IIIDL . -Dllplay Iophol wild llonparm u_:d Mm_Id|n|ly. " LI nut without mun manq- ; Mvatuuoun ` out IN Amend Imul forbidden, Ind chimed 1% IN qua. 7 tat Dlnounnhg Admtlumum mutt ygh the Pnbahu ILLHM I mean it-I will xlrlnk no UlDl`L'."` ll 'T|mzwi|| bugooduowa Layouxwilnrjnnl |,| family,nnthforyoureolfaa well. Drlnk G has lwcn nofriund to yau; it in no fri ml 1, to any onu,hning tho min 0! body nntla ul. 3` . [feulatrongly about this curad,iz ruins n . so many." 3 1. M tliohmily nml myunll, and we will nu i I intend to rolorm," will Snndurson, aluwly, mom to liimsnll xllmu to I n. Curloton. "lVl1:nevcrIgdttlxluvint r : wnrk over. I will luvo Mr. Carleton id up and lmvenomatliing coming 1 um. I will then get some dnccnt ulothlnglilor nd clmrch. lllr.\VutumI._ llm young minlalnr, iangnncl mnn. nml Will lzauetll. ~51 ` tin eight ynnrs aincsl was in nlmrnlt; my: its mild not go oilliet.-alto had no clothei {it to go in, so we've buan living like has l.- am. It has bean du\`vn-liillwitli nszlor mnny a day." jj x ._,._._.._j_............_.. u nmnma dmmzs IN nu: ma. ; :1; Thu: bad i1ulcod,hrlnging upahilnl- rn ran in that way in nolnrlatlnncounlryj II n! is hlghlinmeior you to w!orm`!r:r [Ihu _ Jake of your littln children," said Mrs. D Cnrloton. I `K Ikmwlhnt."Sandeunuu-untnu. :"H i g in Ikmwlhnl,"Sanderrouwurrinxr. "ll 8 was my little Mary made me think ofinr d: ' bell. Ihave boon cruel to rriy children; `r they lurve nsvergnt enyclienne in the Ir 2| world. hardly avarbenn at rclmol NEIL ll K Mary ie in rmerl limo girl, any in her an migirlbe proud of her. V She lieu ice `:1 ., voiconndehalingqlililoh prnrlhrtmho cl 1. learns {ram the Sunday reliaol children. : Them irnlineorwo of I gllllle i1 mn that she elngr rlwryrruurilng luinry n Us-a. :, A; 3 - Then I new `sud emaud the In, And qaught the home of younger dny: 1 No lava ol old rm left to ma Inn! :,..,. . ...x..... ...a ..m,.. .n....\. 11. um ueun au\v|H|1Ilw1lh us`!oI p ` :4 Than: bad i1ulcod,hrlnging ran_ in_lht_nb aohrlatlnu country; u (To be concld mxtjoedr.) her Master. - I! "Mr. Sanderson," she Mid eagerly, "do It` .notwa|Hi1lap1-ing. Believe me, delays ii an dungurous in this matter. God says 0| `Now, and He knows best. Iliu 811- '1 viour you want, nnd you need not `wait il till spring. {on He is is waiting for you d now. hm glad 9 know you are uob_ conlenps you are; it is hard work and e_` crue1wagea."' _ u Sundmonuuented with n murmured I1 ` reformed." ` ` , "Mull glvo hIm_up lhla-lime!" thought Mrs. Cnleton. sitting with the mm: in her hand. Then Ilond, "Owen. rn 1 rend in n mnyuino, n liltla while ago, I 8. good man`: ulvica to one like you` Ho lt` He aulrl :, `Now promise me you will lock Jl for Chrint, n'nrl mlud. lacking will not I am you; but ll vou'll dealt, you'll flml, ly and udlng wlllanvo you. Ilyou would ll 1mly.'ml(." , ~ ul "1 will aeelr,-I momiso voutlmt. llfra. `gfnoaanxo, nzkrlsi`. mnxe. llslhld Air. tho M1 I ` . , v Q ,1, I `n-------, JuhIh':;3(od {.0} m," I ' C ' Thuttouchesmylxenrt \IwouId like. n said he,aheopiahly,nnd\vi!h an eort. n as if he mu aayiug_aomelhing to be aohnmcd of, "to be able to tony that line a< '0! n hymn for myself. [hm mnda up :1 myself. up my mind whenovarl come home in'the h alaring lotum right round um1,bo n Ghris- I1 tun." W AL these word: l\lIs.Uarlulon seemed 06 tn wake auto! al.-epand to mmmber in thatalm was a professed Chn'a1an,nncl unuch ought to have n wonlto any for 0 In taking It with bar. "Mr. Bnnglennn," aim mid, "you have told mo your plan of reform; Iiatunto Lhia verso (ronding it to-him)-this in Go:l'a plan. Ilhiuk Ilia plan must be beat. Yuu propdso lo begin at the wrong and. Take Gad : \1lunL.\fr..`h|nIlorson, and nllllwne things that you want slmll ho added unto you. If God lm given Clninwill Ha nu freely giro H9 (H1 lhir.ga1" Sanderson lialvnpd mpocllully us A ul- dnlyto Mrs. CarIn'.'n. Itwns kiml of rmr,holhoughl, t take lhu trouble to Tank to him; but he mndn no impm:- a on-nl:e saw that It was the nighl_ol the grnynrmoelln at tho achoolhnuau when: r. \Vnuon1m:acl1od. Mrs. Cm-!e~ ton pm-pound going. nnd aha dulcrminonl Iolry anduku Bnnilarson with her; Ior, Ibo said. who know) but lha nxussuga of peace and goodwill may ranch lnisllcarl to-niglui Mn. Carleton was nccuataumd K-ndirnct lialvnLd mpocllully ; ||\ would help ~thnl would slimulato. I n am weak when I ought to be almng." aha h thought. "When ms let tho cum of \\ this world ovcrwhelmun, our lwnm are n out of tunuwlth lha Gmpol, no that ll we cmnoh spank wisely lor lho good 1: Mister." _ 5... , MnLur..' _ Wlmn aha had In leisure moxuunt aha '1: loukmlovnr lha 'cl1i|drnn`a elolhua to and what could hu apamd for jho young Ban-' c` doruom Tlxuchildreu mutt boclolhml to go Bnhhalh Iahooi rogulnly; they need not wait till their father han lrnvollud tho m 3- Iona wnv round." aha mid to lnoranlb till their father han lrnvollud m long wnyrouuzl" hm-anlf.~ smiling` Shnlnuud mura than aha ax` plzclud, nud mmlo up A Inrgn bumlla. Than aha look hot Bihlu and sat down hurriedly, fur aha had Iitllu time to spam. A line of thahut chnplnrtolloaon ran to hur mind, T1kn\vilh you vtotda unul tum unlolho onl: anyunln him--" auahu opened H a hook to nd wan]: to persuade hn Owen Enuduuon of !l1udnngdr`u1dulay., an "If we riae1Gml`: own words in pleml n< withllim. nulchmomwo need thumlo In 0 T 8` S` \h plnud with our Mlnw mun," ninlaho. ll 11 turning to the Harman on the Mount. It E Shn Inundwhutahosoughl Saokyol'mt n I thu Kingdom 0! God and His righluolur 7' noau,n1ulnlHlm:ot!IiI1gaamll be added l unw Lnu." . noau,nn1l nlltlmso things ah_.\ll be ;nu." *1 She closed tho bank and \vclIll1|nlnin, `n tukingltwilhhar. ' Sandman," "you A > Emma" Sm : ?n1n-um Ernu.x5nxx51,' ` 1 I Qnnlap Sfieut, Bu"ria._ l- It waylof dolnythlnga. Elm had new ta non the uenenity of iltdlruot or managing a. wayaol gain nbohtnnytlnillg which aha intendoll to o. .ThaIe!om,ahuaidto 't Sanderson whun _pnyar nmntlng limn y~ drew nun "Will you be kind enough ` to human tho bl-amt hone into the little buugytnrmat rttaiua in may with 11. tholtuntormnd nvinrluugono furtha cowl. lam gall! to tha prdyornxectiag :a `at tho school-houI`o,and I want. you to W come with ma; hurhnps ym will hunt n. that wllldo you gyul." ` In Hahldduwn hu tnoltimntadintnIy.- ny shy. obllgtng mun wu ha. nnd wont n hi! wolrimnIadinlnly.- y ahy. obllging In 1. . -my and bunt,- the irony. `uni e v 4. 0119 Dollar Per gnnnm, Strictly in Advance 1 in non," xmiclthe`1mly,uuho stepped. Into up thob ggy. Ho was holding` the ham : |e hand. keeping him in ruch 1: position that 5- aha ' i,h; not be inconymoded hytho ' when in getlinqintothe buggy. Hethen ml one! My gavahurlhemidsbelomnaweb gr inggl wly: zd '* !uuw--nut in those clo!hes,Mm . n 01 Smdursou very drunk. .\Indu 1, Th rn wns njnm wlmu I coma ; `o Em Ll|3l`i(DHul1(ll|'fmIIll'G(Il1 ght. xr SnIcrsou'fucn cut. Man, he on n w I1!" I `u Ilminxxdcnoxl luruml.1\\'ny; aha lmd " 0 hr.-mi enough to know lhnl puor 8nmlur- E; ;., 1': ulolerminnti-Jn to relann hndm'\ish- T .------- II " Ummurelncrouogrvundnlmabuelnnld aw ` 0 liuhuilclinglolu. ll 8 In Dnlnun llquuriuuldinllxn hnrmlnblo V n um: 01 um nololl. _ " Annmntanr nurglnr K|`iQ|1.hil hand in A linen but mum! nnlhlng. ' 1 Lnruholnid n.--wuddlng Innl weak lho 1; u Ilo-1 mnullhu coupla being about 110 W y nu. . V` I toly` I\'1u Own, 0! Ilualnn, lur trnnpzuulngon I npru or(yo!:\.Clxildl!cc(vntly,III1mnd 3 0 nnfcnnu. ' Mr. J. B. Gamble, nf tiunniiulu, uhlla | inghndllmminlurlunolohuvo hi: leg 1, ouu lnluly. w. J. Pnrkhill. Grand Manor.` nf lhnrl. 5'. in those clothes, Mm u- Caro n. Evdry one would be lodkinght ma !I.wene among docuul people. No. 0 nm ,na o'e`nc-o to you. I mushvniv. vs tiIII an pay up,un:1 ut _decont cloths: v o,nnd !hon,pex ups. I. can aland lheiruyes on me. But I surely it imam to reform and ban Chrilinn,--no u doub nbouHhnt,mn'4nn," 31:. .. mm. H. _ Pun-um ErnuLx5nxx5I*,: Qnnlap`Sfie:t, Plrkhill, Manor,` n! ]hnd- 1` ink, in the dnhgntn mhu l`rianni.1lOuun~ 1 o la! Ornugemunut Edinburgh. 4 Junllmnnunnn mun nurchmd S hull 1 I use could \\'llh0wnn Bnmlurson; now, u 0 hmr vcr. tho buldnn ufnlosloppurlunlly '[ { xwigml on lmr likn rumnrm Next u e nlnning. early. Pimu Clmlmin cmuutp H l the urlolon Place on nquqalionol mp- fl J pliu` . 3' mu `melon Place nquqallonot I I pliu` `'1 id you son Smdorsoxn ut the mill! a '1! iglxll" aha asked. d 3` " h.yna, aurcly, nu`nm, C-.nlclon,X 1 p nnd nhnlt,n papur uf pin: and lhme I` c nunorlhnl nail: the lnn|m;-dry-'go9dI- d ugginu-editor fool: cnlledupnn to rumnrk PI t :l"lha bunineu done in Tullnnhnm (Mn N nrlngll Ilmply lmri1uuIa'aud unprncr I med." , II : luau. Thu luundulon IWM at the new Mal)m- H `nlhurah, ntcdgnr, will bu laid on Do. 3 n inlun Dny byflhn Rev. \V,G||brAM|,I4.I4. I ,nnd Adamqnn fulll be duliromlby tha P 1 MI. W. lhllnnd otm. 'Nm Nnlhilunn hi.../I ILL; I... 1.... _ v Hlidfordnlxado molhm Mon nl|umo- I1 1 Il{ Iuutilnulhy Ioms unknown jpmonl I`), I 1': ulolerminnti-m reform hrulv.mish- m away. liku]ipl1r.1im a gomlncu. Hu- { E long she was startled by lhn nnisn of a returning Waggon. (Jcmiu c.xl1mlu]u I lit`!-l'|illf\1!!i "Anlioinu comohumu lm-rgialruss: w lh \v.1ggnn, .` \\'hcru um ll I on. W. umlnu main. lo Thu Nnlluuyuip Inlmd light ha: I! It In enlurnlnlladw }l|nuw human I: r. `)4 nhlaohhp Mulnadepnrlmant. '1' null run man! in known In trinity llghl. uni nafln I11 l`|uhIhouIu on the IQIWIII li v . ` > .` .12 4-5.. . 1usl MW aurcly, hhm an gh." , ' ` Did Inn seem liku naming lmnzisi |1,I1adungnruflHut, Mfnm Gavlotuu. 01 Sandman very drunk. Mndnnm, E n I: um. lhorcal 1" a.ui.1 M n, ramming In tho kitchen. u hthlmtoths door mdy for Mrs. c :1 on as she came oulon thump bonl p e and ahnwled for her drivoko prayer 0 3` R-` ` 7-4 5' ." I` `VIII Ire coming with me, Mr. Srndeb " b ggy. holding` _ K-` P-4 F` u with Mr. Srndeb h` " said thwlmly, u aho stepped. _'"Wmy, f|IniIl\nd,' `I to the auptunr)'." and her condition; 3 at Mrs. nlonlhoatop p -3 M ,-m`>-- ' . poulijri qr sugpoz ADVOCATE. Pimxsxn `ff; THURSDAY --.u A...---....-_ . ___,` ' I HIII and who turn out lmllar Ihnn their htollfrl `, whu are bmughtup in mutual Ind an dnncod ugon Ina lam olluxury. TIIII in I hard prob em to lulu. Bo may omluuou d uoudiuununluvnlndIhntwnluriu luv: ' bow nunfumnd in appronohiuuln Illitt. ' liuroi: In In :1 much brighter till now M __ lud|{Ia|2rig(hlurlhInl,000yIltIl|o. .4 n mum I Islucill pruvld um lunlint ' u}m_d I inl_gpor,__ _ ` uoudfuununluvnlndIhntooniurill in appronohiu In Inlyu. Wu nru gulnu \o knuw man I u\ ll nom- limo. 1- 1 I" (ux: munwal of the conflict uudoftho Ivsm Joux Mmnonnw um! his onl- lengnu hul derolod um: mm at 1.1:! Jlnn ' t (h nllnlinn of n mi may vfllh ah? nixed Blntenlhnttgmvq a.. mud In the Fnnohln EH1 IN] I Vljl lo Itrnngliug lln houut qxpmllonnl public opinion, nlutlulutnry truly mlnllt hm` bauumurud. llrllnyugl, (III Anldun Bnnrehry oi Sula, IM :1 union` lhln one Onnldhu Iho'lau vhlud Win!- In I hi: uur rlmlm Ahi Ouudlu ou- nrgnisnt ahgurd hm Illuud tho Cull n- lallng la thn hherlu to alpha II | v tilting any mp: to l0o||| I ill _ nn. `maple ul Ibo Mnrnlmu Pm! Ivuluoow the mlmu lnonnnnlonoo nun who- 0nnVnn|lonol'l8l. Hum man be :9. ` marnborerl thnl I mnjnrlly 01 M lllllwu no Prnvlnua |`uIl|'IlInll||VOI|l'ClE01:g\M V _o om rouml Mln my--A Mlllnry rT|C0nI1d0|'l1hbVlO ulla n M lqiyttliuuuxnflvoa u nlarlty 'th'u:" nntlmn nwl In 301 uh? hono and egllnn WM (ha county, In maul canal mm (ha [and govammull (mung Jhairohoit objnund III; In ylth 1 pmnnt Omdlnn Mull `NI h `3 ~. '1 , , / u :1 un : I and :9 On9uIJ'1:nl'::llfII'!pIahhl:" m U` `. mung were thin; bn|_ ' ` * nrqgl when tbtilonllo .2 On Mondny tuning I duh :- lIh|hIod]Th0I. N` D. 1 Mai ma ' HM! onlbo Alxnl. tnlnl . night, the am dnill. M W ` nmov mu-gin. `On Taudq` I` _ o!_ mngintnuu had him I dolhnll u.` I On !l"l`11|II:llI|,I of guntiplxlhloln iIu_ non 0 u.u Ilujo ., grgrsl u-aln,|bon{ two mllu nauhol hm hridgt Hg lull undo: thn Ilmla`, ml " ` n bolhhlnlagnfrl hllnllrninuxld.` Hint " Enough: to Dr; lmflhut GM 40:`: `in hours: Iululng. ` -c ' | . III. E. A Htrrlnonjnnginul _ `*n:":`."*":':.`.":..:`:.:`-'.' V W. , ll .. .. 3111:?! b::IOO|I In cm. This ,l_qIIl 'm(Q,\ndlohe bmk And tin tlllli bidly m mm m Brklglql mg. _cl.I|v_t_l1`o:`;!:5lI_ wulngougfq -_ . ll qhin. Mr.`Pmn'N:'ulu Minn C , nud Tnuloulnueiouu lI`H_\` puhy h_uxpmud In: tho Iu'|1It'In. On Tuaully, 0! Int Imk. Mm`: _ Boyer, ul lirmblldqo. Jnlnl ll ludadgnllt Iukln .111 Im End Of Ind `WI. , Mllohel ,ln Oom my with III. B. D. `Ilka nl Ibo Domlnlnu ml, bu I` Mela: dou- _` trnmnludlholulllq 8|In_dayg` III 30!: pull] not-and by lnlumm.` ' (Inn in` - to uohugqolllb " but I navnr dicL(l4uhlor.)Upan|h6'gI however an: nundl. om ooqupg than mom Other: urn glad tn crawl much ` mmlund wltnau lhn_ 9qntgn_l_mu tlu anil'l$Inn4h'(h0 tho oontut (mm tlm` plncu uf obmvntlnnod looked down upon. us from nlmvu. Weuy to will l I B pimmclu u. Hu ocnupwl Thu Illlal ad I: nlningur M h uccmlu [ram mm: to mlnd- ' Tlwruiulnlghulinlluunon Iulklm llzpol C Ill` our hlglmr lumhyluon. and upon nmnibllilicl. lou' und Inkelwiol II by lhu nprliulion ul than Inn [hloh uh euro u (Inn whnlo` Th d_Ay to oquu I M- 0 mm on! roumongh. I " -` '- >. : mrlnnnte rm thy la! in! h _Mr..Wm. Buolmh;_ 6! Bridf'd"`- _nhnl-ygtrbinlnlaltblol C 'e. u`H mmuI'n-flap` I,` |:!owd:;1 alt: tin: iool'dunt|,|lo'.w vapor I huhumnd. , ' ' " v- lA lro Brlzkagni on Fhrilllud` I`. ' . 1 ' t In . V '.' w73.3ee-.-rM_h:`"a'M- 1- swan.- " A ro broh an! Friday 115:6 ` Ihyi I. 1]. o'clock lntlu rnmlul at .` f1`|l_ I Hume, ooonfhd by Mr. I 3501!)` I] livery mhlu. ' Thu bulldlng in `tail lon 4- " ully demvyud. mud wlthll Ir.` Sh"! IQ K` In nlnnbly honu,_Iln bmi-WM n}qlghI,_gp|ur_I, rpbel lurnuq M.h0__i M nun 4 5 .;`:..',:::u.z...: :'..'.:;.~..'.'....'.'!.`*.'. ..... e IhlahuI|;1|nglho:munpIud`to-ll. `H-V ` ,, Po|uii' Hnxdurdnnd `u Ilon, ind II ,_ vc_ry uhqr ll_muhl_In]n_ my 9 buy . who haul ondurdio much nhla to do foul mm In: wank xhoxhlu/an oouodn. The . rlulmou of Ghrlu cloud: in Ibon nd bo- youug all rnlurd. The Lord I|ld;~"`Hu|` what the nntxnl juduo gm` 'AIIdIh|\l not Uml mugo horn loo\l' Why not! God deal not pruonioo [or nmnjnql ulnuh. llo nlane knuvu our um, and In Ellen uy lulllln than: God menu to hula you pnliunuu Ind raligon par_wnlud_."!hau gg 3 1'mpmmupuniI,iolh|\Inin our 'old ngu dmm not humus Jun: aw in nu Son at (lurl, nnd that Ea`(|__th; dmd_`o( Ill. . T ' `- " I I no om whim! lam uh `mu. `v n|avnr di(huhw.)Umn|mmk,, - L pm Illlldl: `om ooq\_|[_q uu_gpp_u> " mun: umalnn Admlul VII K very Iulmrdlnlk wmn londln rpuulun w[lIM|mu HMIIH A la ml -min Ihumulnrlu thir r. nolillon. ' ' ' `Auma a.ugIn'm of uR 7.'`Wi&T Roxdmonl, wu urionlly in Int! .:_ ibyango bylhouyrpolq I V on, MI . In . hu ` wum n.m1.n,or`on hh,l:nH I $46 "3! o! and for mother boylo ptlatlu An; Willis`: hnzd w Iplit Mill] to mm. x mu. . V W Ad: I n! I-Jun. vu uh|'np' trial :1 I nhzglo of nmlrpng IdNl.`:3.', wnnudm mu the rim with Ibo AH v 0` D pun-kuile. . .. ,. , One at our hale!-knpm It ...,, A in lo observe the Scot! AMIl`I"lUOlI!]% ranger ctllsd,-and ndlnf I | 5 blnnlhobbin Beer in llzobaruhdldnollw : thing umngir. They told him III!!! II , priuui banhc bwkoltho IIMIII, IN! ' took him onhigln ml Ihund IIIII-ill ' WHIP ' ' - p~d3-w,r- F. ..I ll 'ha`nt- on the nmh|m:'I$i am `an s w in} Oolbxfrnn 2:: "" :...".'...!.`.'....-.:: `h m uomorno KM -ihl on; - pred$um.F, .JnIllu'I|Itnt- D him (or 5 math. ch lrot hoiq __ 3`.a:.'..- :`:'.:1::.1:m..... _ lellownlnu o!co|dloid,1h'Itiu6u[1I ` , " ` ,_ lelloi I don oi idloi monsh. , ,Mr.,Wm. Bnulinh; , Hu7lun`|nd 'l`l'n `um very than llmuhllnjpo h `\h. `P"".' "*9 " Wm` mom I pnliunuu pamnli llllpmlgl upux_n LgI,_nq l_hI\ wg A little duughr H Ilondmonf, vu_I lnlurd In . ` 4 a aagu`. F um nx'm.`I| ' VWi'al_'loluIfo gu mun. '--"-~ 2 .` 7, I ` 0,0011 4,l,|:e`|WAII7.BlilD8.`I| *1 J` 1'. nmme, comm CLERK 1 Ilhuhh Oman uwooun Eon L lutlo v.:_vnc_u-1: nunum nnd P. o. A . -u 05. D Ila-CONK Y. SHERIFF oou_u}'}_9_7_l|(0E. ..0I1eu mun com I ---------------------:` '~'" ' > '01`! lI.lTIlYE,|.0UNT, urn v .._.n._x.. umm. umnnnmn Ho- GAVILLEB 5: H01.- Provlndt um n..xu . ,= w)t.wsBn,P:opmm. & omnL! MA an-r tor. nu-I. .t-bl-_-wy;!_|-3 X A Iulilli-EL ` ~ A- _ C ' '1i AN1`ING,COUNTYCLERK I -Int--nu 901-.--+..-_-;~.:~."_*: 5" 4..I{;:;1;Vao;g; VP ll: BIIKEW. DENHBT, Oiao Ulla: , um Vlul. ` Kg`: 11' D. !InduE_lllnaI , lw uuhu-xuuzuggayuluu, on 5 t. `|a:ns.'_rmu. ' no cu u` "` ..r.`*:.%\."*.':.`;""u.:.,.':'.::'.:;.': n,. A non on; M rlhwnumo `Minuet: M _ .4... mum {mm 1 mm 0! 1 3 2.`. "..`::...a "N;:'.:.z';;. . mum is vmnptly In No. ,: .K __ _' DmKIHQK,cg; Bnzhgeur ll ` W V HINT; I My ' fn`:.'OnII-8lndor"_ f .- ~-Block, un1o{; mlnlorrh.-,` ' ' 4~Iy_ "`. .."._,, ._. I E'g'r_n7pao:nnqm. I > `Iv!-ID.|;I'lhen. I111 \I&zp'pd mu .1 Dtrgt:I._. . HI}/gls. ----s- ;i;a95;"1i.aajsaa: "cg: IIllll'I\- Ass1zrs,z5,oooooo. It Hu tho Luge Surplus nf Anon I E` Linliillliu uhny Fm: Imunnce I '7- in the wrrld. r 1.. ur ` Pamu}n'\1\'o!u lecuntrstcd `K (olklcllgguigngadeznqxu p?1(;'lofl}. County :4 a`_uug anm o (,'u1weyancing\I n alliflbrauchu ` - Harmw: In mlniarucri. ........ .,u...n...w.u'mum` ra- `v v to . I .1t"za.a'm:. 3: . Bumynn Torantn D u 4 )(A|MBnnd `..u`?oZ.Px;'1'i'a`x`&.'fu2 J.i`k3 " - y'u.u.,w.J.i1ouan.~ Inn. J14` ` /mur 0/ Marriage POST UFFICE BUILT. INGS. BA [II uuuu. 0- CONVEYANGER, -Lzwhuyrl W uuum A nnr n BARRAUD 3395., % The Photograghers j aoTHwaLLvsJ`aL bK. ' v . n , 5.}. 2: J...) A. :.....n. Y I uvu ` .- * I I tending Ilm I are I vi to ' 5 our work. Dlfcfnlt Cu! H5191] ,4' Pn:uIumgr_-p_h,' very. n ne prose: . l__,... "v< )I-4.`-}` `: On rmleslrzlet 6152/e II {zar amm/I1, LICNNUX 5; Lg 'c ' I-J|'rle.lMh wuss: ffwswm Assuaaucy --OF TOR')N'l'l).-- " Intending [Imn lvilfd] Dlfcnlt Qazyfg "a.:':`::::!=-' lo impect Ipeclnlly. pmoeav. o. H. Lion, ` Y L P9'2'vaf,e Fmuls '/'0L` (1 . ;1.ow:ssr xwras 0 Real (man. 1:! 3 FRAZEE 3 AXLEGBEA E ,3 \ . w h . I I 9 world, has nnlv |1r1In,P{nur n . . -. J: n. u.fL'.n5.1E a:.`.%'jf.'f.i' "H """ mmm, _r` ,mIInrnn_uwna.pw....-. w....,.... ,. Nil: Puhlu Commlulonen. ,.0lwu m: the Own limb Buxic. WI. hun,o.o., unu5,a.w.1nu-r, . F 3 a.w.sX'.3o$si&od null vnlur. i Fm ` .' ` ` L ' 17111 onlan, Eallvancalnmlulonmr wlll pup. . a|IIuIyP`0'nVw'1;;"dPlll[. Tm. nu - . 4 ` {T4 61 : _---------1 , a -' :l`orH Sn!'g_0honpr .... ....|. L I... uni. ' M01!/Ey'. 70 /.0,4%V ufubyshed Every Thuradi` y.Aftem1oon._ `?"iIf"?_"Li`JaE Money arid lufsurane. OF 'l`0l1ACC()S4 No, 91. l!ayS2 , Cor. l!Iu1d:l}nm2on,SL1. Y HAMILTON ' -~ I " `,_wI.cv_I'r'r1E, noggmxox Ii: .3f!il"c:$%.`:L.EL`:..1::.22x II llmlnmaunn mm nulluru `I . . A,W.laVu-hi Adduucuuny vln IlM:_I_oahu. at , l. Thq) R[1S.Ba_ma_., Arc ring for ulna hy who 4.-ula UW UU1lU.'UlU. UIIUU: JJIHIIU. nmuuihuzuring whole;-a.ua. L Ciggm of the but hr: :1. and made q\nA|Iq.vvl` NET \IAKINu;1'L.1A'I\'! ANN BI ATUIINING A . 1. rmUn.n.. In GI'c1lH nrM)'.` _ and at prlm in Iuw us nnyumm1)-ummuun M. lhu E 33' HORSE ELMIKETS AND BELTS `H -. GI-out Vxu-july.` . nndntprlm n:_ nnyuu|m1)-uninimn ` l|L E`Harn\s\s`au\ Saiggy Esgalllishmenth r, . any cum mar Uueruuuu mu ulumvh COMFORT BROS. Munro`: Blnvk, opp. Strong & Dunne|l'I. June 7th, 1883 23-ly. I] SCI-`IRADER MANUFACTURE}! 1`? Which Gvmngineurn In -onnuqw superior to any olhar cigar olfemlun the market. nnMrnn'r RROQ. - Saumnuors, hmlngn. Window _ Frames, Blmda he I? `HIE LDWIIVI PDINIIIIY l'l\H`IH: A`D1nuwu'u;~-. ` ran nxmmznmhe hm ma non widely Jnnxlnh `;b3usdvcrl1nngmedlun1_Xuuze Olrculnbd Ionhul pnbhxhul North a!'l`o!oma. ' luutlhlhhed thunder u I nlhble Munpmer ,, Ill Ioonredw it In iwudunu otdl par I, `V T I Tobaccos _& Cigars`: Inzawuns nuun nu :T:1\j EMBEI4 SASH AND FAGTUHY Cigars S. Tobacco I LI LI/.L.\ J` .n.,\/ LII. -ALL1(INDS,- ? . Hn\'ann,Ynru, Connecticut LEAF, and ALLO'l`HER KINDS BARRIE , ToN'rA'R1o,. THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1885. \_/ .~ AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE ADVOCATE. Taiiiiii1`g:"Hfii|se,& 1? A.MRAE_& 99.. i mu -.- ... N . ' '1` due. ' grduitot ` ' othxvlup IHJ IM mugun . H MzlIn1' 1 prl :1 d""u""u`," , ` n?|`hl:Llucuxn `Wu d"I"I uuyhlnnll 1 . I X vmry rhyllmudavwy nmnlntholnnd. ` ,. A.l:l}bu-l'InnCnlverIvcIl llullenl Go" I _ , 41 Ann in Newhnk ll rourunhuulissnnzsr Mr M W .:`:L:`2 {`rv:|-tn VI The Largut In thn Dominion -THE Oil] ESTABLISHED- I-nsjlnluxxnble Tnllor and Cloilller ' BRITISH FREEDOM AND COLONIAL RIGHTS. Old love: no dwelling there, I uid, Untouched b {em of chm 9 sad 1 Old faith: that Id counted end, Shall yin, Ind live Ignin. n`: I-`oi uVa h'Q Uocki ind hard: lncreue, ` And children plny Around our feet: M ova the nun goes down in peace- Return, !or mt In most," i n The much despised Owen, Senderson ivnanmiddietaged mun, mild and elite. g4 ` butwiththounmialakuhioubampoi nmlr E ` enness upon him. A moist, bloodehot {( even: bloated lece,n tremhllng hand, ll timid, slouching umnner-nu| n bully .11 _ Lhiarnnn. Ila qlood reapecziully with 1;: Return, mum. um voice: cried. "To your alnl nlley, fur Amy ; For mhly an the (Iver this The tender lights and aludown play; Amhll th: huh In guy with owm, "And ail fm`hi|1I` _ meal with tbym; ~ - rw v ' hunk: unity And tho hill: are Ya cannot nd Iuch bloom :1 our: In you bgight fonign cums." For me, I thaught, (ha olives grow. The Inn Ila wlrm upon tho vino; And yet I will nrlu And an that don: x-n!!g.-y dl_m win} pipgnx 7" ' (For Love huwlngv, and Ielom Ihyn) ; But chm ware gmu upon tho hlll. ' ,, And Iunbunu Ihininu on the sod. And Jaw wind: breathing. "Peace. be still; 5 Last things no found In God." It or imka n |R>loViIH.l1n \v-mt as man uh I liked, Whilo Iwna atrong-nnd wimp I 1` Jvnalxlysolf I was both strong` and smart . --ho nuvor ohjoatnl to my drinking. Ha thiuksl um blokon dawn now` I run not, though I am not the man I was.` I will never forgot tlmfwln-n Livingsbone tumud Inn 01!", Mr Culalon bolic-vezl ma when I Mr Culalon bolic-vazl when I said. `I want to do butter, and gum me u 1( chancu. Ho mlvaucnd mu half: lm-ml aftloul nmlaomo pork and ten toloiavo d with tho wifn while I was Away in lha M woudx," ` ' n Very lilm Willium," llmuglnl Mrs. |; Carleton. Than aloud, "I ll0 notaua 9, why yun almulnl be qnl of \\'nrk, or p obliged In my one fur hulp, Mr. Smmlur ,] sun. You urn n skillml carpenter, lnd fl obliged fur liulp, Mr. Smmlur nd Llu.-re : plenty of work in Iliu country. Yuu might bu imlnpemlonl, and your family in comlnrlulile nu llll) next one, il you only upporlell your own family instead ol giving so much money to Man xlnmu Mnrliuunumul Duffy : tavern. Ex- Mnrtimm1nIulDuffy atavern. II cuss me. Mr. Sanderson, if I spunk ma ,, plainy ` K, "Il'snl! Lon tnlo. Mrs. C;ulcton," Enid 4, 1, Banduraolzaadly. Ihuvn dunulllnllang 5 uuuugln. I mean totum ovnrn new lei! u ullpllgll. I totum lea! mul bu n diffwant man from this limo (oh ,, ward." I ' N u I am uulee-1 glad to hear {Lil vou glad you really mabn il, mud Mrs. Carlolon, gl heartily. it-I will xlrlnk ulorc." Ll ind iwno or my inlznded H9 (n belorrlandny I: received up In uo%x`akl`nuI_uli:`1n}Iz;n Gulqmlnl. I DI HE W35: 5 cent: 5.`. uh