Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jun 1885, p. 2

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: Humor: 0! th Ontrnl Hudsanusml it, 1 am curluin ho wou'd De nlivo to-day, {or hn cpuld_nolh_1gvobuuninthuwmz CDIKIIUOII , I I hohaulohynnnfin `Ibo alder worIda,_ var hip with ntervancyxtlmt Americana unmrcaly mlizez min I principla ` hich Ifigiliaulwillinglyf din tho dough "lixmlfm Hm molt lmpruvml Itylun. nlun awry- " thlug :nnueumd_wll|| tho lmIIL'., Rcpmu 9 pram I|y utmuglmlln` Unlenlhnylmlulzut `I Ah, |N|||lllI`blI`I9H1|`,DlX|x10[l-SfTl`i:I.0rnI my Mldmu an nbove. Mme Ilcgl mlplorm {ho Iullnbilzmta nl llmriu nnd . Iurraundmg nu lnhorhuml that ha lmlcunh mnncml Inmueu n tlm ab:-vu Iranle. I Mr, Fn1u|1nq5In`I clan lama Northern &Paci@mian y. Em Railway Kct, 16 ,`'the Northern mnll .1ci|ic Junction l{:ilwnyCun1 my, have duly (16110- xiledmtl|c01|iw of tu D\'[I.lHll1L`nl nflhu Minixutur of R.1ilwn)'s, nml nlaq in the Oman uf (']`l0C]CYk.D{ Nu:l`e.1ccuH!Ic County of Sirnuoc, Inc Mark ox uxvl'e.1cc or the Uomxty oisunuoc, um and books of refmncu, shnwing the anLls'tllro\mh which flu; railuny Iawlnuin ` th: Townalpaof Mnclmr, Lnnsiur Ilgul Hum- \ u w.-.... n -THE ISTEx\.\IER- -N O R"SI'}MA1\l' (G. CRAWFORD, .\Iustcr.l l1AAHDTRUHl(|?A|L\'lAY OF CANADA. _DA|LY LINE T0 ROCHESTER. Eugene St. BAERIE, . ...:..:...... n... l.`I..I.:>.... .. :...zn LIUIEBIELVLEIH u .\Iustr,] I ILL MAKE HER REGDL|\R TRIPS " I on this raul'n,'!eu\`igg Cobau};(u\'eyy )1 ;BA1m%m:JD S!%% f`WHlIEAP']]{IJHlS[IiANnf nu-l , --(lI{0Ul`5 01-` X.\ X\'1u l1A'l`T\LION- at ' AKD :2 Ggorgian Bay Line. ` ROYAL `MAIL. I (Juan Sound H8 v.ln ,lnd \\'lArlan It 11,1551, Every Wednesday and Sntnrduy. ' 9}`. lI`I_L!{luvLInIqE: no C_I[mnh [ : Tlyqilgnliiavnfaliaai1 0 I) um nnnunllnnml l nx/cult nl I.nml for Hnmnz clam connection with the Northern and , .\' :i(nrn llnwaynl collnumml, Unnldn 1 Puclllc Ilalllrnv in Own Sougdy Incl Um Gmnd . Txunk Rnllwny at \\ (man. 11! I `WW2 KJlVf'|'I'V""'~- . mnugunfrv moon ADVOOATE .. ......... \........... yur IN! , '"r.a.3u Lulllnxwnod at 1 yum. llanlnnl no a pm... n.up.m.. Sntnrduv. l!nllm'nll'u Blnck. - F 0 If. SA I4 E. |::u.rm1-- ,e NURSERYMAN, u.u um) "II |'WLll'|| MEI uuuuswa um. I ...a-mvum-4 mu ulbq-my mm o aw rum um Olllrl ||h MIN Avl oL_v 5o 6'n'rs uhwv VIII. I uuvli I u nap:-Ivrllnp-y-vu-sun -.- l&lN.l"1IVlMlh\Il4I4I-vvnlllhplt-nirlrw-llt Anny n Pnnnlnncurlubm-lb mumnmmoxn ill.) :3 llllllllurllllll hint!-I1lhI`lII mu- ililh mu um:-an 1-nu rouvrul nu In. it I TORONTO. ONT. (4 *1 -*!%%M%%@WWW- glrresh Groceries.) Iodiondant. Thilil none." lieeouln nohuin.for' thoreuonl genbyhim It n nominian, thonghgnxionl to don. A,ndu tolhn Arlnncdloppuibian, we have niy y.o`_n'ytJum hii.`.an conducted in the mnrilghlymibkgtgmldlymnnerovm ' 0nrtow_nTory gonlnuhwn'h1MMr. Dmryeuuumely Ipuhlani,h1|!.|:r9nt iuo lax-o,|nd yet him I'M: puhlicpllriifrqmlinhtarmnfivel. The liihrhxiwlnc Mr.D,-urykmw xwlhing I` onhnlajilnchof his Iuppoued mum, "v;umm. sad and luinhthtluvia Ml!` in-Ihilgfaz 1,- rcqnirlng lurgoqnnnliliu` JNO. M. l!O'I'll\ l`Il.L, 3; $13-If Eendanlnn, Hnrrio, `. : m:aus u lolovext. Timvothy, Hungnrlnn. Millet. Rape. Buckwheat, ;_Om-rots. 'MangeL corn. ` I nml over) xnriulv 0! Fnuhl uml Oanivn .....I. ' F ' ` k Lnrgu luntiticl ilnpolltunl need in II] II E` :LAND i>[AsTER_? ~~HEAbQUi\RTf-;Rs-- LAN:5"*sAL in Hull: llnrn-V. nml Hm. a ADOlV`|.|'|_\|lON- we: dannmbl t5aCourtof'Ap- Thubbuusnivwclthnnidaiuue: niaed_torla1e'It M.r'._Drury. Inc! A Inniud Mr.'hampwn uzd hi: bum tweggh know tint 1hqh:nnoH.|ughuwf| eeofnw , in III III: oonuu conned tmhe RIPSG` v.hpGa_vrnmnhnd o! the -9 TM elector: 9! ' Eu: Simeon I-I I I If \JI'\ III I 1'nIJulk,lh\m-In nml Ilngl, 0 F J BROWN SHBB-H T S SALE 01' LUBE. - Con-rror Smconl Oi lf0NlJAY.|h T. D. McCONKBY. ` Sheri! Do. Elam. snmrraomca,-11an1o. Mnymh, Ill-I. DH ! nnnnuro Mun 11: MIN; -_ Smcor. ` M?)NDlY._|io ' -m wn-: Pan-npm ml at Sopillnmlkr, AJJ. ms, in m.shumolu,- In a 1 .` IEEOURTW IOUsE. . TOWN or}* aAaR1'a, :2 (ha hour n!'l'ulu nnm ..... _.m I nndr.-rind virtual nrlilnl _ tuned auto ch: County Como! at Simcoe, ngnlnll lhu` gab And h ` o bctH'aan'l11n nl uulwmoml oeuku, olmn chulm hul almn llnh. memorial. to: int. Thauuo wutuly pmllol mho uld Ina bmroun lull nnmbm {wur and lln. - ro chnln: Iml umy-dghl llnhjmon ur low. to n i:iL Thence nouthrrl nlld to mnxl 3lnu'Anco hotwen tho ylljlll Ind uoncouinnu. nlnuleeu chllnl ind ulnr linlu, more or lm,1a the when 01 may cnnuinlnn hy ndmeuunm-n\ lorIy- lulu uevumenlh mm. In the yum man or Inn. 'l` n u.nnmmu | Allthellight. TiHI,Inh uaD.1,`.` r Bndempunn at tho above III in. In, mm] on: o! thnujnlnm II In "`or thumbouuf {mm 0! mnul>m' four uml llvo. llznnu wuktly nluug um llno belweun nu] loll nurnhor (Iva. `IWIIVII chnly ui Cw _ rmluu W '75: mrouuuom ~ ._.3;l_.'.'.'.".I'i%~`x`:`x``l!d?`.`l`.`..1.`I.*`a'snIau _ and n nhl nllowlnca my rind lnhmn 1au"nuT-S5 vu and Ilx um.-Mun ululm Ind uvanlplvc HuIu,w I pout, Thnnca northlrlx; I01 ' to thullnmuw lur mm! human I m ml coucoulanl, thlrlf-out ohnlnl Ind x link Run: or lu,}o the no bdwolu lab and wound \Mrl -out liuh, man: Inn, to hu mnuhm ulu be ~ n n_I-llrlola ngrn_hor Ill. llnln, nn.ra"oVr' Ian. {:1 I pa wntherly umllcl to uld Illn beta-nan in (Int nhwm nluln. .I..I M. W. DUNEAII HA am 3h|#3'rc$bm:'i no!` I'M-churn '75 PER BEIIT III III nun` 7., m. w v-1 nhlo D! the anon [or man! botlunloh numbun DIN: and III in the mend oonoonlnu M the mid Townlhlp ul Orlllla. Soltlvhfl Illxlulon. Llhtnnt calmly twain uhnlnl And lhlrl (walling from the muthwuungltol I bcr liva)'t!l:{Ioa_ u_mrly _:,., J.w.=. SHE_RlFF'8 GALE of uuni ou.wrtwS1ncu:, 0nlONDA1',`tDtl V To VII`: day oUnly,`*A. 11. III, ll u Sharia`: Oka In lho0onrt Hem. nl tbs Town ol Barrie at u hour 0! I9 o'doi. noon, will In olforcnl for uh by All and nlugulnr, Tm oeruln pm! 0|` Incl ya! lnml lnll prcmim, Illuu. Mn]. and lnclnq in mm Tawnnhip of Orlllll ,Bonthuu ` Iminlun, llnhtho panuly ol_Himnoo. In _\hI_ hclnq in mm Tawnnhip ,Bon< In the County 0! Himnoo. lx _' |`rovh|-so n1 Ontario. lml being oollltllol ` n! l_m. number ve_ ln_I}_: n__ no under and by vhlnu o! I lt hluosl out 0! ch: ol ulhcha i own 1 J ' qm'.n.nc1. Divinlgaangnlutkhz hm ` tenumcnu of ~ , (F1id:y)' the verdict lqf dis V daon`'simo6ev-n1 beiehnedi I/htiooutelt betwaen Mr. Dn1ry`|ml.Mr, `Human. Wam, howevenlorrykony lull '01 lot nnmbcri ht In )0 OVIIII 0 ol 2! T M )1 Wimp. II Iii County of game}. I00 mu, non oc_[cu. I`. D. MMJONKIY. mueurco. lhuou. I Snmln`: Omen. _ `v _1a.m=,Ayr1r_1s:h,IssA} Jud snsnu-`re out or. uuna Cow:-r or Emoox 0`; MON DAY.` IN zowrr: Tum;-funk thy d ` Aupnnt. AJ). 1565, `Ah! 0:: Shall`: Oloull 0 `. |.,.,..,...,. TOWN` 6':-3" BARRi.E. , It tho hour at Twolva OCIMK. noon. u!l'msl [or uh by ' ' _ Public Auction, 5 umleuxnd lay vlrtuo of I writ 1:! Her! Plum, lulled mu. oi the County Court M the (Joan!) of \ Simeon. n ugalnu FIIHDICIXICK CIIOCKFORD. K-RNIIIT (7l(()CKk`0lll), And RONALD DUNLOI . It Hm Iultol HENRY IIALL, plnlnlll. _.. ...., .. . . .. . I nu ilnn n! the ...m 1' or onm-. Enu|ho:n llirhlml, winch m|y bu more pmlnnluly kn ' ml glen-rllhed n {o!lou:__ A no onmu xor Inn by -PUBLIC AUCTION-` A._2*!:':z.`;.:E'k-.T2'::v'*e' -- vv .`.xlm(nblmt?:nLJ:::I`hg{`ILWU$ Do- ALEXANDER B17131`. \PlAh|Il. lo`x}`d h_n I V9 l_olc_1}dq:I. :11 the tight. till. lnlmn ml VIII` vr Bnnnlg noon, will In nlfand {or by gPublicAuoi:lon.' W 1 under Ind by vlrtnl of two uvenl VIII 1 oferl Faclcu (uuud mpoev oulolth Count Court 0! ch: County at High an o! Jnntlcc Common don. ngulnn thl lnnl Thnmu Hartley. doeelud. In (ho had: and m':'bm. Ellubeth Hullaf, La be ulmlnllluol dclIId- ' MI: M0|"Ib|||nU.l, II II! , nu um I! the am o `E mat, And George Copclud. Plllnl. In Ch! mend. ` - Mllh IN Hlhlklll. 1` III ss*=:ev*:` ' '-."V.e~-.~'-.=.5fd.-1'.-"-.I3.v-\ - nnduuuuld` o( . wuu lulu-u """"'"'l 75 menu or All mm'a7.*ars:zmsv:ra . FM`. ` IT) TO AIIIIOA. mm _.m...-.-j ', cjaooutut Mr. Dmry mun, . upm. Wam,however,non-ykony -` th-Hhhvhilnat being Iqunlyfought onhpolinl'2Iuloi_!.hndzy,whidura mabqlyindbynmgomjaaeyot Ih l\l7und'u!:u'I!n'nd.|sI;dInppo} b- C Allfh QC. :.a:mpJu`a Ithc .nbol:rc~uma\ldu!.IqIl2w. ` i}I..o.` gm; fan} ol fdgglh hgl t_zl__\pl t_II|l_I J Slmcoo. I: hid out on \Vui; Hal? o1'?;a1u:~` I||'(:LllH1lIh In 0.1:: Iocond oonoouloun! . larThamu HnrkIay,|:y P0lOl`BIf|IlN.P.l4 . I cnnulnlng | qulrur non elqh. - .xugm,A.v>.1as5:- hisi:;Eli0moi.h _ Hm Court House, in (In Town cl Burl M nu hour o1'l`wL-Ive 0'Clnc|t, noon. VII be u!l'u3|_lur sHEH'rF's%s.A%vruins - w nu VI; |ll\_I` *=".:::..r.,:,::;.:;.,-=~~~'" .m In: In Ai In-Iiunn nun.-u.u wwuw. - J/ Alltl E ht. TH Ink :1 lM_em}:ln9IE:l iove couRT":HVo'Us"E..%% Allthurighk, Mlle, ntenut, Ind eqI;||yol LE(lL`l`lIl|1l|<`lll, 01` the `nun! ` Fmhrluk I-o An\'nrIIIu.-l.av -Tm A ll-In in III II 0! u-Iupwm lion ladnm .l'.|l0Wl!prw-I __.__-...__.___. moms woR"rgn}omN mu, 1 _-__|9u,}n`m1n I ntndiongly iznnd by: hm mpncyvx Ihq Tn und'.u1m'I friendnqdunpporb ii; Invhhlynnxidndnqadtbotud inthin T uupbyugu-hopuunam uuogm. ` cu. luI|n'L`nq,(_)x-illh Pgqht-aoat: M nit. N no! hitnmolwieiidho-nnuh` ` `van mtoul mm-.h !JI7IRafurm|nci- Scott M Ma: tho Orillin Non An-Saou;M armada; nlzhangh, u we l|inb|lo!II1Iovn,_lha1)nhi'ioIgiA1:\Iw mt} On MONDAY.I.|u Scvonhunlh duy ol hg_shurn1_r_uIn9o.Ig 1-. nconxnv H D, sumac sf-on ` , , V Ganmmanhnd - '1'anlecwn Int mid. hovmr, 11 wall to remember that, llyl: The Tories Ire uling nuynuuwueure the Meat of Mr. Dllry lutimboe, Their qiuken and (mugs -nan Illovex the They as nili Ilda but ind penonql iuuu. 0byduiu,,h_owm, i|.to_ vukgn ry... .. ..... ......... u..u.u -4. run) Im- -- - I ~ V . - ~ - u. \,nn\\ruuU, 9 bably havethe cmnxduiznwdbycyqmmdar Rm`: Mzmux Dmy - neya` which had presented mu, um! um or ~ Pun Hopr, ` wre,ue.311BPI- `'5 W1 `WW1 Dd \V1NlI!l0; JIHIB 33--M11 3'9`: "`"]`' whonlmonmlmiuhey cannoucureimfhvlxlg C. F. UlLl)I-221:; 4 . ` 4 verymany Id_0hb 1% 01" 0} Vm3uY nfbouu, iuqeul, ` cured myxelhhowever. in 1879, and not 3! uummemvonnon ml `tbechunled. But -s'-- * _ hgvingneennaizk dnynince, my ;.,|..m., -~ , _...4,.._. nope of -1] chm gut ` P1141 Pl ""0 Pm` Own. Sxnvxcz Max Onnnanx Hons. _ mny ,,d,,,m.,d um \V,.-mv, gm, gm, "5 ' ` ` ' - 03"`: J`"' 93-`f05," "' "*9 ml which nceonlpliahnd this mull, wun ru;u.lly_ . _ ' ` ` "19" W W!` W "_l`"` `P H Alonxjerlul prcpaulion. Hnd Pu-zidun , EVlIYWBlBBiE| 9 }"`""]"K9: Norlhwut will be immadululy rahmd, mm the V, 3110701119 3 5' l;?y' ` `ha m r h|'iW b`"1'3d ham ` (),\[[A [1 px L1 3']; 0].` sT[;j,\_\1 often the rollghelt 0|} 5 Wm: ` $ , ' could nolhm boon in mu wont D EH1 '3 - while thawagel us onp- udandvnehnlf , than-Iwu." ' ` _ !orn:;loh r. , Acthgumz Tm, coun, "I {mvafuuldeimilnr prajudizua among Rxuxxxuvuagm cuxulmutinlx with time H Wm 1'0 0) "" `"5, Allolumcuncarnin uvun no luudnblem 7 'c\``` u M W lmu A rum annvu at van 1- Ilhlllmrllll nchome ulhil pudenlfilnd." Mm TRUNK M-my mumm SMWWIH1 `PI`m' "I'M" W "' Mr. l!aon'aexperiunco and tho recent berengusedin -uperioriirxdwrinl .W1M- . ' _ du m fPuxidomRnu Ith c n.1 donl`m_maru nunnem` In Amancstlmn V Alleaton mnnhauoord ufnmdmlynnd g.:d,o`, ,,![,,,,,1' of ,nr',,;),_.n:e mywhereelae, Of lb 9.700.000 " `5" weekly Global. |II\I'llAr nmvmlmnhn nh.~.:.i.... um... m. 1-" ? la * 3.? in IAnnud l`illoy lo-n'tinues ta lmprovn tad to halve Enghnd of nut month. _'l'|WIw-sf--|_um.5... _ _: _ ' , "Ila John! Cole: Ilucilnx . < lone." ( nlzhangh, l_n'nh|(oIuhoVn..ha1)n1:i-iohaginlaiaue A ` lunmximwhIlaveHadoIrihth:tquu- f_ lp'nMoIIIhovn,_tha1)nhi-iolaginuwze Iplmfhiqwhnlgyerm dorituhntquw Eon. !|IgNywI'IaHu the charge: Mr. Drnr1Ii:hbldi.gontphiuegcon:tech- nialqm'hHe sitar hing nnmtod by the l'hiIinmt|o.' mould` onnnuapucu-us nu luyyuuwu mu.-.., Ind "v;dIamc,md din-gllhlmvith mm. a wotthidaainimbl muff; mniaed_torla1e'nt bylir-Zfhorrmn -nd._hie . V -7*-'- . ; .71! 300% Actwllairried lutweek . hawinlhlolnwhmdiddleuxx 1- lupujodazutnl dclentpdin Pa I; Enmvm noon be ruinloread by 2,000 ,1 W ind 1D,W0 Mllxgi-Hanrl rie: are , npldly lornrdad (mm Gabul m that 0 zcitguiur. J; .._... ... Ia mvoun E Muxl -Henri rie: ; M npldly {mm mm - . av --.'v` 1?`. '1` ' . \ . Tlllaunt man from Lhogaremof the llfonbollian indie North-Wilt in that the glgllodlllomllrn the woo" ilox-dared; ".||`-||'||l. WBItq for uni: part-'9 `Wllllli Andtb thupvure 0! Big liar mo boldtiwho Maumd Police. Jhildthn SW: Butdlonbo innluded in lib unngamm. uymy poulbiy an-in huonDomin1onDny.which, we nvypou, J cildkmuhlnedl-utoryband. Bhouldiu Elan! ubu valmfaon mkdyw be lamb] Il_u_lntnl July,'-or vb/anmr they coma, far that mnuahprepuom] ought to unummgsyamm imuangmepcion. 'l`rIu',1ha35hB|9t.I|u not beentotha fnglinthalghting; 1m`eunewum1.. uco: fill. int to the Nnrih-Walt ex- pwug lo Mm. Ind, in know that had to u e!!! of battle (hay would humid! 9-lull` mattlo (alt. A: it In. the mm at dumb hm, nhowmoldier , lib qnalfzleplnty nuny tying circum- ` innpu and both when And men richly hum a hut] ulnmq an their muni .=._ :,'nmnanAY. mm: 25, ms. C D -ij---:-:: .4 V IEIAIIBOP 001731`?! glvlngthem _ 1 glubuvlmla vovmans. pbnn %'|7IMlL| X.:1lU'L Jenningn, unea rnstmcfionx; ro- mrtodoucmuce ' ifibwu pm- cenllf we todinemharkari arm corp: ontha ` at Bqloocheshn; an much from thence to Kent without tpuching Afghan or Peyinn territory, and} he reports that a Russian Army opernting against India could buuackad mm nnkby` the route he im- verped. Henlsa say: there in an any route for} uxadvnnce from Ruaia to tha Indim OCKD. ' rm Illlmul Innlju non notuht. Whru` : Blzliurlalt ha um H: u going lolurd r Tunh Lnh Lulu, vnlnnl xll ullowinglha w Wood Omuo take tho nm. The n lultei-unIurauBum m ilboin an I] lnhxmonlohhlhpmla [4 `Alan "on n \ |nlln.loIllOl-Illlll_llnw M nu mlulon I r} vrlzmln In 1] _th `at pmlainnn I Q ucl:ad.Tl:a lhan prllonmtago I @,g!vlngthgm_ rm_1And4on ;_ o.p_ut could '1 indierent to the inure: cam Goveinmeni: all the 16nd,tho limbennnd the mine in tho wmiory Imi in dinpute between the Province and the minion. Al A no` at xevanue thin in a 1-eat boon in the \lrinco,nnd izmighz be nnppued that all I: Moi citizen: wnuld be found to mjoideover `t. But the 0 po- sition papers have mm on! (any, er- iupn they Are qorry tiw we dul nabgo Igllmt the Provuwef 9yI8pcnr_m ban of niano in thin mliboru they wore whan our right in the territory wu emblinhed. or when our nu- ? iuue liquor licenses wu dam- mi .0; when nur shim to cuhauuyu it It in really Amusing. `my: the Wuuk, to nd some Onmdhn pa rn nnurlng uA,.in Ipite at nunemeI,_t)m`Eng1nnd has been muiawnmm time in the eye: of Continen- tal nation: y her recent foreign paliu .' This inn upinian whichlonu only horieat y l_1ehe1d by W_Iji?g9|"t_wlxo_dp_1ju7_t r_wl _more 0! lofwi Ilgtaanien who euld we England hum Ind, And who law in 5 pouible war with Ruuin ubout nu) w 0! an opportu- nLbytoIh1`|mar-ivnl at wh m tlnuyu-Jealous. as best pmoi that Mr Ghuluoneupalicy n lhil nutter in right in {Ictthu the verdict of none who apeaktho mother 01: uelha worltover bu been on Enulandh ude. and she brands bulwr with be found In tho ` .`l ll Act wu aamuwum U]Il:I.i!7HtyQ( but n 154. "T-".' > {not Ihu time speak the Mn England : ude, them balzhy and enjoy: `In sum mead of glory than by happened to Mr 011 mm ac. c_Ilit_)nl whar_1 Enlglqhme Wang. more the}: a~HAy enjoya\n anion: when Enlgluhmeq wen: vain- giorioux, IA; onignjyurnnlim Anxldim I inked Toriel mvu In tlmy mny,lhe nthh Gi2varnment,nn dun Ruuian inni- dent it any rate, carried with it the can- '$lIK 1:e_devi1`anrl thq deop sea"- hlmt, says um fdndon,-S Nor, is Iinn of `um Englinhf ories. munrdo theaidding of Lheii he- de the? am. ` Neizer in` Tory nvrjn Ra- Edi?! it t.hepo- 31 To retain j. 0| :1 djxil rulacantlme be ifable mdntaoumm- q like government . in England at present, .1 Iolution oi the diicully, judged n to be I cod.i- T The only It Lhil dllhnce, wouldia tion between Moderntfa Libx-Ill. Pm emtim din Al ;, tEo`Unibed Sm/an than in Ellumpo, the nun'x- ' {I bet engngedin Iuperioxf industrial occupa- ,_ in W Anywhereelae, womn ,, h. ongngad in vmbul oucupgtion: 595, e (mninl coIon>dwomen' the3oub_1)men.' 1` L guged__ '_cu1turu!___ .000 ip manufac- ugea In Igriculturo, in Iimnufac-' `cure, 282,000 In millin rs, And 62,000 In tailors. During Mm L decade women " havo orowdsd into the 19!-nod profeuions. There m 5,473 female nprgaona no ugainqt 5115 can you: ago, 7511 wyer: u Ignmat 7, o` and 106 clergyman nu`: (nut 60, ` It ` Tinrecntjudginont flmncel x-Boyd, g} uyl the Globe,eatab1.iIl en the clai of the N Ontario Government 1and,tho E thermine jn l._he gemwrg ` mind. or when mir mhaahwu 2 haldgood, or when our pour (41 regulate b y theqaLipg_of tim_b_r an_;river_n__|nq m:ea.x_1u 0 `pour 3' thenlggf of timber onpivern Ind ntreaml 0; 5 win p be onddiapu , The Innd, the 14 thnbar, Ind e mine in the Lakn Bnpe-` ` f rior_ wqlnlrye yvorth _,000,Q(_)0 at} veg-` _ HIV IIUIHAJ Ill UIIIIN-I Vn`nvcIl Inn puvulul 0` map rior 9 000,000 at n ve ` modeut. estinmte, and [uncellor Bayd: ll judgmept dsciden that {the whole of chi: [5 ' ' ' EMI. Men:_dil]1. 3, 5 upixiian whichtonu onl} hriuatly I beheld wribertwlxo d`) not read more European t_ha.n in up by puny i n d' 11 litiu thank di organs. iuppointmo e {mi Ilgtaamen on EuuiubouLn,|l v ' ' ' -'--O--- - .1 11 land I`. 0. Demon, oom- mint cl ll Cluldiln V0 ngaururrived _, Nahum, Tomnm, ftmn ti on Mon- ;_ 1. E0 lpilh in highpniu emu Voy- 1 nun-.-. , I _:.__ A nhn of peace begween Fans: and Ohinnhu It Int boob gigdod. Whnutono 15 mnithreat/anedwben gm: Ind dame ' ypwniothucomohm end. `l'hucon- 1 q\1uia(_ Tonquin by the French has been g ;L1l$mqhd,umrIevuhubnnm 91 bymonprddenbconnula. Annm} m ya ' plnefgbymon nidenbconnuln. Annun I1 ma` under |?Fnndh um:-nu, sud `.. {. Ohinghunnouncodn11* ' wI.lntpx-o- I vincundwillrefnin from further inwrfer. ` enwiniu min. 3 q ` -~-'}-`` 8 9 Senna : amendment in the Scott _I( e Ant,'nl1on-ingt.hesalecI`lightwint|a:Aiibeor .. tobe Iold under the Aqt was rejected imhe N , Comhxaxmne th Thundn night`: seuinn, I1 " by ninsjority of eight.` '1` 6 animal Wit: II " nellennl the vowel fo1lnvu:-0l the b e 78 yea. Swere Coiuexfvltives Int! 6 Liheb ` :1` III, while the 86 my: were made In of 37 ` it Comervelim and 494 'benh. he ve T Libel-:11 whovatedfor lm lmendment were `V - Mum.0ny,I4ndarldn`,Living:wne,Welh,` S` 0 Ind Rinlret, 1 1 -----4.-... ,: lTLtLmendTeemaihnveIlgned '12: 1 oltgreoment to mwp_1ariu_ " v_q t )3 -em; 3 mile me Aug. "'.=....",.e"2.';am.i h 1. u" nu: ;1.;,....,.,.:.,.,2'-.snu;f;?.3;...*.1e.. 4m11u,nnd5_xmlu, 0! vyluchue who * with tum unleu ngha W9 wv Thnlukewgbe $500; d.e_loreu:hme, '.f',;`.?""T`i.".}.a`ii`L.- m...`;;ug` . 9 ' u Sam. n` 5th` 4m'en4;e ' . , 0ct.'3rd; w1}betwee%1e`_hlU._`C`||ld 7p.m. ` i ` ' tion at All Oundima id An achievement 6! .1 one of our countrymen `which but shed much in Iumeonhhwun .na`me1y.thapromoion u of lhamovement orthe selection bytha , whole world of 3 common merfdian and a, , nnhtion 0! him which `yvould bringall timu- A Egauwmugbouttha worldinw A certain 1; d o_! hu1g1o_ny. _ pttgrjl niqxplajn 9. I L a + 9 e Z aaudxmugbouttha orldinw ` ' dounnog. Bouttarl nimplaiulm i invention of, .Snndoni mingmlif "1 our: c nu an own no ro- yh toIu"hy h uldp ., claim diqpnted by thoulnndx. : 1V?-er-.-re-per!-ap-: vw. my W: R5 : HLKLAN and Temai have Ilgnod oltgreomant mug aariu of v 7 noel for Lhe_chnn5pion}hip of Agnelria. Igvwu. ` ` .._._._. oi "'1}K1W`!Hhe_devil;md that, any: Iiindon,-Spechmr, i_5 f.he_po ; fun. , ` V. ,` ___._.___ 7 TH: Montreal Wltngu calla ""the`Amq- .` uchiovengent o_! >77 `uthiwiifevu hu bnnw bymon pniden; connuh. Annun n'Fn3nql_1 grytecygx-_A`u, `. `(I 0? dhhadupbypmy i, no Hhuroiumnngnc L D 5. The _lhn on 1 `D! h I. 1;` 91 Llo Ammunition. (L-lng it; lb! ,1 bglgro 1e_I|.Ir; :?J[ga::':: 3: i ofAmeri on_.1 v-creed. v1>,n- 1!: M FM his milon prlwxgm to gp, .. ,.... prilonentog ox.buI mi?! :2? Jiolndlaulvysre ` ulnsd to H: ihnapllla, unha went ` d`_nwn uwunnd purchmri 'a box o("raugh on mu," `vlth which he promrlarl to pailun =lha us-pull. Ha tuwlrad thunk it he wuuld out the palmn tha mike wnuld than gut It, and Ind I wonlul be up with hiunulmhip. and he would be well ngIlu.]Tho make di_dn mm in mm to tlm pnilon kindly, Inhu old ganllomun man baolme my nick. Hn mxm would not tell his family why! Im h,Id_ dqnmbul becoming |I|rmad_-Al _l9It! 1. h?1'dona,butbecumIng nlnrriad -he lout, l` I bnxplnInod.They|onoe roouretlmadlunl 1 1 llallldllaux Tha prop I n mom were IP11: 1` )` QWAPPELLI TKRKAQTINED BY XNDIAXBV ' ` Qv Am>:u.n Sn: N, June 21.-Veterhn 1 K a My Surgeon Hui: hnirulurned from his .1 n tripaonIh,vi:itingtho\Iconu along tha ,, rr boundary. Ha ropom lhatlhe Indium of ( Pheasant : band and othex-Noose Mountain 3 innpu nndho: oinenmnxnen rwnly hut: ulnar` hm, not mmly from the inn, but {ram tllubunty tlluga. > And In order wpunu-e tinw-hagn,,n.W-mm,,mg.M.yn; June 92-Ofcevl the Iervlcu now Their regiment: in 3. N11 |` hama` 11 weekly ulobuv. . G.P,Hug11as.TutLonhu ,w.u nud 82 r " but week for nellinglnudnn m. 1 Then won: more drunken. men on tho .1` S drunken. men \~ ,1 Ilroall Allimn on Monday evening thin E L have baan neon ntnny vruvlautlimo. ;` xt Ned Kennecklellduul at Toltonlmml Kenneck lelldlml Toltonhnm on Mondn waning. l'nnr`Ned! Hi: thin (or lhc ur en! mi his grmleat tailing. A man mmed Watson, Allinton wnylnid I lhmnfew n! ma Iga bu wma drunken rowdiep,nnd ruully be-clan nbuutthehca. E Eh nmilanu are not idantiad. 2 Hi: qmllanu not ldammad. I V Tm : planing . mill, Penelnnguiohana, In In totally derlroyad by tire on Snturiay H uinhllnt. 0-nun of lira unlmnwlh Lon AbonlO3,000. Imurcd for 8800 in Um L. ;; i;1:7.i:I`1.::eMco. WK; !`i1I;e,mhnngxug E V nrmuwilhthem` Savarnl of Big Ben : 11 n In bnnd in than, {omenting troubled. 3 Ofthatwensy, wounded at E_MkIl0!1: Bnskntoon, `oighlgojo Medea Juvcarly in the weak. The renulndcr willprubnbly bu tnkan to Winulyog by" water nt an an-Iy dale. Wilnan altho Grenndien `u-t.h_a only dan- 1; rate? in 1, u-aha Femn: use intha hospital. Hi: recovery Idaubtful. All nlhuu prngreuinglm. `I An ordurhujunt been "rewind [mm *5 Blnlolord from General Middleton to (Ike n _|ll the lirilonan in cuxtody here to Regins Io: lriul mmadintely. ` m rxug1LW5rH_hxo nun. > In (Au-nun mm ..... .~..,.. I9 ' Bmmon N.W. 1`., Juno 24.-A scout 1 M nnmud Atkimunpvha vm Ientlrom Culonr` 1 I. Quer`I ump an ulurdny with -deupnel. ' 1 I loolonollrwine Wfurllo lnh, I-sllinws ` . 1. [mg Bur um hi: mum, along Am rpm... . { F- nuke. In rounding I please: nuln no 51.. ` n *3 ahontlhlrly mounted bum riding u. 3 `Halallowed, keeping uhdor com, and , `njmrtly um-rwnrdn c_nma Leroy [heir qnmp; ; 9-|I_M6IMy tun-ya. Andlnordar wpunlre IJIaWInian,`_th\e`Mnyn1: nu! Bevin wmk: WiI|i.I"olj:3lbn,'.Ia In to be ready, came Vina llgqppys int! (1 thby Ihould happen to ndu,on Dominion Day, no much (ha `Ha M10723, cnma um-on their camp. 9 The ground wheruhey w:rah:ui mm: at . ,|' Aboutlly tepm. The lndlnnu at luv, . )` Ilglmd him, Ind three turned back to 5 imercepzhim. He discovered them-in Y1 limewempo,nndrelurn to (Jul. (mar 11 *3 wilhlhnewl. EAvery_nynilnb|o`hnrna jn Everynvnilnblo bum in camp wu mqunkod,:m1 they Ira in` muit. AI only twenty-ve hormwere fit a duzy Itilleu-edcha punuin puny will do uc- c:ad,nstho Indium Ave about eig by mileutut. Atlrinnan ml the Iridium if nyn the 1' m gning toward: Green Lake. Ru1._`- DIq:_uun_l.)uEz x, d }; uf Louu, in dead. | ' 1' " Dun. - _,, .__ d '1 A Benton man has I cord of Hmclailynnd I '1 weekly O G. P. Hu111as.T-Jtbonhm. ms find 82 xgnzulox nous. 1 Indinn Agemkuisinform the Sweet , n_:|Re1cy(e.AEe!n_nnd _:bua1ie_l uf nilvaf , mine notlell runny |d_dona,but Ilumad -Al \ 5 oxplnInad.I`hey| once grpoured madlunl 1 . In rounding please! hunh he Hhlrly un. xllowed, and] Sour nndhil outt, elm to Felix... tho bud dilaecled . ,ting there, bringing h m'a_rnl _B`ig. 1, ml the Iulgmy mqnpply, are ready to complain \ `[15 N thmhq 0p[J0l!UDl1, by miuepreaeuting the P uzlgmdlllonq Iha Nnrllmnt had untlalgun A ' Fl 9 .1` -r'v- ..BII_lor OM:-y, of Kingston, rapl ing to , Hm uuof {muouhmonywmnhthn uh lull] VH3 eolajoctzuguo Q! the at.a_w_- _ would have been ofgreal benet In his own conlliluenla. In oppming lhil charter, Mr, llqynl described the county Ihmuigh which `lhn rand would an Iwnmp unt lor|eulu- rnenl. Yet thue men,|whedce1-ylho uoun- B (11 and nhroprguentilu ml charmer in u the lnlgrm mouoply, ready to complain g` cm: ghq Op I .. updxtlgn 9 I tuition lee Nn;lt_umI lent Ielgun R n the Iaitlament olthacounlry. H Ihnwud " thullr.I?oyn|,lhomembnrfmjProvancher, a in the lmiwny Coynmmea npplbd Um I. incorpomion ohha rnilwu from Portnge i In I .ri_rialo`tho Lglm of `vL:DdI,_ which to le world. The prenjs entitled Io,he credit of thin achievement. Mr. Phihp Beers, whb, him been making A eixeuit of the country on behnlieizhe Pedestal lundmyn the fund willeeruinly be rai:ed,u theworld does no law the worljail. M .Hearn-ya the! he healeund the muse pronbuneed geueronily among time of lereign bxrlh. They teem more Ipprecim tive of liberty chm do .eur mlira born. Moreover, `many tome a strange prejudice I The Amzllcun synod and the Scott Act. _,; D war mp with nlervancyxtlmt Americana"! cmmrcaly " (or +1hich Nihiliau willinglj death J nldogunud un `propori that t `h E ll VUIA .1... n... ..r v 9 f1hichNihi|iAu deith of dogu; nud E: An `proper it in at the very` namnu ol the Buy of New York this en.|b`arnnlio mm should ush n wvlcomo the ' Bliberty hnn'do nnlirfborn. V among slrnngeprejydice . op_15`Io}ei_: yunl"' ` - "I had him;And he finally conceded the point, for it wn bright : di-use of Mn: kid- cannon cureiz. Hmng hnving teen a nick day Iince. rugully nwonxjerlulprepautinn. I rL-zidunl Rutter, 9! {ha 0an_rnl Hpdsanllsed then` I wan. " I have fuuldeimilnr allolumcuncarninguvun I as thin padellnl fund." l!aon'g_exper_iunco mm: to aim. | Prejudicel in what pM_llculnr!" 9 ."I have ever lonnd tlm huwuver merito- | xlonu thing my be, lhouundl ol peuplu will inovinbly be prejudiced again! it. I hnv Ipentmmt o my life on the mad and I know the Aumicln peo.``Ll/u a book , 1111879: pnnonnl mulor u n illuunled thilfprunillng projndlcn. I vm very ill, ~` Inated lur l9VBl`ll yeurl with hoadnclw, - jcklonp stile, drealilulbncknblno. cramps, H Hal ha: , cold hands nnclfeot And nganoml o1 . l meal: down olthon mm. Idrnfgud my lx 1 ml lmlcto. New urlt, ueeklng tho ln-nt,R

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