Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1915, p. 2

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Violet llasoago Morning After" New Luxurious Barber Trout. V .._..._.. v. n-.--- asuwuun vvcunutia CAI-"B8. [ ' The best physicians point out that during changing seasons the blood should be made rich and pure and active by tak- L ing Scott's Emulsion after meals. The cod liver oil in Scott : Emulsion warms the _ body by enriching the blood; it peeuliarl L strengthens the lungs and throat, while t ; upbuilds the resistive forces of the body i to avoid colds and prevent consumption. If mm unrlr Ia-ulna.-. o:-- ..-..:i_. 4--- uv --vvnu `van-o uuu VICVCLII. L'Ul]|lYnI,VWl0o If you wwk indoors, tire easily, feel i hnguid or nervous, Scott's Emulsion is we \ most strengtheningfood-medicine krfown I It is totally free from stupefying drugs. L Avoid substitutes. I-1 ) $450.06 I. n._... on _ 7 . , -A A - _.u wry--.. ~, w ~W1\{I:_.'i`Ot','l(`n Hastings ana chil- .dro-n of Toronto visited Ml'a. Th0s. Hastings last week. 1: n \\ innipeg is ;visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank i'l`hompson. ,3 '1 1 turn`: theme of Mrs. Thos. Hasllixms l last, Wednesday and was well at- `lemled. A pleasant and protn- `ble time was spent by all `ll-,- rf1-AA__ II__A! I `I friends in Utopia. ' i~i{~.' }ix"1Ii""`ii'.-s'..'c.h'siII"iucc..:_ laugh spent, the week..end with II? ; Geo. Cross of Fort William is lvisiting with relatives here. Mr. Bruce of Lana`. Sasl-L, is the guest of Chas. McCullough. cousummuu mus guunnsusnr mm: Thursday, January 14. 1915 the ROYAL PURPLE $ tock and Poultry Specifics classied Want Ads. S_cofes pf Mthe_ larrie_-_Meafo_rd Hockey Gglne wired to the Grand Opera House. Announcemervltgs will be made after each period of play. Extra for Fri. Night, Jan. 15! In 5 Big Parts THE RING AND THE MAN ' F in-Vat show commences at 7.30 sharp each evening. GRAND OPERA HOUSE 3'05 'EA-}`5R?; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JANUARY 15th and 16th If you want the BEST The Management have arranged -to have the If you notice the nperatiomf you will see Mr. Dnf`mm- holds a small glass tube that shoots vio-' Int slraams of eh-ctricity These` sparks go'up the victim s ng-I ers, up the arm, around the shoulder. and jump out of the, ends of the hair when the barbnri Special Feature Pictures every Friday and Saturday evenings. WATCH FOR OUR SPECIAL AD. FIVE porzvrs HA 1cD(wAR '1 Mr. DoGeer calls the apparat- > us the barber's` X-ray. and says7 l it will perform a hundred feats; :never heard of. To bring a rosy: }tinge to the cheeks, the violei._ stremn is directed to the desired`. 7 spots and the reddish color soung ."l00ms up. ' :!Ro-rnu:-d Pin. McAdam ;`,.l. H. Bclllmtt S. W. Moore R. W. Payne D. C. Murchison Rich. R.\\~'.Stewart,sk. '.]V11'.V\ ; ;-'t'>b .1. T. mga;.;.; !S. Hinds Chas. Poucher ; Athol Marshalhsk. disturbs the locks with his ng-} ers. I I The stream of sparks is the{ ,entire secret. and whatever your; {ailment is Mr. DeGeer can effect: `a cure by turning the violet ray! ion the location of the pain E HI. T:s io1.iTa*Et - r.:`o.T JMo}-tion ` _-R. H. Webb L. F.` Cross iH.F.. Masnmsk. .-Rex Ardagh R. J. Sprott Har1-y Payne S. J. Vail- :11. A. Stephens A. E. Lennox ' Walter Sarj_eant,,sk. iw. Webb E. Shear Jun. \Vobb Wisdom Tonsorialisf Shoots Rays into "Patient" and He Arises ._1 New Man." I w. ;H; I33- luuo. I.iving'st.on Stanly} NV. A. J. Bell Dr. Hart fDr Avnall D. R. Murchison. EH. C. ,.hannen,sk. Jno.Walker,sk. {IL A. kims L. J. Salter: HI. Studdart Geo. Morton :8. Webb ` Thistle curling club Rinks. Powell P. J. Moran: Foley W. M. Harvey? A. Williams W.- N. Duff .J.Ness,sk. Ln":-ne w. A. Boys , G. Rnh01'l.S(m J. D. Milne . F. Meadows Chris. Horseld . B. Aiken Dr. Palling _\\'o~lkor, sk. D. J. Reaburn. sk. 6 lbs. for.., .......... ..25: WE HAVE IT Prices 5 & 10c O. G. Hart BRUCE MGRAE in There we_re several 'beautiful` `oral offerings including a? ;wreath from the Ladies Aid of :the Presbyterian Church, and: !one from the W. A. of St. Paul's `lchurch, t Interment took place in tho? icemetery on the top of the hill: gat the back of the church. and. .`there the sorrowful, and yet Rhopeful, mourners laid their hm? {loved dead to sleep "till the day I idawn and the shadows flee Iaway." i Should `the cuslmunr call frlrlm the entire list. lwre are a few} of the things Mr. DeGoer will do U in him: Darken his gray hail-,,W produce a. rosy color to his`fDl` cheeks` that will last from flve to3H. ten hours. cure that terriblelH_ hoadache of the morning after-."l` chase away warts. moles, and end _ R` with the newest. massage and:H_- shampoo. in _ _ l 0 The funeral took place on: Saturday morning. At 11 o`- clock, her pastor, Rev. A. Shep- herd, conducted a short service!- of prayer and praise in the house after which the funeral ceortems slowly wended its way to the Midhurst Presbyterian Churt.-h. where Mr. Shepherd conducted a: really beautiful and helpful sei--i vice. Hebased his remarks up.-; on the deceased s favorite hymn; Abide With Me, Fast Falls the! Eventide," and in the course off his discourse, which was full of! comfort and inspiration to alll those whotruly mourn, spoke of :the certainty of a joyful reun- ,ion hereafter with those whom. ,We have loved long since and lost awhile. and dwelt upon the: hlessedness of the fact that then There shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying, `neither shall there he any more Spain, for the former things are ipassr-d away. Y\__, A run E Rev. Arthur Strother alsn jtook part in the service. All the ;memhers of the family were; Epresont. except one; daughiex-, EMrs. Herbert Orok, who now' ;lives at Hughenden, Alberta. On Thursday afternoon, 7th 7January, at 3.40, there passrrdf away to her eternal rewar-`J Margaret, the beloved wife of ` Mr. John Wattie. The deceased: lady. who bore her long and try- ing illness with Christian forti-A' tude and exemplary patience. ' was universally respected and 1 beloved by all who had the priv- 1 ilege of knowing her; and many have been blessed and helped and ,' inuenced by her Christian life , fand her example. 1' fI1I._ I-_,___,- 1 ` ulations. Miss Mabel Biggar and Mr. Wm. Lucas were quietly married in Thornton on VVedn9sday by Rev. R. H. Sornex-ville. Congrat- _ ,,...-...-. E Wm. Bloxham is not improv.! [ing as fast as his many friends Iwould like. - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Minnikiu; entertained a few_nf their friends` ;on Friday evening. All report! :a good time. " Jan. 1 1th. Leonard Bluxham intends moving to Allundale in the near future. M1`. and Mrs. G. H. Sp;-ers 0| Ivvy were Sunday vigitors with the fnrmel- s parents. III. 1:: I Death of llrs. John Wattle. Till IAIIII IXAIIIII AND SATURDAY IOIIIIO j If you should wande`=..r into 1.. ne(ieer's barber -shop and soy your favurite Barbs.-r shoving large electric sparks about an- nthor o.ustmner s hair. using only his ngers. to acccmplish this; re-.-ult,~~_.don`t- turn and run. i MIDHURST HOLLY The Women's Institute met at` Ithl` home of Mrs. John Mc-Kinicyl , la~'t Thursday. Current Events"; hvW8.S given by Mrs. A. Ronald and ;,,d.a good paper on Butter Main; wring" by Mrs. Cook. A extra; good paper by Missus Clara Bed Grant and Helen Stokes on! [,y_\Vintm` Evenings Pro_fit.abl,_v{ ,_,Sprnt" was read. Music was: Ce. supplind by Miss McKinley and md Mrs. Johnston. It was d9('idH`l in to donate a cot to tho Chii- my dren's Shnlter and to maintain` md it. A quilting is being held this Thursday at the home of the `President, Mrs. Johnston, for. rm this object. ' i ife ;Read the classied Want. Ads! Jan. 12th. I Mr. West and wife of Bond] Head spent the week-end with; Dr. and Mrs. West. | . Mrs . S. Ruddick of Bam.-vi spr-nt Sunday with her m0'thu2',: Mrs. Jae. Dunn. I am pleased; to say that Mrs. Dunn is very} much improved in health. i Minosing 7 pm. PARISH OF VESPRA. Sunday, 17th January. ' Midhurst H a.m., Holy ( munion. Vespra 2.30 (`Il,,,AL,_ fl- ' Robert Wilkinson, nun line. is {very low at. time of writing. g I John Miller lost a valuabiv-. [cow on Sunday night last. \ (VI.9_,I_!,, ..--s-v-v ans.-U nu-wuu Vviegghgng here has almost; gone since the thaw las week. I am pleased to hear that ~Wallace- Pattenden is very much \improved in health. I17, dues it.1`or you would ruffle your brain andgivo up. helievinv that the Barber who had shaved your face for the last three or fouri yours had been studying magic and n:ug'lt=.0-t.ed to let you in on his sen-et. , And .don t try to guess how he; Insure - good health and strength, so that, ail the bodigoorgans do their natural work wi ut causing suffer-in . Every woman of the thousan who have tried them, knows that Beecham s Pills act To Certain Advantage Worth I Oulnia a Box Dhdicnszuwiti En la Jhhoehl zV`g`.:::Vona are at once safe, eertdn `and convenient. The clear the system and purify the lood. They ex- ert a general tonic effect and "'|I1I|.(Il|l\l` kgolbk and .4-gonad-In and ought to use occasionally, a proper remedy for the headache, backache, languor, nervousness and depress- ion to which she may be subject. These troubles and others are symptoms of debil-, my and poor circulation caused by indigestion or constipation fr; In G 6ClIUL`ChIealI;)hlIIc 611.61: B lull s good and strength an that 931 H... luv-Iv nu-o-nun 4. . Every Woman can Use ev. AI-'ttl1'1-1-1-'"St.rother, Rector. ANGUS In tho meanwhile watch close- ly zmd-you win see ynur prc-de- cvssor receive the latest. elem-` trade troatxnents. Yup, 1.hat. s it: ---electrode. * 1915. D.m, BRUCE MCRAE, the distinguished dramatic actor, makes his rst appearance on the screen in the popular story of love and politics, THE RING AND THE MAN. by Cyril Townsend Brady. The commanding personality and splendid poise of Bruce McRae t him peculiarly for the role of Gormly, the man whose bravery and self-possession in the face of crucial circumstances enable him to success- fully oppose the crrupt forces of the gigantic political ring that is trying to ruin him. Gormly s real name is Fordyce, but the shadow of a crime that hangs over his past has caused him to change it to Gormly, by which .name he is known to his business associates and the pub- lic, who respect him as a great merchant-prince and a re- form candidate for Mayor. How the shadow of the crime of his past is lifted from him, how he defeats the vicious ring forces and nally wins his election and his bride, is dramatically visualized in this gripping production. % `1;:.:;.'c;.;;;:' wa';;;;.` i;;":`h`..`.1*;i.v' fpr a few days before taking up ?house in the village. fI1I__ IIf__.- _, -...-c-u- ' % 'o`r;;cv-n"s Auxiliarv of the Methodist Church met at tho! ; 13o;;: f;;;;;ma.;" .;:;;r e;.:.;;`.e;; ,?tea and lecture to be held in the? !Orange Hall, Friday evening. x t..n__. v-._-_ l The annual Band meeting wase }held in the hall. Mnnday ow-n-i iing. The Rev. Mr. Dew acted as ychairman. The following om, ;cers were eledted for 19I5:i `Pres., Tom Banting; Treas., ; Reginald Arnold: Sec., \V. J. Mc-5 ;Lean; General Com., Eston Dav... ,is, S. McQuay, Mr. Dew, W. J. `Lonnox: Musical Instructor. W. `J. Lennox: Auditors, Fred Am-` 301d. W. J. McLean. Rnfresh- [ments were served after the' [ meeting. 1 -run 1 mTim' ii'e'{-T Mr. new spent a rnw' days in Toronto with his brother. Vwho was seriously ill last wm=k.I I'\-...IA D__.__L _.__._- - - -v.---J \. y x nnnnnpo % Leoy Jamie-son and` his'sis- tor Vex-nice and Miss Robson of the West are visiting friends here. } ' Jan. Hth. Miss Edith McCullough ham resumed her duties as nurse in' raining in Toronto after spend_. ing two weeks at her parental home here. -..-....-. ` Jusj pre.l.end you know all} ahnut it. Stroll leisurely to a rliaiu--and stay there until the familiar next" is yours. [ A plnasant gathoring Itm-.k| yplace at tho home of Mr. and! :Mrs. J. S. Ferguson last Thurs- fday who-n the rite of baptism `was `privately administered to` I their infant daughlter (Marjm-v Mae), \After the ceremony, which was performed by Rov.. \Vm. Clviments of S1rnud,thrr guests sat dnwn to a dainty rs- past. HA"R0odly number amended the annivnrsary services at Stmud Presbyterian Church yesterday. I`..- IV-` `IVI,!l I, I A numbvr of young pt-nplel: gwenl in a sleigh tn the parlor} social held at the home of Mr.` land Mrs. Gen. A. Caldwell on. EFI-iday evening and spent. a very! ipleasanl. time playing games. A; ggood programme was also pro-1 wrided. The proceeds, $20.00. is! to be used in aid of the Belgians. g &mT`i3. `i -311;-"s'm1"}{'1-}2%?{{.Z1 with Mr. and Mrs. Pound, Mi-tchJ :0 Square. I I Hi.;vfri(;I;d";1`l`';e "Biased tog hear that \Vm. Pattvr.~'m\ is ."(-n- valgisgent. Jan. Hth. ! Miss Edith Coxwm-th visited her sister. Mrs. Davis of Sh4>l-i burne, last week. ~, Miss Irena-. Hattnn entertzline-ii a number of friends last Friday` evening. All report. a good time. 7-1\'d;n-i i.`.J'Fletcher is holding his` sale on the 19th. Miss of Barrie; spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Nixon. | `few days`. at Shanty Bay. . ni}3.e"f`."cav-be-Lt is .~pondin_-,>- a ` His friends are pleased tni l.,..._ lL_l I`V.__ l\ AA H; H. 0tton,& Son STORY OF THE PLAY GUTHRIE nnrdrvn IVY Jan. 12th. crodlt Sales. On Friday. Jan. i5-Mrs. I-`red 'Maiel, lot 5. con. 7. lnnisl, will ,hold credit sale of farm stock {and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. `W. A. Mcconkvy. auctioneer. nuv ~- On W :-dnesday, Jan. 20---VV. Larter. lot 8. con. 10. lnnlsfll, will hold a credit sale of farm istock and implements. Sale at '1 p.m. W. A. Mconkey. am-,_ z ;s.'x;;, .; 5; v;;;;'{,;g'w'.:o;.a;:;: ings is somewhat indisposedz E Hundreds of peplei ccmnb to con- ; Inmption every day. G.s`....n- .....-.-- 1.1;.` `L- ,,,,, I ' w--r.av- `vs. :53 - Science proves that the germs only thrive when the system is weakened from gcolds or sickness, overwork, conning { duties or when general weakness exists. .' PL- 1.--; _|._._:_:_._, -,- - V -- - Calf Meal, `Disinfectent, Cough Cure, Roup Cure, Worm Cure, Liniments. ' ' Sold in 256, 50c and. $l.50 Packages. __)We also keep in Stock<\, Oyster Shells, 10 lbs. for ............. ......................... .. l5c Bone Meal,` 7 lbs. for ................................................ .. 25c Beef Scraps, 4 lbs. for ............................................. .. 25c Mica Grits, 10 lbs. for .............................. . ..... .. 15c Epsom Salts and Pure Su1phu.r,

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