On `Friday of last week n re broke out in the barn at Mr. Samuel On, one mile north of Bnucebridge, and totally - nonsumed the buildings with an adjacent burn nswellns the contents, which con~ aisted of gmin, hay, nnd implement; There was nn insumnca on the buildiggs, implement; [1 huildings, :1 but not nearly sniicient to com the loss 0 to Mr. Orr. Tho cause of the re yet re- 14 mainsa-mvsterv. The gmin received at the N. R R. ele- rt vntor Cuingiwood during the month of " |' August `amounted to :-C'om "-`}(i"l,76.S ` Some West Gmvenhum pnmes uny covered the other night that which, it it had not been seen in time, would bavu been ndisnstmna re. Sumo cindemfmm an engine red n aLump,nlong the new \ siding ntthc wlmri,nm1 ihvas communi- _ cated from thaw: n pile of ouklumbar, which fostunnlely was green and easily quenched. Mr.Cockbum lose: about 200th of lumlm-,\vhichwaa all the (lungs done. v - ll Allis hurry and bustle nmnngat the lumbermen of tho Mlukokn and Parry 5 Sound diatrictsmnzl fronrthu preparations 1. and marry diatrictsmnd bring made, we may expect to ma largo d q\mntity`of lagsnnd timber taken out '1 nextwinter. Sloighs and human pro : lagsnnd timber men out Sluighs are baing repaired, and shnntymcn nrq going " 14: the woods, bile horses nnd oxen are = Being brought `ram tho pastures to bu fed on the hard feed neceamry to got them into proper condition for the heavy work 2 before them. |' _ The other Frirlny afternoon n re oc- curred on the farm 0! Mr. John Eeyore mm Brridfnrd. whereby a burn, driving ., {anti Rogers i. Brndfnrd, driving shed nnd other buildings were destroyed, with nhout 1,400 hushchz 0! grain. The '` grain wna the property of Mr.Wxn. Fnris, 1.` nnd was the product of Mr. Rogers farm,` grain. Tho . " I Ragonffnrm, ' ` -he hnvlleuaedfnrthu aensou. Mrl '3 ninaumnca. M1-.Rogcra was B 6. in -- Ar-818. my 0. JIlnc3,Jnly 9, Aug 6, duet-Ins. 1511.909! Nanlnas 9. gIu,(hn1I.|H.\o!eIch month. H Iinu reminder :2! mi Mnth will be :9. his cmce . opyoliu lhur}a Fl :21. BA11l1lE0n!. . Wyobritlgu Intely as one of the livnly vil~ ,f Inga lads onmu running to inform the pac- pto at homo thuthn was shut Ithnppen- ed in the pauul way. Another boy had a revotver and was struggling tn oxtrioatn n discharged czutridgo with a knife, forgot- ting that u lomlcnt chamber Mod opposite tho hummer. Down wont tho hummer, accidentally, of course. Atelegmm noon rezmhcd Dr. Spohn, whn,on oiumiliinpz tho, wound, fortunately` found it to he nalight I one. - - Whntintnhse cxcitemhnt tluarstxvnain E; ._._.__________.______._. 41-eceiV'ezl R R. ele- Cullingwood my L! 1, Lent fuli ]\II'.Tlms.])n\vaan, who` ro~ ,L aillesnenr Dmtlfurd, purbhueed ton bush- els of Egyptian wheat, n new variety d which hml been highly recommended 0/) him as being most prolie.a1u1 sowed ' whrsat cleaned up. being prolib. and P` ve xfcrea of ground with it. He prepared tha ground with all dun care, rlotermirmd C to giva it a {air triad. Ahautthrea weeks ago he thrashed it, and last weak had tho 0 when has found that ha 1; had about 280 hushula, haing 55 bushels tn the acre, and weighing G3 huahclato E the ncro, . Jelm McGee:-go end Geo. Therstone, of Wurminetar, met with rather A severe accident at the Catholic Church on e re- cent Setunlny. They were engeged et the interior of the roof when n plank lit the sceltehling gnvewnypreeipiteing then) anme twenty 'eet, hath telling hetween the joints on the ground tlnor. Thuywem bmlly shaken and lmiised, but ths1won- ler is that they were net instantly illenl. They ere hbnut, hut some time will likely elapse before they will `cease to feel the effects of tlw full. ' ' . ..t Anmu Ttmm. uvnu. H Aliis the Q 1 rosidoncr.-. W` Ha haul hcc_u a littls uuwoll during tho six days previous to his dcntll, but no (mo thought that tho and was so ` close nt hand. He rvna a mild and amia- hle young lad, aud was one at the pupils at the Public Bchool,.No. 12, Tiny. At school ho {was always diligent and attun- tivo at his studies. and was most anxious to mlvanco himself in every posaiblu way. His parents have tho sympathyof tho peoplo of the neighborhood in lhuirsod ntiliction. Ilis rsmaiuswaro followod to their last rusting ptacc,nt thu I reshyteriun Cauretory at Elmvulc, on Friday tho 15th inst., by a large concourse oi sorrowing iriunda. Ilia Llayshcro worn short; ha just urrivud at tho ago when dremuaof long lift: and` bright prospects, with all the pleasures that am to ho obtained in tliisuniricndly worhl mighthshis. _ In youth and beauty, full of lifo sud vignr, he passed a\vuy,cut dorv him a rose in r ' 7 W 7 n `. Tlueremuvnl by all.-utln of Amos Dunn, u of the villugn of Gibson, County of Biru- { um-.1med nboul lB.yum,oucurren1 op oltlu) ofBiru- 1 con. aged . 18. yum, occurred on i \\'cd1|esLln5', the 13th iust,,nH1is fnlhefa F l{uhmlhcc_nn lit.uuu\voll .` durinu tho miglrlhsliis. In down full bloom as it gives forth ils pcrlumn smlis no inurd arc-u,. so he will uuver morubu seen in this life hythosu who loved him, nml tho yloco that once knew him will know him no mom fomvor. llis desk at school is now vucnul, n s:ul`rs- Inimler to pupils and Muller Hui}. Amos who ant thorn will uevor again occupy it Problv.-ms in nlgnbra uud arithmetic, with hooklsucping. grammar and Euclid will no longer be his stulliux. No, he is now iu the spirit. luml, away from unrlh`s plum surs.~r, lleotiug though they ha, and what he loolrs him now, mid what he is doing, or what thoughts yosscss his mindwo know not. Jlul tfirning from this Silll lh$ura Eu 7' knI,lM mm or emu mun... Jmu his: Thxlp-swno, afwurminstar, @1115; naovcra I and side of the piuluru to thmbrighl. aisle, let us hops that .\1u'ox is now in Purmliee, [me from pain and EiCl(l\l;5S, in HM: land of lmppiness, nnd that he is not lost but nu hulm-u, when all who knuw him in 9, Tiny and Mos lmvnshi IE will again nun hf when they all, can one fur himsulf . nu. `r {I s lm\'nships ngrun him each mul llmelf, nu tlm case` may be. him]! bu unllcnllulhe spxrit lnmlto meet thosu \\'l|u\\'e11Lhu{0w. Ho ms 11 mumberof the SonsufTL-Ir.pcmnce iviuion m.Allcn- wqod, when: he will ho _1nissc:1 by lhose 1; th; SunsufTuIr.pcmnceDiviuionm.Allcn- h :t w od, whemho lnisscrl ii 2- who luvedto meet him there, b n.,;.m _ sumlfux `-100 in n Mutuul lnsumnco J.,w}'.ich went into insolvuncy some ouths since. mu Iuvuu w m... . "Dnya nml mnxnenltquickly ying lllenzl tlwliving with the cloud; ' Soon will you And I be lying 4) Each wuthin our narmw bl. Scan our mull: la Gml wlm Ava them > Will lmin sped lhlcir rnpl ight; u have apcdtlwir _ Mala now by grace to Ian: thlxxu, 0', {Int wlnla M: can wo xrdglll} . June inuila Iiuulumcr blah: at thin xmghty (rune. Teach, 0' lunch ul w mnclubor What we nru. And whence we can um nu Luv` ...... Whnncu ma cam, and whither wnnding; Soon wu nun: through dukncu go, '1'o.inlwxit Miu uncndnlg, Or ctnrnity of woo. AI lhn mu lnlll, no must it lie; A: the mm liven, no will he din; An thn mun diu. lnC|1hn||II he he, All lhmugh the my: at otumity. 1..."... Slmnvnl. he hnvl leuaedfnrthu Mr. '5 no inaumncu. Mr. Rogers H Mutuul Insumnco - `IIUIS -__ tn plot-ad. in unennd 'l`awn`botI cm Edy mud. B rs War! lleunru and Vnlu . `OIIXUI.-U]1Iib`lr_I in Kccmlzrn Block.Bun1z nu unuugu um ...,. .. .... V. to mill thn pr Jmsn SULLIVAN, impmvin um Tcacller,No.12,Tiny,GibsonP.0. lhuirtn o.` |0LI;,'hlS' 94 0 3l)i\:lm u 1` *____ Tone Dollar Per Annum, Strictly in Advance ie lull over I dxmng-Inna, Inn now K Le dnatul in I varynlly Iillln mu y _nhumh,lu1lypm edwilhmrym , empty (0130, whlah'~wi_l Iillln whmy brick :1 edwilhmry rmulnieo, bnpIium_l font, wl:lah- mu '- 1 bouupplhd. Thqnqrviou oandmdol tho I: ` Oonmntiun, Molina, sud tulabnonof u * tbs Holy Euahnrlnl. __MAu'nA [org ul_rl_l3y p l1 ,_ `On Wednudx , 19!]; lnuL,A uunhnroh 5 _f no nodfor vino lenient Ptlgnvr 5 Incl, mlnglreefmm dob! wuooriaeanmi by tho Lord Bishop of tin dloosu. The I incumbonc, Rev.'W. F. Snllov, in our uiniy to bq oongmnlguq; {a_r`lho OluIeh`g ll uiniytobqoon mmd; [arlho Ohnmra I mviceylnm ulbcln huldinnjmphed | e lull driving-uh , will be oon- v e p vary gn_uy__1_iuIa whlu_r1_:r_lck 1 .. ..,,..,. Msiini, mdlcalnbnonuf " -MA|J'nA you Add by I: Raw, A.7Flolcha:,A .A.. nd u Gommun'onwn`ooIe1mtod byunhhn , `u 3. minted JR". W. W.`Bntos EA.,`w a n .1, at hi: 1.om1p'. asmdon. and ma 5. Sentence _nl_!wum\lon, ]mu:}ml- I u .. ,.,l L .. ` :l-5-o, at-l:'i.I"IV.6idal{ip'I dhvctfon. widths u 0! Owuomlon, lid u 5. nnnon. God : can 9m_ _}!is_`0hnI_nh I B. 3. J. zgmixuksxmnnxrxsr, Bu-nu. On ,Ivil1 ria_lt the (olla_w|nz plum `x... wulnnulln of anal: month. liioncov 0i{nuor'I\lon, p am Ehhntnh In. 1 p genonl, Incl over guh_tIlhlu] mmbexfjn 1 genonl, oh tulhlul member in E rm-tlnulu-. Though Wadnudty Im an |rmur'I graatday At u Toronto axhlhl- u 9.10:. the building In urowdbd with Iduout E And month nougregnllon. 'l'|n mpoud~ .1 ing vm Adminhla, Ind th mmiul put 0! n r, the Iorvjcu qnlte In rlor to wlut ll uuully V ;: ;rd"i'x;"rx`1:av.i`pArXIV1'IV|'I; "T lwnm-', it did not Iuxpl-in than who I Mr. 1 , Swallow : munlcthbllAIy,eIpoe uh: x `B hiune mud u otgnngt. T_he_ an: In III | ft but Mr. ,3 mulled Iblly, poo ` otgnnlgt. The Sam lo I vary etfuotivo uegting A ' qvrgx oop- B Rnition. Thu nnthunf "0 M! in the xq," mg delightfully nniend 3 ma 1,. Y Nolllo Robxnwnundlhphymu, Baku: u 13 from HymnIA.|nd M., wm Illll 119 `pg `a duo mention to tho Imrh of uproulnn. 51 It Thullu linonvnu exquisitely emhroldmd .,\ and huijullbgen prqourggl. at my 1119- g emhroldmd hui jun been procured. n 1110- a dune: can from the Church` Women ! 5. Miulnn AIJ Society ol 1`oronto. Allonho mviou in the ohnrah, bn_llI_`4o __le glo_ry k Kl] Bneieiy ohnreh, bnlll `Jo the glory k of God Ind In memory 0! SI. Alblntlle E 01 I Martyr, the ohnmhyud wu Alec` - mud ; After which Inge number: 19% to A grove hm! by to enjoy the ...`.'5f.. - I iunlu. Here cricket o I , ; dnlneing. ac., were on lqlln null] 353: : Eve 0 oak, when ll went uu feeling 1 they bed, enjoyed lhemulm me better, Indhmd done much mom good` Ihinthay . 333e2Iai?33n'.'%' .?n}L,'.`l'3.3 t the name evenln on Me my wllono, 1 .1...-.. an Thu v. Holy Om: Dav. he \ :0 the exhibition. The bunop mun " Mono, T where on Thu y, Holy Day vi flu. d r: ` Ind to cumocrale another church lul- Mr. llorloy. . Nolhingia more dlngoroul than nkioild ~] n without discretion, evon a prudent enemy I. is pm{em1>1e.-I.n Fontninu ' I`Imm in M mm nf innnev canal kl that `DB. ZgMMER)iAN,DE.\'TIST, `C Bu-ne.0n mum lollawlnu } ""1 mmkrn Win-ciudi mix month 15"'.......'. .A......2...;.unr|{1, In; 5; inn}; i: is pmIemb1e.-1.n ronunuu M r- There in no man of inonoy equal a 1- of hcnocencmharo tha enjoyment grown Ii 3 on mIlection.-}\[nckanzie. ` hcnocenco; hare tha enjoy ' - - - 1 I uu m.w.. Conccit is to nature what paint is to 0' beauty; I . is not only neodloambut it impairs what it would improvix. - h PI - . ` ` ll Aaaociulauvitlx men 'oi good iudgkmt; S for judgmcnl._II found in wnvpmN0n- 3 And we make another man : 1' dgmunf I, ours by frequenting his co pnny-7 h Fullur. ' : . n y -- - ---2 0 wgornmlim luousabolitlxlea.` Heaum Q ,1 pacts himael Lobe a1ighterl,|ndll\iukI d overythingthutIasaidiamum`nhiiu.4- ` [1 Cheatoxeld. -` ` n-_ ...L.. mm. r...an.L mama u Ul|_eHt0lLlBlLl. ' ` ; He who thinknho um nd thh moms oi doing without others in much Ihimkon. but he who thinks thutvolhers otnnol do` without him is atiil mom minlL`o1g.-La Roclmioucnuld. _ . . ..__.i.. _L..a..i /1' Ah noon It may he ion lmneat povort in them who Iuxuuuuuxu. . to recommend them. that will grow in Hughes. I dfortho c lotto! that Ivarico re gnu molt two but few goo quulitiea `Thin nwoed n my hum: noll.-' You uovm-gut to tho oud oi Ghr_lst'I` wonla. Thorn lo wuya behind. they pass into lawn; trim; thoypauinlo novor puss n\vny,an in mode of them something i thom ul- Thoy lm inkrpmvorba; toy ' into do'o~ consolation but thoy 11 after all th use tlnt thoy am at lnotox-' L pnsa'n'\vny,and aim alltu v may 1 1muatcd.-Doau Blanluy. :_...__=, I, - - ' Tlm Iloucnclnl Operatlo '1 Crook! Act. In the nuurloul-I1ITIpeuc)I I I ma Provlnainl Bmehry took` on 0perauoI1 1 motor to the buneninl open Omolu Act. From tho niohl an dntn mod, had:-aw the lollowi 1 lion: ` Y Andinexlorminntlngthamlnso oplml. u H 4. Thu Io muked bu bee tho lm~ II 1- provementnndeMho0roohA Hutu: - II Is lhinnnpprouzhingn maul, iutlon u g return to the old Ant Ind In t 0 day: 01 6 unlimited licenunn notoriu ly inoom- I1 nuaulinIpocllon,wauld! d unlh I _ - Vmvgniiousn BAYFIELD-sT., ` Ono-. ' naiuzvot Hrzbennax Bum` ,Th1l'Kun$:Il bug uad up in mm Chan 9 Huh And _ _ ww'|_1'no;iuLx_onR_I:z1ha v,,Eve|I;|ngl ~ -. ..n..,... me. a an ; mm... . h hcenm And inoom- II potent impaction, would now Ill tho umpmnu oummnnlty in`: dommd ll " tour. pamgo eurywhexo at `Mn Soon I1 \~ ML 1 fl -- - .14 x- \I u. Fullur. , A vulgnr man is captions and 3 jeltlwli wgornml im luau: abplit lxlea.` He'aun- k max himael La be almhtasrl. Ind llunkl Ann, n... cllnn into (on: :5! the Provin or thin 4. every 3510f th though (ha pa onuqunmru n n on u ` 'J,:586uvern`licenm or warn gnulad in 187`. tathoroolu Aol bean in luun i11- , 1!! ndur tho pnnuod pxfior 1681. um! hni tho Id 1 Council: dun tho` un tn which thug, wan Iuhjoolad--lu at! no luv- 03 mun llnanlu. or an: [or a,` tha Mun DB - III a popII1ntlon,.w llohx 1881 ulnhm had in and nurly mHlion,lha nommlulan~ (Jroah Act lnnud only H67 15:! than kind `tho nyotom um ......,.... ....- , pl|MIo!|m,'Irhich would hm my ~ [g uuniy injnrudthn hotel-koepon who pm! 91 for their liounlo Ind` kapl, mpeohblu 1. xmbanc, y non mum ricel, Knm 0! I701`? l 1, A. Flolchar, B.A..,Ind the Holy | nmun'on wnmlohntod byjhc Bhhn Md yRev.W.W.`patu, H.A.,`_ ` Orooh Act with luvinf I MI DI um, um: V . V in pan lvoum. ` , In View 0! (ha Iplnn Id mulh obtained tho: Ipulur vru juntiad in mdlllng mu nmn: linked Ill Ihnnn chimed for in 170. Hi: Ipaoch ml 1 dim! nldmion 0! (ha chu- gas which hm bean hyrlod nb ch ` -- u..n Tm nil um An! by the Tarmua mm. of In mbilily M uomlm I um Provlnuinl Hnmury ut um it mun wig! Iomn Ike! 1) L.LX nmng U|7|llI.IIuu|q .... Inn: what! to Ihelrrequlrumenn nnrldeaerr In; of, their puronm-.` Dn||I-Room! Io: Gommmlnl Tnvullen. Excellun nu- lhrd Pnrlm with! Me. Excallnn Sun: con-mud wmmn. Houn._ 1 man nnr.`m!R BARBIE. ONT. innblmy III Ilvungn uh! I M. old mu 0! min |l;IryII_;op;5in|u| I 0! nppoolllun, Xz. ` It mnynulbo uehenlly In 1874, ywu yum `liuforz the u.- it mom] in mu ox [um mutilsung mud 5|-only mlmprwnt `ll och, in (ht hnpo HM it my Ilm lg nbliad. Thu 1 E gut in tho am 0! lhn viuclul Bavnatnry. in_ by upcach, that u my Iuu um... .. dun nyuo! ginblla. Pm- II Bavretnry in Hulda In In: that d the Orooh Actl_1n5lx:g_c:h`ut our nun w .._u |...._. in g main! in H mill the pmll at ihu tlnlr buinul I. lhuir tn Act hudno uh lllll ID ilnt ohl-lnlpm and I1 . NO. as -I : n nil. ' Tho orgnn, houmlr, by Ila hgu, Idmitl tho dunngin; aoat upon in ope I Mr. EA_rdy'n Manes of the Crook: Anl-a ido- lanco ll. .I in ormzplm. It my stink` dim. pervert, nnlign, call nmu In uhi .: us HI-unnnm,bn it willmooud in.u...\ine1ng unintelligent nnnnc ill nnulu lllum lhc Grooh Ann:-9 thing , 3 Ilnlbm E,-n`tlonurin[ d pdgu, which new u-unpmm, up out }In_ . llnnhtmm, l'1wrnu.w.- `ha '1 ` xlv xtlnuguvlln). _ (ru- nmng Glllllllllinq vunnnn Ibh nmhluh. ` 9!, puronlgle.` nn|In R . .... . Whiloil cry gnrmluuuionl ' |hnProvin Bgcnlu-y did not at], uh: ood we to bullcnloonogmlg what did in]. '15 |G_lu|| lakht Iuyq. aid that hln um Ill lofron thy! undue ` ch: 0mh_Ac1._lh_ounu_ hmp_onng`-I [Rena M: Jan town nudge Omh Act tho Mule oi mnpnnnu In nnd order bud gully ulnnad II um in opmlion Ind bun hon l to all alum o! iocxaly, nnd nut to an only. hgtia, ndmlu t_1_n giant we of .. ... n...L.'... . `.1- mun mu L: 3 the ma E.-auonumr(i':; mwu-unpmm u to ch- rlnlblu of in Iudnn Ind (In contempt cl 1. honulnun. _ 3 . um `lundr'o'vl- rhoiup Punle. mum m nlrudv boohd mum In Eight lunarpvr Tnoluagn roune. Thm IN ulmdy Ihln com: in 1889, nn:1y,h hull III on poo lo, it'll all that HOMO wil alnlgmu-nm an ml Oman tho Wuund Nnngatwga mm nenoo m 0 cm W nu! nu nnnnnu in oonuq "'l`n Luau; Ln RoIrn,'.' (camp, Hand 51 Puma 3'1`) bu bun oompgllod I: put Vupan in line is! VH3 I_x_- at mi ml lhruinahotlx upon in uldlthul Fm Ix- pma Tnln, compound a! nut oluu dqy Ind night am, having Ohlougo an un., `And ` nuzhlng Inmlpolil urxlho nan mqrping In |_Igp_lo than 1 _n`lI_w_ ooognlng "TnAuI`uLiARovn,!'(0h1ofRook~ `mdnwhlng morni mini: umwnllov one holler! m` mob. Dnkotn or - win, to, ohbln Hill btululndmlo thn -mnmatinn for :11 point: North ind` Horlhwou. Thh min In run ohpochlly to contact with Lho.now.upml min which tho Northun Pacic 1nd St Paul Hlnmpolh nnd Mmlfobn `mdn (tho Inlet oun- nwsiu with the Oundlnn Pnoln Itt. Vincent) hue juntput upon their Una. __'I_ho Inning ex lnln Iron no3ium`n{xnnmu. Enf- I. tho-eonmeon point: I Horlhlmb ` A L A , `WIBBOV rrlnq huuwwmnuunmcnzax ' Hu"QunnI wllhpun uw pain: tn um-in . Bonnuu1unHnIulI.\7llun:nnnI`|hllhanuwlde Lulu Excailantlylnpplhad Eoyn|u).Bun .......... milm-Jamar. oanu`.alng`.1_`wa la: ..,.-.., , ... , jun put The ngulu expnnnnln Chi In I run In hmlvlou ud nuk cunning connection Iron Ihnnr n linfor nll point: In thc territory nlmtl . 1?}. important, and tnnllm uhould bwil In mind, that lhm'uI no and `mmlm puxongm nclhnnuqpon cnd`Bt..V bgdthc "Aunt Lu WAVE." nghndod In Unlnn lynch V. I. Sfnunnu u.'mas:.1>.n1. ` Q ffhhil omutetotrmlovor for mu` ` manta a 1' cameliom, 5nd in 0: nd loaf '_' comfortable I mizioeliom, and I oomfoviablajilu to the orllwut. The tnlqu o! gin `_'Ax:Im_,I,I5 I . "Ax.-m,I.u am-' I `o o 7' km Ohlhmofnin tho (hp! at the Gun: 3 D Boo: Iluxln, the old llrvrik with Invd-' had 1 0 l 3 *:$a*"`f .``*""f-."' I: III In - L un- K eralfiozzl And Pumpgu AoI3t`:_0I! |louu, nun. .__4Qs>__._ II will not data: the Reformer! o1 du- tnrio to despise the day oi mull thing: ,, The ox_porienco meeting led by 81.1-`John, _ e which gave him eh op nml_vminho- r~ than Mr. Meredith tot eperty nl 0nu- ' rlo, ma contemptlblomt the ohjeet must not be loot eiglht of. Tim object we! lo secure strong cal orgsnlxetione. won-km}! . mum in harmony at the `next gen loul orgsnlxationn. worm wgdlhor harmony A dlnation. Mr. Mownt will no doubt hold ` Y n convention at his own pwpor than 119- ` twnen ndw and the olcclion, Ind thorns- noanvcnan nthia pwporllmbbm *` twoen now the nu- xi ouallyfor orgunlmlon muptnotbelouz I night of. ' . ' ' ' In 1631 the Lord Mnyor, It tln lnnlnnoo nl the Prlvy Oounull, look nmlul cum ol Landon. The null ohowarl 130.2% " lnhnlzlluall. In 1336 I111! n kuov col- lmlvaly u Landau oonulnod 700,000 lu- luhllum. Slr Wlllllm Poll ullmmd tlnl by 1340 landou would non :1 10.718.- . 800 mln, but llnl ll would ranch In with lmum ln 1880. ml than lsagln la dcolluu huh wlxlla ll bu ohly mound lull llll all- .l u uh ally proplrlw deollnul '5 lnl'l:antyyun, Ind la new 20,000 ` len tlnn ln llzo relzn ol Jnmu I. II . . . _ ...... um. (hunt mule ll Ilaowl no Ilgn ol dcollnau Tho ` -bu himull ombodtod in . unlm In nnuther . Gunolpol A London Paper up: "Sir Omlot \Vnluloy`| Ieton In first feigning In tah meuum in the dlmtlon ul Aboukir Ind than nmptly duotndlna on`Port Bnld un Innnl I, I: in noorduloo with mutual ht Ml `Boldlu Packut Book.` He than 1: I ltdownth I (Jonunl oomnundiny Ihou d to hop hll ouunul thut llil nrmy, Ind "n the nut! round him. would be not on y In_ :- unou of bl: mllntanllonn, butoanv and nut in Alma nl totally dlmnt nbjwh 55 from whnt' no hla It'll! onol. H0 add: that. `What ynulud your may to lullm ` II non ha undltoi by tho enemy, whom ` it will mob it; mean: of I la or through V the Ixiodlnm a time nuly- vented ounu ` tolrmlul, I mun n:!I:a1;a`pnhrl:om at!-I,` nu out or try Iprudlng lulu new man; tha ropmontntlvu at the pm: | onanl may um them to dooolve In enumy. nag`. om. Ohlmofnn 91:9 Q|IA_l.' w m... . I wllhpbn ynnu an hmunu wlda nun an q coma-ununh uulvllunrnn &o.yn|uJ.BuI > Ihalnu Blllllxdgnrlur. oanh`.aln`."wa $0! I . X . dun Tnblu. and tnlzllni and 3 PM (Hint. ._,J_._: ` I . mainly on mucu- "` BATES |"FAD`v'SB'1`ISX!\ 0 ' uumon.8uepu km Ii-no: uwnlubnaquent n lqhrl gum purl 3 `DI:--lnyid Adyuxcta I u mnuuud lay: uulluld chlruod Icnmdlnil ' y. out ummuz wrlttelunlhncl . mldd-n.nnd chm;-d [qr - II Both xlnh fdrmerly urn lull`? W W` L louiunnl nuuiclnnlonl . She u an hi! . nylo on-{ram hor viola lounn. PIN! noon Iha H11 mud n More lhu b" ` I||rp| u'1pnlor,tuu one and uh Mill 5 undorqnrchln, Ind tnrluro lilo` cmn1uny`I 1 ..n.na1.aau;hunw-air-you How" :. horrible muyha _the main pmdunudhihc y. will look nlldunn 15' P"`_.' '3 W url Ilulo unuanunn uunr Iyon ulmnu `. the produnud, lbs 5 wllllnoknllduzinglhu room nfmnklnz d it." Thnleoond (rank n luhlunluepw Q unled (0 be to pm an gunnlnu nyur rug: from "ch. Eutuoh u | Me mmodm n um. They no munlly nbmll {hm or N lam-lael In Iiza, nnd can he dlntingnhhod >. by Chan dulign, which nluyn rgpmgaul dlntlngnhhod by thus : raprmuln mm] I guru u on: on Ind painted. Anho at ur. Plsou no lndlumd for the lunch Ind 1qmeI._ Davout from P at the nlhurf tnalumu mr mu lmnel. woman pmurl the ml thin]! (mm In lluporlor. uud, vrilhaul luinwlooa. bnmpln their hand: on the oor. or mnovlngth 11' than and Itookingu, llko lhn Innl nl tlm pmphcl, Ilill uuunlly do un limp to knaul upon while pnring. They un nhi In be I mn- umnlnn.` V Tnlnua is xlclcrihcd u lollokllay II BOIWII craldcomIpnndant:"IIi| onlh, lllrp hi: church, in more oorcmodloul than thn n! mg olhnr Amariun olaruymnu. N: I oummorrlnakillg mun. nnrl rmhu to hlutmab uum-u had in lmnt. When Ai-`ht, rgichal Wu mt HI: hnir ooilu bnhlnrl, ut not nurlY hu mi 10 Ill! {an- e: you know It, but yiiu do nut no the mom grln of h a clown. mp: M h In fro on lha [21 am, an nnnml nlion. uldln Ami ll! utdounm um um! ouck hinhoelno other. 11: uulh I _ but my nun In mp: In n In -mu... ....- plndorm, ut dam nut mp hi: heel: loigolher. um I: u-(nu {ml} in gonliou nlion. my look like mum llnu two.` 110 in mm: juxnpinpjnck-~nl hut ho III Iwlonthll ocouian. Parhnpu-than In Im{hiu ux- / citing anon h In {In mmon II: n] llm / Ilring." T unyno wrlm mdlu Ilml u w|!h numnrilinj hi: uunnnl I0 pal-lea! y mi, without copy opnml, _hh dpllmy lulmonl, umunu for nnunal, ldunlinal wllh llu mInImr|p| which In hu Itudlvrl. Whan It In uannidmd." 1, "mu 0 uldul by u ranking up olhil nu Into dlnl ue,.by the dumulo ulnmlonu in whi be u phood, nnd hytbn prompt." whnnmr bl`! roqolflualiun hill, than m. Innglwn ul 0 mmnry B 3 mybn!u1lyoo;pnhonded.':m' uh " , um: um". W... .- Buvx . Pnvxmnr. F r was dzmmn mm:'L, oxvfzosmzu ' the llsilny Station. ` u n.n..`v ' Prdprietor. n-um.......... _ ` HE QUEENS/I BARBIE, I Nmzha lmum salmon, Em . all sand. AHIIKUIII an E. I{EWSO.\',BAR1iISTER. Mxw.::m.:aL&L3 :.3:.%':,f.:1i . ] Hole/s I nous}: BAYFIELD-sT., 1! mHuot_Mr:pen_u::L 5,13:-Va-, : ::::_-~~*~ ` I K `ex gouzy &1u;urmu'e `1 ._OHARLESJ WAY,` juun&InsunANnAnuI y w c M0/VEY 7? LOAN. 011 real cs//g e, at 6;craaI1!,' I \.I\/.: .. .._, , F Bmx`e.'1nm say. my 451; 1` WESTERN` Anm ml` F M. Morcornsnv "W" ` mlxmxn K I. .. --AGENT run 111:" , British American Firs Insurance cw ..m- 1-onox'ro,- ml 3. "HOST oFm+ f;InovAL -uTua'um-a mu} lormnu IUI (hut. ' v Or-Innlnrlllrnzlanlaguuumscmcnu mun 1:51.: mung. pthexwa thapubxinhe; wiunac ha mt sdvaruumlnli at mum: :1 than I ned h v AS5l5."1'n, zo,uw.wu. ` I 1 Hz: the Llrgut Snrplu: of Asset: our 5 Liabilities of my Fujn Insurance Co'y 0 in thu wnrlx n,...:>..|\lv. and Joan. LAIRD . 1 ._ ~ 0P1 OSI'Lli CLAllKS01\'S HOTEL . . 5: IJUNLUP-ST. -u _..._____ FRIH_ESllWER8EASO;i j nu- DUN-L01? siRIET. mum. ` };r amzwu, `L1-l.\ .\'0X & I.F_\'3:ox. M .v.. met. odamte, Loam Ex promptly adjust: . .IAMES~EEV` MNTV SHOP Dental an In mm m um um ......, noun al In hunted vanln balm ! loudly man. up! Wndnosdny '.l`uudu noon Ihuauuhouldbo gt osunaurnmantnguuxvnd lnunlo 0 ml porlluo Houpu Inn Man I ma |unmu_mla.n.. H'mf3:?s.-xo}-pqxw:11b.srnp 9-um . . .... ... Y\r:lAm:nn, an-., MARRIAGE LICENSE N. I\l -mu HFICE xx nm E BUlLDING.'BA1iRIE. 3 4 E suitably, and tell. - 3 ``` j``*`-*` I _NuTTiiEf{N mm FACTHBY: .72, $11. MuySf,,_Cur. B1`! E 17111111411` HAMILTON- y 0'1cunnJ \\'nn-m.,n.s, um; | Brit}; Black, oy1m.<|'(e(Inc Quu1; s vlJu`nIn)1 | ..._ ` ` , \1: mnluz nun \\'e',m n TM hy 7[1"I,.1e.?s. sm..u`m uuk 3 mt THF MHRIFBGAR. 5 - F. J. SCHRADEET ' . Wl.luLE!ALE \[AS[`)'A(.'TL`IlE|2 UP` I am... uuuv mu_mlo.n.~ rune n-uu,... upu mnnm`. - to mac uu.-xopnpmrmbumppoaunul Illnrulnj m pad lxnaput tho upzluu on t.|m)au;en.'A1~o-tomcuomn Ihoanun JIM Inclnni > V N \l U nOl..In 11:` < (G, GIKAWFOIKD`, Mgam Will nuke hr-r ngnhir trips on this route lunving Culmulg awry morning (Hnmlnys ~ 1' except;-d)a\7.130,I orn npn, Q3 n'clur:k, on arrival u! G. T R. lraiua lri)m1-an and Connects nl Rnclxhlcv with the Naw Ynrk Central, I\'uv'llmIn G-mun] nd Erin Railways, nnnl Lulu: Uxumriodxvisiyn of the ( - -~ - . n n G-mun] um hm: Oumriodxvisi n Rnme, \Vnlcx|0Wn & Ugtleliabur R. IL, for all [minis um west and pn\-.1h.1 Wnluxlowu dc Uguenanurg u. u`, ` ( pm-.lh IIETURNING - W111 leave Illurluitu Port of Rocheslcy) dnily ul 0 p. m',, excl.-pt Salurdgya, w:|_um ah,lunves_ at 3 [1, ll]. fur _ Put up _ rect. , .' Denim in ituck will nd tluiaihe chv:np- eat and Inns! cxneditiona mugu to 1 Buslun, I ` I/)\`Mny,!_iuw Ymk. &c._ ` H11: i arm: (HEAR rncmnv, V nArmIE. ONT,,- l I'\l_..I':./\- uh:-u Iruvl -FUNERAL B.|~.QU1SlTES HIGHLY romsuun CUFDTM, avumxmuouomm oa,.m1\\'1.m rm... am: 01 the landing l-Jnstalrlmxmuuw nl .:cLn.u, H Alaushroudn, l.Iuin rllrs l lnlen,uud ` . . .. urine nlanumcxure um r |nL'.aI.nL..\uu:, u. GF.`NlIXN`I1 ` HAVANA exams 0'1cunnJ\\'nro ~, um; ` " `LII, '4 Il.ml4m.e1 ` Wm: All an I J 9: was ` mayo-wmc-..v..... , I: mm uamquuinu saucitodlrom nuynm or the oonntryoc Imhborlng wnnmpn. Uanrlpond um nzuuquumd to nurl in their aommutcn mm! 1: mm ` with uuunm .u...m. 11,, , [task '1"1.d my an unnuura. muulma .. FUR THE MHBIEGGAR-` , . nxcDER510'g1`. h;4:/ v,.. mu ` _ __....#__......-u A. EX. GRAHAM r,1nN`.TI.AL REOUISITES _ ->14 `W F? on --Cigars &WTobac`co '!rLf1!AL}: \lA:\|. nmuu.-z Ur` HTobacco & G igz % wnoL:sgr::n:A;i:n I241 Havana Yara Connetc THE STEAMERW `6$"" `T3?E"RT ._....._,__. E / A\" \7\7\7\7_v 'j;ND COUNTY OF S1Mu0E ADVOGATE( u _..... ......\unv nu-numu 5 ,2. v.-x,..-- . .e .- V .3.` . . v.._,.>.-. v-,=`- ,. If l\T'.` c11ur.nI.` I(nvn(`.ATF`.,' A? /I/V V ,/ - / I mum ` :4 . z "m,`o'1\ u *'1`"Aii1T"'1:HURsDAv; SEPTEMBER 21 1332 F 0 All LII.-RI ma duymh, In ole! luunnplud Inhpxmn nrmy ox nnxmu - um nnznlunlcnnhlzulyluuoflvno 0 VII Ilfllwn. GP: ujlnadonn on nnvnnhlc warm. ( H2ii;n>ess Eci 1;@v:jmess AND snuuuav ```` RI VSHMENT. r;en(.' sun. lxlu11|;U1 .1. the lznlusl and mustFzxsluiunnhleslylesx, r.u vary Cheap IL1la,al5o\\`ufrnn|vfllo Iii w:H. lunlswell and xvmrxvull JIJ " _ d., ILLIULVJI ,|0ppnsilu lhu "umm -r r uulup-St 1` . H. ~- ~ - .. . u..: 1,. "' home in hll v sin corny, v h an 2 011110 certainty of fax/Zz'a7zzbZe` ' 7 I=:,,.."17`/1.713`, I i ... ...... \lLl dealer in men zcmes, and get rt least om: 75 cent bottle 01 Zopesn, nn1te.lyourm~lg:hbor how it acts, It is wnmmtetl go cm-o Dyspepsia and B11- ....,w...., uuu ... . , V _ to lousnuas. ` J T11bMw<.;%:: s u Hm "Summ r c " ]')n.vid F1'a8I@-G m. n|All n! 'l'mul [I T__j__ ' ' Legal. T -W. H<)'wAR1J, znmimmy :2 . I Attorney-wlmv. :5u'Jcil rv1n - Ind [mo vancy.2{unry Public", hveyeucenaa. 9. GM Pen uud. AIlmou'. Money to Luna. , `_____ ``7i"?z 1>o;EnTofc>N1AL nxanws./VV lnlIII'.uu new \muuI.|.III I ;ETABI:l_S|_-IMENT. 0 W P.J.MO0RE' rv . ruvnrvn n nmnog m;;;` 1 I Tmiyriurlyg. `Ti: quiet hare, nnd more than :1! Thing: else in rent I boon to CJ1ee-- Rut, peace, and Ilegp; Ibave, the pull 0! heaven; And pm the white clill`-wall Thu cc:ue!m mystery 0! the nu, -I!m-per`: May. for Octoln 2 Three head of cattle belonging to Mr. ` ' Wm. Kcurns, nun: Beetqn,11n\'o n1ys'.eri- ` ously diemppeured. ' ` 7 V ` A .,..m... ..m Ell" nt Hm Rnv. Mr. UUb|y U1Hl|l)P0.'L\|L1U. A ten your old ion 0! the Rev. Mr. M Llowyd s, Gmveuhurst, was thrown from L txllorsowllile riding him to water, nnd '1 considerablyinjurednbanttlnulnend, ren- 1; deriughin) quito unconscious for 11 short h time. C ' UIHL`. A))rutc name-1 PeberMcArlhur1iviug II` on Oak street. Collingwood, frequuntly axulcrucllyhents his wifn and children. ' The ollmr'u\'c:ning lm knocked the unfor I0 Uillll ,, Atmin passing Tollenlmm the other K dnyslnlck n cow belonging to Mr.J. u Scuulmmnrriml her threu or four rods and .- dumped her into n gully minus ' horns, mi], and other parts of her nuntomy. It was elnurzhtcxed, .- ullmpeu me! into slaughtered, A.. h\`I IIIl" .`n A Bu-na.0nr,Ivu; Iunuww nnrymonlh. -' . mam _Wa,dnMAy `gulldlku y a, menoon at April 7, H1135, lnnug Du` _ lludu $115.4, 340.8 (ms. Nov. nd `Juana J_nl1 7. Aug 4. sf ` . `P1117!!! `Bop. s.UatQ kw. .pw. 8. . rrenauns. Air 8. Janos, July H|l|\|K|lWl|JUv An expert in oil well boring visited ` Benton tho nthr week. He thinks from tllempogmplly of the cuuntrythnt the Beetunilcs would be warranted in sink- ing :1 hole. He says it will cast nl: least , 31,oo0m1r1:1noo1ect. ' r .. d )Sl,UUu to Lll'llJUUl\:UL. r . I1 The other Monday several. men who I} H \\'4.-nuvoxking `m|`Mr.I.alcr's fnrm,nenr tn Ihncehridgo, npied n large hour nndtwo U ne cuhs crosging the mad fmm Mr Millusswumjx Benr` um said to bu it plentifulintl1qtIm:n|ily. _ . 0 .\u (w/1\:HlI nnmml Iikins nmllh-inbinl t 111011111111 111111111 IUIJIIHLJ. - As 1110111111 1111111211 uf1\\'ye11ri11ge1,1ve1`c try111g to 11'11oo1n 111141-11111 t11121n11111u11.1 recently, 1111.1 m 1'u11'e1- nccinlehtally 111111: 1111`, 11lig111ly 11'n11111i11gn11c a1111b:11l1yacnri11gt11c otlmr. This ia the seco11d 11cuiL1e11t the 1111111 111101)`. 1 ' 1 H1111. mu nf Ur .I111111M1.'Ki111!1rV. '1 xauuxy. d A little son of Mr. Juhn .\IuK/iuatry, I Cuukalmrn, while playing on the mrn u blrucl Lhd ozhcr . was ncuids.-nunlly c 5 knuvkmlduw|Lhyu ]l{\S>illg1EA|Hl(|f lmrses nnI\ lmgy umltmc :1 his legs run over. lIi.~1lL'g\\';h l:n1isal but no bones wuru 0 C bwllcll. I ' Dl'U|lL`||. 1 I Sm11ua1upmv`enl mu! cuntemplihle spcci mun nf l1llIx|zinilj' ham 1: letter` to Mr. IIuIn'y'Rohins,`uf llillsdnlu, snyinglhnb b hish1`ul1II7l`TDn)B,0f \\'ycbrilge,\vns ,` AL-ml. Ilu nfuucc procured n llonso uml `Ll VI` went there, fohml his hrulher nlive and \\`L',I'|H\l llmllxe was the_ victim of :1 1r stupid joke. ~' ~ 5` ` m n I nmmm. lute of the Orillin rf Elllpllljokli. , M,f.D.J. Benton, Times,run1CIcrk of the ])i\`isiun Court ` them, on the eve of- his departure for \\ innipc;;, wna errlerlairred nt a banquet nt the Urillin Hausa by A number of his friends nml mlxuircrs of lrnlh political Um H C stripes. `A my enjoyable evening wua i; spent. ` ` ~ (1 A uumimrnf vounuwomen nmdu n vis' -]' and crucllyhents children. . un!or- ` tunntuwomnn down with l! piece of 1` spent. v ... Auluuhcrnf youngwmuen visit- -1" ingtrip to lluntroou ouo cvcuiug hm! 1" week. Whilu them soum special friend `I Irauuposenlur couple of thowheuls, giving U to their cunvuyuuce :1 side nugulnr Iuotiuu Y` on their return. They could not \Iudcr- 1` nlnml why they \v<>re couatanlly sliding to I` r. oncsirln. 3 st Cvullingivood of P August ta:-C'om 67,763 bushels, Manitoba wheut 19,242 bush- els. ` ' .. commu [cu ouiblo. dent mh, Ind Av! .AumnumInrmyomaolnmv.