or the Oorporatlon of the Oounty of Slmooo. Notice is hereby given that a By-l.aw was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Siincoe on the l,8th day of June, 1915, authorizing the County of Simcoe to guar- antee debentures to be issued by the (`.01-poration of the Town of Collingwood to the amount of $3- i500.00, under the following By-I..aws of the said Corporation of the Town of Collingwood, namely: Under By-Law No. 841 the amount of $12,000.00 for the construction of cement sidewalks, bearing interest at 5 per cent per annum. Under By- Law No. 842 the amount of $8000.00 for the construction of sewers bearing interest at 4% per cent. per annum, and under .liy..l.aw No. 843 the amount of $4500.00 for the purchase and 4-t|ul1.)lI1ellt of a Technical School hearing interest at 5 per cent. per annum; and that the said By..Law of the Corporation of the County of Siincoe was reg- istered in the Registry otllce of the County of Siincoe on the 23rd day of June, 1915. nu: n1nnn In n.-nnln A... -41