Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1922, p. 12

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Lqvyu t`_n|unu5u .13 worst Long : saw mill this week. OFFICES TO LE'I`-Entire second oor oi Union Bank of Canada building available for rent at once. Suite of ve rooms for office purposes or individual rooms "for oices. Very central; hot water and electric light. Apply to Manage:-.. 15c WILL EXCHANGE Barrie building lots for motor boat, dory, yaw! or-good team of fun bones and wagon. Lew Howe. Inninlann N V L` Inlrk OVERLAND `CAR FOR SALE--In good running order, -new battery, self-starter. sisx `good tires; a snap at 8300. Box 483. B arrie . _ Stfc FURNISHED HOUSE To LET for six ......_LL.. .... -....._ A.._I-. 13... 551V?` 7.1-- TWO UNFURNISHED RO0,MS_A'l`O ....:L..LI.. B-.. ll`...LL .L......-l--.._-.... AL- TWO CHEVROLET CARS FOR SALE--i no- .....J..I.. L....-Z.__ ....J ._._l..._ 1... LL... FURNISHED ROOMS T0 LET-59 Maryl Rf. nhnnn R - `l1lfn| EGGS FOR HATCHl'NG~-Having all the 1301-11; A`\:n`.rn T non!` `nun aknuvc T n n n n u `us I HORSES FOR SALE-- I will sell any one or two of the following six Ihorsesz One black mares in foal, weighs 1400, strip on the face and two white -hind fetlocks.l One black mare,` seven years old, good single or double, weighing`-between 1100 and 1200, strip on the face and two white hind fetv-loclcs.. One `black horse,' four years old, weighing 1400, star on forehead. One -black mare coming four,! around 1200, small strip on" face. Onel lbladk mare coming three years ,o1d,i weighing around 1100, small strip on nface. One" gelding coming two, weigh- ing around 1000, -strip on face and two white hind fetlocks. Ilhese horses have no heaves or sbadtricks. For action and ` rprice call on H. Harrison. 5 miles west of Barrie on Sunnidale Road . 15p HATGHING EGGS FOR SALE-Having purchased a pen .cxf White Wyandottes l frnm {1u:l.l`g H-u-nrLl>n_Iov\ ufv-.n:n nv:n. `SEED owns FOR SALE- Early yieldei-.l Apply J. A. McBride, con. 9, Vespral Tp., phone 607r24, 15-1601 BARRED ROCK EGGS FOR HATCHING; I`.._J .-A.:I:L-. ._L..-`_ .1 E... 12 'I'IL_,,_ BARRED ROCK EGGS. bred-to-lay, from O A f`. 'ru-`run 7:1-\ `nr IQ I\nu;n-I nlorbn EGGS FOR HATCHING~`--Barred Rocks. ` good laying. strain. $1.00 a setting. H. Etherington. Dufferin St. (off Victoria) 14-15p 1 I EGGS FOR SALE--Bred-to-lay Racks. male bird import-ed last year from Parks. U.S.A. `Fenhas record of 325 eggs per year. Apply t-0 Box 1008. Barrie. or 149 Blake St. T 15.16; EGGS FOR SALE-From pen of large year round laying Wyandottes. headed by a vigorous cockerel from McLeod Bros.` egg-laying strain. $1.50 per 13. All infertiles replaced, A. F. A. Mal- comson. Banjie, phone 447. I2tfc PURE BRED RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for hatching. Apply to S. Weay- mouth, 139 Collier St. Phone 378. 14tfc IEGGS FOR HA'DCHING--Martin strain of I __..._J..LL__ _-L:_!_.._ on h______. ,___I L._n`: HATOHING EGGS--B1-ed-to-lay Barredl Rock, Johnston and Coldham strains. farm raised. $2.00 for 15. Cash with A_J-_ T 1 A.__.._ `H 1"I._l `EGGS FOR HATCHING--Blixck Orping- fnn `of nr;rrA- nnnr` lounrco lnwnn noma- SHORTHORNS EOR SALE-0ur Short- L-._.. .-.L....I. I... .. _...._.l..-_ -1` I'l1_L;_ -UORN AND OATS for sale at lowest pricas. g A Buy now before pricm advance. Call or phone G. W. Atkinson. Barrie. phone 732.}. .' 15p mm sALE-choi'ee registered Hereford bull calf bred `rom champions on both sides. [David Clarke, Thornton R. R. N0. 1. GOOD TEAM of farm work` horses for ' sale, guaranteed sound and true, aged " seven` and gight. Apply A. W. Morris,` Thornton. _ 15] TWO DRIVING HORSE FOR SALE- A....I.. I`..- a:...__-.. aI..__.._- n--- 1: 1a.. amen sow, due in Apiril, for sa1e--~' Apply Wm. Elaon, Thornton Rural Route No. 1. _ - 11.1ep FOR SALE- --Heavy horse; colt rising 3 years; Jersey cdw.` Apply E.*M. Freek. phone 652. b 15p HORSE FOR SALE-Chestnut driving-I horse, aged 5 yrs. Apply to R. A. Carr,` Tnrnnhn Sf nor:-3n 11_1Rn .Lu.\.nD Uu. l`UUI\ l.\.\.IULu.D LU 141141, ['88- sonable. Apply 17 Sophia St.. or phone 513, j l5p .\J .lJ.l.`JI."`LIUllll\)l'L-l1l)lU - TUUIII Wlbu UUHFIZ for one or two boarders. Apply at 89 Woreley St. ' 15ptfc L} IIAV LKPLKIJIIJ lI:\J\J St, phone 305. \Jl.lLV'J.L7I.Ll.lJ 1L\JUL`uy LU 111311 IUII 515 months _or year. Apply Box C Ex- aminer office. ' 15c "BANNER,` SEED OATS FOR SALE. grown Frnnu rnuufnrnrl maul 000/. tvnIIvv\:r\nOII\n . 7' `J U`.` I` UJNV LDLLIHIJ .l\o\J\[LV.l.D LU IJID I. 1 suitable for light housekeeping. Also two nice bright furnished rooms, suitable for couple of pals. Apply at 21 Collier St . 15c 5l\J\J\D L'\Jl\ l..I.f\.I.\JlI.ll`\.I""`I.I.l$VlllE 2111 HIE} `early chicks I need for shows, I can sup- ply eggs for hatching at $2 per 15 from some of _the bat known birds direct from J. S. M-artin s Regal Dorcas White Wy- andottes. _These are beautiful large birds headed `by a very expensive male. All infertiles replaced. E. B. Guest. black- ` smith, Guthrie. Om telephone. 14p-l5tfc .VV\/J \Jll11JVI\a\ll.J.I`Jl. I'\lI\; D1'X1JEJ`| Late models, touring and sedan, less than half price. Phone. evenings. 365W. 12-17p \JUlIIVVl. 1 Gill UIICIHI If lllllll/CKI IIUIIIUUK of settings of eggs frosm our great winter layers at $2.00 per 15 eggs. John Doug- all. 117 Worsley St., phone 421. 13-18c puuzunacu ll PUH -131 VVUILC VVJUIIKIULDC/' from Guild s (`bred-to-lay) str-ain. win- ners at the Canadian Laying Contest at Ottawa. I am offering a. limited number A` anfnna A` Anna `v-non nnr urn-nnf unnw '_lUBo I3 VVu `J: l\Ull|ll5Uy PPFJ Alland e, phone 8 ring 14. )rll.\al\-l`JlJ l\4\J\l1\ L'lLl'\JL7. UlCll'l-U'll1y, IIUUI O.A.C..V price 75c for 13.` David Clarke. I Thornton R77. No. -l5pi U\l\4VL) l."\Jl.\a ll'IIL'\Il.l.LV\I xualuu Elxllllll U1` Wyandottes, setting 32. Brown and buff Leghorns. setting $1.50. Apply 50 Park St.. Bnkrrie. ` . ` _ 15p 7J.l\lJ.\ I. Ll.\ll.\LV D I` \}I\ D`N1JnCF U ur D110 horn stock bull, a gnandson of Rjgrhtigl Sort (Im-p.) ; also, three young bulls that show his worth as a sire. Also good re- gistered Yorkshir sows for sale. Geo. Crawford & Son, Oro Station. 14-15p lt`|l.\o.l\4.l.!llJ l.\a\J\Jl.\ .l`4\1'Ll lD I'\lX\ IIIILUIIILVLJ. Good utility stock. $1.00 for 15. Phone 664. V l3~18n I `SEED OA'[`S-- Good Banner and No. 72` 0.Af?. for sale. '30 best of my know- ledge fr(-.9 from wild oats. 90 cents a. A bushel. Smnple with A. Bf Coutts, Bar- rie. Phume 601r4l. R. D. Cout-ts. Mid-i hurst. 150` [GI HQ I ulacu. W0 .UU IUIV order. L. Lee, Angus. l\I'\J|J l`\IL|: .lI.['LL\JL1J.LV\1:"l)l-uUI\ Kllpllls` ton, lst prize; good layers; large eggs; birds 8 to 12 Has; 81.00 for 13. 15] n....... :5 n......:.. rm... um.-. w2Te..l ULIIAD I/U Ill I115, 01 IUU IUI L0: 101 I Owen gt}. Barrie, Thos. Mil'be. 1'3-Sp Ilyftl` L Lllfll.\J`J l`\Jl\u DILLIPJ, U ylo UIU, sound, weighs between 1400 and l500`[ .\a W `(uni-IQAII D D 0 I BUUIIU, W615! -UUIIVVCUII l. U\| llllll IDUU lbs. Apply W. "G. Kennedy, R. R. 2, A|lnnHoln n\'\nnn 9 wine: `IA 1A_`:n U IJIMLVLLVKJ ILKIIIDT l.`Ul\v Dtl.IJEl" Apply Jos. Simpson, Shanty Bay. 15-16p uumc, ugvu u yrs. nppfy 148 Toronto St._, Barne . Live Fqr Saki Property To Let SEED OM13, good O.A.C., No. 12, for sale. Roy Hickling, 606'ring 13. 15'~l8p MARE FOR SALE, 5 yrs. old," urn: aka lnnfnvnnn ` Ann ant` 1 Knn` Automobiles THE BARRIE EXAMINER Kw _uuwu. tmpsse I Anal 3 lltfc bl" L1|aL'l..IJ.I-LL.) ~-'* L` U 77 Ill ovvwnn, choice re-cleaned Yellow Corn, 80 - cents per bushel. Re-cleaned western oats 65 cents per bushel. The Fisher` Flour Mills, Ltd. 15c On Friday, April 21. the Macken zie King Liberal Club will hold 3'; progressive euchre for its members! in the I.0.0.F.'ha1l. There will also III UIIC lI\II\IO&' IIIIIAI QIIVA he a musical programme. IHLVIICDII I. UWCLI. LlULlDv- ---Have you read Wisdom s Weekly Bulletin ? 15c The Bank of Nova Scotia reports an additional $213 received this week from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for. the Russian Save; the Children Fund. -- . o.--`-.-..~ `V . A _ _1_ |_1Ulll.aU I39. _ J. W. Morrison of Mount Denis" has purchased the store of Edward Carr. Painswick. n_,_I-_1I rn__L `L..- 1...-.. .... Llalll . I aulavv Ann. Barrie Baseball Club has been in- vited to join a league with Orillia, Midland and Penetang. rm_- :.... :._ `r/-.........'.:-1.u Dniv AL. {FOR SALE-~ Two Perfection coal oil ,,,J I -I, .____.,,_ A ,, ,.I__ Lvuuxauu auu 1. cucpaus. The ice in Kempehfeldt Bay dis- appeared April 12 this year which is. nearly three weeks later than last_ } e8I'..' -n 1.1 rn.._.1- .._.l 0:: oI..:....`I....l. lunm _yc_a|... R. E. Tuck and Sid Shierlock have the contract for a seven-roomed, frame house on Eugenia St. for Ernest Powell. florist. ' 1 vs .I___-I_ 111--I.1._.' --Have you read Wisdom s Weekly Bulletin ? T 15c W. F. Ronald has sold his residence in Dunlop St. to J. E. Billingsley. `I.`|.....I I\t-A-An Lnn Lninunn I-n14]:-1~:nnI l\I`\_ Ill JJIIIIIUEI VJ: Fred Otton has begun building op- .erations for his new house inTo- _ronto St. var uh. nu u. u. sauuuaun at 9 _,_ -2 `ll-___A. `l'\......." -IIIILILCII L` lllllln -FARMERS !-- Now in stdc I,,,,, _ -I,_._..I `Y_II___ IVA...` OI` LOCAL maws --The Big. No Prot Sale being held at Hunter's will close as an- ` nounced Saturday April 22. In the Vlmeantime they are certainly Immi- "ing out some wonderful bargains in -`all men s goods and staple dry goods. `is.-. Big and Bill headed LAST ',cALL for full details and quota- ',tions. Hunters Barrie. 16 A. W. Smith, Town`Clerk,. was in Toronto. Monday, attending the fun- eral of Mrs. J. T. Trowern, his aunt. Mrs. Trowern was formerly Miss Jane Smith of Barrie. It is about 25 years since she resided here. "FOR. SAI/Fr~~St. Regis ever-bearing rasp-` berry cane-._~`. $1 per dozen. Apply Box 1008, Barrie. or 149 `Blake St. 15-16:) any; Inn The quarterly audit of criminal justice accounts is proceeding at the County Court house by Judge Vance, chairman, 'and Reeve James Moore of Alliston, and Henry Carter of Bond Head. Under the auspices of the Daugh- ters of the Empire, the film Camer- on of the Royal Mounted will be given at New Dreamland eariy in May. Proceeds for Russian Relief. ' Dr. A. P. Coleman, Dean of the Faculty of Arts. University of To- ronto,,is to lecture before the W0- man s Canadian s Club, on Prehis- _toric Times, towards the end of April. '11]... ........L....I.. _.-.I:4. *-A .,,9, 6 - Jos. L. Garvin has his resi-E dence in Bayeld St., to Fred Ayerst and has purchased the house erected by R. F. Garrett last year next his own residence in Toronto St. The Children s Story Hour at thel Public Library will be discontinued! during the Easter vacation. Inter- ested parents will please" remind their children of it on the 29th. T ' I _;_j__.. Collier St. Methodist Church have been fortunate in securing the Rev. C. Sinclair Applegath, Pastor of Port Hope Methodist Church, an out- standing young people's leader, as preacher on their Sunday School Anniversary Day, April 23. 1922. V ; ...._.__..__..___.__.___. YOUNG GIRL WANTED for work. 190 Bayfield St. -Z-Z FREE TRIAL, Johnson light. speedy, out- board motors. vHyde propellors. acces- sories, cut prices. free deliveries. Large variety engines---new, rebuilt. Canoes, Bicycle Motors. Free catalogues. Can- adian Boat and Engine Exchange. Tor- onto. 15-17c ._j:_..._j._.___..._.._:____.. -..-.-_--_______-_._____ ;sALEsMEN WANTED- nncenwun L`. 'D.__!. I Thursday, April 13, 1922 ,___._.___.____._. FALESMEN WANTED-Experience unne- cessary; for Barrie and district; 340 per week and better to men who are workers. Apply stating qualications to Box `W Examiner. 15D 1FIPTY-ACRE FARM FOR SALE-Nort:1i1 half.-lot 16. con.~11, Innisl. Apply to Mia M. E. Quantz. Craigvale. 0nt., R. R. 1. l0~15p! IIIDES -WOOL runs Boats and Launches J0_S. Help Wanted Successor to light house- A l5tfc Mrs. Mabel announces the- daughter. Elm Sarjeant, Burf and Mrs. Al? the marriage May 3. Miss Shaw guest of Mrs. v GARAGE for sale dheap. Also `baby car-` tinge in first-class condition. Phone 704. V ` um. Mr. Byrnc-.<,~ his son, Rev. . week for his h H-.. \.-.., having uxiderg- last week. Miss Tanis F. MacLar'en' :1 for vacation. 11 I\ av vs~\.snyA\IAA. Mrs. W. 1) home ,VeSterd;1_\ to for-several Miss Monica ilton this wno upon for apps-1 up v\ Mr. and Mr turned home In ant visit-to I! of the-United . Mrs. J. A. the \vc(ek-mu and niece 1h` Wellwodd. Mrs. W. J. and Master we're 2`uI.e. over the wee LII HIJVIITI "1 (MC Bell. lat of I}: County. or Sixn deceased, As it is m-co.~.~: of the said W. .-` Aecutrix of .-air! vowing accounts u at .the1r office :u~. lay. A . (`I2 I.`\`\V Mrs. B. visiting with three \v<-oks, on Satm`r1:1_\'. ma SALE--Bedstead, cooking stove` and V extension, Apply to John Tracy. Dalston. A V A 14-15; April 11,- Miss Vera Gilmour spent the week-end in Toronto. ' Emerson Hillock is in Barrie at presont. Mrs. John Eldridge has recently return- ed from Aurora where she was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thee. Bates. ` n.....a ..m.a.:.:... :. _..1.:-.. La. ` m..:. In the n1:1t.n-r T`D_II I A. _,K' >X<>X<>X<>X<>Z<>I ,1 , T >X0I<>X4>I<>X<%> may . amw Solicitors fbr it Mrs. (D12) 8' SPRING A FAIR FINE Q1 k A111 gm most popt tailored t( pearance The_ ne for men ( are here i1 those who cut and fa A NE! FOR j `SEED OATS FOR SALE- Early Yielder. on. lmm Annlu Dmkn-6 nk.-A.` Kl."--in DRU BRAJ Thursdayl -But by usi Dyes accor you will ha BARRIE Men's anl f`Dl SUN TWl NOTICE [105] ion SALE Wire-wheel hard rubber tire buggy with mp. Iri good shape, Apply to .])h011Q 725 or -Box 888. 15p l 4 t}'1: :: -.S'I`R.AWlB_ER;RY PLANTS FOR SALE LI _ . . . N . . _ _ _ _ . _. .I I__...__L ._..!L. I_,._ One cent a wvondv, cash, each xinsertion mininiumcharge, 25); six` insertions for `Ithe price of (cur. 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 cents extra when replies are directed to Examiner office. 'WAN'I'F7I}'~A -front room near Dunlop St. to be used `as test room by the Women's Institutes of surrounding country. Pri- 'va.te house preferred. Telephone 902 ring 5.` Miss Rix, Secretary; R. R. l, Barrie. 15p UNDERWOOD TXPEWRITER No. 4 and x A-` L,..I...-I.. .........A...I-. ....__I -.__I .__ ._--J WANTED-Sleeping quarters for night! nurses in the vicinity of the hospital. For particulars apply to Mia McLennan, Supl:., R..V.H. 14-15c WANTED TO R.ENT-Five or six-roomedv `home with all opnveniences; no children. Address "R.E.S." Examiner. 15-17p :'IOIOI0l0XOIOX< >XOIOIOIOIOIOIOI .1. A an III!` till! IIIIII d ADLET COLUMN gg FARM FOR SALE-'l00 acres, lot 25. con. 4, Essa; clay loam, plowing all done, 12 acxjes fall wheat. 17 acres red clover; running water; good frame barn. stabling for 20 -head cattle and 6 horses. I pig pen, hen house, comfortable dwelling `house, good well, rural mail and tele- gihone. "Bargain for quick sale. Howard Willoughby, Angus. 15c WOULD LIKE 'ro_ SHARE `FLAT with ...3_l.. A. ...u...,...... ..u....... L1. .L............. .... ....ll' GEINTLEMEN RO0MER WAN'1`-ED or two `pals to share rodm. Apply 89 Bayeld St. 14-15p I {I\}L \lI\l'l If IIIVLVI I" LILN l` -'\ 111:! \}l\ IUUL` 1 at Littl_e Lake. Anply Richard Johnston. Box 1'!`/_;. R.M.D.. Barrie. 13-18p Bond The Exuninor Adlot Column. cnluu l.`\ll.\a clnucl-'-LUU MIN, Z`/2 miles from Barrie, new brick house, well n- ished, barn on stone foundation, cement oors. good drive shed; about 18 acres fall rye and 8 acres hay; good orchard. well at barn, spring creek on back of Term; -plenty of good bush, mostly hard- wood. This farm is priced to sell. Some- -one is going to get a bargain. For full particulars apply to W. G. How. Barrie. or phone 798. [ll-tfc KDIISIIICI. `IXIUC `CHE! `JCT Iloyd:-Eldridgehis mush; gt ` cm. A`\I\D.- nun: 1:13 63;}: man`:- uxuwuxvug uruuu V./n10 L'\r1\. mnulu. gurwn from registered 99% germination. first prize in combined eld and clean` 'grain.oomm-tition. Apply I. H. Luck.` 'R. R. 1. Barrie. Phone 902r23. 14-15p J L L\l\ VV llJ_I'Jl\al\v I. l U5 I.` 163 I` LIl\ Dl'\LllIf"' Heavy `croppers of largest fruit; lowest rprices on 1000 lots. Also horseradish "mots wanted, highest prices paid. W. V. Sbebpard. R.R..l. Allnndale. 13-18n `L'Jl'Jl.l KN} Lkl A \JI\v KJFIIJIJI": IHDII .l ICI\lCI I 900 bus. A-pply Robert Dobsqix, Barrie. "Phone 607 ring 22. 15-16;) I stoves, 2 burner and 3 burner. Apply 111 Tiin Sh. Allandhale. A 15;) 'PASTURE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT ..L TILL]- l..l-.. I'):-L.._.l 1_L.._.-_ JLlJL'Jl\I":\ \II.' L L.` lIl"'l\4lI. l'J[\A X u 1 UIICI at-topdesk, privately used and as good as ne'w, for sale cheap. Apply to Box 247. ~Ba'rrie. 15; ), "\}lJlJIJ IJ-I-l\-1'1 LU UIIJIIMEJ I`lJ1I. Wllall girls or women going to busmess or coll-T egiate. Addrem Box 919, Barrie. 15-4l6p| E-xoxoxoxoxoxcvxc Farms For Sale or Rent Page Twelve 3.'T!.4ES.'?A P0, : Want-ad 1'5??c' cmr Tmmv ICE CREAM--(Purest gma best. Once used. alwavs wanted. Sims. FOR SALE-Lot 19, con. 12. Vespra. 32 acrms,-: orchard. good frame house. and` outbuildings fair; I! snap. Apply at `.215 Bradford St.. Barrie. 15-17p `WINDOW CLEANING--House. oice or `store windows cleaned. Floors cleaned and polished, new or old. Wm. Smith. 84 Mary St., Barrie. Box 810. phone 944. ' 14-25p TAKE NOTICE that I will not be respons- ible for any debts contracted by my wife. - Mrs. Minnie Crichton. or any other per- 'sons. after this date. Douglas Campbell I Crichton. 14-16p Los'r-W avast` watch. with. black as bon bracelet,` some time last week; can ll `I 'mu\nn `J0 (II nnnlu SA PAINTING and DECORATING-Get your in!-inc urn:-Ir (Inna nun-Iu lrmfnu-n H-m punk OAK AND HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID U nn:"nau A61: Ru A99\nD:AI|nAA nnDnnn`n-. TB-R.ICI-{(YJ(`)PANY (over Kempen- feldt Hill), manufacturers of red and- whife brick. See them bofone you build. Give us your order today. Prompt de- livery. Robt. Graham. manager. 10-l5n YGARDENS PLOWED. ashes reniovd and all kinds of teaming done. A. `Bowman. 1,6 Eccles St., phone 766. 15-20c `DR-ESSMAKING--4Mrs. White has opened up new dressmaking parlor over Sterling Bank. Prices. are very reasonable. 14p `CHIMNEY and house. repairing, all kinds of carpenter work at a reasonable rate. F. W. Shannon, 84 John_ St.. West. I _ ll Phone 955J. 14.19;) FOR PAINTING. paperhanging and gen- era! house decorating. apply A. Berry. 59 Mary St... phone 305. V 15-18p Cookstmvn. 4 acres wheat, 8 acres rye. 8 acr'es nlsike. 30 acres meadow. 30 acresi plowed. rest in pasture and bush; good buildings. phone and m2_u'l. Price $5000. Apply S. Barrett. Cundles. 15-16p . FOR SALE--li)0 21/, miles HOB)" 1 $5 to $10 day gathering evergreens, roots | and herbs in the [fields and roadside ;--book [ and prices free. Botanical. 26 West } Haven. Conn. V 14-15p SEE US for all classes of` detective work, large or small; consultation free. Ap- I ply Box 261, Barrie. _ 12-17p [' PICTURE FRAMING and furniture repair-I l ing done by Dougall Bros., Mulcaster I St... in rear of market. _7tfc I __;__ . ` I IHOUSE FOR SALE--Fi\:e rooms and pan try; newly painted and papered; new cel- . lar. chimneys, roof, woodshed. henhousw (new and painted), storm sash and doors,.lights and water (with meter`. Everything new and in good shape. `/4 acre good garden. nfce hedge and trees. Price 81400 ($1000 cash, 7% 03). Would exchange for place more cent-r`al. I Apply Examiner oice. 14-15p PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. done no l,........a. ....L,... A....I-. I.` I'....._'. _.L-_._ "BRICK, HOUSE FOR SALE-Good cellar, good well water, stable. `/,2 acre ground. Als 6-yr.-old mare for sale, weight about 1000, cheap for quick sale. Apply at 17 Innisfil St-. - 15p HOUSE FOR. SALE--Seven-room `brick house; all modern conveniences; hard- wood floors downstairs; centrally locat- ed; compact and well` built; small gar- den. Apply 32 McDonald St. or 41 Owen St. 15p 1 . UPHOLSTERINGT done at'your home. For | information phone 611 ring 13. 14-16c ;oA`K AND HARDWOOD FLOORS polish- ` ed ntn,-_Wn1 Qmth Rd. Marv Qt. Rnv SIX-ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE, in good condition, togetherwitli building lot `on Bradford St. Cheap fo} cash. Apply 25 Bradford St.. or phone 591. 15c FARM won SALE-1oo acres. 21/_. uiiles fl-nm Rnrrin nan: HI-inlr knnnn inn Rn, BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE st 2l_Gowan St., seven rooms, 3-vpiece bathroom, fur nace. summer kitchen. henhouse and out- building. Apply A. Berry, 59 Mary .St.. phone 305. 15-20p F l'I(gUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-248 Blak AI_- E...__ E... __l_ -_ C|L-_l- Q; 1!! lHOUSE FOR SALE-Six-roomed brick house, all conveniences. newly built; . also two vacant lots adioining property. I Apply 11 Florence St. _ l5tfc `JIOUSW FOR SALE---One fen-roomed house, bright and warm, gas. electric, bat;h., furnacmgarage, large lot. "splendid garden and fruit; also two excellent six- 'roo'med (and attic) brick houses, almost new, gas, electric. bath, furnace, good. verandwhs and gardens. All located in best part Mary St., and must sell at once. Apply 55 Mary _St.. Barrie. 11-16p BAY SHORE-1.01` for sale, Zone acre, in Barrie. Apply to M. Gordon, 298 Bay- field St. ._ ~ 15p 'I`EN~AGRE MARKET GARDEN for sale, new, .up-to-date buildings. in town of Barrie. A-pply P. O. _Box 627, Barrie. ` 15p TEN ACRES FOR SALE, good for market nnIIt'nn All nnII`fru `onfn A nnlinn nf FOUR-`BEDROOM `HOUSE ffor sale, 5- Dal- -ton street. Apply 190 Bayold St. 15vfc _ ` BUILDING FOR SALE, 12:22, heap; can be moved. Apply this oice.` 14`-15p LOT FOR SALE---Cboice lot on Maple Ave. for sale cheap. Apply Ben Law- rence, Bayfield St. ' 15p FOR. SALE- Gurney-Oxford range, and lawn mower. Apply Mrs. W. F. Ronald. . 229 Dunlop St. _ 159 SEVEN [UPS FOR SALE-Oorner Brook and Thompson Ste. Apply at 73 Tiin St. ` 14-15p HOUSE FOR SA.LE-Modern conveniences," centrally located. Apply to Mrs. Park- knnan {Miran Sf 14-180 vvwuzusu lulu rcrnua Duulu uuu runcy Biscuits. R. J. Gallagher, the Idea! Store, 110 Bayfipld St., phone 295. 15p` :1 is cracked. `Phone 149 or apply 54 Tiin St. Rewud. A V 15-17c u uruuuuv, uuuw uulu nus woes; c1131 Ill]. unuux l\Jl.'4 uxwunus-`rutwb _uu best. Once used. always wanted. Sixtie- es because wholesome.'We sell it. Also in stock, -Christie. McCormick, Bean & Westlake and Perrin'e Sodas and Fancy Hint-.IIHn. R J, Gnllnovhnr Hun L-haul nu` LLLV\.`l uuu uuuU1Ln11LVu`-UUl your spring work done early before the rush. Jones & Partridge, interior and exterior decorators, phone 673.]. Estimate free. . T ' 10-15p rnxx any ILKILUIJ VI UULJ. .l`l4UUl\D LAJU, ceilings, etc., by experienced oarpenten All kindsof jobbiug work done, town and country. Apply Jae. Smith, 84 Mary St- Box 810.` Phone 944. - ' 43-17p Int: nnvu 11t11\.uVVUUU I.` IJUUIIO pU1l8l1' ed. etc.-Wm. Smith 84 Mary St; Box 810. Phone 944. ' ' _ 43-17p L\l_\JtJl`J DLVIJ l.l\l.L L`\Jl.|- L7&'lLJ~lU?01 IJLKIAC St-. Also farm for sale on Steele St., 15 acres, house and barn; 6 acres fall wheat and` 8 acres summer fallow. Also 14 acres for sale one mile from Shanty Bay on lakeshore; .58 rods frontage. Apply John McGill,' BoxV4l4, Barrie. 12-17p nu` LlLV\I nziu I. :31. l.`4I\-l1:`\:V\JuV_\J. uuuc at lowest rates. Apply F. Lowe,` phone 858. . 14-1.5;, FARM NR SAl;E RENT--l09 acres, lot 6. "con. 9. Essa; good bank barn 90x 35; 7-roomed house; well watered; all cleared and under cultivation; 30 acres seeded; fall plowing done; about 30 rods from good school and church. For full particulars apply to Mrs. J. R. Hubbert. 159 Mary Sl:.. Barrie. 12-17p . .I'JL` "I\JI.\3L`A7 FVILU \7flIJL'J, SUV IUI IlIlII.l\CII garden or poultry farm, 4 acres of which is first-class gravel. Apply G. Miller. 58 Tiin St., Allandale. 14-15;) uclwuiuuy zulinvvuo house, Owen St. Property For Sale Loot Found Miscellaneous ' 1Z7i``c' THREE OR FOUR ROOMS TO LET. rea- at-\l\n`\`1| A-...l.. 1'. ql\-J\:ru Q4 .. ..L.._- TO LE I`-'-Comfort.ab'le room with board A..- A..- .... .L..... L...._.l_.... A_..I_. _; on ROOMS 'l`0 REN'l`--- Two large front living rooms and two bedrooms. All conven- iences. Adulta only. Apply 233 Bayfield street, Barrie. Phone 796. - 15-16p BABY CA.RaRIAGE-Wicker `baby carriage. rubber tires, in good condition. 17` Veapra street. 15-l5p|

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