nnurzsr. v `L Ondulunho nlcollehal Denlil~ Eur OBI: M 016 Illdllphll Dem-ll Coll lie ` ofuullldan Hbdltllcalltxmh lnulm A ` Dunlap Ilrm, nnnmj SQUARE, F M_ unnmunlty A3312. IL! DH. ' lllnmnnw ............ .. |lu"Quu1I'vlllIpLn no pun: ta mm A anntlnunuohaImhllnhmonvfhlthnrwI145 nluiiydlu Ind hvdu Excel nn(lympy|(nd dun: sun I |or,oonlA!n1n% Tun law I Tsbln bun: Inn |_ :30. WI `Bl4`I(l,Pl0|7]I'IlOv} -' HE QUEENS," uamzua, um. V Nnnhn Kuhn Imuan, Emu on W BOWN Ynvlnolal hunw nnngaxnuntnl nw'qum' vlllupzn nonnluilmu um} hgdu E15: pynd _ "A4 . _ _ /__#_ V_ A .._...._...__..------ Tm; oa x'nfnAL HOTEL, orrosm: 5} tho Rally; Smlau. c, an n-.- ., vm'-uian.r IA ` QUEENS," BARBIE, OM. ` `V. ` nnmu |'uv|ru|nI tnmwmnnuaxnlnt nl mu uuu.-4,. nuwv uluwt LOUN1: 5} LOUNT, BMRRIBTEBS, -- . A"m7-:.L-.-x'z1!el*0:- l2..h-W! J DICKINSON. A. 13., ~. ..r..~.u? 1 on. o. I-LBVOBANKO. DENTIST. - /1 _rc/zt'tect5_ aleli ` UUV|'l- mu. uu -. mm min winch mow: ' -.4u'mu1uau 9! Han mm unim .2 m. oico p opyorue !.hoBura_ Huzel. llluliont. Dwtal "legal. ' L.sIrnu,mu.u m . I - ASSETS wry. -moo ., . \ limmnruncc Rem rz, r- --u. W. Also the FIR]! Ix\'.`!l'/If./1I\'(/13' ASSJUI-I . Av ION, (Lmimz) nf l.0nJu7A,_l. ngILl71rl, ) Capital, 050,000,000; Gurmumnl Ilqxoilf, 8lU(/,(Ib(/. ..lVOL.i_ xxx. ff;i?1vEY_to LEE } `M0/\/EV 7') /.o.'4`.\'. ' 0/; real em: '3, 0/ 6 far can}, In nummz 3 'Brish`American Fire Inurauce [luv ..`u 'rnm)N rn - ,.__ ;; ac-1y. :r---- `---- ' I KENNKDY,Mcv1Im>2uoLLAx12 I L ` ` Pnovmoubnm awe on mom mrrs, aw. wud mg! Lnndx Tin: er Limit: Ex- pga hm Llneund Town Lola cm-lull V Bulldm Work lleanrsd Illd Vnlu . ax,-Upn.m-sin )1ucmhy': Block,BA`mu: ] 4 . nu! %` nrvnlln` Tln|.SHIv hm Vi. MONEY T0 LOAN E 1- -I-'\J -I-v.|...4...a....w. Snluring fmm Nervolu Dubilily, lmt Vi hlity, Vigor twd Mnnhaml, resulting frum `"1 Ab kullntl other Unum; ax-In nuy er- `"1 Iunpliclad withheuinnlinul, cunlgia, "fl Pnrllyaiypinnl Dilcullieu, mu Huck, C Liv$1-and Kulney Trnuhlca, (umnua, Andiother dilmwuol thu Vila rgnm. ' Spa dy ruliulnnd nou|Plt~la runlgrnlitln to heartlmumnueml. '|L`h0 Am`1.|m only Elep!riuApJ:liancuItl1;t lmva aror bean . Uouuuctg upon Scinmic 1'n'nciplu. Thrlirllxrxqouglx nicncy luau heuu [Irvn- callg pmvfn with the trim Wnm!<~1'nl anc- r lcenq; \Valnwotlm!enlinmuyn!II` H! d :r A llhhlun ulllmmua ' AT 6, and 65 PER GENT v ` LOUXT 5: LOUST. r --AL` nunmu 1mmo,-- ON REAL ESTA TE ! ` Dr Annmvei Nun-u. ce '.- \Va\lmvotl1u!e|linmuynlII` umndn II: luvn1lw9nquick|y mlnulic.1h.uurer1 by hairu a. Allwo kvfnny penguin lo ivnth m a trial for 80 day: And`be cuxvinccd, ` J Send at mm: (or Illnxntrdlel PAmph- lul glvingnlliufurnmlinnfrlio. Addn-In ( Published E?y~Thnr3rla.y Afternoon: Mqlntion `hi'l`1I[Y2`:l"`]`IA.B __;__>`;` DUN wr bnmm. DAILKILL. MONY TO Lo__/m jr.4y~seuiausam1urIliuumea Pnmp 1!} glvin all iufurnmlinn frlio. Addn-I H)LTAl l .l,1C0`., ' mm~IH2\LL,M1cI `llnlrmuuuw nu mu-..u...... . :91 hand and new gun Izalln, Hood :4 ` noAuenI!ya Eoouu, `Bar uwnnm wmn cnmu an ad nod Olnn. ALFLIED ` WM! D, nvpriomr 1M uh-nun rrrvrs mu "7 . guomg Iv Ins_uranre HEHL CUIHW Or Appxiovei W. H, mums Ll~Z.\'.\'0X & I.FNNpX. un'ov.1se1. ` 1 (GI; uG;!n:I,'u;u., .mm,~IH2\LL,M1cu. 4 we:-]|: . .39-ly. ` xvuantaun nuuu Ix j V vH%vana Yara Conneccut ' SEED `LE: F,_AND ALL()THEIf.KT.\'D OFTOBACCOS. 1 F. Jf sciikbz, 7 wuni MLE .\f.\NUl"AU`[l'ILY.I: nr ` / . \ Ttobacco & Glgars; 1 my 1- ' ha 5 uu ` al lulgbuul u Incr I ` O '|!up| lciz. .vnd.;u ;:nu'u'a`:";mo:`1'\" bu-mnasuxnnu auns1'e'nzr .u,mdL`. . -` nmnmmun mmuuag mg Izmir. nu alnly ammo: ` u+1[o fnuulncturz uf FI'|....Fll..: .\.L9.`:`*$AI%5 MB T mm. BARRIIETT THURSD`,AV, NOV-IZ.\IBER ; NOVEMBER Apparatus auii 110 Liver, Iicmaio ' mg the dissolving uicas, reliev- lug almost Iqstqp the draadtul results nluyspopslu. Indigestion, and tho TOIYPID LIVER, makes Zapusu` nu ovary day nucessityin i 729 New Ca:`21paxzmI, It: won- ` Ham! allixzity to tho Digestive :%1!Mzu,*",?31.,*!1L.1*:6nMans- NY oF1v0 0 7AND COLONIAL mins 0. &s& ' K OPESA.o (FROMBRAZIL) parmllse, h Rn|J::rL.\rnn1d stood in the doorway 1( of Rodi&k's}Iotv.-l,takix1g in tlmscenu. Q .\'othing but fughmllnueu \'i.sibln on his ` nrlivnl the night Imam, run] all was new ti nmlintun-sting. 1Ii9eycad\\'::l\vilh dun IL ligln on the plum) islands, tho illumined h yuullt ' um-Ilan.I emu puma. .. sat" - (Ir Dllylnynrl Arhomumnnll III mun! {v Iuluolml-INanpucllnnuhnrnhocor Allariduulintn uni illhnut Wrltuninllniel hnlhurael mill lnK)?ddIn.|yd ehlrud fox thcBnrIsl.1m1cliIF. Even the prosaic 5, vil1.1ge,\riLh its lhickly\VindoWe4.I bar- n racks and uncompromising white-pninlcnl hulels,tor~k a certain uhnnn from the ,, hulels,tor~k D chnrnul light, and the air, mingling lbs 5` erfugm of the HER \viltl1thn!.ufn\1n1bsn- h fess wild X0504, seemed to brenxe {rum ,1 parmlise, tl1cduon\'uy 1, " witlnhur. Ilu klICV\'1|L`l'l1|`C.`:`(',H, hur M W titmlvga; he guesseduH1crIuuod~,nnlful 3` ]0\\`c nlightunul mulzilu chnnge3.0.' `1 her clmnning face. Miu .\Iu.=,r;rova I ' lercletccgexlnorrsllqyuctcd thisclv-Jo 4` rvuliononhis part. SIIL-sm\'only 0 xtlcnum-like, tacilum young mun, `1 " mm! nsever. ' A fnrtxxiglxtlnnsaexl, nnd the situation J remained unclmngcnl, Shybynuttlreund `` ali1l'hylmLil, Robert made no mlvnncax ' to the uloscr nqquumtance qt` hi; (gin, neighbor at table, A how when Hiccu- tun-d the room, nnolher bowwhnn she tend the nnolher Y leftil.--llmt wusnll; yet gradually there 1` " grewn\'crhimnscnsv:aIiminmtureinliun 3` 5 \\'ithhur. H14 kIw\\' Imrnlrnaunu Mr M. ""a little nmiil, who ileiiveml n lilllonu-5. h` `1 I sage,und pi-esun|l_v ilmve away ngaiuwiih H` 9 n tmyfur brc.1l:ius!. It was not [ill in dinner ofthe second day llmthc had 1111- 15 it other glimpse of the Imly wiio "hail o'ccu- `V Y pied his thoughts during n consklemble U L portionpoxtimmfthcinterval. Shcworo `)1 K black now, which suited liar nawcii M B Adm Dollar Pir Annum, Strictly in Advn nco 1, nwuy fox-n couple of days-to Pnrtlnd, 11 her mniT5nid. People were tjuitlingtlm H. islamlin slwals hythnt time, tho hotels u. wcrencnr1yel11ply, nml tho lunoliness of 1` 10 those two days was in part nccounlcd for N ,0 hy the empty lulvluznnd the closed rooms. 1; But when the 1hinl' morning came, ml T r; Robert, with n some of 1'o\'i\'in;: life, bin \\-non me llnrzr morning '1 miving _..- stood ready to help his friend frnmlrur I ,5 buckho.m],thu appalling apparition of A gentleman sitting by her aide presented n itwll n hrgml-siiaulxierrii, lmndsunm, 1] gentleman slmng by her aide 1' d brown nnvnl ofcer, with an evident. nir H uf pmpriolorshipubout him, which was 1` gt asuuplasnutns itwns mo_sluxmcsj,o1u]b- P 1. Me A , ' 5 m um. -, or.1-nmmmulurn Aiurmemanumnnl myanub l A Illurd heonnauontuet nrivmlumonll '1 Iyllu yuv. Copnrlur clnnxu ax cuntrulhl I nruuum-u.Iw d blhmdul In nmaux-nun: runny. non. sud name at Any iulanded ....... ......m n. llnn In bum loudly nqon. , ' llmimnumll lnK)?mnIn.|}Iu_cnnr|:u m _ :4 1; rrxl-Ia:.n|.ur1|I/a_t opnbllshorwilllwtbe {J Me. V 7' Who iatlml!" Robertdcmnndcdo |wcIcrk,who hm! coxuu ou|,zia usual, Hlw 501111: {the wllwls. That? 5' tlmlfs him." II:-r lrut)wr 1" '4 r No; nhu 1min : gut no brother us ever } That's him, I tc1lynu-.\Iiss 0 I[u'a n lonh:nunL ` he` rl. Iu. u'.1l|mh:un1. - ' Tlmxvifuuf .\rr.1I.mkiu-a,ono`o`t t - A {:enrly`extincL ` A nlufoctivo plat! civic fntlm-4 'ur the township of InuinL._- mum near loaingfhcr life the other day, being f\x-L-ci;\ita1ml down A well, n` din ' of Minot. When exlxnclul llfeI'g. rouml the well was tlIo`c.1uso 0! u * nloiit 1,/` l cnL~LzmgIx\'I1ene Hemld In ` nml that ho doiuinlly la if 1 ' \ ' ' \- ddasl of h'o 3'31}, ' Too Irnr' for whiskey, nnd loo bear. ._.. ..,... .n nu ,. ,_ The Collingwqod Bpllotin unyaj laying sic:-lmils eiweenthnt place` Mcnfmd "lha wo kmen umploycd ing llmso lmckn huvn boon kepmnpl every Sundaytar some weeks pm Mhor sample's`)! 1.1in1orAIity,ur rA_ f want of mumlily,of um public co`: \ panics." . ' ` [. tho umnx-.v:., f ` ml in the new. It in mlp msttl hm] got into thu_uels, null tho; | drawn out. The llllllnllnll X. plum, but partly declnpolud. .1 `M the Inn! lm-nh'hn nr 03... ,,......, mu ymuy uv.-colupoluu. d `Attlmlnxhxxcelling `' . _ ;, bytery the Ky. 11 W. Puuhun ,. tothesupcrintndnnlshipof nytery the Ry. Puulnlf` to the supcrinfendnnmlip of 5 Mission Field, which petition" since declined, having deoidell , the call to} tho pnslorship dllt. 'Chum1x, Slrntford. ` ` _ l,\ .. . ` ` `. . A. :; ' _ ~- `V . V gvnsmu HOUSE BAYFIEILD-sT., 11 `One that north of-In Leunax sum, "DI-I jsuu hll hepn uodlp in Pint Glm ginuolm unomodulon to am Lnveun; ` , `ew3`} ~ Ul`(|l'." I_}rcll1mn,1ct IH \\'eL-p. 'N.,. mu".-m. Ma n..n. ` the wife of x\Ir.1 clck'J. L1 High Th:-[little stranger 1voigl1u4l M Pmlelnnguiaaheuuho mix .4 _ puIuuIsr,nml wlmt is mllyph v ` pm 1wr(ccllydovclopo4l lccllxln ]\>'. 'mC A;- -- . (mub1e spirit m per. dn his way to Olhim, .\[nniob.1, uioy alibpql v without lcltiu;,'>nxIyan:_akno_1I once. - " lD\\'S :- ' ' V`! I "Thu xnulnnuholy day: b:u\' the your, _Irnr'nfor ll , nu nulu. V `V ` An ex go my: gut thulnutg I onL~tzmg none nthxoh .no|. , pmx ulvmlumanuno-ind up In Wndnudsy rush nuan mum bu men noon. I 3 no Iuimnonzllopllnloulof nuuzalnmnc nt lunrtbn 10 unu pot mu Nonynnll; I cant: par Ihuuuv 1 nnnuruon. 11xxgeconnpu - 1...,....rM, .. , rain sprig` htnwwodnntu J . .. .....m. M "['Il|HI Inn Input ztxqzon cl ll-nnollculogiluontlnng ` - lhnu:-ondpuuollaludtmn Lllpam ol thy Borrrrpoud country or Iuuhbarlnx ca-um . am: :1 found mu rwmzlgnnlu