Pleasant to the Taste, and Wafrgntea FROM ANYTHING -1- INJURIOUSK rt. mast De-Iicutu co nsticu2:an of Either Sex. 1\'1'e'v.; Winter - , an -.- 4. ua-Vzgvv vv -._.e.uu-. _,, Coatings, Trowserinys and Overcoatings. -J l.`S',;JRl\7'ID yr- 1;I`ff.&TN.` _.i>EAL.ER IN- A rsuitings, Goa.t1ng's, ; - . i u4;);:, gggggig `fii `}Z 1S}:{'s `nu. I)IuLlop and JIu.;rk/ t $55., BAR]-'II':. , Froxn $3.01) 60 )_0O per (102. Perxpnent en -gement by new and bcauutul process. f_.l._.l.L)IL\J x7L LJJJLKJ BotIb.'we11 s` Block. Barrie BARRAUD DTJ'(`\','l`(\ QTTTTWTF NORTHROP & LYMAN S ` llegetahle l]iS`l:l]VBI'yw AND _E;LTH REGULATOR iqm QF % N ,:.+ z.../952 EXT!if`f9T TR0UG1G ' `ST ;E4smE:;m'3:oT7`:E S " Inna r!.-:1 an-' nn 1'-n 1(if.r~.'l'|Auk `H911 and ,\I .1243 n: _n_x_.v v .12."; 'For. Coal or;`W`ood in K.-i-tchenf\Ha.ll and _ 1 Parlor desizns. . . nn'N"r.nP in-12.EE'r - - BARBIE (:-x:..=.g-.-: 1 I)uuI` 11 xi Uhl 5'10 ., ( 01. .\Iu.;rk/`t S , gg-` Perfcrz` Sczti5f(zr;z`za 7z `Gzzab/42721265! T]