1 1uA.Lnx L\} n_..-_... I . A BARRISTEB3. ieltuzsin `High Conn ax Jusni Notaries` Pnbllu Couveynncers. Omega ova Ba 2.); of -x-ammo Barrio . . H. 3 syn.-nu. :1.c . G 21 2:.-gx:.v,_ 1 rN' S: S.-\P.JE.\N UOAL or nu kinds. Sm on-ad A tho mines: nlso Ln: nnd him and Grey Llino, Plasterers` 12:--. F11 1-. .4` r. r`\..v DEAL-> onrxon :- `inane x -"I n nuzgnor 51'} > > ` row rayon-o 5-: ~ ' .BARB12 .on'.r.~ Jr-Igonqnc - J i-_ i `THE BARRIE EXIIIIII R 1 . nvwv:-1'l' myrns. I E1iz2Ibeth Stret. Barrie. I v __ . `Marriaggi, LIEEIISES Issue. `- rl I Cl.l..AaI-.uu: g. Ants ED\\'AR.D'S. - `:ON'V'I`.`AE.\'CEB.. Vfdunt, Dickinson 8:. Manwail; SUILICITOIKS.` BARFIE. 5 WESTERN. INSURANCE CO -OF TORONTO. - ` ?9~`l3'nIs PIi__|vA1' E=F,L:l N D s TE LEl\lD Gr. 1:I;1\IAUNj)RELL, :3'1:r~z-cans V vnsn - . -u...-. .- ..._.1. AGEN 1`. l5AK.t<.1IL. [British Ame1'inan`Assuram: Cay. ESTABLJSEED 1883. _ Toronlo Bloc Owen , c . um-r EVVSO) & CRY-Z5 1c: rintcr Solicitors u! 1 at Jurihznlura ax 0n1uxin.T roct( mauve;-nucen 5: Alone) m_ moting_}he deVr:lu}menb of our min- ` THE .~ ' H nu 3 E 13 E (3 u 9.11` 0 R `::;:;m mg cum. gm. _ V _ - _ 73: miuena1 weamz. in u.b\xr- __ _ ` _.__,,__5 ____ '57 consmugly aggumul b- ..---_ ._ _ ___` ~ Tab - -cUuuR7 rm ', REMOVED T0 DUNLOE,Si.e`r`* os. sow. n.rsui_c,xnica,br0us ~ mama: an-as 421$ ='1`IL!`xit:e,V!.un.1'ble 1 UAlVl= nvvvnnug. MARRIAGE LICENCES. -John 1VI`c VV att,- unu-v sueez. I-`our Doors North 0] . . xvcxn.-u ..... town fr .cntiun. , - . nu-..u,w.n;<:' 12: ' ' DEALERS .121, : AN1iuaAc|T`.ANn `._B_rriIr}I|_m')u .7 JOHN G__oR DoN, AGEN '-s1xch, in the opir `GEQ D-/U D*`LET , .. ssiouers. is the m- _ fo. G0veI*nments_J devclupl roas snrnlxus. 1:: Jnnunri. 188 (3 $1,126,239.00, -rrfinr not-nnnurlt nli |*n Lnnnuu 1: .nn-u - . 9 Km 'PlPE.'. Pnntunn cam APITA[_~ $I.ooo.ooo.! O~ H. CCARTHY, PEPLAR J: Lc_CAR- my. Bu-ri.sxg;asu1xci:ora,somrxus, .v:c. ytomonu. , _ ~ l5'x_':o mcr:.uum-:.Q_c_ -: ] Ontario's . Mineral Rasounias. .1pvn4-nu-E n-:9 `-rvw--, nu-|vAv. 1-.n\a'Ul'vy Ir. _ma.y also be condentcly hoped but gold min'ng will become one of z established industries count if attention he -~ _u _._ _ . . plninr. with .cuine owners, :xs_is also the highkfreigllt chnrgg-son xchinery ; supplies and ore - but these are lossezs xfow been V1 ` -'i'iT"au';3p1ie"s in! granite, ' .n;u'=b1e, serpentine and sandstone. `Vest `of _Porc_Art.hn}r is u `Iver d trio: which. ( AL. .. 1_.....a.. 1 rpgion `o_g1-Vent '1-ichn as Port Arthur is u_ gailver qxacrnou wnxcn. ~ judging froin the exploxationa nlz-evmiy xnude,promises to be an nrgexxtferqus Beyond scale. In, :17? town.:hip Jr n rich specituens of go1a.bem-. Lrtz and extensive depnsigs of 11,3uv1 em.-;-eso:e ic :{xa Se 1- _`mou;_;b1y presumgad mm. only an incon demble iv _[;.an of our mineral 'wen`th is yep . . . . , I luv. inure nnnn one-nu: ox rbno,I%I_ . ml novnn v'aia`sa mares `nnd;in`1i1ei~'_}' 5. ll pxopqxtieu 0! thin .I o_1incu held. . `Bunk Q vtx`H'?:: and non-n:Aeallxc Euneral 1 yw,--= -53- m >:1uc:s'os Canada for 1877 Wr:s`_"3"'be1`9 1,s9G,7s , wmereas t.he,,va1ue 0:1 ~ sarn c1:53,_of`pVrodu\ct5 in :he_, con 1}: JACKS; on o 21 Soxnrie un\Y.e. Adunniutrnlion -. .9. xvi Niouav to `Lnn V73` L 3333" .,n1pxopqxt.ieuot iry as 29 what might: ` :5 alurnn 5f the` bu:-ine ans xma not clog ed The gr_eat ores and ...z 1. v\r-\uan:n.>4` hv let. nal. ,....r. the nlorist. and pr: turn their attentiun to x iucrcamng eviL-1...ues 1 :5 ghe_( !'1'a~r dres_s rind like the Lxdie. After the E ~setexe-L;y.-muse e year 474; ' SDELI-&' .'L`i I. 5% l..L|:u.I L_o_.- disarrayed, to apes [great :1 girl wilj. . ;931c'u1=.m theeo `era. $1`-xnu. user Eu` 7--cad in w'o'n-iex-nu enrntlvo DOWOII In Q OIIIIIICII O2 03-In his :0 It hi duty-to Xnlih it known to hll Inf-> 1-In Inn At: untod by th xnouv. at: sea xv: hunun -nnonng, I An undue: -so~nIl"wIuxQldIUi au- qnnnn xneouan -2- jmgnnh. wan. in MEI 5 ` ot:_l.in1e`-any _, Soda ` ; I as scoffs Emixls'idn" " . Ll I `Fl$h . B .0 BO-V;lELS>". h BEQED, ` ?. mnsuxm g ::cL.'*>"='=~; 3, -;e,.T. jg. :uA:-Iu1r4 . ' ARI.` 'IS MATE ` 1;i_cInresj1n1:1J1T this Newesi DESIGN or was ART. D. A. SHAW. j 1:...m. ..-- .cn 1 .A\-r~ PAYJCEE G..;!.`:;'5.S!{|S.!!.1,!N%% Vij1i%.c{ia;vz;e11pi;;iei%iis1yi . '7 du` gm `raargi 9_*e__ o!`_S2-xx I`1.L'1'onn:ng:_A 3: I ~3'.f';:"I.::a'Iebr bed nnlnqx-, in _thls_idrdnb!e lastly demon-trnzai. x-i-on -I thirty ? ` . uncoentznl pnouqeyuing um n!`xr|n5ng' ' uonneqneneogot an-Xy nu.-or mxy be radically ` cured ; inungmnc `made ngauzcut nape -unx,nlw::n-in. gndfoqcl; means _c_2 ear`: umoen-nu px-sumo, um: sun cured; inungiuntxinada. qznmse dmplmggnuin. nnd_e1!ocu_:n!_ 1 o_2 which every enaexm-, up ,mAzlor what In: urpditien xnaylie. In I:n_x'(,!I.hn_aelt Qholp-, p`rxTta\y' um: iaxluoal y. , - _ 7 7 n:xr}n)ng' Burn: mxy ; 6- rmneccnro should no-51> -cmkhixia o! I ....:u. vnnth -..a Itnnn in `the mm). , naxcxu BARBIE jg} S1035. . sasza-6r';.;a;sa:;32._ _ .. `HIE cl|I.VERIE.LI:IInIcAI. `cmk ~~-~~ '. ' "` `z.".':'.`.p._-`."'. &""`Auasjx_L_sALm. A ccrlain :3; s eedv cure fol cord .51: e . and Cazaxxh s:...=s\ - ' 'TP1l}1IlIBT Frames V m:'Am'L '.`IDITY` or 3. V THE sraluc, ?YN '38 . Organic Won1(ncan,I` ng nregnozypag .T:`i_: neu-5;, Phjexnsl DocT1.', cfuica by :aAz.E:L'I'oN"s -_ ~ ~ ` VITALIZER. Also Ne:-yous Debi mlgimnama c-t_ igm, ii AIEO Neryous LJcD||u'.v,.uIInr 5.` Loan `p!`Ambi(in1u, _Un1Stnm -` stunted Devuloymout, Lu: . . i c I:mx;..iuus,.xm.;n in nu Ltium.--I. Sicuplcusnosn; Saciez-y, U..m. :9: smav, 1 .,.~ ~...n E .- .. _ :uAxu1rA<;-x-unnn-or-. Tobhooqs and cigars I