WWW sanruw.-... . . I` LND COUNTY SIMCOE ADVOCATE ' Y 7 _ SHEB.IFF S SALE 0}` Liq i-COURT HOUSE4 'TOWNOF' BAARRH ...... .\.1I )u, m v . SHERIFF'S BALE Q? Li OM10 HAY nu TWIN , ru wn- rl 1H nl IEP1 Llhll. All 1&8}, ln (hi I! 1! I :0. `I: III! r-nnnm` 1vr\vvr`I"` own or Hnxrol :1 {hp hour of Tvrclre 0'Cloc\`.'\:1)&n, I V b: wllmd [or nlu by , -PUBLIC AU(jl'_| Oli .u .1 n...: 11.4 mnrlu nu um uy Public Auction, uulrr nudlw mm M um m-ml unlunl nu Wc:c%>11 1<'r` 11005.13, munledmit. can do but lime, 1:-in Y Iimplymry put hex-the harvcm n! the ' North-Wm; its anlyeect u 11 her will ` be the daprepjnlinny perhaps K e Waldo E iarrtii-Wui;`iIa. only eect dapreciauonrhgerhapa E precintion, ohsr n use. a:.-_ . Accn/num w LIWII uacaunla tho ill-!oc)~ ng between Spain and Germany in rapidly Ippmwhfiig I arid: and war ammnrl immin gr_|t_ aging go the amnlu` at :11: mo!) of __,.._ '11 in beliavgtl that the Iulvmiuiun' nf the Scott An in Euex county will be delayed till next year. .___.__. Hum): but llomnd Lee n I bunt rm ll Shea hurl Bay on Monday. his ru mated (gt Hlnlnn inwndn mruaide parma~ Iunlly in New York. _ -----+-' Cumuhu Iecured thren dipluuuu at honor, thirteen gold 'mednl:, thirty-mm ail- vu mednll, thirty-three lm;nzam:.-rlula, nnd thirty, honorable mention: in Anzwunpl Thin in I gnud nhmviug. F! --o---- '1 we hun with unuument dub womenre , explaining their Iympsthy with hjm, and` :1 1nt,to(7,inudnnee of thetrinl; mdlnve !1 Ichnlly formed woman : oommmeen/:Ie~ `g min hinemrn to Pnrliunent. Thinia, ,. committee: in Ie~ Thin in, mnlv. nltozlther too previous. `We have ` Thu 1:, manly, nltognther ' lmrdo! ` no Inch prenutuxa Iympahhy ex- waded C6 the Imuun he in Illfged to luvs lnoulfully umpted to may from virus`: man: we luvs {heard of no rym-. path; {heard of ynhybeing mended to the outraged hum band; but only to the end who caused thin-`_`fAl.Urom geaven tougleflll" Such mudlm 2 is in i An min a on mbnh!yn.PaWg a re not hoyw bright agn onnnunt irC1m1eIDi1ke nuybe of the dnwing-room: at fuhiombla wciety; how gilwd my bus nnanwr or mlelmnn, 1! hell guiltyof, the fnu_l jwgngg` mu-u.5-.w..... .. .__,, he be u an anwr hail guiltyof foul wrong charged Ignimt h'1m,ha ought notanl to be banished h-nn_: publia life, but from decent society. Indeed, the higher hi: rank, the enter his 1 `nhip, a greater .: Inn * P OFFICIAL PAIIB 0!` COUNTY { I plenum openm them, no 5 yrnnn an unm- nlai ity {or mind culture. For men of Sir G ex Di1ke'I ntAmp,thera i.I,hawever, nogzuuusng lea for violnking the decen- cieg of lilo. hey move conmntly Imong nun Jvhoue u very highest typa of pure sud vely Ianunhood; and have 0 an to them every mm of mm; an it is ugly` opemhg wide the to: of immor- ......\..o...ml dlvid . Wo`u'e unfeigedly Iurprined p ntlhn eoum`1`ha Week lmatakun in n:ln- in tion In the nbomimtionarecemly published I] in the P111 Mnlluene. '1'l1al1enrI-aicken- n there brought lolight infant I ' h Ina! urenglh, nut tu M I.;. nmrn` nn thamovei-y IVCNIO and in a only opemngwinlethe gnlesof K Ility`, to pnllim : crime when perpetrated E iq high-toned" soci " hi I1` damnal d .. ./V . ,, .,....A .'... 11%;, crim in society which it Ihnn wmmiltqjylux high! fnvoredim ; dlvidnnll. We 5 unfeign ylurprined ; lmatalfun in 121- I in; c Iolightiafut upping mans physical lpelk of in hlaalmg euct on hi: mom! nu- hm; uni the expoaure of thin momf um! ylhal laproly, in all its widespread rumi- Qlonl, WM. [he only may Io pr ' H pa... ...y...., , llonl, um way prevemitu lrther Iprwl; fur the evil was not known In op]! to nndvlhin like the extent lately mauled; an the gctof public ntlenlion being muled to its danger: from this plague I in (ha unreal wnym have ils ranges E2:-.luad, il, indemd, it cannul be unlimly andltalod. -was xamiuer` uh I -~ llunlclpnl Affairs. . v .. ` .t:urd}n,inIzondnn, 0: England, `.1:-ntlnu lc.1U)'(`lcnpEl` ulivn from q Khartoum `n_nd aucceedediq fleeing to the in .~.. 1. ~ -q . . , End succeeded in the equator. `So strong lms this faith become than mission has been organized to search for M111 rescue him. ' BAEB.IE.'1`HURSDAY, sxm. 1o,1aa5 ` c Public and Pvntc Morality. y power and um mnvnyed numu Htllu diamnca I! ;. to the rlaglc. The Chlcncatn milwnywilllm [1 r um nppliciatihn of that principle ton longer 0 y distance. The nnerpxiuu will he Wulchml ll z with inrm nub_nnly by Cnxtndinm 1:uhy]J_ y xliatxfzfce. nnwrjuiino will Wulchmllll nug nnly but by J vngineurut]w_wu;lcl9vvr. I . 0 < 4 I Du. Stephen H. Tyng, who lms just paued away, In tho nd\'nnccL1 'th oldest minister of L`\/\ v..m.1 Rfzmm ago of 80 Thinmennu both (mm and mom: . ..o n undertnkingia bed upon the [Jl'lIlCi]vl u_! in the marine railway mud {or rapniring` 011 :1 these mndi veuala um mined by h_\'IlrnuIiu nu II Qltlcngatq luilwnyyill bu` It ' church, New York. yam, vma probably m\'ay,nt ;\a\';ccd the the Episcopal Church in the Unlled States. . Hz: was ordnidctl in 1881, timo of his death rector and WM ntthe of St. George`: w 7 7 \ 1, Grape In St. John, N. D. Y Unapulo Boawn... ,, Eauuxniuncmt. 1u_\ Cllurlutleuml tn St. Julm 1 Charlottetown In lloalon. 1 Ificwu tnlit. John. both (inns and '21:) w E Lhouum'n_o an _.._.___ Tn Hebrew New Yenr commenced ycs- tetdny (\VednaM`lay),'thia being the x-:6 day M of the month Tiahree; the first day of the H "blowing at tmmpeu." It is held as reli- W gioully u the Sabhathnnd no workis done ti on it. On ail day thutrial of nouln takes I p1u:e,uit a. believed um God judges all 1 , the Wrld on New Yen : day. Tho next `A ten day: oqnstitute the ten dnya of pe ' `H . . , , mum. . __,._. . THE Mail`anyn'tlm Cnnnda will have the m ulnrineltrannpurt railway in HM world. The rnndia in coma of cunmucliun, and d " Tn Clnndnn Pacic, f Llxehnpua L~me1- h ..,, _ _ ` (lined nbouz it an fullled, may do great thin for the Nurth-Wen and the Empire; I` for 1d lhnndn, though her money hua con` mumd it, it. _du 13m `little, I: will . V of St. Imvrnncu from thu Iiny of 14' ' (rum tin: narrnw isthmus divix mu will thus nnva vesauln going {rum in this gulf in this nnriii-enalm-1: S 1 the Wm India a long dntournru Bcotin. nu Inning distance by H ' minis! dnuiu1lowa:- w June In until hii claim in mtlcd in full by thutputm. Trustees undtenchem willdn V well tn `mks now uf this ducisinn, us very f ulwn diuputea nrina outnf tho qucstiun nf i lfuludnya. l.....,. H... . r--. o--- - -~~ . , ' Iendnyn constitute peni- I unce, And a week from to~mormw(Fri- u 9 day) in Lhe day of monument, on which the E` 1 Rlbbidechresthe peoplepure. ` 4 in Tnndnn. g :1. mm,.,........._. 01111-. suar1, A ' and Mn.Jmett for the nbduction of n 9 young girxoi 153je_ar_1,_nnmer`l liza`4nn- nun VI .. Mq. Jarrett young gnri of 153' mug, and hwinf the implicatad, T_hg forrtha em, named Eliza Am- in which General Booth, the Salvation Amy, in dug dee 1' de{e}dAn4aLvrcaLre C1 Inu ... $332} Sam on implicated. The defenrlama were luued guingto their trial, a nd the mob became so violent on leavin court lhntenernl Booth wnin hisca ' e,and to be mu nearly overt be, Mr. Stead, and placed gndur police pmtectinn. Mn. Jarrett, y, cfeeply C` ` lhbl uecuxu mu pwym W... ` ...._..:_ Tuna wu intense excitement in London, g 11`. had, on Monday; on the o ningomn ` Smd,ofthePd1 1111 Gazette, A nbgucgfon Ia... A... " ` n ----v-- n ' `Tn avidnncmgaa the Nam, taken in P -, the sclionbroughtt y David Gilmour, vice- prenident of tha P}-1_ncb _A1}>e1-t Colo ' ' `, me! on brought by vice- prenjdent Prince Albert Colonintion ` ezmgarg, in set uide is judgment recovered i` by ., .Jnmie.Icm, inn the company, ` which Wu heard on 'rid.ny at Bellpville, C` fullysunminn thenccunatiom brought but v < ,,,, ...: l..L..\v1.:on n! 1- jvirm T ;'Jhic.h oh Friday Bellpvi ` 1 Jnmielon and Jnhn White, 0! re iv Ihues in return fortheir lilicalin er [ulna prove: incontgati 1): that ch h pouro! Kurtipqlglfnlttuirbntterjunlg I mm." Thnpanimh avixlonrl hope for In Fund: Iuhtance. without wxich they 11 gould mugup chum At 511 n`: against u Whma, at 1-2` lilicalinf prove: incomeati ly that 21 b\jeg:ds.}veru in pouesxifn of th lnml `v ........ ,.... , . breeds.weru possession the claim. ed by the company, A morn shameful ex- posure df vcnality and lmtmynl of trust by the worn rppresenutives of the peuplu has never bnen made, Any self-xespccting pnr lisment would ignominiously expel Jamie- son and _Wl1ite,on the rstoppurtunity, but tho corrupt aggregation of ulsry-gmbberl at Ottawa, of course, will not du it. Tn: Ontario lsw for the equimlxls division of insolvent eabst/as is now in opemtion. It is known as tho Assignment Act, sndis resll an insulvent Act minus the provision {art a dishsT-gs oi the ixisnlvcnt, Wliile it does not eectthi priority of tho wsges claim, it provides that all payments msdu fraudnlsntly or vritlii.n one IHQHHI lmlore the exoculinn of M1 assignment shall be mid, tlw morwy to lw tetumed lo; tlm gencml benefit of tho crctliwn. Cfediwrs are to docida ull questions qoniiectcd with lhu dis- benet "7 ueatlumconnectcd , penal of he ealata'lIy vote, tlm voting (' pqwor of each uredilm M) be in proportion to his claim, It is provided that this Ilmri Ilull bu tho oflicinl xulignee, except when n mpjulily of tho crellitorn alnull decide utlmr- VH6. El Ir L1l:es A great deal to warn the nvcmgr: American aica sucker, any tho Mnil, Six of them are aflar the cunuulahi 1 MEL Paul do Loan o,_ou tho went coanqol Africa, ul- Ihnu 1) [line climate is nhnoat curlmndcnth my ilernntl the salary Mbnched to the olca only 81,000, Tho lust inbulxlhent, whohu )uat mignetl, hnd n vcr large ex~ rinnce in u very nhort limn. t. cost him 50 to lAm1him_ael!,his wifu and mm child at tha port. 111: wifu was almost immedi- ately seized with African fever, and tho poor fellow had to sell most of his goods and clmlwb a'ml burrow monny from his ffiunda ta get funds ,_enough to send her houm. Tlmntlw (em collnmd him and kept him onhis back for nlong tilne. He at lust mnnagadtu gut. nwny in nu Anm-ic:u1 ship, recovered, rulurnml w l1inpaat,\\'nutuu:ked agninfnnd lair. tho cuuntr , mo nliacauragul w stick it out. And yet mif :1 dozen uglier upimnm {nr :1 short hut gluriuua cxueer are clamoring for his plncu: :_,..__ ...... .. ulna nconteatily this hu1f- A v I 3 bythe comppny. ..1poruahnmafu1 .e._ to: ma resguu mm. ' ` --*~- . ti ` gust b hxnuetl m\'ay,n_t >C.}|E)l\d\'L\IlC(. L1 mu. K n anu_ker, any. {.11}: In ....\L lhl anvenlaen necessary 3 The linu will CHITIV ships divixlinu he gulf ::uly,nml esauln mm` puns I1'liuu`flonheen nhserrctl tlnsi foreign- , ui'icliolers\'iiiling this cnunlry nra never he wander in Iliatthwo is no hill: in; quitcix `form in their lirscnnitch nicer hmd- 1 stand. ui go much am_nllpax in Ihinnlrei|l_ ' I was numhlysowit1itheAuaLmliuns Nutliinguliurtofmagflnl l_nw will}.-niorpu the nnlmhmanla will haw in H 3 0 i d 0 and the Irish Gentleman; and the present prevnnlian,und _ g ll llallho 1m1ntoflliu6n)'nz:nt,. 1 I n E i `C xgxomyr non-gnunznn. Engliali visitors, during their lint innings to ho vnucinhla at Smtln Island gxwu nn ndnlilionni illustm- A hionlrcnl ductor snyathnt they long for tion ofllieinct. In theiraeeonillurn nttho lm death nf their chililran bccnusesit mm 5" haf, liuwefcr, they showed of wlm (huy them from the lemplnllona of ghiu world, were-capzihle as hat n hy tlnzii-2-14 runs. mid Inur`.-us them better sum of ): better lliu .. . . . - A I-nn\nn\l\I\l'[!Ll in tho next. A \'ery` kind neraon"-|lm nu >.7mu.u mm... 5.. ofxe (act. they! batsmen, their second turn at tho hmrcd their? On the other hand, it must. be m|\c\\bcrcd .. ... ml L. - Hm Inrl: air) 1 c 5` 1 ncticul r 7n&.h ;IhfA'nce).u w:{ch'c}...y .1 Emm'W'. '" `"` 3 ,. Y t8 1. N as 11 It 1. uc.u-..,n.u....... ,, that they prutud by the luck of tgneriencu in their adversaries as to than strong points. Ono such etmng puintffor exnniple, was the renmhahle Wicket keep- ing of Mr.A.E.I\'en'mn, who either stumped or caught out six of the eleven Stnleii]ehind- I on whose wickets fail on Lha lint innings; Ind tvio auto! three in the uncnmpietcd second. The pi-utiul lesson as to incan- tiousi tempting his skill at the wicket will robe ly not be lost in the other lice: to ` viuiusd in the United Sum an Cenndz. Alwgether, the great mtchea of the Eng- `linhmen hereafter to he played in this coun- try are likely to prev: me treat: to the luv- ers of `cripket. Today they plny in Toronto. _ p ncticnl m ,. Acolony rattle Inalm has been di|- `I covered n`enr Gnvanhum, In lino less than Iix bu beenllillt.-:1 by one man within the pmfowdaya. l mu... m:.... hridrm pm mocinlio ` H ;' ma comm. -2 tw . in --4* ' Aruxlng cum: or wlm II Tnnlylrlna i. wllhln m umm. E pm 10! uaya. Thu Allinton Driving Park mocinliyo intend hukjingtheirfnllmualiug on Mon` . (he 2811: XML, on tho Stanton dnf ht!-milemck. $500, will be ginm e E c I 1 I 3 initiate her danlh Yram bleeding of the , lungibulby prompznsaialnncn nhuis now ,` comidered uutofdanger. ' `V .. u:.n.... Hm.\rrhhilh{II1EI TUIUL\`0.0l'| comidered nut ox danger. nt His Once, the Archhilhap at Tuxaulo, on g Tlumdny th'e 8rd in-L, blessed me corner 2. none of the nnw Catholic c-lunch now being I`- erected in Totlenlmn. The nllendnncu mu In-gs. On Monday. the Slut ult., between forty and fty member: of the Methnrliatqlnlrch and congregation) left Brncebrtdgo fur Tonhem IIland,m spend nweel-I iq campirv Un Thurldny Anollner detachment put in 1 nnpennnce; swelling themumber tobutwu ntxty nnd Ieventy. The whole eompnny v prinulpnlly unuer the uuaulian ul Mr. b` I Tomlin, and no complatu were the ax-rnnge~ monll tlnt no diicnlty wm experienced The plrty took with tentl. boats, shing- tabile,nnd In ample Iupply cf 0! proviainns During thn week excunjunu were nude tn the various inland: and plum ul inloreu in the neighbarlmnzi of-cnmp. A good deal o[ time wu Ipent in hunting, shing, bathing. berryivicking. etc. The party returned on Snturdnymll Ippnrcntly delighted yvitllthcir week of cnjnymtmt. cnnmu prizel. Mrs. \V, 0'Hrien,r>lTnHenhAm, Ilmosl v` mneto from 0! the itcliutter niuu- arm... vi the Aiietmliiins N W Li th esent pr H 8 In veucinhteilettlia r.rst tionni onil their 244 reinc ibcrcil ick olplncticul he tmng ii eitlierstninpuil n B he on , bee he: 'ed reet: uthing ehiirl of martinlileii` will `eliiaf E:\'Bnllt!ll,lil|flllla seyethnt lg the children tcmptiilioiia oi'ii very [ieraoii"-ilm mother ml tireiity children-- nlivnys prriyeil eo uliuctivnly for their death thiit eightecii dietl in inlnncy. lleiillhy children are [nit in the eriiiin bed l\`lllI`IllIBllpflX patients in linpiis oflheir catching the dimee. while iutliv.-r mothers, with children in their nrme. iire waiting about for the eriniu privilege. Sailed clatheliraintho eick ehemberrgu :3` into the feniily weeliing. Delicacies from the nick room are fed` to ;othcr children. Convelemntl reed bqob {mm the public. library. He recommend: thet during these epidemic: llbmry hoolu, piper money and oetnl matterbe caiutrintly diIinlected.- flierlin News. rs: iiusii ismmiox. ~ Mr. Parnell hiuebnridsnecl the policy of developmeilz uf lelmlo ` In more they eliuul as they can he, remu\`ltl' by trim Llutur nt and purilyiiig priiperniioni. In eloinich complaints, l|\'l' elTeetione,p:iii niitl Ip. |Sll'II ul the huwele, llolluwiiy iintt guent well riiblied aver thu nllected pun` ininimliiiuly give: the greatest i>nae,prert-nt _C4IngeBllltllll(l-ll1llt|m|l|'|ilIIll, chuck: the threateiiiiig iliurlima, and Marta iiicipiun cholera. The pnoruriiiliul-ilniile of large cities will {ind tliueii rurin-Lliue tu liu tliuir beet iriuiitl when any pestilence rug:-I, or when iruin unlrnuwn cnules oriiptioue,bni||, nbmeene, or ulceration: point out the pron.-nee nltnint urimiiiiiitiel within the eiii-etive l1.'l lllCln!A. --4-._ DEATHS. EizLi.v-At Angus. of consumption, on Sept. 8rd. Lizzie, wlle at George C. Eulin, in the Rlet year of her Age, Deeply regretted. ' NORTHERN ll l.i'A\'. Itein. In cnllforiulteiit end elIerIiVo- (1 t - - . . . , .u.. nu IHMAU (liem bialler llmnexi. A\'ery _ " Punuc opinion in Engdsnd in, just now, [mdy examined ovr the Ahxtlipg disclos- nmmdo in the Full M111 (imam of the harrihln u-imu mnn ehutity commiked 7 I Pnrnelllmnbnndsnudthe local Inltgnvernment Ind of A Federal union, his demnnd in now for abwlnlo pm ration. Mr. Parnell lmbeann long timn in reaching xhiu pomtion taken by Mr. hue Butt, Ind hnrgana back to the derrnnd for n Iimpln repeal of the union. This demand in una which neilhex party in the Uullnd Kingdom will nevnr ngree to concede. As long M the dnmnnd run one for local [Ell- guvemment. n locnl parliament for loan! [J||Tf)0!El,WllllA genernllederll, hand, it can 6 not melvo the Inppun oltha nnlin North American ccntinun} Thy people iacu.-Iuzunso hunlnugmonlrlha um yv annex of Illa akin diaeuu and uncnurageil a (lisordun: lhjmlora ahuulq rcmuv d b I I Ip.'|Sl1'II . 0 n pungeatiun nm'l- inlhmm-niuu, u.......... 3 F.izu.v-At 1 h - 3 Ar at Esme, I;m.; 3.30 p.m., 8,20 inn ` Ar Collingwood, 12.25 p.m.,5,?.5 p.m..9 65 pm [' Muukakn Expreu, Snmnlnya only, 12.30 p.m -A .. .. .-u _ - X;-Collingwood,l2.25'p.I1.,5,?.5.p.m'..966p.m u .. ., .. 2,571, m nnmn SOUTH. For Toronto. I .1 2.51 P 1 coma soum. ' L've C<;1Iinzwoo:l650 n.m..5.|0n.m. 3.40 pm < ' Dena Barrie, 7.15 am. 10.07 um. 4.42 pm 1 'A\'rivont'1'uronh>.l0l0A m 1 so p m 7 55 1) m I Mnnkckn Express` llonduy only. . . . ll 43 n m ` ' MUSKOKA BRANCH-GOXNG NORTH. uruuuu .... Harrie. Seplunber 10th. 1585 Wheat, FAN perbuIl|,. Spring. E7610 80; 751.150 ,.m.,:.nJ Hqifowayx Oinfmml and PiIh,-KolAhl.a hunt nugmaqls ' the a The Subscriber begs'to`anno1in'ce to the Ladiegaof Barrie and `i`. 11"` his ID:-eas ant! Ivlazaiieomalsiag Doputtuzeaf ig (OPEN, under 1119 mnnnguxnent ot ga so well nml- ` . `5 1\'ornhly_ known here. ' I `$7! 7 the -lpvopulaca in thwarted may cnmpel eaten military Chem` in go to `fur with the ir hotter judg- pour a! umpq A_gA1 at 2 has just returned from New York and as she is in possession of the .-. A OTJE-`T3 9I1t1'l1sted to her will be executed in Is superion manner and at moderate prices. . u : -- n . our Drss and Mantle Materials, Tmmings, etc.., havggyx 3 arrived, embracing all that is new and fe.sh1ona.'n1e. 1 JOHN WATSON 2 % . -' Im1 9 33` _ DUNLIJP-STREET.BARRlE. % SOAP! V :10 BARS FOR 25%CENTS- 5 0 0 5 7 : DUNLIJP-STREET, BARBIE. '~`IBY- T iR.A.DUTTONS `fl? Millinery aha, Dress-Making Apprentices Wanted. DHESSlifr1["lfW|\}|~IiiT%LE-l\QA}\KlNG ! ruzurucu uulu nun AVID. uuu um auu In An yvcmnalvu w un. ct? LA TEST STYLES; ' (`urea I)f::uw5x, Loss of Appctitv, Irulnyestmn, Biliauxnm, 1` .D_t]spr]1sizl, Juxtndlcg A f cctfonx of Me Lim and Kxklneys, Pimplus, Iitotrhm. 7?c:'.'.:, Ilunwrs, Sch -Rheum, Scro/ula, Erysr'p<'LI.\', am. all diseases arbfng from Impura Blood, Dcr'uuJ'r41 Smnach, or irrcgulur action of (M Boweh. in undo nu oi the nan-ihlo u-imu qam by may at he: Imhhiat and man u-inlo~ . mt-ic citizen: mi men occupying high poni- m in public life. Sir Charles Dilke in on of these. Hi: prolpocu u I puhlic mu m aid to he inetrimbly mined unlul he can nhut the`chuge at gnu im` nwnlity noon to be formuhudin court" min him. In-thin connection, however, axnnuiu mnpslhy him, MISS LAKEY II Ialih ll-NI |/UIAVU-`ll IIIJDIa.II)\)- Cnmprlslnz Tlllrty-ve dlllurent and dlstlnct llepnrllxleuls, and cans!!- lmlnzn 'on1p|cre\\'orl(l'x l`u|r. llresu (:um|s,BlnI1I'nlI1r Gmuln, Vllku. Velvels u l.|1I|ngs,lXIIIlo1|s,Corsets, Trhmnlnzx, . Glows, laces, lllblmns, h'e('kweur. lloslwy. l\ ultm| Coulis, , .\hn\v|.~:, Blulxrles, ('1IIIdren`s Mtllllles. (`lul|N. Hllilluery. Hlmns, (`0tIun.~I, Hnum.-lx. l'rluls. (Yurnm, Cnrlulm. The lllnil 0rd;-r Drpnrlment In most r mplure. .\ xu|uIl:-smut 10 My mltlrm luthu lkuulnlon. couch can bu.u-ut by IIIIIH, e\'pre.sw ur f"lg|It. 1. Prlulu. (Yurpm, Cnrlulnm] u- Imus, Ollrlulhx, nun llcds, Flue Slum. Furs; I |JU- llil Illv Iwwu T01-qnto, - A uvn Axn C0|.0.\L nuslsmv. rl-|.|.. rm .Im....mo nml _ I(T. E_/_'FON & 00., v .:n.n.I4.|Iuu\'B ' Wqamlpownnns. ,Am!rllinnL|u(nln. rnnmn Ilvmvn ry. Hlmns, ('otIun.~I, I . ( l"luL'SlIUC.1. , 3 All we Right, Tana. Inumuml Eqnl Rmk-xnpnon of the nlme nnmul Dalia In. to, and out n! lhmmqunrlcn 01 II "or lhcruhoun " nx_nN,thI_norI_\ us run ` TOWN or BARRIE ll Ilm lmunnl Twnha n'alark. mum. II" N `th `olatha populuza cpgnpel I-Cfilil A[l])'`4ll`l irmih an! owing to the attach tho of Mldrid on thaermnn ambuay, 8 min will ' Innredly have m mnku ample npo ogy and pocunis uatiafacliun {pr thn imult, ur ght, :13 while theGuv_ernment wnultl pro- hsblma disposed In Inks the pncitcuurm, gar of ruvnhxtion if the wnrliku spirit m_go__tp n'itfx7t!nFrgatent I airy 1,