A Lu IN Hi Hay} THA s,;q .0u7r Seeds are ill highTqual- ity; get our prices before buy-' ing. ' A full line of, Garden and Field Seeds. ' Mangel Seed in bulk, 50 lb. Sugar Beets and Sugar Man- gel in packages at 60c lb. __ `_..._...-- uuv vvv lilo Ensilage Seed Corn now in stock. We have Burpee s Sweet _Corn, Golden Bantam, Stowell s Evergreen and Early Cory var- ieties at 30c lb. ' u new V1 V U vlIG_ U V U1`: izer will help you. Brown & Co; Brighten up your lwn with a `top-dressing of Bone Flour and some of our Lawn Grass. You will be surprised at the result. Make`your Garden more pro- ductive than ever. Our Fertil- vtn~n 117: LAI... -.-.. SEEDS IDW VCTILIIUH. G. Lockhart nAa1p arden Tools. AN_ ECONOMICAL LUXURY Come in and let us `show you our line oi th beautiful new model l_ _H!:`.LPSTON . . . . . $32.06 i7"6v; '.'.'. .03-533 Double Ovens, $5.00 to $8.00 lost a valuable cow last I """ P110113 The sun is practically 1,309,000 tima larger than the earth. uluuua new 1883 WCOK. Mr. Atkinson has taken over the pos- ition of mail courier on route, two from Mr. Martin of Shanty Bay. auu nub. 11105. AGOISOD. Vernet Beardsall of Orillia called friends here last week. Mr Alr:nnn-s L-- 4-`---- -:y urn [May 1.--Mr. and Mrs. Wm`. Beardsall attended the funeral of their niece. Miss Gray, which took place in- Allandale` on Sunday. T . A Mr. and Mrs. J. Warner of Gduleon call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Jamee McLean this week. ` Mrmand` Mrs. Jacobs of Toronto spent the week-end with the latter-`s parents, Mr. `and Mrs. Thoe. Addison. vnrhnf !:......:....n .1 n.2--2 uauuug wees 1!'0'm forestatxon centre. uuur: HIUFC. Bryson Bros., bakers of Barrie`-, are deliv- ering -bread here threetimes a. week which the housewife fin ' Con. `McLaughlin [hauling trees from the station to the re- forestation centre, was muyea or Thornton is spending a week with Miss Luella Wilson. V \ A number of young folk from here at- tended the dance given at the K. C. Hall, Phelpston, last "Monday evening. All re ported -a pleasant evening. V , i The fine weather of this _week has ibrought out a number of cars. - J. H. Readman, butcher, of Barrie, is again delivering meats. The "people of this community are pleased to have` his service once more. ' - __---. ......'v v more . 11-..--- I'L- uuuuuyeu at M. Uoughlin's. ` Quite a number from here attended th farewell party given to Mr. and Mrs. H. O'Neil, Apto, prior to their departure for Toronto. Thomas Binnie has rented J. `Muir- s farm, '9th concession. V Rev. John Peacock has. returned home after an extended visit with James Binnie. The Binnie Bros. have purchased -a trac- tor. T I am pleased to report that Mrs. Fred Richardson is improving. , Miss Mayee of Thornton is wad: mm. 11:... r------ H"- zur. nymer and Mr; Long Sundayed at M. Coughlin's. Quite a numlnnr I-mm In--u uuu nu. xwgcr rrossor ox Milton. were united in matrimony. A miscellaneous shower was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Knapp on Thursday evening in honor of` Mrs. Prossor, who had lived in. this community for a number of years. She was the recipient of many useful pres- ents. Miss Murray was always highly res- pected in this community and much joy is wished for Mr. and Mrs. Prossorin their new home at Milton. . . James and Leo McLaughlin and sister Kathleen motored to Toronto on Sunday. James McLaughlin. of Midland spent, a few days renewing acquaintance here. Mr.` Ryther and Mr; Long of Phelpston Couzhlin'n_ VUDIJIBI V ' Last Sunday, Rev. Mr. Snider of Brad- ford took charge of the morning service here and gave: a very instructive lesson. On the following Wednesday Mr.. Snider gave a very interesting lecture on, What people do and say at home. There. was quite a number present '.ra.nd everyone thought the discourse interesting and also- humorous. " e . ` Last Wednesday . `Miss Isabelle Murray. and Mr. Roger Prosor of Milton matrimony. shower was mmm at +1.- 1...... ..e u- -_.n ._-iV'T Mot "Powerful, Most Safe, Most Beautiful of All Cook Stoves. nere xn charge of A. H. Richardson, M. A., M. F., of Toronto. They have now. about fourteen men employed and are at the pres`-. ent time setting` out .an average of twenty thousand tree-plants a day. Thefirst tree into be planted Monday, `May 8, at 2 pm. when the Warden, the Mayor of Barrie and other notables will be present. One and all are heartily invited to attend the planting which will take -place at the corner of the town line and 6th concessicn, Vespra. `Loaf Qn.-ulnu 'D;..'. II_ :\,,-I - May Al.--'I'hei av';fVo;'estation has opened here in charge of A. H. Richardson, M` F nf Tn:-nntn 'I"lmn Long A... ..l......L _CLOWE5 Automatic -Blue Flame 1 ynvvulg. spending Luella Wilson. uvunu II UILUU. Mr. -and Mrs. Geo. Ellsmere _are enter- taining a fine young son.` uuugzuuw uu VVOOGVICW warm." ` A. Robins `has moved to Mrs. Wray s house on the F105 side of the road. Mrs. Wray and family have joined Mr. Wray at Beaumaris. E. Caston has. moved to the Craig `house and Albert Cook has gloved to Geo. Snider s on the second of oz. . Mrs. E. Bluman was called to Goodwood last week. Her mother is quite ill. . "=*Gongratulations to Richard Williams who went to Toronto last week and brought 120310 a bride. .....l ::_. 11.. van. In no\pnl\ll\AI I May 1.-Mr. and Mrs.` Geo. Ostrander are receiving . the congratulations of their friends and neighbors today, the ftieth anniversary of their marriage. They were married in Ohinguacousy, County of Peel. Qnt., on May 1st, 1872, by the Rev. Mr. Alexander, Presbyterian minister. They have seven children, a number of grand- children, d great~grand-children. Mrs. J.wEdwin Rogers has moved to her bungalow on Woodview Farm." A `Dr-ukt... L..- .....-.-.I 1.- |:__ ny I The Cool;t:own W. M. S. ar able to report $312.00 receirpts for the year and 66 members; the Mimion Circle 18 mem- V7 UUUIVUII 5. The funeral of `the late Mrs. McMaste`r of the 4th line of Innisfil took place on Tuesday afternoon. The deceased was in] her 84th year. Her remains were `buried at the Thornton cemetery. The paIl--bear- ers were Robt. Rainey, Albert Rainey, R. N. Robinson, W. J. Davidson, Chas. Par- ker and Peter Greensides. She is survived by her husband andrtwo -brothers, Mr. Mc-T Brien of Huntsville` and Mr. McBrien of Haliburton. Mrs. W. H. Beeton, a former resident, died on Apr. 18 in Great Falls, Montana, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Haney with whom she had been living for the last ten years. Born.in Toronto in 1834, the some years later upon the death of her father, went to live in Orangeville with her uncle, Thos. Reid. There she married Robt. Cardwell and went to live at Tollendal where her `husband ran the grist mill until his death. Then she moved _ to Barrie and later to Phelpston. where she married W. H. -Beeton, living here a num- her of years before moving to a farm `at Apto. She is eurvived by her husband` and her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Haney, OI , Great Falls, Mont.; A. Cardwell of Dorris, ; 0:11.; a sister, Mrs. Harriet Reid, London; . and two brothers. one at Little Current -and one in Detroit, Mich. ` uwu, Ia uuule lUI' me summer. Miss Kerr of Elmvale is visiting at Dr.% Woodruff's. . VIVL- ._______I ,9 -.1 u . -- -- -- wga Ill wwu. on Monday. ` --If you have any trouble with your car phone 18, Dunningfs Garage, where you get service. Full equipment, satisfaction `assured. 18c Mr. Finch of North Bay commenced` duty as section foreman here this week. Karl Kidd of Queen s University, Kings- ton,_is home for the summe Min VAPF ll`, I-m..nI- 3.. -.!_ZL2__.. -1 '\ auu. ans. 11101` 3008'!) 8 I883 WCGK. For Electric -and Power Washing Mach- ines, eee Rankin, 18c Mr. Ireland commenced sawing custom logs in town. on Monday. ` vnn cu.-A onu honnlvxh. ...1LL -....-_ ---- L HUI Ha Daniel Kidd, who has been spending the winter with his son at Fort William, has returned to town. A Mrs. Ralston of Regina, Sask., is visit- ing her sister-in-la_w, Mrs. Thos. Fisher. Mr. Millsap of Creemore visited at Chas. land .'R 'Ml!,4`nl"l`n\,n `col 1Irnn`n uu. Lvuuxsup OI ureemore vlsxted and Jas. McFadden's last week. Fnr Winn!-in .m..l D......._ nr-_1_: ' whim. T. R. J. Wray of Toronto is s;')end- ing this week with her mother, Mrs. David Thompson. nun.) I(:,u ...1.- 1.-- L--._ -_-z -- -- I uau uuuuzu mu un rnuay 18.81:. J ` Call on D. B. McFadden for expert ser-I vice on all makes of cars, also Battery service, recharging and overhauling at the very lowest ratw. 18-c The latest styles and colors in head wear are `being shown in Fisher's millinery de- pa-rtment. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pugsley and daugh- * ter Dorothy spent the week-end in Toron- tn I5 uuiuc nu"uut: summer IIIOIIIDS. A Ford coupe. which was" owned by a commercial traveller, was. -burned on Eng- lish Church hill on Friday last. I - On n R Mnwnon `run nunn-.6 n... w uLwu.- ' V I Frank " Agnew, mail clerk, spent over Sunday at his home here. I I Alnim. n,...... -4" n........*- n_: .... -:`-- -uuuuay cu. in: uuum H8115. Alpine Couse of Queen's University is home for-the summer months. A l.`n..A .......;... ...l.:..L --.....' .._._-.I L_- - vu us Hunt 0! H18 car. _. |. _' Mrs. C. Miller, who his been very sick for some time, is much better. Seeding and gardening is in full swing and every one busy. - R. Roe has commenced to put up a -new veranda. ' [1 T ....`.L._..L l-..L I `| ` ` "Mrs. (R532-.) Whittaker and little daugh- .ter,*,.Agnes are spending this week in Tor- onto. - I`.`......l--v A_____, ;,, '1 IV I `E.!W.9."`1R5I Methodist w. M. s. Q1855. Delegates to the Annual 1 for Auxiliary, Mrs. W. J. Miss Beatrice McFadden. . .,..........u uvpwunuauxp, miss U. Kidd. "Mission Band-Superintendenla-Mrs. J. Broley and Mrs. J. -Pugsley; Pres.--Missi E. Leadlay; Vice-P1-es., Miss Helen Glass; Cor. Secy., Charleen Baker; Treasurer, Miss Mary Ingham; Secy. Mite Boxes, Miss glargaret McMillan; Pianist, Miss Margaret ass Delegates Branch Meeting W. J- RrnIAv- (`ruin Mission Circle--I-Ion. Prw., Mrs. `Robinson; Pres., Miss Beatrice McF slat Vice-Pres., Miss Mabel Kell; Rec Mix Ethel Baker; Cor. Secy., M Rainey; 'I`reas., Miss Margaret Roi Supt. Mite Boxes, Miss Grace Ba lSupt. Christian _Ste'ward.ship, Miss G. Mimi.-m n.,...a a....--:- A ..v.-u-9 V-uv-'xVo Oicers for the ensuing year are~-Aux- iliary-Presi Mrs. T. R. White; lst Vice President, Howard Cooper; 2nd Vice President. Mrs. L. Baker; Rec. Secy.. Mrs. H. L. Dunning; Cor. Secy.. Mrs. Theo. `McMillan; Treasurer, Mrs. Frank Robin json; Strangers Sec., Mrs. E. W. Wyatt; Supt. Christian Stewardship, -Mrs. T. A. Banting; Supt. Mite Boxes, Miss M. Spence; Supt. L. L. B., Mrs. Jno. Kidd; Pianist. Mrs- A Arnnhl M... U I--Jun ' xgcra uuu. 003.10; me Nussxon Band 18 mem- bers with $19.7l received; L, L. B., 19. `Total, $403.46. _ Wfo Residents are quite anxlous for the elec-, tric lights to be installed he1'e._ hers and. $69.25} the Mission Band 18 mem- with 31971 m.-.:.....a. Y I D m How The Ford Maintains Its Value Tl1eBarrie Motor Car Co; vTouringv $662.00, Roadster ONE STANDARD MODEL - There are no losses due to changes of design, Causing scrapping} of machinery, tools and materials. Enormous `production permitting the purchaseof raw mater- ials -at the lowestprice. Ker; Miss B. Robinson; :es, Banting; Stewardshin. Ma r: ram Ion. Frank [iss McFadden; Rec. Sec.. 3 (`Ar Rm-u Il-~-- `'3 ul auuu meenng Broley; Circle _ `PRICES; ~ - .00, $621.00, Coupe $895.00, $987.00 All prices are at Barrie, all charges paid 0 _.--.....-.v not-I nuuvvu uuv }uU[Jl lyn A. little daughter of Mr. Vales was -struck by an automobile last week and had one leg broken. It is said she was aiding on the back of a wagon and jumped off in front of the car. "ID I` :"n- --`-- `-:- ` Just a few _steps from the jitney stop at Mulcaster and Dunlop Sts. A ' ' AND SEE MY` STOCK BEFORE BUYING I Everything now, modern and up-to-date Will take that piece of furniture you are so tired of`, in exchange Be sure and call before buying, if you wish to save ` money A. E. 8M|TH 8 NEW FURNITURE STURE 20 MULCASTER ST. 1]! #2114: Z WIS] Puor Puss, E1 `CIRCI THIS --w -9-u. \Jv Llvvlsulitlio Mr. Armstrong and family, whovhave living at their home here, have moved but to their farm for the summer. G. Lockhart has rented the property. A Huh. `.l......I..a.... -2 ll- Bake Cor. Eliz WI! 59th Y -Haring August we do week fo `summer NEILS1 CAN A .m:1 The H dard` Satu that tures AN 1.) Hay 2.-aMr. Switzer and dagughter of New Lowell were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Lockhart. II- A