u NO {COST 215 Dunlo1$ Street, Brrie (OLD BREWERY) >1-low` often have you returned l'io`m`e an Saturday night, nfter having spent $5ot'~$10I without any paxttcular pleasure 0:9 prot? -' Wouldn't it have been. better '"for' yon: future if--instea.d of spending the moneyzyeln had deposited it to the credit of youreamngn account? _ Think it over! Open a. airings nccount next. pay-day at our nearest branch, and one all- your spare dollars. nan. THE BARRIEI-3 (ms co. E BUY A GAS STOVE ON EASY TERM$, Be comfortable. Don t roast over a coal or wood stove. in the -hot weather. Ofce and Showroof/1:112 Wells Block, Owen St. Telephone No. 78 p -- COM! 0! our Booklet "0710 Dollar WkIy"fru on uquest. sncnou 2 ' P 431"-5 9[T9'%%1` -K A. Leslie, Managir H. J. Thompson, Musagcr - T. McMillan, Manager V french jcmcuLA'r1oN .` THIS WEEK A 111-1-'AY PRODUCTION . The MOST coaceous PICTURE EVER MADE COME AND SEE F OR YOURSELF WEDNESDAY-TIIIIIISIIAY -nA.- _- -_. A PERT POT-POURRI OF-PEP AND ROMANCE - i TORNADO OF GIGGLES suowme rnlnnf-smnnnv AT REGULAR moss 15-25 2'M;A.T|EE-2 .2.-.%|6!| .T8-.2 "MOIIY o-~ EXCELS ALL .PREVlOUS SUCCESSES IT BUBBLES WITHCOMEDY 1 % IT S FRAUGHT. WITH PATHOS 2 % 11` ABOUNDS TWITH THRILLS ! will be` ed with icolette Waists. es,- em- red and mings, Henna, Poppy- $3.98 YOU HAVEN T sx-:E%N, A PICTURE 1:0 EQUAL * _MAcK SENNAE-'I"I"S FOR MONTHS IN A CYCLONE OFLAUGHTIZR AND LOVE "Pardon MyFrench" :_Peac0ck Alley MABEL NORMAND IT WILL ornvo unLT|iEA%iif% muun rnIcEs15-25 "15iIy`;E74".T5" Saturday at 2.15 lT S coon 1-`on WHAT Axis {mu 2 "" ""rm'z;25 SPECIAL MATINEE MAY 24 AT" 2.15 king his tories in e to pur- Hats at e reduc- MAE MURRAY ROBERT z. LEONARD presents VIVIAN MARTIN MONDAY-TUESDAY IN. IT i-`}id-al's3tT:rda at 7.15 and 9.15 _ u. 11.. uuuxuuvu, uu.u.A.,. WTJlC$ 1119 I5}!- -aminer that the bill controlling motor bus traic on the provincial highways does not apply to buses operating on `connecting links in the Highway System. As the route of the Bradford St. buses is wholly on a connecting link, the province has no auth- ority to regulate them under this bill. ew Hat We wish to announce to the theatre- going public of Barrie and vicinity that owing to present conditions we intend running all our super productions at reg- ular prices. In doing this, only increased` patronage can save us from operating at a loss. Such pictures as Molly-O (showing Friday and Saturday) and "Peacock Alley (showing Wednesday and Thursday next week) have played elsewhere at advanced" prices. You will see them here at 15-25c. There will be no `cut in the usual good music, comfort and courtesy you have al- ways received at New Dreamland. `Monday afternoon about 830 damage was done to the roof of Geo. Leslie"s house in Essa St.. just outside the town limits. vnefnrrlouv nI`1\nI\.r\1-xv: .-. ...`....l. -t_.._. 41.. 1:11: umzn.-. wuu we cueuucm apparatus. I noun or... Just Uuwxue one l:0Wn umms. Yesterday afternoon a spark from the ue set re to the shingles of a-house, oc- cupied by a `man named Nicely at 77 San- ford St. Very little damage was done. w I THREE SMALL FIRES ' Three small fires required the attention: of the brigade during the past week. On Saturday afternoon there were two calls: to a bush re between Wellington St. and Shirley Ave.- Going innby Wellington St. on the first call. the truck became mired i_n a swamp road and hadto be pulled out by a team. Called again later, the remen went in by Shirley Ave. and extinguished the blaze with the chemical a.ppa1-'atus. I 'Mnnd9v nfrnrnnnn atlxnilf, S2 Ramona unu- unspvc. 1:. Luurreu, U. M-arun, It. l`(.lCha-I`d- son. C. Wood. J. Bertram, R. Furlong, J; Bell, H. Wardinan and W. Whelan. Cleared -About $1000 After paying all expenses it is said the net proceeds are in the neighborhood of $1000. Of this half goes to the Children s Aid Society and half to the outside man- agerwho put on the show; RB IUIIUWG Q"` Mrs. C. C. Bothwell, Misses Edith Smith, Margery Laidman. Alice Creswicke. Lillian McGowa.n.`Clara Curtis, Mary Daley. May Walker,` Velma Wiseman. Viola Mumhy. Thelma Young, Edna Cooper, Isobel Walk- er and Amy Reid. ` 'Mnam Ii` n:II:......I.... `D n7-L-A-_ 11 cf lalsrtgrsrtuly`. nlgiingsley, E. Webster. V. Marr, J . Cooper, H. McCu1lough.~ W._ G. Reeve. F. -Morten, G. Martin, R. Richard- `D T` ann f`. Wand I D....4....... .__.I-__ ._ I As" a nale all the choruses were sung} by the whole caste and other adult singers. ; the production thus nishing with a} ne! swing. ` . Tho sin.-n--.~ ......... ......:..;-.l 1.-- II` vr amu miss Luufgefy Laianlan, as Lotta, the maid. ` The one disappointment in the caste was the Red Girl. This part called for a re! presentation of a petite, dainty, Frenchi modiste. but outside the costume therel was nothing to indicate the character sun- posed to be represented. This very con-I siderably marred the last act; Some Specialties i A very effective curiai-n-raiser was 3}; children's chorus. For the.Glory of the; Grand Old Flag." The rising curtain dis- ;` closed the stage banked with tiers of kid-'1 dies.Amostly in white, all holding ags} with which they kept time to the musicqi` Mm_ 1? Rrnmnlan Inns 4-}... owl--It V--`~3-L` auu ,;.uu 1uuzurpson. 1 ` ! . A duet, The Cynical Owl, by Miss} Marguerite Gray and Geo. F ricker. zmeisted by the -adult chorus, won merited vapplaiusef Ching Chong. sung by Mrs. H. McCul- lough and `Geo. Folster. assisted by threel score youths and maidens in Oriental garb,, was effectively done and proved very pop- ular. Another specialty that won marked favor was Poppy Land sung by Mrs.l C. R. Brownlee and the adult chorus. andi wherein some pretty effects were introduc-1 ed ' ' V ` `ent of Bleach _INENS w'lIl`-ife. singers Wer assisted by Miss -P-ailing, pianist, and -a large orchestra: 4 The Adult Chorus The members of the adult chorus were 7 as follows :- V ` II'__ (`I n *n,.1, oi Inc ..... .. .- VVIIIAI. mum uucy xepc ume to me muswu: Mrs. C. R. Brownlee was the adult soloist. and the iuvenile solo singers were Mona_ Dreyer. AudreyvFoster, Yvonne DeGeeH and Bill Thompson. - I A rlmat 'I`lm l`,.....:....I n..11v 1.-- nt, i .. mpcu. vvun a ume ouncn ot whiskers on his chin and o`her funny features in his makeup. Harry Shannon took his part well and won a triple encore with his song,, -My Old Home _Town. Glen Slessor, the Doakie. was quite equal to all the de- mands -made upon him. He and` Miss` Effie Dobson sang in good style a prettyl duet, Just For Love." Harry Barron in a minor part as the Ethiopian Rastus had to his credit one of the higgest mus- ical successes of the production in My M-ammy," an octette taking the chorus. Mrs. Albert Lennox as Mrs. Goodwin; had a rather difficult time trying to keep track of her gay old husband a.nd'..her `equally gay son-in~law, not to mention three daughters and would-be sons-in-law. Her dramatic work was decidedly good, while her solo, The Home Nest, was delightfully sung. Her daughters. Misses Guida Burton. Helen Palling and Eie Dobson, took their parts cleverly, as did also Miss Margery Laidman, Lotta, the maid. Euvcu uy MIC uuscumlng. As Harry Davis,` `Dr- Randall Richard- `son scored a decided success, playing the role with ease and assurance. A. C. Bricker, as the deceiving husband and gay old bird generally. kept the audience laughing in his endeavors to extricate himself from various tight places in which the found himself. His lodge signs were the work of an expert. With a little bunch of whiskers on hl chin -and n`-`Han Fnnnu &`....4......`.. 2.. LL V DOESN'T APPLY HERE G. H. Murdoch, M.L.A.,. writes The Ex- minpr that fhn hm ..m.+....n:.... .......... 2...- coon SHOWWPUT on T BY LOCAL AMATEURS vuu_uucuv LU Large aumences. "As to the `production itself, what little plot it has is practically the same as in the comedy Are You a Mason? 7 Through it are introduced several musical numbers of the populgr variety. The choruses, while {not at all difficult, are of the tune-l ful kind andvt-he singers rendered them most acceptably. Added attraction was given by the costuming. As Harrv nnvi: - hr D.m.l..11 'n:..1...._,: rxuuusuu-t~eu ' [ms weeK_ wnen "Ine Girl in Red" was put on at the opera house for `three nights. The local amateurs did themselves proud and gave pleasing enter- tainment` to large audiences. "As {an 6}. .m- mlm.4-:m. :.....1: --.L-A nun "I`hat.there is an a-b'unc.iance of musical` and dramatic talent in Barrie was again demonstrated this week when "The Girl in PAH" ulna nu+ An n6 Ll... .\....._.. 1.-..-- BARRIE, _CANAD.1.L THURSDAY, MAYl_8, 1922. 18: 7 BARRIE sATU1BAi?-f MORNING l '5 PAGES AEROUNCEMENT -wm+ WHICH 1s AMALGAMATED- In Trinity Church next Sunday morn- ing, May 21. will take place the formal unve?ling and dedication of the tablet er- ected to the memory of members of the congregation who fell in the Great War. auu ucwucu u-pun several improvements.l One of these is the installation of lights in Queezfs and St. Vincent s parks. Four` I I500-watt lamps will be placed in'St. Vin- cent s and the same number -in Queen s. One of the latter will be north of the Ar- mouries where a portion of the park is being designated as a camping place for touring` motorists. Notice of this camping ground will be printed and `put up in garages in Barrie and other towns along the Highway. 7nrk nn thp nnrlm ie rlh,-Mud inn. hm. uauu: auu mucr wwus mung Ine nxgnway. Work on the parks is dividedinto two sections this year. Wm. Russell is in charge of the east section, while W. G. Cadby is looking after rthei west. ~ Lu L-ual. us-spout. When the nurses move to their new quarters it will release or hospital pur~ poses nine rooms and make possible some rearrangements in the hospital that for some "time have been felrb to be very ne- 7 cessary. ' was nuxuunzeu LU complete we transaction. l The house will answer admirably the pur-_ pose for which it is intended, providing ac- commodation for about seventeen nurses. Being situated within a few doors of the hospital, it will also be very convenient in that respect. man 411:: nllvtnnn .... .. L. LL-:__ __-___ LIGHTS ron THE--P:ARKS' On Tuesday the Parks Commission made their annual spring inspection of the parks and decided u-pon several improvements. One nf those is than in.eaIl..+;n.. AN` 12.4.4-.. to $8.50 to $2.98 Dr. Bruce s property in Ross St., for- merly'owned by the late G. B. Simmons. will be purchased by the Royal Victoria Hospital Board to provide accommodation `for the nursing staff until such time as the contemplated nurses home may be built on the lot west of the hosp_ital. \ 'Fhi_c rim-ieinn mac an-in-no! nf IInov|:1~\n11a ' DR. uu xuc IUD wast. U1 tut`: UCJSQIDHI. ' `I, This decision was arrived at unanimous- ly'by the Board at a special meeting held last night. and the Property Committee was authorized to c'om'pler.e the transaction. Thu hnnab ull ohmivnr nI'rv\;IInlr\`uv 51... ...... THE FISHER FLOUR MILLS, LIMITED Western Re-Cleaned Oats, - -`-l)u|. 65 No. 1 Old Yellow Corn, bus. 80c Poultry Muh--None Better-- " --cwt. $2.25 Baby Chick Food, 10 lbs. 25 One day a very delicate lover walking in the garden with his sweetheart asked in a very gen.- tle way what was her favorite kind of ower. Why, John, said she, GOLD MEDAL for Bread and WHITE FLAKE for Pastry! GOLD MEDAL . cwt. $4.30 `WHITE FLAKE Pastry ` --cwt. $3.90 . ; g.-----_: _.; 4 __._ ASKYOUR Glidii 0. R. RUSK, 0ph.D. nu:-4---.----__ -----v_ v-- vs 1- ; often transform him from a backward, into an eager stud- ent. For we are very careful in the selection of boys and girls glasses. `We aim to make their reading and studieseasy. [No scholar can `study with a headache or if his eyes ache or burn. If your youngster doesn t show the in- terest he should in his studies, probably he `needs glasses. Come and get them. 99 Dunlop St. W H Phone Barrie 143 Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College, Toronto arto The Grand Excursion to or phone our Retail Department BRUCE S HOUSE FOR us;-: or NURSES Glasses on a Boy -nun A...-.-......._. L... .l.`...... BARRIE; ONT. OPTOMETVRIS1: JOIN I use the Branston Violet Ray High Frequency Generator 1 exclusively . T Do not fail to get a demonstration and learn how to Keep Healthy Satur_day, May 2 O numbers. From 9:141}. to 10 p.m. ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS GIVEN FOR SORE ' EYES, SQUINT, CATARACTS, ETC. NIGHTS 01- EACH WEEK SILLS ORCHESTRA JITNEY SERVl$ Good Roads - Good Music - Good Time MINE'l"S POINT PARK DANCING WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Q 3`: 52 won _ BANK OF CANADA -.--V -a-cu-wan uuu I Thornton Branch Cookstown Branch Barrie Branh and Safety Deposit Boxes 'l'L-__..__ D_-._ _L THE smconz HOTEL, BARRIE Remember, I visit Barrie once a month P.0. Box No. 548 for Orders. EXGELSIOR BRICK AND BLOCK PLANT BUT