . _ ' 27-28c nu-nu; Ivnu;u L`u1\. onuL'J`-U yrs. Ullll amu Hoover potato digger in good condition. Mrs. .103, McMaster. Utopia P.0. Phone` Ivy-Thomton'line. A ` 27p \_Il|ILl a.\JuI.vL'n\1 L't'lJ\ l.`Ul\ at-xu class condition. 142 Blake St. JUJJL L V nxvxu FUR Dl`\l4I'J*`LV llle'EO0UH, ati"-tooth Massey-Harris cultivator, new. Apply con. 5; south half lot 21, Alnnisl. Robert` King. 27-32p :- IIIDES - WOOL FIIIIS &: 'I:L(1~T'x'---'I'ako1i from 'hnath~ouse at Shanty Buy, June 20 or 21. a double-oar var- nihed boat. Anyone giving information at. in recovery of same will be reward-?d. Amily Examiner office. 27p m.__._, , ` ISN'T THISFUNNY? The dear old Englislx lan- guage---Here it is. `We don't want to tease `you continually about Teas, and yet we do want to supply you` with the. best quality and value in Tea at no increase in price to you, though we are Working on _a smaller pfot. . '. BIOIIOIII ........................... 45 Carnation ................. 60,: Moss Rose ...................... 75 The Hub" Coee ...... 65 Americans say thisi T ;`Zl'1vaV1sV g< them beat. `mu: HUB Isak? WEENY STORE 52 s'11iir'A'v;.-u2 Next to Ed. Bryson s Livezstggk For JOS. MARRIN T: J_Ul0B1-EY Farm For Sale Miscellaneous . Autorggbiles ':m1`1cK HOUSE FOR SALE--Cent:-`ally lo- - naind R nlillxraninnnnav ken-nn;n fru- Successor to :=..s.ne 78ot lllDU' 27p uusuun xuuvluu [yuan] uu mt. nuu nus. Xlbert. Moffatt. POUCHER-In the R. Vtospital, Tues- | day, July 4, 1922, 9. son to Mr. and Mrs. 0183. W. Poucher, Allandale;` Saturday. July l,_1922. 3.! ' daughter (Edna Viola) to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Adams, Minesing. - i CUM-MINGS--In the R. V. Hospital. Sat- urday, July 1; 1922, twin daughters to: Mr. and Mrs. Cummings, Phelpston. l HUNTER--On_Tuesday, June 7, 1922, a; son to Mr. and Mrs. Murra Hunter, Strnfad. _ , A ' MOFFPIT-0nvTuesday, July 4, 1922, 9.; daughter (Davina. Ellen) to Mr. and A snub Maa BARBIE 7: ORILLIA 5 ' Barrie lady zolfers won from the Orillia. ladies on the former s links, July 5. with a score of 7-5 in the first of the County of Simcoe Ladies` Golf "Association matches. in '.u1uu`L'u nuuluuy. uemue uuuu, Defy! Wolfenden. Wilma Parr. Arnott and Mabel` Wice. Ellen Longhurst. Edna Carson. Thel- ma Reid. Audrey Partriclze. Evelyn Mc- Bride. Audrey and Mabel Foster. Eva and `Clara Dodds, Doroth Canton . Nono Smith, rand Masters Lloyd Partridge. Mac McCork- indale. Charles Brown. Herbert Foster and Harold B"ngham: also _a vefy bright little musician from Detroit. Annabelle McKay. A very enjoyable` _recital and garden party was` given by the nupils of C. E. Weldon. M.E.. at Weldon Holm, on July 3. Among those taking part were Misses Bernice andi Leona Wiseman. Jean Wilson. Hazel and Winnifred Apnleby. Jennie Dodd, Beryl lufnlfnnrlnn W-inn Parr ArnnH- on:-I M'ol-wall `3LOST--White Yorkshire snw. strayed from Qnnnn n` nm nn Tkuunanuy Tun.` 00