_ `-"'-_" r .` K 7 ` I In I `c: `," E Great Ba,rga,lI1S1I1 STJOVGS fO1' j" '".-..,.. .'$.'.'$.1_'I'..g..:.:';E 7,'.". 2 ' ~ , r L . 1 , ~m:c'5:ro .m.m[an_ /1y*_A|2f"' ;r_ = One M011vh 011? `"'"f2f:i:;:`;';::.'?"*'?`'% ~ rt _ y:.., Venn nmnn nlAcK&un'st:Lsnnmnsvznhmn ` ` \J-I.J.\I -a--.v.._-._ .,.. t . , V ' Fllnlnlltlinggp\Irclm:nr3willcnnsull,lluzir im:-rn~L lvycnllinv um` '.UKK} o E 0' _n1n1 exnltlinillg our stud` uf S'I'll\'I`I$ & I hi 3` (lauds. _ ll Oppaaila Queen : Hotel, DuM0[Ml., I` Scotch. Amric eind 'GaL.1'1a: V V %d ian Tweeds. _v ~ " V SAND;ER.$i_B;RO S:,V imp. ` NOW Coming` " Uh VCWDWS and, D ~Iw N ` K > Waellng-S, 3A .BARRAuDBRo$ P110 T 091: A T{1ffg{1a%n s 2` Lamp Goods . A Granite Iron Wage-. ~ Clothes Wringem Brqoms. Brushes M Tubs. Pail-'3. Table Poc1 '; Japanned Goods, &c. ` A-r-I-AM`; F.2L"('\Q upuuncu uuvubv uw. EJTTON? 3303.; l[nnn(ucl\xI _.. -. o--.- - In view of the large inux of newwaettlerq wlxiqlx caunbtjbllt, re - ault from the establishment of tho - V'- UI U-|.l..l.L.l.J.:' \/ II N, With c11araoteri`stic foretlloixghtis lnyizn :1 Lame Eto_ck of :3` just such prllclos as rm? needed 1:: every he 0, and i_s determipsd to maintmn the reputation he already enjoys of keopmg only Fxrst (7 . Glass Goods at I.owesf. Ifossiblo Prices. ` _ S; ---o _ Wlbuuymll, Ju_nn_A. nmuer. ' Jallnt.-Msndlq` Joli A. Mmder, Ouxnwnoy yr onnquugder; -`YOI'lhIkin stun 'T0leIpyo. 0hnA. er. ` "Joint HlllI ,"J0hnA. Mnndgr, mu-ndu ru' Au':'Za`7-'-"Jxs11uI'5`syve.il . mum - 1 CASE PE AR Including IOASE L ADIEB B ASKETS, ` IOABE AGATE IRON WARE. 10339 of Elegant Window Cornice ` lasa of Excellent Table Gutlerly, Hgxvixfg bolght my stock of,STOV px-zces.1a.m oermg a\ old prices, 5 GAINS. Remember AGATE TEA SETS, (entirely new.) GRANITE TEA POTS. (very ue`) n n Mr:IAn{\W!1 a.(`omicoPo'en G11uina,Hobku,&c (Very Chen; .) > . (E33 before the 1'ocent.t_xd ance in Noxv is tho time n ; BAR- A V9101-L1 : my cum an vw `gauwv vwmw Sm A4r,.(5 in [uwn fur the Nuiiunul Mnnnfn'ctIning Cu'a1`mInh|u Nunh \\'x Uqda, 'l`nhlca, Chnira, rilnolu, dc. Smnplca on lmnd. l .mirn uuinu to Nnrlh Wyn almuld null und nun llmu. Nu mm bulls clwupcr ! , THEY KEEP A FULL AND COMPLETV. STOCK OF Bar, Iron and Steel Axes, pringa, N4i1a.Looks, Hinges and Carpenters Toes. . ' Snadce, Shovels, Hoes,Ga1_*dening` Tools. arriagd Wocdwor-1:, M111 Supplies. Paints. mixed 8; unmixed, 0i1s,G1ass, Golour. dry and in 611. tgrerdavaluw mm. fur the Cu : I`m|.\l1|u \\'u.=L Tv|'|`t SPEQIMF N;QTlCEW.;;::HA Barrie, April 4, 1882,. PHOT0_GRAPHY IN ALI. ITS BRANOHES. I . Special attenfion paid 0 Negative `Finishing a1:Lm:\'0 1mu.\III>I<:" 1~1zubr.ss 1 PUGIXIX ALL, .\'E.\'1' DOOR Tb i .D\\'ARDS' 1 .l)0K STOKIE. ffs-s`PB1NG..--1ss2. Sunlietslm. SPECAILTIES sum Item mu estummumum. A 5` NEW o*o*r-roN REVlV|FlCAT[QN OMERIE: L You OUGHT To `BUY YQUR j ?R INTNG LT ~:PU3V_7vIBRos,, DOTJll,"ELi'S IJLOM, 1;u_.\'Lo)~sr1:I::-.'r.` nd other xnclusmes m mu-nu, G. B. hmnoxvss? .J.us -r "s%c E IVE D .. . n . nu: mm A umxlu /nvIHl``YI nmv.\ nun `v"urn.`.._ And other industries in Barrie, `1 11 M"-re . nrntvr `dnieiall clued `to we ` w);ra`iu>ave ry cue Mdau, nn ' lhlofpnd (A: the boatin- ,amk_ ol `the. country. `They. wen not mun-gne In `glittering g_enernlilic|,-- _ [uelphlf ' . - ` 1 A IOBBIIIDK M0113. NEW ovs:.RcoAfruNesj PURVIS BROS, G. B. MEADOWS. The House Fur_ni;hing 11n. I ,- ` . 1)t_,v_r_1&4 SKTINOTYPE,-`G60. ` ` * `Alli BOTHWI-ILL S BLOCK; DUN! mo A0 an in- , numx&cu'scLsnmnqnsvzcfactp '.\H'mL'|lK`l-l.'.\H'.l.ll unlen crimi- l\\lA i`CIvlR1EI A1-1556`? spaciurr #4. in. ..1..L.... .. . n. 1IevrIIhoIllm`1`:nbl|tocl LumI`u ion! _ Every Iulnnl enlojzlmc and no lmnnlx cw to L-xlm goo ` k. JnhnQ..M|edam| Ind his colleagues On: my {r-bind :1 mm deny Ihnl Sir lun, by-thair} Redistribution` Bill, eli- hunlaly ' ;n_yladfq.prav_ %` tho {tea . ,u,n _.FRE8H;GRl]GLRIE8 illlllfildultlurllll every day` Askhyour urumrnnlmnnnxl - uwll nnooi er. l`l(.`-MC l`Al|1'll`ZB WEDl3INB wppllcu nl mm Hanna and nn muonnl-In 1*`. .l_ D1 1) vv n, In |lInI{kIxIullxnp\Ibllc rnnrrle and mum nru\ullIurn_lpnIrnnny b I `M upon him .... .: Mu. - Inu aamum nu cunlu, Wcomu, uulel alm In 1)rI)1mIHuIL Q nqmimii-"Bakery: | CHUGEIAIESIN ' rUn1'rY`V(m' {moon xsaxnmlauon lmwru, STRENGTH. AND - .._LL8'I`..- . rntsu &'$ALcTMEAI, Auu.nn|:I:|u-uunIu| ....... w .... .. on the You mu Ham: II III: add: II II no! 519?. ohm: Hlrpnt Lnudanlhe an n The 'rm1u.\m|; 0! my uld edlcm glalr.-r in Olluvn and ulna Ilwuhlnltan. N" it xv-/Gobns ' 1;` T B] OWN, M 1l`h-n-rlnllnl` mlnn mluvcr vnquu Iumm v .' THE OINTMENT . .m!aunzm:lloa'xuruu lnhlmll dlmlm l [A?E:ifA1 nun unuml, HEIDI: THQMAS 1.EN`Nox'_ __1_ ,,,, LEADS THE VAN. ,_.._. W~-BREAD-- V `BSGU|TS- _n nvl vlvlu I nlsb the p1'i|1wet>0+ THE PILLS I ,.n.A. |v..Im.. up I m(lvlvm 1.: . 1nunr.1uo o.,m1o_wx. ' ,.o~- mvsnqus V... .., - {mu lm Jalm A_.M.|ndm` Joli}. 7T:'7.7~'f 711' .-W5 . , H :.. . !."h..n..1.mnewhllo9bc:I.' " Dump: huhe Hlamnch, and mm: mm Acher nu nan: .11..` , _ , In "very Ilmlly hudr far nse wh-an unledi u 1: ml]! 1| (ha best remedy In the world I1! Q5411 lfln ' mill rorxale Iiy all Drug rm us You do:-mi. John A. mmdsr. ` 3oE;A.,l;nda. h.o`,'Joizn"A.,|_!:nder, ` _ mpny you Iqlun er. . Th cm in veoplc hnu," ` `V, lmayon.\JohnA. lander. ' ' uyeu...,...-...,.-. _ . | In nllcuea, nnd p1eaun to the laimiuxvlls the mescrlpuon ofnna ollue aides! and boat (mule phyxiclnnund um-sen {n the pnluu Ema. old aveu, where. 25 bent: ayotllo --h~----- M Emu. on sun, wnere. u tznu ......... ` --QrI'--' ` I In` the nmmmme {inner Ipent {iv (ho ' Pllgrlm at Plymouth, MumhuIlev.lI,mn send: :2! pnlmonnry dlwxsea were iifilcd ax -I wok` deep root in {amljxelahinhbecnmut unto} xemtm nubpusnnda alum Ammun wple The prevalence at wmnmpllon um an-ly` dlveluped directed LII! ntlenaln 01- I amalq emlnentphygluntnx Idanum: men to :11: nvanmuon Ind the eanuo{p:eveu((| and me- The ll t`pmIuu1oun|l dlexo[ ' 7 ~ - ....u x. nu. 1.0 Aver.I Mothers lotpcrszs nlotlne Are an'dl.1lurbed at night and bx Mothers mowers 2: nluluel-in M Are bvdken 0(- cmr rm try a nick wild smrerlng and vying llh ghe ucruomlnz pan: 0! cutting teeth I ,,. _. . Wu. Al uwu 7';mZ"n;u'xEc ' MIGAMAHIJFAGT R|N+00. 229 Mudnonsn Now Vork Cloulnnd. o.;nm chloua. In. SAMUEL R0_E g}o,o-n. `*;EB`G: % @g;vaa2ANv s '1. I EXTRACT \MAPL SY%lJPL9'l`A%A$1.2 1131* Gallon. ; Dried Svrebt Gem Turkey Pruneis, " --- - nnrn-r"l" nllnrn mm ...D. ...., } HSIQLL wwwu u. ... MARMALADE EL EWEMRANGES. V s Wine 0 d Govex-mnont Java Coee. 7 - 1 FINE ~m;:s, SPEGmL1_`EY.l__ n.\`lJ'D1|':` `whim ' ---I -...m... .-MN lunls WEEiT!4ii!iK$L%Va1i%B%H \`.'I - ' Boom &sHOEs is our Irnrcry, and n\|rnn1\)ilim\iatufnn1ia`huvary|)m1y -vm. um-` [ngrops find a genuine Bnrgnln in nmutinl, durable font-wear nt vaxy Imv Brit-ea. Our en-ry pllrchue. Never w \s :1 better smk m-.d1pom` ruusrmnblu prim, u'Y:ra-K tn tho people af this ouuntry. ml] you he win and mm ndvnnlugo of this '_rnmLl ' . --0pp rtu;1Ly.- _ ` _ PARIS HOUEE, North side o.f_Dun1op-st.Ba.rrie. The store begweep the Wildcat and the Unicorn inmr Bo9Ki%LpE%_nums mm JUUBNHLS, $56L&B@L1K8Q @Q>@u:8 SQOTT Tm BO0I{.SEL'LE HAS JUST RECEIVED B.v\RG.'\If\'S IX I I ( I Pocket.Books Wallets and Memo.` Books, a omcm EI\'\ EI.0I ES, I 1:001. F.C{sI`S, ` ~ SLATES, cow moons, SCMILBLING nooks, BIBLES. PRAYER Books, ';mn m Hm GENTS %F{uBNaSHjaNGs NEW FRESH GQO'DS- 1 iE?UlEBEi8?@[E1&3ME?E3@`71; |HAT$ANDAP@ ruspekHu\ly invite` ll nA?%*;:1mm gswml xu:y:u.u.._. person in lhu cuux1lrytatl1qfAcl`tlInt MONEY um. BE SAVED luv nurclmsinuyo Spring Stat}: of a spasm T WEWGE .p_l`LL:AND SEE THEM. A1 n'nn(\'lI R, (in 1o-1mo, I - I % 1 DUNLOP STRFETKBARRIE, B0'J?H. VELL*S BLOU1{ -"""`""`--->*_..___.__.____._.._____..__,. *f~DUTTN~ 0` the attention nnd cununiderntiqn of Mary curefuliilxl cw cuux1lrytatl1qfAcl`tlInt -3" w..-'.---.-1-~z:7~ am an GA -Has just rcci\'ml n 1..igu 1uz o:~ .J_I..`*d .w..'.n :1. u.. by lmrchusing yo Spring Stock 1 N1 n1 norm` WATSON. FOIL ALL'1'HE (.}HL llCl|!SS. AT THE% . ()l`41 I VoH'.n-- .- J- `,oLBnooi:_}:}'o- `Vi In by 1 : FINEST Mil) CHEAPEST MEAT- " 1 FLAVOUEEKG STGBK FUR SUUPS. 1 Ix1lDEnlSllES!:.SAUBES. ` CAV1'I01i`.-Genuine ONLY with (Ac-similo nf Enron !.`xubIg`| Slgnu: N1-" turn in Blue Ink mou Lam. Thin ,7 Caution 1| nmmry, owing to 31,, va u.clI.1eap_ E i nab- uu s [ C.~.u_lion II nctulnary, owulg \,,`;1,;vaxIou: cheap Ind mtnrlur N mum being in the Market F3: A. DUTTGN; ' }"E OE MEAT A m NJIIIDIQT WAT- IIYMN Bboxs ` Thu nmierignud having mnda manga- ments with (we rclinblu Winnipeg rmn,nm no\\' inn pnsition to nunreto intending exnigmnts n c:m:ful sulcciicn of chuieo P. S.--Call at our office And we lint of choice improved (arm: and No. 1 Prairie l:u1Ll5 already on hand for sale. W. THOMSON & 00., 14 _ B.-\RRII:1, om ,, , inmls, nndthu fulicsl inlorxmlinn npun their urrivnl in that For npeculmora nful nllmrrgvwishing In I"l in Town iota or fnrmingl:uu]s,\\ . x. s the safest und moat profiln I\ ' nu. durll; correspondents n"2n.m: uuullcui men and Dominion Land Sr.r\'cynrs in well, have nlrcadyiplnced lnrgu sums to tho grmi satisfaction nnd ndwnntnga 0! cliunh. n a run .u An~ rim: and REE JUIILV U./:L1L.uuL BOAT BUILDER, has n nrga lino nf Ski fI's, Sail Bu-uh, Ouija, Row Loch`, BEFFTNG? On Kemncninldt Day has begun; Ixnvl On Kempcnnldt Day begun; Ixnu JOHN OARLEY nnn` RIIILDER. nrga .e|l`cA..,!6n nd, I-(;rVa:\le'nr to rent. 7 Hu also makes boat: to order. Huatnusa, fog: nf .`\IulI:natcr Street,` Bnrrin` Q 3rd-I L 395/120V./59 /A` THE BAHRIE {mun smne. Geo M6KMAN: dogs ta ucrpnint his custnmera nndlhe I public ganemlly, that ho luu Removed to mam mu` numnnmm DDWUIIQN I Um! no mu Mmovcu w NEW anti IMPRUVED PREMISES 1 ESAL. , AHOY, THERE ` mined in all the NEWEST. STYl'.ESzmd L 9 TB I I I I VI Day -rn1*r1|T/1ADT1]I*'v GHEAEER than ,|M7N|TOBA :'h`.M1\IDS - nu-uua. am... On: nyoqey oxfuquin. " pm. I vnln snap m 1o3m A. Kandgr. 303:}. J0h A. Under, ' nu nnndzr. ' n flvota 1 : etranzohe I - In-_ Jo 5. mm. bu. Jolm A; Man, -n.'5m. II w.; ".'.?u.y :19; 'tu1a1an|:||:mom ` WINDDW `CORNIGES MADE Tio 0RDER- {V L:m,,Ie Slouk of ROOM MOULDING I.,....l at BERLIN WOOL . ` 1 , . 9 AND 11 ; . \ FANCY GOODS C In c\`I-,I'_\' \':\riety. T5X1)EIlCLOTI{IN(}. FU1E1TU,TE*E S '-(.'D) 1!EDROU.\I,` 1 .un.( n::um \:|u.\I[mua. 0.-1 ni.w:r am ::7ivr., `I'.4A`INO AND w/Imnva. j_ 's_ M EOHNSTON 1....-n-n .(v nnumxx m`EwTEs!\j :2 Dam Wen; of the Harrie Hula, Dump-St., Barrie. FJREEMAN S % cnm, PALACE swam` `"1 " .' '.3eInrA.1:._uau,-, I 1 ludaaim Youamxd, John_A. V f IIIlII I CCI1 LLANDS AGENCY, ` V __.__ A,r,venls for GITTIIRIICS IIEALTIT CORSET. ` ll-ly A ..;m;;E W smune STOCK`- Am.U1c , AND DIN1Nt;lIO0A[SETB,&r., 11%}? `W w;Vfg:i%ea5an s. 5 Dl0U}K Ul ILUU-'1 -"VU ` nlwnyslnu lmml, at n `n n A null! ]).1)0UGAL, ' )9 mm STREET` V 7E MONKMAN VICTORIA FST9`:P)EPQ%T'L;f:L.`D ?*TE*; ac: monk inm fg4nhn`A,1tmau,`JouLuua.r, , mwy|mw--qmder.- t _ llvuunv dear 'mumz.1>.. JohnA.Enduy _ , Juan A. Iugdg,` Join: A Muxder. OI: lwwiuinlqundu; . . In` "WMlbiDl`lllIVu|7rtM.!.I, Wrcuuyw, Jdln_A.MAnder.` '