ylo, u nun; Flew, .u ..u._., - --v...--... IMPLEMEN'IS- eering binder, 6-foot cut, nearly new; Deering drill, 13-disc, nearly new; Deering mower. 5-foot cut; Deering hay tedder, 10 ft. wide; McCor-' mick rake. 10 ft. wide; Bixell land roller, 10 ft. wide; Massey-Harris spreader, new; MM-assey-Harris sti-tooth cultivator, new; "Massey-Harris spring-tooth cultivator. 13- tooth; Olivei` riding plow No; 21, single- furrow; Kimgaroo Kid Cockshutt double ` furrow plow; Cockshutt Nip walking plow; Percival walking plow No. '13; Biseell disc ha.-rrow's'. 12-disc; set 16-bolt lever barrows; nub `IK L:-J` `\nIVI'I\Il1 "oh." an} lnnr. EJIULVIC \II.' |Jl'Il-JI.'J':.1LL lull-I-IE UI 'lVoUU and under, cash; over that amount nine months credit will be given to parties fur- nishing approved joint notes; five per cent. off for cash`on credit sums (except grain hay -and fat stock). ' , ' DAa:4:Ir n`1v nn I-nun:-vn an 9.11:: -l'\I'l\f!1';A+lIl` OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS 1'lL`I\r\J1'1l1Il\.U1V 11'Ln\A`)1`4\:r-'L1It:_y uncut,` 0 yrs. old, and grey mare, 8 yrs.. `old (match- ed pair); bay mare. 6 yrs.; brown mare. 9 yrs.. in foal; black coltarising 2 years; bay driving horse, 8 yrs. - CAT'I`LE-Red cow. 7 yrs.. calf at foot; redeand-white cow. 6 yrs., calf at foot; black e0w, 7 yrs., due Apr. 18; rd-a1-id- white heifer, 3`yr&-_. calf -211; foot; red heifer, 2 yrs., icalf at foot; that cow; 2 steers risinig 2 yrs.. fat; heifer rising 3 yrs. T vsvrqn A lfI"\ *r1'In\YC1 `l"l'_ _ . _-,_ A _ . _ . __ _ uuy TILIIIIIIIII 5UUUl\] Positively no reserve, as the -proprietor has sold his farm. -Sale. at 1 pm. sharp. \w. A. `ulccouxzv, Auctioneer sot-1'H~{KL_r |'.bT_3,- i`.gN.';,~|N`N'lF|L to sell by public auction on vv, rrl-can ...,-..... ...-.._.__--_- 75 cedar-posts; several hundred feet `of lumber, all kinds: shingles; 300 bus. feed oats;' quantity sweet clover hay;. forks, chains, doubletrees and many other articles. ---ruv-n-11-awn-r\~`r vx I*l'Y1\\Y`lIl'I`I'Y1'\I'.1 n. , IIUUUDLLUUU .|.'U1uVLJ.uLu.u1 --' uuuvc, coal oil stove, 3-burner; good stove drum; refrigerator; set dishes; `bed springs and mattress; dresser. T . ' a--nun:-A A-rs 111115 AII , 3 Ann an PIGS AND HENS--Hog; sow; _4 youhg pigs; 8 fat pigs; 75 ens, 2 roosters. vnmnv nmtrxnrna I\......:.... L:....l.... 1! t....L Culng-Uux; uu.uu:1'. . . ' I-IARNESS--Set double breaching, long- tug; set double nback4band; set dou'ble driv- ing. nearly new; set single, good; set single. l 2 good robes; 2 `wool horse -blankets 80x 80, pair horse blankets. ' ,__-___I L-.___l.___I `__L ._E `wqucuucvucuig H. VVUHAUIIHIE U1 UUU ayatrux. Nature's own cure, just sterilized warm water, is -the only scientic and.'pei-manent treatment for `constipation, and its attend: ant ills--headache, indigestion, sleepless-" ness, and 10$ of energy. , .. T. Babin, Proprietor Hotel Alexandria, Ottawa, writes: I have used the J. B. L. Cascade two years. It has made a new man of me. In reality I feel that I would not sell it for all the money in this'world_ if I could not buy another." . on T D Y. r`.annnrln url lnn alunurn dill` PER.CHERO mare,- 8 ..... Ala` Anal Ihnnir v-nnu-A Q unuo lrV\nf1-"|_| "H0I JsEHd1I1)" .,I J] _L-_._ OI. uuuu nvvu, \..w.....--. TERMS OF AL11-.Au sum; of s1o:oo, . _ _ . . . . _.. 1.L..L .........._A. _.__ `CREDIT sAu-: !`_"_?_REW $!N9_3 $913- "I-`ii1i5XY"," Kiiii` 7, STAYNER the following`: nuv vvnvsnvnn Highest Re-Sale in Trade-in Value You cannot lose_out' when you buy a Ford`. The first cost is so low, it costs so little to operate, repairs and replacements are so easily obtained that the demand `for used Ford cars reduces depreciation to a minimum. II I 001110 I105 nuy EIIOEIIBI`. The J. B. L. Cascade will be shown .ziiid - explained to you` by Wm. Cr0ssland'e' Drug .8tore, Barr-ie, who will give you free on request -an interesting booklet by Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell on Why Man of Today is Only Fifty Per Cent. Efficient." ` The Barrie Motor Car Co. pom) TOURING CAR, WITH smmzn $662.00 -- Stove, -(\1v:\ 4...... . Mar. 28.-Mrs. Crowe and children oil Barrie visited hgr paxjents, Mr. and Mrs. A.`Adams, this week. .\l.. .....J Li ... I` I` All... .....4-_A..:.....J LIIL3 s3}IIllI.6_ ' Treasurer s report of Lefroy and Bellel Ewart branch of the Bible Society for year' ending Dec. 31, 1921, is as follows: Oer- ing at public meeting. $3.65; collected by Misses Atkinson and Whan, $5.25; collect`-I ed by.Mi.sses'Lazenby and Reid, 89.75;, collected by Misses R. Adams and M. Noble. i $12.25; total received, $30.90,.which was sent to headquarters, Toronto. l flu 1'8`-IKIJIID, IJIIID WCUIKO yMr. and Mrs. G. C. Allan entertained! the Presbyterian choir on Friday evening. W. Chapin was in Toronto over the week- end. 4" It? I._,, n,:,_,, .I,, I, ,,,, 1,, n , 117 (lily uh IUD IIUIIIC UL Ulla: DIIKLIC \)lllll.llo S. Model`and's S. S. class, the Knights of Honor. spent a social evening on Fri-l day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McLennan. I IV IN__.,,_ I. A.._,-L-__J LL- L__!_I_ L-..,__i mr. LIHU HITS. PJYIICSE roster. U u n - Fred Gordon IS Improving after some weeks suffering with rheumatism. Mm D AA.`-nu ..::.:+..A 1"... J.-.../..`l.L,... IVCUAD Bulllflls 'Wllll l'llCUHll1llb'lIlo Mrs. R. Adams visited her daughter, Mm`. Walter Stevenson of Alliston, last week. ` ll`..- (1,-;_._, 11 > I I-..I Walter Fairweather leaves for the West this week. ' N. Grose was in the city several days.` The Methodist W.M.S.. meets on Tues- day a th home of Miss Sadie Smith. . q 'Mml.ln.ul g Q Q nlnac fl-in `[(n.-Lo_ I HUI B lllzi CL. 1 (H151 B U|lUlUllCBo The choir has been reorganized and will` hold practice every Friday evening. Spec- ial music is being prepared for the` Easter service. i ' (C V IQIIJIIIB \JI CCIIIUIC IIICIIKIBI Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ruddick and little da'ughter Leona are recovering after an attack of La Grippe. ` ` Mr and D Wngtn- n` Yum: `snun. A UK 140 KIIIPPUD 1\7I:'. and Mrs. R. Foster of Ivy have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster. I I.*_.-.1 n._'...J-.. :_ :__..._....:_,_ A`L-A -,,, uuuc xuurc, uuu um ruuus are very muaay. The friends of the hockey team entertain- ed them to a supper -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Bell last Friday, when all spent `a very enjoyable evening. A om-lnnrl hf mhrn Qfnn`! uvoa 1-`\:v'\v\nI` ` JVJUIJCLIII (III. I C. Grose has purchased the brick house near the railway station from his brother |Noah. but does not intend moving there `this spring, rI'IlJ GIII`II`,D I`II|f\I`f f\` I .`I`l\`Y DVII` Mar. 27.-Johnny `White-house spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gauley. Mrs. John Cunningham `has returned af- ter visiting Creemore friends. In nnrl Mun `IVA:-Inn D..A,lnl- ..-ul Natl- VVCCl\o Mrs. visiting Mar. 2S.--B1Tggies and wagons are out once more, but the roads are very muddy. Th frinnrk (If Hnnlznu fnnvn nnAv-n;n apcuu a vc1_y cuJU_yaUlc cvcuuxg. ' A carload of mixed stock was shippe by the U.F.O. ' Herb Crawford is on the sick list. `Mrs. Archie McArt/hur is home from `the R. V. Hospital, Barrie. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Penetang hospital has been voted 31500 by the town council. ' ~ l\..III.. 1.. ..l..-.._2.__ - -.~r-' I " 1 -' u_y L-uc uuwu cuuuull. ' Orillia is planning a special lighting for the Provincial Highway route through that town. It will mean an additional expense 06 $500 or $600 a year. of 21 Gdod Cows---4-3 Reg. Durham Bulls] George Crowe zind little son are` ; at the home of Mrs. Fred Mason.` ORO STATION LEFROY Tmxnzn a o - - a . - . - . - . - o a - - - o o . a - V1IrvIr Seven-roomed Brick House, all mod- ern conveniences, oak floors. good stab1e and garage, large lot. Love- 1y- location. Must,be sold. .$4300 Six-roomed Frame House, water and lights. Easy terms . . . . . . $900 Nine-roomed Stucco House, conven- iences. Central. Easy terms Only:-its HERE'S WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN - LO0KlNG FOR, Manl\y Chew, M.~P., reports that there is not -much likelihood of the capacity oi the marine railway on the Severn River being increased to take sixty-fo_ot boats t}\:u Iran I- `Eight-roomed Brick House, all con- ` veniences, fire-place. good garden. "Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3000 Six-roomed Cottage, lights, water. central. Good terms. . . . . $1600 I Sixteen-roomed Boarding House, fur- ! nished. Central. A money maker QAEIIA See our full list of Town Property, Farms, and Lake Shore Property. We have a number of ice market gard- ens listed from $380 to $6500. They are priced to sell. Also a number of good properties for sale in Allan- dale. It will pay you to see our full list before you decide. suguunensv \-vvv, v we I avvaawvvtvu usuuvg vvvv, V Jxualuuw an Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs., due by sale. V April. V ` Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs.,. due by sale. gurham heifer, due in May. Ayrshire cow, 4 yrs., due April 6. olstein cow, 5 yrs., _c,alf at foot. Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs., due April 11. Holstein cow, 6 yrs., calf at foot. , 2 pure bred `Ayrshire heifers, `due Holstein cow, 6 yrs., due by sale. in April. _ ' \ Holstein vCOW,. 5 yrs., calf `at fobt. JOWI, VIOLA. ICU hvv by Durham cow,` 4 yrs.,. calf at 1001:. Holstein cow, 6_ yrs., due April 6. Durham cow, 5 yrs., `calf at foot. Holstein cow, 4 yrs., due~April 17. The above are all extra_.choice bigyoung cows in good condition. Any- one wanting g00d,.O'Wl will do well to attend this sale. . ALSO 8 Pure Bred Shorthorn.Bulls, 1 yr. old. The property of Harold `. , \ Dyment, Barrie. ' ' UUIII5 lllbl - this year. Seven-roomed Brick House, water, and lights, central . . . . . . . $2000 Eight-roomed Brick House, all con- i veniencues, lovely location. Easy terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2800 Seven-roomed Brick House, conven- iences, large garden. nice location i ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2200 14 acres, Frame Cottage, stable. For quick sale . . . . . . . . . . $1500 Six-roomed Cottage, lights and water Three lots. Bradford St.. .$2500 Nine-roomed Brick House. stable. hen house, _one acre good land, all kinds fruit. Just outside corpora- tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2300 l\.4ll\v\L7n wuuun um. Aqua; V; Anna .. . . . . . . . . . $2500 Eight-roo med Brick' House, conven- * iences. Good location. Garage .`Il'Il\f\ Thursday, March 30. 1922 | Office, 46 Bayfield St., Barrie Phone office 861, Residence 864W P.0. Box 1011 IPARTRIDGE & GILROY TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE BARRIE O ooo Sal; at p.m. - Auto Lie I AMERICA B EMPRESS OF `I GLORY OF HOL GOLDEN WEST HALLEY LOV LE MARECHAL MRS. FRANK PEN NIAGARA " PEACE PlNK PEP PRINCE OF W RED EMPER SCHWABEN AND CH 31 C E Brown A shipment just 1-- from Holland m` t lowing named an: Every ti1 ORDER FRO! Tiikc half u cak-: par it into hot W washer and stir suds. Put in the operate the \su-In rijlsc them thuruu; .} clothes will be bcu and snowy white The rich CUC(`o.mtx oils blend is the ~ Sunlight clean.sin;j : GEO. D. HUBBARD, Barrie, om. Buy Sunlight Purity ch You get :j the high} Sccessor to `J. INSURANC 7 Owen j Masonic Temp} A slo W ba BELL,'_14 March 3 v-.5... your c/at/x AUCTION SALE Saturday, April 1st Page Six ju wt-ujwuu----`u :-- _ 4 Your fence troubles are over once on - et ZCANADIAN" fence made by THE CANADIA ST EL AND WIRE COMPANY. LIMITED; FULL GAUGE No. 9 WIRE, per- fectly galvanized and with the famous "CANADIAN" knot. o [At no show vnu this fence` and the "AMERICAN" G81- Iccuy `IIVIIIBGU Inu waun t us uhow ou this fer ed Steel ence Post. The undersigned has received instructions from W. A.- MCCONKEY, AUCTIONEERV v `I 5 the` following : . _ ,. 6 yrs., calf at foot. `Durham cow, 6 "yrs., due Ap`rilo11. ', 4 yrs., calf at _foot. \, Durham cow, 7' yrs., due by sale. ', 5 yrs., calf at foot. Registered Jersey cow, 5 yrs.,, due in ', . ', ', , yrs., yrs., foot. by \ `[J'..'l.-J-aim 4...... E -..... ....`I-L 3-1.1. 1 JLIJI V3.5. \ `due; MARR_lN S YARDS, BARR!E We can eeli you this fence as, cheap as you can buy fence anywhere. to'se11 by Public Auction at W; H. MARTIN Ayrshire cow,.h Ayrshire cow, Ayrshire cow, Ayrshire I ; E u. A'c\u:` ind with me ramouu "\..AlVAuuuV Knot. fence and the >`>'AMERICAN" _- I)-..` Mar. 28.--Mrs. A. T. Arnold has gone to, Colborne to -attend the funeral of her sister. who died last Friday after -a linger- ing illness. In_ December she suffered an paralytic stroke and since then had been conned to bed. Mrs. W. J. Miller has been with her mother all winter. Friends here extend sympathy to `her in her be- reavement. o I_L._ I12"... .1 T.\_.`L-..L -.2..:A...! 2.. lTL-..1.. UVCY `auuuuy u ' Jos. McMaster, Mrs. David McCann and Mrs. Howard Willoughby are ill at time of writing. ? (Y: .(IfV\I'\ IIYQQ E IIYQDIIL The social in the hall by the children of St. Thomas Church, Friday evening last, was well worth attending. The children did their `part in a pralseworthy manner. A. G. Muir was chairman and em-ade"some timely and helpful remanks. This together with -the musical part `by Mrs. Muir and Mfs. H. Caldwell `made up a very suitable programme. A light lunch was served. Proeeds were over $10. . ~ R IUHVUIIIUIIIW V ' John Miller of Egbert visited in Utopia over Sunday. A, Inn Mnuocfnw Mr: nnuvh` Mnnnnn ant` Cllu VI-EIUUI VVIIIII [U3 palcuva ucac. Miss Eunice McMa.ster is spending a few ;days with Miss Elphick. man 1):!-o `Qru-nnh: A` Tknrnfnvu annnf 1411: uuys Wlbll H1135 lHlPl1lUhc ' Miss Rita Sproule of Thorntoix spent the week-end at her home. . 1 n__:_. L-._:-___1._ .__:u L.'..._...... 5.. 1...... u....; lWCUI\'UlIu NI; IICI IIUUlUov | Utopia friends will be sorry to know that "Rev. W. S. Irwin is in the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis last Thursday`. All wish to see him restored to health soon; ' ;"v?i?;&JinE't;ii; ;}'e"}iCg'iKE}}n'}'e | H18. . -V Mar. 27.--Rev. Wm. Mair officiated as usual" on Sunday and Rev. H. Berry got | 9. call to Crown Hill for afternoon` service, owing to the inability of Rev. W. S. Irwin to be present. Mrn n`RriAn uftfn A` H11: [aha FA` `U W. TERMS SALE-'- 6 n{onths'"c_redit will be given to parties furnishing. approved joint notes. 6 per cent off for c.a_sh. . A 00 U3 pI'UUll|/o I Mrs. O'Brien, wife of the late 001. W. E. 0 Brien. passed peacefully away on Mon- day morning last and thus ended 29. useful life. mI__ __.:_| L." AL- LA: L__ u__ _L:I.I__.. -1- Ul Wflltlll 9 Ralph iell of Camp Borden was a weekb end visitor with his parents here. man u`.nn:no MAMunfnr :1: annnrnrr a {null Cliarence Arnold has had to give up her school in Midhurst owing to ill health and is recuperating at the home of her parents. T ` "Mm n I Millnr and ninhw niallm-I nn IIUK Pl1lUll|IBo `Mrs. D. J. Miller and sister called on Elmgrove friends last week. ~ . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew -Miller visited th farmer's brother near 'Allisto f1 this week. Mrs. McArthur is at. homemgain from the `hospital. "Wan nnvf al-;r :iu: kn 1-`fa `.nl":nn, AC.-I ""i'12"'2`' stir will be the Ladies Aid Social in the hall. ' QI____4,__ I)__ _ _,_ __________'z___ _ ____ _-LL____ WUUINI. Ill LLIC null. Shanty Bay is,progressmg, a. new cottage 1s bamg erected. .. _ . '- . m ..n.....l..... ' HQ` f$3";:d of Allgndale. is Qpending a couple of week with Mrs. W. P. Graham. Qul be sold without reserve `SHANTY BAY On Friday evening,'Mar. 24. a gather-ll ing of thelcongregation was held at St. Paul's rectory to extend a welcome to the new incumbent and his wife. After an en- joyable evening had `been spent together, 3 dainty lunch was served bythe ladies,- and an address of welcome was read on be- half of the people by the Warden, Dr. Rog- ers, extending to Rev. Mr. Cousins and his wife a. hearty welcome to the parish and every good wish for their stay. a Mr. Cous- ins, in a few brief words, eloquentlyzex- prwed the appreciation both he and his. wife felt of their reception in the parish and his trust that this feeling would con- tinue and unite the whole congregation in co-operation in carrying on the good work. t\ Is I 01,, ,1 15 1'3 11 In I II: Mair: 27.---The big circular saw is again making the rounds among -the farmers. D T l.`...l:..l. AC Dnrt Do:-I-17 `E nnonza ullllull UIIU IUUULIH annulus `IIIJI7 I`|LIl`.7Io B. J. Fralick of Port Perry is spending some time under the parental roof. 'l-In nzunrnnnu -tuna a-nnnlrnr` loaf man]: BUHIC ulue UIIUUF I/LIB pllllalll lUUAo The community was shocked last week onhearing of the death of Mr. and_Mrs.d Thomas Watson of Stayner. Deep sym- pathy.is extended to the bereaved fami-ly. Onuifn n nnmhnr frnvn horn nttannlnrl H11: `Jul!!! -3 QKUUIIUUU IIU I/LIU UCICIIVCU 1011111 . Quite a number from here attended the Hard-Time Carnival" held in the Princess rink, Minesing, last Thursday evening, -and carried off a `number of prizes. All en- joyed a good time. ' - The eastward school was closed [for a few days last week, owing to the illness of the teacher, but, your scribe is told, s rted agnin today (Monday) under the r e of Mrs. `H. Gien, no outside teacher being available at present. Tho vnyufnr -uv`\inl\ Hnntlc tlnn lnnrlonrlv. &VlllIUlI! ED }Jl'%UlIl:. The water which oods the lowland: from the overqw of the Nottawasaga ring has gone down rapidly of late, and will soon be within the river banks. The wafer was not_nearly as high as usual this year. . _ 1.43:0 Thllrulnv mhiln 'nI?uy;ncr want`! 11?. Last Thursday, while `sawing wood at his own home. George Culham, eldest son `of Mr. and Mrs.~ Henry Culham. had the misfortune to get caught by his clothing in the revolving wheels of a gasoline engine when pulling out the clutch to stop the saw, while the other men rolled a big log on the saw `carriage. He was tossed about by the `black monster for a few seconds, nally being freed when a certain piece on the clutc`h broke. Ery g-arment on his body was 'torn more or, less and some almost into ribbons. He sustained a broken collarbone and a few gashes on the face, and was badly shaken up. Those who witnessed the accident claim that had that certain piece not broken he would have likely been -hurled into eternity, as the engine was travelling quite rapidly. His many friends wish him a speedy re- covery. , Minn nnnnfkvy `Anson A` nnlldvmrnnrnnld :4.- UU\'Clyo ' Miss Dorothy Lunen of Collingwood is spending _a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lunen. 111-- "_.__A`_ AJ........... 1.. ..!..!A.2..... E..!....LI.. uuu FCIHUVCB Ill Dvuyucr. The local branch of the Women's In- stitute intend holding their next monthly meeting in the community hall, Edenvale. on Thursday. `Apr. 13, on account of sick- -ness in certain families. 4 Llllll LVIIB. VV Ill: `LJU-IICIIO 7 MISS Myrtle Adamson is vnsmngv fnends and relativesjn Stayner. K Tkn Innnl In-nnnln n` tho wnmnn n Tn. "Mar. i27.--M1-s. Ellah of St. M,arys'ha:< been spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Draper. I4`:-Ari wllinft in annntntr .n \l!DOI! uziml After using your J. B. L. Cascade lflor Iain` months I feel it my duty as a thank- `fulpatient to express my enthusiasm for the great -blesing it has `been to me," writes William Devoy of Lethbrid_ge,~Alta., to the Dr. Tyrrell Hygienic Institute, Tor- onto. Previous to using it I could not .30 a day without a drug of some sort, and since using it I have not swallowed ve tents worth of drugs. I spent more -than| 3300 in two years previous to hearing of the J.B._L. ' lVL._.._.- ..-._..L:....L:..._ 2.. ....-..._ .........-I ...._ IUTUHDU IYIUIIUB. . Mrs. W. Smlth 18 under the doctor's care. II ... I\.__..__ -t 'r:\l._--...I.. :..` ...,......l:.... I115 Hllly 'lI'lUllllB -WUUIU Ill\C DU ECU. Qui_te a number attended W. J. Ross` sale on Wednesday last. D A nnnlniv :c I-nnr:nnv Annyn 141:2 l\`l' uuugllbul , nub. uaapun. I Fred Elllott IS spendmgo `a week with Toronto frlends. |:__ nr o__:n_ :- ..__.I-.. LL- ..l....4....-.`.. uuupn:-U1 -wccna wuu ucl sun. u. unapu. The u has again broken out here. Mrs. `Walter Smith has been conned to her bed for over a week with it. 1124,, n___:_ 'Y.-AL..__ - _.:-:.:___. rr~.....;..... lUl' UVCF H WUCA Wllll ID. V Miss Bessxe Hutton is vlsxting Toronto friends. ' 1:1 I nI,____. -.__..; .. ........l'.. ..t .l...... 2.. (From rknother Correspondent) I `Harry Banting is -able to be out again. The sad news came `that Mrs. Addison Dobson had passed away in Winnipeg on Sunday, Mar. 19, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Dobson was formerly Miss Nettie Humphrey -and leaves to mourn her loss: her loving husband and three children, Ed- na. Vera and Frank, all at home. The sorrowing friends have the `sympathy of this community in their bereavement. Mrs. C, W. Banting of this nlace is a niece. 3111!? Ull VVC1-lIl$1-lay IKI/a `D. A. Gauley is tearing down the old blacksmith shop and intends erecting a house there- rm_- I._.l!_-7 Q...~._:..l nI..1. :'........I L..I.l:.... II 'l.UI'JiJll'o ugms White Cloud -134643-, male. horn`Mar. 31, `I919; sire, Wyoming -109991=; dam, Bettie ~126348-. GRADE CA'I'I`LE--Red cow. 72 yrs., calf at foot; red cow. 6 yrs., due Apr. 4; red cow, 6 yrs., bred Jan. 17, 1922;_red- `white cow,` 6 yrs., calf at foot; red-white cow, 8 yrs., calf at foot`; roan heifer,` 2 yrs., bred Dec. 26; red-white heifer, 2 yrs., bred Dec. 1; roan heifer, rising 2, bred Jun. 17; 2 roan steers; `rising 3 yrs., white- faced steer, rising 3 yrs.; red-white steer, rising` 3 yrs.; red-white steer, rising 2 yrs. ran 17 I I ,,, _, J..- `II --- In. Uilflh ~ ` Mrs. Draper of Elmvale is spending a`! couple-of weeks with her` son. D. Drape-r.| Tho an `an: on-oh: HI-nlrnn nnf `urn-n MI-c ll'lClIU5- ` W. J. Cleary spent a coupI'e of (laysjxn Toronto `this week. - rnL-._.. .._- .. t'..... ........ ....a. .......2.. L...` L... :$**&&&a$&*$&%&&$&%&%*%&$:l ; NEWS mom INEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS :11; w%&$%*%%&%$*$&&&$&$*$&$&$%l _ s:r_._PAuL's, 1NN1sFu.{ 1 UTOPIA I'll ! IJ LA- ....`.__ 1UX'UIll.U\lHl5 WCUIS. There are a few cars out again. but the roads are not in `a very good condition for motoring. V ' M ' Mrs, S. Beckerton is confined to bed with a heavy cold. ` v . A u :Mr. .Watson is not imnroving as fast. as his many friends would like to see. nn:fn n nuimknr nkfnnnrl W I pnee` The undersigned auctioneers have regziverl instructxons from maRnse.-y Wo`fwA ngus -16557;-'. female, red: -born June 18. 1916; bred Nov. 19, 1921; sire, Sunnidal Duke .-88754-; dam, Lillian -95437-. - 1:n:__. n:Ao-I :.......I.. .....J -1.-.... 1.....- tnulona, v.vu. ...--v -- .__V.._ I IJBICC IV `1`8U1lU'. . I-Ieifer, `dark roan, born July 31, 1921; sire, White Cloud -134643-; dam, Rose of Arigtm -165577-. ` T Tlfkilm l".Inn.-I _1QARA2_ mnnln Hnv-n'KInr Anna ._ J__ -l;fG-J;17~<`>1"kshire sow,L due "gay 10`; Yorkshire saw, due May `[2; registered Tamworth sow, Invemgie Violet II -14200-, `due May 18. V .`D'I TlMDQ__Ts-nu Ii n11mn- it-nn fnrnn `clue may ` 10- ~PUMPS--Iron Alift pump; `iron force pump; sm-all force pump, `brass cylinder, nickel-lined; 3 sand points_ for drive well; churn. < , mnnllo An GAIIII All ........... IK` Q1: nn cnurn. TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount seven months credit will be given to parties fur- nishing approved joint notes, "same to be arranged with F. _N. Hurst of Home. Bank. Seven per cent. per annum off for cash on credit sums. DU USE IIIICYC n. The Ladies Social Club intend holding 9. euchre party in the near future. "' '7;;,'f;1io;v3ngf 7 ' % DUAL` PURPOSE SHORTHORNS-Clear Lake IV -140176-, fem-ale. red. born Mar. 1. 1917; 'bred Nov. 16, R921; sire, Beacon Light -90487-; dam, Clear Lake IAI -llf1932-. A.___._ 1n:EVI!l'I' r-_...I.. _...I "63"AiIx}' n'd7{{y iiZv:"E'."is.'fyi5'}%` Allandale will be in this parish and conduct holy communion and baptism at both St. Paul's and St. Peter's churches. "FL- ..L..2.. L..- L . _ _ _ . . _ _ . _Z_....l .._.I ...:II` `U010 I `o ' Lillian -95437-, female. red, `born June 10, 1909;.-bred Nov. 14; sire, General Gor- don -68352-; dam, Rosebud -76908-. I `Ann _ __., '"iu11','3;+1:' :3:', bL}}I'3{e 5,"1Io.1'; sire. White Cloud -134643-; dam, Lillian -94537-. -n u o . ,_ in `nut. " uI1,'"fat 'oIn',' -o}}{J&1Z"ib,` '1'<.{-.41} sire, White Cloud -134643-; dam, Clear Lake IV -140176-. 71-_:e__. ._I__I_ _-__ -.`L-_.. T..l.. 91 1001 . All wiiuse add = without reservei as `the I proprietor has other business which requires lall his time. sale at 1.30 p.m. V _ DUAL unposa SHORTHORN CATTLE ALSO cam: CATTLE AND mes to sell giblic auction at EAST HALF` LOT 3|, CON. 2, ESSA (Quarter mile from Angus Village) IvInI\`IIiIil\ A II A I\I\II - vVEi5NE15XY;"Xi>RiL's FINLAY cg F.|NLAY,' * uctioneors. CREDIT SALE EDENVALE U 11.13.14. Chronic constipation is never cured per-I manently by the _use of medicines. Larger and larger doses usually"beo on_1e necessary to obtain even temporary relief, the con- iequencevbeing a weakening of the system. `Kiafun-n`a nmyn nnro :unl~ afnrinanl` urn:-no THE .BARRlE` EXAMINER I PIIUUIIIUlIIuu , , The excitement which was caused from the most terrible tragedy this town has ever known. the murder and suicide of T. J. Watson (former druggist here). shoot- ing himself and his wife on Wednesday night of last week. has 'somewh-at subsided. A private funeral was conducted this after- noon from the residence of Mr. Wat- son s /sister. Mrs. R. Allen, by Rev. K. MacLean. A brother. Will, from Florida. attended the funeral. Much sympathy is} extended to the family -and especially to the aged father. ` Mar. 27--Edgar Robinson is very ill with pneumonia. | Thu nIrn;fnVI\Ar\` nr1\V:n`\ Quinn nun;-at` `IIRVVI an VIII: -1....--. Misses \{elma and Norma Crawford of Minesing visited theif grandmother, Mrs. M. Jackmangone day last week. Mrs. Wesley Madgill of Glencairn visited her parents. Mr. and -Mrs. B. Robinson. one day last week. Wedding bells_ are ringing. Miw Elizabeth Gibson. who has been ill for some time,- is `still under the doctor's care --n DEITOWS. 14-0180; 68!: Lu-uuu usvcr uuuuwa, set 15-bolt barrows, light; set 12-bolt har- .rows, heavy; barrow cart; top buggy; buggy `pole; good cutter,` Mount Forest: 2%-h.p.' gasoline engine, International; l0~ inch cutting-box; .t'anning-mill and bagger. Chatham; circular saw frame; bag truck; Adams wagon gear;.Maxwell touring car, 1918 model; good hay rack; setisleighs; wood stone-boat; stock >rack; grindstone; pump jack; set scales, 2000-lbs.; 2 water troughs; 3 sugar kettles; Willcinson blower cutting-box; scuffler. tl A`l)N!i`_QR_..QM, Anninln In-nnnininu innit. _.=..~- -........ Alex. Moore and family have moxj'ed tol the.grocry store and residence in connec-*1 tion with the store recently bought from the late '1`. J. Watson. 0 E .-v -...... -. -. - --nu... I` Dan. Buie 0'1` Sunnvidale is buying grain for the 'U.F.O.M here . T .`l'Il.__I- ___J t-._.:I-_ -.__ ____.i__._ A... LL_I.. llll LHC U.1`.\l. IICIC. J. `Black and family are moving to their farm in Sunnidale. Mrs. Black's mother, Mrs. Bellamy. "is accompanying them. Mrs. Bellamy has rented her `house to Charles Seeler, who is moving in this week. .1 v V11 .1 n I . n wii}; 3:-_W*aa_t_}`1;a_1`1-) .,;.i;,:.;1..;;.";;; pan. Colborne last week to see a grandchild who is very sick. 11- I1 I , J \V__~_,_ , l`I__A_l`__._I _l |The undersigned has received instructions I from INTERNAL BATHING . I ' ENDS CONSTIPATUON; mzucs THROWN ou; AH-Ar nnn vnnr J, R L, Cnnnnrln fnr