' seeming inditference is attributable to" the Hppesition that no oppositio_nwill be given I the cause of the epatliy, we must confess to ` faultless manner. of even with that grace ' hut simply state What we know pvnulrii lie ' Vs wnimnity such as ours, thereara always lit 9 ti: be fe iid those who desire to he honored llli 'hy their fellows, but who, lrani lack of vim 410 : `desire. We muitpreaume there will he a. mu- nieipsl contest next inontli, and that the ` puty-Reeves, and Couneillors, if deiraus of v doubtless meet with opprisition. I Let the ' melee deterznilie, then we can -speak by - the said, Itis to hehepedtlie free and in- ` -' - Way it|tends, and that they` will select Oman to their re-election; or, perhaps, rneir ` them in the ensuing election. If such be eur conviction that the ground they assume is by no means reliable. Were the doings of the present iiieunibents during the past W year in perfect accoril with the t'ieii's of the m greatinsj rity oi the people, and`the mo- `fa tires which prompted their various nations as " uresssnowor ehaste_ as-ice, there weal be found aspirants desirous tesup- plant them in aiee for the next term. die; member, we do not dare to assert tliatiour wwii fathers have invariably acquitted themselves of their municipal duties in a which should eliaraeterize a cerpiirete body, the case were they free (rpm oi ialsliort- Oi wining: and undeserving of calumny. In and stamina fail to secure the pusitiun they Ch present quietness` is simply the calm pre- ceding the storm.` Some almestinaudilile '11 whis era say that "our Meyer will seek re- election, and that some strungappesitiun is` prepared for him.` The present Reeve, Du` retaining their lionoralile standing,-will` de ndenteleet/ii`s of both sexes of Barrie willie not'ba influenced by any feeling of rejudice arising from political ditferenceis, utthattlie prugreiisoi our` town will lie the main object of their action; ivliicliever who have the town's best inter_ests at` heart`, W113 hivn `the interests 16 h'eart ' and whose doigga are open to judgn+utr. ` ijbhd Queen' Bench.Diviaion, hyone 11 . . _ A , I ' 'KIuveragauul tho Phc2n1;Lodgo 1.6.0 1; 1 ,-' The {ac thntcami; u\}_af`t}}e trial b _ jyeufollowsz 0nthenig1xcoftlxeini- ` Ihtlnn a menihnr adiuated the can on Kinver . ' ' lnmntlon (`M-emodles of Frlenqly t Societies . " q ` --- t Y ple of Quebec voice this feeling and senti- ment, will ihey carry the other Provinces with them In their demand ior 3 change hi the Dominion Govermnentl Ontarie will not, however, ochb hack the cryof those ' who are demanding vengeance (or the exe- cution of Riel. This journal, as our regul- ere are aware, contended that,`not' 04: hang Riel, after having heen` found guilty by the Fry, whose sentence was eontirmedhy the xiv) Council, would have} been a miscar- riage of justice. We nereafraid, and said so, that Sir John Maedonald ivould notdnre risk the displeasure of his` Bleu allies by hanging Riel. But he has doneso; and for that act, at any rate. we cannot, and do not, blame him. if eier a man! life` was for- feitto the law, it njns Rielh; and xto hold him up he nmartyr is simply to y in face lei the evidence givennt the trial. He ought?/J have been hanged years ago; ref the themal. no ` ougnhf/J fzenyearaagn; 1 and his second attempt ntrepellion only in q gteuaied his guilt, rnbuee of the clemency with ouglxttpihere beerihangod lifzeenyears ago; at rebellion inasmuch as it was on which he had b:-eutreated. He hzidno wrongs nd Father Andre-- previously redress; a efhieownto Riel : bestond lestfrlend-'-swears that he p . oeredt/3 leave the oounlry_for $35,000; and thsthe was sane enough to be person- Illy responsible for his actions does not, we think, admit of reasonable doubt. . Iliel's V conduct throughout the late rebellion was, ' indeed, more like that of `a brigand than a rebel`, (or itwas s more nioney speculation with him. And toiueludesuclr a crime as his in the category of merely (enial ollencea would be to expose the people of the North ' West to the vengeance olevcry villain who could not collect his pricej at Ottawa. Riel. however, being executed, we contend, with 'tl1e`Globe,th:rttl1i.s does not, and should not, end the drama; but that Parliament is bound to`mekeinquisitioi_1 into all the cir- not, the is tonrakeinquisition inm ' eumstances that cetlaeil the late rebellion, That the settlers had grievances cannot be disputed. And we 1nus't'not, as the Mom, . tresl Witness observes, lose sight of the impossible the commutation of his sentence had been rendered by the threatening atti- tude of his a there was at the ' botmnr of the rebellion a discontent wlllch extendedlarbsyond the rebels, and which : was directly caused lJyGovernrnentneglcch1 and maladministration, Notthe half-breeds b 6 11 list that, whatever Rlel's guilt,_howerer ` fl alone, but the whole wuntry was on the b eveoimakingforcihle prutesta lnsttrezlb 1, meut which had aroused their eep resent ,; meet. The Government virtually confessed that its neglect was a cause el_ the trouble aroused their deep resenv I cause of the trouble by the precipitancy with which it lmatened ,, to make amends, and lay. retiremenJ;`of ;, ` ileion ih the North-West, and not b dI- '1' nouacing them as the murd.erera- of iel, for in zbia Province his execution is all but univenallyheevdd to we bben just. Thxa ax in how matters atdnd here, and the sohner cg our Quebep irinds are `made to` unnlemwxd u ' this, we better it will be for tl`Le1n_and mo 1 country. ` , ` hastened ,3 emendmnd by the retirement of ;, the"Minieter vg'hma_e indifference will the W chief complaint. `Fuytherexecntions are in y, order." If, moreover, the mLa1oont/ente in Quebec wish to enlist Ontario against Sir John Mecdonald and his Government! it :5 ' mustbo by arraigning them at the bar of V` _ giblic opinion as the author; of the late to- iiion in the North`-West, and b d '1 "-` 1 `Bl NOTWITHSTVNDINGli1 Snot thnbvfe are, as 0. it were, on tlie eve of a new year, yet mu-` 1c nicipalcounciilors uppeartohe nlinosbiir n_nimat/a, Tlidse who have lled, wielyvr ` otherwise, the vzirious pbsta qorinected with} la municipal nuthority during the year now 1; drawing to a cloameem quiminiercntas {It In their re-election: or. nerimpa, their ` e u follows: Un me mguv ox me m1- xma member adjusted cap rm nnha-raom of the lodze nnd `b1indA 5- .-.--:-_ Civlc Elections. / -,4` The iverdviczy `was movc:;I]1?Pgfu1:1ugu; mmdge, pri1;;ipa1lx.on - tho tenprocxty, elmrge tlielinen cover of an organ was here before him, and he was wished violently by some one _orrinore`of the mom ere at the nnal] of the back, and rbnt iodwardxome eeven feet 'and at the eanie time` coming in jpme eomeccwith the organ CUV5t,`l|lCi1 was; held do ,he to catch him at little ebotfe the kueee,,he win tripped, and go g beyond the coder either at the ride or at the for end, he dtruck the ride olyhin lief upon the oor, end, or he eeye; the, cor ` wear than ieed,kend feet weir}: raised lilyit if that ' boo non urt, an e ett et_ `ewe: hurt in the beck-when he got ripthe cere- mony we then `properly proceeded! with. After the initiation was; over, the Noble ,Grand, hearing the noise while t e plnintilf not being pushed and knocked own; asked the pleintili `ii the boy: used him nnyimye ' rough. The Chief Juitice thbnreien to tthc {of n:Funte iniantry has been cciiclueivcly` forth lnet ten Witn es, fr ni the Russo`-Tu lmh nor to rth-\ eat rebellion; the great value . or Canadian regular uriny re, iortu ately, mounted in entry. that ir,Vwhen they have mounts, be there in not no hntcer corps of this deec 'ption in the country. In Grc-it Britain the mountodixilie no I are quite popul.er,en reins of the n et vbluntcer bodies in it at country are of this nrm. There Iho dnotbe muchdi culty in get- ting up there in the country di tricte. The drill in muc i rimpler ond far ore suitable to irre[;uler than the ordinary rcnvalry drill, and n for h gher standard could be reached. The proino ion of the gentle a id mnnly art of lI01`Im:ll ship would he an i iportant inc: ycnre, euye t e Montroe,l' mainly composed of this urm,~. for the M unted Police ore, in ,truth, , it, ix`- . lmliearil unusual nei,ses,iu t `v plaintili used him Chief Juttice thtzn refers the svidencerof the doctdrs as _ the extent of` the injury, and proceeds : Personal violence is no part of the iegular proccedure in such acase, but it appears fro the evi- dence of `the principal oflicer, he is not `likely to say more 0` the proe edings of a secret: lodge than he could as id, that he I are celebra- tions before, and neverteok any active steps te stop them. These procee nge being taken in open lodge while thep incipal elli- cers unda nuniber of theme hers were present so as to eoruluitute ep rfeet meet- ing, and where nqne but`rnem ere or candi- rlrzt/es were or could be present, a proceeding taken with` the la osvledge of all those who werp there, and who re`pre= sented the corporate body; and where it appears thatthese and the 0 her proceed: ings had tslseu place on such an occasion; and that they were allowed and not cheekerl,<` it shows, I think, they were taken also with the consent of the body_ in open lodge ss- sembled. 1 have looked into all the'cascs to which we were referred on t re argurdent, an1l.the only bearing they have upon this case is, that` they establish heyond any doubt, in our opinion, that u proved the defendants are certainly respon- sible to the plaintiff for what was thus done to him ta his personal injury; to which he was its no sense a eonsen ingp rty,altheugh he was seeking admission to tl e benets of the Order." The Chief Justic adds: It will he better in all such burl `es to enforce rigidly the directions given the llituill is manifestly . on the facts p of this Order`: `No rough usage ts) bu 'allnwed. ". . " p 1, voted on 1 >0 ia1,30-13` , , '2 promo ion of the gentle n1 manly an 1t xl cidentgl re? lb. _ ._ %`&*_`iT' ll OURIBEX OP]. .1 L som`s` AN 0}[ISSION. ) ingaitznv );." Our couten )`pornry for get: to add that Sir J uhn Maqqonald the _1: steppeduptin tho dizcardeglilemcn _nn The Tar nto World says that Sir John Ma_cdom\ldf`l1av1ng squeezed: Um Lower Canadian `emoh for all it `is W ll'l]1, he V n 3 *1 d`: 35 game nddhhat '1' t 0 fell upon the . Press. \] ` mi nddhha! uhn Maqqo `eppedupqn l1iiCliI`dd'l\ :11 $110 pdvpmem.-[Jlt `resa. [ A ` 1 7 pr senf,r`nu, nwnlgtg the gloat` ) 1 0 I`resi thew no 1cg`n1 ,' rx hichtlie uiuo of xushlexxbnf Imp: mulrl he led if am`-. v . _. H . . .:rm.ANnmzn :ws"I:-\m' TH 11 Si`. , 21'; 1) - ` ' ur ) . . ` cOIl!`(\.'(I1[/"|lI4.rty1] : til cfclhthatt|1ec01|1I1\u'u1ul 'p:1imI `:1 wofthcirelx 1'0 thu pnsseskluno 4 Q` r. :1 1 mm-.1. ]'\\'ohn|(l1'us "' M An oh 131 c \\`.onge:l tlfcsuilgalx` DN JV"I(`4I his so lem and` hora repose cmnpcuaution to[ nu more of his tax` imxyimn :15 imlnc hDpL"CS`l. The hour mu |mshu1ll Kc mass the mg null lsagg` e,' 'J,`l1u fagea lucreml it Hew nhl lldvu been ` Euxopo long ug \cm Itxm jenI 1E.'ThEI`l! `in Europe that \\'U I Ightto ltegrlly of Ms Alumi i l , 'he only purpose um-.\ -:1 1y ' r- ltit data as n l1u|Tr i.vel\v$ ncralEurope., The xv . 1,; 0111* . cusVoIn;e14:E/3; a1~,_'"0e11` %p1easea witlfthe _ `BARGA;N S. 0 000030016 w`i11 obntinue` until our Stgglcreduced $10,000.00, 0 0 0 0 begn apmhg An the Conser- , g nip.` Quebec Frnch Bleus l1a've,' ` Hy, taken the exiacution of Riel to ,I" and threaten loudly t9 break-wit}; u- 3h; in consequence there; : In aq V` poli ical diiturbance `gbj-f_Qi1'bec represent: I _ "e'$'Dominion Premier : hi; :1-`1u'(6.h'a Mam: the I Indians. and the ` ' Oumg;RYANM1withdtaw=fgom_ the A L'151isinessAi11.a sho/1_;t icing. `V V ' " -:-o5 n-i `As van? of our readers are members :1 (wine of the numero1inoci:_:tie Hfnh oh~' # inin Canada. for benevolenhmdaocial ob- ffgcf.-., the following dcision of the High 93 Gburt of J ubco, luteIy.repo1-ted, \viIlp;ove 3 lnmgeating wihem} and pwbably inntruc- b Wu.` The action was one pf gmsault brought 1; Lyone 11 4 'R`lmu-i mminst Phoenix Latino 1. 0 P ofthe7Dom1q1on rrexmer m; ` 1uatice`{\`. e Mating t1_1q `Indians, g! delay in giving "med wthe com V Kofinjustice and,wmp)g doingthere unt`il:tMx`-fithe mbellidn hari/21 tually broken out, when he sent comig1i.~z- nioneraw enquixe into their grievances. $14 nally broken out, when ne aenu cumulu- nioneraf/J enquire their Had `this atepheen` taku acithe proper time, the pmbahilityin that no outbreak would hnve taken place; `anrlumillions of moneyand many valuable live I have been sacriced because no ateuti wazfpaiclw the complaints made. For ylu the Admin . iilratiou at Ottawa in cleghly acoountalxle, and ought lobe lcensuredhnrl turned oul. And just so far ax the Frehchjpeuldilg peo- and senti- lhey c_ar[y oglier tjigqna member adjusted the Junver me ante-room loglgennd ;iJ1._ , him, hiahaildn were then chfnined td 3 . aides, then he was pkmhcd {ruin behind m knocked down, his head struck the dur k pljd his b`ackwus*hIirtv,t11e evil Effects of 01 `V V]1ich,nccord.ng wthe evidence of sev_cml V` ' dbciznta, were of- n pgimnnont cImrM}gr,_ 3 '/|__:ve'l'dicHvnn given in the plaintiffs ,, .5550, ;j_Tho:verdm moved. 1.14` Imam. nrinc'n'm1lv.on thbl re ugd