[1922 A 23-34 Special Roadster 23-35 Special Touring 22-36 Coupe ................. .3 22-37 Sedan .................. .. All Prices F.O.B. Oshawa. Oat. Sales Tax Extra Master FOL rs` College and Norman, Ethel and View: & _ home. They have the sympathy of than` community in this Eheir `irreparable loss. ...$I340.00 ..$1375.GJ ..$1395.C`0 ...S1995.ZIO 39 Elizabeth St. Phone 730. Page Fiv lIl\.4L a. sauna Nine-tenths of the ills that dog the pathway of suffering women come! from diseased kidneys. Ask your; neighbors if Dodd s Kidney Pills do not make strong,healthy kidneys. ' ' Also slnce childhood Mrs. Hamill, has been a sufferer from constipatiomf She found relief from that in Dia-g mond Dinner Pills. I ....... ..l .I speak on behalf of my wife,! Mr`. Hamill says, when asked the teas-1 on why. She has been ailing forf years. I had doctors attending her; but she didn't seem to get any better. gn , At last I found 16;lcZiZ sv Pills and my wife found relief. She{ kept taking them from time to time.i Now she doesn t need the doctor. When He Fouhd Them His wife} Found ~Relief. That's why hel Tells Sufferers to use Dodd s Kidney Pills. ` Marietown. Sask., May 15th (Spec-I ia1)--Mr. John Hamill, a well known 9 and highly respected resident here,j -In 1: Gun. 'ln..'l.'.uuu. J... `l\...l,JL.. 1'!:.l........ Ion Pms. WHY JOHN HAl;LL PRAISES` oomrs KIDNEY PILLS. Now sma ;DOESN T i NEED THE DOCTOR, `HUI: UUUIUC LUIS Wlllllern: . , -If you want a bargain in ht furniture, attend A. `E. Spring'a Saturday of this week at his hou off Stone St. Alnice Hereford call going to be sold. . Sale commences o clock with Ed. Bell, Auctioneer. uuama. uwvuu: uuu nurr uuulg H18 WOYK. Rev. J. A; Leece, B.A.. B.-D_., of. Min- eaing will preach in "the Methodist Church here on Sunday, `Rev. R. E. Morton tak- ing the work at Minesing. 7 Q rphn-n anmn ll` fnnfknn knb-nun.-. ing-'-~if u think on are uclu Au uuluwulrcl` bum WE'VE. Mr. 'a.nd Mrs. E. G. Miller, Miss Burdhell and Mr. and Mrs. F. C.'Bisho'p--spent .Lthe week-end -at Markham:-and Richmond Hill. a A nnvnnnf uynrlr `An A D Q-(-inn - ...-..-!. Ivucn-cuu -nu Luunsuumt-nun Iucnmonq ruu. The cement work for. A. E. Spnngs new house on Yonge St. has been oom-pleted_, . Messrs. Ritchie -and Kerr doing the work. Rev, J A: `Anna R A R-1'1 at u:.. I/III: VIVIE GU IIIILIXIIIEI ..,, The return game of football between Wyev-ale and Elmvale was played at the Agricultural Park on` Saturday `night and resulted in a. tie, the score being 3-3; Both teams worked hard and fast but could not decide `the winner._ ' __`l' Irnn .......s .. 1....`......:.. :.. L'..._-L-u| pa uwxgc nuwu, '3 uuugnwr. ..ui`lr:"ax1.d Mrs. S.` G. N apierof '1`otte_nham_ `spent , Sunday.-with the latter : pgrentag MI`. and A0 Rev. E. Moitdn -Is""tl:iex`1c'Iii"n':`z:.` 'l:';a` mt. anulkmrg. A, ;U., p,ln9p_.: M _ A Moion -is""tt'endin'g` fthp District `meeting of "the Mebh'6dist- Church; held in Goldwater this week. It- '.....I M... D n 11:11-- u:_- I\___-.1_,n |Tiger Tires Lead Them Alll to CV12 `J. in -`2 N7-El'a-|)-|'):rton St., Barrie,` Ohtario Miss .Dor6thy _B1_1 of .Gi_`lfcV>i-d is visiting with her sister, Mrs; R.` P. Burton, A . Rn!-n An Mnnnti. ~"qu IE .I00 64; Il- W151] 11! BIBEBT, N75. 5.` 1'. nurron. Born, on Monday -,`May 15,1922, Mr._| and Mn. George Howe;"=`a daughter. Mr, and Mr: R C`. Nnninr nf 'l`nI-hunk.-n Fabric Guarantee, 8,000 miles Cord Guarantee, l0,000,mileI Ies which nd vicin- may be 0013. In one, and .29KE'37V%3*{'13'4si>51`*iii5: wI`&I B `&ICi T SUD? -l2%c and 29. Tillson s Rolled Oats 35 Flaked Wheat, 3 for 25 Com Meal . 7 lbs. 25 Thn representative `of The`-ExaminerVi1;_Ein1w;ale:aVFt3nk C. Bishnp. News I items for Elmvale and adjacent country may be given to Mr. Bishop and will be forvarded to this. ed`thx-ough him, paper. Phone .0: . write ,_h'un,n Subocriptiona n1ay_,he.fo_I;_vvg;d; _ ".. nnnguna Luoyvvvcu Lcalucuu AICIU, I rm believer in Dodd s Kidney Thursday, May 48, 1922 PURE INFANTS , J TIGER. MAPLE DELIGHT SALMON4 sucmz SOAP 1/2-1b.tin19c 10c y 3 BARS 25 % T 1.15. tin 30c Highest Price; Paidrfqr Butter_a1id Eggs ms% Etmm r. bzirgain household 1 Spring a sale-on s house, just nice calf is also . at two Dull A....L2......-_ n 2.0:: foo y of our emble- iuxcuupu lzllCl{' _U1|}I:cl`s 1Ul.' `lent; year... , xi Commcncmg on Sunday. the umon ser- .;vice will be held in the Presbyterian `iChurch uxfder the pastorate of Rev. Mr.' '|Elliott of the Hillsdale Methodist church.` -This is just one more cog added to the, l,great machinery which will e_vntually' ,'ibring these two large bodies of christian] Jchurches more closely together all over i the Dominion. v-----v-- v - v - v - - -- '````J _ _ _, ~v `! Rev. R. E. Morton, representing the! `EMethodist Church, and Rev. J. -D. Byrued I I of Barrie,- representing the _Presbyteri an; r Church. were in Vasey on Monday `of this . week effecting a church union ofthe Pres- ,bytei'ians ' and Methodists of that place. ;l'Separate meetings were held rstunder the? . 4, leadership" `of each representative and inlet-'; '_* tors` of union were talked over. Then the] ' Icongregatisons held a joint -meeting and " -ielected their officers for the year.._ pl f`J\vnnnn-.-xuinrr nu Q!II\AuIv NRA nun... ...... l Flo: Council . 3 Flos Council met at Elmvale on May 13; lThe following accounts were passed- for 'payment:-- Isaac Miller, sheep killed by ldogs. 312; Duncan McAuley. sheep" kill'edj~ | by dogs, 312; F. Downey. lumber supplied , to Mrs. Hall, indigent, $10.25; Lorne Draf i I per, sheep killed by dogs, 36; John Thump-l V |n. 1), sheep killed by dogs, $24; 0. S. Bur- '1 I so ton, -to pay Councillors, meeting May [13, :1 son I . I van. ) On motion of Mr. Drysdale, seconded by` Mr. Pearson, By-Law No. 889 to provide! for expenditure -on roads in the township? `of Fvlos during the year 1922 was given three readings and pased. . nu rnnnn A` My: Qnnfi aannnnln.-I L. M. vuusc lUlIulll5 uuu puabcu. ' On motion of Mr. -Scott, seconded by Mr.` i Drysdale, By-Law No. 890 to appoint! I David`Andrew road overseer for the town- I ship of Flos was introduced and passed. n rnnnn nf Mr gnnff cnnnnn-lot` I-my M : 1 :muy ux run was uuruuuueu anu passeu. I On motion of Mr. Scott, seconded -by Mr. . :Mz1rtin, the engineer s award under-the! Municipal Drainage Act fordraining Tiny Marsh was laid over for consideration. | l``m.....:I'..,l;............l ;. ....-..:. _; nL_I_.,L_,_ ; xucuau waa uuu UVCI lUl` ()UuBl(18l'!iBlO. Council" adjourned to meet at Phelpston on June 10 at 10 am. A " _......_.- ._.....- -_.-- ,. The Elmvale TennisiClub, held their an- nual meeting recently and elected their of-: cers for the ensuing year as follows:--il Pres"-W. 'Bunt; Vice-Pres.. E. G. Miller; ` Secy.-Trees" A. G. Beardsall; Tournament ` Committee, Misses Maude T-r-ain, Lilian Mc- [4 Auley, Mrs. E. G. Miller and Mrs.-F. C." Bishop. Great interest is being taken in; ' the game this year and many new members -have joined the club. A tournament -has] i been arranged among the members. playing for which commences each evening at 6.30 , ` o clock. Dr. W. L. Tyrer hashad an ex-`I cellent clay court built on his lot and it. _' lis expected with the twocourts in full V lswing that Elmvale `will have some fast; 1 Etennis players before the season closes. I 1 V . To Have Ball Tum `=55 : ' -`I4 _' The lovers of baseball will be" glad to know that Elmvale will have` a` ball'<.team:'{ this suminerand with some practice will`._~_ be able to compete against teams g_from`;5,L;`: outside towns. Local players journeyed up?` to Saurin and played a game,on Monday,` night ofthis week. The Saurin boys won-{ the game by the score of 9 to 8. Elmval,_e_-i` ' was ahead until the last innings, when it`. grew dark, and after the Elmvale team `had their opponents two out the Saurinites,.`_ scored-three runs. .A return gamewill be { i played in the -near future. ~ {bther y tried V l-'aI_Iny- Proved Fuclni'iinV`;`15:":; The play entitled `_`The Fascin,_a1_;i` `Fan-i"`n. ny Bmwn?~"r'givenV by `the Glen. bekahgq -Lodge on-- Friday night of last week -in -11331. Parish Hall, was a decided success. All; ` Oi; the nine .pl'ayrs4 rendered -`their ;~parta`-; 4 jn a,cieditable manner which drwfforth A4 uiuc hearty applause. The. Kali waif.` nrnnvorl iuinh nnnhlarl H\n""RnhnlrnHn'0n money. . IIQLIVII ll HID Plo IIIU. EDIE WK crowded? 'v'v'! 1ich enabled thei "Rebekahs ` to`: add to their-treasury a 'handsome'sum ot Al . Examiner advta. are a ne business tonic.` `Church Union at `V3.S".` y"'_ 1'3 Il'__L._ __ , Elmvale Tennis C_|ub vvamuumu uua wean bu .l.Vl.l'. auu Mrs. uaie. On account of anniversary services at Strofud on Sunday, no service will be held in the Presbyterian Church. The anniver- aaryservice here will be held on June 4, `ber: Rev. Mi`. J. McEwan Of I-Iillsdale will _b!'Olch`. ' i ' " ` ' . Mina nnllan anon} nouns-nl Ann- :-u 'l`....-..L,- . - May 16.--Mr. nd Mrs. Harry Mccnnn I motored to spend Sunday with friends in Beeton. W L ' ` 7 '- u'.. ..._I ll... 1' n:_L__ ,_-,:.,r -.u' uu_ya.uc1uv luau wculs. -Miss Rita Sproule of Thornton spent the week-end with her father who is recovering slowly from his recent serious.illness.. Iva HABFIY 141]": :n u:a:6:nn Ln- r1:\I| I`-.. - Mn and Mrs. J. Bishop visited with. Leslie Dobson. Ernie MoMaster is home from Toronto ipeiiical college owing to the death of his at" er . .11.... 1.... `A 1t:II-_ "I"-.____L_ ,_,_ - I- u$i:;: Jas. A. Miller, Toronto, spent a few days _ here last "week. -Mran D:fn Qnnnuhs A` Aun`nn 5...--.5 LL- E13011 . npuuu u. uauu-auuuu Au!` we parxz Mia: Thompson came up from Toronto last Thursday bo spend a week with her sister, Mrs." G. James. I man 1:`... 1171...... I..t4. ......;-_.1..__ 1-- vrn May 16.-Mrs. H. `McLeod spent the week-end in Toronto. ll... ll..Y -_.__.. O 'l- V Brampton. IIUIII IJGAUIICIUQ Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Luton of. Mea- ford visited their aunt, Mrs. William Allan. ` Broome is spending two weeks in M... It M:..1....I- .....u !...I. n-....-._L _. -IJI zuup l:Ul.lo I Mrs. H. Nichols and Jack Dyment mu- tored up from Tdnontb on Sunday. I A -hand Jwuq Hnnn nnmaninul. 1171...; % oo'o`2 `7 `. A -I V _ V f-i- !'t3f9 50 05'-JI0f33_1:>:"!8SteA1`ht>Ln(! of Utopnials .1-elat-ives realized_tha_t his time here would, Norman, Victor .1 nil-Ann` ll Ul\'CHLI Ill LUI`Uu'|IUo Mrs. McLennan, Sryhas returned home from Lakeeld. ' ` ` ' ll..- I`1.....I_._.. ____I II" v ' . I I- menu, Lula. U. JIMIICS. Miss Eva. Whan left yesterday for Kit- chener to visit Mrs. Frank Dale. A son was.bor.n this week to Mr. and Mrs. Dale. (M1 at-Ann-nf nf unnhuu-an ............ ... | uuu uwuuw. muuuug I/[US ween: an U0l(1WI.te*'. Mxss Colhns of Toronto 1s on a. Vlslt to | Mrs. Jas. Revxe. ` wmu up u'u1u LUI`-UHLU on aunuay. A xbamf h.as'- been organized. What about a band-stand for the park? Mine Thnnmnenn nurnn nn I-mm 'l".-...n..L.. 1 xu.u_y uvr.--uu`. uuu Mrs. cam lU_8S0ck|. ' and son had a bad accident Sunda'y.e\fen- 'ing. When they were going home from V visiting her brother, J. A. McA.rthur, their `horse took fright at some stones on the :Pmvincial Highway and threw them all Iout. Mr. -and `Mrs. Kissock had their '!shoulders hu-rt T and Orr had his ankle broken. Mrs. Kismck and Orr were taken Em the hospital Monday morning.. MFR. and` son `par-nu nf Tnnnntn 1: putting 'se $5000 I I- Thos. Stone visited Toronto this week! _'to attend the opening of the new Golden ! Fleece Lodge" A. F. & A. ~_M.. of which I 1 his cousin, Art Stone. is to be Master elect. 1 I` Miss Morrish visited the village" last week for 9. few days. MI` Rllflnr Loo ln:.-I n.'.L .. -A-u L---J3-~ 7uau`uluu_y- w spuuu we summer nere. ` `Rev.':Wm. M-air and 'R. N. Reid attend . `-the~District meeting this week at Goldwater`. { ' Mid (`.n"ne nf Tnunnfn :1: An 1. $-14. A- ~ May l5.-Mrs. Fellows arid `Mrs. Fellows ` Sr., have gone to Toronto for a short V` visit. \ ,.m___ (`L .._.. m . .. J` nu a. law uuya. ` Mr. Butler -has laid out a new bowling green in front of his home, which he ex- pects tduse this summer. M... Dnnvalnuv -4-`A cu-nu --- um: um: uuapluul muuuuy 'u10rnlng.- I Mrs. Fell and son. Percy. of Toronto` motored from the city on Sunday. | Gen. Unnlpq nf Rrndfnrd annn Q-.A.u. unuuuuzu l`lUl_ll um uwy Ull ounuay. Geo. Uncles of Bradford spent Sunday with his brother, Elmer Uncles. mac [nun `Inn? l\l`nw\1JV ....4...._v.....l 4.- LL I I ' vuuu ula uruuwr, l`JlH|BI' VUIICIBS. Miss Jean MacLelland returned to the `0ril'lia Hospital on Monday after spending 5. her holidays under the parental roof. ` 5 Mr and `Mm A A null m-mus Q.....I..- .ucx uuuuu_ya' uuuer me parenuan root. 5 Mr. and `Mrs. A. A. Bell spent Sunday ` in Orillia. T pun.`-m uu um: yum uuuuuer. I Mrs. Pugsley and family are expected] Saturday- to spend the summer here. I ' `Pnu~.Wm Mn}. nu.-I .D M n..:.n -u__J .o1 a%co.,L:m::ea H. .99. . 99' 996 OOOOOOO66o6ooosaa`a4aaAAAaaAa4s444AAAA--; Lllow it ! an guar- ,L- an an `nus. . . . . I .0vn Sa.turday night there passed away in Luwly uulu um Iuuellb Ul.'lUu:5.lllll8SS._ `Mrs. Henry Ellis is visiting her son, Geo. `.1 is vruuyu; ' ; M188 Douse spent several days in. Toronto. May 15.-Mr. and Mrs.TSam Kissock: nr` nnn End 4: I-uni nnniylnno Q.....l. . . . . . .- HAWKESTONE LEF ROY u'romA THE BAR.RlEj-`.EXAMlNER' thfperson of J_os. McMaster one of Utopiaf imoivt esteemed citizens. Although win fail- 'g,ing`heal_bh for some time, death came un- "iexpectedly as few outside of the immediate 1 ' . f V. v.-`~ The %Master-Four Chassis---Standard ' J McLaughlin-Buick All Through A10 C. BEELBY, % Barrie Dealer McLaughlin cars axreABUILT--fnot merely assembled in Cm?/a,da 22-44 Special Ioadjsiei 22-45 Special Touring V 22-46 Coupe ...................... .. 22-47 Sedan , ..................... .. 22-48 4 Pass. Coupe ; ..... .. 22-49 Special 7 Pass. q`nInon.on~ McLaughlin-Buick cars for fourteencyears have been built for dependability--and the Master Four em- bodies standard units which have proved themselves through years of service. ' Compare the Master Four chassis part by part with any other four cylinder car. ` Roadster ....$1965.00 ....$I995.00A .22-46 "$2695.00 ..$3o9_5.oo ..82945.00 Touring ............ ..$2345.00 22-50 7 Pass. Sedan ...... "$3445.00 From tire carrier to radiator, the Master Four chassis is of the same powerful construction as the Master Six. ` Master. Sixes relatives realized that his would be so soon cut off. Left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father are wife `and four children, Ernie of Toronto Medical 4