Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1882, p. 2

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% aw nnuu sum 6 stitutiou. ` - Dr. amen, we Tory candidate for the u - repruentaxionof East Simooe inthe 0n- 5 tario Assembly is, howgver, attempting a much niate ddloult ietgnn _th_|_lso`re- attemphng hate gdioult iethnn th|lso`re- uny1')rinnzied'by'we Dominidn I m- I mier. He iutfempting 90 this four I u,_:.J:. Dominidn PM u in attempting 0 horses at once, each of which is headed in 3 ugposite directions. He nsksthe support 0 his Catholic co religioniste, and is sup ndmdd in so doing by the 0ri1lin`I`a`cket 3 u puuw \u.wu.y.... ,,, __ all pdrfad Orillin Packet El nndour0ldI`.mly`nei1;hbor. He ukstl-em h to laink their political prefrenccs mi N vole lot, him on religious grounds only. Bntinua rloingtlii Docloris oaruiulnot 3 totellthiis portion of his constituents P that in bupporting him they are virtually 5` opposing the lion. Mr. Fmer. who is, :1 unquestionably, the ables! clmupion bf I` their`:-iglits today in Ontario, and mu unauestionably, clmupion or " mnu 1: fa Mixxisiry whose chiefest, plsnkis Eq Rights to-A.ll. Surely the Cath- olii: voters oi Eu! Bixnwc are far we shrewd I be caught in such a conspicuous (up as thiai The Good Book says that In vain is the net spread in the sight of am! bird. 1 Thu net, in this instance, is In spread in the argur. or any too open 1;: the eye to driccive any one. The Carolic electors of FM Siruooe are - ca.l1uduponbyl1.\cTorics to rnark their Mr. Fraser, their able com hostility to pan never, 1igiousl,nndsu'pppr1 14 um}! ' lrustilitjlu Fruser,tlw1r uuru com- 1igior,\sl,nndw'pps)r1 nmu\_vlro,c;\u under any possible combination of air ` cnmstanws, ll Mr.Fraser s pogition in any Go\'er'nment, so much in Dr. Slaven the Hon. Mr. YrusI:\"a inferior in mental 2 C r calibre. 1 _ r|v\ n. MI: furthn Omuuu vole 1 calihxc. . Tlvs Dr. bids furthc Omugu by whispering _`.o Omnguuxcntlm he auporte the Oppositio/n, who, on their advenpw power, will pass the Orange` Incorpora- tion Hill, which must, however, be kept dark for fear of offending his Catholic friennh4.._DL~e.i the Doctor think the {gen .,_DD-i think the e Omugemeu are sagullilrlc us to swallow a such n tmmnarcng ball as m In this ` 1. swallow trsnsnsrcnt bait tlmti double shuliug thc Tory noniimu in the East is but following the example of the Dominion I rcu1ierVwith'hn\\'cver,' this ull hnpoi-taut dillorcnov `Sir John asked the Catholic s,upp<:rt;` hut then, he has . two Catholics iu his Cabinet; sad in his bid for Uranga support he could say with truth that hois himself an 0mngei1um,nml has snolhpr member of thordc." ln his Ministry, whcreastlu: Catholics of_ East - Simone axe asked to vote for Dr, Slavon. mid so oppose able Catholic in Mr. Mowst s Ailminis mtion, And the Doc- tor dares not, though lruukling to catch thr, Orange votmmnku the lmxirporstion of (hi: Omnge Institution .1 plank in his politiuul ylullorxu. lm~lnli1- ml! mm unuuu .1; -I'- A. u;u`eh, .n it witlievuxy nrnicln neon: . mug: oomplew, we am now . Lpouiriou to wait upon lha public Ah ..v Old Shad, Dunlap Street, Barrie, with n roll wlectad And nriaduoc of Supla Drugi, Futon! Miedicinu. Dy mm, .Bm:hu, combo,-_ sud Toilet clan of very doui Lion. A t of Putin Gmu nnd ullo~ .borejn|hrrimi., . . .` mm. ...'.c.{11. m [wnuuu |Vmuvnm Still further, in order to he all things wall main, and so cr|,ch'\'utcs,`Docwr lilavun rs riding the Tcrrrpnmupc Irqrse Just now, nn(l`1>1'ofc:M-3 to be an nrrlent, supporter of the prescniceusc Act. The Pnglrot, hoavever, knowg whntauch n pro; lemon nmoslnm to, for many yam have not passed by since the Orillla Tory T ~m- pemncnllcet was the Dochus hittcmst opponent, because of his violation of this very AM. Will the Pm.-kel riseklo ex- plaln'iLs change of . {mn_t on this subject now now! The Doctor next asks the support of ' the liquor interest in the Riding, nml goes nlmut slnting--and not without a show of reason, eithugwe are prepared lomlmit- that he has eu'cmd`n:uch-b4zth in repu- tntion and monr:y--by his violation, of the Crook: License Act,aml thm he warm to get into the House just to have n shy at it. .- Elecl/ara of ILMS we, can you su,p- I port aucln political ju glory ms Docwr Slnvcxl has been and la guilty 0!. in his cauvulnr volts] Wu `lo nnv. buliovu you will da nnytlxim; of lllu kind. We do not believe, cillwr, that you ms pru- parecl w ennclirm Ll. Llxrunlmlml inlL-rlcr- :1 onus of llm llmninivm GU\`I'YllIl1f!l'll in n zmcu l)0Inini thelocal u(fui1`:oH)utariu, .\':.-ith -will \ you vote for n culxdinizube whu pluya in to is lholnnds of munuhu wk 1 dqmvu 1. lhia1 r0vincn of tcrntury lo whirl: it is 1: 1'uellycn1itIed,am1 wlm I]i=:1lIu\\' ;\cLv|l.u Onlario I/cgisluturp in fully ::1n:puwcrml Ln puss. Itisllutposswlt, _cnh4-r, lh.1l_)`u\I I Igxlly ulupuwcrml puss. Ilia not 10.. dc, that yuu will votefor Dpctof . c'n,umI thus show that you n n.- pmparcnl lo plau: Ontnu under the gallfng yuL'~- nf llm Fr-null Blcus, ~ DKQUS I Electors ofaat Sixucuo, we r,'|nnr)t hu- 0 liave that yuu will lJeguill)ufsuu]1n[.Iiui- dal fqlly, and ll:m{oru,zisk yuu In record ymir vow-iu favor of Mr. Chfaflz-q lirury, Hwruforugisk record ymir mo: Clmrl:-q Drury, who'is, bylong `oduls, tho ulnlv.-at public lx man in your oomt.itucm:y. Ilu u-il1,if h rammed, vote to keep down 1-`n-nuhruo ll wndnncy, uniutain O11l.iriu exigl:ls, lmth l lefxiwvjalgnd legislative, null will aim e wthu Mowat Adulinislratim: an indc- I: pendent support, butwill nut In: [his `shvv H 1'.-,1: tool 0' ,_nny umu ur ynrljn Ile hr 1' Iiuvds in Onturiu first uml purLyu{L4.;r- fl wards. For llnculwvcrucitul ruusumnvu [4 ask you to clear. your trucliliuy Imum 0 stay at home, nud sand tnlhc Ontario Aa- n ' sembly um able; oouacicutious camdaw, a I M1-,Ch`arlea Drury, . 1 M II. l lint we,c.1u ` lms bclen ol mu. "AcY1 of Drugs. I `1 Fox-n_aur1_y " I w. T. BARKER no GL 3- VALLELU. M3118 Z or. 2 @112 Qmmiuex. ,Aiin douzm smcou `ADVOCATE - .'BIiD`l'\0tNI1mlb!' to hnv; fend for a lonig time A doeumant `Ina: `intaexeeteq `ii nlmn than the re'3a;1e of `Nod: `jnnnpial B L: . 3` lonig `intaexE5te unnofo re'v"1_".`1P of`o&`r Snnninl pdsizion preagnferfby the lweve, Mr. C. N `P I hf"... l".vnI'1t'i1 Bmr-l Int poshion pres.enw.'by the Axeeve, A|1l'.\/`. e, " P'`~'! *.l1e Cvumr-iyl .\I-r1-TI '. {M} l,..,,.` `,4. .54 `.... um, Qu';uc|1 Report. ' The Brave l`1us nuwsnh f` in Lbs Council for ten yeamin succession, C which is longer than tlmt of anjother xx mm. and he niuv well feel proud of the 1 d it ` ' in yesmn snccessnuu, any other ` mnn,nnd may proud nnmi41`.mm of the mwn n$w as com- ,_ ` uaucidlstate oi the town n?w as cum- `I : paid with what it wuwheu he first book gj hiamut nu Council Bmja 7 Then 0 Barrie`: Funnels; Gonaltldn. ' mounting to 838,126, was in- vested u I llows:-Dabentnres of the Dawn of rexbomugh, (par) 810,000; If Pembroke, (par) 85,000; Flos, (par) $480; deposit receipt, 5420.44; County of Sim- ooe debentures, $13,600, for which a pre- mium of 853Dhad to be puid,m-king 2- their Value $14,130; and 43 shares of `my. paid, making Bank qt Commence stock, at a premium of 44,- 83,095, leaving a may debt of A nimle over $40,000. This year, the Council; by cutting down ewirry item of expenditure to the lowest pdssible point camisbent with eiciency, zid it nccw my to levy arm of only 2} per centfor , sinking fund pukpoaea, and a total rate of A a : the question that lie should keep the en- gagement to dine in London on Sept, 15, which, in a spirit of o\'er-condence, he is said to have made; but the prnspectof his ultimate success is rendered the more certain by the admission, recently attest-_ '- ed by acts, that he had uuilcmned the rrsrnvcz-s nfhisnn',>UIm1:. 5 force have rusuluul in lhe riut; that broke 2 out hlb Frithny night in I)u`olin, through r whichtlne mob obtained culuplcle po:se~:- sion of Ihc city. This appezncul n teriuus ' 11 Government ul ( BARBIE THUBSI)AY,SEP T7, 188% e ---,----------'-- c incixlelgt for the British the timewlxen so largen part of the effec- tive force of the army was engaged in the , operations in Egypt, but funuuatuly the} coimequences have not been su disastrous! is us might easily have been ar_m_cipx\ted.{ anticipated. The disalfection in the eontabulury ori giunted over it question of pay, nwl was increnlied hythe severe treatment of thoce of its members who hnd been active in (he demnml for higher remuneration. It spread rapidly during the past week, and eifecmd especially the Metrepolitair police of Dublin, :1 great portion of whom were on Friday disnfssed; and on Saturday the e tireiforee resigned. This lei: the city without its ordinary protection, uml it was on this necount that the riot of Fri- clny night met with such extraordinary success. Tlie police generally hnie re- sumed their p1eees,und nnittera are agnin pacic in Dulplin` down would lm\'n< lime uml 1mu~ L hlu, but 1110 um strokn lught h.|\'uhw|| ll hunnl, Suun\vu1':1l_yn||ulH.1`ageI|ua Iwwr ll` laufum accllrrml in the ncig|||m'hwul, The >f 111otivniBu'iuyslv V, Am M1`. Yuuny, n 1c- :- xnurkulnlyinulll x:i\ mun, mu quit: un- u cousciunaof lmvim; .nnud suleh Iyitlur \ j The Culmdn 1[el|xr:di5LuunciL\1 meet- ing of the Bztrriu District lxblxl utl 3.11:, mm auu: Lmc. n ....., ...... , .. _.,. nd it is morevvalunble th:n.go`d. he sure y .......... .. ...... v.:y.r-yrvnv: \ ' Cazorm, 0nt., Much 8, l8E0.'\` F` Hun beeuelling Perry nmy Pain-Killer for the pm nix yam, md hm much plenum in stating that its sale in ' con Invgerthm my nth: punt medicine that I have on my shelves, ml in {how year: I have new hard I ' ~:-ummer xuyiught but ward: ofthe highest pulse in in mar IN: in nrtidutlnc mm to Invo combined in it all that goes to mnko n rs. -t. sLl! fmnily nudidm, and ulnngu I hve I home and store. Pmy Dnvia I`.1iu~Ilil1cr will be fund in both. ' Yours. km, J. P. mmznY.j mm at as m0re'v:uuuun: \ u. PERRYDA VIS PA f.r\'-1x`ILlI;`l?, dnd like no olhvr mixmrc. .. A . u.,.u. n ma. '.__......----- Provide yourscl ' xuurs, W, .. _ __ Bum:-o orcounlcrfclls and Imatloni. ` Price 200., 25c.. and 50:, per bottle. ,- ..v:. ` no.`{`|;;\II1)ru||Lnun mnjmu m _ SAFZNIA .(m I.i\..rm.l " orange and Green. Temyerincc ` ` and Liquor. 1 f ` .. _ T ..,_._ Farmers and 1 .`l 9a:E~.anic5. .__....-o-___ Dvmv: yourselves mm II Doric on 1 /1 urn; ..... ea pr:\':L?e"t; 1: is as prnmnt, xc year, when summcr cmnplaims are rear, when cnxnplamvs pruxmw , .. .. .. ,.. xd sure cure. It may sn\'cynu'd1ys of sickncss, nnd youwill _ ... I. Am m-nuin: __?___._.__. E000 Forfeit- vim! II o uurou`. confdcnao h_1 lln Mm. Stock 0? 30{E S & fshoes, isIvLIsH AND SERVICEABLE Bum AND SHOES To which we chiey atirilmie tlxesnccess of busiqess. We shall in the future as in the pun nah Icrictly to the one Price man, every pair of our Shoes being l'llN'l(0ll in plain gumi {that all can see Wa s for Gagh only, and charge no extri prot on our gwdg to make up for losses in bad accounts. We assure our pm ms ilmt our stoc; will not be one oftlie ordinary kind, in will be double in e lent um of any former season, and will poutniu u;--1_ n....1u.. .....I' u-:...u ` -- pu_,-_!_ Which will he one of the gl'.'\I1tluSt uml n1oite.\`t0usi\'.-, ever >l)0W-I in this 'n-"hut, llnl` [Wv |llin.:\. _ for FnIl'l`rn1le lnvc been siunictliing iu1inen.=,n. l*li1'uo111':15_gi-d hy the six 3 we lum-, me` with in suplyiiig the people of this locality with Boots nnd Shot: _ ` 1- prism thah ll.e_)' l ave ever before bought them and helieving tlmc there is so rcv.-ly any limit I . . V to the demsnl for good At the prices we are able to sell them, we lmvs} gone into the xnnrlaet with u deter ninuion to phca V, in our store 11 stock of goods so lnrge and so complete in -every department that we can mi]; ` meet any demand from the lm\':1at to [he highgst priced urlicle.` V-JJJED WILMOTT, Dm1t3?&r.w ' belled respectively Qrauge" nnd "Green, -both of which were, nppaieitlyj, bent on T11: inimitable Grip oHce`in a cirtoon, xepruscnl/ed Sir John Mugdonald asthe greal circus -rider ash-ids two homes 1: running in oppositxfdirections, but up- mmntlv anlv. Iiidinyzbdl "Omnga" .' rive:-y Demanded by people in the 0rJinm'} ti:-aum lyuix Runnnfy ' walk oflifn-, by the \\'ex11tl1yc1Laae3, y the u1c-.clm':ic-, the fame ALIIAIII or-theluborer. No one whou'inheat.o buy zm-nlly g1ud_'n1`lic1<.'iI1 {Ins hue, M the lowest . 1>ossib1e price, Ctlu n'o1`d to pass us by. he sure you nd D WILM0TT,1%xp1`ageVr. nrv & r TURNER &%co.. I-Inn x1o).t B ' Wmwwonnw,17JzxrviaS1rect,`1oront0 +1 H" mm` I ` jI--u: -: ---_.? And Grasp the chance while ybu can. A FACTS SHOES. 1L`1's l)ecoming' 'c<:og'11i7.o1 l':1<-,1, that Wu ;,7;i\rc TEHEATEHVALUIEIIN BUUTS Awnsqpis I ' . Next`Door,1o' Fmquarsows Grocery, /v We Shall Riidly Gontinue Our System of Low Prices, EANNQUNCEMENTM Wumnrk _qnn in EI__g[_I\L_E_|_G_l_J__FjE uml zwll NO(.)LDAS'|_'YLEs. Evinvxnuimw. N0 BAITS. `I 'l\I.`A\lW'lI 01` N10 xxlnyny tlmn mm In: uhl:1iJllltl0I~u\\ QUAHVFIICS llulmhu 1n-mph uuy IUIHJVI acuauu, nun u...,.,........ Every Grade, style, Quality and Kind. kn ....,ml.x in "tho nr.]im'n'v of lit`:-. hv weulthv clmaies, y u1eclmv,i.- opposiw dnecnons, Dun ap- E patently only. Riding 11);}: I! and "Gwen" at t1msan:-'1imaisnnta- f LISTEN *i*c_)_% US -IN5AE'X`wl%%hTN[ mou sALEs~_- `my Hum In: nplnlnulml QUAHVHICS 1 ._-.:.-_.__-.-_._. We know tin: ]ml>liu x\]np1'u\'r.-lint`nur Illvllwl by _thL-, u _ - ._` A ' |vII|u..-lug V na 91`. I'In1I Stand, I %c:o. Wm'e1'0nn1P, 17 Jm'\'i'4 S1 rent, 1om:t0 Will open again under tl1u`mnnx1;:en1m1 of Miss Lnkey, Septgmber. 'l']1is dvlwnrtnwm ' < d 1153 pl'0\'0 llglllll BllL`(!(SS, Our Dress 8: Mantle DepVa.rt- ` V _ 4 meat. ' IN ORDERED CLOTHING ] I - , Rerulyqmule Clotlng, Illlll G4-nt.~'.' I9:1yni SOMETHING NICE m FELT HATS. .. OROMPTON {Sc RYAN. 8; RYAN,` _--_ Green thusann-_11mu1s nun- Qrouderlul feat for such :1 mm-vulloils nin- nipulawr o_( men as is the Canadian Pie- mier. to accomplish. In the late Domin- ' en :M_' d in ........_-.________.._ 111111 11111111111; 11 1111111-i11l 1111911 1111.51 Full In: u-uplu wnnl, um! I LAW 4 I4) .\"l'0(Fl(. `}~&`\\l|<*Il'. - mlulu wnnl, : MN .\"l'0( .--__- In One Prim: Kn nIl'f'01'CASH ONLV. \\ u_c:1I'1'y pin-in-r]_\` llu: , :uu| nlll-1' the nrlvunhlg; ml: . A hUI\'I.01` smm, mmun . ~H'I'\'l.l$ AND 1. 1 I` u the Canadian ne- mier, accqinplish. ion elections Sir John redo the self same iiro horses tovictory. The Catholics were successfully wooed by the appoint `ment of Mr. Frank Smith to 3 seat intho Cabinet,undpiwhforhingJohn0 Donohue into the Senate; and the,0rangemenwem cajoled into line by theymmiae of a Do- minion Act 9f incprporation of -their in- stitutiou. - ' Wre1nnumvu.. .` Phnieinnl 'PmEv.riplionI wifnily px mud. . .

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