4 axnwun. rLIu. unuw---Duuuu uuu lot 10, con. 11, Innislll, 100! acres, woll watered, fairly well fenced, good barn on founda- tion, comfortable house. Will be sold reasonably. Apply S. E. Turner, 70 Toronto St., Barrie. 30-32 FARM FOR SALE Situated in the township of Innisfll, N hf. lot 6, S. east qr. lot 6, con. 5, 31/; miles from Thornton, con- taming 150 acres. Farm con- tains large brick house. barn 36xl00, hay barn with pig- gory and hennery beneath, driv(-hou.s'e 20x60 feet. Soil a clay loam, orchard of three acres, two good wells and cistern. School house on op- /posite corner. R.M.D. Apply` on premises. 30-tf YOUNG MEN WAN1'ED-|-iandlo Motorcycles, Automobiles, Ao- cosoorlos, Etc. Local positions; Machine furnished; So bring: the offer; also special any payment terms. General Mot-i ors Agencies, 703 0.P.R. Bld ., Toronto, Ontario. 29- 1