and Shoo alu'1;I;- `v;antod for Sunday. SALESMEEN WANTED iii-:a`i.`i(u=i 1ip`"1'-"634.3i$.` .tent, Gun Metal or Tan, Goodyear Walled se from. REGULAR up To $5.00 AT $1.45 and $1.95. in Patent Leather, Gun Iota! F` all nnnxrr-on tuynllnrl Patent Leather, no {Hana Men's Suits. a splendid `alssor-tment bf Tweed Suits in a var- iety of shades and patterns. XXQIII -1 III 1: Q4: 2Q Alsda good assortment of Men's Spring Overcoats and Waterproofs. Half Price or Less for Opening Sale. Men"s Suits in good quality Tweeds ahd Worsteds. Hundreds to choose from. naauun up To $18.00. Men's high class Over-coats, all styles, splendid variety. If {you do not need an `overcoat now buy one for future use as owing to the scarclty of _cloth from England of this class the price is rapidly advancmg. REGULAR UP TO $30.00 Boys Overcoats, 20 only, Ulster. vtyle, Tweeds and Mel- ton Cloth. REGULAR UP TO $10.00. Men's Ulster and Chesterfield Overcoats, in Tweeds, Mel- tone` and Beaver Cloth. See these while the assortment is 200 . IHJIID Ii good. Men's Fur Collar O_vercoat_s, 33 only, Otter and Persian Lamb Collars. Some Qullted Lmed, good quality Beaver or Mel- ton cloth. A warm overcoat for very little money. 11-ll Q: 1:-:1 __ _- Men's Fur Lined Overcoats, 10 only. Muskrat lined __.wi :.h Otter Collars, Beaver Cloth shells. LIII -j jj-:3 -_ __ X `lundny, Janna; _ We Buy and Sell Bankrupt Stock A.E.l`.udmure SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS Bankrupt Stock Co. Opening Sale $10.45 Special Announcement Opening Sale `$1 7.50 Opening Sa'le $9.75 Opening Sale $5.75 Opening Sale $10.75 van 6!`! Opening Sale $4.99 Opening Sale $3.95 Opening Sale $6.95 11 uvn :,v\I\JUo uuu Ill iE`a.I.II.AR up To $25.00. "i:':1ii.'Aiiur to $12.50. REGULAR UP TO $18.00. "hiaia Wtiblia $40.00. naauun Puma 25.06: Space would not permit us to tell you about one half the Bargains, ...THE Reinember Sale tartsat 8 o clock sharp, Saturday fnorning. Girls and from. Women's Fur Stoles and Muffs- Hundreds to choose from. REGULAR UP TO $20.00. Boys` Two-piece Suits in all wool Tweods and Blue Serge, double breasted or Norfolk styles. All sizes. 1131:! -1 In: 1g 4.. -- Women's Fur St_oles and'MuI'fs, a variety of styles in Mink, Marmot, Persian Paw, Etc. 11:3: -1 -1: : -_ -_ Boys` Two-pi;ce all sizes. Womenfs Coats, winter weight, in a variety of styles. REGULAR UP TO $10.00. IC. 54L Men's Odd Pants, T'weeds and Worsteds, while REGULAR UP TO $3.50. I We intend giving absolutely free to the first twenty-five customers buying $5.00 worth or over in our Clothing Dept., their pick of any pair of shoes in the store free! Be on hand early, get a suit or overcoat at less than half price, and a pair of shoes free. ' Saturday Mornipg Jan. 16, 1915 To celebrate our Opening Sale which commences at 8 o clock some idea of our cut prices. Opening Sale $2.95 CARRIE EXAMINER AND SATURDAY IORRIIO - Misses Coats, Splendid assortment to choose REGULAR UP TO $10.00. Opening Sale 99c Opening Sale $4.95 the Opening Sale $2.49 Opening Sale $2.79 Opening Sale $4.95 Opening Sale $2.69 Opening Sale $4.95 FREE V Tweed Sims, Double Breasted and Not`-folks, riiiijlhii dis -"-'r"6 33:63. 0! 'ia:'i.)ii iii='6 s`1 i$.o7o'." ...... .. uuv .-..ay\/u Yl.IVEGULAR' `UP TO $12.00. Women's Winter Coats. mll A: :1: :- 4-- _- REGULAR UP TO $7.50. Watch for Aailvertisements in this paper every week they last s, but the following list will give you Women's Fine `Patent, all styles to choose uuuurtfua U1 uuzer nargams In Men's, Women s and Gil- dren`s Shoes which limited space prevents us printing. lat we have them; All half price or less. Women s Paten; Leather, Gun Metal Calf, Vici lid. high or low heels, all styles. some Cushion Soles. REGULAR UP TO $4.00. om: noon EAST 01-` QUEEN'S, HOTEL. Women s Felt House Shoes and Slippers. Leather 80105 and Heels, all colors. REGULAR UP TO $1.50. Hundreds of other bargainswin Men's W - ' , _ , , omens an _ Whlnh hwllfd enann nv-n\:n,nln Ila 11!I:I\`:vu DEA A splendid assortment of Boys and Misses School Shes. Table just loaded with them Extra clothing Men's up-to-date- Shoes Calf or Tan, all styles and all Goodyear welted. REGULAR UP TO $8.00. Men s Box Calf 31- Box Kip, Blucher style, several styles to choose from, splendid boot for knock about. Men's high cIas_s footwear, in Button or Lace, 1. Tan Calf, or Gun Metal Calf. D0n t fail to see these. REGULAR UP TO $5.00. ,,_,v -_._ -:-1ji Remember the wholesale prices on Shoes have been advanc- ing very fast. during the past, few months and are likelaat nearly double before. long. Take amgantage of our cut pr 3. 2I our Cut Prices on Rubbers, Rubber Boots uuu 0 Jan LU and Gum Boots. IJEED A; .L!3.!!"IinI0re Bankrupt W Stock 00. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS Women's Vici Kid,` Patent and Suede Pumps. REGULAR UP To $3.00. BARGAINS IN SHOE Opening Sale $2.4; Opening` Sale $1.43 ' Qpening Sale $3.45 Opening Sale $2.95 Opening Sale $1.95 %_C_)pening Sale $1.95 Qpening Sale 59 Men's High Class Suits, Blue or Black Serge. Tweeds and Worsteds, splendid all wool goods. See them.