' uluturing interest: of the country by honor, which thin mum logicinn again nueveraf/es Tu Enxmn hm impugned. The Govemmuntof Sir Jon A. mm. ald hasinjured three-fourths of the man- tha imnosition of a parLiA_l,unjux1: and while at the same time they were pre- pared to pay their taxe like men! Mr. McCarthy elected to vote this o`d1' down. This was no doubt {ma} honmblu devo- rotethis o'e1' down. E I rm to his oountry n intc -itcer`lninly ` was eervile devotion to ` I! chiefs of his H party, For this heis again disposed Lo 11` nak tin admiration and Iutfrages of his .; constituents; ' ; -I` 5 I` It is noticeable thAh'tIIe Consermive press generally anticipates much aid and X wmlort from the promised rcam1ng&n1en of certain elect/ml districts. ` In l_hfs 5 hope [or help our contemporary partici- pltoa. He does notcaro to rial: hia mn- clty by distinctly uaerting that the question of dividing theliiding in not a qneotionoi politicabut of population," but he inainuauait in the form at a ques- tion addressed to Mr. Cook. The pruciae nature of the proposed measure is not yet generally known, but it is known that intoreated pnrtiea have beenmaking pil- grimage: to Ottawa with a view to ascer- tain the intentiona of the Ministry, Mltl to oez Valuable aug cations It is re- markable, howov t atull thnsurmisea yet offered to thgpuloiie relate exclusively to wnatituenciu regarded doulrtiul in their allegiance to Tory rule, or. if left as they now are would eertainly give a Reform majority. North Slnreoe in in- cluded in the latter class, hence the cor- taiuty of the application to the Riding of the gerrymandering process. It is not n political question. Oi course not, In .. H II ,n ._ ., the gerrymzmucnug ymm. political ` no, any use Mr,Cook will meet .\lr.McCurtl1y [1 and atlvrd the olactons the opportunity of 11 deciding whether they prefer to be re re sented by the adltarexxtolnnjlscrupu outs Ct political {Italian or tlw manly supporter V of :1 party that through good and evil n: it port has constantly been tlavohd to the t1 heat interest: of the country. ` nmus dufsnw from the Conservatsue a press, f:'un:lyTnry aubsm_i_encyxeaches u bononx when in Ontario it is found ready M to justify Six-John'sUencl1erau.ncncroacl1- \\ mrvhtsun pxnvinc1'ulI1'ghts. Allnlluged I: l nuxne(' '\vx-itaa nprasy and ralnbliug l rhnpsody to the Mail on Our I to\'incial 0 Rights," which lha Tnmnlo organ briey 14 Imtemplmtica1ly_cndorses nu n_Ien:~ibln.' b nml able essay on Provincial Righ ' And P ` ' " . Even thiscurt tlmriptinn, into which i: cnm-`might be Bupposed imposwiblu of 1 enteriug.ininw,zumLe. Inunessuyoxu: ll would nntumlly look for a dipaltsiollhtu `lt b-|.. /mun n entelritrgg. and nrgumentalivu abatement 0 the case from a Provincial standpoint. In plum at this we, have onlya pmiounte,nud )nis1ea.diug diatribe of uumlttiguwd Tory mimpmenmiona. The rural enzmyiat " ` ` AI; .0 in inmurnua. In an essuy one dis usioxmm ` )nis1e4d|ugdin!I }e uninlttiguwd `Lory apreads, himself Abroad on the wings of air loyalty and ncmchu ovortho tmiwh )uaGriu. Thu `jtrooly loynl ianwtully; ovortho muwxw u Thwtroolyloynl ianwtully ll nhockod anho hornet gmroeplionl an ` irmlauxunga of Mn Mowgt in dealing B t a by j ` ndmmunity, and crushing in its oppres- imposition part",unjuxt :` veutious system of scal legislation, ` which in also detrimentnlqlithe farming If sion oi the gtimn and l3l`?Ol'l.l1g classes. ' system Mr.McCarf.l1X` npholna and t ,9, perpetuate. Alafge portion oi "_l the aurplru extortcd from igautfering peo- `'1 ple nds itswayto the collars of the pampered pets speciallyfavored by pr in tectian, and Mr. McCarthy looks on n ti provingly. Scheming contrnctomwhose ll baseless claims the former Government 3 declined to entertain have had their little 3` bills hnnilsomelfliqiiidated from tliq g] .ml.I.'/- nurse. and we have yt (9 learn tl bomit gulroepliona and u jrmlangunga Mowat B.` vith the question, :71 the Boundar 11 Award. Whntdo the agricultural rca n ml at Tm: Enuma think of lhuircn m borer when lhoynd nut that in his G table awry" he has not one word In any In nn tlmchnngmi altitude of Mr. Mom 2 , . . .,, ___ ,, mu... liaiynolona wordln on mchnqged am. pod nu Mlovvuazmho in (emu; '1 port wnwnntly been new best covuntry. .-_--..:._ Prorlnclnl nmms. ' Tan electors of North Simco x !_ joled in?/J electing .\Ir.D'A]ton [4 as their member for the Dorui or meat mainly by the assur:-.uc tl d N. P, was gqing to-work wonvl rs countybyredevelopmenl of its re: It was to prove n blessing to he by the starting of rarioua brzm ht duslry, which waste increase I 10 (ion, andyhencc add greatly to tlx nf thnir hams markets. as the or he at. P. in North 's+ ) WEN? C1l- l EIcCArthy] ( an Pm-lit:-\ Now we cunteml that there never oulrl have been .'myPullcc Cuurl lines in m-rem. A poor wrelclx is sent down for some thirty days or more because he cannot paythe line and costs. Others, however, who were supposed to be ahle l to do so\vera_u1lu\vexl to l`ElL\ll'_l their liberty on promisilxg to paytluc nesaml costs. So far so good. But we clmtulld that in . all case-swllere the ne was not will " within the speciliml lime,llle 11: ins `|' shuuhl lmvc hccn compelled to pay them, |- 0rhee11sc1~.t:Llown. ' Tlmt this has not` ?1DUMlN|0N_PABL|AMENT.J voice in the feelzlest protest. The Mm1s- " tor of Railways and Canals has purpetrab 0 ed the Carillon Caiml job, the Section B. l; contract crool-relne5a,nucl oula few weeks l` ago oonsummnlcilthe bnrefaoed trial-my l( of the Onierdonck contract fraud. -By these outrageous transactions the country has lost considerably over half a million 14 dollars, and yet our North Simcoe Parlial i, mentary exquisite hes never thought it 1, \J U I I live to illlullnling purchasers. e V % poun '*'A|LOR|NG DEPARTMENTTl?51`;`.$I:if.33:.:`E`f2%5?i} Ees`.Gom1s'fo.hvgut in thalomcand foreign nmrlsetl tqcluoosc from. No Shuddy. ` I _ _.- .... . _ ,.L \ _ Rrzcenl clxangns in [hi rm `leave us in :\ position to m0IeLh.1u mzlilll n t , A. u-. -Ln--nn nenn I5"l'll|E`kI'l" -1 unu u Largest.:1VIost Stock ev+: will cuangns m we nrm It:u\u m m .1 1/uanwu w mm ` D E which we lmve c V :1 I1I.'|l| 0fL`.\pL'{i. unnli 1 nurchnsers.J u anuw TOCK OF HOSlERYl& GLOVES J Large anduomplete Lines of Ready-made Ghothing For Men an Boy.-)al\mys1nStock. u wont be outdone or under.-uld. [nf37".\[ulw n note of this Gents surmslnmgn Specialw. m pulxlic lhin ~c.L~u1 \'e gaixml fur s '1lill`.; Hm (NI (.1 0 1'/)l|r\I'n N. 1, -n \l cvm unhugcd will} -: .pL'Ii.I1L`c in the city tmxlu \\'hu vi 510 h his while to bi} his eloquenco in defence of his count:-fa rights. The Syndicate bargain with ita lavish expen- diture at the country's reeourcee, its ex- travagul pgivitegu and exemptions, the despotic monopoly in now wields in the \'mIu.\Ve_t. audits masteylul dictation . RI_BI:0.\'S,1 I I Ixlzolpmulgs w musel {aka charge of myself, and ` SS FIT` Lhrge selection 011.1): 882. as. 'iJo(I.~| at (he l,9w_(,~; prlcel ilk in <'huIUr- of MI? W 'rununm #1` Showed} I1u||.V .u nu: MHHESI ITICGI 1 -in vhulgc oi MR. W. Tl{01lP0N, ` vill .<]varc no pnius to make it Altm- .,rms, FRILLINGS ma mt. 31-illbefouud Large, Completa Ind. i ms, ` 5 willbefouud Complete _ travagul pyvllegea nun exwxynuua, mu 2\'ortl.1-West, to the Government It .0Mawq in every case where its supposed interests are aifected. is the unqualied object of ou_r reamuzgenmnb " lhib 5] wntenipomxy partici`- 1 mm. Iiedoesnotcarotox-bk ' ' - Toms have generally hen noted for {allowing their leaders with n devotion that is lly touching. With unflinch- ing xervllity they could wade through nll the shinna and wire o( the Pnbic Scan`- /lrll. The rank Lind file of the party con- tinue to vncilemte lnstily in lnvqr of the N` I . They no lnactnsici am the C. I . R. Syndicate, Thuyhnve nothing but approval for the concession of exhoihitnnt llIIlS,YCll1S(: hyn Reform Administra- tion, to greedy contricton who like to fatten at the pnhlic Qllll. Even Sir Charles Tuppefa repeated outrages on public decency in awanling tantrum in excrss of the lnwcst legitinintutcndcr to .\lhiist4.-rial favorites meets with unmi- NV/HIE .i..lnm from handsomely l1qu1aawu mun my public pur:.c,nud liavey: (9 that Mr. McCarthy raised his bloquent The Minis- ter Railwnvs } arlia- mentary has worth 3 1, interests aifected, our member : unqualied approbation, For` this he voted, amlfor thizhe spoke in opposition to the Canadian Syndicate of which Mr." Cook is 3 member. The lat- ter'i>o oercd to do the work of con- structing ami nperating the C. P. R. for three millions loan in nioney,u1d Iorthree millions iewcr acres of land than their favored rivals, and that too without res- tricting Provincial railway competition, ci 01 mired mv men. bl