VJ J.IrCV L . LNJIIILIICI Ul. LUIUILIU uuu Ulvl-Iclo Mrs. B. T. Bateman is in Toronto `at- tending the Provincial Methodist W.M.S. convention. II..- `l'.\I2._.-L_A_L Il`,l'V_,'II_,, "I, , ,I ,I, ,,, 1 , J UUII V CIIUIUII 0 Mrs. Elizabeth McCullough celebrated` her 85th birthday on May 28. I "ma (1 1. Allan Mpg MAIAAA `M ..- May 30.---Mrs. Fred Clarkon of Cooks"-i town spent the week-end with her sister. Mrs. Tebo. AR.Malcomson -' GEO. VICKERS, LIMITED !`.D"UR5T_ _.C'-QVYES LEF ROY - ullcu LU nuuaics nupius on aunuay. ` The. new rest room recently opened in I Barrie will be quite 9. benet to people: from the country while doing shopping inl town. But it is a pity that the Women sl Institute have to keep it up. Businws men who advocate buying in your home town should be willing-`to assist in this work for the sake of theirpatrons. I l ____:.___j__._ PARTRIDGE & GILROY! ucaa uuucgc. I | Mr. and Mrs . Chas. Pattenden and fam- ily of Crow s Corners visited the former s| I 1 parents here on Sunday. . Mr Oh!` Man U Ifnru-6 n-`A II ... and yaxcuua ucu: Uu ouuuuy. 2 Mr. and Mrs. M. Keast and Mr. and] Mrs. E. Crawford and little daughter mo- bored to Housie s Rapids on Sunday. z I now rant rnnm rnnnnflu nnnn;-ul In lllslll a ' Miss Norma McKinley is home after, lhaving graduated from the Midland busi- ness college. I Mr ant` Mu-a nluna Dnbl-Annlnn Ant` :nruu "May 30.---`The-syrnpathy of this entire` neighborhood is extended to Wallace Pat- tenden in his recent bereavement. Ill-.. `I.1I-.2.. I'1L_..._-I 2- ....-_.IZ_.. _ -_.. IUIJUUII Ill [lib ICUCIIII IJClCllVI7lllCll|A Mass Elvin Chappel is spending a few weeks with her comin, Mrs. Slessor,' at Edgar. man MnY:nlnI1 :4: Nnrvn o AT VICKERS Ml-NESING ` Choosinga hat is an adventure, very often disliked. T 0 those whoselect here it is a pleasure-because they can easily be suited with Millinery that is -authentic, exclusive and" moderately priced. An extensive showing of all that is New and Beautiful now on view. Millinry department in charge of Miss Lawlor. A Representative Showing of Exclusive or VXUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP or ono SUMMER HATS Tiger Tires Lead Them All Fabric Guarantee, 8,000 miles Cord Guarantee, 10,000 miles cc -v-wj Q- `- 7-Eluppex-to'n St., Barrio, Ontariol 8MsDN?i H. J. Evans. Fabric 0. R. RUSK, 0ph.D.% A-an-An-cunt: uni 99 Dunlop St. Phona ' Barrio 143 Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic " College, Toronto Glasses on a Boy . often transform him from a backward into an eager stud- ent. V For we are very careful in the selection of boys and- girls glasses. We aim to make their reading and studies easy. No scholar can study with a headache or if his eyes ache or burn. If your youngster doesn t show the in- terest he should in his studies, probably he needs glasses. Come and get them. Get Our Prices on . Perfection OIL STOVES GET YOUR s casoumz ~ AT City Dairy ICE CREAM always on hand. ` -brick and bulk. mos. S'l'ROUD, ONT. MQRTGAGE SALE ----- ----- ------ UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWERS contained in 9. certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of the Gale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, June 10, 1922, at the hour ofi12 o'clock noon at the Barrie Inn, in the Town of Barrie, in the. County of Simcoe, by W. A. McConkey, Auction-l eer, the following property, namely: Inf nnvnlmnr vninnfnnn l`IO\ in 6}: nun.-uni Real Estate Agents We. have just received a fresh stock of Paris` Green and Arsenate of Lead at new prices: Paris G`reenT40c lb; Arsenate of Lead 40c_ lb; opromzrknsf l'UIIIUl I UW I T Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston, Mrs. K. Mc- Lean and Mrs. D. G. Bell motored to>Mid- land `on Tuesday to -attend the,Presbyterial W.M.S. convention. ' _ school grounds, for a park has been fenced May -3l._--Th-e- piece of land purchased from John Cowan last fall, adjoining the anddlevelled by the young men of the com- I munity. T . 'I`l-m Amt 1-.-..- ........... ... L......I....II ....... uuuuwy . The first leghe game `of baseball was played with Stroud team` last Thursday evening. The score was 10-8` in favor of Knock. T u:.... Lu. u-u_-__ _ m,~,,, . LIUUII `auu. U V UIIIII5 . The town and community were shocked to learn of the sudden death of George Rogers of the secondgline. about" a mile from town. I understand he and his bro- ther were cleaning up grain when he sud- denly expired, `heart failure being ascribed as the cause. He was unmarried and lived with his brother. The funeral will -be held tomorrow. 11.. -.__I It..- 1 v_1,,,'r_, 1: vr :- J-LlIlKJI\o Miss Id. Mathers of Toronto spent a day or_ two with Miss Wilda Martin last week. ' I\-._-IJ I1....__, ,1` VII . vvcun. Donald Cowan of Toronto was home over the 24th. ' . A ..........L.._ ...B -._..___. `..A. I I` . A number of young are going to Ivy this I day) to see the basal ) Knock and Ivy teams. um, um IUIIUWIII5 pl.'upcu`oy, uuulclyz Lot number nineteen (19) in the second concession of the Township of Oro, in the County of Simcoe, containing one hundred acres more_or less. VIVI... ..L..-.- ____;:-_-_I ___-__..;,, 9 -I Ill IILIC UUIIIIIEWUUU 111.15}!!!/U-Io -A number from here attended the Sun- Vday School convention at Sunnidale Cor- ners Presbyterian Church, Tuesday after- noon and evening. TEA fnuvn unr` nn1nnnIIn:fIy urn:-n u`-nnnbnn` 1\l1y|\3l`3 UHI7 y IHBII WI7Ul\o Mr. and Mrs. McBride of Midland were holiday visitors with the latter s parents, |AMr. and Mrs. M. Woodard. T 7B]... t..2.....l.. ..C `II... `l_T............. t'\l:...... ...2|II LVLI. auu Llllo Halo VVUUUGIUQ | The friends of Mrs. Herman Oliver will be glad to know that she is improving, though slowly, from her recent operation in the Collingwood hospital. T I ,A nulnnknr `I-nvn horn nil-nu-allot` lvkn gun- uuiiev; H. Frey with his wife `and two. children of Zephyr were callers at Levi Raymer's one day last week. rnuuaul. ' ' The celebration here was largely attend-`I ed last Wednesday, -although Collingwood was having a celebration as well. There was a Calathumpian Parade. The kiltie band from Gollingwood was in attendance. There were horse races and other sports in the afternoon and a concert in the ev-I ening. . . ` A'\7:I\ GED II; :n `7:Q:":7II'I : I Ulllllsc Alvin Rose of Ech f atgner, Wesley Rose. 0 Place islvisiting his M nrhhlrnll A` QIII\I\:!'I'lIA ant` Dav IKIDLIUI, VV UDIEJ .l\aUDUc Rev. M. Brioker of Sunnidale and Rev. E`. J. Lehman exchanged pulpita on Sun- 8.) . ' ' nan I `II Winn \u:I>`| `n -nv:`n ant` fnvn May 29.--Mrs. Lehman returned home _on Thursday after spending a week with her son in Kitchener. - II. __..I II... AL...._ 'l\......... A! 1171.2`- HUT SUI] Ill l\lLUl..lUllI7I'o Mr. and Mrs. A-bner Troyer of White- vale, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hoover of Cedar Grove, Mr. Grafton and Miss Helen Troyer of Tbronto were week-end visitors at Levi Troyer's.` , Mun an!` in Qfnnin A` 'l`nIu\nI>n nnnnf uiiciyrir :s'nd' Mrs. Steele of Toronto spent over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.`Alex. Pridham. " IIVL- _-l_L....A.!-._ L--- _..._ I......-I-- ..LA.__..l- UUUICUH n The property will be oered for sale `subject to a reserve bid. mmnuq 1no/_ .: 41.... ....-.u..__- _.-___- Dr. Ethel McKinney had enovel exper- ience at an `early hour Monday` morning, when she was called to make an -aeroplane trip to a critical case. She returnedhome a few hours later, having quite enjoyed this up-to-date method of travel. Busin on the G.Tv.R. shows some im,- provement and a number of men have been taken on in anticipation of the sum- mer business. ' The Sons of England will meet only once 9. month during the summer. The monthly meeting is this week,'Friday, at 8` p.m., in the Trainmen`e Hall. $&%$&&%*&**w%$$&*%&$&&&%%* E NEWS `FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS `E % %$$%%&&*w$%**%&$&$***$$$** STAYNER 1 war l"'zC1r.""1{;11;3.3 ..}x"i1ias Fullerton mi Toronto are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferguson. ` A V I I n_._:___, __ Lu- nrnn -I______ .,,,,,. 9,, Mrs. J. B. Clark paid a brief visit to. friends in Toronto this week.- Mr. Harrison of .'l`oronto is visiting` at the home of Mr. and Mrs.`A. H, Ferguson. _ v ,,,,,,E_#_I _l III____4L_ , UUIIH Old: Miss Mildred Webb of Tomato spent fh week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mc- |Conkey, 'l_.'i in St. 1 . I IVI WI, C\,_A_L __,__L A- l",II!._.._,,,_,I A, , '1 i w61'}'xsZ$?'w;E to Collingwood to wit; ness the launching of Gol1ingwood's new- gest boat last Saturday. 11;- 71 ll 'r1__I--_ -1 17_________I__; _',,-A- 'wMrs. H. M. Hooker ef Newmafketepent a few days last week with her parents, Mr.` and `Mrs. Wm. Metcalf. I '"J.I{1}}} }3,.?Eo'uTpTi-L3}.:' 3?sa':{. [with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilmshofef, Vic- Itoria St. - ` ' ; .. lquuuq nu-I ___ -_.--.-.,- ..f....... ...... .uuuvu.nu:o nyyny `STEWART & STEWART, Barrie, Ontario, 7 Mortgagee s Solicitors. Dated at Barrie this 16th day of May, 'A.D., 1922. 20-230 g$%%*$&*&w&&*$&&&$$*$**w*l NEWS mom THE RAILWAY WARD * D+II iv Cdhfli QDT CZ-jiill. II CT`? 'I0X0X0X0X0X0X0I0I0X0X0X0X< `"01 `people from here afternoon (Wednes- baseball game between Vvv has time _.KN.C'F. uuuy U1 uunst unurcn.e1vy, was held at the home of Mrs.` Wesley Brooks last Thursday afternoon. There were fourteen ladies present. A splendid report of the Annual was given by Mrs. T. J. Dew and Mrs. R. H. Jennett read a very interesting letter from Mrs.=T. M. Fletcher,-a former member, who is now living in Florida, Acontrasting church work in the United States and Canada. After the devotional meeting, Dorcas sewing was carried on, including a quilt which has -been donated `by the hostws. Lunch was served and a protable afternoon was spent by all pres~ ent. -. III I\J\IIJ May 30.--Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Groves of Stayner spent Sunday with Miss Bther Groves. . ' Mr. and, Mrs. Albert Middlebrooks and family visited Stayner friends last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Martin and Ted Hurst spent a few days 9.1-/Mrs. Neil Shaw's. Mrs. Herbert Mapes is visiting her mo- ther in Toronto. . Mrs. Gareld Jennett is visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. John Gaines of Ivy,. who is ill. - Lorne Dnvidnnn nnnnt n hm: Amy. :. FD- uuwu may WEEK. A. T. Arnold and Mrs. Cooper McCrac-' ken have commenced building their new houses. . , T Bert Willoughby is improving his house by putting in a cement foundation. _ Rnhnrt Mus. :. ..:..:o:.... 1.:.. -:_.__ -L n CIIIBU V luv 1 A large numberfmm here attended the funeral of the late James Sproulevon Sun- day last.- uuur, Mrs. aonn uames oi 1vy,. who is ill. Lorne Davidson spent a few days in To- ronto last week. A 'I" A.......l'.J __.I It! A -- `- aura auurupr was. ' The above mentioned property is . said to be good clay loam and a good.comfort- able house and barn are said to be situate thereon. VIVL- ..._...._A__ __:n L. _H', I I I uy pumng m cement toundation. Robert Muir is visiting his sister at Or- angeville. A In... ....__L-..'E_.___, 1,, .. . . ,- ,uIp uu J.Ul'Ulll.U wan WEEK. Mrs. W. A. Thompson and Miss Wilma Thompson are attending the Presbyterial in Midland. The May meeting of the -Women s Aux- iliary 'of Christ Church.AIvy, held at the nf MPG! - wnc`nu nnnnjrn l1\\" LJULBIJII HIIU IV. DUUQ -One by -one they are passing to the Great Beyond. Another of our good old pion- eers passed away on Sunday morning in the person of Mrs. John Speers. She had been failing in health for some time but had improved somewhat and her many friends thought she was going to be spared a while longer to them, but the Lord had other plans and took her home to be with Him. As her pastor was away, the ser- vice was conducted in the home by Rev. T. J. Dew and the remains were laid in the Presbyterian cemetery -beside those of her husband, who had predeceased her seven years. Mrs. Speers was a kind and obliging neighbor. Years ago when doc- tors were far away, to many a sick home she went and helped _the busy mother take care of her children. -She was a friend when they were in need. ' She leaves six of a family to mourn" the loss of a good mother: George, Irwin and Miss Mamie of Ivy, John in the West, Hugh of Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. Lyons of Toronto. Nnrmnn ni-irl Av-I-ln w D ..... ....4-I. ...u.......)- r:u5mca,' Uuh, uuu 1V1l'b'. lJy0IlS OI `.l`Ol'0I1U0. Norman and Arthur Ooxworth attend-' ed the funeral of their uncle, J, Brown, in Toronto last week. A ` `In .-.....I `ll-.. 7_._.-- GV- " "` nu Lunuulru Luau WUUK. Mr. and Mrs. James-Speers` of Barrie are visiting friends`here. I Q1-um-rm nf- l`.-.....n4.. .........4. 41... run. __,:.u, cuu vxauaug uwuus nere. J. Sharpe of `Toronto spent the 24th with friends here. `D--. vur-n....-. -...I 1' I'- u uzuua HUIU . Bert McQuay and Lee,Banting made a ,trip to Toronto last week. Mm W A "N-mmna.-an ......l 11:..- um..- uvclcw un Luay r`2. A very large crowd attended the funeral of the late James Sproule of Utopia on Sunday afternoon. The service was con- ducted in the Presbyterian Church by his pastor, Rev. S. Martin of Angus, who `preached a very ne sermon from 1 Sam. 20:18, Tomorrow is the new moon and thou shalt be missed -because thy seat shall be empty. He spoke very highly of the deceased as a friend and neighbor and said he would be missed as he was a man who showed his christianity in acts of kindness. He leaves his wife and two daughters to mourn the loss of a kind hus- band and father. The daughters are Mrs. Pue in the West and Rita at home. The pall-bearers were six of his neighbors, W. A. and A. Miller, E. Smith, H. Ellis, J. Dobson and R. Bell. ' On. 1.... ...... LL--. ....- '_--._'._-A 1- A` f` May 31.--The Ivy Junior baseball team carried off first` money at'the picnic at Everett on May 24. A UAFIY lav-on nrnilu` nu-angui 41-... I .... ....I uxuvucl , ucurgc nuuauu OI IOTOIIEO. Interment wxll take place In the`Union `Cemetery on Friday afternoon, when Rev. S. `M. Beach, her pastor, will have charge of the services. The pall-bearers will be J. S. Brunton, J. W. McCleary, J. D. Wisdom. W. Culross, Arch. Wilkinson and ht... w..m. ` wuuzuu bu u nzcrvu mu. TERMS-10% of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale and the bal- ance to be paid within thirty days theta- nfwr. For further terms and particulars apply 'Q'I`IMl7A`D"lV D. Qmmn1Anm VV IBLIUIII. V John Web1;.. up ucx Iucuuwulp. - : She is Survived by her aged partner in life, who -is now in his 85th year; two of their six children, Mrs. W. I. Hunt of To- ronto, and Herbert of Orillia; also one brother, George Hudson of Toronto. Tnfnl-rnnnf 117:" Oulrn D\`nnn `rs `Ln-YT..:..._ IIIU IILIUIUI 5 A member of the Methodist Church since ;her early days, she was a regular attend- [ ant at the church services and most faith- ful in `the discharge of all her religious du- ties. She was devoted to her home, a kind and "loving wife and mother, and much -beloved and respected in the circle of her friendship. Rho in El-uiurntl kn I-nan aunt` nnutuu... 2.. uuc uuvauuuu age 0! O0 )'8.l'B_. Elizabeth Hudson was` born in Toronto, July 20, 1839. She married Mr. McMillan at Angus in 1861 and they then came to live in Allandale, so were among the oldest surviving residents of this place. Taking up residence in Cumberland St., Mrs, Mc- Millan had spent sixty-one years of her life there. .\ ..........l...... ..t n._ "_g'__.l:_L I'\I_,.,,1, 65 Uumberland b`t.. on Wednesday night, May 31.. `Death; was dine to 8 general- break-up of the system, she having reached the advanced age of 83 years. Wliznhhth Uluann nyua`knu-n in 'l'n.u.n6.. After an illnem of about a month, Mrs.- Duncan McMillan passed away at her home, 68 Cumberland St.. Wednesday night, 31. was Hiin in n nnnin-cl s1x'rH LINE. VESPRA 1;`: am It. .. -1 ll Death of Mn. I5. ` McMillan ,AN.9.5_ ll: UUIIEI HIIUIHLIULIS. Mrs. Walter Black, an old and highly esteemed resident .of Midhurst, pa$ed peacefully away" after much suffering on May 24, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Craig. She had been ill three weeks. Interment took place on Friday, May 26, in` the Midhurst cemetery. "Rev. J. A. Leece conducted the funeral service in the church, being assisted `by the Anglican minister from Craighurst. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. 1XT..lL.._ Dl....l. -1` n_I__L' o__1_ -__L___I: teal CBIJUIIU 1111!? WC IIGVU Illa ' A call will be a pleasure to us and a prot to you. Office. 46 .Bayeld St., Barrie Phone office 861, `Residence 864W P.O. Box 1011 UIIU fllall. Wlllll IIICHUH Ill \lUlU5WU\ llo The many friends of Miss Muriel Sharpe are glad to know she is recovering from her severe illness. . Mrs. Vanderburg is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Webb. . I regret to report that Robert Walker is no better at time of writing. Mv: Rnnfinn A` Thnrnfnn in uiaina `unv- IS IJU 'lJUIrbUl' Ell IJIUIU U1 wuuug. I Mrs. Banting of Thornton is visiting her lniece, Mrs. Scott Sharpe. A1u:n nrnnyfnr A` Tnrnnfn anon} a `nu! la ctuccuucu. w out ucreuveu ones. | Walter Black of Ralph; Sask., arrived here in time for the funeral. His mother has just passed away when he" arrived. 1 _}i_ __ _ t May 29.--Miss Swan of Beeton spent the week-end with Miss Zeta. Sharpe. Mr and Mn: S `Rnu-nnlrla nf `Knnnb WUUIVCUU VVIIIII. HIIX IJCIIG Duutpu. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynolds of Knock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wonch. ' . Il2__ \YE.__ Q_.,,,,I, , ('1 ; J, \'V I bll 11112111] V% 111 JJUUI.-UH n V Chester Preston of Oshawa. visited in this neighborhood for -a few days last week. II on!` Mrn Ton (`.111-|n:nn`-Lawn annul- predeceased her twenty-seven years. She -pathy is felt for the bereaved family. The an: vwxuug wwu u. llllu Luis. dub . LVICUBRII. Word was received there today of the death of Mrs. Robert Thornton, which took place on May 28 at her home in Sovereign, I Sask. Mrs. Thornton was a life-long resi - ent here till ten years ago when she went West with her son George. ,Her husband IS survived by four daughters and four sons: Mrs.` John Lennox of Moonstone. Mrs. A. Wood of Dalston, Mrs. Burt and Mrs. Stewart Miller of Sovereign, Sask., George and Roy of Sovereign, Sask._. John of Yellow Grass. Sask., and Edgar of Cal- gary. Alta. Mrs. Thornton was a member, of the Edgar Congregational Church and` highly respected in the community and a feelin of sadnem prevails among herl old friends in the community at the news of her death. She had been in failing health for the past two years. Much sym- | funeral took place on May 30 at Sovereign. ,May 29.-Mrs. Jos. Lowrey has returned after spending the winter months with friends in London -and Sarnia and has tak- en up her abode at her old home on the fth line. A ll- .. __ .I I1, I11 117 -n v VVUlIUUo Miss Nina Semple was a Saturday visitor with relatives in Beeton. 1"`-.-.-.4..- `)......L.... ..l l\..I.....-.. --!_!L-.l 2.. ALE- IIUAEUUUILIUUU LU]. -ll: IUW uuya IXI-I WUURQ A Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cunningham spent the 24th with` friends in Collngwood. Thu Innis`! `rznv-`An VA` man IIr:Al aka`-no We have a large list of town pro- parties, vacant lots, market gardens. lake shore property, and farms to offer at very attractive prices. Houses from $800 up, easy terms. Vacant lots from $300 up. Market gardens from $2000 up. Farms from $2500 up; any loca- `tion you desire, on very easy terms. We also have a number of lovely summer homes, nice locations. 11'- .....u._._. --.1...; ;..... ........L :. LI..- IIlULI llllcu -Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyce, James Frankcom and -Miss Ruby Hubberl: .spent Sunday with friends in Craigleith. Rm-n in Hm P V unmsml n......:.. uuuua'_y wu/u. ulcuua` ul uruxglexux. I BQrn,_ in the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Handy, a daugh-' ter. Congratulations. : Mm wnlfnvu 'nl....I. ..... .1.) ....,a L:._.LI-. Ullo lo IJIIUIS. The funeral of the late Miss Isaxbellal Reive of Toronto took -place on Tuesday,| on arrival of the morning train from the south, to the Sixth Line Cemetery. Tho Mnfhninf I\iah-Ca} nnaonu `Ira.-s Lnhl avuuu, bu but DIJLDIL uuu: ucmcwry. The Methodist District meeting was held in the church on Friday morning and af- ternoon. II`_...l "l..L.. 2. ..LA.___.!!_.__ _ _ _ _ _ , , , .9, l4I5lllUUlIu Fred Tebo 1s attending a convention in Montreal. ' May 29.--The-;u;iii;; meets at the home of Mrs. H. Stephenson on Thursday. Mrs. Roy Hurst and children of Meaford are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McLean. Inn-A uunn vIAnn:1uu-I Ln-an train. at bl... Innisl S. S. Aseocn. cOnventi'on, Stroud, June 2, afternoon and evening. Addresses by Rev. F. Sommer of Torox_1fo and othem. Um I) 'l` Dn`Avvunv\ 1.. .... "IVA...-...L.-. .... {IBIS Ul IJUIIU LLCHU Will PICHUU. I i1?.?."d7"E:"I'X'11Z,"3Zis7McLeoa, Mrs. Will Chapin and Miss Mary Brown are attending the Barrie Presbyterial W.M.S. convention in Midland. I`... - ('`.....l.. on` "l".._..._A.. -.2..!L_.I L-.. -!_L-v__ I UUIIVCIIDIUII Ill lllllllllo Mrs.` Goode of Toronto visited her sister. I Mrs. T. Jack. ` VIVL- 1` . _ _ . ___l -1 LL- `_L_ II` 7 I II On account of the centennial service at Bradford on June 4, the Presbyterian an-' niversary services` will be held on June 11 at l1_ a..m. and. 7 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Haig of Bon Head will pfeach. Tnrcl Q Q Aannnn n'nvuvnnb:-:-nn Q41-nut` |llHIlIUl.' IIUIHUE, IIIUC lUUVlU.llDa' No matter what you want in th real estate line, we have it. i T A ....n ...:n 1.`- .. ..1.m...~..... +l\ 111: mm!