Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1915, p. 6

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`M I`.ndg`I~," t..vuu;u41AI\J1_u {\\l].hA`l.D. VVC l'l`p` lresent some 1' the Best Com an- `is.-s doing business. SEE U or .drop us a post card before re- 'newing your Fire Insurance and et our rat:-s. Oice 41 Dunlop t., Barrie. 0. 8. BURTON NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANC- ER. Company and private money Ito loan. Fire, Life, Accident and 'Live Stock Insurance. Uice up- Ipositu the Queen's Hotel, Elm-- Val. ' ' vv-.-------van u ores. SOPER ii/Hire OK 1'np..-.A.. K4 `l".._-A- IL. [Your Reading Needs WW loanod, Altered ind Iopailgod. ` mas III. noxanluu 58 Small 8t., Barrio. Rough Cast Pilfouse. Oppoaite McNabb'n Grocery Store atA.W.Whitby s SHOE REPAIRING smco: Mannie: wbmts D 1') I17` 1'1 PROPERTIES POI; SALE Having made arrangemen to with Mr. Churchill ; repair man, Wm. Tillette, we are able to ll orders for All Kinds of Shoe Repairs. Neat Workmanship. Good Leather. Prices Right -. wvu 1-` vi vvrl 25 Toronto 51., To?tonto.- Ont. A.vAIIl\Dlllb. IJC win`:->1`1s e, barn 3/4x36. stone 14 Mulcastor st. 3cott s SPECKALISTS .g... An.-bk..- I\-A-___n_ Coniululion Free CI IDIUND WAl.KIl.C.Vo0-.l.l.-D-.33-I-.P&d Are Well Supplied FURSI Rooms. with 5 land, quantity of 9 rooms, house. ' uIina;d"' Llnlmm 0I.Il'OI,Dlph- that-la. Ilmu-d : 1 Llnlmont. cures I. V L.R.C.P. & 5. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & 5. Glasgow soamson--Evs. EAR. Nose: Ann Tmnmr Kavingspem4years Post Graduate work in sritish Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in `Golden Square Ear, Throat and ioae Hosfital, London; Royal London Ophthal- nic Hosp tal (Mooreelds); for a term as Resi- .1ent Surgeon in Royal London Ophthalmic dospital ; Bristol Eye Hospital. Bristol : and Birmingham Eye Hospital, Birmingham ; for- mer Member of British Ophthalmological iety. P. 0. Box o. wncE--78 Dunlop Street Rnrrie `Phone 54. DR. W. H. OGHS (SUCCESSOR 'I`0 DR. PALLING). Physician, Surgeon, and_ Ac- couchc-ur. Special atte-ntnon to Eye, Ear, N050 and Throat. Glasses adjusted. _Oice Owen SL, Phone 95.- W. I. LEWIS, H.D., 0.M. SURGERY AND (iYNECOLO(, Y, especially. Phone 61. 56 (']0rIw.r SL. Barrie. lnteueuulleevwrutnuieeowedonedapoeiuoftland Ipwu. Cenehl attention in given to every eccount._ Smell account: we welcomed. Account: may be opened and operated by mail. Account: my be opened in the names of two or more pereone, with- dnwele to be made by any one of then or by we eurvivot. 83! _--. -u `u -vttlilll-b (MCGILL) (Succ-ssor to Dr. R. S. Broad`) . Oice and Residence curner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts... Barrie. Phnnv 105. DR. H. A. DUGJY USTEUPATHIC PHYSICIAN, `)8 Maple {\ve., Barrie, Ont. Olire Hours-.9 on 5- nfhnn :........~ ._ DR. W. A. R088 I...R.C,S.. Edinburgh, F.C.P., Lon- don. Physician, Surge.-ml, etc. Of- {ice and Residence, Dunlop St.. Barrie. Telephone 165. -.-..y.u 4`.|vc., .l.Jcll'l'lU, `JUL. Huur_s--9 to 5; other hours by appolntlmeut. Phone 565. * _--. .--vuu unsrl In-IIIII 122 B 001' St. W., Toronto, late of Brookiyn, (N.Y.) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturda . Diseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and TiIu'oat. Con- sultation hours H 21.11:. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326. I u xolultl ANU SUHGEUP (Successor to Dr. C. 0. Alex ander`), office and residence -Burton Ave., Allandalv. Disease disorders especially. Phone 26! tuna IIO lo XIII`-E` (mice and Residence Corner 1:! Toronto and Elizabeth Streo-ha, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist. Church. Telephone 167. > on. M. H. suns: PHYSICIAN AND sgyu (R"r'{`LlLlLIl|II in 1'-"- ( GRESWIOKE & BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR the Supreme Court. of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyance-rs. etc. Money to loan. Oices: In Russ Block, Bgrrie. A. E. H. Creswickv, K.(1., MOOAIITHY, BOYS & MUIIOHISON 'B/KRRISTERS, S()I.lClT()RS. E'I'C., Dunlop St., Barrie. Money to loan at current rates on iu1pruv'd farm property W. A. Boys. D31. Murchison. DIJSTANIE H088, LL... BARRISTER. %Ul.lCITOR, ETLL, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. UAIJIIIIIIIDI P4110, DUIICILUPS. Notarlps Public and Conveyancers. Mon.-y to loan in any sums at lowest cur- rent rates. Oico 13 Owen St., Barrie, Ont H. D. Stewart, L.I..D. D. M. Stewart. cunnuzs w. Puxrou BARRISTER. soucrron, 1:'r(:., 606 Continental Life Building, southeast corner Bay and Rich- mond Sts.. Toronto. BARRISTERS, Solicitors. Notarxc-3 IPllhlilV and {`.nn\ruunnnn...~. 11.... _, um-nursruuuua-rl VIIIIHII Successor to Lonnox, oowan G Brown Banister; Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and_ administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyanoer, etc. Offices: Hinds` Block, No. 8 Dunlop Street. Money to loan. TENOR. Teacher of Voice Pm- duction, singing and Piano. Pupil of Prof. Bridgwood, Hudderseld, and Dr. Hall, R.A.M., London, Eng. Voices Tested Free. Studio Dunlop St., Barrie. MISS A. L. JOUIDAI TEACHER OF VOCAL MUSIC. Terms moderate. Address: 54 Mary St., Barrie. Sgecial attention will be given to -t e accommodation of farmers in this locality. Money to Loan on Mortgages. Agency Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Oillce Hours 10 to 4. Wve casvh Che ues Iivrawn on any Bank in Cana a or the United States. Accounts collected. Sterling Exchange bought or sold. -7 --V---v-.-u Notes cashed or. collected at the most favorable rates. smut. :15,ooo.oon nesmvz nmu. :1a.sno.uuo IT. BEEGRIJFT &. 00. Transact a General Banking Business. Thursday, January 14. `I918 on J. ARTHUR R088 D Xv u h`Ai..b.......\. . an n: w. I r\ wrap-sun -- srawnrr. a srzwurr Il)IL"lVI?l\(w r DR. MORTIMER LYON C1l.u... Q on. E. G. Iunuauu. III ~. I u- J. HERBERT uIoimAu_ FI`\I\ run A -- novuua noss, LL.B. JICVWVTBYI -. -.-..,.- ALEXANDER CbWA Qllnrnnnnr.-u I- T. BEECROFT, Manager. Pu;IciAus, Erf on. H. `r. ARNALL BANKERS Established 1819. LEGAL , DU , General l`rxv\uvz.--4.... .. .. .. SURGEON. I. Alex- resid'ence: . n:.......-- GVUU A 269. SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS L. F CROSS, MANAGER BARRIE BRANCH. Al`n;_;ti`l'|";a` from thr- .~ah_ argued. all the nearer to the ..vv--u -vu Am I late?" she cried. rein- ing the wiry little animal to :1 stand beside me. Celia Ainslee ju_st left. She was expecting tho La-,nt.i|h0ns to .4t.op for h<-1' in ihnir motor Iumt. but they broke down and were delayed. and in-` ptead of coming at three o'clock.' H was hnH _past four before they inndedf J. R.vl-IAMBLY, namabum, Follw printVed ;Ii;ocono on och tin and get results -7------------------------------------------------ Pbhkod but-elo nudkogu fdr store and school (no I I-)'l:1.S l`BANI-Ii. . Di:ainfoctu.|t dad on Killer Some Grocers for the sake of a few? cents extra profit may offer you the u I.--` A - r- - - .I V3,. 199 v_-_-v w--v--- rs w--u acuity I-rllvl J93 Ill? Just As Good Kind Don't ask for a sweeping compound. Q A V__-l\l tern A mu I_S__MADE IN CANADA Sweeping comuound UNDER CANADIAN PAT'aNT' It Stands for Quality in '}'---ousfXE' I fancy you are just. n the, minute." was my response, as I f`0l18!l1l<'d my tVin`mpiece. H11; Iv..- -1.-II _ _ n .. You've passed it. It's just` e,.5`beyond that next bend." And m- she pointed over my shoulder. >I"H Why didn't you bring a groom lfggiwith you to hold your steed`?" file I asked. smiling. You don't ex-y ` `peat to ride Prince Charley inzol a`the forest fastnesses, do y0u?"i V99* I could," she answered. Eff: promptly. I will, it` you darn Hg, me. He can pick his way like- ` Ia out. But it isn t necessary. iy-'He.-. ll stand forever, the dent om;t.hing'. if I drop the bridle rein! .-adllover his head." } U-\_r|Jl I'm pretty sun; Iwcan find the tree," she asserted, as she .swnnr along with that free, lis- some stride which I loved. 'lt is an old. dead chestnut, a great giant of the woods. imposing eve-n in death; and it stands only a half-dnzen yards of! the trail. I was looking for ferns or I an \a\a\.-u pl My prrferenr-r was to have nor! lnon foot at my side. and so I diclf - not dare her. And thus ital chanced that we left the homelyi lglittle animal standing with! Qdroopinsr head and dangling reini rim: the shadowed side of 110 rgdriveway. and went off tog;-llmr down the narrow. slow-desc.euri-l ing trail, the girl in the lead. ` The slanting sunlight, shoot- ing its golden arrow:-;in'intm~mit-3 out volleys through the tree: tops, made target of her hail-.l {as we passed. scoring brilliant gashes of burnished bronze. Ha-r hat, `a broad-brimmed sailor of` `coarse straw. was but a ponri shic-ld for that shinunerim;`.' tawny coil which lay In on her nerk. and the dartimr rays hatli their will with it. 1 have never! before or since sm-n hair just like Evelyn, (:`-1'a_v.~mn'S. "hem- was such a wealth (if it, and its` color was so olusivo. Under dim] lights it seemed a prosaic brown. but with small encouragemmit` it changed to a light fawn,i streaked with lustrous topazl strands: which in the su*'s blaz became a dazzling bronze glory. I179..- A -7 A 1 I u l ltrail." I condoned. It mus; be} ,somewhere about here, _isn't it.?i ..... -av u uvu IIIIIIUIIU3, F H I The slender scallop of a new! moon had set an hour befmv, but the night was luminousiy clear, and the stars blazed with; an ;almost southern xeffulgem-e.l There was very little breez and? the waters of the Mian".' were scarcely rippled. The air was chill, however, though now and; then there came to us a warm breath" from the fields which all day long had lain baking in the fervent sunshine. Along the shore to our left we caught the; 'glint-of lights from the summer cottages. ' ' ---..a-.,. i To: Jerry Roony,every ingh uf: `thejittle bay and river was ram- 'iliar_; Each light was for him a landmark; at{d`so, as much by intuition as careful calculation. le had clogged the engine at a .-_, .-o... u an. uncut (:53 "The tide's settin in," mung` mured Jerry. "Unless I miss the gues,s, it'll land us on his beach, inside 0' live minutes, 'r" I 4m... ---_4-W - I ,--....... To all appearances the motor had broken down. and we were voyagcrs in distress_ HVIVL- 1.-I 0 -- - -...., vvlvll lIlI[' uu('. | Wall dome, Jerry," I whisp.. e-red fmm my seat in the stern? to the capable young Irislnnzm who was bending over the Inmnr. --w isperod, becalxse. as all thr.-i world knows, the water is .1 ' sounding board, and I had no in... tuntinn of pnr1nittin;,' any one on: shore to hear thewords of ap- proval. . OI-IAPTER V. Found Dead. My motor boat, which had: been running swiftly arull smoothly, with the least pos.-ii- bln clamor from the exhau-t, suddenly missed a stroke and; than, after a succession of chnk- ing sobs. ceased all effort and` gradually losing headway, drift.- od idly with the tide. .'n'l J CHAl"I`F.ll IV.--(Cm1tinued.) In the midst of my I`e\'(`l',V. the rhythm of hm-se's huufs on the, drive awoke me to time audit place. And as I raised m'y eyes, I `saw. still some distance away,; but bearing down upon me at a swift single-foot. the girlish gure of Evelyn Gr-alyson, in white waist and gray hahil. mounted on. Prince l`.-harley, :1 buckskin cayuse._ which for sad- dle purposes she preferred to all the thormuzlxln-ed:-z in the Cam- vrnn stables. , --..., ..._; pulgnl. J After nll,"I said to her there's not very much to be: learned here, is there?" I `r... . ..-. u guuu uulllUI'. .` But I found 'something at` {much more impnrt.anc_e than the `indentations of shoe sole I `found it very noar the foot nf ,l.hc.- tree, just. below whern the painting had hunk. It was half`: _hiddon by underbrush. and at {am I mistook it fur a ..-mm. -l.'n.nb.~w-vr-d by Evelyn. I slipped it into my pocket. at A II... ..II n I Fontprinls." _I ansv ulauzhing. Behold the Ar: loan Sherlock!" j Have you found any?" ': "Only Cinderella's. and I put her in good humor. Dub `I l--~-- ` ' l_'. -- --n vI.IaIl"l4n { Somewhat to Ev:-.lyn per-` gplexity I began making a careful [inspection of the ground. not; ;'only about the tree, but as mri `away from it as the range at`: gvision .extended. j l 1 H1191. - n .\44I\lV IILIUU. i What are you lookin zshe demanded. with a 5 `concern. and,'I thought, peevishly. Cti- -1 - ..-... ..-u. . uuu nulr ullll Ully In qnding thenail from which th fpiece of canvas had been sus- fpended. It was one of thin wir-~,_ )with very small head. driven in- iln lhn On... ..A .. .I:,n- ..v. ....w .. yuuncu nuIU'. ! I `From this it was avid it that? `the shots had been red at ennui; iparativdly short range. as in- 3` ided they must have been son-` I ing that the trees here grow rung. thickly as to make iInpns..-,ih:n'; any very extended line of sight ,upon the target. ' A . 53 a,____`__,I_ , I '1 ` - .... .,.\l,.., ul u unal-nIll:t' U1 UDOIH Efour and a half rent from H11- p:mund.. Just beneath it I found four scattering bullet hnIes_ with the bullets ton dm-ply cnnbcedd-`-d to be extracted with so p; 1- a5 tool as a pocket knife. W 1 `Dan... l.I..`_ :1 -- J A)llllIII IITGU. ul'lV8Il |(1- lto t-i1ot;'ee at a distance of about .fnnr- and n l....I: 1-,- - ,......,...,.. 1 Her belief in her ability to! lead me to the tree of which wef were in quest was not unfoun-1-; ed. There she paused and peer; led in between the gray trunkzr which grew close to our path: once she took a step 011` the trail. bending in keen-eyed search uf certain familiar" landmarks `Those were the nnly interrup-f `lions to what was otherwise a lslraight march to the goal. When. at length, we reach:-d git, she identied it beyond qur-s- ;tion. and I had little dim ully in xllntlina Hun nun r..,,.... ._.a.: I..- u\avI\I\l\J 5.1] \l|lll|Ul\llI- ' CHAP'l`ER III--Evelyn Gray-I sun. Came:-on's niece, with whom, Glyds is in love, finds the head? of (`.am('ernn's portrait nailed to a tree, where it had been us."-,o.l. as :1 tariget. Clyde pledges Eve- lyn to smcrc-cy. (VIIA nrnnn I`! In, J -._., ,......-.r...,. I '"`V`_fl'1at, makes small dim.-1-ence; with a poacher. _ 1 Y'-_. l._!' A w-- V--yvv-egg o -""_I' understood so. Pohhing, I imagine. After some of Cam- teron s tat pheasants. l|1\_-A :11, , -_ ----w That is precisely what It should like to nd out," was \tli : reply. "It se.ems very myst.eri-. ous to me. ,About what time was. it, when you discovered it?" Just before I met you." ; "Had you heard any shooting in the woods, before that?" "ShOoting? she queried, ap- parently surprised. No. Was some on shooting?" H1 .....I.._.L.._I - 1 .7 v.. .4 -_y- luau-ua-nnouuuo But it`s out of season she-E declared, promptly ` .. 0l"fVI._L ._.-IA-_ " noygr n the wolgdw s(l!I:uyl:)iuhiz::;S. come Iipon it. using` that thing ever got. away o here? And who could haw stuck it up on that dead tree trunk? ydu looking for '3 l -.lL V ' t, had e and; mamas: no srrunonv iolnuua - I answer:-d Ameri- Jofi a litliv] CHAPTER IV.--`Clyde learns: that a Chinese boy employed by; Philetus Murphy, an artist li_v-} ing non -rby, had barrowad a rie} from Cameron's Iodgekeeperl that 1\iai{e ;wl'\ilyie," I went on; I `am one of the state game ward- lenso, | ' ""I'm not interested in whu iyou are," he growled. . |C'\._l I'D, V , uo\I nvvv I\r`..` `-`B:1_tHI`n1 iniervsted in learn- ing what your Chinamanuwas shooting this morning, over on the. C-ameromplace." A .___, ----_..- -.... .......v u. uni uuysahv. 3 Your name's Murphy, 1 think." I'ventured. calmly, nut nmving~an inch. But he made no response. --- --`av~'V\z onl \llIIao My laugh was not calculate:-d to sa1ve_his ill humor. yet I think `he must have gathered from it [that I was not to ho terrorized [by either his size or his threats. ||\7._-._. 1 i 1 This is my house and my `castle, he ung at me. savage- `ly, and won t stand for tr-es- `passers. If you two don t want `to be ung off my property. it `would be advisable for you t9 `make haste in going. vu_. I-.- .._|. -_.- I saw him now, dimly, in the lslnadowud recess. He was seated ;f -ing me, a creature of great i!bn with huge head and pon- _ derous shoulders. . I don't keep gasolene," was his gt-uff response. :3 I thoughi--" I began, but his lgnext utterance drowned my ,`words. Oh. quite. You have n4.-ither =gaso1ene nor good manners." j I saw him rise, a massive tow- er, dwarfing his surroundings, `and take a step forward to the ,edge of his porch. ||fIVl.1- 3- ~~'-_v- I say I don t keep it, he re- itcrated. `in louder tones. Isn't. `that. plain?" I ILt`\I_ I CHAPTER` ll.--Clyde has al theory that the portrait was! mutilutt-d while the room was unoccupied and the head lqtc-r r-muovcti bi; maans nf a string, unnoticed y Cameron . IVII A lliln III 1-: , . -- _.--`~--.5 'g'doz9n yards away. Between it and the river was a combinati-.~n' of pr-bbles, sand, high grass, ?and ragged overgrown lawn, -`faintly _visibl0 in the starlight. [`On nearer approach, however, -;we found an opening in th cur- Hain of trees, a veritable val).-y inf ahndnuv 0In..n.....|.. ---L:-L My motor boat ran "out of gusoleue," I said. and drifted ,tn your beach. I was in hopes `we might borrow enough to get ins home.f`[ .,- ...`-.0, u VFIIDGIJIC vain.-y inf shadow. through which we lpassed a strip or neglected SWH'd and a squat. unpainted weather- ibeatvn cottage of a single story, with vincuscreened verandah. And in what seemed to us the wry center of the house front, there shone a tiny glowin point` of red fire. We had not come altogether in vain. By all the odds of chance, it was a safe mnclmxion that Murphy, in pm- pi-ia persona, was` bohind'that lighted end of a cigar. Then we saw the point move, dc-scribing a half circlv, and simultaneously} a voice rang out--a deep, sonar- ous voice. but of churlish in- tunation: "What (in you want here?" I siipposn he expected me to come to a sudden halt, but I was then unly :1 few steps distant; `from the verandah, and as I an- swercd him, I covered that dis- tancg. _..._i__`_.. i A catboat. with sail wrinkling zin the uncertain breeze, glided by ~;us. almost too near for comfort. ;and we caught a sentence, two -`sentences, in fact, from the con- jversation of the occupants: .| - - ` ~ annv u u I wondered if they were speak- ing of Murphy. My telephone` inquiry of Cameron and subse- quent questioning of the men about my place had proved to Ime that bot.h observations ould apply. No one seemed to kno\\V very much of this brawny. sandy giant." in spite of his two years -I'esiden('-e in the neighborhood Now the shore`s shadow was engulfing` us. and the n It mo- ment. with a gentle swish of swaters, we felt the boats bot- grate on the pebhly beach. -'I`here was a landing a short dis. tance further up--a spindling wooden pier--and to this Jerry, knee deep in the black water, turned the boat and made it fast. The prospect which eonfronul `ed us as We walked ehoreward! :over the creaking: planks was tabont as hospitable as the grim iwalls of a prison. The tree bar- ,rier rose stark and forbidding ai fdozen it` `and combination :of grass,l .,_____I , ` Nobody knows him." in clear, ringing masculine; tones; and, ."He s handsome, if he is surly. fin a woman's voice. i o .1$'uiht whence, .tali.:i,ng tide and? -current into consideration, we ,might count upon drifting to the water end of Artist Murphy s .'lawn. i As we drew nearer and he jstealthily pointed out to mg the _'location, I was able to descry a little grove of trees, hlackjn the `starlight, making a horizontal gbarrier across the limited en- closure, and hiding, like a rope portiere, the bungalow from the `river. Through this no lights penetrated, and I began to doubt that, after all my pains, I. should find at home the object of their taking. (To be- Continued.) y,in was tbri III` . C ftf 0 CO. IYIOPOIB com I.-|I:obgIilt_I(i3arrae`1'(()ln, , somewhere a Capl 5 IS , CODE 3 1 3, so I newspaper publisher. regarginggv You V3 9 anonymous thmatening letters beyond. hr has received. The first prom- polnted Isms a sampln of the writer's man with ;;nw;"l or; a (c1:e_rt.ain dtay._ OIII thati (ay 9 tea IS mys eruous y cu . from a portrait of Cameron wh_iIel`I 3_""' (hr lattm` is in the room. ll)!`-Cl Y'{d0_ (1 It I turn-1-rn I` uonszs msunznt Against Death ,frem Disease or Accident. ._ Manes. in- foal. See our Transit Pnliqy if" you intend shlpplng Horus -to the West. ' YORKSHIRE "INSURANCE `CO. I. F. I. IILOOISOH 1' DRS. sopek 5: yvnne call and see the celebrated Wat- or motor Washing Machines. -v\1IJ`.l IJ\.IJlIu agregugod timber. Maple, Beech and Basswood. --._.-.v- Farm of 107 acres, 17 of which is hardwood bush. __ Flro. Life and Accvllgut Insurance me'n`t V stable. Call or send `tnstr-ry furnished in tablet farm, for free szdvire. Medirine l'oun--lH n m. to I p.m. and 2 to 6 p.m. Sundays-' 10 am. to 1 pm. ur I-\JU'l-|\2 I O I Piles, Eczema. Asthma. Catarrh. Plmples. | Dyspepsia, Epilepsy. Rheum:-usm, Skin, Kid- | nay, Blood. Nerve and Bladder Diseases. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE -..-.......v .v. uvulullla IIUUOC. Solid Brick House. 8 rooms,! all conveniences; ood stable; lgarden. 9..- ..v--- House of 6 apres of good small fruig. Rough Cast Cottage on Dun- lop St., 81300. Brick Cottage on Sanford St. I 57 acres near Minosing. Ce- nnnunl I-.o....-.. L--.+ 7"" House. 5 rooms. Solid Brick House, 7 rooms, with all conveniences and Us in-res. -_-S'o:l'id Brick House, suitable for boarding Qnlhl t)_:..I- I1- _. _ THE BARBIE PLAIIING MILL THOS. ROGERS, PROP., Builder and Contractor. Manufacturer `of Sash, Doors, Frames and Blinds. All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Flooring. Co-iling and Moulding kept in stock. Dress- ing done on short notice. Wood nurning a sggoialty. Tanks made} n nmluv Ir-`A-` ..... uu-5 a apcululty. Lauss made] to order. The latest improved method for dryin lumber. Fac-; tory and Oice, 50!`. Sophia and-' Mary streets. Phone 163. P. O.` Box 685. _----___- "span: :3 v-u&l'II\ `BARBIE. G. w- J. Eastman, Prop., R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Deal- er in Grnnih. and Ilnnkln unm- . .u_,..., u. u. mauurl, mgr. U081- er In Granite and Marble Monu- ments and Tablets. Only bust material used and first-class workmen employed. Prices al-' ways right. E V _LA|nmAu .9. snnaaurr l2\SLRANCE AGENTS. VVe rep- HIWIIIKJ f noel Pf|'IIl\f|I\ l ma

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