apucuy. The sul hurous winds of many a battle-eld have tossed its tattered orm.. The fields of Dettingen, Gorunna, Vittoria and \Vat.-rloo, the Plains of Abraham, and the Heights of Queunston have seen the standard of Britain swee forward to victory. Through many an ocean gale the flag as own, fastened to the fore- eak. Through many a sea-ght it has ridden above all, nai ed to the mast. Innumerable victories nave attended it, and some defeats; but always it has apped a brave defiance to storm and tempest, shot and shell. `_`tDeath gr glory" has always been the motto of our flag, may 1 ever e. ` .-l -0 AL- .-Ii. A...) -....'nl-. uuaun` ll.-.n..n.I.. ....o.._. .0 Anna