Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1884, p. 2

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' one man: EILL Enos}, ` `,- Enema FrIIleyd:Dn1in_: `@112, (Emitter. _ gcounrr amcon snvocara K 0% on-. 1-A1-an or cornrrv ` BARBIE, 'runnsDisY,_ iu.ir_ 22,1ss4 `lgpylnz for llhzher Education. ..._. - Incas: can be no doubt that lully ` entisgh Attention is given to partypolitics in Camila; and, up to o'_ certain degree, it is only right that this should be the case, because much of a eoun'.ry a proa- perity depeuilszupon the kind oi Govern- ment it has, which we need not slop here Neverlheless it is well some- In nrnvh vra the number of members of County Coun- cils. On motion, the above documents were referred to their respe tirp commit tees. ThalstDeputy-Reevs,us hairmen of Board of Puhlie Worlra, pr seated a report recommending the acceptance of Mr. Bowerman s oiferto give the gravel on u lot north side ol Collier street, on condition that the lot ha ox rnpt from taxes for three years, and that the gravel he removed within that period also that Mr, Allan Lloyd : tender tos pply cedar hloeka suitable for paving {or 34 per - cord, he sceeptezl. The report was ad- opted. The Reeve, as Chairman of Fi- nanee Committee, presented a report recommending payment of accounts amounting to 8353,mostoi which was for road work. The report was adopted. On motion oi the Reova, seconded by Mr. McLean, the Town Inspector was uppointedlleallh Inspector for the town Board of Health. On motion of Mr. Pearey. seconded by Mr. Bull, the Fire sni1Police Committee were instructed to talro into consideration the udvisahility oi ieneinrn in and otherwise improving Tlrn Mu\'or'eom cm...-n And M: Y um 'p."u'ed, 01' more dc! I`:-iunds and `Goods Can"t be Beatl %_% ` 'l'|n All s`.,v.1.... ..m.-1. ..h.a.1 U! lJl'R `_lAll,l>l(l4`\'1i ]ll I'AR1`.\I1i}\"1' IS 1|(10X`I)\',- U .....m`..... hi;-M ..r In Inn .. I.nrgrnl Hm-k ul 'l'\V| .l. ` mmw r['{HllIu1 .,., uh-'. l1<)\\"`I.lil( A u: ~lbL'n .\[..m: ~`.\\'\`(1\1\-x~.| nu. ..... AT F. C0. s. Hnownnn & _co. We buy these good as low as any house in Canndn 1*} b`.\\' we were never better pre.. dclm'|11i11ed to give to our Friends the geneml public nzzizcr Imrozmins. P. I`. EWAN. 1Yl\\1UlUAK(l IIHII .Vx.u|IbvI 7. \\n imue Hm nnumm nu! lmpcclmn M nu clou mug` Is the Place for Bqrguixns. '. um Stuck l1ln\'l>uil|IhWIl\1 , _- nnull an A ,- \\`u luvs (ha Llrgnll ml! at hnuduthl F. DOWLER I GO. guy um I `r civic fathers assembled in the . ._I? 13:31 chnmBer on Monday night last, ._, , , -_Co_unc'x!men Brownnmi On. The Kayorpmjg . A' petition WBS4re5I.`|17.- rw. .1... ` '- On by.-Afr, McLean. shed forfyfeet. .~ were presenlediore from Mr. A `couple of_p xlension Brown nmi Ul . mu yorpresiglcd. was resent- Cr `by, to \n`n11owed"tu pxtend his liver) stuhle zitions of :1 walks. 1.... orfyfeef. :A couple of piiitions were presenlediorexlension sill ' The Reilxu presented :1 petition from Rolzl.King, jr.,aId 175 otlmra, praying 4 the Com_Scil not to pass A: bylaw in pre- ` vcntthe Salvation Army from parading the streets with-drums,&c. Mr. Purvis I . presennedgpetition Iromll1eBev.Canon d ` Morgan tnd 28 others. and on, which ` 9 were the name: of nearly all the resldeipl. j 9 claim . praying llie Coulicil tb `plaza '3 i > ;er;tba nearly all tngrenuepg. ;. thosuoflheSnlvnlionA1-my. The aye!` t B clergy, praying pm a by`? - lnw .proliibiting such 9treet,,p_ }es_enta_d a _oommuniqation from _[1 Clerk of the Ontario Legialativi "` bly, for an expression of -the Cduncil s opinion us to the ndviapbility ol reducing members 1 ' and Police Broard of Mr. fencing St Vincentsqunre. The ltIn','or`eom plainedtlmt the Immigration Agent nt Toronto sent ve pauper immigrants to town last Saturday. who were 'not only destitute, hut, nppcnenlly, ' capable oi earningheir living in nnyltlring. He nent them hack ngnin to Toronto on Mon- day. This nation at the Irnmigrntiorr Agent had cost the town nlzaut 020, He thought the Council should take aumri steps; to prevent this occurring nguin.Th41l Council then adjourned till'llIond:iy even` inn June 2nd. ` ' Counciltlwn ndy 1 ing 5 Pn'mnI.\`nnx proceedings in the case against Iiunting, Meek, Wilkinson, nnd Kirkland for attempted bribery of mem- hers of the Ontario Legislature were taken before the Court of Queen : Bunch on Tuesday. w1r_iclr need not slop nere to prove. Xevcrllrolcss times to halt in the lreatel discusiou of political qucslion`a,uml see if otlrerjmutrers urn going on well with us, Tl(iuL;,tl|un, this breutlriug spell, we would direct the attention olour readers to the udmiruble essay of )lr.1Iauglrtou Leunox, published - on our rat page, on l'Iiglrer Education null Ihtennediaw Schoala,uttllu request ol the Barrie Literary Society. The essay was occasioned by tho remurlw rumlo at "tho Town Council Bounl on the applica- ' lion oi the Collegiate Institute Ilmrd for the annual grant 0! the town to be increased from 8500 to $750. his {run Tur. Daminion BalI Company. of Ta- rontn,~ has closed down, throwing a large number of men out of cmploymmt. We presume Um! the N. P. was we lmxy {Q- venbing excuses for its own failure to bu - -u . .: n.. nnt. I B B min i1- I on hm! to prevent Um failure of the B0): I I Company. V \ Tm: Tories in the English House Ilords, who are largely in the nscendanl, um delernninml, it is said, to throw 0119 Mr, GIudstoxw a Fmnchise Extunaiun Bill, and that in spite of the (act tlmtit bps n:Is5'u'\l lh" Commons on n vale of 332 la I inn] thafuci may 1 p:Is5'u'\l G 137. , I,on1Run<}olgl.1`Chulchill, M ( * 33210 I v- Loni Randolph `Chulchill, Mr. ` t Gout, run! several other Comervnti\'s, t and all thu Pnruellitex voted for the Go- ` 1. varnmcnt. ~ y In spite of the guboi .n.',uw,uuu mu C.1 .R.ixiugaln in holwnter` Geoigu Stephens, the Company : Prasideiit, is pp in mission to Eiiglnndnvliicli is Ellllll] hu big with lhu lute ol the Canada Pacic R1lll\V_y. Thu Winnipeg Free Press, `which hns Dl\Vll)'B been friendly to he company, puhlisliml a rather stnril Hg axliclp lhu other lay to the L-IT:-,ct that, if Mr.Slephen failed to carry to A successful termination tha nuncinl nrrniigemeiils which he is 11!. work upon in Lomlon, the whole undertaking olvtho company xiiiglit and in collnpic. Wu auppoeu them will hi: moie belleilr:rIi1a" applied far n `X! session. ` ll . Anlvzmcu editor is the nether moiety `)1 :1 man. IIeenLu1mnUmScutt Act," :1 fcwweuksngo, in n1x1nI1I1er\vl1jcl| iILli- cnlcll ~v.-tenml hostility to that Ineuspm. But aulnu one tllrenlened tn upoiljlne that rrreusirru. spoil the A41Vnr1r.e's mnrvollnus circulation by ime or two, nnli xrigver xx word said the Fxlitor ngaimat iil Scott Act since. He mnj be of tho zmlrlo opinion still with regard to the Hoot! Act, but iru rlnrovslrurrkilris uiini--no, air; he rniglit luau llba ber luy doing so. ` T I\1.5m:t,l:ulf."-TlxeAdvance. rrwepl i And inllmminda ui x:1u|1y1muple,`1l nether moiety ff mun. IIeenLu1mnllmScutt Act . nu! lu .'|]I]miHl n sucur: r fnrawlulc, I 1 if,nfer ll|ecnn|inamu lriy. his mm v.-inc man" tmysha may sufely rulu:n 6 oiuinl life. ]l0.\Vis]IE! ta lmvc lhu I u fortho rmuunlgrontol tone It is that the application was granted, but the majority of the members eluted they ' would not have voted for tho gmutonly "they knew the Institute could compel its payment. The principolohjection to the grant was that the country did its duty in proviiling a good solid education for tho masses in our Public Schools, And that nll eilupution beyond this, should be paid for by those requiring it. The .essayist cndo:i\'ors, und, to our thinking, with success, to niuotthisolijootion. He moves thotull civilized countries lmvo life, lm,wishes lmvc lhu i` ` luuily to In no. Tu tlmsc mmlitum: L I)uxuiui-)I\ Prumivr, it is mi-l, l'(.'fll:7t comply, and lhnl the u1nl\vn|'LSuI1nlnr H innllgnaluulmrnal. Isr is unnlurslnuvl that Mr. ll. R. A, lloys,-'l'rcas|1rcr for the County 0! Silnyoc, cnntelnplnles nn early resignation of} his nllluc. Ii. is (mar iwunly years sincc`Mr. lluys was nppnilulcnl to tho 'l`1In\sl|rursl1i1v, uml in all that lung pmiml his services have lmenclln `cl:~riv,ed l n painstaking nbllilylhnlremclacgcepl nnl crmlilon his zinparlnmnl. uf the executive mnc)lin- bryof tho Counly. Ills sncccssnr will likglybu npgininlull ul lh forthcoming June session of tho Council, Alr mly then: are many nnpimnls, in llf|l'l`lU1l|llll elsmvluern llnrnnglinut the County. v l.\lr, Boys will, it is tllought. renmvc lo Culi- lomin, n chnn_ua of rcsidnnca den-mm] ml- 5 Culi- s den-mm 1 visnhlufromUwllelicntclwullliol sumo of 1115 family. .1 ~ \\'r:]n\vc huen preiiuunly um] mu-es "on that an moiety of mu` Edliorlnl Notes. . 1" AM vunuugguuum, 3`hV em` eiomnearlyt I ' " ` - }1ie:h:lE::::i`:l;; "If $321 ofcounty 3 in Dine E bova documents ' 1 3`. s e ve commit? lands P-mm 2503115` gftmunlng tf rhi, thexiiesgedh xe mkingcomn Cgio thte um` um, bf ii`;;`; $ $9 T:,`"" ml Gxgmgmcf perimaf alsolhat pun End zrtoa pplycedur imm um J lnrgerparluf thcxmpu 3 countries which have` n Trade have been '30) Tn e we borne seaward: by D mostlyBritish`u`cssel3. ' e the British mprcamile nn\'y,\vhicl1 was about 9.500.000, as compnrpd with 14,000,000, the total tonnage of x1ves- selsenteriug nr_\d clearing Iromliuglish purts,hu laylmycar to over 47,000,000` The tonnage oi _ '. `tilt/vv,vvv Or all Brilisl1statesman,living or dead, Mr. Glnditoua stands pre-eminent for dogged perseverance in what he believes toberight. He continues `.0 sriuualy abiznnalfssziarsyseefhis 2`g1v.Ii.nisl=a- lion itfhis endeavors to do justie tohlre-' PAl5Em.LQS,DnlinJ;e to show nrnninion orthesu eorts by proves that all have made ample provision for mental culture of the highest order, believing that, in so doing. they were promoting, in the liiglr- est sense, the best interests of the oom- munity as a whole. lle next shows eon- clusively that no educational scheme can rightly he called a system that does not rnakepemple provision to meet the needs at every order of intellect in the land, and aid, enter as practicable, in the develop ment of every lsind nnd degree of talent, `The talented essey`ist s next rtrongvpoint is, that I nntion's destinies are, or ought to be, controlled by its most gifted minds, and that these, us nrule, springing irom every walk of life, first learn to exercise their mental powers. and test their capabilities, in our lligh Schools and Collegiate Institutes. Yetanotlierreuscri why the people shculd gladly consent to pay the small sum they are taxed for the support of these schools, is the feet that \ this higher education is afforded within the radius of the home circle, and this, too, at the impressionable age oi hudding manhood nnd \t"3lltL|llll00tl. These Inter- mediute Schools also tend to keep our youth permanently within our midst, use large proportion of them ultimately settle in life in the countyin which they are 4-ilmerted.` Tlmr. to take lower ground, ` tho Telcgmm, it would be the best 1` thing that could hnppcnifthb Gladstone 1} 1 (z`overnmenl\vere turned out, nsihvould 3 `` put an to concessiouwto In-elaml 10: ' ntime,nm!lhere\rou1d bclessdungernf I K" disruption. liunolrelamlibwnuld ban I ' fatal blow." . . ..,m.. S Auuu vnv -:- FAlun:ns should not forget lhntthc Local Izgisluturu passed un Act last session to prevent the sgreud of noxious wv.-v:ds,nm1 (ha tliacnsg _necging fruit e has heen so incr::uml' ma! non om; xnlurger proportion of her own for n trade carried last year in Britisl e 35 f 1 5 a 5K`D\ll'l: n ;_;m'ernIneII in its governmental unis. Slinmliuldurs who nra paying the calls upon their stock by check: upun thuir deposits in the bunk, um um ncling equitably, ii lmvfully, far they mu in hunt lmying lhcmsnlves in full while Ihc other dnpnaitors may gptiiolliilig. The double liability of slinreiioldera in such ii cusu is || delusion. ?-l?_' Tm: vale ofcensurz nn the Ministry of Mr, (Elmlalnno for i`,s pulicy in E;;ypl riml the Somlun, p|`0])nsml by Sir .\Iiuh:|ul Hicks Bench, lml to one uf the 1nostv.x- L citing Llubaleu link the l[olxsc :1! Cum- nmns has seen since this }A:lInini.~:lm|iun Glmls|0neaay:, to ulnpluy nnlltnry Iurcu, if llO|2l:EEI`y, anrl ngninsl \vhr)Iul ;\g;ni11, \vl1nlxi;;h'. to enter upuu u tu1n]mmy `Inl- ministruliun oi the uII`.ni.'a' n[ 1` t, mu] 1 I 1 \ 1 V ministruliunoi llu:uII'.|i:a'n[ 1-Imxt, mnl theuto 2lLiujud1.;xnI:n us [41 which n! tho dufnctnlvrrssmiuxxslh:nh:u|1|.tryshul1 relain umlur ih; Illlu, um} \\`hiuh it tlmll Illlu, um! \`.`h1u|| 1!. than give up to nuy]u:uln|'\\'lm can mualur n n:belInllu\\`iI1g1 .\'u\v, if F.ngIn11:Huul nuhI1si1u2.=s In he yllllipg duwn thu Sun- dnnesn `vim man up ng.niI1.aLl`I;,r']n. fun lhuirliberlv, \vlmlI'i~,;l1( slmulxl shu hum: llllL .`i!l ng.| l,g'y]ll. 1m llmirliberly, to suppress n relvclllnn nl }\l`ll|r.1llu~', \\`lm man lnrllleir liberty n-,;uinal lwr rule in lnnlinl` .\Ir. (llnllsluxlds llnsilinns FCDIII lolm elluiuzxlly inconlrnw.-Itilnle. llnl. nu man wlm lltllll an lllgln n Colluclllltlll of political duly lma n liglxl lo lmnunuc llm ulliuf mlIninis`.mlnr u[ n lnlgu yxxrlxlmlaip l I i in u-nmnursl runl iulerlmtionul mlnlwry, ` yxxrlxxmlaip in noxnluvsl such us in the llrilish l",}1|pi|'c. .\Ir. {Hmlslono rnlmvml his assurance in (In: invlihi iii which L mlucnted,` TIMI, ground, that cmyist shows that tlwsni|igl1er_cdu- calionnl institutions are a direct pcuuninry ' ndvnntago to the towns in which thuy um situalmha self evi-icnt fact which requires no proof. Anothcrpoint hrouxht out with V.-nzutclcnrnnsz is.thnt the skilled I n llrilish l",}nnrc. .\lr. `I Huusu of Comnmns thnt (}ul1.Unr ` wns in my kind ufl::n;;Izr,?.I1:xt uvnry pm I Visinnnuclll-,Il for his sufnly hurl Mm) nlnnle, And that llm (lovornmunt was fully r mvme of its lesxrovlsilnilitlns fur him. in mponsilnilitlns - 5 an puqiosen publinhing the remlt at his 0 work. A geological work of (hi: kind will no doubt he regnidod with much interest C by scientists and the public genm-ally. The Bwlaw to raise by way of Dobun , , by menum nu ma puunu geuum-y. x. The By>lnw by way ,. turesH1uIumoI0no Thousand Dollars, 1 for the purpolu of granling Ix Bun-uto \Villiam Reyuoidl, Io nid him in mbu1ld- inn. rafitting Ind cqmgleting his Steam \V ian:ReyuoldI,Ionii ing, completing " Grist nud Fluuring Mill]. in Stnynr.-r, wu '5 voted on by the duli qunlilied olacton or`: it Tuea:1ny,o! Int. wan , Alhd was carried by `e lhahnndaoma mnjoritypf 47, The vote (1 as Knkim need, 71 Fur, rnd 24 Agninlt. .. n..1r..x.l. ..w;. "can u. mu. 3 main man, u. nur, nu n ;.5.m... I On my ml the house ofhir. R. Hill, f Ilurchnnt. Bnlluntrnowna entered And 1; about 8260 taken. Hg laid information at Sloulfvillu, and the mnmbiu proceeded to Bnllnnlrun nnd nrrculud in youth named Stnleyfram whom chef rccnvmd 8200. L t They than muted lwq young man named 5 Neshirwlio wuru charged with being no- camplicea. Tho il W|1l'\nkn1) ma 1 ic as [6 his sanity. On Monday cranium! 0ril1in,Mr,Dnvid Bunker : harms ran mmy, smashing lhL . . . ... . H notintholonsfixitsrfarevl wilh, Even on tho ma occnsiuhn whuru n cunxplalut in lmlgad nud the pmmlly provided by the Ir Nu n F Ant impouml, limu [0 pay in nlloylad the .1 parties. the moat rqconl cm hnitig cum! up thine nmmha nun, Mld my line yet ru- (1 nulning unpaid. This in vury'unl|i;_'tg (hp -1. . licunsml dualur who pnya llm cummlumnerl !orcar!ni|1privi|o;,re|. and who has n right - tudumnnd duh` hip tnulu .l.vp pgulpqluxl uuniun thu unlicansml vondou. of; It against unlicaniml oI`;t!i1ulx- Inulu. Again the oxirencu ul ums u! mm `I brothels, fur they mu ;;annmlIy litllm, ulna. ' in llmlnidatofm cumin-mity has nn evil 1-mninntond ufM.`hx `budsido. Nu (rum ' lruulnflhu |(||l|ly pm-lius luu yut huun ll fnund, nutwllhatpmling uvury ulfnrl has [I hoeinnndutnnliumwur (hum. Wlmn Mr. Mulcuhy hm r.-nlikml wlmt haul lmlupunml [I In him hu ll|u\|ghUl|u would kaap it quinl, `_ |ml\vI1unl|u I|uA\}'Il llmt Mr, Kunu hm! - ur outoi public life. gnzatclearnesz is. that the skilled xnealnnic nitiznn, and n,';riculturint, equally with the prelassionnl man, naerla the a-lucatinn llllpltl in our 1 lllgh Schools and Collegiate Instititntes, many of whom would be nnnhle to ohtaiu such instruction were such schools a-ipporteul anlely by lees. Again,it requires, in this uur day, more than ordinary intelliganca and knowledge to give an intelligent vote on publid irllairs, whether the voter he in Then lastly, though of the utmost iluporlnnce, the essayist points uutlthe undeuinhla truth, that C:in:nla'5 futurexvell-being largelyle- [)(`lltl5'ilp/)ll the coinpletciiess of her edu- cational system. We bespealr, tliercfnre, ` 'that careful perusal it so well g MoRTeA_q_E s"A'L'f . qr .:uu/ u. v....u.. .. ,1 U 1'uv.L almlucanhinrdinncertnin Mort gage, whinh will be produul at the lime n! nle. Ind upon which delnult in nymcnt has bun fl mule,lhnvnbccninsmlclml y llm mangafgnu .3 to zellntmy w mu m m, i AUCTION ROOMS, DUNLOP-SI'.y` _m rm_ 1 [1 TOWN OF BARRIE. BOUNTY UF SIMCUKE.` ,. `*3 \ANII-symgcjfj \Mr.J"A%s f1_AHm .`NI" '7 Alsb BY JIRTUE OF THE . . . l_ -r a mic canhmrd m n cnrtnm M ,,.. , . u..u.-m A, H The Ma: Ma ix frdlrloyal to the ow Magim-an trill neither advil: nor submit (a arbihury muuuruI" h U1 ---- Oourt of Hovlslou n T _MTHnusANu ' ' luunwnoli E. Farms`in!Michigan; A nwnliacorrterrlcd car; . srrcerirrgly ask why Cun;ul.\ should ohuerva much recurring anniversary 9! Queen Victoria's hirthdny. Reasons for an doing nru not hard to x-.11. The Dominion is an inn. grnlpartof]rin: over which the" Empress-Quecrr is supreme lrend; and` if. Isculorunry, in all Lurds mrbjucl to man- nrchical rule, In pay the reigning rrrnrmrclr such tukuxra of respect. Than, the Queen has a right to Llusrnnrli of <-,.tccm ul our hands on ntcountuf her many virtues, --Meetings !_~ mm g'h.'cu.u1uum, A Hlahlo an I mun Wovklu me, r, `man: (I Inga Urulnml on \ I and Appeal; House-Furnishing Department. ` I all ofxvbich we gunrmmtee at the Lowest Pos~:il:1e Prices for first-class goods, . L`. will re-pay housekeepers to give us n cull. . ud are satised with the lowest 1iv'mg prot. [AGE IIURTAINSL LAMBRRQUINS AND QUILTS. BOUGHT DIRFCT FROM MAKERS IN NOT TINGIIAM, MANCHESTER AND GLASGOW. TABLE LINENS IIAPKINIS. &0. BOUCIIT FROM IIIANUFACTURERS IN IRELAND AND SCOTLAND. ' V . Dun?01nS'!., 13m-rz'e. oppmte the Ifailzcay Station. ALL N aw PATTERNS rms SEASON, BOUGHT mom :1AxEn's`1S{YoxzKsa1RE mp LONDON. ntconntai her \'n`lucs, both rm :1 Queen and A wrnnnn. Under In-rhenclicentnwny tlm British linnrire has nmdo wondmus nmturinl lnngress nnnl in solinl llnllpincss, Tyne, as Queen, she is, ton limited cxtent,r_m unknown quan- llty in British politics. B|ill,he1'pcrsrmnl mnl nloml inuence has played no incon- sidernbla pm. in the onward nmrch In the United Kingxlmn over which she reigns; and, us we share in the gncd nnd just law: which govern the nmlher lzmd. we have I right to,do Honor to the Qunen "of tho cnuntry {mm which we Imam- cnived3m'much, As `I: wmn.-m, ton, Queen Victoriais an exnxnplc of the pro- prielies 0! life. No acnndal or pcstilcnl. lnlatmosplmre disgrncea lmr court or Lulu holprivutolifc; nmlthis, ol it- jvlurnq mpgm inuence for gnml. Pmmrolvmnno ALL um: Mother ieductlion in A. % Price, as all} goods must be 5 cleared eI}%tWin*_::|.*few weeks. emmam E*`&%"CE em mama _ SANDERS BLQCK :WE HAVE NOW ON HAND ss A fbre EVERY LADY should see them be making her Sprmg purchases. ; .. ....-. - --n|l||II\ . 1 . - - . We draw the nttention of l1ousekeepqr~3 at tins seusgu, to our bplendld Range of llouse-mruxslbmgt '_ TIMBER LANDS5JE5MSNM| I\Tnn-n 'R:un-Iin 1881' D' L'I.'I ' llgjf Lul23,8IITGu11.\!u's1J11a. nlnnnng v\'l`.`\'l`II\"l'\ Am: )ll()l'1`IIl'l'\' 1101! SM. - I)' ` Hr (nun l .4 1 -1-. burr azcoss M %-BANKRUPT.'.]'OCK!- IIIULII LHIIUU IUII urn Near Barrie. mu` 1' -a on ml. hm. Wm... DEE; Krilo` MANTLE MAKING mu rr~u'r7 PREMISES UNDER tr H. HAswe1JL & oo.. VVIIu'u-nun` nu`-uul-1., u.uu.: , Elegant Assortment HASWEIJL Ht UU.. uu+uu|.., \ ON THE PREMISES % FIRST-CLASS HVIANAGEMEN '1`. GARPETS Augjoun, 6L0:TH_S_, c1zo1v11=-roN &%_R_%YAN, _ .._-.` --- ({TllUj' all Say that `lid mpgm gnnul. `H15 Queen : many nml grunt 1 1e uuenwagbgru tmthe Jjthia C_nnmln of ours is 'CipWn,`nnd loves its ,. on {other our wnrmcst n `. 181 , and is ;1'6\v 65 yum ' `-4 pa 24th of ' May is v

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