","` .4 . '".r :.i.`z .Y3&'n"i`5an. ~k'nAah AL! U` s WinterLSuilings`arid Uvercoaligs . ' Art: Now rlennrfar lxmm-.lIun. 1 i 1 . , _ I E ` THE GREAT DR. `J10 LEWIS A I ;, -_~: . I{EATl7Ul7:V, MY!/5.95 .1: umzunn n m, M ' //mum, or M5 M4, And every Ipeclu am an mm. disordurcd LIVER KID T0$01M7H, aow5Lb on BL . A MGGR/Us 4 co-, iaslonhlyle l`nllo1' fun! Clollxler { BRITISH FREEDOM AND COLONIAL RIGHT8._ -THE OLD EST!\BL|SHED- . J. H._ 1z`c1@ff'nfa}1"agEr"." `L"p'17.L':`;'{.11r7,}g;'.'.3 WE" "oz`o.,;m' _m'&i`i'%} lih," aha rgjolnu_d, ` ' I B.-lore the mm am," `-he said, you will have forgotten it when than green ` groves of Urnoxxngout your vie`w:- {They " are smlyn lengualram hm; b_u!, as you I: wish to rub, M In dismount fur n_ l_l , little. ~ ` Tlm man \Ar`v.-hilmld Gn\lmmc.n U Ihnroa I|h'u|, . , ' Bv imtlna comm And buI!Al__6_nn nembe` b 3 Itizd IuI' . h And 'nrely,wi|h]n thl porkhthI|bAr1balf ' hriglm I hm`; - - ` , They yonn at lellow imngdrtall, tugh (1 rl _"_g`myI|ng`wa'r'irn:!ike he_ng, ,_ 1i zcrb r" H: `utlx:"I'snmum rum Em `-M9: t'~>mT`32=r=n1-:':g5"`u,`:%'s=`=i ` 1,sAsTnx4m 4] ,. .V.l.DuhAu 1%,.` `IV by congmnlguy am. |M_9,oIha-u. V- I , lml. F The Cm\lmmc,n lnnjor in tho Army of Wllam I11, and ` thelnly was his dnughter. _The1h;u1. loft Deny n_t noon, tmvelllug on the Donegal side 0! the Foyle, nnd lmd nt- rived oppoto nv a 10! im :11: Tymna side of the rivercnllezl than. and wu` believe atlll. `Thoreen Bmssl - ' atlll, `ThojGreenBmas. . : w .From the bcgluningbf hoaillltiau till g4 the capilulntinn of Limerick, tho Mnjar In hadlollowadthepnnnsz of tin Hlnnw M rinn in his Irish um, and, whan peace` av I wnuost.>rcd,na)redfc~r,-and roczlvel u hismmnimr hls"!ervim Agoodlyallca E of tho ferlilo lands 0! Umey. ` `I Ihmummra! indielancatohim _ll ' Inland. Thin hnd um and mm: thought, ind his conlclenpo vm my oh thud um, I: be well how my me wmipd {ram aomaf Pcrphh `inll : whom in m the duty plenty aodftman to L rah nr extenlnm. lnjnnm n bigot, an nlmasl mrybody than was. Ha had endurullhe rigors of the siege 0! Derry,nml tho priutlnno to which his was subjected than did not lend to .uwnluu_l1js.Iculinga toward the Church against whih hu hm] lmhled. Ho_ was tmvnrd lh :\gAinr-.2 A soldier u! the \\ q1kerI:ypn, fl)` :\gAiI1.v.HvI\ilIhuhpltlbnhlenl. Ho 1 Wn_1keH._ypn, ndjo bignt n than palniohand mm! nt the Dayna y with that grim churchnmn from Derry. c` ' 'I`revious to tho lnveahnent of the city In from Derry. c ' Previous he had tollowml Lumly to Claudy Fm-L1 la buttlu against. t_hu erce Gnlmuy and h Juunsof lheuglynnmc. Ouhtumarch b thither ho cant n longlng on on the henu- In tiful desnmanes ol Urnay,Aud,,riding vatungtku htllyatlmaup mndaovarhung o with h mt-.1cnfv om nnd`e1mu,~|nr1 in- .\< desmcanes ol Urnay,Auu,,nu1ng valungtgu hilly a1nuau_a o` with u,1cnfy nnd`e1mu,~|nr1 . torcapl wiih ppllng -brooklula, ho It sighed to `ucome pnaaeqnor of than Iarlila a` lauds.` ` ' 5} _.-.. . \ ' mined in lands.` `- Unvdy was then huldb an 0 Gn1laghnL Irhml beau grnntodvp 1: fundslrqhy Hugh, of Tir -Owen, for _iat|r)gu1II1cd hmvnry nl: lha Ynlloiv Fotd,Anr1 }'mdra- oiseulun uh thal, family Llll the days 01 Qllilm lha Third. 0'Gnl|agh- ur'u father Iud his three sons espoused the cnuso at Jamee. The mm and eldest son (all M the Bayno, and the younlaat, it ma euppuzcd, ma killed n5 Alghtlm, by the hand of Major Grlhnme. This belief was nn error, 10! Hugh empad tho nhlnghtnr; nml lived to by A them in the .side 0! hiunppoud slayer. It nu not tho Major`: fqqlt it any of _ ferlilolnnddol h ` a` who wamlhe rightlnlownenof thuoll h provloua who ndvontol William in ' Inland. Ind am him: I xnorrowwe din; ' " " ' 3 The .\Imcr`a talent Lobur `n1:iIth1d1d_ly by; n To ncmpc with grim pan {once the gmus`uf ` `n_gJ}dnu sync; _ I ` ` "M,1nIhe- xI- uni:-n_ snuumlnu Mr min-nun; 49; L::ugmmu1-m: - Qopd , , .;, . porabwnca gnius`uf a gamma atom; . ` To dig for a bun nuhainunce that kcupu (ho WI.J]l!NID.'l0 dolor, V . _ ` C` v. ir fault any ' ihu 0`Gallnghcr a amped. IIiucondan- G tini friend and conaimi. companion while an in the Army wuaCapi.ninBunmn. He h was 5 mn twenty year: the junior oi (inimnie. i Iioym without one iceiing A; oi pity fur thu Irinhmhnni he cum to in conquer, And ind no rqmursuyfor the C Ind romursufor crimes that ho wnntonly committed ngulnnl them` He considered it nutonly sin but: duty to kill I horntlc In his eyes It humic ma Um ghtfxtl name of averyone who did nut chm In his views Ind aid in who cause at William. Much an In hated (ha Irish, however, ha loved lhalrlnHnn:1s,and,liko lg lrlznd, the Major, hapqsl onu day ta pulses: some of ".`.`.`~ . l.haln. . ' Thai: difpopllions aml'i-la.m' lycing - illp,aml an belonged to llinumo rcgl1nanl,lhe5 pun ,wnra seldom genui- ,. ed. Thaym .' togclhmllepuoguhu, and luughuo "5 :1. Thu Major wll glue Cnplnln o gzhu ham to gel the land: ol '0`Gallnghni`gl: lhe clone of the my, Ind ha draw dick 1 glowing plctnvo o! the graves. 'Urnoy that M: young {rinnrl became ln ma Illa Wllh thn Idea nl mklng l I: ahm of the plundei name at tho lnlr llplda ndjueanblo ll ln tho val- un ' inhafverazraollzad, the gyealer W` illon`ol Umey dgmunn gomln to tho llxqn oi Gnatellnp law. Bauuon. poueulon of`. Gnlnma, ID mllu dhunp, to _ " ", . They` jmnaedialely act About putting E '|`_ their `estates fn order and" _pairing 1.11:: 3` ohymj. _ ` Z` ._ O.` u'F.umosl_l .|1|9|J|9l1,l.)!'.-l!9Jl.Iil` 4 pdnndlmua vdw efgleulgoode} v_I_1 zgoing" W wqpld be content toliugor here for ll I," " X with His assistance,` [have won yr their good swonls,uud now it keep it" keep . u "But um All llxu nnlivcs so very lm n bnroua,!nllmrT inq\1irgd_h|s dnught y "Tq judge byjlxo ummins of those buil u lngaumund un onqwauld milurnlly info A t_1mtLl19ir {oundersmro pouosaanl of " grcnhcivilimtiou, {on these old relics it their former pnwar, ha 11 lmgbaronn` Ll olherwiso, look vo_r_y grand `even in (hf :1. ruins." v > , , lines of 'l1lI {nee--thn lmwging lnnk nll limes lhnt eat so darkly on iL--nml tlm; s_bern manor of onp so young(lml1nzlnol`- ' lumcrl tlxirly) found lib s"lI'11fn'll\_v in lmr ll wnnu lrcalx llorlit. For tllia alm plnftl inl necrul, lmving no tlOr_fll0Illlt0 coutlol an in, null fearful of qzrouaiuglmr flltlloa linger by n_refu1i-v.n!. - And su,_nlny by day, llm razed fntldgl frqm l|_c1` c_l;cnl(,nuLl she (lKcml('LlA1.llo llour,\vlum El.l(!,\V0lllll ngnin meet tho only man iu|l1e world alnolcarcd at llutcd. ' ' _- M an; hutcd. `V _ - Asslnusgxtoxllllnlilo knalloverlnok r ing thu Green llmmi, Um nuiso of falling ' xyaler, hiddnnjn woodland Lluptlxs, {$11 I `n pleasantly arr hor ear, tlxpaceglb hf tho 0 _ wild owers mind and tho smly xgmjsty i` 9 `king; \\'uru nu uuuuguuum m unuuy . r- Qua,-my `lauglltor-`-s||rinas vov!-3 idoln 4: ml 51 orqlitlontilllunghlud1ry.thgL1x e r nnn,`, rummll, nndllneir owno.-av -an}. with {heft righteous sword: *'_\Y_l I1 goonl>_Soe`lcl1 Ba1on,Jnp\ea, '0!" tr mem'or1.begM'I, qndCromwe`]l at to entry out. on; pia1ll'Wm[Ah1 L _ ;a` amnmed; `qnd to~dn'y, lmml _ La Deny to Laugh Finnylheri fn not i -. ;a Idol BL-linl auuiL\1ng.unlcsa \vhnt}o gm nparad and dannaesl for Jim Lory a >1 And tha faithful, who have fought In 1: gnbd ght,al1alldwcll in ,!he 111911! I o plncusof tlmlnnd. Bu noltroubl in among the oyvufyxnnadoxvsnd gr 1 3 wonda ol thy Finnymulmurp will ( It made glm1.tl1'n mini wl nbmu pm < 15 your cheeks, 'ro1)}nppy i_n llm lg 1 olherwiso, look grand 11: lb? r \y 1. _ I, ' `,'I`1u;;wara nll strongholnla of lhoEyl H '- QIln,'K!\f`1a\Jght0|'4-Hllrinas vofzwidolnq {` ll hnzml." n "1'han:l1mia no inn er 0! moi :- : vm.fnHm.ann!\va` mllliiveln our 1 h hniulnpeace," ' > V a .3116 she `sighed-Ia hhe spoke, for ` But All {I um mofqenl reverted mm. tawhom horllppes hp man would be mricad. - " o dguglxtar, lhl herllca are cm; ll1alnill1lul,wlm louglxt l unlnl aht.al1ull dwell lm ylensi I. raui my buck} yourcheuk ' tllmp yin llmloio 0 chosen aold?b;%l_lhu Lard yau`u`illd\ 1 Innmu"` ' . \ chosenaoldrbr Hnu1.on1,vyo\r\vu1u\ 1 y In1canu"" ` '3,I`3' ._ J 'ho nfnigfbhxrqmuqodldcntghxul ` d bright nx1d'jhfouage11Iilo.'lxich lhasc ` h before h6rh:Ld.`c5II'tire'd uplnded I H l- herlina. /'_- `I h before hot herlipa. ll Her {I ` fulhcr,'ho)ioving hbr lhoug 5 occupied with tender thought: of 1'11 -whomhn lnndlchoaerifor har cumpnn n In_ ` lilg, ceased peaking, nud, beckon 4 an alhuidnnt, onloml rulrcshmants la` n apradi. ` LI While thny\vera_ husilyengngml r . ILndnnupholztergliofDenycmlldaup 0- C-upni_n Benon'ns11einlly.forhiain.I \\ and brother olccr, the Major) had p1-o~` a. misedhim the hindof his dnughlurlhe` 11 coming untumn. xi 5'? uf 1o vThn Mujorwas n widower, and when; n` " `hinted lhalhe` lnlandad him for he: huav` l maskcls hang on tha \ralla,and cmmvlai when abovaasingleheil,\vocnvalry:nbrosIrn1g coming to lrialaad lain his only child suspended. Those, lwoaloola. andaiow Martha in Edinburglli with nn aunt. `She coking ulensilda, composed `all this rude wnsl.lien llncnpnnl ava mmiae 0 m- on in contain: . v nmrkabla beauty, Wlllgll wag fully dove - Ona of tho aqcupauls of lhu _%ahia.waa opad three years after llm data our slory: a lull, grizzled, niiddl-'aged-ma ,of muz- opanau Aftortlie reli.-f=uf -Darry,_l:ey; cular proportions and xntlllary bearing. lather limughz her to that oily to mid `l His clear gray eya-shot like ii glaaco oi wharanharmainedlillhernuwlionm waL' lira fruai uadarnealli his llmvmand, ready to rqcaiva her. dramd in half military callunagappeared While in Dorryliar lallier introduced in may way lho vary opposila of ` his Caplain Banana, and mu alter` plainly comp;nioa, Thu olhonvua oungnna,' vcarcaly twenty-one,wilh o a, thought` iul iacegand an almost efeasiaale expml l band. 7Thia`waa hat nl |ol`ro_w. for aha `hinted thntlge` intended him for hot husv marcaly twenty-one,with pale, thought 5 *` This was lacennd expml` , h; hnkd Benson, and, with a woman : png aionw anln fopoau, but_ the mark of I _ nolmlion, from` tho my first inturviuw word it on the fmhead)|nd the quick. ` h divlnad his cruel nature. The cold stony pinrciug glance, told lhnb he was nolone ll lines of hi: {nee-the frowning lnnk nl whidoliin bend in the {am when dqngq. !l ' lim bsa dnrkl I nmltlm wna nigh ' . -" .:. . L..|..:n hm... .1. ..,,'u , , n .. I hpradct. " thnyuera 1 1 lnklng nf thom\u\d:H.ha Mmdo of I d grgonlreaa,nl|nIsem}AuwnAAsx5en in' I 9- diElnnce,nn ll apnenrml. 1- `It in Cu > ~ - Cnplnin Bunion," laid Moi 0 e Grahame, turnlngaa hla ddughlor. at hold. Martha, how gnazia Ilil Ion 3_ o B, lhcal He could not tarry till you mi? 4 1. but muubncedlcoma uprolectyon` 1 could not tarry nu MPIV A muubnccdl coma '.opro1ect you n your way. ' ` She dlnl nut. answer, but, with ple face, lonkunl in ")!;]il'Bl.'HUl\ 0! hi: c? I- mgv . . The Cnplnin Fm w1rn_1ly welcon_xaJ; y m; . 1 r! Cnplnin w11`n2ly\velcoxnaq 1- Ommma,nnd,d1angpunting,scnted hi 1- : mall on Lhn gram m&ni~ buside him nfld e htldnughlor.` ` ` 2! `An hour pnmd awey,_aI1dALl19y \y to hi: daughter.` r! away, and H1ny\`Iru again in His amltlla. The Fuyle `BI fouled at Llnrd; tho nnclanl town a{ he 0 Nall|s. Ittha hobo! tha Knnckw` 3, van Iell. bahind, and tha uqra son on n hlghvmythntlnl la rnny. D rk green trees borders! the mad n 13 HI glduI,'n|eelingIntl1e centre, and lurp ml alnng umernlnl nrch,thmugh\vhlch: he aun'a me could ecarcaly pnnutmle,` so very louse nxxdlxlxurinxxmns their Ii- ' `age. Elan! aln1iL\lng.unlcs! what}: IVI spam] Lo \ mvice,.nor the aouml 01 D ,n\aaa-H " `"89! 3 thu lmiyuuiblu oqnditon. UIl llLHlX|I- r! As may naclm.'l,tho broad nveluc cnrltlu ymkvnul when tho Gommmm whlchlerllo(hpn|nn5ipn,brig1\l.glinfsea plimfnrnnu` mu wnunnonnnod.-[Du- . g n! tho Finn czuld lu near} throng} he lroit'1 imo:. . 5 trees. The autumn non: selling his ,m,,m,, mm,` 'mm,: - I I - gm balms wcra.giIding' the mom} nin , I. . . f "' `` '`` ' ""3" `" M * ...3.3...`:'.'.'.'"..7."3? e{.I.'L'}'.3";"..7.L`i'.n`I.5' `1 5m 51" N 0" "d' M V` "1 ululrhnl upon nomplpur vuntum. Wit 1! I5 101" G"`` '"`"m" 5 1. Iulen oxaopllonu ulcnrcnlqh ho Hart}; 1, mnnglan-In thtlnvnly green grove of caunlIIIq,|haIn||rl pnpmnrahan which )! Urney.` - baguunullnnd gndznlly` rowp Any- xd AA hsdixlio, lwobontnmn cntlm m 0" "m"'m"`'1 R "W "`"P`}"|"- ni pushed out from tha lmnk, whom his "f m` "`"""` l""m" h "1 I0 ham wn Iitnnto, Ind,noiseli3a:ly pl in` mlvnt` Il:;""'{ 1' : ( H` "Mr Mn d` m ' '-" "` yen only lo M: Allmolmr on.-[London iv dinp'peu on tho oppnnlla aid: of tho Mm1|..;;, or limit. noun a. nmgnaaL_r.. , cnxgix `Hd'l`_ L,'HAirIL'roN. .*l w..Bxlnu::4InPlromamx`.mHu_ . n c I JR ? - J" _ `A - ' gr_eon~lreaa,nhnxsemnlnm sen in` in distance, and noon nflonvnrd! we all n Annanrml. .__ cumm I1. -`Night lmd {Allan on ah: valley a: t Finn. " . ` thgbuuof Ogoghan ill,hixl n1 n th: lrcus.`atood A mu cabimbuilt Ag in t- n humfioclr. scnrcolyisgcinhblvo in '51, i 3 'z D mu1cabin.bum9g i ;. hugofack, gcnmoly disgeniqblq gr); 9 light. and now ltozethox -hi1den", ~ gcnrcolyisgcmhblq jug ofllght, nnl_now altoggthox -hidt1unf;+ 2 ellng In um counts, and my en meralll m-ch, thmugh whlch: 'a 1: ny I`Il.`lI0. l,l.ll0 nvnuc 1 to (In; llll`lll!lDll,l)l`lKlll glinl sea Vinn [he ma Id lo then, an "A lowml nml wu r Grahame Inlmrl lln `elm -ln green .Cnna|nlI 6 mr cunt wlll calhmlml in the gullornment Gill curry, (In: my in 1'nrlln< I1\t.'l1l.lJMlIl'I1n|llIlIll.)l1B mm vrlulprlca On I` ple will nl Mm nrllug lory. markal, lax-_ omlnlunvmuuu Ironulln lmtyuulblu 0InnLllnnn- play In; V nu` H .4 ma Inno1Innod.-[I)u- lro1t'l'lmoI. ;, mun.` Tlm {allure of lha llnmillun Tribnna ll mollmr lnmuca ul Una arm uncomlnlK vant{1rau..WlI In luv u Icnrcnlqa l0|`ll_| caunllnq, Illa Inllrl plpm are l mu beam mull gnd gnllqnlly gr_ow\;p. -Duri l.otlIlu_I nil ~by lllonny ` Olmvu `nnlu 9 Milan! :aw;11 puck} c `p y in llmlovo of n zE0r.'yo\I`\illd\ 1] `One Dollar-V1, : uur hmatl lnmla unvu_ 130 from `us, our ldndrud Jgin. npnotiml by tho naho: at our (unlathan ` ed '3 ` upjhu plonghnh`up',,6!' hqwmo ' : mo land forth _fmnigni'ei1'Y~&udiu Eu` ry spot-\vh`m'om young hem: - imbibed the low: 0! coumi-_v and an: 0 -I-Ifaly I<`atlim-nronnd tho hospitable Ixomh-9.huru, lho unholy voices at the Gallaxhl-rl Archibald Grahume,`l1a,whoxa sword Ieftyouh-rdo:u1`nn' tho held at Aughm. now lords it our tho lnnrh of U130}; iliuyour footer-mhar tells you :0. Th erconeau of lane in \vhich'lhn 1m word: wan apoken ronsad Hugh from hlmmle` Umlud hlahlud and roplim1- '- ' "I emvhlm tn dn his brothcrirx-crin'.e, nnsou, to what ho ' called his dolnn1m,nnd polnle\l_-with prillbla Iha hmml acres nulapmul from when-eln aloml In Ulnn`.y1urd. Once thay warn ours, Nuul, but _lhe_-(um am no mom." ,3] v N eglqvxei ` L Wham: - 1 panlm-alnging plundom are hand! IIugh_ ) :1 give welconxu `to ` m nlvatin one . D&!'N\1%`::x'.", F mbneytumtl Mun` V " I ' uu. Tl1ayIen $otlIpubl1eI;a 'whh`da'd \ gogd mvian {or Opnpq.` - Thu .3fIl,r- ' non belnllthm qua up Ivj: an the num- Fgunnh. r I o; DvminlonParl1IIlI0n;I , uuy wonldbuhlg, ` nmunly Mdaa, '_ . ilht Iuehnt lnlunbo` `oouli" (or Gum BroI:_u.';,*T_ _ ` Immune bu omkd n|ll,,h an thn ax mu by pvlhu, Iuluoflml. ` \ [Temp :1 Tolunnm. J _ ` nun shun! 1:4 union.` 1! the pmttthllonlfldun in` nu` tn- lu' wax-had {or all it is worth. `um ought In. bun proleutiw Inrilrplmd upu Kgyplhnn \ munnnlm. Oormll.U11iverAIL hu Em: I ordurndunu lrvnn bu, vhjcvlywil b ' Idmillod frown!` Hy, wIn_Ilu;|hp' mnrkal il ovnmoghuxl n-`uh `ohlhu i:_not ours?" ' = ' "True, my friend, I know :11). Butler E we lgndpuriahud nt Aughrim with `our 15 kinifolk llmn to ho thus lnft to mourn ` over our wrotbhed fortunes." " I1 - ` r 'Yea,"rep1icdhis tall companion mu- ' y singly, "or to lmva followed Smlluld and 1- his forl'unealoFmnce.{` ., ' ,` V` I You know I could not bear to leave . (mu-~ ` * rm. , , I! _m 2, pl` > Dan 10 \$rgnlu . '3 1-,. _l, __ `V 13;` win; ) not wvlenvo H) nativa lnud forevag," replied Hugh. without once ngnin feming,my soul on thu boluvcd scones of my youth. Ndirl am willing to depart, {oil have men tho [rm 1| 1l1ri:1`n 01 my fathers p'ro willing depart, furl have tho ` mml myfatlpm hr { ' fanedbyimplouuluu1ds,nnd hie 1mliln_ . possession 5! the stranger." _ ' Ho hid his Inca in his lmndmntl l\ fanedbyimplouulmnds,nridhia'1In!iiln_ 7"""' 4 ` ` mm!-l0_!_ 0lfAIX_9{ ' ._ .Twnnt,.g$,o.m|]][.,h_,.`1,.,3,,u,3' cunvulaivo aluulder Ihook hin- ontlm Ind duuunnmiot ufyndlu frame. . ' . M"" l`!.' 0. W `|9,gE. m. .m......4` I-mmmninn .-.....:....a.:. nub-ldnokulhoo. When 10. . `. c His s!alI`vnI1_compnnion remained Il- lam till this liurst of sorrow lmdv pang nwny. ' ` Tl1un1\enid- ` ` - "Imvlho nlrnngor and hi: foreign` . brignmlu enter thy lnnd of the O`NoilMl, notnlmudrnisnd ngninanlwm. ',0`Gql.` _ - - laghefe hall, that gun opun walcohjo;lo' chinftnin nnd lmrd,n:u chillacl`I:y_l1 il bliglxting lprnlwn:o-|lul,|lu; fnlthftulxldand, nohlu oftxo um um mmouaan BID: ' . . 5 mm min. Sor1oYhnv fallen on onrlmndt` mkmun woliveiuavl days. ' udor it Mann-d'_'I1ua pnlloy Ilo paused, run! low apncl`,balBx_6 twlloyt. THU! 9.'fA_M "I I, 1114 1 nmiodallent,'o\'crcomu bythcir Iomli-` dPF"_'_'!`" `,""}", ;`L!9 u mgoaqn lmggl !)_:Wlo`l`y In I I frugal" ogfem R-' 'up};gdunx uo.,uu,;.' n epld- 2 d ` \\'cIl, Hugh. thq hour has come." Ayo,Nu_nl ||'l`_ "bitter hour it lg, : repIia wilhnaatl amilw - 3 "W0 ifor tho In: time, Ayo,Nual piui 1` bitter hour ' ' Ih 11 and _ for time, Hugh, the vi! bloom in the vulo of our futlmrs, Tho m of tho wlrungor is now kindled on our lumrlh, um], them is11oLnsp on lhiaenrlln llanlxvuan callourmvn; oven thiu\mlahul cabin paused, apncl `,ball1'x_5 (unied allgm,'o\'ercomu by their sorrow -" {ul feelings, - ~ ` _ ' AHou`glh)1u roguxncd-'4 ` ~. ` Qur hmad lnmli linvq lgceglgvxus oyrhlndrud ngpotiml oh: up jhu pl0ghIh`lv!,:,|)`V_'YNwm0 " _fnnigIi'ai1 -udin my spot-wh`m'om '6 9! ` Wlxgu llm meal was over lvol1_1_- am` on rudu bunch oulsidn the cabin; and lui a hug time neither spoke. I".|'c|1 0` snL coiuniuni11g\vih his own thought: a nun] gnziugon the glare otnlbo uummcr '. night. Mlungthlho elder, lookiugin n the mclnucllulyfaca of his companion, night. M lunglhlho elder, apld- nmmmm mu. [_ Ono uflhe inlumling thing: in 1: into In auuu win: on than fun nlmrplng ax- pldfliun. They get nlnniniry wullip ` HIP dryaumh llama, huH_xaro are (mo! Pl tllam who du not oqlur mu buluhanl Ihnp In four and trembling. ll_nh_I num- ng;m2H.*%.e." l trHbax hnnnm uumuntol mun Iulllllll pa pain: lmmm n Wl1*!'"'v. ..`.`", ` to hida his nigh When` ll: D 11ofunrn." . " 1 The am of tho ful`cIH|.'l\0 fullun, : V Hugh, and tho Carrion. cqwupa his I 5 \riugso\'ertlm dcspoilenl l))'li|!. \\'o nm 0 nutcnsls in ourown lnml," ' ll lnku yr limalo gntlnto the My nlhnying mull, ,_` gmcarlen, vngatahlu, and all ma nlhur thlngsjhll go In mllw up lha dull] Lliunor. ! Then no fan mpaou in which money can In wnud morn mlly (hum in shop hm, or otdarlnglhu Arllulel of conIpmp}{::nlh|I mnecumry In kuplnghuulu. llwnhld le hon win thing furnll yuung Indian hn .. conlnrnplnlo mnrlmony lo like I for El- mm in thu Art of ordering mm unstable: and n lnrlh, wthnt when !hna\'I_nllul tin}; the avmllul timc colnnlnnd Ihn Inn to tally lorlh, mmin hnnd, lo do_l alrn ll1I!hUnt(,IlI]\Vm nalfnllam vlallml to Ilmdulignlug dlplm, Qlliulowd of higllt. A nl dx wiL1n'n,nud by ' Hh 5iw`o' 74 al1hdo\vdof night. gm ` _ 1 ml? by its ickexing , fa` -` aarnt n rudu tabloin 'h9 cenlxq cs` oor cnling'thciMvonint;mcIl.' W l m1 ,nnd cmmvlgu n above a single had,wo cmlry sabmswnxg :1 two stools. ml a tow 0 umisila, a-f cabin contained. `F E colnnlnndlho luvnounlly " d nalfnllauy vhqla a;pnIanco_onublvI l_ m to pick nut . . ,un.,_ nal .dla|a; ilaliml it m, agpnlanco onublnl lhem 3 thu novim It I gInncn.-[Bnuholur Edl!_of .. uf Toronto Talugrnnl. .. mun nIIu'1`m` "um-nu nmll. ll THE EIYECI` AI)` "BETTIE Tllulln Thg Canadian Llhemll, Ixotonpvltod bylho grand nnnchllclmmul 0! Mn rn~ lam. Guvarmnanl, will up mo-tolling the prnpnlud nan luau L: I la Onnmh Pa- aiu R1ilru|d., Thu chums nrrthnl (ho Guvornrnent will menl. but It runninn I be , .Cnnad|dII 6_ p_nr cpnt WILI n uh` I `mt WARDEN coim: 5 .,nni-rvmr nm`.wm-` 5 "True, menu, 1 know all. Holler liml purialml -our 'Yea," replied his forlimea to Fmnce.{` . pol. soul tliull l ' llaconca .. `,_,,L niyyo in Noiil l T'.qd1.I.". mm. ` Ill!` 5, lllll i'i5.i.$.i Ti'$' ll ml but than [I no doilhl 5% an olcp|u'ul.-[I_{ontlV ' Adj , .. _., ml Imuu. I _u; $.32 bullon it liuollal 0 an) will 10 may mun hr. ulanoeinuanln B thorollloihn (om ml; Tho illl snarl ax :.i..:.l . IHDEMULL4 Robert 0. Ingmolh lather mu n n1lnIl-- taro! tho_lugmnIlon,|nd {on lmtlm L tor at tho Oongrlmonll ohm-gh at ,, ubnh, . |_diun,0hIo}|nd_nt thy plm ` at the rgnmonbla nllrontdllutlr E: in nuaceuful u nmlulltmnd nally `3 me u and [mind publnnlaln orig:-8: mml'.l| limu huvnngulilllo wnri. Ha ` ' Y` vm an nblo of Iilill Ihramgt to my pchvlocntntioymuu ,-, . uxtcnsls our own land," "Aye, and m min to ho; \; ica in other lands. .l'hum ` \ -'-__==::= Current 0nlnlnn-All Anti. dnllin mm M tho u ndloa Mnoqamalraml Odtuo lltn hldt` l!" Wh' Q :,".,:, ":9" ::'m in Unhiio. ` The . ' rmma_ 7 b _ rmmm 'ra'1x o r " _ llhon5roclorIl|p".'|'olB|fn4|\:3't olephnt, now~um Mbiuunnthlt) " Erlorln bolnglmau h ldhoh _ - in nu : I 0.1. .-X1` 1'3u!K*.E:`.x~*..II1>:``.'-"84;-.`:!lIfv)I\I_a:`-n nvoslh 1 logmaiqqgl " [ monm. Then pill snug, ,' ohelldlvlutllul V ` jhuaorr` nuupfthlgu 1 ml. ' ' I R tujllnn. dfabi this liri . r.` don'zli|mto hanr. Jma Iold |0.ll]|lfyjr|l'K ubout uahf Hg .d(a`!.ug inn `nu - an H 1) I-1Lma3:o:u van |II,lIMguy|ltndrr: ' ' I: `ah in ..:::'s:r;.."u.:.:r "` ` pmea`uuon;iIamu` ` rm-\md{ora|H9.iI nun uunun uuqulqu nuu Ch lsu ` ha I Iui placed vino Eu `Hm uuugln elm, be 3 ndn\iuod`iroo'II_(` wlnllotlbfhonm ovargtockod w'1ll|`6h!TuqIHIjlII! , as dry, uqnnervntivu Qnd Llmlleun, In Any- tlxing`puv.up h ` Pml. Fm In `a .oi.. . `7 M`WIn5h:,;: `. `,1 nnd`unI:6n\hAt.lnudl_u , Bqtthnogqwnm - Adllllllll *1 uugafxluma I ford ' poailoryx I` ` /' n ' Tnry hrgnnl in '1' INUKTIIIUW I IlMJ||Ul|A|al7|:I. ,- ., courngnnp,|>uj.lhnnhII 'uuM ulna. ' hmlin} ) lo')t_eo ' Lhalt-'4. Tlusllnndwnllnglluptlnu uh l|wy`unn- ` not uni-i rpm: ., l.I but up lnnmiba It fqrthalglmnal. \ ` '3.-. I `W`5'9'u!9N:\l:1. . ` ' I ` - IKWI NJFI; ` `. Aoeortllngftb 5 Lhonmhlm` I ;` InnnlhLond`on.`0n. , , '~I.`*?'P!I1'_!W.l.13!|`-' I Mnnilhbi-in > ` linui !qbgnilgd_: ` euou;h?lojuf-lfg . gglnI!'P?. : %v`e::':...:" 9 `[OrrllIiI` ` '1`hm'arn lnciu >0! thu nmmion,n1I -49 V nrloromll. I - '7 But. Here in mm hnlldwthinum Will: It gm: lhn nllnruagoxi whik _ Minintxyununtlm lrid. Ilo:.1I1:`-- ` | -Irm.'m.nuMnn. */ ~ , . J t I K` l`ro:lilu|innol]'u|:l|u Smlcu. " ',' Mluppllonliun n! l'ublin Mon ' I Violnlau pr tho conntulinn. 4 Ox;nllthaIocmumhnvurdioI.n 9 be iyon in dun {hut only I gH_4[u:dnun!_ nun wjll,rumn'm\ .. .. .____ .._ Dulllhalocoluulnnvumxntnrsu Mudnun! wSll.I uInniMn\-u I H nrlluglhn hlaclmlplul i!g1J_n|dl `_'lory.-,- W` _ ` Tyuinlno Lryuw. _ , -Durinig thn um 92 tho uoumu mu l.otMo_|} nthmln runnnlly [L , n1l-by tho lu|uslh||,A:lyurl`_|g5 IR V I Naalvod by Hudxlhl `L (Mn, 1 `0tm\'A'fnrvdhtIlhu_l_iunv wj_I.'|u n .320 . `Viv! -`WI sl .4! '"x"" :'nan`;, y u3:.:Iv':3 K wnj pg . ,. $2 I . Arinlu qthe llugk 0sHoliIlg?I._Yx _ up or nmm L` to .f..u'K 9 dlIangq'b1 nntu guns mm at manual. -uuqggn lnlmr ,over ready with duullll. Ihug?` 7| meant ndllouulon by. u ` " Blake! L: l,:l'\l f| `,l`I:|')Iow|1o\|:I|z`n:v:.I; I up . t~ urunmhnln I! 1 7 `n 1 no lnugdhwvd` - ` aumhorstim In an mud: lhl ~'0r5|l!1I,lj . enanxh?lo]uaf.|lg'$Z'J1 an to Iowa ' nu. It I; .A '.U`i:r? ' H ..i.:.;':{.*:,s.-h':..m$..2.?l_;~z;`f - - g U_:5k_:rio.' Tl`Io_` iii lniljm at the N. il`. Grlnu In tho Nnrll} Wen. 1` 0|1|ariuropudlItujl`ox1'l:ryn. ' ' Tory [pm in Qqoliuo. _ = Oonlmorlul duproqaium I . _~Inmuo of lnilum,- : Failure of the 0. If. 11. ` i " ` o! Outmo. ,: . " Bit -Mm : cnnnlllmlunal I; A raj-qleglg Inumpu at Hxpalulilimi. .. Than arg luck: o_l_ tlqu nmmicyl, nq Buction"1l"H udnl. Land grnnulo ary Monupnlyb Auto! ' Op urunlrn Am! mmulnllui. 1j`,x hvggulgnu. II`lii.uu inciouu nHhodu'x ` ` -' Daommuv nf tlz i`rivy Cuunnlllplqog 0ugu_io._ ' llribui . N Huhlorvlency to liluu do 1'":1m"'r1* ' (lni V Ono TOVHWI K (orry_mu.:-lurigng &71;'te_Ets. I` ', . ohmuou .a?g`g,.,;a_.%;*:*:.c:::a um: M mum J. vor,tiu1-swim` 'l7xcm'|ve tuaklon. Buulion "11" 3' mini. grnnln to inn` Mouunnlv bv Ant of `M v am tom. on can. It do 1o_rq I5 ion va Hualglfntl ` vndar flgulnllou vauniaml `ii: n . )1 will th_|n 2"1'.'1.`*."W.P!"`!-. lupin. 1 _. '7';m:.`:J?.".::.f:::~~ 1 ` 1 be: a `#ux9,'s.='-.w'v~r-~u:. . . 15-sc.. 9- .` inane`! In!) 'l,.Anx:`ly -""`-W. - ..; .` v.. H in QUE B" mum on . -: gm: .*: :::::::: 5 pnl_x_u_ u'qmg_n Skye:-ibwoppid mu _ ,a:::_.:: ~*w.::.:: V W -gnu --a u----:_ -v ` 7.', if5'pjn,:nI'yc;Aug, :1 \ gimouav f9ToA_N :1, Al the Lmst AvaJ'lal1lePeruemaue. ` , f;:;vm}n' Z-Vela 1):`:-:I;_er.l ' ` ` collection: M14 in tiny part of M41 F Ruzllhlafe bawylpl and will . ; n Canveyancip g m H in Qranchu Rwl Iialafe bum/pl and Iwhl t all branchu _` Marriage Licmies |'::u:d `I'fLlaiirance_.cn v!. A ' -JW 'l`nllDXTO. ~ WESTEM AASSIIf,I_1\1lBIfHl. -.Y_. ;; `_ ` 5. M; Mon -r-aomznv wt. . `AGENT. ` - BARRIE. ` A cap1za1'a'n';ij';}eE"5's i%,hb'9,uon A 7_Hm'mn.' rlnflusunnuoa now` V. ` --Hun-(ford, Conn.-- ( ` ` vl'!|An1.VlI1l`h won AQMMEECIAL umox A3HUR`- a - V Am; GOHQANYM , 0 V` ;.oN_nnN__E'_Ncu.ANn. .. . ,. AA: nnnluun i;ovAt`I%us`u'nAnct M . `ABBEII. H.006 000. 1 "Private I* undsV[To Loan , 0nBa_al Hnlfzlt, at " `l ` '`u' in :2-ire;-..\r-'_-.v.~.I=r ' '- ~ `ADDl`uU,lII,vvvvvv. _ I-plul 6! Auto mu . - - ' blllcfu or up lira lxumu 0|] , - h 9 I am! .`W"`` ' ' vrvwptly,-ii-M enlt, -Ewan glmuw i-A JAMES zowmns ' nzencacarriel 1 iwzi . ..._ .. - , 1. Ihfnuz-mo 1 EsjrABLIu1n<: :A|:w1u0oSucnrity. [um um ' Equitable Don lug ,`, ALE APPROVED 1=o1m, ' -1uuu:dan moral)! K4 V. 1z1?1e01v NICHOLSON, * -, - 1Eramiuzr `locoil Agentswnnhndlur u ' Bruce, Dnerln and Slm e, I. l.]11Pll'I"]3U1lnH Dim-lcu . ,J1_'A .1 I. Sun :. `Hid Pnrry Saund xt Fire.'L!Ia. Acgl.ln't and 91 zwwd an x-monnblu tr.- M_o}ley and` Yzzsztrazzra. :1 " > zmunmmznxvm ; u. 1'. .LoUN1', Agepz,`13AnR1E. wpru, u,m;oan mam 4_.m,m - gras .E;a zmmz s. n.nwv1r.nNmm., an. .- ' PubIished Every Thursday Afternoon, ` .CulAIuIh - - - - Cnh Surjvlua - PAM to Policy H-oXd.cu-' - ' ; Alunlnlnnnnlv. Insnrn ` 7' 1 \ n,on_v1mNcER.r tn." ,_ vlmur ;y'J!a/fiat? =U"" `nrrllll III In! '_-Lownsr Val :-35A. --1 0, H; L we. `mate u_n_dsV To L0 xl. IIWIII nun. `AS51911, 06,000 . 1... Anal: :5! An VOL SON, ` Oit: zowimns gem gt Barrie` ' `LIFE 09,,` r 13.: K. ox I.` A n aunties ommy, J ally Mulkol-m 0 ' wuousun nmun Ix .- %HavanaYara Connectcn . ~ SEED LEAF, AND ALLO 'EKINI) r OF TOBACCO . 7, M mun cggirsal cf. T_9'79}W9.3,?1;9: " uu Auuuvvvwn No, 91. Bav/SL, Car, Buy d~ Gunman, Sta HAMILTDI ' ` u! the pure leul. S0l.h RIANIIFACTHHIRH 0! THE ".'50Ll D (I0l~'0Il'l' CK: R." f L n | ` Ll . ` '11 id: Guunascnra xxrunnumc sucriur in "any ullwr ci;;nru1-nd nu ll.L'm:ul I I com-'oI`2'r ano`s., Manure : Block, opp` tstroug Mvmnnulha I Jun 711:. 1383` `.73-Iy. new vnnmss arm snunmw ; ESTABLISHMENT - - *1 n`n -- p..a.m... u. onimllnllan amuse vo. um Wan hnm '9 me anha luding falnbllnhmontr at ./emu. Alaohromin, I.1n|ngs, Handln, Plum, and all rurtiallufar!nnmr.:llu1niuv'|ng Viral 5 m...I mm. Rum Iluuuxnxble -A110 LIlnluA|Iunm.m 'l*TU R'NI J {E I 1ru1v1:1uL1az<.'c,z/1.911123mm Buup t * - _ 1 F. J. SCHRADER `W vwnuu ALl)M!1|!PAL'll72i!)10L -4m. 1\har\!\n Xv. (`Juar- I1:-mI.m}7rr Hun nln 1, la . E ` OARPENTEIK, BUILDER AND GUN V ' ` -TI!.ACTOR,- v: 001-. dwen 5; M<:Dmmld-fit, BAIIRIE. Undertnldlxs Iu_~r-n_Ii_.~lIs B1-nnchcls, . a Auntie} All klndnolurnvaalonbu. lly |k ` - v ml AUNDERTAKER, w -`And Mnlxufnalurcr ui all kinds ul L` uuun.:,.....,._ _,, OABINEFE/IAKING, TURNING, A-.. ~ u. 1`.m.uun.g1g__ _Nz4 I`\|-En-, uu nu. u .... FUIEEAL `wqummis HIGHLY POLISHED C014 I-`IE5. A-. .. ...:u.'.|. rm . prim tn nu1:__,_evnry pwlun. I ll.\IlR"liSS OIL MD HIKNISH mum ixzmun;nmr_m;` W haw-gas nth. , A`LE XN., GRAHAM ...nunn A 1 ' nuvnnmwmfa U 1\(`uJ:n 1 nuuu, -`And ----- - ~. 'mv urn r`|:_-[3 1,- EDWARD BYRNES me smrru. 1. uu uumxum. mum uwunq lnnumturing for lhlu by whul m.I< `Cipro cf the but hr.-a_nd: uml`nmdu oShroInIn,|.1nInga, uuluurr, . um ruiniallu far !uncr.:l{urniuv' In; 3!! R K 1 ,. uu ........ _... aounzm SADDLE. --Clgars` & fobncco - Iv VA`-Avcnqr -.-v y . DULHFLZ )Ml1|3PAL'll72iE)1 01 bacco & Gigar.:=. V ..un.n.uv.;:n um M:-`om yk, on L A FEBUVR T17 184. Ii ' "WI'an U T Federal Bank n[agaa`_& Branchss E ) 1A1 :1 BFflGES:BMIlE MID SMYIIEI. ~ 113 7`r/1`/.15ac`t' zz Gcweml Hmtklng `xv Blzsi//2'35. ` 8| ' " Ll - DRAF'l` 1s`s'UT) Iipon 1111' h_ H Ilns llqut-nu! In BI'1r-lnm In 5! cmnys um numup Hlraut ..muu( rnnmluhx umxlml.-nl C'o?lect1'orLa` ,P11ompI_z/ Mada (b we 5 vm'c"alz1t tmlul Bmzl Raw. 1 ._._... I ?':*a1%:;i)%iim:%%%ziiilsz. f uwonniia mu 4