nju c1:sm- that ;S' dam," Ema,-;i vprmlurzc 3 .howcr_" making it o pbouz 4,000,000 miles in depth. L/uxnus Luu :..u.~n-an purl: (2: mo \\`1nI'.er the attendance mks -regular: up\\*a.rds of 30. of theseintcrcsnng youth c.n: rgaad. the \\'nrd of God, Our Sabbath School dc- man_`da special attention : uhoxltone hun- zed of. and another. isduily ted. Our good pot: la have not xnmiudiul bl thqir obligations to the OK-ch: Church for ma Gospel. yr. \-recn \vns as once I ght and an. Xi`ber.\1i:_y and heir schemes. - V ms sown-~ay {NORTH suom: nivumnnu so. was very encour-.x< g. d - _ . EXCURSIONS ropean an natxwecon ,, . . , _ rant: Ara. . pleaaxng lndxccnzlous of Ideals mud Berg; ma Ixdad. , 5 \'nr\h':xy House the Lord 1 bum or zexxlous 3-oung xese ; .2 now Jenn- ng for L bl gaxccei ed their u..msxz:.u.,nna nu G.T.R. `Edie: Agonxs. xnvvl VKBEVVQVV-\Ivv\nv1O-| ~.. um; c. E. axc-nsgx-. In -utcude-I to um-e Co every -Aionduy nun! masuay 3: am -3... mud` nua- land KI 2::-_m.. on arrival 0! am R. morning nvxnn zmm 'roront.o.3nnu.`ltcn 'P_tnrboro'. . p mtg/on konmom ma .\:orLb-\\'osl.ern and Alidlsnnd Div . v -ox-- u:r.)s.. for Part`: sauna, Ruhr tax... ...-a xx-engnxxvcr Keuxrniug will ranch nndxana weaasa-igv and Sarurdsy, courec trains lur -tux-onto. toz;I._3 rot: Hope. Bax-tio.Ln-X all cunts souua. on Northern uni ox-up .......... nuu ncunutll: wxu Aenvo uoumgwoo-z ovary ' - zMone'ay', Thursday and Saturday, 1 an 1 p.m., on lrrnvnl ot mo Q` m Lraxx H rm. mmnon .....v u-.. THE `:!E\V PALACE STEANZEK `9;ITY.%l::.T@;,D,.Lg_[AE BY THE 7 GUELINBWDUD-& GEORGIAN an _ ROYAL MAIL LINE `. Tgxcunsloms _ 3 Epilepsy. x'gx_s tron : cramps a Lgi-E iiglke r'ri tr 32 sun corks-x-Y or sxmcoz A J diusof his club. This :-ule has born, v - however, pclsxulcxltly disregarded, and "crack" oucsaqurs hxgvu been an `ed _ prr ,- by me Rczadcrs of ` 5 in_!hi } ro- 1: 1 l pg pr:-rue penalty of me Luv by eleelri- x 1:1 3-. u-5 can 'r,-xs ,122x`uV:`:so1-:.,- by 1 f hangm. _)Iuch Sp .uX-ution, as be y 'The'Hera of the Saskatchewan. u-we .w.-n.n-, raw nwnw.v Awn `.~; the so-cicxy oi ladiervxnyn want nf S\:L ' * zllinfv in vio-I Taceuppn [ uze the g` A Du })uuI=u- v iblc that if ned he will` 2 bffence of A kn nut}:-> it mm sober, u1:1us:rxoua,a females have bzzcn adv: place in aomum; sign a have reccivcd u-.~~:inX In: There have been ae awn :xl*rI ax-:1. _.v... .,........ ....-......... . .. .....,.m .......- dred urn constant in their nttcxqdance. fr) (he llidivss and frxenglls .-_.c Nanny House we are deeply in their vaIuab_Ie services" in this \wcx'k of love .: .. _ L L , 'I`h-3 cause`,