,ter% ' June 12.--~Mr. and Mrs. B. Rcinhart and` baby Ruby motored to Markham on F `- day and spent over the week-end with the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Raymer. Norman Jnnhmnn nf {elm Rnnlr n` 'I'`.-..-_ guucxa puruuw, nu". 11110 ITS. A. naymer. Norman Jachman of the Bank of Tor- onto; Mortlack,` Sask., is `spending his .holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loihn Jackriihn. - 'l'L.. ..4....I. ...II..I _. LL. 1___._, -r n I The M; Greene Music Company Ltd. DALSTON STAYNER THE BARRIE EXAMINER` ;QU'I'.Il7- Uul'l.C1 I'8'IUU, PU?-lI|l|JUB UU\5o ll Allis-`on-Fall wheat 1.35, barley 60c, ,oats 50c, rye 90c, potatoes $1.00, eggs I` 25c. butter .300. V ( FUIJHIIUQF UU'OUUo . Shelburne--Fal1 wheat s1.15-1.25. barley :60-70c, peas $1.25-1.60, oats 45-50c,Teggs `:23-240. butter 24-26c, potatoes 60c. I A`u`.-nnjjrnn nrhnnf 1 Q` kiss-Inn An. IIBIIIIDI lHl'|I\'\I'-I9 OriHia--Fall wheat $1.40, barley 50c, oats 50c, rye 75-80c, butter 28c, eggs 25c, l potatoes 60-80c. A _QL..IL...-.... wan ...1..}..4 (1 1: 1 0: 1.....1.... U5 Ill JJlI.lllVlllUn ` The ladies of West Oro have been busy papering the Baptist Church and Mr. Law- son of Orillia has nished the painting of it. They have also decided to have their picnic in Jacob Slack s bush out northwest of the 'church on Wednaday, July 5. ce has famous June l3.-Cohgratulations Vto Patrick Shanahan. who was married in St. Mary s Church, Barrie. on Monday, June 12, to Mix Sevigny of Toronto. A `RI-nf A`. 41:13 fnnh`-so ` n n n a u A ~ n m A.- 4LI.lls.\" L7C\'l6lIy U1 l.UI\J_ll'Ir\J, The first of the football league games, on the West side, took place at Dalston on Wednesday evening of last week. Dal- lston scored 4 goals to Edgar s 1. Thus. Gray refereed the game. The second match took place at Guthrie on Monday evening of this week, between Dalston and Guthrie. resulting in a tie. Maurice Shanahan was the referee. II - .......I II... (V-.. `I')..AL__.___ _.____a 6.-.. uuaunuau WUB IIIIC IUll.'aII7Uo Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson spent Sun- day in Elmvale. ` "Flu. In:-`:tua AC `IT.-ml IN... 1.....- 1.-.... 1...--. uuayugr UIUWB vy 10 I0 0., . . .. The Grim Reaper again visited this com- munity on June 2, taking the life of Alex., second son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hilts, in his seventeenth year. Alex., although quite young, had won for himself a host of friends by his kind disposition and nev- er-failing smile, and was loved and re- spected by all who knew him. Until about a month ago he had enjoyed good health, but at that time he was stricken with in- ammvatory rheumatism .and was conned to bed. About two weeks later he. con- tracted pneumonia and in spite of all med- ical aid was called home." There are left , to mourn his loss, his father and mother, ;three brothers "and three sisters, who have ithe sincere syrmpatlhy of the community. lln `the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. A. E Leece, Mr. S. Lawrence. a Baptist student, conducted the services in the Union Church, _Edenvale, and spoke very highly of the deceased. Interment was made in the fam- ily plot in God's acre at Bethel Union Cemetery. ` Those who bore the pall were: W. Maguire, E. Martin, M. Fralick, H. Elliott, M. Rowell and J. Maw. June l3.-Mr. and (lrawfofd and daughter Nomnja spfent Sunday with - friends in O6ld`w7a`te . 'lfhe' rain of._lasl; veek has made the farm- ers wear a smile; It was badly needed `in this locality. Wheat is well headed out and promises a bumper crop. Spring grain .is coming along nicely but the hay will be short` . ' - - ._:-uuxb. Quite a number attended the baseball game at Minesing viast Thursday evening and saw the local swatters trounce the Shayner brews -by 16 to 3. Thu` (1-I';fI`I nnunnr nlI&;n xvhsuul LL}- -..... NEARBY MARKETS 'I.`..II ...`L_...I. 01 An L- EDENVALE .The pe'ople of Midland will be asked to A launch owned by J. B. Hanly of _Mid> vote $35,000 to be used to enlarge the land was destroyed by re early last week. High School. , entailing an estimated loss of about $3,000. end- n so Mc- Phone 195 The priceless ingredient of every product in the market place is the honor and integrity of him who makes it; consider his name before you buy. ' We handle only tires of proven quality,'made by reputable rms, and guarantee every repair job we `do. We carry in stock practically all common sizes of tires from a 28x1% to the large 37x5 cord. If you want tire SERVICE, then come to us. .- SERVICE CAR FOR ROAD TROUBLE. A Rims and rim parts for all -makes of cars. Sole agents for the famous Moore Patent Rim. No tools` re. quired to change a tire. Ask for a demonstration. 'McKEE 8: MCDONALD THE PRICELESS INGREDIENT GUARANTEED VULCANIZING 5 A T 7 Clapperton St. ' V F Five Points Page The Limited YOOITI I .78 Vaterpan :1 warmer t than _ at H cola L`39.':t-: Y is any ick the line der lin- ped Manager June 15, 1922 um.` LIIUUS y furnacc. At least A15 -nun: it \.aIlIIlI I'll IVIGIIIUIIIU Those who are in a "run down" condin tlon will notice that Catarrh hotherl them much more than when theyare In good health. This tact proves that while. atarrh is a local disease. it is eatlr Influenced by constitutional con ltions. I-l AL'L's CATARRH MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purier, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces 0! the body. thus reducing the inammation Ind restoring normal conditions. All drugglsts. Circulars tree. I`. J. Cheney C: Co., Toledo, Ohio. ipc-less is ight size cold `air s lost in Kindly remember your Examine: sub ` ecription. If it has not been renewed.` please renew now. ` .lll|lUH4U lU.l' LICK H.Ul'.llUy5n Harold Smith and Joe. Pulford of Brad` ford spent Sundaynt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Srigley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter and infant; son spent Sunday with Mrs. Clarence` Greene. wuu ucx Iucuc, .vu'a. UUU. .DI'UWl|. Misxe Ruby Ayerzi Hf Barre spent the week and with Miss. Eva Kell. ` -Ila luvnll ll-.. I'....l L`..2..l..-. .1 ._.2LL WC? l'll\I WIIILI $71153 ]`l\ilv -KXUII. Mr. and_Mrs. Levi S1'igley vi-ite'l with the lutter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Quurm of Painswick on Sunday. v Mine T.nvin.n Mn y:tem 3: Hanna {mm UH) Illbllc Mr. and Mrs. Fred'Reader anti family spent over Sunday with M13. A. El-phick. June 13---George Webb of Toronto spent the week-end with `his sister, Mrs. George Brown. , II_.__ 11...... I'\ ,II I I I I uvcr uuc WCUIVCIIU. > | The farmers here 1601: pleased these days after the much-needed showers of Satur- day last. . - II on!` Mrs: WnnJ'DnnAn- uni` C.-.-nil brown. Mrs. Percy Bullen and bub,` haxe re- turned home to Toronto. . lrh... Y YI7'.LL .C 'I\....._.... 2- _.:_:L:_._ Ills wwu U113; do 11.. uwuulul. A number from `here took in the ball game in Thornton on Saturday. Mrn.4 Gan. Tnnnnf. nnrlm-want n mmimm sauna Lu Luuruwu U11 ououruuy. Mrs.` Geo. Tenant underwent a serious operation in -the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, last week. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. `vnlfnr unua Lnn-nu `lnrn AIH e4-an lin- ce al- utunuu uuxuc uu auxuuuu. ha Lot Webb af Tom:v.t' IS visltmg with her niece, Mrs. Geo. Browh. Mz-.. `D..L.. A .... -.- ...r n_.._:- ........L .L_ wuuuul Ul IKHIIBWIUK on Duu .'A.1)'. Mm Lavmua Mcwxatcrs IS home from Toronto for her holidays. ; T-Tnrnlrl Qrr-I1 onvl Inn Da1I9nn.l A` R-rot` npccuy scuu vcuy . Walter Elphick was home from Alliston over the week-end. VIVL- ......._-.__ 1.....- l.'-l- _I-____I LL_,, r,I,, , June 13.---Mr. and Mrs. Bunker and friends motored from Toronto to spend Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. A. T, Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller are spending a few days with their son, D. J. Miller. Mm. Hossick and little son are holiday- ing` with Mrs. J. H. Mcann. ` ' nIIvv\nnI- `nu-sun kn-In bun`. 3... LL- L..lI :%&%%****w&&*&&$&w&&%%$$*: NEWS FROM `NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS : iw$$*%$$%$*$&%**$%%$$$&*$; UTOPIA; _ J ` LEFROYT A Ball : Catarrh Mo.-.dlcIno;_ "Inna -uh- an... I_ .. Il_'.._ .1_...._.n __ B R E '1' `PS rznn STORE 87 Elizabeth St. Phong 65 Opposite Bryson s Candy Store Orders delivergd Leave erders for Ligl Cartage Work here. zo:o:o;0C`, POTATOES ALWAYS 1N srocx (Wdxed Cardboard and Wood) STRAWBERRIES Thursday, `June 15, 1922 "? BERRY BOXES PHONE 65 "9!-!:Y. FOR II IUIIUE ucna. Mr. and -Mrs. Good of Toronto spent the week-end at Aloona Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Pears of Ibrronto are spend- ing '3 -we`ek' at: their cottage,` Alconia !Beach. - . ` Don't or wood weather. Iunderwear, sextant, books, camera-nearly everything I `possessed; over $600 worth to buy and just when Pm due to sit for my captain's certicate in -a couple of months time. Too bad! But why worry`! We saved all the passengers and crew, and that is`something to our credit. Now I'm back "once more in sunny Egypt for month or so at least. 'l`hen'.I'-am going to London to "go to schoo . . .`Ias. Edington and" son of Tomato spent the weal:-end with Mrs. Gibbons; also Knapp and sister. ` , lI_ "l7!II.2_--_ -1 `P - ` ` V - Mr. Wilkinson of Leaside Jot . visited at Mr.- Lou's, 81' Harbor, this week. Billie La. n of Toronto is visiting friends here. . It. .....a .11.- 11--.! -1 In, , auu aw, LII .pu.l'D, -as I0u0ws:- Did you hear what happened to us in the Palitana? We were steaming to- wards Gibraltar and on the fth day from land struck a submerged wreck at 2.30 in the morning. What a shock! From peace and quietness to commotion! On invest- igation we fou_nd.the ship badly damaged. We prepared our boats and headed for Spain, but after,six `hours`found it was hopeless. `One bulkhead after another gave way under the extra strain. So we had to abandon the good old Palitana after sending out an S.O_.S. that was picked up by an Italian ship, which `rescued us the next day. Gee, what a long day and night! No re, no tea or coee, only his- cuits (hard) and the cold. I lost nearly all my gear-uniforms, two blue suits, twelve white suite, two other suits, boots, underwear, books, lnu'nny+-`lain... 1 ..................I. ...--_ onnn _.-_u. A Letter from Egypt In a letter =home, Roy King, son of David King, and second oicer on the steamer Keneh," tells of -a. thrilling ex~ perience that he recently had. The letter was written from Port Said, Egypt, May 2, and is, in part, -astfollows:-` hid unu I-Inn: 1l1"|n` Lnnv-nanny!` tn Inn in m:Ladr'sv.W1;t.aid, tmotherof Mrs. Frank Wh.an, died Tuesday afternoon after an illness of ua few days. M1`: Mnn|Il`nI`1n1\ :3 nan-`;l:-... LL}- vn In xvw uay 0 Mrs. Will McCulloi1gh is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. Pearce,- near Bradford. A I -11-- 1--.. I-_.._L Anlcnun ul LU! uuvu. ? Miss Agnes Allan of the R. V. Hospital staff, Barrie, is home for two weeks` hol- vidays. ' ` 1'1... 11".... n..4,......... _:....:_ -..-_ L-I.I -_ 5.w"I{l:;e Grose-Bateman Ipicnic was held on .Sa.tu.rday at the home of T. Batemcan, Belle Ewart . . I II__. 111,, , A II I . I . A annual, nun. \1uUU1 uUu, uuu HUI` young 8011. Mr. Baker of Coulson, who bought the general merchandise store from Donald Crawford, has brought his family here. M-r._ Crawford ' has bought a farm near 'B_urk's Falls and expects to move there this week. .11 ... l)..:..I ...._4.1__._`- 11-, 1-3, 1 nu` Pipeleu IIIIU WUl'DU- I .Mrs. Will Chapin went to Toronto on Monday to spend the week and- to see her` sister, Mrs; Gilbertson, and her young son. Mr. Baker nf l`.nnl:nn uylm J-muah Hm I IJWUIHII5 Illlccu Miss Edith McCullough is visiting with A friends in Toronto. n lli-.. A........_ AIL... _t AL. is 11 1-1 -. u JJUIIU l'JW 1151!: Mrs. Wm. Allah has taken a tufn for the worse. II... 111:" (11 ' - - - av um: mm: un oauuruay aIcernoon.. ` The anniversary services of the Presby- terian Church on Sunday were -well attend- ed. Rev. Mr. Haig of Bond Head preach- ed two helpful sermons. The singing of the choir was` well enjoyed and certainly appreciated was Mrs. C. C. Bothwell of Allandale, who sang" so nicely, Fear ye` not, 0 Israel and How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place." Mica IMGH. Inuulln-`uh 2.. ..!..:4.Z...... ...:;L xuuunc uvxu xvuy Dezsuy. The fourth concession from the pideroad to the` lake is _being much improved by widening and the trimming_ of trees near the lake. ' ` FIYL- ..__LI!_ __I,__I I '1 I II Ujo Rev. C. -P. Sh'a.pt.er will only have an- other service, June 25, here before he leaves for Ruthven in the `Essex District. Mr; Shapter is a fine man` and an excellent preacher and will be much missed here. George Guest is conned to bed. ' Miss Ev.a_Whan has returned from Kit- ` chener. II. .....I `ll..- "urn, , I 4- - UHC ldl\U s The public school schdlars held a pienic at the lake on Saturday afternoon, 'r}u: nnnvnv-cmny :AII11:nna Al` I... D......L... UIICIJUI 0 Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilson and son of Tor- o_nto have, `for the summer months, rented rooms from Roy Beatty. Thin. fourth c-nnnaeainn {mm 91... ..:.l..........l uau. uu Lucuus 1-an xnursnay. The Masonic Lodge will attend divine service in the Methodist Church on Sun- day. ' Dan I` .D Ql..'....a..- -..1lvI .__I_- L__,, Luuu wvuumg uuu are vzsmng reumvax. Joe. Wregget of Brandon made a short call on friends last Thursday. Thu Mncnnin Inrlan mill ..+4..;..-I .l:..:.... eth. St. e 730. June l3--.-Mr. and Mrs. George. King came down` from =the_ West for the Sinclair- Todd wedding and are visiting relp.tiva1.' J08. Wrellft Of Rrnndnn ITIQAA n ulnar!- EIGHTH LINE. A `In ..- 19 .Il'..' . .-...I 'll__-_ -1 iw*'i"l:a` tit`;/io1`;n`ls1;`l:1aooi`-:il::`;x::uuv;'ill be `held on -Friday. June; (16. A number of sports will be run off Including girls baseball. ',-'I`Hn- trnrnn Hnhunnn `(uni-Ir 01!!` Nlonlun-I uc_ Luu uu Lucluulug 51115 -u2.uacuuu. [ 1 The game between Knock and Nantyr: girls on Tuesday night was well attended. 2 It ended in favour of Knock. I III... I\..`LI'....L At IV.._....A... 1.. _.!_24.2__ Il:--' LU CIIUUU III IHVVUI U1 1LuUU!\u ' i Miss DeHa.rt of Toronto is waiting Miss, Annie Nesbitt. P.i:):.l50:;;"l=)yw9j;1`:i` ofamiiy l\1a.ve rooved from All-andale and are living in the house owned by James Nicholson. T}... ....:m. ~...L....1 ...:....:.. ...:n ;...-1....1.i .. A humber of the farmers are busy im- proving the roads. -. ~ ' YA: nnnkuv nvull t......:l.. Rana _.......J ua._y Ill xmuawuzn. A large number from here attended. the football match between Guthrie and D211- ston in Guthrie on Monday night. `MP9 anal! annnf a (any Java Ina`. awn In uuuunu uu Luuuuuy ulgub. I `Mrs- L. Handy spent a few days last week in Midhursl:- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallwin. II III... 1.7-..- `l'__:_. __.__4 G.___.I-,_ ,4 L1;,, ,, UUII III U1: The rain of last week wais greatly ap-E -preciated. It `has helped -the gardens great- ly, especially the strawberries, which are; expected to be a big crop. Several boxes have already come in. - Mr and Mr: I n|nn'nnI nu-All :1-\v|n:I`v AC cI.. b`a.so rf., R. , L. Flaherty ss., lf., J. Cody 1b., LIDVC GLIVGUJ DVJIIIC Ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wheeler and family of Collingwood b spent Sunday with the for4 mer s parents -here. I llll Ulla. V7 NUWIH. Miss. Vera Irwin spent Sunday at Stroud the guest of Miss Warnica. Ewart Brown is in Guelph for this week. A very large crowd` of people witnessed the football match here between Edgar and Dalston, which resulted in 3 score of 4 to 1 in favor bf Dalstzon. ll uzuua lu .IJl.L'1lulU.- The town fathers have undertaken to oil the streets with a view to keepingthe, dust down. I think thetjab has been com-; pleted now and it surely is appreciated on; a; windy day, as the dust is now under] control. ' ` rm... ....:.. -: I.._4 ...-_1_ __`.-_ ____n_, _, E Mr. and Mrs. J.'W; Brown spent Sun- day` in Painswick. A lolin nu-ml-..... 8...... L-.. ..L5......l....I LL- vuy . uuugmwumuuns . W-fl :-. and Mia. D. G. Bell were in Tor- onto attaendi the University graduation of thir son Eimund, who -now come out as a full-edged doctor; I1 IAILIIIDH .45` 'rl\uno\`A u-L36...` `D-.. a vcxy unuucru a.uu l..lp-4|/U-u|E6 BCIIOOI. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker are visxting with friends In Bualo.. - T "Fl... A......._ t..n.L___ L___- _.,,j',`,. I auu' nus. uzumaw, I5 seriously Ill. The contractoxs are busy laying the foun- dation fox-"the new school. The structure is to cost in the neighboxfhood of seventy thousand dollars,` which ought to provide a very modern and up-_to-d-ate school. MI` onrl Mic nobnr urn 1r:u:6:-`no .361-. nuu>Lul'a. 1'. Lnsuubuu LED WEEK. Litt_le Mary Laidloaw, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Laidlaw, is seriously ill. Thu nnntrnntnvu urn knnu Imnn 44... `Ann. uunu JIDISIIIILD. The stark called at the home of Dr. and Mtg. Shaver one day last week and left a baby boy. Congratulations. Mr nn Us-a D I`. Ilnll cm... 2.. VI`-.. 1 5 lUII.'LIUU5C\l IRE? VMrs. D. Lehman ofW'Ir`;>ronto visited Rev. and.Mrs.`F. Lhman last week. Ijnl... 11-... T..:.lI...... .J...._`|..-_ -2 n__, J. Kennedy 3b`., 11 cf., N. Johnson allagher 1b., G.