\\'\'F)'~. ' .-\de1c\\'as at this place under the cure of her aunt, un(l\\'ith her, un er her own care, n younger siahu-_j11`st' curing the fourteenth birll1dny,un sensing to bathe tornlenrtnnddgliglrt of imnredhlte rclativps, unly lu occupy the same distinctions as n brightltlllc pinch" Gcoigiu Ihukell was un irrepressible," mi: hievous, wonder- fully observant, um] wnlc-n\vnkc creature; ml 1191' calm nnd lrenmilul elder, Adele, \\'|1un1=.hc dnvoully:ul|nir<-4I:|n nu-,\'crl1nele.=' light task in taking care of luzr. \ ' '~ ` anything; 5 jokes. Having l directed to tilnla would ring her ext: They produ to copy, in qua: me, one r:v enln; r Hut wl Georgie. "H1111," Lnol. T yc ofluzr. ' 1; *: (lcnlgiu often in 1]is;;r.|rL ,.1x1:l \\ `|`1 somr ,nIc.~1 in puni.~lnns-nl, nn:l'hcr only ll ' 1:Iiufnl,sI h 11: was to write long '1 sulmlixxica only ,] xcliufntsx[g:l|11:v was long lutlcrs nfcmu]ul..::\t tn ln:rnhie||b Inolhnr. II In 0110 uf thusc In-ttcrsmhosu ex:\;;;.;c1'nlu4l u Y tales of woecuulnl m[Iyix1lc1`cat the nmter-' nnl heart, thvre lmppcucd to ho one day in late July, It hit of nlcwriptinn incilnu- t` 4! AnI1Nally," mule Gcui;;'Ie, I fmvur fl 7 'ncw that man and boys noulul ha of an n muchi1npm~i;mce, I7,vnnb:ul|1oy5wouM v `,5 he \YI.`1L'tIll I hem: and us for Sam nmlif wtzlcainn aml llnrry, they wnuhl bu pettc-l to death by th * girls. `The night hi the brill ihey had to st: 1t\\J42l\'u lllll forjust ix IL-w; mul such it sci! Ilut hliail Riley snhl, .`0h, nnyhmly {drp.|I'tnera'. l-0li\'ial{-lmtl perlectlylmnlttifulilrsse. ll'fmxnPnris -nnIl not nsoul to dyeaa for; farslxesnys she won't dress for girls, Thu other girls, ol mum`), am too proud `to any it won]; hut anyhmly can see they nm just dying far A low henux; nndwo younger girls :lnn't.miml saying: that boys Im: good for picnics and `moonlight ten-pmtios on the roclis (wo want to get up some nmonlight tgii-pnilies, but can't till the hays come), nml for lnu.-lilulmrry excunaious, \vhcm there nre ilogahml fencex,:iml for lishing, nn-l suclnthings. "l.(lSbIIl, .fllt tlw1'e\\'ns n greatexcitm mcnt, . lllhts liilny enid'slIc hcnnl that five young men hml engaged rooms for August in this liuicl, nmi that room (on- thc secnnil ihmr) were being xed fol them. Ynu ought to have seen Olivia. `Tliey\vnn t mine to-night, \\'ill' they1' lm sniil; for she hml nuiliingon' hut her I si1uni1l; iorslieiimlnuthing on'huHwr in plain lJ]L|l:k silk nml {|i.lll'i)l!(1-liD\\'l]C0l'. G Iiu`. to-(in.y shc s' almssed spl::nLli yiinn-cnluramlsnlnmn. lwish you could .' I .-:v:cl1evgo\vn;ifsiovciy, They we con, ' - inginthnsluge lo-ni;;iit,nnn1'Idbimpn i- we will hnvcnoIucfixI1,nm1 I\vm1tyou, A`|5\YHli|ll1|Tl, to w1'itee.-ipeainllyto Adela m -bcc:mso him is Axvfuliysiupid nhout w same Lhings--that if then; nra picnics, I 1 run (ago, and to (on 1)nrlls,fn1' I'm fnur- y tcr-n,".tc. ' The five ynung lIll'|lL`[1InL', ulhurs wuro n soon mhlml to the mllinljer, nnrlthem w uamorc dullness llmteaszm. Drives, :1 piv:nics,_s.`I'l< x'.'unhle.=,' r:\'ur_\'lI|ing that u muhl Im do ~1Ho|*le1xdin;:\\`ing.~s tn the picnics, >s.`Ii 7,` _ [hing that call dcvxsell for lending \\`ing.~s summerl1:1111,{r1\1I: plentiful energy to I prnvcnt ulrmxm [mm losilutll nnnm at Action. All wcnt merrily In mil.\n- l gllnl. _ ` - ` In mi:l.\ngIIsL lI"'lUOI| ulna vur Iuighl ,'_ lm'.'umtiuc1 in the lilllq _commnnily-- mllwnnlly all guybty nnd sunvc nmily-- main mnilmlla uigllatlxrczxlellixlg the guycty me ain f} `,.[L'Xll`l1|11Y|?'ll? in the foI'InnLiuI1 of cliqluzq KI \ In these 4-Iiqucs them xv ", whi. .V nIn11yslcry,t\sif in 111' F4-c1inu_nr in Ir uli ruvnlof ntrh nxer lL`l01|5l1'I1" J r _ Tn om.-nAL 'no'rzL, tlu Bgilny Sullon.-~ IL ' ' ' 9'Kll!ljl[p_fsbHd ALE ,,:.1 . :\1m`LfmI1I 1\o,r.=.nm|l rundm1cLx=,nu4lhn\'- :1 5 ml ystcry,-nsif d1's:\ll'4-c1inI|_nr I :lis.n1q:ru\'nl of nlher. Anluln Ifmalinll \\'ill1l|I:1'nnlu1j1l mscrvo homing herself 1'4 I inu in [he illl.` an '1' In: inlinmtu I fIi<:l1v],\\`.1S nut qu ' la pcrcmvc llns 1| clmlxgrz in the rhtilylifnof hcrA:oII1p.1x1imxa. I: i` All the man: when this chnnge Slllhhlllly ' l)cmI|1o yulpuhlc :]fln||e furl hn:rsclfnlnm-, `I lv.~,lu|tnl1Hxon1 the sylnpatlms I rsl. hml .~'cunm4| nnxinns I u4hn;; L` - mu] h of those wh 9 Lu Ishlhlihh with her lhn umst ll`lUI)IlSl|l]L |'nm1nutu1y (nu |`.|1uunm,~ .. inn'oi nli\'ersinx1s gave her little time II to hmunl over the mllso of` lllismlnlllcaa, In wluirh was cnnlincd to lhc1.;irls.,tl1c young ix Inen lnving \\ lllX xulmimblxz tncl uqtlulized p ' their nllmlliuns, an that no :>nor.nul:l (eel n the wiglxl of llmolllillc lngluul, least of all ll1()l)l:3\llll\1l Allll: u.1s pnlito,na.lIcl1nsto he, a! course, he never cures l her. He never gives her an `admiring " glance. 'AnnItho oth'erniglut,nbouttllc D muaic,`he wna almost rude In her; thnt in, mile {or him, `Well, I never liked Iulclc pnrlirzulny; Innver CUKIMECB the beauty penplo talked nllontl And noiv I like her lussthnn e\'e1",`nnLlI shouhl think that ,3 Harvey Iillsworth \mnl he 11ouilivelj' lv`diazl1IM.'.',,..._., \ ' ' totnlk loher ordnnce with ' ::nudin;; l"nrl11nutI:l_v the l'.|1YiI`a1|l',~ i\'er.'n1s ;,nIvu . Y r 0. mnily-- 1 ;_.;.;__; I have no doubt that l1eisdisguswI, said Matilda Owens. Of coufse he w wouI\ln'Hiku wshow it. And Adela acts w us much as to say, in bar quiut way, `He li; is secretly in love with me. 011,1 should 1]` just like to ace hcr`\'anity dumpenednl.'t3'1; 112. Girls, let's have some fun, Inn's brihg ' Adele out - q oui How do you mean `bring her onI. f` \\'l1y,]eL us devise some plum tone! E hurfnew fuceyyilh her fally,und give g her renmknhlexerene dignity :1 good 129- H son." > son. f ' "What. plan can we make 1" They we of. long in nding mm; for, n given thu rulschievnus intenhnntl therein In always n scheme re:v.1ytogi\'e the mischief 1:; expression _ _ M 1, pn'exce1lent'jokui" g Georgie declared that she was ready for anything; she loved fun, nndahu loved a ' . n been bo\1xx_Ll!aseerec;_'.xhu\vna expression A The plan was a hold one, and men! .n vlnya nlnpsed huforo it was thoroughly ' completed and ready for c_xecution._ _II C elapsed thoroughly cxeculion._ It might lmvatpcriahed carelessly us ; it be- 3` gun but for onvnu t_>5__two aggravating c`xr- h cumamnxcs )yhlc\1'1nll|E meantimo made a ' Aclele apjzenr to be more than everfnp H pmprinlingtohurself tho desirable Mr. Ellswox-2b., 7 _ n ,... Ell . m p Duringtlxesnfewclnysllxo susceptible H r little Georgie found lxrfelfvery kindly 7, noliculbyOvinnnzlherpnrticulnr friends. - AtlAstonu`morning Matilda Owens said I` l- to her: _ R "Georgia, do you wnutto have some fun, run! help uswitll in plan that will be [an excellent joke i" ~ Georgia jniies. ' bound to secrecy. she was write at dicuntion in letter Mn- Eolnpoae, mid to use in wri- `ii l:,'i|ElGX!A 10l'liil1fAl`)'Bill. in imitation. ' prodicml the handwriting sho was " slips from In gnmu of Conan-_ quczcea, colitniuingar.-1;txyncL-54 wdltun nontniuing en1n;; by Mr. E win) is the 1 s.1i\l.\Iulil-ln, you nm (,1 to Th:-n ifnny question); mu nslml il wlmn the jm conms on`, ynu can My ]\ trulytlmtyuunn:i~norrmL" I ll Georgie laukml IITn\Igl|lflll'I( this, uml r. lucsitntunl: ".1 Ithiukl oI1g);L~t know wuom I mu wnung tn, Elm said. '. "I thinkl 0llgM'l(7 ul writing The girl; ovcrrulunl hnr ubjr; :- girl; z:|>jcclioI|. y You will know as awn n.1`it is best," they said. "Amlyuu mm trtustus Um! ` `a'nure to he \\'I|U.l`Jl In IN: right pur- u , 11. many. I: 1 ` `,' In, ljlvlll. aria: , vwr RAILWAY `-~- `-1 `*5--*~ ::.'::-.:`.=.',:::.:t.:-:2 ` ' `nu . lulkluq ll , t P1 .`o Mullltlu xlinlzulml In fnllo\vs:-- I6 L'(>rgi\'n muii lnrldrcss `ouI.ou]|:m- di and um huhlly. Ybu M1) in 4111 my U} mlghts uv nml Ejfeellhnl I In nnnltmipt the oppmlunilytlmt mny A) n'over occur again. May I ago you for n 1 few lI\(1IlH3||l:4 nluuuj H yuu will gram. ll nmlhia rvquust-nnull lrugwyou ms you vnluu thutruo devotion at n|y,l|L-art. not si fl ri:fll5c-plense\\`c:Ir to-night in your or >y Ixnirz:'ypllo\v rose," 1 1' K1 This Keller 1:.-ul been vo:ry cm-cuAlly K1 y { , I vdry carefully :1 cnrnposml,nlulitxm dlclalml by Mnlillln frmn.1m:mu~acriptnpprovndql by nll the girls concerned in this prncti al nxul cruel is joke. 3 joke. ' ll 8 "Xowsignil," sainl0li\'i:1. ' > f \, "Hmv s!1aIlIeigI1it1" askl the chilnl, 1: lg whojxmlaucccedml hyelnarpscrumuy of Q g the mmlul in linking tho writing quite t .5 ulunrncteristic. t uhnx-.\ct`eristic. - ` M xr "\Vhy,IInu'ey Ellsxvnrth, of course. rw `Tia :1 pity we cquhl nobgat his signntum p foryuu to coy emclly,lmt,yau must g mnkvz it from tvw letters yuu Iuxve. There `V is n cA1;it&l:II to begin with. I 1 Oh, Matilda. mid Georgia, I could 9 o isncnulclzlltobeginwizh. 111 ;, ` natal-,;nnu1nn'a mnnc. That would bu e 1- wrongln'maurc. No anelmanrightw w uh sigI1nnollmr1nnn's nnme. Why, tlml l< )1 would he fnrgcry." She was quitu1la- fl n- aided, . ` ' pi ` \Vell,itn1usthcaignenl,sni:l0ljvin, l aril:\villnatlmo1nnyus. Olcoune El mono }vouId xvcnrnmse for an, nnony- d 3! mouslover. CuIpc,do11 t lmobstinnm, fl 1-, Georgia; we uhulllnsu onrivholujoku," ]) -- I will (all you what who `can dp, 1'! ' shall lnsu our ivlmlujolza," pl `I you it Hflltl .\[nlil who llll mum faint mia[I;lv- [1 ing of conscience lmmolf on this point; : almcnn sign it in inillnls-`II. E. Tlml ;` miahtlxu nnylmlly; nllcastit miglllba ` n ;` mighxu anybody; u nnyn Oumu, child, :1ou'H|nggle; the ` it wlmlc nnir if nothing but pi|>it of fun. 'p` llv ! he] always comes after u guodjoku, `ii -- you know, Georgie." , 1L1 Sn Greorgie,hn\'ilIg found in tho scmps n nf Cnnscq11unces" Hm profxerpnpilxmls, L! ,;ue4I `II. I) \vx'tl1 ll modest ollrish, h .....I Hm mm-. uflurnhlc insnuctirin nml ml- tl - I-.,iglIc4I `lI: flollrish, II =, nnnlllm nul-~, uflcrnluc inspuctirinnml an.I\'ns signed nmls:-nlctl. ` V I: n .\'uw plwun luLmu threat 1:, mu 0 m:r;;iu, I'll Imnnisunnl lolull." 1 )1], WI` h.n`r:I: plum ublmt tlm dim I linn, Ulitlmlm. `f.\'u\v ynuhnvudnno ynur purl. nuhly, nml if Umrc is ever nny- 1|" :1 thing wn mm Ilu fnr your pl&'nsuro,lru aura A` - in lvl us know." A , ll|I`.('nXllL`1v 1-,l|in,L; mul.\\'ni1mg lilllm U ' cnllw; u|nl(h-,nrgir: lnuglled nt lho ll ;ui'lm`u l|r.I iIIm;,'i)'xn_ti0II prrssoxxlunl nf the H L`XlEIl4?HlI'IlL nf Um nrlliqnnlml rnqnlcltt-, II who haul been n warning post to the girls L` nll summer In [mint out \v'lu\l they Ini;,'hl I1 come to if llu-y kupt v1u_Inncin:,' mnlirL- 1) ing till their I: uir turned ;;r:1y,t||L-irxliun-_ 11 plus lxecmncwu..;1alu>,llmir vain-csrruukcd,'; n and sad on, ' 0 i [4 ` ~. D NG, (_1OUNTY;CLEIm om in.lhaCo'nn.Eoule, ( . mag. mg _p._p. said, on lli-ll.\'. ' u. I " uuuy, . 3 Mr. 15. Cnapur,nHha}{nynl 11...~,1,r:nJ if ,, vuul}ursl,hnd new pomtous on the 2th 0 .0 inst. ` u `,1 IHBL ` Tlm Menfonl Monitor efys, {hut n 0rillix1l|nsquito nbhtch of police sour: cases every week it Inu1I.|mu lmml m\\'I or very cicient oicurs. rm... mm D Jnnmu nl lmneumuuish ` "3 cmciem omcurs. ` The Ruv.1).Jnnms, 1 l'em:langui.~h h .n11n,l|nsrecelvmlAcn|l om tho1 r-shy 0, terinnsol Nonvnml. 11 {present cungrey ` mnxnin wiLl '1` El 0 |g . . . . gnhons nrc polmnx if them. ' 9 next. ` The Imps .tl|rnugl|n\IL' the uolllllytlrd K` said, ll|u\\'lmlr:, Iu lad luuking 91114.-114` l '.1a.n\~, 3 '< ximliall, was mu] SPRIIBII. plwun luLmu direct it, H-ur;;iu, pmnnisu not [0 lull." hurgio. .v\ml y-xunm-41 nnt lollmu flm ilis, furl knmv it H .\Iisa Rih-y. \L l il's illllll tno Irrul, only mp ` n M] nl41u1ni:1r~1 run] ilirtimz old mm: - I 12141 main ~1 irting mninl x'Lluim` \vlxn1I1s|w\vmrs yellnw mas m `Shn ` ill just he \vnndori|1g\vl1y1m Ivw.s1)'L<-mumllpnu-1 nsk her in lnkun lriw-, ur \- ll; nmuml the pinm by moun- iglut. [ mj1l.=l`iI1In;;iIIn) how r=ho\\'il| mukur hm funny omukml mouth, nml hm hm wnrlilllc yullnw oyns nmund l|l`.('l'IXllL`lv. \v'ul Em: nnxl.\\'nili ill ha The Rufonuersnf Iitwl Simcnn w Intact in |fu1|\'eI\ti1)I11|t (Jrilli1|oI|'l'1xvs<] um Onevbollai` Per A'n`num, Strictly in Advance. 5 - 1, " Mr. Geo. Babeson, of Pendtangulshue, ,, e wmplitzirg some kindli `wood lqbely, b A wheuthauplifudaxo mug haclothea u lino nmllhe blow fell party on his` re- ' whexitha ufnlifudaxo cnughha cloths: and the part y fare- d lmdcutziua anunlvnash n unwo inches `line farm I headcuttiug anuglygash ul two l- long` \ . ~' , . 8 u.\.......n...,.,.m1.m'|m..nu1.u-mun .` 5 Some nlmdn ova have been plncgd in u Stlirgeon River nbovu the pond known .9, nsthc Tmut pond of Hillssdale. This a '! poxid is now under lease, and bid: fair to V mg cuumy. V 1` The South Simcao Conservntivaa held 0` r, Convention at Cqokatown on Thnmdny ll 5 last, when Col. T31-whit wnsre nominated vi 1 byn mijlrity of 48 over Mr.Dunn. `Tho ti Muilsnyal-honominnbion was ultimately tr ii .InndNigi1limhun 'Z ~ .7 Clotifei lino thives on common in " Orillini Am-ominent resident of tho ,. 7 Clotheflinotlxives in ` Orjllint` Aprominent resident " south ward caught one offtheso "ni ht 7' hggvknl iuthe very act tho other nig t, ` and on enquiring what was wanted wus * xnjhnth the rea1y,,re:p onso that she "' w 3 taking: in tho clothuslor Mm_-- G I" "|UUKUU |'lhU 55 H H Ill 5t/m5 [NI M1114 k !y TheFlos Lumber.C0n\pan' is now takch d lxqld of bytho Noxthom Railwny`Com- Io pmy. Right of way has been granted u by Lhn different ownnfsof propertythrough whir-Iwtim nklennian to Jlilladnlo rum. 0 ; whiclrthe extension to.Hil1s 1. The contract for grading. &c. has been let ,1 to`Gri1Txn 6L Archer hnd is to be cqmplota ed in 1.11 tbrcu months. This willngu Jvill now possess the name railway facilitinn as 13 la the rest of tho villages nlong tho North V Simcoe milroud, nml being in the midst g, 2' of nuood njzriculluml district, nm1sur_- 1, Simcoemilroud,nm1 in the midst. u _ ngood ngriculluml dinrjct,nn41sur_- ' rdunded by any quantity of timlm,pro- :, ' nm to be It stirring piano for business ;( . man nml farmers. `, n 1 ' u `Stuko'u linurr wns wall ropleniahctl H 0 bath with pr.-ream nml other mnlurinl, hm J ilprnvc 'l<`oolinh ` y Mrs. Sl0k1.'s,n nlim Gl:ugo\vlu`:ly. with: A'f,'LA" {E DALE BEFRESHBIENT A ll_l`AVlll`UI`lIll - : mu nn'n`.`uTAV V hnrhnatln the rm'anzo,qf progress,-o\\= " Eng chiey to ill-h1clr.' She did hum nm to nkcasa, hut I lid nnf. give way tn thnl; hml tlilunlty hownver inimsisling it; and at length on n, whun dinner was ovor,~I nhsworing mnuohmly nhnl. somutlnng clmncml to quota Johnson's, "Did I.sny' - nhylhing that you umlmlootl, niri lhn poor fonlinh Indy {ooh it to llomll; hriul- Id, tossed hur Ineml with some kind qf In- . xlignnnbpolim innptitudo of imply; und were long ounced out 0! the roum.wt`1h her other Indies, not romelnborpd Dw. blslora of the roum.wl'1|\ , remembered .5 n1|Llliucnxne,I four, my enemy {or ever, In Polrin, n painter ol lunscapoa, notable 1111- ~ llqunrinu, enllxuniulic for Brian Bo'ru angl nlltlmt1urnvinc.o ol Mlnln; unmet-llunl. 5iInpla,nlTuclionntu lovnblo soul, "Jon 0 al:1l eIrin," lm was our clxlol llguro for H Illa; called !o'r punch inmmd of wino, lw, It and was gmdunlly imitutad;_a`llI'ln; r wriul(ly.hnlf-rjtliculnus, yol mildly digIil- ` ed mun; old bnclmlor. you q0l{lll_lB9, fl wrinldy. half-ridiculous, digrii~ could one, speaks with panting maanor, diicult to llnd the ward; ahuwa roal knowledge. tho with and crudulity on Irish ,aatiqna- ijnn mutters; not knowledge that; saw on anything also. Burton, a young por- trait painter; thia-uquilino maanvlthlong thin locks scattered about, with a look of ml pointer-tulant, hut thin, proud-voin; not a pleasant "man of guaiuu." Todd, antiquarian puraon (Dean or something), `Millie houau Iliad ma tlimalght heloro; Iittlo round-laced, dark-omploxlonod, uat, gaodhuruond and knowing man; llliillltl in Irish antiquities ha too; not without good instmtion on other matter! too. Then and a muto or two wore the flinaor; Stokes, who has a son that carvoa pitting at tho aido; uitor dinner tlmro nun: in many.nthur mums who remained uch to ma. -Talk, in rpitdoi my an~ deavora, took an Irialrivamua-Englialr cha- oter; whorpia, us I runlly have no rea- ]lttcH0l1fll1nl1'Elt`l'l0W is and has been was utterly iinpoaaihlo for `me to ho - `popnlarl ` > nsth}: This will beabmu one of the tlnesbtrout watch in ,. I remember usuriousinci `pound iuCnnm1n,\vrhes Archilmld Forbes in the May Century, in connection with Mia British uutiunn|nnthum.v In one of .3 my lectures! describe lhwpnlhetic nbnn~ 3, donmv.-nc of Emu curemo_ny nl Bguxdring- 1, hum while the hincc of Wales Iny sick I. them of what llnrnnleuml uofonnidnbly Io Imn fnlal illness. The n\ulic)y_u lislenll lmnfulalillncsu. Thcmnlie ululencu d slmll-bound. I utlcrcxl tho cnloncu: Thu Queonhlmllml up um! down in front nf the|xou:m,llnnl.lcn:lcnl, in tho brief in- `(- :. Irnonl. Hudnlnnly crunc an interruption. tervnlHlmnllowcxT lwnmlf from tha'5ink' o tervnlnlmnllowc lwnmll {mm mm nun v. a A tall, gnunt gum in Hm crowd. upmac, nml, painting nl. mun lung ngn; an tlfq {1|u1nl M n lnng mm, uLt_orcAl gm word lnml, tl|`o_ (1 ml ultorcxl the u Stnpl" Thcn,fncing!lm nut1innce,l1e 0 ', cxclninuul: I.:M|it~s,nm[ gnutlumuni: n` This luynl nmlinncu will now sing 10911 P we Um (3t1mn'!" Thu nudicxicu prompllv `s stoml up and nhuyml with gmmhm furvn._ c Ilncumvhilnlmticutly nwuitingllm nnl 9: A nf 1|: inlcrluxl-=. Wjum ilndniuh I, .. Iprnc`.c(1I:Il with l11|y`nv\rrnlive, llll, as A"! 1| nrrmrasl tn tho sorrow of Bnndringhmn, I4 ml depicted Um happy pageant in St. I'm\l". H d Cnthmlml an the tlnnukngivillg dny for m tlmI ri1mc'srccuvmy. It is tha cuslnm - no luCnnn1L1tupropoo'a vomuf thnnkalo I` la lluolnclurmnnd this chnirnmn rosqnxxvl E MEI Will HIE XEHHylJ'\ :PULWU MILIII Hut: :1 (akin 121` it looke ljkuas if it `its going to E mm" ' ,. lholnclurrr, and this chnirnmn mm mm nltmwl lhn nannl"!mfmuli|. Agnilf Hm Lmlhgnunt Iignmwna on ilalugs. "Ln- ulinm nml gentleman," said 110, "I rise in L. prnposu nu I1lIl(:IlIln1BlIHA)H|B Iimlion. I 1, xuovhllmt the lecturer lm rcqudalnl lo 1,] rupcnhlhe 1mlin1n>f.!huleclure mlerrimg to our(}mcinusanvcruigI1." Anllrepenl. \nI.n.1. '_ . ' ` In nrdur to muku farmers think they wan: to gain onxolhiug, thu proanul, ho- " vernmem. plncqd nn inxportduty of fteen V cents perlmshnlnn \vlmnt; and in order y` to gain somMhing,H1oy nllo\$edVtlxen\ to .5 griml Americnn when: in h nd, gixjng `J them twelve months to cxfmortnn equ1\'u- 4 lent. This nlinl nntaulja y tl1_a7fn}j1'r.|ers, millara lhi1:kj.hcynlso\\'om . u u" _ Q waive ex ortnIH.=qu1\'u- ` i lent. nutanljay Hm hujmm, I narsome of the millersanuntagl in iulnntl 5 1 |mts.`nm1inl1enco was lnrplxgho hour h millersaitunlngl iuhmtl 1mts`nndinl1nnco hrougho `K nnl. Government, wilhtlm result that lhi|_ | lohl E u! thp iInportcrl.\vhentor pnydnty. The .` Govqnnnunt, |1u\vnvnv,hna HM. czmienl mu 1 this policy, but quietly nnnnivml _nt tho oxpopatlon,ol _ :1 Canadian qrluivnlunt on this part nf n law friends, to t m rlohimnnt 0! {ha funnel`: and ol the miller: gonor- h V c This In of I nlly thmu houtthn country. *1 sucmpuhl nimmrinty that {ha Commilmu` ', of Management of the Munlrenl Com Ex- ljcy was chnnged. Millers vmro ' boy had to nxpnrt tho actual profu t .1 Ex 5 ehnnhu culled nmnlion to it in` lheirhwt 2 `ll ?! E-a-5 3; 1 rfningment the Ex- con. with a mum Apron: clmugu lheirwt id W l(`} "W haw ` . I I : npn hepott. Tim Govemmont, lomnkc pl'n`mn":" fgaplx I In how of looking into the gnntler. -d I d nth Mr. Bnclntr tn cmuinntlm books mm, in}. CuatomsllouaontMontm|.Tlmy "M. 11.1.01 M," V, ,13gbw}_;.l},_[_r,\\'.>l{ to heQulur1ppnrta. |c;s!mlg\ullVvortl-h_, . prnvcd rfnlhcr unmlcccsaful. I re. with r! nmdo rm'an:o,qf ' .1-_-i ` Carlyle Dlnca `lnjlnblln. -Grlndlnu In Bond.` NO. 21 1! T $3 I-fTl1es6 gntl` on my havo lbuxid ' ' ' tween`! portedjmd qxported,_And oollec ontho duciuncy; but hon? alxnin ml hundred thousand bushel: of On what and thodnantln of bnmnd barn: oniho duciuncy; but how BDOUE A IVA.` bushel: - whc;t,mnd bngnilnd 1 bur umlo from Cnfmda wheat, that h 1 be-on mam cnuccl bond: ivcn that ' ` nclunl nroducts hhcml ould hn Hour umlo lmnl Ulllufl wnuu, um u actual products 17ncm1 ported. ' _ _ ported. ` , If the Gm-ennnenl hero is anxious! this sysh--u.lin violnlidcu 1:`! $119 ni tiomshouhl |_.u htopptf nu xovib `brought u. jnxticgit ,_c_.';.;1d $1; . chinuxfy at` work at _'0ol luuaLns'\l'1Ehu.s`t * ~ Ondunlonlzontmct. lma onnulv winked at 1111 `L W` has openly tli 9: uiwd a few of their supporters In v. benen:.-.1oudon, om. Advertise " v :.-j- Thh Vvnx-ying llmins of an /liblinn the cah`rpnwat)1nwiud-urriea punko F` -cnhvnwnlemhe moods of n child`--oll *5 nr'e monoldnous in commriaon with . 1 ' ..__ !ll Mlp Qmxfsbxa ma qr: nmmnr I: . .,__ gounmox um 1:11: E_6va. > V F` moods of;nchild-ollt nr monoldnous compariwn ` vaetiea in the helm-iorot looluro " ences. ` In Great Britain mldicnoes ences. Britain. npldiencos fairly demonnLnlive;ofl_on Almost boil- d only so. Im the commancemunt v y thing In pens to catch their Irma d will app uJ clear -thro_ug}A:,` pnd 0 timeaindaod, omhamaa the `Ice ' ' y applauding liim in plpcu when data whnt on emh'lhey nd {4} In -_w for the mos; put, much nioro mined nndcritical. They nro'_.=7V Dal ',_ sarhnps, in New England. ,'A1;no'uL " V rat time I spoko in America wll inWo: , center, Mug. I 'Ioilo on fofhnlt jll .: hour, doing my best, but the nudionco ' gm nosign Whunl looked am it, If haw only: son of bold,nttoutivo lamp,` " immobilonliixe tomy efforts at palhoanu _ `1 `nt humor. Then I began to foul mt ' ' 1' "You mu poor stick,_ I said tomyst-1 E1 audit in sheet impudunw forryon` y him in plpcu when ; dGl'_\Yht omh'lheg to n atmtivo about Amencqu n1_xdi .- huxulolnp whonl o'i'uIud,nnd Iqunilod are a I said to mysel "5 and it for you :5 ` stand upon n platform and pmk-nd lo leotumj. They hm found you out to fraud; only they no loo civil `on, 0; to got up and go away 1" W know I very nearly won: my - But Lhunloued-myhoart nud gotthrongh . aomohow, tho whole nudionco remaining - to the bitter end. Thero was scamely an tn cnwunlor Hm secretary of-tho commit- tee.` But. ho 'vnsi1uiu|anliallc ` Our " lo oftlm cumn-Mr ' lee. was i1uiO.uanliallc pcoplu am not dumonxtmlivc." he 0| scrvcd-no faith was well mm of . t11nl-,:"but:youlu;1 them to the 1nal,mul we alullnll be glad tolmvoyuu back ngniu .1 uoxtymr!" Very soon I lmrncdllmt . at tho cvjtorion of nn American nudinncax ` 1. snliafncliml in \\'1mt11_nr ho `was nwnyin h ` Ugo nxiddlo or. rcmnins to no end. 'A ;. lualon niuliencolmn tho rqu`1lcxlio1xnf!>n~ - 4;` ing the melt Loldly critical in line Repub- L; lie; hulmy pumqanl experience inquit?` Loldly critical in line 1tcpul)- ln1!.mypnm inquit?` the contrary of thin. ' Bnllimoro in ex- ceptionally mum; no is Clmrloatony so is Ilnttfonhond wnrn1cab'nm11nosl nplyrccia -- livn olnll is CiI_minnnli. , - ---u--4-gm : UOUHH 01 Bmuuz, Tho following report of the condlllbn ul ngrlnnlluru in this onunt bu bani mIdQ to the Ontario Band 0! ndullrlul .'- lnllbia caumy ml yhonl ll rnuoll Ibovo llm Average in condmun nmi nppemnu, uml, no In In prmnt indlonohn no. mo- lgo bull or_np !o_r ynuI.. A ynrlgl ` m o nllornplor yum. .m?muu ' of MI nhuw good muiu, pnrlluuhrly whm *1` (ha grnln hu beunmv an Hinton dry, I, laI`_Y: Ind Iundy I? Q1: bean mm ml lonmy, will, I I lllll an rrhnpi mm lnvornbly nltuulok lhnn on ow nnd undrnlnad lunch, when lhuy hnvo Iulfmd to I cumin man! from huvZng" by front. Groilh hn beon nomowhnt rc- tuded by taunt ltm, And in nomu cam . injury hn been done by tho uetiun at lho . nun'un plu_m which hm been "lunved. ,'_ In 09}: gr II_o luoalitlcg up `lleni _ . ,1: uumu u ninoraunsru` "";_`3`:{f` E ""1" """ W `m'"1 $1`-uxznnn 5 :'..'.'.'a."'.i".3:.7i'. unxlnardnlnli hI`4|W .. ... .u..aA ulni (A button lag}!!! `H.99- |` lunved. ago or two lucamlu the llemn y in remrlodto hlu attnaknd tho ogrlyanyu min Int full. lnnlolhurwinu no Ipprooiublo Imn bu bun donu b ymrml or lnucla. unfnvmhl `dtvulul, nonoia lihly loba. 1 `Ibo um I qnugtlty ofryo {ha} I: g_r_o_wnL No I _n`:| Innd hu at am plouzhorlyp, nnd, with tho map Ion at in law lloldn my . *1 `dtulid, none it to be. L ofryo (hunt grown: 3; principally {on-putnre, In In good vondlllau.` I _iIt_| raguyzdno o_loyu; v ' prInalpa|Iy{o1'-p|:ItnEo, fu `The return: nth rmrdito alum. va good dad, but H. In ovidvnt thnt the or h|_I Iularod conlldernhly from (root. 1!iI)0n nndrnlnod nrhl bony loll}. tho wgu_hlp|I1_lng bolwogq my Goon _i |lI_I Iuuaroa conlluernmy u-om um. ' no wnlhl Buy|ncI.h_o image, Inrlluhouotol '3 naulhuil at tho oounly, H1 dumagghu '0 nolbaan lo exkmlvo, and I I|l'l'O1|I d looyudylar. > _ loolullbr. _ nntlllvo Iluck at :11 kindm looking ' lmrlen '-Thtlnla Iinlar In An any any mum "Pink-u '0" in man: or Inn provalhnll _ zruughcumhu calmly, bull I generally (ml. Ono of In offeull on hug many; In l_n uuIa_llmm`tolou A.-cI,nhLIa Porlicglii mm] tram diq`oa,u, ' v Foddqr un nbundum thraugho wiI1{ur.'v(hl| Aho axaopun 0 turn , _ which qrura'Ag1|rIlp1l4l{n{vln188l. . my hwllln :13 WHO Hon. , 5 U` jlladm of aiulnrnllhdriy rm 9 I mu am 1 k . ` 4 nidarubl, um...`. ..aa'sn';' `W. 1i'B".~<`_ I nbonulgn lblh, ad than ocomo goniml. `? Plan I1 a mu hngnu during thu Ieonnd 14' vmltlin A rif. /N=;` ` *_` _Vogo Iron, in my bnulnmd, trying la ' I llunpmvnlouno 0! night from uulnnrlh ` ` winlu. mil Imouhmv non|gnI`nf luvlug. I` . ' Iumd durimf llm wiu)cr, nut! in name ` cut: this bud: mrl lmgun to mull. ` The I uauty ol w|mM. huld by {mum in not to luv dun hlfurnmr yam, and um. mung ll be `lull allar supplying Inca! [In- !|Ilrldl.\ A conlidurnhlu quantity 0! hny in` . in mm` but am mm mm: and um qnulml 1! high Extinct. ' . _ I gd nloro`cM.llu_ am sure? And zlnf. e U! mounu : om` V1) 1` `1 plunti III. V (lnuggul; nllor." 1"l`rxnpacu!nrynunl crnpu nrn wry In ht. "Hm-Inilla wull nluclmd with who " lls)!-n_x`vn (4-npmnlly hc-I\\`,\`) nm in `"lnru|lgllhN|l cllllu um mnh mug-ht ` n"mghl. iwll with 1, Iugh" `Hnx-nun in I W1 .wm..n.:." L mrrzn, o1>1>osmz Bltlloilr ` ( n Thu ltuhnlituliuu ul n " r) llxonqluuu .M|`rrH.\u'A nu ,] m_m1u|$ufnnnm Eumnwn m nlnda n linu uf It p-mun . I]>[\m nndnam;`lu[gutlwr." 1. Uhurchul Ill tu one or nnumur ungmn, . formnl n mainly nndorllm mum "Outcast: ul Imul," nml hirodn hull fnr muulinul. Hulnnhulr u! nllu.-ring In! Sullny, it wnl dunmnllnlpc um i my .I:trm-.1 ll ' rM]lc|lly_wiUI onu unulhor. Hill u nnnounwl-lhlt nlm wnl lending, 4 no ornlml. whullyninlcu lil_u. Ilrqlhnr Hutu- llom nix! Ihnl inch :1 thing wm lrnpnui|>|n mm pom` Immunity. "Y:-u an nol npifit. ullanmlgh lo compmhuml it,` nixl -lm; "ynu nru loo animal." ll main: Io Inn," rnlortod ha, "um Hm nnimnl in il|lurrupl- ing me now." Thyrlhn dlncuniou becalmx nn nmualnly quarrel. ~ :4 S . n- Mug. Lnnglry gm: lwu moming)urlarm- 3, IIIBUI of HIM Stoqpl Iu Cnnquur 11! [hp (1 Eumlurd 'l`hp|tr |n Londun a low |lny| ,, Iinco. _I`ho EM}-_nnd _|1ng1|rown_I In crowud E51!-end thonlro wnl um (ha nmllclnnlhnd (u give uptholr lull in tho nrchellrn and lo plly hum llm mgu. Whun (ha parlornunuo wu nvnr, Ihumwn `no largo I crowd lo we Mn. . Langlry mun from tho HIT: door that HID nnlim nlrant wnnllod. L n. hnalryhu , commenced lwr prnvlnclnl (mu-.`nnd In M'- hrmlng In An Unoqunl Much." Y1. pm in my eas lrgngqr only upon`-_ '3n\'ad llm wlmnl." (luml nIIgar<|nnkhu.x." 'I'hnruhghhrml much nllo|_-."` `rpnlmaclilnr ynuxl Tu ~ A ulnuhur oi l`)I|rIlt1u]]I]|iaIl!, uhnxlin- nuroed wilh nll lhv u|lnl.IliIl|c_Il Uh_rinliIn = ' Azrlcullnrul llcturns. Amlmmxnz "Fnrlxmanru mm. "Hnnwn In tho Inumh nf l\ ml: rwlmnl." ax, SHERIFF `lei in N10" (Joni ' V . mnglxr; . 3 `CHARLES mm... H V .LANll& INSURANGEAPEPIT DUNLOP STREET. BARR E. ~-_ . 1-: ' 4, , MONEY 79; /.o.47.\i L . ` . If 0/! real es_la-` e, at 61561 cc/It, pr` m_m72m, ` E . .....mv o. 1 v:\'\Vn\" `. nunn illnllnllfit Jglouzy V Iu5urm".re1 4 `CHARLES WAY. V-11>]; vany ; E Lsrngnxiupznxxlslo. .3 Assirs JAIl'Y- 7000 3.391 - Ruin unmce Ifeurxyz, ` I?A`1u1;m.~r tvuxm . mu C0llI7l."l'lDK |lI_:dBln any I rt Mme. minty IE-H. V.'I`I"_47|lK1It Ind N) d. , ` (70)VKYK('l!liI I pllltilvrl chel. IMIIBIAIIEB L1CBKLESluncxl emu: m-excnuu1xun,:m M nmmc}. Jluulup-SI., Ilrrr - ' ` 45- BA'[ .I`\E. M~EvJL{ ____._4__ _.,-,- _- ..-.: -rn In}1\r IIl:gIN'IplIWouImly : .. Hal: :1 ` (56310? nnrib1ninnI]hf incrtlnlountl ulllvltonpunluuntc ] urn sunlmqua Hnnnlwn. Thine cum uunnum 1 , - ____ ', nmvnovnn T0 1 opvosma c[.An1(so-.\'s .IIr`>T1v1L ` - DUNLUP T. . Z Mme i wnw so APPROPRIATE AS A , Wll |HI.UUllIIlII.IIv|.nvv.: WHAT so APPROPRIATE NEW SUIT OF CLO'l`HESl ' ` N0'L'lllIw'G I ` E And where can I are Sly|is'1Cut, Butter MMls,s.nd mo'ran%dIui|'nbL\` 1"-.liug Suit in mm mud than tn, . .' . J. Luwmw n Fnhlolluble Tmlarlm: Establish- I ment, 1 ' N _ In Front opposila CnllIv`ll'ns Sw OP Stun-,'Dunlup Slreuft, `L ] NnwliE[lE IN T(l\\`!\'! . C - :~ 1" . Stun-, Dunlap Strait, . 1' NOWHERE E ,sUr`rs FROM $12 upw/mos F. J,'LOWER. :lBEANKTRMs I}: ,. couvtmuqiua, " Ii[GI1C0U'I`, ; m comm coI,':1:*r} ~ mvnsxou couwr, '1. x _sUImoa,(TE coum" 33 A n1An1T1:u`mcou.cT. 3; MAa1s'rnA1`Es'roms1s, H, A'xpMLsozL1,Am:ovs IILANKS, ._L. 4|7.'A`|I\I"l"..'.%;.:`:I-jlOF s. :r. Meuiche&n'e _ BARRIIE U . unuusunbnquihnnnnlwn. unznpp - .- Mm ` ' . 5 to IulllI|L-Ho porrulbutvppulu I1 0 I-llgr ugn ,4xMyt|| u pm: _I thuioprb on-Ll ostaunutluladl vntlnne llgonnnlcnt. ' cxumom -11 pm: of 5 mm. mu:-mun. `Can a 3-TIIVE EiEIIN'En"`; .. nu` ma `n`mnur.' iingueo, "'ID.lA _l"JA.lITll.L|LI um K rnxmma ow1`E,;'h` nmmj AT;LOWES{IRATEB. _ (mm: F yunnv he yurzuusuu umu :1-, J. Lowmvs :.a......mn 'l'm1ar1u:: Jistnbl l . LE.\'.\'0X & Lrxxoxf ...\~.. mm. 401,- n.....n..nnw-` Par l n`nu ms;;%`;Ae;;;a;ga;g 9,; . Umce mu nlauuruulur, mu B1'fc1_; Bl:/rl:, oppmilc the Own`: Dim! - 1 Our Cig:m=I\'v armnlc I? w: mm HhNE nurmi um We as): n '1` i.I I y:.|-l}J zleu. Hnm\:cra'azk {I run n'l'Ilt ninnucnnnnn In . ::"m.?.:;:,"e.*.:%f"@D Y More Tnkmgm.-nu Lumudo After Ttoug PM I <' Dhnvxm IA Vlslonvennntum --- m..rIum..n.omtlend ta 1 Ihc.':iQprb1nn. I 05KUl:lnu|m.v-mu ..,. llnotlunicnt. - ti.-pnupandenn mcdlxonz Illpnp I 3 nuntrynxnuuh mu-townnhlyn. am mnqneuul to uu-mu Huxuomm ia- . non-upmnlpuga-rganmn; - :- ; sun 30 '1' Llngdono with umuvu ; mud wow uh an nan-I_nmu,omI M90 on 1.1 xi-9191! um... . \( L .ui|n|ul|on mum ,on:5na\vm mm qua nlthe lending Iinlulnligbuwlm nl .muuu_ _ -A1..;smu_:,,1.ri.;` a nmmm l lulI~) ...,.1 = uzu mun HAVANA CIGARS. om; uni Wm-uaunxs. llnc / C.\Rl`E.\"I'Ell, IIUILIJEH A '.'I> mxmll - ~-u w-u..,~ , . Cpr. Owens: .\IcD,on.x ISL, . upr. Uwun m .. llmlcrlnldm: in MI its In-zun.-In-, - Age llurnllkh1dsuIGrn\'::sl4:xvcu. ny ` .. T. u 11-, ,1\1~. Y` ` Cigars nru \'v armnlcd. we MAKE Him: Bynnz us. I. ..... 54 l\ L`. W1 L'.L\1_UL. J.\ I t/to Cuzlml /1 I Talmcro .S`lorc . .` .. . ,._ ,4 .m .... fl: rum. IJVI/Iv limp: um um |n'm 1 nl Tnhnccni, r':1r.;u , 1'uuz.~, km. horn. nr '1`muI)Im KL 1v:. IIETHELL, Dunlap-51., uumn. ALEX. GRAHAM,` FUNERAL EEQUISITEB ' HIGHLY POLISHED comm, . .. , ..a-.,:uv.:. L` LeciLEAR? dunu uuunuuu. Successor ft: Wm. Binder), 1 Hair Cu1.hng_ Shaving Shampuoing 'And DYEINU dune in lfiraleclnss style. JOHN SEBASTIAN" ] ,, __._ ` (; 1zAi>r/bimolizo FMDI7. l[ARK.'U7B Ohm! 14112` THUJI ; HM .uw.....,J, > SEVEllQL'lMl ROVED FARMS 1&0 ..V..L glqlinth/_a_VigiInit;'_u`f Ilmio. I v ` it as): '1` ml I y :.u umzxcu. nnmnu run In; emu: G can." T! MnI)F`.ll \f()'["l 2;` _12i\IGL1sH S/mm_4g Pm//oz/. um. . nmnl. umin, Oppmie tho Qcen a Hole`: Hmin, ` ...___ 0.... nun A mm E; nmmn . r 'I1l|ITV1<`.n FARMS FUD. KR `,n4 1` .J.mI /I I Tn/mrr. JOHN Efaswxu. u ....... HI` 1}. Wm. 2}; snizkma Buck, u`.'mz of 4pp2.'u,nm.r " -af liueI'_rIy, Bow Spinta. Funl Stomach. It inrigoram (Inc Lirer. crrrie: 017 a7l mrptua bile, reyulales Ihe Buwefs, anal gim ton: to 2 U1: Ir/:07: :3/zlem. Cut Twnt and false if la your Dmygis! A o1s'rzrrH-nausv ,nu mu, "I no mmmne to A WW3 I|n`'ep :nn ltIl'nxl| ` u - Ina! moclu good ti lillll V Vbu; nnmtlfanlive I1\VlI `/:07: v.HIsi.Hmtnndf1:ei!lu amlrclu1'Iuzn!mmple,ur a lorry In/HI: 1 /or 75 am, mm! (:11 your neighbor aboyt it. -AI.1,o- Single and lhmbfc llurnw, Collars, u5'mI1Nc 0 1` Cllray Uombv, II:'i4IIc.4, Illxipn mu! l'mhr: body. mrnm on nlul E` An k \ rnmul l -. 4 nt [ulc-A-u to mil m- vun}lh nl\\'n)s| wal- u-, nu;--u.......... .......... ...., H Haw inntukss AND snmmm TA: I RHMFNT :Sprin2;. _ Spring I g.3g.AcKMoRE t] ,%,i p Opposite lugton K/Dvllvvuv the Suunncrselt & Well- llogs. IJIIEIIOD rs'n'cct VI. |i-I luv ~ Ya!/.07 1%" Gums Furnishings - n conlplehl tango. lho Ne\veat,Nicus|, and Chunpcalin Town. Cnll nml cxn_1 ' I. way. - - L STUDIO,np `0ppuei! A tun Iluiul j '! .'n'unwc I/n }1(r_v/[N41 N, I ` 0-1; _4- 1' --IIA IJPKNEM OUT HH- Sprlng Sultlngs, Spring Trowsering, ' Spring Vestings. Sprjng Overcoatiug. lnEnglIsh,Scolch and Amer|- can Tweeds. _ rundm1cLn=, ruul In SHAW BROS` in`; V7.1-sixlu uirrrlv inlinn '. quirk perceive ll her4:on1p.1niu 511114101 wrnnln ....up-,.`.. ,.nm..iu-LIm\VuIIiIm- > |n|_oL4M D I ` .1, . . . y-um Ind int-n7u":7:1`i.'v'J llkiullulrlili1'nqnlnmnnunrldmrv- Simple Room ~v.m-um ml v-.,. v3.`mi':me;*c1? ., { 11E.\L - 1: Colnlnlsslmn l::1.'clmnt.~;` um] C0il\ 0y:lll(!C|'H- ` I umlulmu-rn fnr TIIIUIIK .|hlmlI1,dr Suits from-$I3.00 up`. David "l<`,rm fsuucasson 10 A. Jmmzn.) "'zi1t`xT_1:i'*FiiEEIT6I`[Ariii<:-t)]; All Orders prnxnfplxv .A PERFECT MIT GUR.\N l`EED. _ And blnnulnclurer I)! an mnuu m "1.+`U RNl'1` URE. 3 x B` '3 Fl1Ih\ ISIIl!D H`|l||l'.UU IIIIU uuuun ESTAB l._8_HMENT .. . -nan " . am` "IL pub} I llll . , l.0nKiu:tl.'r'iOii'r:qnlr9mn nnrldmrw In; nfjlul ` yuronga.` ample wamw lal -`lnuum. Excellent ' o lthflntz lxullnnl Enhle U . UNDERTAKEB, ` Manufacturer ofnll kind: at l"U1Vl9l(/lmtlnw/mu up:-u:uuu.m., . OABIN-EITMAKING. TURNING, M. . RENTS COLLECTED- omu: nvrosniimnsnn um `\I.\' STIKEIIT. ` '\\ I.\')(]I F.G. UL\UJI14[\ 1 nuuu, ` mu-+ "lt'\rI7`l1 [$11313 (Inll cxmuilic. G. BLACKMOHE Ummaila Sunnnmuu Hm Miscellaneous. VSHAW in-\ IT!" 1'! I|1'|!|'I'|` "P?%;M99AB C/,0//ziei/. llunzlzl or llllf: as /n' I'll. \'Xl l ::`.::: ' 1l--lolmrlmll-llnzcn lJo.soI1\friuml.!,in u` Adele. One of thcsu con.sialer.1Lu )'In1tl1s\vas,. l1o\m'er, nncanscinusly lhe slinfce of Alls- nlllutlnlx, uml that M other than llnr\'ay l`lllswm'll1,lhc lnvorilu of ll1a\\'ln)lnlmh.=:~, lhs-, manly hem: i.lenl of the yqnnger girls, and the diatinguislml n1nsler{nf r,e1`L-11m- nies in every plan ll0VlSBIl by the elders, m holh ol whuln s\ll)Ix\itt9LLtohisjunlgtnenl W nnd direction, , Is it nulmnlly ridiculous," saixl0livin an llxntcunlidnlllinl hour when the gentle- |nun`\vere-nolpresmnt, the nnmner of `Anlulu to Mr. l'.llsfvorl.h`l Bhnfis so can- scious, so all": ledly a1y-for there is not nnyrenlahyn about her. I ht.-1ie'vu xlucia uctunllyin ave with him. And C ilisso nbsunl, furunyonu cannon that c` 1mne\'nrglvcslmI 11 thought, Ihnvo 0 \vnL'chml him quila closely; nml nlthongh ` he is pnlilo, us he has to he to talk` to her or dance * punt ruvrmnr. _L_._,._______ " I E qUzExs,'BA1,mE, rm. Hut In In Btluan, Burn Om W W I 1'} onulmunymrnzot .t"|Ip"QuaEu':`l. ymlf; puhu : mm a at" - .':.*:w am soon :33