Fcnosc} ue, my blasted hopes! Crushqd and bmkcn I II: ed in my despair. In the `whirl and u- 51` 11- Lil men: ulbusinasil nlrqv: la {organ my ax nor ovs. -Fnnunp Iinglcd-me but :1 hr ya. cspeciallavarilo. My wildcstlpeculalinnn I `n, wexcluccessfulaqd money ac::umul:I|ed as 5 1y i! by music. Thu: elaven years passed. I fl rctufncd loih olrngy u::_l_1a;;pine;: 1} ed iwnsuynunglhcn ind did not Jregm lhalvcry mud` 0"` r Md"! nd I Dmmid Fan could cr_ush_ oul my soul : dearest von1itcdqu:u1tiIics of greenish mucous si I h_P- Th W` 11"` W1` my 4- mi verrlof the most offensive nature. My skin h\ n l1Ie,nnd I had non: lhmlghl of ma lumrc (turned to a yellowish hue and About` d1 "1 upmd mm` W H" mm ...'hhu fm hmlm run inm run A... A 1. wmlxhv nmrlmn W4 I H. . n scparaled from, her. was :1 1. wusllhy merchant and I his_poor clerk ` n Whcnlluld him I laved his aughlcr he 11 ed I n} his door an_d onlcrrd gm: c( my former sclf. In April I began taking Buxnocx C ,d BI.oonlS1'rrr.Rs.andllm following July b n- I WAS CURED4 '|`hc stomach and bow- els sccmad the first acted upon, and, E :5 they restored to their proper tone, my [1 v_ condition rapidly changed for thc bet- I: k'r`the lace broke out into small dry I` 1: humors of :1 very irritating character. I y 1'9 coughed continu.1lly..1nd rhised a great It i"' amount of frightful looking stuff. u Icouid eat but little food, the stom- at ;. ach rejecting the simplest substances, rr ly and the consequent lack of proper rr .. uul u.-,cuu-,4 nu: wupxcsz suuszancrts, n proper nourishment, accompanied wjlh loss of ej H sleep and the constant cuughmg, led to 1) weakness and nervous pfostrazion a y the bowels where the disease seemca w " to be located. The liver seemed to be 0 L gvcry of ordcr. and o1'lcn.d st onenslvc .\1yskin`lh About d broke A 3'4 nloaa` . A-rs. u u.rirmu1. 11nod mi '9 cur_es dyspepsia. an liver nud ltiduuy cau- d p]llnlT I Mn. Jugs Mona wclllmown rui- [Y dental Lcaminglon, says he was Iu'u'~ ing ftofn Dyspepsia for on: year, during `d which time he wastrcnted bythc best ` medial _aid sjble to obtain, from whlchhc obm ned nu relief. `He mlly ` tried Burdock Illood Bitters, and now dcclarcs that on: bottle cured him. l His wife had also been a suffcrcr from l Chronic Dyspepsia for many years, and 1 two lmttlcs of the same medicine cured I her. He says she would not be with ` [I out it, and that he can conscicplinully d recommend Burdock Eluod Ihllm to all suffering from like cause. (. EXAMlNER~SUPPLEMENT. \\ c:nknr:ss, ctc,, cured by 1 bottle. '3 I lsnno llnown, llotlnwell, Salt Rheum, l declares 1 bottle worth $50010 him. ' Mn. IlI.ooMEn, Hamilton, Painful 5 Running Sore of many years duration, E cured by 3 lmules, l Certied lo ll) Harrison Ero..CheI`n~ l What a promlnorh cltlxon 0! \ Leamlngton Iayu: 2 -- l Khcunmusn1, cured by :1 few bottles. ` C, Iluxcxzrr Ronmsou, Toronto ` Chronic Headncht, cured by I bottle. ANNIE lhznu, Ponlaud, Eruptinm, Wc:nknr:ss, Rheum. I Ulcer on Leg, cured by 3 bottles. l luiv. Wu. smirr, Wianon, Chronic : Al>s("css that halrctl the best surgical skill for twcmy-Ihrcc years, and the} niosl rcnmrknblc case on record. cured 1 by a few bottles. 4 I). McCmmnN. Lancaster. Chronic. ` hy few bottles. 4 MCCRIMMON, Lancaster, Chronic j Rhcunmtism, ` THE cm-:Arr?a7r or mm . `K|_N_D. 4' Kldney Complaint, cuxcd by 4 bottles. Mus. H. SHELDON,` Fannenvillc, `K Canker of the Stomach, cuwd by I `Y bottle. ` V` KEV. W. E. GIII-um nmh-.Il \ Y ea.` ' V 3 " W. H. Howuuv, Gcncv:I,N. Y.,` P.1r:;l{sis hnd General Dcbilily, cured by I mule. MR5. ll. (hrnnn Pm Ii"... by haul:-. V ll. Gnrmzn, Port. Rowan, Chr nic Liver Complaint, cured by 1 boufas. ' ` M .31". Mn.I.ov, Erin, I-Ieadnche'and( Iyrcrulnrilics, 1 yams, cured by I bit-` lllus.` ` G . l . M. Nmwn '1`nmmn r`Ir.m..:. : great ar?n-chair. sat Mr, Me , lhr snow: of many winter: on his head. and hi. fang dzcply [urrowcd by the hand of time, There was an ax re::'mn of care upon his a lookad troubled and un- llus ` .` _ Gm. M. Nowm, '1`oronlo, Chromc Ulcr curpd gbottles. ' STOUT, ,. __ V W Ammo Howr, Tweed, Fever Semi *1 for 25 years, cured by 6 bottles` ` A. Ilunus, Blacksmith, .Cobourg,` 9 Dys cpsia, 15 years; cured bygbotllea ` H A. Evan, Fmnkville. Liver uld` `f Kidney Complaint, I Fannenvillc. Y bottle. N " W. E. GIYMRD, Bothweltl L Dysrepsia, worst form, cured by 3 bob _: Y Iles. ` y 1).}. MCLI-101),]. 1'. 1 1. Pmiu inlcmled mnwmu john Mob 1 H riscmcara a! D. ]. M: d. `P., SLAM, ` ll N.S.. for further particular: 0 lhllgaw. u A FEW FACTS AND `I .............. .,, Flqllili 'l'hn largest sm. llm .\Iz:4Ii|en The largest l.1Le,'Su 'rinr. The gre.1lea1rivcr,I H Mn!!!` The lamest uuli, (hr: Gulfnf with in disease of the kidneys that mark? ed symptoms of dropsy were rapidly` developing. Heconsulledseveralphy-` us sicinns but with little or no b'enet.nnd1 in himself and friends had concluded thatl ut death would soon end If eringml ry A month ago he was irtdut to try; your Bunoocx BLoon Birrans. Thel at relief was instantaneous; and now, after` using but a couple of bottles, he is daily 3- at his work. [have nevei known Inyl :3 3c in 5, medicine to perform such an almost _ :r miraculous cure; indced.wercI noun )i eyewitness of the use I could not we! 0 believe such rapid recovery from so low n state possible. The use is much ocuevc such rapnd low: state mud! c talked of in the neighborhood. . Yours, cm, "" h I). J. MCLEOD, J. ` ' I5:r_c3lx3d_x:3nynd1rgsi]o_l*:n_h(or- bou]c_s. ` ` M 51". Mn.Lov, Erin, Headnchehnd` by \ ,._.`_` REGARDING OTHERS CUR%D BY`BUK- DOCK BLOOD DITTERS. ' L "'Mzry."uld ha. mnllnlgjnz I oanvnm tinn Um hud_b:gaingmn,b:lwecn them, w ":11 your life hnv:m:deyaur_hnppine9_a my in and have given you g h1.x- fl cured by V 1 by Ero.,ChI`lI- ISIS. - were at once declined. :1 Time rolled on. Mary had now reached yu harzwenly-eighth year. and Mill remnined I a maiden beneath the paternal mol. 3 F `One ca_Id {inner evenmg May an! by the _ bealalh E One cold xyimer Mary sat h< glowing revin her falher'I drawing-pom Iii `ergmall wpilq _hand: were ciaspod [upon 5! 3' her bosom, [Her sraall wtiu hand: ciaspoa `upon 5: nd her eye: werc cast down~ w warqlgntil the lgng l_ash;s _l_ay li_ke gplqqn V End Vwr::r`c:`sVt7dzV>(uV:1: ward until long lashes lay like gbldcn " upcln her`c_ elf: Nc_a;_hcr. l_n ll|i~|s; forgotten. Therdorc, all offer: ufmapiage p( ` re ration of your lover I" ' ` 8} me " Ah 1" she rcplind in a voice lull of deep n if cmatian. happiness is luapoara on! to \d exprcssmy grzaljoy !"-I M'IaleI;A['/x Cull. 5`