`mkeniwnlb uy.ed_lille bay. ` ` 1 ` vnm I? ll I Mme SULPHUR Sonr-ma1- [C ` cleansing for I]1'll'|Ip|iVB :5 skin. Delighllnl for toilet 5` an lgleminlne ol Iailor? us In grnmx_uar._ ' I grnmmar. "Dreu- ' b yrompt reply 'ofnbright- I! n 1: Ir EW HOUSEHOLD CEIPEI. LI ua mgnr wnlerl. mild lm um but Suomch and ` ` for External and Internal use. There is no one remedy offered to 3 suffering humanity whose use is so uni~ 7 versnlly and frequently required as m Y Hagynrd s Yellow Oil. )3 1! should belound in every house I3 H as r " Hagy.'ird for instant use in accidents and emer~ 3, gencics. For all forms of inammatory ll 2 m action and pain, such .-is Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bums, Scnlds, Bruises, Wounds, Frost-bites, Chilblains, Croup, Sorc Throat, Quinsy, Lame Back, Spinalections, Contractions of the Cord: and Muscles, and all manner of lameness and soreness in any portion of the body. Asthma, Congestion and inammation oi the Lungs, and in short, whcrever and whatever lameness, soreness, pain or inflammqtion exist Hagynrd s Yellow Oil may be safely J. inammqtion exist If Ha m'd and enecinlly used. W 1. No danger of taking`coldAor any .1 benecially used. takingrold or nnyigl 11 other ill eccls occur during its :use. =1 ; Swellings and callous lumps disappear 1` "as if by magic. As a linimen! for universal applica- 1c W applica- 1` lion it is unsurpassed, while for mtcr- :1 d nnl use in proper doses it is safe and nrzreeable. -" y_equu1e nay. _ V _ V - `A]C'nII`1c E u,:-Children are o'flen{r'et- C fnllndillwhufworml in the cause. Dr, 1 lbw`: Wonn lsynnp ufely nxpell Ill 0: kinds of Worm. ~ ` i, .. .. . mm nariv 5` agreeable, fl A There has never been a preparation `m in like it in the market, rind it is beyond Ie I; the an of mcdicalsklll to pl'0(lVCC its "1 " pnmllel as a remedy for-pain and in- : l0 nmmntion. - W as Every bottlc guaranteed to give satis- In {action or money refunded. ' Among the many who have sue-` Among Eessfully tested its curativc powers we ,, my name thefollowlng 2 I Fnmx Srnll, \gVillon__Ayeuua, Tz_2rox`:I'a D we mg wnl rvnd by myirienrfa lo bn in rapidly growing on the left side of my neck, bl iodine was ireely applied during this {oi-, BE lowing Ker but swelling `cnnllnued to I1 I enlnrga, nlll ilmched thuiu of n larga m PP. ' . ,. . .__...l .. n. r. D InIhaAulnmnohggmindolenl, ainles: Iwelling observed my frien a "W%'*ie.e3:n%:I;`f.:.,`.:a: 1.4:... ..,.. -` In W wn_observ:_=d x m_y.I'rie n Ifn 1 medical skill its "1 parallel remedy flnmmntion. xnsv. WILLIAM arour. 5, {ul Inral la rad an umdcr tlm providznoe B 3' of Gad. I now have thus fairly `ood dl `( churches. Starling {rum noIhlng.I En I mad: for myself In pleasant and desilabls `C home. When I came In Wiarlon in july, If 1878. I was again vlnlenlly amcked` and n conned In bed lot over two weeks usndur d lhe cm of Dr. Wlgle, who inclsed the abscess, aud,l>y can Idid my work lmlil use following spring, _v4hen_hlsIser'v(iccs `wen I.,. U when hls services 3, again necessary, and again in Dcccrlibcr. 51 1879;] wanna Lyndon and wnaullcd Dr. ly Morchmrse, and nltcnyrds Dr. Woodrull. Although I had to work very lurd lhll winlenl was under cunslnnl suffering. The l l) nbsccu ns_surr_1gLi_ I pnnc_n_rous Ispyea not oanum: on lnll cm. H x Nvmum so hdpn I newlpaper as the im- fu-ting of useful Infomman. " How phnll 0` keep um out of the nugnr bowl?" naked n S wrreopondent. "Fill Iha sugar bowl with .3` II. I wllite cloth. I am rejoiced to say that Inn 3' langer need ta cover my neck to hid my 1- allhctian, and leaf no recurrenee oil the `d same. Dr.Wigle,ol Wiarton. operated on me in May, 1880. and again in Decemher, at :that year. Ithen went to Londnn..hqd' n my return! was again attacked mure'9 Illz- d Iently than ever. I was almost on the `lungs of despair. having been treated by the best medical Ihill the country contained. an the many eminent name: prevlonaly mentinned will ahaw. \ hen I had exhaIt1tedlheplti|l- s- lul resaurc l the re ular prol'mlun,I then rescue, a nearly a I the patent medl- _ cine: that promised to euro ecmlulnna and `blood diseases. but withzittteny l>enotwh|t- evcr. When in an almost helpless candltlon l Irlcd Burdock Blood Bitters. Itqlt lt lot about (our munthI,`and in that length at time used several bottles internally,` and having faith in ilI_ _Cl2mlDD-`I|- ilk ! -unmm. .......... Illa. l l hm trlod Burdock Blood Blunt`; lor one of my chlldrumwha wu nlicled with In obullnule humour of the blood, uud : when {ace wuonvoretl with mu, now per- fectly umoolh Ind clean; Ilsa rny iervunl. lrenlcd la: swelled ne;k,uud many other cases In our ptrilh to whom we hive iven und recmnmznedlheramed. Such aur Inilll in llsvinuenlm Incl ? an air ad 15 wilhoumking a small bottle or any: guy. )1; lnx friend. Knowing Ilul itcurpd md, In'd k, believing that j! vsalyed my Illa. `I [most 3 , ` assmedrlrha Bighnfu in Much r3{ xE7g_n St. E H. James` Church, Wesiminmr. at whlchjlimu 1 my nnck was ': r :1 mm A - u .| 1 Iuhllm. In ; 3;:;.:;c`h'u.c mx completely uovercd ileclolh. Inm rcjnicedmnylhnl 1' langer paver `- Weslmmscr. " )1: Ihnlitcurpd md,In'd " it saved Itmou pw 1., earnestly and hc:'rlily.recommend :1 to a] to Iuilering humnnily.Ind will urge IIH who [5 nnybeaimiluly nmicted lo givail rial. " believing it In by _n (rug xpeldc 1?: all I1 ALLIroIib1ed with hilinusmu And liver mplnlnu Ihould nu Burdock .Blood N men. Iliunue cure. ` don pa r: 1`La:l-A cameu brooch. n:- fucnl ng Vtntlhd Adonil whlln wnlldtgg E wsindy Mou'nlon Sundny lm." "Wm! " --A nurse far In infant between (wanly-vu J: (hilly, a member cl Iha church of Eng- land, & wnhcul followers." " Mn, Ind Min May have lell-off plothlng of every _ descrlrllon. An|nIpcllanlIinviled." ' BU]PcF.BEwD Bn`nu cum all hum- Billn. Son very curionnly wcxdnd xdveniw muullcreepinlolhe newspaper: now nud I l_hen. Hm, forInsIance.|relhM musing " cum 1:: ofcornpmilion which an English ;` Iravc or say: he read In on issue oh I.nn- I` paper : j` La:l-_A t;_am_er|_tg_\'ooch_._ yr:- '5` mg I on. Q '1` " Yea. ulr." replied lhn uhnpnun. _ " Well. I mould like I pig: IIya."rcmIrl:- I ad the cuuomur. c " All right xir : Jun! bend gown your hog I had, and we will like your meuura." sald tho rghdy Ihapmnn. ` TH! grand seem of Inner. of Burdock I ' action.` " They are mild in their action. ` ,.- They are speed in lllgiljcurel 3 They are suit: ta bgtll texts and all - `. W" . l - ', They contnm no mmenl polson. "3 h l` hey do not require conncmerl: o( n c nngc o{. ` ,, _ ` ",' Thcy rigulau lha bowl: without a n- Goon run `In: Rouun.-National Pill: 13 In I good blood purier, liver regulator, and mild purulive to: I. unonl. " l m AMAhdvenis4d (05 " h 1 meet. who .... u....A change 3 Thcy n actiny eomtipation. acting promptly upon 5 the Liver and Biliary System, they {N purify and expel all foul humor, curlng W all disorders of the Stomach and Ilowels. H K` regulating all derangement: of the )1 1| Internal Organs. ` - ` 1` I. WHHBIIINIC Aunlnlulwrlr` \Vn|nl .| -rm youlh shook hhhcad ma Mme :, "I;::;!:i;;.:.:?.: ;rP`*` ;' Fur I'm dud bm no-delgh. .1 And the pieuure Io In in denclghnd." Bauuiarnaw. I |(|'lC'l|I,V ' We'll I Ileigh-ridlux sun, so hill to the beanlilui mun l'f -"Y unllre ralei h, v pieuure --Sonmvillc yum/. ALLIroIib1edwil)t 3 _` w-v cum: THAT ducn. M ghlather Pgctoral Medicines, and is a n` posmve specic for ALL ngnon Am) ;, umc msmsas. It give: prompt rt: I` positive specic for ;, msa/sas, giveglfljompt r;~_ lIc'f'Iii' Cough; Co (is. oarsencss, 3, Whooping Cough,-(I;p_u}J,,`Aslhmn, In- uenza, :md'is n prevcnuve of that ter- rr rible dcstroyer. Cqnsumption. W: Coughs. Neglect not A Cough, how- rible dcstroyu-.C9nsumption. , 1 f` " ever slight it may seem; it indicates ,. some manner of irritation that} has that} settled u n the delicate mucpus mem- ;. bmne o the throancouxiunu bung mi " mucous 1, throgncoughing being st Nature's effort to xpel the offending in'it:mt. Loosen the cough, allay the "Anvtnmc. ewlhis muming?" med 5` Hluburg man I I neighbor one belowrzcro VI lnylmwaek. "Nothing," was lhu reply, F "uceplneur laud pnaumonla," - `P1or.Low`I SoAP-Heal- ingaoothing diseases of the Mlllfl. T. MILIUIN 8 CO : Gl`;('XE.--I beg have Io say to you Ind v my permn whn m: be Imubled with wuk luuli bra I,` al,l'had I v'u'y.IMn. muck of In unmuian an Ihe ri bl lung. which Ml it In I5. vary wuk mm or lb0\I I yur. whan X Wu complmly mind by lhn *1 u_w o{_H|gyu.d'I Pe`ctor_:l Balngn. 1 End yur.whanh7ucomple1cly use of Hngynrd'IPeclonl used nboullull l.dDXl!I bculu. and mm: hnvo been lmublad mince lhul lime. which in "d rncndmg your Pcclonl Dalsun. I ma ll 1 In In uoroforlhrca yem |nd navu wu h Ask for it. My wife uied one bonle for I ]_ bud nold. which nomplolclycuxed har balm ._ ll wu zllused. 1 {ha}: rnu{mmenx_1e_d lg to lan rntwmmmded it ' my cunlameu, In lheh amira ulinhcllau, 5 Ind Am; completely sold om Plan: and ma three down at onnq an ' _ ,_, _ 7 nn. LOW'8 rt.ImAN'r_ . 1- - WORM SYRUP. ' A Safe and Agreeable Remedy. 5 Always Effectunl to destroy and eipcl all varieties of worms (Tape Worms Included) that nfict childrnorndulu. y. Iz_does not sicken. Requires no other cathnnic, and C_ogmms ND Huxrtrut. `: Drums. * on.- FOWLAEIFOV axnucr ` or win: muwaannv is Is Nntre a Specic for nlldlowel Com- `-'- plnims; nlwn{s rellnble mm cure for Cholera, Cho emvorhus, Colic, Chol- " em-Infnntum, Dinrrhzm, Dyiemnry and 2! nll Fluxes and Summer`Cump1nints__ol' children or ndulu. Du. l"owLx-:R s Ex- TRACT or WILD Srnwaznnv has now beemqver thirty years in use, arid is now mgre po_pulu' thxgn ever,,gv.ing un1'ver- H 'ear;. And no meviiilna could [in belle: n}- znlnclian lhln your Burdock Blood Billet: and Exlmlaf Wlld SrIvl_>urry}.` Ynu can us my mm: In recommlm mg I am in my R my you no l." The Ibova from , R. Bbln. Dmninl. Tonnnhnm and Scham , . \v{i 5- and u pliano Dr. Fowler`: Extract of Slrnw r .lhntgmnd8podclorn|lSum- ,, um-.unm nlntl. .` ' _ ne yura.nntlm noohlng oqunW3}H'r lha urou fa} w 5}: All ,iI dnigncd." Dr. gawleri Em cl of Wild Smwberry cum H all forms of awe] Complniull incident In ); Summannd FLII. YV -- ,. sou i Powlm Extract of Wild lrawbnny has Y long been lha but remedy for Summer Cam- us plninls in the market. and add-:d that their )e cunnmm Ipeak in tho highest term: of its m!merils` . ' CE; 47! Kingsn, w ile:-|h:l Dr. mas ox wonnl. ,, ` elderly minister ll I social party 1 mike yonn pea 15 were dinning`. be- 51 Suukadll In In Jeplied, "No. am notodnuwd onlhnend." ' -` _ nu. ........n.r u an Irn. A low of many Tolllmonlalo. ' ` 'DAvmCLAu,Druggisu. Renmw, 5 MI ]ux:)ul3`;vdlE" We hgeva mild Fuwler I can Suaw rry. up 6 yam. nnQlm|I`14l1n'h|hIng sq-Mam rou 13} .5}: ' `dnig`n:d." n. ummarc anl Ind _add_n lhnt ho can heartily rccummend it In (ha public. " W. H. Cancun, Drugginl,q( \Vn`lardoy/_n, I-owler xuicf of Wnld Smwben-y can- nnl be Iurpamtl. when all ulhn.-r vemedm {all Ihep ll _cnmcs toll and I find .n.:.: ', giving univer- - fairly lcslcd. pnrgallve ID! LII uuanl. A Mmldveniwd for "I helpmeel. I nhll be a companion of my heart. my head M and my lal,"- Aundidal: for the Iiluation 1|` wrote: "ldnnl car: to know anything a- ti bout yunt 11:14 or heart; but, how Di; 1': P` "Yeah." " ,I'Whng wu I], my boy 7" 1' I gain I I re wn afgeuIn' mil In: in hunt y Tlunl ed in up my nose." ` A 7 , . , 1 _:IJ 1 . )lA11orf:u. P: L ` but khnmugh. Live; PSLII In I: , 4 ` mm