deck. , prnngemenh tor mdopuaem \ turtle-hcklorlwud, nnd nnzrrthu turtle- lilltnau-ggumwllvudhud JUST IN! v1_:;test ` Patterns and Desiu uunuu Iuvwv VD ...._ .. W __ _ D Maw. ` -The wt Ihhility Ind my motion: 0! Nil: Ihly, I! my mu tho Eumla ind Onyan, In Inn to prmnt vmnt plwtu At tabla and to oonldbuu much tn the comfort u( tho 0 pnmll . Tho mm: adeck In Isfectlung, with- out guy ohtmctiun whmver. the Fldlay calla; rillpx Ibout uvnn leet hifgh, and cu - (ng up overhend my duct or nut {ramrmu lmur d.epcrtmunt' tlu Vaumuvrr la in this The ll In lo pro :1- vmm :.o. rupee: unm uw.|' `Lam in nu w pm Mr Ida room an aw min duk lor lArn`urn1e4Jiuc mi luau a pmengan. ' 1` The Inn his room In an bridge deck, um! [I I very my game, Inwluu can ,hlV5 u much 1! {mi :1: u C ay denim to Admit. Tl}! clymfljoam Ind cnptnln: v....,,-. ..... oleor in c IIKG at any hour ol um nixllt, whllo the explain can rut It hand, to ho nu mntly callad It all txmu when, on mount of wuthu ar mvlgnlion in narrow wntcn, ha my (.901 St bemr nut to ocuupy hi: comrnmlb WI mm-com In front of the bridge helow. . Th: rlg aHha nhip_l_a nqum luaillon the tool St bemr may to ocuupy nu cuuuumw ship I: nillon two larvmd mun, Ind {ore um mm on ma two Altar mun 1 the cannprwl A largo Iurlm of odnvu when the wind blew: (air. The Yanazumwillcury I very hugs mr a, lad loraxpediliouu working aha lmulx lutuea Ind six mum vtlnalm. ` When It m be nacuury to wnrk it njgdn ` III: In Iuplla with I clumr 0! eloctrlalumpn v la illnm ms the duck]. turd whulrhouw In bu mo` Iran! 0! bridge duh `the former ll nlwm open In chrue ni whllq ha__ca_plaIn fan I? hand I ad . V 7 c Thu chm/roam cnptnlnlroom nm1!nr- ix xghoglrhpung 911 _!M' Ir I I ' Ilwldd into four comput- Ju vmrght. bulkheads. uch lnvingsupuntau u-umlnn mdecku 2 ' bain not more chm I 5 [or Latin clan than Me yravided Iemla bathroom, gnlry, ml : l-1.1.101;-31:5:->1; enough, E lmnd ubm, u reznrdn the mtg t` four berth: In in ghu MIG emu-u an, -4.... ... . rmmunt-, Inllns 4 my uw.l' Thcralum an ha lsurnxumu .a pmengan. `Vil: llxriclh I an non; I mi ulzjn, ugreznrdn lb , of pain nio1nly at 5` encloted in opal :1, nttntudy light I. my dilculty, thank: to the n|lwn'y*m_su-. agate, who it once {all in with he ncfieme nnd nerad to carry sud ahnng the signals without cont. Mr, Gurdamco ld ni `e nfull list of tha gintlamen wit why '11: had Il'l'IDi[ed,b|ll tho following a nmangnt the number :-Menu. \'t'. J. Spiber and Sti. of the Grand Trunk ;Mr. L. Bnker. Canadian Fuic Railway ;:M. W._\'V'h;ts. Ruic Railwn ; M. W. Whyts. Onyarioind Quabec; .D. . Limlay, Cnnndiln Alknlic; Mr. Burks ,Norhern Railway, and B . Wninwr ht, oflha North Shore Rail ay. } The plan my bu described in nlaw wurdn. The railway: running uunweat, m Ind nnrth may bu ullad "nignnl mum," Ind n_/.-.4:'or(`.ing'to those part: at tho country Jhruugb which hoy,pau.will cnrry_ I` m for Inks regiun, Upper or Loner St. W- .. ...... ...- am! ninlricll. The nlqnnh, -~ . ~ -. V. . . n Luv- rnnca, or Gulf uillricu. Ilgnlll, `which comm nf dim chm fool in dime-` tar, will be carried by axpm: min, on an anal: aide of the baggage car, A white disc reprglenling thy Iun in !`h Hm- I reprelenling the the Iignal for ne wenliiar, a buck disc with a white mu- uenk, Ihqwery, nblnck dim with I while :Lar,ra1nywe unur. ' Tim dim are to ur- rnngad thatall three aspect: can be nimwn on each. At present if a miner wither (u know` whntlhu probilities no he bu got. to la d In tho naamt lalegnph ufca. By! menm, however, than living along the ii an of railway: can gut the dalired in- form: ion by merel watching Ibo union: 1: it puma. II wi 1 also be many matter for them to communicato gnnlu ~ - . .: A . a - - 3 izpau 5. been euymatter 9 the uignnl to (heir neighbors who am out of night. of the Irain_by name simple code of then own. 0 Ducks Ind nucluu-I Ara frequenting the ` Holhnd Rim; in largo numbm. A good " dual of sport in n nnd leather hu nlreudy been onlnyad. nnd leather nu urenuy - on;nyad._ Tho Benton school: no evidently badly in wnptcl Ill nddilinnnlmchur. u there Ire {tam manly Ur eighty pupil: in one rqom pmidad over by: young lady. Mr. H. E; Cook, M. P., hurnwn tho mention 0! tho Dnminion Guvornmant to the fun that Dr. Walton, Indinn ngcnt At Pmy Sound, keeps a dry fooda, provinion, drug Ind nod atom in no men 0! the ra- gulntionl governing Inch oiclnln. _ `Rum Midlnnd mm. upon! Eundnyl angina`-md hoilfn. nut! in 3 very Iinndwme npuhnent extending the full width of the Ihip with not {or 180 pea-Ion: at [our tabla run- ning fore Ind Alt, Ind (iv: 1.11112: on each Iido Lthwnhhipc, than permitting euier ween, Ind luzuldv parties it fable. Ra- volvi Inn duh-I nu new are richly uphol-` lured cnuan vdvct. ` The ubiuetwork of the uloon In in panel: Indyilugen cg Cfgk, ml 14, plnnztru. and .,_. `.4. -xu. .1.. in-|`ah'f|:l`n'v:-I:`.l;v;;id1hipc, forwlrd of tho ' gulmonl governing Iucn uumnu. Sumo Midlnnd youth: upon! Sunday ovenin in ulvarlialng Ievenxl ofthu bul- ineu p new 0! that bug, and In Acume- qllancolhe Iidanll and bill-bulrdu pm- Ienud Ill inzemlinli appunnncu on the [allowing inor ing. hen lha Salvation Army viuimh Ivillngo them young men mnylmna ballet my nhpandingthu - x Duck nndnucluu-I : Riroriqlurgqxgungberg. A`go<:d E L will purify the |yIlonI,cvrroaI'llm Ilon|- n sch and lmvmln, nllmulsuv Illa llvcr and : kidney: to llualtlly Action, (renmvn Ill pol- uuloul humor: and mnka you {coll ll 9 I nun. A: n Iprlng nmllclu_, luglla nd Z nludiixno, \ bloqd Puriliur it Im no equnl, I . . _., .-._:.,_. . y I \ Momma: 1so1*rmns I Momma: . Am you dlIturberluIn|fM nnrl broken h in your Imhya Igck um (I Ium.fring nnd arylng with Kim '0'!` iclmlug pain` 4:! cut!- ,1 '1 '1 `- jug luu(M I! In, go nI.qnu`nd gut 1! nun lvultlu ul Mun. \VlNILOWt4 ummm Syrup. It will raliovothu pant um luf- I lururhnmotlintnly - upnn it thnru Innnnniunlw nhnul I}. Thorn h_ xyn n : umlhnr on rnrlh who lmvn uvur um L will nut Gull ynu at oncu that it `w gulnlo thu buwull, and ulvu re L 0 mothar MI-l'ru|iul_ tn Hm u_|Iild, 5; 32* ~ ' yluirlx; at Toronto now 5 `all the farmers east, want and 9 lfui lulu l D1-1;; ' Guzduunox or mu Ewen. , Auvery moment of lifo ten pounds of V biaadgtuh jlovflhz heart through Hm urt- 3 eriel, thence thraugh this whole body By 7 _chnuneln so minutn as to be iurfn'bIe 43nd 4 ich Aillichllaa human nee spring llll prolic urce when in u vitmteil prnved can itou. From cerful nnalyaie l: `Il \`bl 00ll rind ul dillerent period: he nqolluwuy discovered that in nu luiy stale it engendered Erysipelee, eh, hlulcliee, end all cutaneous erup- llgu . He therefore lreuuvthe vitullluiil in by hi: Pill: to clenlna ilof the liumon wliicn give origin to external dinnrdermvhilu npplicniuns of_l.hiI Ointment are used out- werdlytoiremovn the hlamiahu tom the Iurlnoe. Thiaia the Ilmplu and rational luulmenl employed by Holloway in eh the show named allectional Willi the innum- fllllll certicates in his rouenian from all part: of the world, and the incmaiug pop- ninrity of these praparntianl, ha challenges the united nedico-Icientilie world to pm- duce nnnilm medicine which will elllct the nine radical end certainly lnverlnlily atten- rlnnt upon the use of hiI_ celebrated lltflllumuuu ....... kin Q of teak, I Igdnut, deovnud in me nnnutewlth-dn~ r .. .. Lu... 1... . hirrh, en`. Tho univmnl Iuccenu oi tho Trianglo Dyuis attracting nulica throughout the wunlry. mun! rnmnrknbla dye: And hnvn given ab- undnnluidenco oftheirrelinbility in A nhudel. - They are without bucnlion tho , Throat Illmumnunm Tauumcha Lurnlmxo nnd my kind at n Paln or Iwlun. II wlllmmtlutnlyqulckeu ml Illood rum] heal Illll ucl_ln( pnwur -I wonvrful llrowna 4.. u n {I 'yo`u`I:'* "l.f n ufl'ring . ' ' H" '!r13mvua ntng ur 1, Mrinking, any ind;-u~ nl-n||nI| nl Alu-hulimn I | 'wurk, uup lmlm will Iurluy `My | K lcknon, lnldolxaur ff ynuuru nim~ ` !y nillng or if you [an] wank ml, ' uporfted, wltlmun.-Iunrluy )umw- 'lng why, lwlup Uillm will nurluy `am you. "Ifyoun mlmler. And have nvurhxnxnl `yaurnoll with your pnlluml duti-m,nr 1| `Muthnr, worn out who earn nnd wnrk,nr 'AlInan u! lminnmur lnbm-er wunkunuk by `tin main uf your uvurydny Llllliul or n ,mnn vf lulmrn, luiling nvur your xnizinighv. `wurlky, Uup Ilium will aurluy Jllrullglhml , , .- Y...-. u Ann u "I! you uro_nu1l`uring Innn pum- `honllh or lnngmnluing nu 5 bed uf like almur if ypullrp nim_~ '!F[:7 t3vu'r"5Fn!'1g air crolhnn nr dluaipnlimn `or yuun;und grow- 'iug hm (nut, An ll 0(- lon tho cm." '[VT.V%Er1lLI`i%l3{lWl`I)_)sANn\nlariu Pnlmuuaw 11131111113,` , innnwoon I r`a`}ms*iniMichigan.: ' Fmsalebv the cm\.\'n RAPIDS 1 _mpm.\'A W0 *';::2'z;:r;1mm... Ayer's Sarsaparllla. cmmmi mu: Sore Iiyu, sow AGED. 1=..n,om., I;n3 uni TheGi&:IWundMfMuderhTimEs \ ....u".-.`` n n`z2~.\ .n?1";7n`.'.'{':`:"cI.i', E{.,ilu, imu. ; ulnar, I -_ Iigxlollxault, 10lgl,UGt`I,` birds, gun mirpue, vs at n w horn u nloan entnmupnrdnth muic , room. w_ the pmnerudn duck. , , ._ 1. u... I,.....A A GURE GUARANTEED! AGNET1gMn1a1NEt - M ' . _.'-FHE PILLS ....n: .n n:.. |U.1l ll Uuum un muu in 1,1564. `M. HILTON! WILLIAMS. MD.` \?I*}`IS:,9%GA??,5~s J. urn! V9; UJ.Iaun.J.I ya 5 Suwing Mncl inn, Shunt Mnnic nml Mmia \ _ Iluukn of nll kinda, hnpnrlorn uf Ilnnd \ Muaic,ulc. `Pinnu nnnl 01-gnu Cuvuru. 1. Dominium: `\nyun(: IL-airing lu lnry will dd well to gi `e us In call In-{urn purchuniug nlnuwhuru. lupnirinu nnd ]`unuu; dnxnu 1\|lnnInrnI\:l um um ntpru in Al::1ur4:'a `nu Mia` mnduoom pm 0! brldgl dock, Above the nloop, ta In ag tarwnrd And in I my hnndwma npnmuent, with 1 ogrhta doeonlml; mu 0! nd Bonn` mt upright iron ' A an ptyla kngvn than. John rinmud pinnu, of nut" modal, u the `_A .u.=.: .4... . .,.L. _ Iluuknvol nll` Pinnu Wccnn null aelmnpnunny hnuac in Hm `I lnr_y will I` ;\llnnInrnh:h. 3.: nu; Mom Black, oppuailu Slrnnpg uh Dunnull'n amru, 234,: -- ' snakvfonn & srEiAnT. `EKIJIJ s'J100;1 GHIEAP WOOLS AND BRAIDS STAMPINGFURBRAIDING ' FA.NCY G()0J)b` ` I'l'UDIO,u1ulnlrn npmnitn ll-u N D. Hinds,Dulllop-It.,iJA1\1lIE. 4 :4 'FREEMAN S. J_..U.L 3Q\J-LII UV sa.-..--u_ _._.._.. \__; `W . GUARANTEED sp|=_c||:|c % |V|..STR|TCH&GO.. F `Opposite 13, mwxvs WILD GA smomn 'HV5t' Dmlnessv .,.-mu-1-`H suns DUNLOP-STREET. BA may f:(Heallh is Weal \____._.__>, ~u-.-..vs-- 3 JUST RECEIVED AT n1q.___[:n,_:_:g1al;g;T's* s. 5 ~ GROCERY --n-:-xv IT-.RYOUR 50 CENT TEA. r\IIAnAI\ITr|'-`h ' lllwnlwlaup mu vn ......- .. hut grad puma, ' {nu known `_AvenuI"modal, . Qnuouneggwm In the mmarl ying` 5 `ONE DOLLAR A BOX Or my Rates for $5. . Wu ;;nu'\rnnluc'ix Imxua In curu any cuso. l \\'il|u nznch unlur rum-iml by In fur nix " 1mxus,nccmnpru1ie:lwith ve dnlluru. we I`; willucmlthupurclxnarr ulr wrilh-n gnar- nmuu ru rt-fund lhv umnuy if llm lrunllm-nt dm-V: nut c-met n rum (hmrmm-r unly by G1-I0..\l()NK;\I;\N, .l. \` J, 1 . Kim), mu Agvlnln for mu N'I2'\IE-I\}n'n-A:TI7 `aIn:nnm,mmu, 1.... ....m......., , Illl.WU.I.lBN. BlIH(Co.lL|lfM nut Duulmol mulch Harm; mm. I UUI-Ln Tl I-H Or _Six Boxes for $5. gges, Spices and Fruts. ALIIS, WinesandLiuunrs,A DVD "I" "*`w4xLL%1>m21:. WALL'1)APER.T NEW SPRING s'r0.cK TTTQVI` TIT I ' W11iL11ey`$ Celebrated Baby Carriages, Express , V ` Wz1ggons,'Lcather`and Plush Hand Bags, FULL s'rocK AT ' kSCOTT S*BOOK STORE, Inmmn nun uy..,.....y.. `_rA'!r`ce;zx1'I"moial, dnuounu and mud: touchiol ying 5| ngm. Hm, Illa. in I wall-ntov.-Itch Iilmry. Anvlll ` Eng between the uloon Ind - u.. ......x. on Baeaunllv H An Immense Stock, .--0F-- ' sP1imG& summnn A. full stock of Horas Shoes. Horso Nails, Om1ago`and ' Sleigh Woodwnro always on stock MOALLISTER. `ISTORY & Co{ BA1:.11jmN.N()1tWA%Y11i,oNf: STEEL ` BEST PROOF G011. CHAIN -ANgv1Ls AND y; q_ns-e mowsmunes` %o BUITINGS * ` COATINGS} ; ovzncomm, NEW vonx GILT mans! Exmu `ORDINARY LOW 14`-IGUR_ ~ 1 0120. nmoxmorg msmusnan, smnv :. co. 5| Teena CQMPANY- _ -._. .-_ . `- b (HEW? lllvul Wu-- 7 , ' _ inwull-ntoclualibruy. ` Alrolllptin opening nuluoom mm thl muxlo to Buqxully $111, Ind ulna pmvldught And .11.. 1....` mt! UB1-UU -51`: -.u--- w .. | !'SOUT:H SIDE DEJNLOP-STREET. BAF+RlE.`l_ =1 0n`o door West of the Queen's Hotel. Barrio, have Rooivogl n`Lnmo Stock of orqinary um GEO-BMEKMDRE *1 ; MIRGHANT GROCERY Sanders. |h1l1ghHl|\h0 C!:'e'npul l\lukuIun1 nuld M -.-`lxul you nro mm In ordur-- .__;. wioths V of the