gm; , , " ` ` ` -HAIIILTON -- "?nu571"Jp ardAr ' ~ . `>" ' V A-n um:-rnLAn IXNEIIY L`-l>lIT1.' .. " , V \ V \7V V V. . V "COUNTY OF S1ML,0E ADVOCATE.- Vhrcllani Tallo,-1 spams Goons E House gulmly luliccnl. mun nf ova: iifly, with ila1'c!1:1racter. ' ` 4` i1'un-;;my lmir, which lm wuru very alum-l, He becanm n spy upon tha low.-r.~, my! [I jut Huck cycl:m\vs, uml n ln1gu,g1iz.1.lml ha IiunllyLluluminc\l to benmnn an In In nmusbuclm. fonncr. ` A `_ I! mater and shltiun oflI1ut\\'uxnuJ1,\vns sin I \\ gulm',six1ux-, it was mtlvy.-; [Int of :1 equal 1 friemlslniy, u1'll1.H.110lIl bl some haiku esl nu] S|.`l'Vit'r! Icnmm-xl ur ]Irl'i1 cncuunlcrenl (5 - lx>;;u!l|ur,!l|nI| lhv fueling nf pmIuu|i\'c J kim]1|u:.s from Inn in ecr\`cx1l.Iluptis(c U \m.~1 n tall, ll|iI1,rnm|i11c \'||Ilsil1~ nl uvur il u lnkeuhixn fur :1 1"|`cuuI|umI1; null be \\'{h fdl`fl`0|I) lwin;puplllnrnlnong llu: ullnzr I1 lumv ics. 5` lunlus Ihlxlistu, t||u1I,I'ulix`ml U) the huuau,uml c calmly \Vllil(.jll the ullxnnmnu of his `1nns- s ter s bell, ' ` c _ sound of the hell. uf his xunsto1'.- hvll, which wns hungin;cu1mr,unumaungcr wusn tmnmllnng L tha umin )u n, and connected hy u lung; ` to hmvr.-. ` ' I win: ruhniugv ulonga covmnl p,:=sngc thuH The old an}d|`er,111ean\vhiIe, uhnrmqd by led to lhapuriliou against lha gnuluuihisyopllgguesgnmllookingox;hiadnugh- n wnll. ' ` tar as a child saw nothing Ierlnus in their ` On the nwrninlgnfter the 0CL'lll'I:lu.'L's uolu[1a11ionah{1v. ` t1l:ECl'ilJeI.lL|l)D\'8 Zuptiste -vnvo his lap ut! 1 4.-zxca nlul hnppincss llxerlom migncd 11 the usunl hour, nml lneurihg Ilulhillg-in 'nmoug ll1cm,nml the days ew hy an :3 reply from within, mi, A to nmit the galnlcnuzingrs. a ' ` [ .Il\!'l1S_HIBCl1ll'I|1Nf01`cHIE slnnn. mgue as "' ~ ? ' qultlmuuma I I\1'4I`W ` . ml blind! tlysuv . , - Ezghgulur consul 33 ' .> L dn Tjhl .090` I B: Vly.;"'.D| Mol. , ,4 .- . Iain): umnunnnruu nun/mIrl"I! "[uun the bell. . l 1!. is Ilccessrry to Indml him: that` Baptiste \m n Fl`cnchmu|, wlmm Uunl- ` lr:nxuImubrougl1L with hi :1 {mm France, V `-7 ml to wlmmhe ecumel p :culinrlyut[.1cl1- I ed. This ntl.u-hmcnt was lully lctuuiml; nn1l,uunsi:[c `rnr the nlilfcmluuc of sign, clm- I A1liIt)In'])L|aEI:d}\'ili)LIlll iliillgllld the cxpuclcd mil. _ , A Rcumi, I.-qunlly silent, follwed. ' At huii-pus-t nleverr o`L-loch, thohbll bur jxrgatill nrotioulcs' [isle hecinnu rather iu;putienf,nnd w nut nxucily fuuriug _rm_y rnisfurtunu 0 cuidwt to .\fr,Gnul~ `.r.rIu, hu (cit uneasy, nnui 11-turihiired to hiroch uguin at his pir.\u||rerdcn1'. Iiu mm ' iirrikclf, um] wuulilhu ` qving pmimhly sonxg l.!llgll"L`iill.'llI thfrt huwurllrl his suiryla hmrh. ' ' t` Baptiste, therefort-, wentfo the door of Gaultrnrrik bedroom again and lindckcd, tirat soiliy,then more luudl_y,nndatiength -dccidedly vexed nud sameirhnt ularmell -he beirt n clainorous Lutto on tho pnn_ )_ sharp enough to have \\'i|k0(.i the rev sicaperai" umvnru! u l1[1t;l\c(ii)Bfl)i`t: it is tonlutn (ifinduadit hu nut to nircaiiy)\\'utcirj'niIr gunst rs wham- imr tn-night. Them was no uignntun-. Ihqztiahi Marceau was in man of quick and vuhe- . ` merit pmraion, tungrcrcd only scantily tho wary nn ion 0 an old soidiur. Ho rcml this let 1-, and trernblcrl; for man? little cirumn imrccs crossed his now mu: 1 agitated mid, hitherto unconsiilcred, ' that teiule conrm thn dark sus- piuiun cast upon this ail-anger gnu} his daughter. ' ' ` '- ` Ilia plan waaw lnrnied. \.Iua you wouru nlnu _yuunqua In |uin.1Ee (he met. ! Akelgven 011:]; Gaullmm Ivft Hm w Opera with twof "udwl)o,li'.`o himself, as were going to nb;1lIgivenby'one of their ! In mutualncq(lai1mI|mcs-\ri1e of n u.`cnI(l|y- tr banker. - u I! " body who is yuungv, nunl hnudaomc, 5` nm1c!mcr1`ul,nml uunmrketl hy mrking i1 mm. ` u \'n one appeared more Iivnly or ux|m- apiritudtlnm Gnultmn. llutlnmml, :2 led, nml mndu his usuul bril , nu uapnc 1s'inhislgmnanfo::it,emmnce, In aml1'c[mse. Tu r\\'Dil imlulu muldistul-b' ` nnue lu the hu11 .u!1oLl, L!m1u{n.u, he oc- `at ml} iul nsl|i19u,Ir1.1ue1xtxhm (inc mums ` 0 in :1 small lrlIiM|l1,'1cp.11`.:(Cl fmm {lune umin l\0ll , \\'hi- 1| hml {dnnuiiy hcun his 0 Iullmx s n1`dvc:. This om: .-olmy pavilion n slund ut UN uxtlemu end of the gurlcn, ii In} lnaxlutnxiulopexxdcnt K`JXll'dlIL U frum the meal. * C4 stand that G.m'Lr.nn }\'ms'o u:anl_vto,{nther`sbanno1um1c,nuu,wlulosucmveu, n ri'au, am! `the mnu did not mpqxt l1is`shofcarcr1l)in1; for,i! hi3nll`uclioII\\'ns _k1xock;Tmt\' \\'.1ilLn1 the ringing ` deep, his seams of lmuor was keen and pc- 3' xunstux hungimclllinr,nlulhiaungcr tenibln thing '1 hnu and by lnnvg \ `J lit` in no one, nu, nut oven to hisllr I11n::|or. , E 'l'T'1nlu-h of his ul1m'actcrmnyeer\'c n to guir` = {Ina remlur for :.'.'hilu upon the \\ tn'ce'DfI:iuL.ry. Thean:11ts1nllstillu~ lr minafe (he met n_..u. . I n . . -,,_,__` ` II The xbly was b1'i!liunt' nml F cmwdcd, ns buullnssexnblics generally. n ma; hub v\'crybudy seemed to enjoy the si various excilmnenls` of thu scene, as e` variuus_ excilmnenls` of the t everybod5 usu.1Hy7does-ut lanstI:\'ery- 1 E piritud tlnm Gnultmn. [Io Lllllttl, utted, limit imp uzi,uml [ht-\Iu\\'n mm hl- I - v---. v- ` 8 Ann! 1* nine ziclock qne.uv'ening Frad-- 7" m-ick (`nultrrn munterod4in\0 tho 0pm 3` Houxu, as Wu his Imbit, and pmed n 1' couple-f l1ons,as usuuljlnlistoningto _ the mu`-ic, (in was Lucreziu Borgia that L night) I n-I ch ding with his fricndmnla ' and fenule. , _ V ' and fenule. He was in his accnxitoluenl mood, that ._ ia,;;ay,nml\vitty,andenter nmg. Ha I wus as e1egiu1(l_v dressv:d,::s hm1dson_Je, (exninuntly l}nx:dsox11o was he 1) null in us excl-,llcutl1c.1!tl1 nml. npxrita as ever. 3` aloe erai" ` ' K `dmply. Andnow,heingthorou alarmed at this unuwountalgly y excullcut lnunlth llll. spirit: .3` Inshort, there was Ilothing about him, 1' either of 1u:mu or up1'ra:|runue, that was not ul\\'nys about him. He was his con- sbell, ' A11lmm |)2IsEI. t1}\'ilhLIlll bringing {ha I expected n I Tm: pathfom C ' eh Hid. . . ` ' ' "1 g,,m,[1,3;,, (mg; ifmm MonsmurFr;_:dcr1ck ! It IS I I 1us- . 5! ma carpenhnt his liege: spread wermc, for tho lbve of_ God! Monueur B r'"|':L'l{Il' the'Prnpe Obhvion Frederick E" '.- w MAY. 4; 1882 lowing lcllcr;- a ``\\ hy does the` liuglialnman still Ilhgeririlll you! .Do you think, {or- sooth, that your tale: about Hm Emperor n clmiuhimi Everybody excuptyoumlf b 5- sev:atl1nb1\Ium'aclle Tlmean is Hm ml b ~ charm. [In is rich, and you are poor. In Bmvnru! If would have yonroyca ft n11Ljncr11)efureit b henuw)nlrc.1AIy)u'ntchj'n!1r g\lnst'a uignntun-._ Ih_If.!i_ato' at `And whalastorml ' n 1- Autumn lmdlapscd into\vinlei','|1ul 11 3, wiulerwas genial among tho vinayxmls I: 1- and valleys of that sunny South. 1' 1: Them was a young man in tho yillngc, u M Q; ` w-g-p`,5uu19m as Y `aw-I f"*t'*.".w~%~:-','",?f a=;`~*;`L? f ` . : ` ' " [ 1; |- thn son of nemuil farmer in the environs, l< who had long been smitten with Theresa, :1 but to wlmsu mivnnces she had been ob- ;- rsliuulely, uvun amimvhnccomeiupluoualy ll (since Fmglcricb nrrivnl) deal and dumb. u .Iaalnusynccm-iiigly seimd upon the snul uf Jnbqucs l)uluc,xmd his soul being :1 Vilo i. _nm1\'iperine um-,his jealousy look u aiml- c | Jx1bq;1csl)11luc,7:tl 1 nmlviperine unzgluisjenlousy uaiml- v M Iilawhnracter. _ A On '15tl1 May MI 0 s \\ Ines lix ml. in which Theresa shared at least ,'- eqlxqlly. InInct,1ha atmugcrwas hnml- U 2, ab1no,gnllImt,nnd romantic; themnldcn, H g innoccnt,benu!iful nnd solitary (or all least it unusexlioauclx elegant cuvsliers an M, 1 1- rbderir), u_ud lha inzwitahla consequcncu I, ensued. ~ Ii I [Interest deepnnul inw pasaiun; uud n .\I Frederick, inging pridi: and \v pru_danue equnlly to tho wimls, gave him- II self up \\'holl_y to this frsl1LmLH'nscinut~ ll 11 ingluve episode with all tlm urdor of his` H .1, _nnturc. ` ' In lnnturc. oz ) \\ ecl(apusscduuL1becmun1ontha,nml jc atilllmlingurud beneath the rustic mo! 11 as 0fBu[nliate Marceau, an cuthllaiuslic list at u ` eI1ertolhevetomn'a s2ories,u dcvatp1lo\'er' ft is ol the {air Theresa, in all honor be it Bllix`, n I nudwilh wild but xed purpoea of 1unk- U illgiwrhiahrido.` ` ` ll Inatinctively, ho'\v9vcr,'thn lovers hml c nminhle nIuiden,\vhosu mind and manners d 9 would imvudona no discredit. to n mutl_i.'iI i~ lnftiur siniioii. . ` _Tho young tmveilzr was mosl.cord1u_li_y U 4-. welcomed, and the country being pictur- ' , esr1ur,nnil his host (and us oycinlbvlxia U rlixosless) unusunliyntlmctivo. no resolved 1! y- to main: u-gojaum of eomo'\voeks among them. V ' H them. A very few duys sumced to units In It muluul regard bchveen- Mnrcnau and Mom I1 sieurl-'11:dv.-ric,us the trnvellarwaa ca1l- 1) ml. in which Theresa almred least X l. Vhpun ms Kl_ll!L`i Ann Doweu ma nv.-nu us u HI [Jl'l1y01'. .-' _ ' n is When ho nrosehia {nee was ghastly, u l_ and the (mo of tum stood on his rugged :1 clxecka. But on ho lclmhe room to curry tho '(lreudfu1 tidings >20 tho unwitting 5| household, hccloucdjho wrilin aak,ie~ :1 placed Mi lbq`uaual"poeilionrnnd,np- p pinching! o'chimney,-whcmngcoal the u still mouldorod, thruril the sheet of pnpcr ,; hating the strange words 9! the dam] fl still thruril the o_t If strange 1150 [1 Inhn upon it, deep among the yetglnwing c` embemnud waitetl till it was wholl,\"c0n- as aumcd. ' `V . p ,1 n .. . . .. . H ` oI_iKaH'ort, for'cdw'.`_Inck from mcntblx, 91 v n1:dnIrorle,orjxalhe.r gtunxblcd,`intoth ol cha mEer.`f " ` ` tl '\" , Itwns'chc_cha_n1 (of death} ll , Extended on`,1uofaappos:te the door ai " I4y`thu lifeless lorhi 01 Fredurick Gnu1- 111 mm, pale and rigid, his right hand still In ` gmsping a small silverupgwho upon the Li` 1,. table met`: him lay big mitingdeslq opgn; p: with u ahget of pupa: outsprcud,nnd boil: :1: ingthoaawordsz . -"Flal'Juul1a!` Thidnv mm: Hm deed X :3 Let him who remember: in Iilent l , _ - f`Mgy 1Igb- Fnxnmck. P , ll "J Frahcll. , ' tv ! The old mun mad tllmgl rapidly, than n K; murmuring,'".\IyGod`l myGo h . upon lxiskljnca ondbhwetfhia In.-ndns if q suaponw,Uamglggpgued his broad ahqul- at ' dgr. "the fmil,por1l}1, nnd,wi!l1 n \'ir'br~ at 0135' ort, for'cg:dzhn'.`_luck(rom nmihx, I n11tia`l,_|::]e,orjxal}l st1;nxblcd,`intothcJ all r. T t Ienchn called BI3v:Dl`:\l imc,'in n atrng, o qnicluoicn. u Monsinur Frgdcrick is Aus- galnlcn wings. `It \\'ns' the calm lmforc lhn And what a storm I ' I lIurceauracci\'ca1tl1ofol~ V lowin1.: letter 2- _ 1 _ . \ > w But tho echo ' ' mm words was He at only anawen ' E E nly f "f E In Unublu longextorndurc this feaglixl pt iapuhsp,Dn];te ` lied his broad ahqul- at 3_r.yp'ihe \'i$r~ ;__ one Dollar Per Annnm, Strictly in Advance. _._j____j _j 11 Human hucnmo fntlmmunl aou,umetcrnml V0 semml, commul-tukur and witness, and 1- wnlkml thuworlnl henceforth togetlwrwith terrible accrot buhreent|m11,unlilGmll- LI tmm s oath became n burden to him, and n {mm a burdun bmm no nightmare which {ha daily sight of Bapliatmnd tho'nigMly l~ vision ol Thureso (catered to the yvygo ol lllllih. l::`!!Iy_VI`I'vu-N , _ , V. 5 ,E`QaHTBAL~'ED,'E`L oreosm =Lnuwmsum'~ - -- 11. IuIu:I. ` 5 Proprfeior. ll And smaller three years of Ilmggle, r- nrlingtlxat the mask ol the world would rr not t hiljn. and that the plague spot it bumed daoperanddeopnx intn his mor- L1 bidlyluckad henrhthero grow a deadly daoperanxldeopnx into his \ bidlylockad i` r. fear of insanity upon him, and afraid to E inunilyu 11 us face the IIWIDW, e mlto l1wi|\Icr1lt4I- it blahnraalm. . .1 x- This was the uicidfa Secret. 6- Forthia,on-thoba:1ofd.aa9,b,yannI!m-, . was the lulu wlu`aw_red !Q:lyb1gBap!iale ` ' h 9moI11ngundd,h;Jhn,1;. 1. Inunlfpn an new 3. oniondun "31; an [3 lng nflhew qmth u lzlarhmklng; lug : A: a min mun mmp: 3, uagofarth tog lhei I" :; .-, Yes. let uqgu together," mpmlad M 1, Llmyouugnmn; youslmll bcnr\vib- - ms: to har hereafter llml. 1 ahnll keep my ul 5' oath. ' P` 0 fl ofollingwn hllljbw Ill mu. gig! in hm.ou;r..M . uoff.-.veu95>ncv.9Mm liuta Mnrceauhu know nlI-or, at least, d nllthntwns lmown by Jacquu Dulua, d who, instinctively fculiu his uccumd 1. letter to_be'inaoma way nnoctqd with L. the nwlul lmgudy, \'m lunrrobatrickon is` with rcrnumu, and suiting u n Fmderic on his way, uunlmnd all to im with ub- J juctuonlrltinn. Frederic ung him as ;{|l1_u would All udder, from his palh,- nml t. strode on, innahock of grief too tcrrihlu er: fortenrs. i- murmured Fredcrie, . r Andtho lnthcrcchocd Dom! both!" I swear ta you, mid Fmlnric, so d leumly, "thaulm wan my wife in the 11 Eight of heaven.and`tlmt I will nnvor wed I another !" "I! is well. roplied llnpLial.e_. '.``l mu now nlont, and the aigllbof this agvlis 1 lmtolul to me. You at my son. but will u lm vnnr am-vnul. Tlmrn in Mal link ba- nlont, and the sights! thinawtxs u lmtofulto budwill 1! a be youracrvnnt. Tlmrniulnmllink D twueu115-thucluapafmluullove. Let 2, lherl" E ' us gu Camwil `ol [the lo aoqbremmaa Olyd a : ,qg_d: 0 hi: null uuluuu cry, nl uluugn Aw mm mun n sudden, bitter blow. And 1101 y Jdaad been struck such n blow I For tlm lifeloss. drinnimz fon l~ bulsho, alas! wnaloal forever! I It Athdon lhnhlny, Frederic mentored '1 1. jho village. ' He had taken shelter from |, the stornnntn cabin among the mom E It mine, llll hm! rcumined them through I I, tho niglnt. ' 1 u Lonu cm herenchml lha door of Bnp- u 51 Juatnathn sun man over the eastern ' .t hills, he was nrousudby tho murmur of on 5, voices nndtramp of nppronchin lent. In ll y nnotheruroment them-was a neck at E A thu ether door. ' ` a mu ether door. [5 "They nru bringing mo lxii boxlylj` o muttered tho vutcmn magnly, as he )1 rosutoopeu. ` ' d Houng wide the heavy panel, nnd ' , heav d bnhnld four mon-smugg on of tho it 1. mi 1xhoringfroutier-bn;ing ndripping, p 1, lil es: farm nmongthom. Onoutaplm uni lxhoringfroutiur-bdn;iug ndripping, I [1 advanced, with a grim amila upon hiu : g darloatum, and than incnilud with A u I1.-houraocrymn though he had beuu struck v ' nsudden, bittorhlow. Andhohnd, in- _y K Head h lifeloes, dripping form was at llmtofThmga,l1in 0111 child, wboui ha 5` had ycatnlny causaleu y cursed. lg Thuy lmkllound hot in nu eddy ol.!ho n a had ycatnlny cauaaleuly cursed. `if g U mountain stream`. Speeding to save her ,, [om-.the storm nnd the darlmeaa had 1; ;. mialadlierl Ho, urchaqceuvas L bulslm, nlus! was oallorever! L At`no on lhntdny. we piloua path that lod through the Mill and tho bfglgo` ovqr thu mountain torrent.- , ncmaa whiql1Fm1oric must pass to renal: 5 the village.` . ' Ere a1mbnl_mv_e.rsad hall the distance 18 the storm Intuit upon her in all its fury; E butwra pipg huxjclonk tiglxllynboubllcr. `1 she atll s?edoI1.; . , ` Manmv nilo,Ban1iuo waited in hilchanr b:r,grimIycImninggndIond1'nghiurpiutou, DINEDID. , 5 Iinou'u'iai:muonme uvudumhiu .- h an mama: ma _ Jung`-Lun`t:a'o3amuuuh:zf:o'ua .- !Aoan.u1_l' ' lntcndnd Inc noglual my Mannw1rilo,Bapiuo bargrimlyclcaninggndlondinghis inch, 5 unlhruming his dadly wmth. ut the ' hour: went by nml`Fredaric returned not. ` The storm came nudmgad over tho village, and Mnmnu feared, with n ghn.-3t1{ fnar, lost the lury of the element; ah ul rob -5 him 01 his mvaugc. ' -` H n The night paaad. nud.,dn 'b1-unk found ' ;. tlm old aoldiar aleepluan, an lmggzrml by old aoldigr sleep] n terrible aunpcnse. .1 :1 the most dim vongcnnye, instant and nu`mmary,on the man who had gins ho er- I 31' ai_`sted'1 nasserlIng) dial:onomd_ im. ml `o \1- ho Ml. poo;-Tllxoma Iuillmoonlng with 1 ll lomr;tdpmpm`l1im.neIf fox-tho iucop- '1 no Lion n! his gueawhothlxawnsrosolvedto :1 n`, pvovokebocombnmnd to slay without {, rgmeroy. " " I ' - 'u .'_ : The unhappy ximidan'nXu\vly'move1ed her Ibunnad amok, and he: that thought `X was for herlover. The mnixig was now far ndvnncoil, and holmd not In yet to- turnod._ Her lather lwl shut himself up n in his chamber. Fmdoric must not rt!- Her himioll tum to the inn that nighh Come what n miglxtg he munbawnmed. With bimo, 11 her father : pwion would cool, nnd ho if would listen to reason nml truth. _ But now nothing but misary and perlm svclima . I, wouldbctlwrcsxllbofunmoling otwcen (1 thosutwo. ` . . Y Hmilv inuizm on her cloak. Thmm (1 thosu two. b y Hmily inging lm;-c1onk,TI1erm .4 {- mnlthilylefmho houmlmd apoduviftlyy 0 !~ through thq gathering, dnrknw on` who it mnlthilylefmho houI:.hml 5 guthorin ,dnx-knw ix >- path net lavergono yfollowod home` I r uwluumy um um uuuu, nnu apau Iwuuyy , love: one yfolIo\v_od Immo cs wnrdfromthoc aao. . _ `I Denna hlnuk Cllltllwnlin Ionnuixm 'un black cloudsvwcro looming `up L1 flow the \Vea2,nnd lhawind was lining 3; every mompnl with the porton bf storm, \- nstl1u'brnVo`girl hurriml nlongtlm prcci- . piloua path that lod through the Mill `S IIIUI Ul [H3 _X|3VU||KC. I ` n paaad.n11~1.,dn 3 _. alrlaoldigraleepluan, hnggtml by 1 _ .Iuuu:_a. ' 3` oh ' ' ` .... "' "*&.....`*'.t.`:;.."u':,.%:*::'::.-.*:.':':) with her dishonor, and cnraed her. Her io sobbing details mode lilllo impression on his` now thoroughly and ercely aroused lrl passion. Ho could not believo in a pm 1- attachment between a wealthy, plenum- r~ seeking manger like M. Fredorio, and 1, the dnughoeroi a poarinnlraopor in`_nn .e` obscure Fync,h,lin1nlol.1 Ho denounced poorinnkau or if Fync,h,hamlot.j euouncud 0' we dim vengeance, wo (as per u ;, of tho the terrible storm nbout to" burn! upon her. . 5- The scene that faoivcd was agonizing. ll` Baptists rcproaohud his daughter bitterly with mu scene l_nI15 rauowcu wnsagonrzing. " bitterly 3 wig]: h o sobbing imuression .. _ j, of tho the terrible hunt : upon R F Thus I"runlcricf`:m1Ilr.1In nnd Buplialn ` [' I n Whoalmll paint tho muting bct\\'eon H l!1oset\vo1neu-the clnildleaa fnlhur, ml .1 :1 Ixmg he reaclmd Bnp- m liuta Mnrceauhu know nlI-or, least, I IN Jacauu Dulua. " mmltromthe chase. " . ` . ` black cloudsvwm looming : lining , `uni |IInmnnII.IlIu ur M A ; :_ . ,, Cam `dol__tha lolluwjng full-p uh @17sg,~mgmr_ aoqbreminaa oIy;1o.bum,iwn. ea ."m_ IL henclnu. 1.... : mm m. giil hut.olg|l_r..MIrahunl vn , hIl,I)[b|'Dln_bf(Il a s :n c;|r? " `jg; u `an Lvmh-xv," -tl 11 do! dmb yam Illu- 1...? _..., ' W: I NO. !8' x no! onlrwnrd nl'hor nuhio Englillx, how: am ucllud or uh har `gnu-d.`u:aa od lmr 1- lip|dnrinu0.huporiodu lunxwqyun ql_hua 1 Enclicod upon hur bnnofulrcwu crmlulny. 1 ho huulokaopnr, who Ilupt wn I hur nnvar y dmczud my lungungo or low I: wire 1 dian'ng!rom_lhnn|m hnd nt at auumml. ul `[ di|fan'nq!rom lhmlm Ovorhurlnglhn Iomnln pmpopo that llmy Ihnuld lio nwnh, In_rl luzan Mlulhnrlhu ulltadln her Ilup, an Ihnt n! M. nml lur I Iona lime Ihernrdl, Ihoafu lad to utter rt lm uuul gibbuinh in but drnunn. Mn. W--, who onciliomlly {oak In r to Ilrialul in her uiringn-ln.wI1igh Iho nurnlly full ulMp-ohnn inhntlnnnlly rm Ind hnr uh- mpdy; but!!! than momaptg f_nAlu-m, Im u wmllfnn. . I `. 9' Thu Elpu dulaomnlcdh `I In vmrdn y at he Iinhnd decelvnr huld communion with Inf 9 frlandl, wu ulwd out my ofhpolivuly by n J mun oxpruuha, nnimmd oounlcnnnua. 1 And olcgnncn olgcukura. Bin ulnrlnrolnle, ` on _wur_d 0! K10} fglilll, how- on nulilh, by whlc `thh mam. ~ uuanded st uunmn to Ihi Homo Mia V c dnnguoua IlonI,kIuulin.taw | UN ,-, _om like I arm ru-wohlpyerg dmmd 5 Ill-lund lmmll, rlgldlyghllninlng lrom nil `I nnimnl (nod, And Im_Jll1l ax om diugmg It the burn night gl vlna Ind mull llquur. In A wordrhar hnblu won: a Ilrnngo melmgu of than belonging lo aver] lriho |nl_ ' 1_1_ndor l_l1o__Iun. _ 1 -_ _ , dorlvadkom thy convnmllqn of thunn ground her, that. uvatlmrlng I ganllnmnn d um-I that the palnt of Indian wenpmin rm ollen dlppcd In vmtnbl pallanu, in A low houn nlmwudn,-lhilp hnhllnq a 11 crowded lmo, Ouuhoa rm. pnd nlkm; a touaumund, hrului a couple of lmu [1 {mm mm exotic `alnnurowln then. up- ,. plind thnjuicalo lor rnvtfunhnd her ,L mu',nndthun pretamlul an on! Many ' [zreunl loll lnlouganuinelnlnlln -!!l, {mm d p Inympnlhy At hat Iuppond nngumun hon ` -" gluy dinlaot, Aided by`; .3 with which nho dnily exnrelud. wa'mun- 11 ndednthntbucll. Playing inward and ` nggar. the wanted rapul I], Mr. \V-- hlmull who in MI youth hul been unnamed no umhllul loncpr. To the Inund at n hmbourine, whlnh Ibo llyod nxquinilcly, I1 I1!!! dined with andlul e um of qlllludo, oooulmnlly dmpplng 3211 on? knob, and n than min; with unoolnmomngillty Ihu '5 would FBIYOPWI I mu 0! ` ll ml`: (hr ' M man nugulnr (win I and oon_ diam, hut n mun Iugmlr nulu Iuu wu_ uwun, um. _ nu my nconnlmnl with perfgt moduty. " Elm pulled In I hon, nun` vilvad. mu] " ratio on honaluwk with oqngi dlllorilypq gnuanded gu_nr1n_to Q1; lwuoawluta af_ lhu ;Inh'nI!on, Iha nlfenmftn fl lulermld At llwhlnuu nyon `; mp: denoxjnllug, the` {um um :In|, hnHrr'||t:d lint my Ind N ln|}erm'MhUlw'_0hlnula inkun Ind lm'uI~ deoonl1ug,lho`!umum, I , by Ilgnl, inlalrnilld Man a to ,1 hegpnlmlnnd. - `_ A 5 wh . port at ` Ehp ln_n _boA_!,_nmm't v3_lvad. `nml ll Chin mbmplluhod Heulvai nrcad parleelly immohllo. olhibln not II an! alarm. ar_a_Von`nompuhenn on o! In nrport. Mn. W--tbonntl_1mted Mum or nine by racing E. n _`pl r balm hpr : And will ywxltlou erovnmmn` reput- ; ndlyt argonnnounuodtlunfue glrlnhuuld 0 dot}gawuo._ Eh: nfnud.howmr,nhn|(~ in hot hudnnbl lnlbun lonrdv W 8` hamll, mlnlmlpg: 'Umbo9l mboo I` Upon being than thou htho nphmmouu " 0(_l0;lllMIIbll,|ha enmfto odoopky lu|.ermIdAUl:u_0hluuu you nndlnn ~ ; 91_t-Flqzulhopfurn "am.-duh! Archipelago. ` / Byqa I, her hdy-pntronm_ grow in- lenuly nnreqtod in thin-ndvhntura. sun. aura of the ponlblllty cl ltnpoaluro. Ibo again Ioolrtllo lirnnger npjonhe Hull, and in wall: and mpaulonm lnngnufo. nddreuad m` y [end girl, ltinqulu 1` pouible you nu be ppahdnu upon my if eredulllg. Ind} It you perfectly under- n Iulld IN '01 INNS! III `I DUI onmmon` `L Eugllab. I! la, Ind If alum: hndrivcn you wlll updienl, mko ml onrfrlund: u Inonoylndclothunhnllbnu plot! to hul you on no}: my. NI um I Io u vya 1 ynu'enlnu|'! me. But]! qu continua In (1 dueivnul mull uphln 1 AI my hunbnnd o in mlillflla, Ind hi the: `power lo im- prlnon you In I nznnL' During ha: 1 pm, I a uounhnlncn at an hlIM_ag`9mpllg!:o. _deulv_ npml p_ar[eelly , colored engnvlugu. Thm} Ion` Ipmd 3 o n More her; nnd lxuurnlng mm over, ; I olntlnulod bygutum hahpoclnlrm - " union 0! than mm and oqnlumu whla 3: Ind ulltlogrto Ghlln llld` lhl Urlenlnl 3. Inonoylndclothunhnllbnu plied hul v mu m . I umlo wal " u youmlf, pn will navur d'uolun wlm. ` gnu gnlru_A| to me. I_)I1_Il{yqu oon_tlnua lq h ndqklndwdnympilhhlugfriqnd; During ,, th impml, Ihnd pn opportunity ol lolly 0 crilibiuing `the gown! npppmnu 0! cu: `B n In Iwuun, l{lih,'Il\!aH<|I her gou- ` mu, you dngu ab gmelnl and repay uulng..Hu- hmhm nqullundo aluaio d outllno her ayumdhnlr ulbluk; aye- nt brgn noIy_nrohed: lore and low, nnd r1 nmnfrmuu, u the Frahah cull I! ;j com- ,, plaxlon bnnnauo, will: 1 mm tins of Y, otdmd luu_u-un o inn, uni! lm I]: . lion! uldbnlun lnhu` ip_to`,ha`pI lied! illiibnltirnhodher. Upon_baIng' _ shun` ipjo`,!ha`pnrl nr, lxor menllon ba- ullnl umultly 103 upon an angnilng uprgnnlhg I [mum ylzluh hung thefu, Am which the mulo dam prom! Iudur- 1 mud wunlrnilnlhunllimnnd. Huppor . M p1`aprd' Ibo cmiod bu em with hpnayydl, u'1f nputlpg nllgn 3 long rm: and It In oonulnllan thr av prun- [rmd ghnnall. `Thu mull used at table you pmllly mum! in an uur'pre- '|.!- *9 =r| .. . . [1 mm fnnnall. Thu mull used In vlnul` to ch:-lrfbolng replunin d. f Hm mokukngpn. W--`ulko 0_q llIe__l_nn him hor'dnulAr'p f_ morning.--Mn: W-wulkod down ; M the in mm hor'dnulAr'rrougea` '. Th: villua olov mm mm no, uuul lalehudfram III: oula Iavmlvalumu of .. Orlaunl 'tnval,'_riohly. illustrated with vtnvel '_rioh'I1-illiulnud ,, engnvfugu. hmlvore 0 opon_ lggforg lgqr; mc_lln;1:_m!ntlI_n{u 5 l '-1d:l~9v~~r-mi `A -II-my-.' fun : ufonrnlnslouoo ` mblo pulocllntha j IUIVI' at` Almoruhhury, Glaucemnhlre. 1 Que uvdnlliilrilhh boglnnlng of lprl , I _` llld been dawn to tho vlll I lnnvln oolr After A danpll cl {Ami the worthy Boni(Aoe`lhol'6 wA I` uplng (or me Alwhn vm_ nounu` An All 'nIln;' ` er, which . And ramming Along I Atnrnplke road, I ` mp: A young womn. whou drew; pmon And ortll. u "l. her very uhnlmid Km` duh` ' ml wIl[l|.i0lI, exolud myqmnllan Iloop|lr_\'mpAlhy. < ', . , .` , Wang And loorcore, Ahimlmpod with Ilow An painlnl Atepu tow reoungv, , whpu open dour uhjhlI9d,_A wmlnru lo woodro And A bad in viva By Algal And xeuluru Auiciently ax licl--Auzh AA apex lug And nluin her eye itlr II Ah: lunrd her {Ace upon fur hAnd-A e upmud her duire to lodge Chm !or`lhe nlght. - Thu lnmAm,hawmr, nnuudlto main Imu- gar). 01 Anal: Ilngnln upeennd deport-_ main, one who lmroniu, could MI I 0rd of E l ll iddrhndl l'n"gp.: nu; glhhdr onb Ilmd wllh open mnlh, or laugh cnArAelyAA_Ahc ropuud her mm tin a Inc In th|' chem.-unggonllyon the nu nf lids 01 9 rips pouch; bur oln Ill IE And round; he! had: whlu, sud Inamlngly. unuolulomrl to `Mot; her lga!a_lI_paylnpn About `u, lab!` two inches. Indmlngly. height parlnpn About Ahlukuhurl, in oulnrnluhlou,-yloonely anolfaled Jm bud. Ind I pm -coloured on hun] lx-`om her Ihouldon. S e loomed nbggl mz:_Iy~t_lvo gem of age. 3' on {haul/damn`. S] | About Qmnl Jive yen-I _` Tho g9o_d~ _ dy [hm progcoliox nbdnmil I I e. Jho` `olrllindy $3.." negation nhe land by my lrietlnnnolinllo .nmnuln em ` to gninygnthlnn of tho ynngla '1 hluo, |iymy'ilriethm'Iolh1Iod, dun uh: '1on1hln (H1 H1 'hlato Y, o:$:d hlrwvh In: bA'ok to : gnd_d_l[cl l`1nUh9_bo'n mommud _ Dip n Vivnrgbgj "V _ '..:"` v.."si':'u*.':;'* n --v . -vyvnwu nu Iuwuuullu ~ ~ d mm -Eollnlumd and lhwlod anaixg of HIeln-l nxau-hytaid yoimg lap!--o Q, I1 gnu: {ha poorctmnu up to lino-do _Pnl:. 5 where, iu,Mr'| W-, lha,'IAd1 Bountiful Ll `ol Almoii buryrnho Iianld he ogrutn to h __nd_qkln guyyugpithhlugfriynd. y no6ovfrmu'u', uI|n'Frahah'cAllIl;j'com- thick hr ago (yon nu girl. nl . . .L.. .... g (`anboo.'Pr1neeu or Jnvnu. ' I1... .... - - - urvinh M In her bank (55 at that the bot! mammud bl hirnhod hr. Upoltbaing {I_Ia`}1nrln;nr, nmnllorg pc- pun-yr: 0 Iianld .ha' grlitn ndnympilhhlugfrignd. I hid In nun-ul um.u.uu..l n ' if :' I17 /ryxcb me 15`."`' vi- dgr cm IIdp'BioeI`.on PM us.` me '; " ,_Ea ze/czr F3.` ` _j1'ee 9% }?`f;%`fi`& E* i"uc h st?` 3*RD'fhLll`S}Ii?3Ti1.bWY ` ASSETS; `5,000. 1 1.>`o'si* BF!X:}J9l%._;)(6, 3.; rim.` V Durgpur n,u:.m-.1. mum c. '~M]9NEY` frc_>_L._q W ? V.7"f* , V --- 1 . 5 Ram Modurnhr,` Togas; Egniubly and ' ' -- ` prdn: vlyuljunua ,' ' _ . ` ,; UR ES EDWARDS, ' _: Agent at Barns. null mu m Oljlflinvor Cllladlrllgllli nlmmm It ` ; _ lllplop-T. II4 -lOPP(_5fI'f`,EVCL,;&A1Z'1}30 3 iii) r Imnwma, I v """"'."';"7?'.!"'r*'ry MV .1 11 H0115 1 Aismu " ` ' -uannti _ ...`F V M -$ mm. N 7n'*!'|'-1' ' WWI [cod 1 K '.:.s,..4-M-~-.~=--~=--~~nu~ .,,`_ Ill! & M-55|!|\3I-glltyqlyh .1` ', ` Ass_m,2a,ooo,boq _ Enid: L-r';e.;'senp1`F`. of se ' .` Lighi 'liu1gfm Iira lnnmv ; " "in loiflvarld.` P7'vdte Fumls To Loan 0uRwlEri{1Ie,a( { ' " I A [1 1.7 o Ix r fit. ,0: _e$l'zjI"c"1z1f6;e c ;_r*"-qmzwzz, '.i.1 itil ` " 3 ' 9 4 at` A. Boss, B.A., M 1)., r '1.-LUW 1 " ` . rrmmy -nunux camp, but Aulmnt Surgeon Toryntv Bmylhl And Bend :1! P11}: `dn Burndda Lying-In Horplm. Om :-E1ln ubeth` Lml, nulropponm the ellluglon ___ " 5` n ` y4R3{zR' Ajom .lIIl'0U}4TI) Z .5:?5%`u"uE'%T~'5%.T" lHl.ll}2!lXIuu`::. '| -' s: :3 Moutcheonf % 1 1BA:llRlE _ Tl `&;.[ iiifrfmtj. ouxu ' `M, mnnxswnhs, 'AM9rnmu-b1,8or.utonlnchnnnsy.f' Pblilhed Every Thd . U-Inlpll l.UJ.I .I. 1`, 0:1 .BTEzgMSI{Il`N. I :4- , s or v`,AssAaE. hndormunben to Liner , `Amman 4 ~ Ha Oll hiued P; a 1.5061 lenlanla RI. .,..3J39|H|.J.qy]s. m verpqal mry wads, Q1 nt-on u: vo lg I ' A mm Mm DEAE8 0 11.156. nail m 39/ _ `-~~_ Dental ,,. E lnor;Ii;T *r-*---~--*-- TOEONTC, '1 1`: 0! Chi ml` Medimz I 0|yd.|m'df, iron} 9! h ejuighenchu. ` Ruilding 5.70010 - npcluem I Agent ms '10 140cm 5`mz!e,at 59 Jg'I,sZ'oU 151); c |:}"1II'-1 oltne nnnfy E _ ` Ennnmmm m-, lllplop-t Ilur Immflnon Inlunnu -_ Ehilwny` Ticket lhbugh Ii" DI nd hum I pom f::'_'.:.',re;,%`.,4.'.*:..-"'".5 H u" 9"; \,v.:,].`,, ,.iv+' ~ W: 3UJHz}}`1n 1810. I ` I '7 H As;rpjJA1|'1.1oo.::,s&n aw, 'Ijnnw:am'l!mrn, - - 81, I ,: .5. ` f 4-` I.ouzu'w.John'.rin. . aw romeo . `F V ~'y._:nu, s. 9:1 N: 7v MM. . .3 upon 1. w.o nah Eljdy Afteaobn. 9, He II: '1'B.ki11l;.vcml hnfsillndo Afwr '1 Z .l.7lLh;b'Iul.`!H t 01' Aug: and :f..a.`y {:'u'faaY53.{'nl;:r13:n":Z lnl nll- umousnmmlnnoudn1-zxunnuuemva Ex 1,. mam": An ommnyum which vu- nrHn>n!\\: ml Ln`n.1.w mu Tlm A .`, "7}l'Ar`_| "W51! tn! J. ` : f Ha - , FTGTORY 1:! M,pVv`.v`Bu u Dwcx, DQND-P-St -Hp '1. o G1-e_:3 <`:`:_:m,_ BARBIE. 3-Iy V ._. V Farmr .5 mmmr. rnipnvrzn win .. JU}i_NrSEl_iASTIN, ;. :w H, .'+*c*1,.';*.'.*g'f ;m;;";:: Ild`D,YElNU done-in Hing-cl " vnnv mm. __ .~, .n. P-,LE'X.` iAH/W: I`: UNHI`. AI. BJSDUISITER f'rh-IvI\l YIIFKI lI"aIVl [(+UNEI`. AL EHQUIBITES , .n V Dnrkuwn Imwrlx-. ;`~ ' ` :DWAR_D avnuas. - Salain'l|1avls':inIly I ui Iownlou, I .111nB'$ _ DAB ' '- r -V . 1 ' """"u'?i{&:H?` am.-. ,9-,rrn-_:_g` W - sAnn1k=cIX rmonv. - ' :"3ARn1:,oNT..v` A blufuglms (he Fiueatlirmlde of GENUINE % Bee,s79a11 ri- _4r.l1lv~.4j<... . L .a. yr; Ilrvlvr nu wmn4LInIr;16vnp 1m Sula i_n'l_|Ia vln_I'nIly of_ II.` 1` EN`GLISH I` EYEEAL IMPIIUVED Salainm vicinity o vmbaxu! Town Lou. wz 9.5- FEBASTIN :_u,;I! lgdu( `-#1:->,4:-1 1 ' :1, L`[e'cLEAR- 134$` xJ141J1L z/z;czgz'2z,g<. Pm ifoiioe tbbqg_.:xgL}1o;{;,:tu .. Joan snnAsr`m:.` an! unuln . 1*; {TA CIGA. sg. % mpp .. v \vm;n,..... . m _& 3051 w.) ... I _ V` I ` I 015-->-> _ . unnmgm nonnectwn wnht s ~{.,. 2 mar. -emu mIIK GA A V` V ' . am ha_ lqlluwin x`:ousn.{.p noun-axuummrm ur ' 3` . , n :lHuZ7x-Txa 7` :1l5r::{z::t`s .c 3'? nr n... ..;..w......... nu uareraoxua, me . Q :1 meilv Hm (L-':1em':I'Jq: `I11!-`Jr -, -1 [Ar*:_1:`v'51r wi udn UT`! 1 Store l blllw DHUD. fronmzug _PAINTERS1. {,wmm mm JuIb1:r|`v'L1ascuxn1vIeIc (mm organza = SOEITEH. ENGll3H`&L`?lA MN TWED8 I I .V ...........~., _` i ` S7 "%..9%s?E`-`""**" `.."oi . Mvwmm E AND BLUE GBLAGK SERGE} E :M%ORAE & eo.%"s[ l:7Shl0l;b|9 _Clothmg . End 1116 '1'0'1zP1bf'L Zapasa an avsxy day naaaisjtyln " .'z" 7hcm' c1 and tidy 1 no can 5 as n Eiliausnsss. Hm!- Iclm. Elok Headache. Distress 5!- to: Eating, Wind on the Stomach; Heartburn. Pain: In the Side and ?."?F-,?V9(1?!-4)=1J.91_v- `Mt 01 . .. AZIL.) !z9 New Cgmponnd. Its an- le:fn1*a.1u1y to the Dlgasxlva Appanstua and the Ltvu,-mamas. ED: lm `d!55.1?1J"995_ Ivlav: lug t1x9`d1s.~!a1v1n ulcas, 191197- mg almost lnstnn the dreadful , H5319? L1Z-zseeessi-1r1_Imttpn, Tailoring `Establishment. - f V 20:93 EA- jrnou BRAZIL) R10, THUR `DAY, UNTA TnI':xsH FREEDOM AME :`*