WIIBTGOD o The property, will. be offered for sale! subject to -a reserve bid. 'l'!i`.l)M.Q_1n0/.. Al the nlirnlhnan mnmw. BUDJBCD 00 -u reserve mu. I 'l'ERMS-10% of the purchase money to be paid a.t'the time of sale and the bal- ance to be paid within thirty days there- after. ' V For further terms` and particulars apply OF VALUABLE `PROPERTY IN THE ` TOWN OF BARRIE ` 30115 IIIOYB 01' I855. The above mentioned property is said to `be good clay loam and a. good comfort- able house and barn are said to be situate thereon. - VFL- ...........-.4-u cm!" In. .;c:.....A `nu utn heroatter. _ . _ I For further particulars and condmons of I_I- ....-`luv in l Thursday", May 25, 1922 MQRTGAGE SALE n-Anlli I-Anll IIDIIDED MORTGAGE SALE We Figure That This Is Good Business STEWART & STEWART, I Barrie," Ontario` ' o * Mortgages 5 Solicitors. -- .'-s o .n 9, -5L-gm. .1-.. -1 1;-___ Everybody we talk . to about it agrees with us that it s good business: `To diagnose battery trouble as care- fully as a doctor diagnoses his cases. ' `To advise and make repairs only when we know repairs will pay. `To'recommend the purchase of "a new battery only-when repairs on the old one would not be a good-investment. `To speak frankly, plainly, and with a thought of the best interests of the battery owner -`whether his is a Wil- 7lard Battery or not. e Representing e Willard Storage Batteries .` `BARRIE BATTERY SERVICE 39 -Elizabeth St._, Barrie Phone 730 [HUI IIXCI'I IIV'cI`UIIIII'IIwlI ITIIR -' '- .MADE IN CANADA l..ll.Bodlington(!o..8IlesA|Ints.'l`oroIto , `L 0. "ion Mk. For Sale in Barrio-by Goo; Monkman, Wm. cros;Ian_d and H. G. Rpbomon. IIIHVI U III CVIISUI II` `Deafneea ia neatly relieved by a` eimple treatment with Leonard Earoll. Special -instruction: by a noted Ear Specialiet for dlerent kinda of Deaf- neee and Head Noiaea contained in each Package. Leonatd Ear Oil in not an experiment. but has had a aueeeuful V eale since 1907. "You cannot allow! to. be deaf." TRY THIS OIL. It hae heiped thouaanda of people. Why not yon? Deeeriptiveeireulaeupon request. IIAE. III BAIIARA A now no THIS! RELIEVES DEAFNES8 and STOPS HEAD N OISES "Rub it in Back of the Earn (Neva:-_ Put in Ears) ` Insert in Nostrils l|--A_-_.. _ ____4__ _-,-__.l 1, -. .AR.<.5'IL. IVII\ G `X nu- uwu -u-: OF VALUABLE FARM` PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO Q - . UNDER AND BY VIRTUE -`OF THE POWERS contained in a. oertain mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be oered for sale byvpublic auction on Saturday, June 10, 1922, at the hour of 12 o clock noon at the Barrie Inn, in the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, by W. A. MoConkey, Auction- eer, the `following property, namely: ,,2_-;___ 11n\ L. 4.1.. -.........l j I_,a_9_nu_I_o_ -one-half time for Sunday work will be con- ` tinned, as it will also be for holidays, e:_<- cept that employees necessary to the _oper- `ation of power houses, millwright gangs, heat-treating plants and pipeline mainten- ance gangs, in so far as holidays are con- -cerned, will be paid `punitive overtime for ` New Year's Day, Labor.Day .and Christmas Day only. Employees-necessary to the 052-] erarion of train yards, running, repafiriand inspection` forces will be awigned one reg- ularday off duty in seven, Sunday if poss- ible, and if required to work on such reg- ularly `assigned seventh day of duty will receive punitive overtime at the rate of time and one-half time, although in cases in which such assigned day of duty is not Sunday, work on Sunday will oe paid for at straight` time rate. Those employees engaged in running wo_rk will also be paid time and one-half for work on New Year s Day, Labor Day and Christmas Day. Many _ work. ltnas been agreed mat nun wunn in main shops the payment of tune and I other details and technical matters affecting working conditions, have been negotiated; and disposed of. ` B. of R. T. `Great Organization `. -`The _monste_r trienn_ial'__.nancial report of the Brotherhood Railway Trainmen, pre- sented at the convention `in" Toro'nto..'last week, showed receipts for the three years amounted to a total 'of823,269.365,,while', dkbursements` amounted to $15,600,650. Frmds`% on` hand on May. amounted to 37,- . 940,374. During="the' above period 6,835 death and disability claims amounting to. $10,233,845 were paid. Since its formation,. the Brotherhood has paid 40,530 claims am- ., ounting to $52,908,906. Through its bene-_ ciary-board` the Brotherhood aha pays 9 abled members not coming in the category or ordinary disability `claims but incapac-` itated from remaining.at work. The treas- urer reported that 89,760,200 had been paid out in th'm connection since A'ugust,p the Brotherhood enlisted in Canada and the United States. Because of war service there were 344 death claims and 39 dis- ability claims -paid by members on Amer- ican railroads amounting to $588,250, Can- . adian members paid $237,350 on 162 death 0 claims and 31 disability claims. The sum of $246,448,600 was the total amount of I insurance in. force in both countries. The `I895. During the war 16,000 members of ~ I I treasurer's report was approved by the V convention. nunrvu -uuu u w vvu .....- ,The representatives of the Railway As- socia-tiori' of Canada and of their employees `in the `mechanical trades, who -have been in negotiation in Montreal for the past~ month on a revisionof rules afEe,cting- work- ing conditions,` have agreed upbn the al details of a mutually satisfactory arrange-' ment which concerns between 30,000 and 35,000 men. The most important changes . discussed have been with respect to punitive overtime payments for Sunday and holiday _work._ Ithas been agreed that for work W-.- -L-.... .1... ......m.m+ nf time and A WELL-KuowN.sTAvi?a J.P.f 1 BECOMES" RESIDENT or BARRIE. 4 Collingwood Messenger) W. J. Craven, who -has gained for him- self considerable fame as a vigorous and efficient Justice of the Peace at Stayner, has just left town to make his residence in Barrie,_ this being necessitated through his having been created manager for Bar- rie, Stayner and Angus of the businem of Messrs. Libby, McNeil `& Libby, Limited, the great pickle and preserve manufactur-. ers. Up to a few years ago, Mr. Craven `conducted a very successful implement and` .were to be served, no `matter how inu- -the country came before` him in first re-; ` cairn. It is doubtful if the average Justice general agency business in Stayner, in? which he_ amassed a considerable compet- ency. Mr. Craven shone particularly as a fearless and just magistrate, never refusing to take such cases where the ends of justice ential the people involved. In_ this way quite a number of cases famous throughout I view. He was also instrumental in clearing ' up and dispersing a" bad gang operating in the country between New Lowell and Glen- of the Peace throughout the province had been as intelligent and active gm Mr. Craven if there would have been any necessity forl the important changes which have been, made recently in the system regarding mag- istrates throughout the province. Mr. ;Gra- ven also was active in almost every de- parrtment of public and semi-public life ini the town for the past fteen years, and he l had succeeded in making himself such al generally. useful~citizen that Stayner. will! undoubtedly sustain a loss in his leaving! which cannot be readily replaced. Craven owed his appointment as magistrate 3 to the `late Conservative Government, he having been a most painstaking and faith-s ful adherent to the `party for many years, l never deserting the ship .in prosperity ori adversity. Mr. Craven has purchased a" beautiful home in Bradford street, Barrie,} where he will be pleased to see any of his ' many friends who will find time to call on &m%m$&&&m&&&&m a&%$&&m&&&&$$ GEORGE CYR HANGED . _ (Bracebridge Gazette) George Cyr-has paid with his life the penalty for his crime. He was convicted! at the Assizes here on `Feb. '17 of the mur- der, on Dec. 13, of George Wethers, 8.` Chaey 'I`p. resident. He was also waiting! trial for the murder on -the same day of a Polish ilady, Lena Soleve, but after .the conviction for the Wethers murder the case for the Solave murder was not pressed.` He ;was also awaiting trial for shooting and wounding Andrew Solave, husband of the dead woman, as the same time, but it was unnecemary to proceed with this charge also. The tragedy occurred near Ravens- clie in Chaey Tp. At the time of the crime, Cyr was livingwith his parents on a. farm about 2 miles -away from the Sol- ave farm, where the shooting occurred.- V`?-`OH nnn `Ga nAnIr:A:An ufnrlifllf ave Iarm, wnere one auouung uwunr:u.- Until after his conviction, Cyr storutly denied all knowledge of the crime and claimed to have a. good overseas military record. After he had been sentenced to `hang, however, Cyr confessed to the crime. According to his confwsion, he `went to the Solave home without any intention of committing violence and shot the woman `dead on the spur of the moment when he was surprised in committing theft. He then_,_shot Wethens dead and the lady's husband. when they came in and found him before he could make a. clear f`get-awa.y."_ Wethers and Andrew Solave -had been work- ingin the bush nearby` and Cyr had been talking to them a short time before the - murder of the lady. Andrew Solave's life -contained in` a certain mortgage which will UNDER and B71F'Lr_E1 of the powers be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by public. uucti'on'.'o QlTII3Rl\l II'L\l QC` IAQIQ. ~ . QALLANDALE Rai!waym_on s Overtime -: .1... D..:l ~THE BARRI*I_iAEXAMINER ' 7 On Tuesday, "May 9, after-an illness at` :1 three weeks, Dona.ld.Woodrow passed away ' at'_0rillia. General: Hospita1,j,following, an :!operation for a endicitis.'7\De'ce_ase,d was W-born in Oro f -eight years ..ago and `had '. `ried twenty-six years ago to I_;I1e'n Reid, spent most of his life there. He was ma.r- [daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -James Reid of - _ `Jarrett; He is survived -by his wife, four _' sonsand four daughters: James, Alexander, ., Duncan and.I-Ierbert, Misses Josie, Isabel _- and Mary, at _home; and Miss Christina of _ Orillia; also three sisters and three broth- ers: Mrs. Archie Campbell of -Hawkestone, Mrs. H. Morrison of Mitchell Square, Mrs. 3; A. McNabb'of Jarrstt, James of Oro, Dun- 1 can of Torontosnd Archie of Hirsch, Sask. l\..2Il.. "l`J.......-. was saved by a button. which deflected la bullet which struck him in the chest, but" he received a. wound in the arm. Cyr also admitted that his military record consisted` of being conscripted Hamilton and being sent to !-`rance, where `he acted as a. groom and was never nearer than about twelve miles to `any ghting. ELI UI LUIUIIIIU I -ormaa Times; ins` LATE"; oounurwooonow Ivan. at VOI. VII 'sIr'Ui6Xi.7aXV'ii"}'sEZ7.,: s at the hour o 12 o'clock noon, at the Bar: ' rie Inn, in` the Town of Barrie in.the-Coun- ty of Simcoe, by A.:`M_cGonkey,< Auc- tioneer, the. 0 wing property, namely ;_. Lots Number One, Two, Three and Four on the east side of Lount Streettormerly Charles Street according to registered plan` No. 13; Lots Nine and Ten on the south. side of Grove Street formerly John Street according to registered plan No. 218; Lots Eleven and Twelve on` the north side of East Street according to `registered plan No. 218; Lot One on the south side of Grove Street formerly John Street and North side of East Street, according` to registered plan No. 13; Lots Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty~one and Twenty- two on the west side of Glapperton Street according to -registered plan No. 3l;`Lots Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, `Twenty, Twenty-one. Twenty-two, Twenty- three, Twen,ty=fou1:, Twenty-five and Twen- ty-six on the east side of Clappertonstreet according to registered plan No. 31, as amended -by the registered plan No- 148; Lots Seventeen, Eighteen and Nineteen,on the West side of Owen Street according to registered plan No. 31, all in said Town of Barrie and Lots One, Two, Three and `Four andthe West half of Lot Five all on the south side of East Streetacdording to registered plan No. 13 also in the said Town of Barrie, said lands being commonly known as McCarthy's Grove." Forlyour daintiest blouses. the pretty things you do not wish to trust to a washing _' `with ordinary soap, us; Lux. The thin, iwhite. silliy Lux akes. specially manufactured by our own exclusive process instantly dissolve into a bubbling lather as harmless to fine fabrics as pure water itself. Luz is unrituaalledl for washirig ne articles and is sold only in sealed packages-du.st-proof ! LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED ForYour Dainty Silk Blpuses If I silk can be washed in clear water alone, it itsafein delicate Luz sudu. H LUX com: T | Q E$ FABRIC Toronto ` The agave menlsrit-)1`:-'etl mas. ere beautiful- I ly and centrally located in the Town of Bar- V tie and would make an excellent property ' for subdivision purposes. ___--... .....4 ,1 L`__ _.....I....... ........u ;arr[e ' RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS nta[ Scholarship Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music,- Art,= Conversational French emphasized. Outdoor games and sports. `If 1.1, ,,,, ,,,,I ,,_,, -,,. 1-- -. u -_-r._._.. Health record_ excellent; [HmWMIIIIIIIIIIH ` , WllllillmI"'u| venben G1oI__.IeggA For Prospectus apply to Prinqipals -the secret of FRY S World widejsuccess has be e 11 its delicious avor IUI Uuuruavuuvu y`~-rv-"'-W I MS:--10 f th purchase money to'1ZbIER[`)aid at tile: t?me 0? sale and the bal- ance to be paid within thirty (30) days thereafter. 13.... t...+l-um nnrthmlnrs and condmons Of: Centrally situated, close to shops and theatres. Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven- ience. Finest cuisine. Cosy tea room open . till midnight. Single room, with bath, $2.60: double room, with bath, $4.00. Breakfast, | 50c. to 75; Luncheon, 65c. Dinner, $1.00. 0 [)7 Free ttxi service from trains and boots. Take 1 - Black and White Taxis only. Write for booklet ' _ I The I-'lt;t;I :)f'it_s find in Cana`da 240 uuwls s1'm::1' - - TORBNTO, out.` 4- -~--* - -jjrjd IefmitI$fe1ote11 TDD ONTO uwlumuw UH VVVVV vvv ?P0B`IIT9 Since 1728 Page Seven Limited numbers. DUI` Iuxuuuz 3` ' Sale, apply to .._._.-` DATED at?Ban'ie, t h`ila. A. D. 1922. ` 19-220 GUI , uuu ovuv vv oua .4. vrvo v; , onvvcuovug . I `Lot number nineteen (19) in the second concession of the Township of Oro, in the` County of Simcoe, containing one hundred l acres more or less. um. ..I........ ........4.:....-....I ..............+.. :. an}.-ll