IUYUIU Ul put-tux. V Q.-Is -there any preference as between young trees developed in 4: numery and saplings taken from the woods for planting `n open park spaces? A nun .1! Al-hub On Arhn 1-Invuni-tr. II Ullcll P513 DFKUB3 A.-IBy isll means stick to the nursery- grown stock. It may be smaller to com- mence with but it will produce a larger and healthier; tree within a very few years. A REMFTE unou FOUNDRY V7"I`o be continued). cyan xu unvw wu Igcnuu you me in that fashion. Takel .. D..-L-| " Aftor 5. Alliston;;aii- -sgjring wheat ` $1.25, barley 60c, oats 50c, rye 90c, peas $1.75, potatoes $1.00, eggs 25c, butter 30c. I . nqnnqnu i '!'iI'!!=i!Hil!I!iI !I!I!I!I!Ti ` SATURDAY MARKET With the resumption of creamery opera- ,tions for the farm supply this week; an ieffect on both supply and price of butter at next Saturday's market may be looked for, lfarm folks said last Saturday. The ten o'clock market was good. By eleven o - ;clock supplies were nearly cleaned up in all -I lines. More green vegetables appeared. `Dahlia ower plants and artichokes also Iwere offered. W. J. Goodfellow of Stroud foered a. good supply of clover honey at 18c 29. pound. with some cans of the darker h"e 8.` 15;}. One load of sevuen-weeks-old - pigs was offered at two for $15. :Eggs....` . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25cl : Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chickens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Potatoes .n . . . . . . .V . . . . . . . . . . .. Home dried apples . . . . . . . . -,Lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ;Green onions . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35c, s Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beans, Golden Wax, stringlex American Wonder peas . . . . .. E Butter beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Corn seed, Golden Bantam red peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 'Horseradish . . .. . . . . . . . . . 100 1 Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wood. mixed-stove lengths Indian baskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'o;;u3;;;:.-gn M icifils} gag; '45; barley 50c, peas $1.50, rye 75-80c, potatoes E 60-80c. butter 370, eggs 250. -`Ill KI IIICBV selection from 1 It would 3135 be Tattered and tepdy to lot `g-I- :3. `Ln -Qd gwounmrut THE WAY n HELPED man 5 uunv uulupvullu for weakness and female disorders. I was so weak at times that I could not stand up. I had `been this way for nearly three had taken had not done me any good. I found one of your little books in my door one day and thought I would give it 9: trial. I am now on my fifth bottle and it is wonderful the way it has helped me. I am feeling much better, have no weak spells and can do all my work now. - I am recommending your Vegetable Compound to all I know and you can use my help ., other women."--Mne. CASEY Lzmcnx, 176 Abbott 8t., Brqckville, Ontario. I Q , Lyd~ia.E. Pinkhulre Vegetable Oom- ponnd is 3 medicine for women : all- menteand` has 1. record of nearly any years behind it. - o So Writes Mrs. Lemery of Brockville, Ontario, Regard- ir:g' Lydia E. Pinkham s --,_;_I,I, IV I Brockvllle, Ontarlo.-I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound nnnnnnnn nnnnnnunnnnnnnn flfl` WDQIZYIAGH and Get Well Quickly ET WINCARNIS build yog up _ your wanmg no-uio: conmumwa. co. u-ma. Norwich. mg. o-nu. Oee: 37 Portland St. 'r.-um. ~Pnak8. Baluidaenincur. 'w' "" """ ' The prices-:-- -Q]. VVLLVUILLBAVLO Ulllll-I U, 1-`-.'renew Itreagth--ton up your system. Wirlcamis is ajeoncantnhed food _,, 4 -:-p.. L..-'.. WLITCIIID 13 C Q! ` `&. `& Relieves cakeil bag, gar- get, spider or infection of the teat, also thrush in horses feet, stula, etc. Stops bleeding _at once. Removes proud flesh, soreness and swell- mg. ' _ . _At all Dealers and Druggists. IIU IVVIIVIVII cup ow: only in the spring." manuxactureu omy Dy VDOUGLAS & co.. NAPANEE. om. THE FARMER S FRIEND hon, 1;:-nu -u nnnnnhllldllll Vegetable Compound nu: MARKETS | NEARBY MARKETS` Manufactured only by at: 2. an nurnnumae mu u u u UL-UU I195 10c lb. . .. 5c bunch . . .. 5c bunch small basket .... .. 30c basketi 25c to 27c dozen . . . . .45c lb. . . . . .. 35c lb.` ..... .. $1.00 bag 1n- IL. A ........... ` '25:: pint" . . . .. 350 lb. to 40c bottle .. 60c quart Ins . . . . . . . . $7.00 Are Well Supplied at- `Ali Sig LIVU Uacncl. 3 for nu 33 33 ' 25c lb. Price---Uaneua and urea: nrisarn oa.w pa year in advance (in arrears $2.50): United States, $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of addres is requested. CANCEL- LATl0NS-We find that most of our sub- scriber: prefer nottoi have their subscrip- tions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscription will not be carried in arrears over an extended period, yet, unless we are notied to cancel. we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be made`by registered letter, money order, or cheque payable at par in Barrie. J. A. MacLaren, Editor. W. C. Walls. Manager. IIII-4 IJI1I\I\I& L41`: n a v n - ~ --..~ Published every Thursday afternoon` at tho Post O1ce Square, Barrie. Subscription Price--Canada and Great Britain $2.00 per _.-_.. :- -.I-..._-.. 1:- ........a 1`) am - I'Yn3fArI ---vu _vi' ruu- iv. a ---V--- Graduate: and members of Royal Collaco . of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. Oice: Over Bank of Toronto, Barrio. ` Entrance on Owen St. Phones: Office 24!, Res. 314. P.0.Box I88 W.;.iehardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. `Ia! D.-ulgll Diaknuann T. D R D THE 11131` I. ID I. Office: Over Reeve : Jewelry Store. 76 Dunlop St., Barrie. Phones: Oice 450, Res. 436. I-yd Associat;-("J-o1:ox':e;'-(3'o1'x'x;;y'-:1? smog Office and Residence-Comer Toronto and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. Telephone 167. . M0-E-ice- and Residence-60 `Ross St. Third door east of Royal Victoria Hospital. - Telephone 256. _ 30tfo 1 DRS. LITTLE &_ LITTLE Physicians agd Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. ` H Office and Residence--47 Maple Ave. I ice hours:- 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or y appointment. Phone 213 . T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, MB. A numbr of valuable farms and Town `Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. V: | Phone 61. Uuuzn Phone 710. DR. MORTlMt? LYON 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto, will be ll 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. . ' Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours---l1 a.m.. to 5 p.m. Barrie phone 2. Toronto, North 3326. (Formerly of Drs. Ross 6: Ross, Barrie) Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 45 years. General Surgery and Obstetrics especially. Oice-l5 Owen St Barrie. phnnn 710 '3 A D-- '03 L. J. snmrsbn, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oice and Resi ence--Collier St., corner 0! Clapperton EL, Barrie. Phone 275. 7... -u -- Iialilvlululnln Graduate of MGill` University, Montreal. Office and'Residence--Corner Elizabeth & Rrhdfnr Qt: `Ru--.. `Dl........ 1 n: _'_r__H_E_ BARl_2lE_EXAMlNER uunbc auu ucauucuce--L.0rner nuzanetn C Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Oice hours--9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 pm. _1_.jj- EDMUND HARDY, Mus. Bac., F.T.C.H. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal, and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmastot of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gld Ynlinnaf n` "I`n-..-`LA T`--------*--- ons. ,W.'AD w. R. nrcriamosou Masonic Tompla Building- Barrio. wv-v or IIIVIIUIIIUUII B Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc.` Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 0ice--13 Owen St., in Masonic Temph Building, Barrie. Branch oice-Elmvslo. W. A._Boys, K.C.,M.P. D. C. Murchison . __-_\r-nuhu VUIIHII Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate 0! Wills. zuardinmhin and mIm:..:g+......:.... ....A ucnnaaucz, ouuulwr xor onuammg probate ol wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary-, Oonveyancer, eta. Oice--I'Iinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. Monev tn Inan u. on. nuurews rresbytenan Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory of Music and of the University of Toronto. II3 Worsley St. Phone 663 :jj .... .- - -u vi-r1l\ I VII, Inc I -vam- oacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toro_nto Conservatory of Music examinations leading up to andincluding the A.T.C.M. degree. Studio--King Block. Phone 424. -j LAWSON, WELCI-I &. CAMPBELL ,,,, ._ chartered Accountant: Phone Ilia 587$. 59 Yonge St., Toronto 5. J. Wdch, ..A. G. D. Campbell. CA. ` , '1'.-.E..'-Lawless. CA. W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineev. |g______ -, rs, , _.,,, U I`-..A -_.I I1\Q3,-_ - A . _ I C. W. Plaxton. u-u -u o--an-v-' nnvuuvvlvu AHu.Al.IEU!g Ianogag Cost and Efficiency Doputmont ' l'l'lEI-TOIUII, UNI: Oice hours-12 to 2 and 7 to 9 p.m. R. F.-aRUct~i,%M.n., c.M., L.M.c.c. _ __.,I'\, I nn`l\ The Double Track-Route ' between . zuuunnwuu, u.u.w., u.u.u. nu W. Randall Richardson, L.D.8., D.DiI DOROT YVJ. SARJEANT, A.T.C.M. PLAXTON & PLAx'roN' BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC.` Oicesz 707-8 Kent Building ' Toronto, Ont. W. Plnrtm. 1`! I`---'~- ""-K` RADEHURST &. HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie Money to Loan 5] W. A. LEVIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY -and- C. S. DICKSON, B.A., M.B. Inn 31 ` KR r`..-.lI:.... Qt Dn- DONALD R055. L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie Money to loan. Kin: Block cAP*i*..is:Ts=*. noun", L.D.S. Pd-7M'|"TQ'l` ' umub E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Tnnnhnn 4` f|2--A --- PHYi51.Kiv 'XN'13-'t}Rm(EoN PH ELPSTON, om . inn H:-nu-n__I9 fn 9 an.-I `I am 0 n `EAKERAS MISS M. MQARTHUR FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED on. E. G.WTURNBULL up...- aovs &. Muncmsou ALEXANDER COWAN `TEACHEVDZRH 6; FIANO Telephone 151. Barrio . P. 0. Box 88 on. H. T. ARNALL DR. J. A. KEARNS .-~-.--.-- .--_ ..___ .__ on. man A. ads? aAanIe."6t31:." MEDICAL DENTAL .1-3 unuun, no. 0 Money to loan MUSIC un, nun-, mun. 56 Collier St., Barrio. Barrio VIII! G. Gordon Plaxton. w., uzuucs P. 0. Box 1075. X-51tfc 6-8-8mJiIh%&0n. A Canac $100,000.() through 21. Morgan &' scribed tin the date 0 eously the on the New ed at one 21 count agzzii of a few ( mediate SIM is at On('o.* proof of th large arnou awaiting 1': Canadian ( price of in the Jozm xx put it on t one hundreo bankers an per cent. f `hnuuuwuxwwxnxmsq T Thurs IHE1 Iiowj deal thef With scorq have Even your ably advel Long sounc it bu subsg jas. A_.'rnold. I"If\fI A I\ I IINIW _ Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- tng, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. J. E. BILL!-NGSLEY. n._.. A...` - 131.... an. n-_..s- " FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT YOUR READING NEEDS Real Estate and Money to Loan -I-ll-`argue and Chpel. - IN. CONNECTION 09: DAY AND NIQHT gnisult us with vour building IH9.: ~ SCOT'l"S BOOKSTORE MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT. and CHICAGO T'i Established I869 Phone 72 '. "Pho 32. ` WUll\ ID ULJC Luuucny. Notwithstanding the charming simplicity of her nature, _Winifred would not be a wo- man if she did not know she was good- looking. The stag'e offered ,3 career; work in the factory only yielded existence; Re- cent events had added a certain strength to her sweet face; and Miss Goodman. who happened to `be an expert drmmaker. had used the girl's leisure in her lodgings to ` turn her nimble ngers to account. Hence. Winifred was dressed with neat elegance, and the touch of winter keenness in the air gave her a splendid color as she hurried out of the station many minutes late for her appointment. . \`l7'....l.l aka `van nabntl 4n a:VIlI aka 1Irnnr`nI'_ l CISUIITUD Ulllllln I Busy with such thoughts. she hastened; along the road, until she awoke with a start ! to the knowledge that she was opposite.` Gateway House. Certainly the retreat was admirable fromithe point of view of a man . surfeited with life on the Great White Way. I Indeed, it looked very like a privatelunatic 3, asylum or home for inebriates. with its ! lofty walla studded with `broken glass and its solid gate crowned with iron spikes. Tlfinif-uni lmhul Hun Anni Ti IIHDIIAA rant`- urunus an UJLIDVCU Wclc qulw acvuuvo She was so late, however, that her con- fused mind did` not trouble about these ' things, and she sped on gracefully, soon coming in full view of the house its'elf.u . It was now almost dark and the -grounds seemed very lonely; but the presence of lights in the secluded mansion gave earnest . of someone awaiting her there. r She fancied she heard 'a- noise. like` the snapping: of a latch or look, behind her. Shegturned her head, but saw no one. Fowle. hiding among the evergreens. had run with nimble feet and sardonic smile to bolt the gate as soon as she was out of_sight. A-:1` gnu:-V :-1:`-nu` .;m.. .6 G`: 'nAn` `Ann UH DU DIIU IVUUI/I3 BUG UIHJUIU lUlIUWo - I On leaving the station, it said. turnf to the right and walk a mile along the only ' road that presents itself until you see, on the left. a large green gate -bearing the name `Gateway House.` Walk in. The h-ouse itself is hidden by trees. and stands in spacious grounds. If you follow these directions, you will have no need to ask the .n.1\-\\a Iunnudv .y-...... ... v-. House.` directions, way. I The description of the place betokened that it was of some local importance and rnvuvnnvu ..... 4.... ya, hope revived somewhat in her sorrowing ~ heart at the impression that perhaps. after all. it was better she had failed in nding work at `the bindery. account. hurried nut nf the station manv minutm uuulc wlvll uuec p1't:lt`:lI.`5U. 7 _,Ho, ho! sang out Voles. The little birdvpipes an angry note. Be pacied, my sweet linnet. You were getting into bad company. It was the duty of your relat- ives to rescue you." My relatives! Who are they who'claim kinship? I'see here one who posed as my aun* for many years----" Posed. Winnie?" Miss Craik affected a croak of regretfuli protest. Winifred s eyes shot lightnings. Yes. I am sure you are not my aunt. , Many things I canvrecall prove it to me Why do you never mention my father and mother? What wrong have I done to any living soul that, ever since you were mixed up in the attack on Mr. Ronald Tower, you should deal with me as if I were a crim- inal or a lunatic and seek to part me from those who would zbefriend me?" Hush, little girl." interposed Voles, withi mock severity. You don t know what! you're saying. You are hurting your dear" .aunt's feelings. She is your aunt. _ I ought 1-. lnm... ..nn..:.-lm.:.m. oL..+ um. M... HUI CIpHU|ll|olllUlltra i Would she be asked to sing, she wonder- 1 ed- She. had no music with her and had never touched a piano since her music-' master's anxiety to train her voice had been so suddenly frustrated by Rachel Craik.~ But she knew many of the solos. from Faust, .' Rigoletto" and Carmen;| Surely, amongimusical people, there would be some appreciation of her skill if tested] by this class of composition. as compared; with the latest ragtime melody or gushing` cabaret ballad. ' D.-_-. _.!4.I. ....-L LL......LL.. nl... Inn-Ln-`AA HS 8011!] gum cnvwuuu VVlul_ ltuu apuuvu. Winifred tried the door. It opened read- ily. She was surprised that so pretentious an abode had no lodge-keeper's cottage. There were signs of few vehicles passing over the weed-grown gravel drive and such marks as existed were quite recent. Q1... an... an Inlm Rnnvguuuu -tkni has Ann- corner Sophia and Mary 8:001: T Iilnufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring Ceiling, Moulding, Water Trouzhv Tanks, tc. - . We carry in ;stock a large assortment" of Rough and Dressed Lumber. B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty.. Dressing done prompt v. .nnnu't no nv:f'\ unnl kII:`A:II ball: uawnclnaalllu I.WlI'm . More and more did it seem strange that a theatrical agent should xon such a ren- dezvoua until a plausiblereason suggested: iwelf; possibly, some noted impresario had; chosen this secluded retreat. and the agent! had arranged a meeting there between his` client and the great man whose Olympian ` nod gave success or failure to aspirants for the stage. Tkn Inf!-on N-cal` nyna vnnnaluvinnlu nvnlinif vvn-v-uuvuu nova. -`iv vvvva-p Tut, tut!" grinned Clancy. Guess the story's beginning to grip. Yes. .Winifrcd is `thejinage of hermother, said Voles.|~ She must be `taken away from New York. i Why? Why did this same Ralph vanish; from Vermont after her father's death `by: accident`? .Why does a wealthy and inu-1 ential Senator. join in the plot against her, invoking the aid of your mother and of Mrs. Tower? '1`heseare questions to be asked, but not yet. First, you must get. back your Winifred, Carshaw, and take care! that you keep `her whenyou get her." ` R110 knot? Ta" .mn -knu: in nal has-I": uuuu yuu Macy um` wuqu you gun 11 But how? Tell me `how to nd cI:.ar!": came the erce demand. Tl _____ 2. ,,_ IS`, `AI ,1 -`I'll I,, . UHIIIU DUU IIUIUU uuuuauu. I , [ If you jump at me like that 'I'll.make' you stop here another week," said Clancy.; M-an alive, I hate humbug as-much as any man; but don't you see that the Bur- V eau must make sure of its case before it acts? We can't go before a judge until we have `better evidence than the vague hearsay of twenty years ago. But,. for goodness sake, the next time you grab Winifred. rush her to the nearest clergy- man and -make her Mrs. Carshaw, Jr. That ll help a lot, Leave me to get the Senator and the rest of the bunch Now. if you'll be good, I ll show you the house where your Winifred was born!" T ' In the Toils East Orange seemed to `be a long way from New York whene Winifred hastened t9 the appoint-ment at `.`Gateway House," travelling thither by way of the Tube -and the Lackawanna Railway. Ila... and vv\nIvn AM :9 nnnvn .+....m... 41...; 0116 30555- The letter itself was reassuringly explicit as to the route she should fgllow. HA I_,, , _;.-!-__ 1; ___I ``L__.__ n cauwu u re Author of The Wings of the Morning" The Pillar cf Light"; etc. The Barllqgl Mystery (Continued from Last Wgek) Unexcelled`. Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on -Nxght Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Traina. Should You Be EIl'n|l`IQ..MOI'O Money? "Are you a_m itioua, energetic. with a talent of salesmanship If so, let usexplain to you the oppor- tunity resented by our new and exceedingly liberal Genera A ncy Contract. Crown Life are growing rapidly-.-let no show you why . 3dh"_? ' A nPhone 789 "V "ms cRow~{msURANs,co- cmafxx 11; o.-nuxrson. BARBIE; ONT; W LOUIS may --BY- .l|vllllI D IUCIIIIEDC KJIIU ID JVUI lllullllln to know. considering that you `daughter 1" ' Your daughter!" I s Mn... :..A...A Bk!) an .......x.. 4.. A. . .Quite_ `right. Be quick, or you'll miss .the last train home," growled the voice of Voles behind her. V n_.__.LI_. L____.L ".1 5,` Al, I I I But the dooropened. _ I have eome-----" she began. The words died awa.yVin sheer affrigbt. |Glowering at her, with a. queer look `of igratied menace, was Rachel Craik! Lu: 1- 91 .9 (An nuuvv "nu Inn] 1.16 yI5ul5- . Now Winifred was not of the order of women who. faintiin the presence of dan- ger. Her love had given her. a great strength; her suffering had deepened her ne nature; and her very soul rebelled against the cruel subterfuge which had been practised to separate her from her lover. She saw, with the magic intuition of her sex. that the very essence of a deep-laid plot was that Rex and she should be kept 8p8I`t. 'l`1... ..:..:a- -9 M ... n......1...... :.L...._ ....._ _..r__ u 9 Zn Ialuahallivldl Depot gaunt Phone 6|: ' B_ar|-is lI\lII.7 BUUl'lIo What right have you to treat me in this _way?" she cried vehemently. You have lied to me; brought me here by a forged letter. Let me go instantly and perhaps fmy just indignation may not lead me to tell my agent how you have dared to use his name with false pretense." nn 1...! M..- ....o v..I.... Hvrm- mu- LVUI lla\-IEIIIIUI 5 `| Now. indeed, she felt ready to dare drag- 'ons. Th`s coarse, brutal giant of `a. man her` father! Her gorge rose at the suggestioml "Almost fieroely she resolved to hold her own againstthese persecutors who scrupled `not to use any lying device that would suit their purpose. I Hv... " .1..- ....:... .........1......n.. un....n r u-_.~--V-_ _......v_, u... ---..-... '-.-.- 3 So I see," was the grim retort. Come iin, Winnie, by all means. Where have you . `been all these weeks ?_" HrlII____ 2- ____ _ INN 1,1-n',i 'UBBll llll. unease WCCKSK There is some mistake," she faltered. white with sudden. tensor. and nameless sus- picions. My agent told me to come .here---" - I HA`-. .0 I. n V-1 In ucl. uwluc auu IIIIU UUUI. UIUBCLI. I I a He snapped at Rachel: She d be yelling for help in another second, and you never` know who may be passing." NI:-nu `lfin-`um-I um III\` A! 4|... ....I.._ At! .-_--..., _..-- --....--. --..v.. ..uuv- vuuu Jlvlun In the America of today.. nothing short ;of desperate crime could keep her from :Rex s arms. What a weak, silly, romantic :girl she had been not to trust in him ab-l Isolutely! The knowledge nerved her to a ,fine scorn. I `4n1L_.,,:,u,. 1 . . . - .-- iwhot violently, he pushed her inside and the door closed. ! U- .__.._..-.I ..L 'n--L-I. S6CIl__9_I L- ___n: upon us I The visit of Mrs. Carshaw, then, was only I a part of the same determined scheme? Rex s motherehad beenea puppet in the hands of those who carried her to Connec- ticut, who strove so determinedly to take her away when Carshaw put in an appear- ance. and who had tricked her into keeping this bogus` appointment. She would defy them, face death itself rather than yield. `In . .L_ A__;_:,_ -9 ._u , UHUII |JU:l.'[)\I5U. ' Yes," "he cried truculen-tly. .Don t I -come up to ybur expectations?" " aha ncr` n1:f`I{ '1 Iran nl-A nnu `ofknr XllUl'llUI' U11. J-UWCI The chance shot.went home, though it ihit her callous heater in a way she could (`not then appreciate. He swore violently.i V-.. -- ...... .l......k6m. T `nI` `nu. In. Isimcoe Marble Worksl ECUIIIU up DU yULIl' CKPUUUDlUl|5I | I If you are my father," she said, with `a strange self-possession that came to 11:1- *aid in this trying -moment, where is my !mother? ' Sorry to say she died longsince." Did you murder her as you tried to `murder Mr. Tower?" _` _ A V _ _. _ - -._ LUMBAGO ' 3 NEURITIS VI: T C S SCIATICA , ' ' ' ' Rheumatism and eimilu-troubles invariably yield toothie T.R.C.'e (Tem leton'n ~R!`seumatie Cap- sules treatment. Many doctors and many hgndrede of druggisto from coast to 'eoau_st will conrm this tI'uth./ 'l`\e hundreds of tea- timonial letters in our files show that T.R.C.'e -have successfully treated Rheumatism, Lumbago, llegnriti. Sciatica and ocnte Neu- n,lgi_o_.,o5 all kinds- But the best e videne'ie your own experience. If on unite:-`we want you to try I~ fnfna-1` I\n1|-3:131"-Conan .R!!.UMAT1SM Ulr yucu lIPpI`UUlUal.'C- I16 BWUIC Vl.UlULIl4l]u 1! You re my daughter, I tell you, e 'vociferated, and the that thing you have to learn is obedience. Your head has been turned, young lady, by your pretty Rex and his nice ways. I'll have to teach you nut` in nth-In-nan Inn in Hand `n4s`|:I\vu 'l`..L.. uvv vv nuuucx ILIU lu lvuav zutuu. 1550 her to her room, Rachel." : Driven to a frenzy by a dreadful and wholly unexpected predicament, Winifred cast off the handher aunt" laid on her shoulder. ' 51 -4 _, - , , III I 1 (iv an Dm`uI`:tnT1.ne go!" she screamed.V `"1 will not accompany you. I do not believe a word you say. If you touch me, I shall defend nlyse `JO Nagu c:-- .5)?! -1... l...-...l \r'.u...'...... ligggt-re, eff?" she heard V/'oIee ` say. There was eomething of a struggle. She never knew exactly what happened. She found herself clasped in his giant arms and heard his half jesting protest: .\')\n7 anu .k..+om.nu Ann.` I-{Ant cunn- Jvlllcllt He` carried her, screaming, upstairs and "pushed her into 3 large room; Rachel Craik followed, with set face and angry wanna` n LIUGIU MID LIEU. J$lIll.Is PKUIEUZ -Now, my butterfly,- don't beat your little wings so furiously, or you'll hurt 20' OWEN s`l'., BARRIB A few doors nortlg of Post Office. G. w. J. EASTMAN, PROP. Plnono 277 `R. G. MANUEL. MGR. \Jl H-ID t words. 6lI`Y_ . l IL". IVVU UUUU XUT yuux . Youatole me from my mother," sob-I bed Winifred deepairingly. I am sure you did. You are -afraid now lest. someone should recognize me. I am `the image of my -mother that horrible man said, and I am to be taken away becauae I resemble her. It is you who are frightened, not I. I defy you. Even Mrs. Carshaw knew my face. I scorn you,.I say, and if you think: your devices can deceive me or keep Rex, from me, you are mistaken. Before it `is; too late, let me go!" ; Dnnka` ('1.-uib uvna fntdnn.-gr` nlnv-u-nap` Lu LLC an _VUu| lI:|lVV1'UUaLuU1 AUI G LCVV UGJDZ I Then Winifred saw.. for the first time,, that the spacious room held another oc-5 cupant. Reclining in a big chair, and scowling at her, was Mick the Wolf, whose arm Carshaw had broken recently. I V... " ...uu..lnA 4-I...` .......AL... `Pl ... ..,.L`x IIUUI \.'aIauuvv nan hulucu util ucuuo He trainped to and fro impatiently. His I ankle had not yet forgo`ten the wrench it had received on the, Boston Post Road, Suddenly he banged a huge fist on a side- board. I (in M7 1 , ,s,,1' sin, . ,1,,,,1u .,,,, .1 _' QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS on CANADIAN romzsrnv (By Canadian Forestry Association) Q.-I undexstand -that Canada has made some practical contribution in restoring the forests of the British Isles devastated by war necesities. What does this amount 9 `to; int, 1\,,,,!,,:_, I'7I_,,,_L,,_, r|___-L L-_ l A.-The Dominion Forestry Branch. has `sent `be British Forestry Commission over 13,000 pounds of seed, mostly Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock sand Sitka Spruce (Brit- ish Columbia trees). and this great quan- tity will be planted in nursery beds and; millions of young trees developed therefrom. The number of seeds averages about 200.- " 000 to the `pound, which would make the Canadian "contribution almost three billion tree seeds. Of course this entire number will not germinate and only a fraction will reach maturity when . the seedlings `are nlanted out in the forests of the Mother Country. - O "A011 -naunuv `annual onus-van: nun lD!IoI`I`, I I UwI`Jgx.:grateful girl! ins her cry. all I've done for you!"` - vnIu'nI~A`n -an `moxie: w-moo .uvut\~`\-- DUU IBDU, IVE un: SUI Rachel C1-ail: was, indeed, alarmed by, the girl's hysterical outpouring. But Wini- 5 fred's taunts worked harm in one way. They revealed most surely that the danger dreaded by both Voles and Meiklejohn did rruly exist. From that instant Rachel.` v(_7r:eik, who felt -beneath her rough exterior} `ome real tenderness for the girl she had` rcared, became her implacable foe. l You had better calm yourself, she. said quietly. If you care to eat, food will soon be --brought for you and Mr. Grey. . l He 18 your fellow-boarder for a few days!" 1 rm..- \xr:..::.....a ....... c... +1.- 4:-.. 4:..- GIG UllLIU|ICllo Neither Rachel Craik, nor the sullen: bandit. nor the loud-voiced rascal who had dared to say he was her father. could un- ders*and the cheerful patience with which she met them next day. ' QL..`.. .-. ..u.....l.. ....3.-l `fab... :v\ 51... ..u.:.. 514"; IIIVTL UIICIII ["551 [In]: She's a. puzzle, said Voles in the priv- acy of the apartment beneath. I must- dope out some way of xin things. She'll n-aver come to heel again. -Rachel. That fool Carshaw has turned her head. 9 I rt, A , ,,,u,, 11': IrI\JD. KKJLIDKD e PhoIm:-- bmee I63, Residence :53 luumu. Gee! he cried. that should turn the trick! I'll marry her off to Fowle. If it wasn t for otherconsiderations _I'd be al- most tempted I 1.1.. ......,..,.1 13...... H. c:........ ...:..:+ ......,:I, | IlI`)\VIA I/CIIIFICVL He paused. Even his erce spirit quail- cd 21! the venom that gleamed from Rachel Craik s eyes. , . illll UIIIRSIIRIW uuu UIUIXUH l.CUUl.l|1l,o I Yes." growled thatlworhyx I'm not` the most cheerful company, missy, but my other arm is strong enough to put that fellow of yours out 0 gear if he butts in on me ag'in. So just cool your pretty lil head. will you? .I'm boss here, and if you rile me it ll be sort 0 awkward for you." nun T:nf-n.-I v\naonr' LL.` now! `nu: I-uunm l :l ( l l -,1 1116 Ann: II: II uc aulv U avvxxvvtuy AUI JV. How Winifred passed the next few hours? she could scarcely remember afterward. She`noted,- in dull agony, that the windows of the sitting-room she shared -with Mick the Wolf werevrbarred with iron. So, too, was the window of her bedroom. Theekey: `and handle of the, bedroom lock had been? taken away. Rachel Craik was her jailer," a maimed scoundrel her companion and as sistant-warder. 1 t`,. , PIII -`JIaI:c|uv' |\' at ucl . 1 But when the first paroxysms of helpless ( pain and rage had passed. her faith re- V turned. She prayed long and earnestly. and 1 help was vouchsafed. Appeal to her cap-E tors was vain, she knew, so `she sought the! consolation that is never denied to all who are alicted . ' 5 1 o \? HI , 15 I I A "I .I, II ' Q.--How rany forest rangers are guard- `ing the forest wealth of Ontario this yeag? A A`-gnu! nun 4`-Innnnnrl -rnnn IQ Ills ILIU 1111114 vvciuuu Ul Ullua-AIU Inna Juan; '. A.-About one thousand men. The amount spent by Ontario on forest protec- tion` is approximately $500,000. A _1 .Tm.. vnunu vnnn urn!-A `.r;nr` ant` `I1- The `isleritl -vi'here Sir Ernest Shackleton has been buried. is 2000 miles from civilization, but it is shortly to possess a complete, though small, iron foun- dry. A British rm has despetched to this distant isle one of its special comprehensive plants for makingkcastings required in re- nairing the machinery of whaling vewels. Any necessary repairs to the ships on also be carried out by thisequipment. uuu la up}uv)u1.uuu:1y -vuuu,uUu. Q.-How many men were killed and in- jured m the air patrol for forest protection purposes last year in Canada? A __,(\.-m anon urn: :n `I411: nor!-v:na purpum-:5 luau yczu ul uuunua: A.-One man was killedin the carrying out of the entire programme of the Air 'Board, which included total ying distance} of 181,000 miles. There were a few cas- ualties in privately-own machines, but, considering the distances covered, the loss to personnel compared excellently with an average season of canoe and other standard i forms of patrol. ' I` In `Chants nvniv vdunchnnnn no knfurnnn whilo wt stock is full and you` but a large tango of delight `-1 .-.-6...uI-.I- 1'6` much; g!!-